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An analysis of a feeding enrichment program for captive chimpanzees was completed to determine the effects of that program on the incidence of agonistic and abnormal behaviors by using 41 adult chimpanzees in six social groups. Four feeding enrichment procedures were implemented simultaneously in the experimental phase of this ABA design study. The procedures were planned to elicit time-consuming, noncompetitive feeding, theorizing a consequent reduction in agonism and detrimental abnormal behaviors typically occurring in captive chimpanzees. The 270 hours of data were collected over a 6-month period. A multivariate analysis of variance result supported the hypothesis, as the barrage of feeding enrichment techniques significantly reduced agonism and abnormal behaviors. This study's significance lies in its application of the scientific method to improving the husbandry of captive primates.  相似文献   

More studies have focused on aspects of chimpanzee behaviour and cognition relevant to the evolution of culture than on any other species except our own. Accordingly, analysis of the features shared by chimpanzees and humans is here used to infer the scope of cultural phenomena in our last common ancestor, at the same time clarifying the nature of the special characteristics that advanced further in the hominin line. To do this, culture is broken down into three major aspects: the large scale, population-level patterning of traditions; social learning mechanisms; and the behavioural and cognitive contents of culture. Each of these is further dissected into subcomponents. Shared features, as well as differences, are identified in as many as a dozen of these, offering a case study for the comparative analysis of culture across animal taxa and a deeper understanding of the roots of our own cultural capacities.  相似文献   

Zoos and aquariums have been incorporating environmental enrichment into their animal care programs for the past 30 years to increase mental stimulation and promote natural behaviors. However, most attempts to document the effects of enrichment on animal behavior have focused on terrestrial mammals. Staff at the National Aquarium in Baltimore conducted an investigation of the behavioral effects of enrichment on the seven harbor seals and two gray seals housed in the aquarium's outdoor seal exhibit. We expected that enrichment would change the amount of time the animals spent engaged in specific behaviors. The behaviors recorded were: resting in water, resting hauled out, maintenance, breeding display, breeding behavior, aggression, pattern swimming, random swimming, exploration, and out of sight. Activity levels (random swimming and exploration) were expected to increase, while stereotypic behaviors (pattern swimming) were expected to decrease. The frequency and duration of behaviors were documented for 90 hr in both the control phase (without enrichment) and the experimental phase (with enrichment). Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) in the time spent in pattern swimming, random swimming, exploration, and out of sight were observed between the two phases. With enrichment, pattern swimming and out of sight decreased, while random swimming and exploration behavior increased. These findings demonstrate that enrichment can promote behaviors (random swimming and exploration) that are likely to be normal for phocids in the wild, and that may contribute to the behavioral complexity of these seals in captivity. Zoo Biol 21:375–387, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background Leptin is a hormone secreted primarily by adipocytes, a lipostatic signal to the hypothalamus, and is often correlated with adiposity. Associations between leptin, age, and development are unknown in human’s closest evolutionary relative, the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Methods Serum leptin was assessed cross sectionally in association with age, weight, and sex in healthy captive chimpanzee males (n = 47) and females (n = 49) to test hypotheses related to predicted differences in leptin levels with body mass, development, and sexual dimorphism. Results Leptin increased with age and weight among females, but not in males. Leptin was overall higher in females compared to males. Conclusions Sex differences in leptin were most evident during adolescence and adulthood, despite similar increases in weight in both sexes indicating that sexual maturation is a key divergence point for differential somatic investment in adiposity and leptin levels between male and female chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) display higher levels of aggression in captivity than in the wild. One of the challenges of captive management, therefore, is to balance the chimpanzees' need for social interaction with managements' desire to minimize wounding and aggression. Various captive studies have examined the effects of individual and social variables on the frequency of wounding aggression, but none have examined these variables simultaneously. We collected retrospective wounding data for severe wounds from 83 captive chimpanzees (36 males, 47 females) from January 1993 to December 2003. The context of the wounding event, including individual age and sex, group age and sex composition, group duration, and portion of the week (weekday vs. weekend) were collected. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine which variables had a significant effect on the probability of a severe wounding event. The sex and age composition of the group, group duration, and portion of the week had a statistically significant association with wounding. All‐male groups (Odds Ratio (OR)=6.738) had the highest risk of wounding aggression, with uni‐male groups (OR=3.311) having the next largest. Compared to individuals in all sub‐adult groups, individuals in either all‐adult (OR=4.516) or mixed‐age (OR=3.587) groups had a higher risk of wounding. There was an inverse association between group duration and wounding (OR=0.821). Finally, there was an increased risk of wounding during the work week (OR=1.653). These results suggest that captive management should pay close attention to group composition, as well as levels of human activity, when devising strategies to reduce captive chimpanzee aggression. Zoo Biol 29:351–364, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The pronounced carnivory of many human populations contrasts sharply with feeding habits of other Hominoidea. Of extant great apes, only chimpanzees (Pan spp.) actively seek out vertebrate prey, but meat is only a minor portion of their diet. Some accounts suggest that wild chimpanzees digest prey inefficiently. To investigate the capacity of chimpanzees to digest meat, feeding trials were carried out on three captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) using a fixed amount of nonpurified diet with and without a predetermined amount of boned cooked chicken. The results showed no significant differences in the rate of passage of digesta and digestion of diets with and without chicken. Meat ingestion did not change the nitrogen (N) concentration of feces or the total amount of N defecated. Visual inspection of fecal matter showed no evidence of undigested meat. Taken together, the results indicate that chimpanzees are able to digest meat of the type and quantity consumed during these trials.  相似文献   

The ex situ population of maned wolves is not self‐sustaining due to poor reproduction, caused primarily by parental incompetence. Studies have shown that environmental enrichment can promote natural parental behaviors in zoo animals. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral and physiological responses of maned wolves. During an 8‐week experimental period, daily behavior observations and fecal sample collection were conducted on four adult wolves (2.2) individually housed in environments without enrichment. After 2 weeks, the wolves were chronologically provided with 2‐week intervals of hiding dead mice around the exhibit, no enrichment, and introduction of boomer balls. Responses of the wolves to enrichment were assessed based on activity levels and exploratory rates, as well as the level of corticoid metabolites in fecal samples collected daily throughout the study period. Providing wolves with environmental enrichment significantly increased exploratory behaviors (P<0.05), especially when mice were hidden in the enclosure. Fecal corticoid concentrations were increased during periods of enrichment in males (P<0.05), but not in females. Overall, there were no correlations between behavioral responses to enrichment and fecal corticoid levels. Behavioral results suggest that environmental enrichment elicits positive effects on the behavior of captive maned wolves. There is evidence suggesting that providing animals with ability to forage for food is a more effective enrichment strategy than introducing objects. There is need for a longer term study to determine the impact of environmental enrichment in this species. Zoo Biol 26:331–343, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three cohorts of yearling rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were maintained in single cages for one year as part of a derivation program to produce a breeding colony of specific pathogen-free (SPF) monkeys. During this year of social restriction, subjects were provided with three different types of environmental enrichment (physical, feeding, and sensory) to counteract the known effects of social restriction and to quantify the effects of these different conditions of enhancement on their behavior. Focal animal observations were conducted on enriched and control subjects for all cohorts. Enrichment conditions were presented in a different order to each cohort. Monkeys provided with enrichment spent significantly more time playing and less time self-grooming than did control monkeys in unenriched cages, suggesting that the overall enrichment program was of some benefit to the monkeys, because these changes in behavior were in species-typical directions. Among enriched subjects only, there were significant differences in the amount of time spent drinking, grooming, feeding, playing, exploring, and using enrichment across the three enrichment conditions. Both the physical and feeding enrichment conditions led to species-appropriate changes in behavior, therefore enhancing psychological well-being as some define it. Sensory enrichment was of little benefit. The first cohort was housed indoors, received less stimulation from the environment outside of the single cage, and used enrichment more than did the other two cohorts housed outdoors. This suggests that the external environment influences behavior in the single cage and that enrichment may be most effective for animals housed indoors. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the combined effects of early temperamental characteristics and environmental enrichment on a variety of developmental measures in nursery-reared rhesus monkey infants. Twenty-three infants, reared in either standard laboratory cages or enriched environments, were tested during the 1st month of life for interactive, motor, and temperamental capabilities and characteristics. At 8 months of age, all subjects were assessed on a second series of tests designed to measure their problem-solving skills, motor capabilities, and temperamental responses under challenge. Results indicated that enrichment was associated with higher scores on subsequent problem-solving and motor tests. However, such effects were found to combine with early temperament ratings. Specifically, individuals performing best on the 8-month tests had not only been reared in enriched environments, but also had been rated low on fearfulness during the early assessment. In addition, individuals scoring poorest had been rated as fearful initially in addition to being reared without enrichment. Results indicated that while high ratings on early laboratory assessments of fearfulness may be predictive of poorer problem-solving performance under challenging conditions, these adverse effects may be partially attenuated by environmental enrichment.  相似文献   

The production of structured and repetitive sounds by striking objects is a behavior found not only in humans, but also in a variety of animal species, including chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). In this study we examined individual and social factors that may influence the frequency with which individuals engage in drumming behavior when producing long distance pant hoot vocalizations, and analyzed the temporal structure of those drumming bouts. Male chimpanzees from Budongo Forest, Uganda, drummed significantly more frequently during travel than feeding or resting and older individuals were significantly more likely to produce drumming bouts than younger ones. In contrast, we found no evidence that the presence of estrus females, high ranking males and preferred social partners in the caller's vicinty had an effect on the frequency with which an individual accompanied their pant hoot vocalization with drumming. Through acoustic analyses, we demonstrated that drumming sequences produced with pant hoots may have contained information on individual identity and that qualitatively, there was individual variation in the complexity of the temporal patterns produced. We conclude that drumming patterns may act as individually distinctive long‐distance signals that, together with pant hoot vocalizations, function to coordinate the movement and spacing of dispersed individuals within a community, rather than as signals to group members in the immediate audience. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:125–134, 2015 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We performed 796 dip‐stick tests on urine from 100 wild West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) from 4 habituated groups in the tropical rain forest of Taï National Park, Cote d'Ivoire, to establish reference values for health monitoring. Specific gravity was also measured on 359 urine samples from 62 chimpanzees. The effect of age, sex, group, month, estrus, pregnancy, meat consumption, and acute respiratory disease on pH, leucocytes, protein, blood, hemoglobin, and glucose was examined using ordinal logistic regression. The presence of nitrite, ketones, bilirubin, and urobilinogen in urine was also recorded. Outbreak of acute respiratory disease did not influence any of the urinary parameters. Thirty‐seven percent of the samples had a pH <7 and the whole range of pH was found through the year, in all age groups, and in both sexes. Meat consumption lowered the urinary pH. Our results show that all pH levels must be considered normal for the West African chimpanzee subspecies P. troglodytes verus living in the rainforest. We also found a cluster of glucose‐positive samples at a specific point in time which was not attributed to diabetes mellitus. These findings highlight that there are differences in normal physiological parameters among wild chimpanzees living in different habitats. Am. J. Primatol. 72:689–698, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the intestinal flora of chimpanzees has not been studied, insight into this dynamic environment can be obtained through studies on their feces. We analyzed fecal samples from human‐habituated, wild chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, and compared microbial community profiles to determine if members of the same social group were similar. Between July and December 2007, we collected fresh fecal samples from 12 individuals: four juveniles, four adolescents, and four adults, including three parent–offspring pairs. Each sample was analyzed using Terminal‐Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of amplified 16S rRNA genes. Twelve different profiles were generated, having between 1 and 15 Terminal‐Restriction Fragments (T‐RFs). Overall, a total of 23 different T‐RFs were produced. Putative assignments of T‐RFs corresponded to the phyla Firmicutes (Clostridia, Bacilli, and Lactobacilli), Bacteroidetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes Class), Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria, as well as to uncultured or unidentified organisms. Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla and Mollicutes Class were the most commonly assigned in 11, 8, and 8 of the samples, respectively, with this being the first report of Mollicutes in wild chimpanzees. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) revealed clustering of nine samples, and 80.5% of the diversity was accounted for by three samples. Morisita indices of community similarity ranged between 0.00 and 0.89, with dissimiliarity (<0.5) between most samples when compared two at a time. Our findings suggest that, although phylotypes are common among individuals, profiles among members of the same social group are host‐specific. We conclude that factors other than social group, such as kinship and age, may influence fecal bacterial profiles of wild chimpanzees, and recommend that additional studies be conducted. Am. J. Primatol. 72:566–574, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Captive environments encompass various factors that can elevate stress levels and jeopardize the wellbeing of the captive animals. The use of positive reinforcement training (PRT) techniques enables researchers and caretakers to reduce tension directly associated with potentially stressful procedures and states. The current study tested the general effect of PRT on the wellbeing of zoo‐housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) by measuring behaviors that reflect poor and good welfare and that were not directly connected to the specific aim of the training session. The behavior of a group of twelve chimpanzees was measured throughout the day from the exhibition yard, at baseline (12 weeks) and during the PRT period (10 weeks). The results show a significant decrease in abnormal and stress‐related behaviors and a significant rise in prosocial affiliative behaviors following implementation of the training program. The training was shown to have a greater positive effect on low‐ranking individuals compared with high‐ranking ones. This research shows for the first time that PRT offers an enrichment effect whose general influence lasts throughout the day, irrespective of any direct link to a specific trained behavior. Consequently, it can be claimed that PRT presents an effective enrichment tool that can be implemented with captive animals. Because of the above‐noted differential effect between high‐ and low‐ranking chimpanzees, however, this should be taken into consideration when combining PRT with the non‐human primates' daily routine. Am. J. Primatol. 71:687–695, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined chimpanzee hand preference in simple reaching for food, with special reference to manipulative patterns and the developmental shift. We observed 80 captive chimpanzees, ranging from 1 to 25 years old. We also studied the manipulative patterns (grip- types) of 70 individuals as they reached for raisins scattered randomly on the floor. We employed LQ score as a measure of hand preference and designated the subjects right- handers (or left- handers) if they used their right hands (left hands) above chance level. Although the numbers of right- handers and left- handers are almost equal, the distribution of the strength is not symmetrical in both groups. Strong preference was exhibited by more left- handers than right- handers. Subjects > 9 years old exhibited greater hand preference, whereas subjects < 9 years old were ambidextrous. We classified manipulative patterns for reaching into five basic grip- types and analyzed them vis- à- vis age. There is no significant correlation between preferred hand and manipulative patterns. However, adult subjects tended to use an index- and - middle- finger grip with the left hand and to use imprecise grips with the right hand more often than other patterns regardless which hand they preferred. These data demonstrate a developmental shift in hand preference and manipulative patterns and also reveal functional asymmetries between the right and the left hand in Pan troglodytes.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of environmental enrichment on feather picking in the crimson-bellied conure Pyrrhura perlata perlata. A total of 10 conures was observed, 8 of which showed minor to severe plumage problems. In a pre-enrichment period the conures were observed without changes in the environment to assess their social behavior and activity patterns, in particular, feather picking behavior. Feather picking was self-inflicted; furthermore, conures with plumage problems spent more time on all comfort activities, including preening, and less time on flying and vocalization. In three successive periods, several enrichment materials were tested to examine whether, and how environmental enrichment altered their behavior. The conures preferred natural and edible enrichment materials over less natural ones. Observed changes in activity patterns were an increase in locomotion and a decrease in preening behavior. However, no improvement of the plumage was visible during the weeks of observation. The results suggest that environmental enrichment was successful in altering the behavior of conures, but had only a stabilizing effect on existing plumage problems. Zoo Biol 16:161–172, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examined the association between grip type, hand use, and fingerprint patterns in a sample of captive chimpanzees. Grip type for simple reaching was assessed for the left and right hand and classified as thumb-index, middle-index, or single-digit responses. Fingerprint patterns were characterized as whorls, loops, or arches on each finger. The results indicated that chimpanzees exhibit significantly more thumb-index responses for the right compared to the left hand. In addition, thumb-index responses were more prevalent for subjects that had a whorl compared to a loop or arch on their thumb. The results suggest that fingerprint patterns are associated with individual differences in grasping type in chimpanzees as well as some variation in hand use.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of cognitive experiments by direct comparison of activity budgets between wild and captive chimpanzees. One goal of captive management is to ensure that the activity budgets of captive animals are as similar as possible to those of their wild counterparts. However, such similarity has rarely been achieved. We compared the activity budget among three groups of chimpanzees: wild chimpanzees in Bossou (Guinea, n = 10), and captive chimpanzees who participated in cognitive experiments (experimental chimpanzees, n = 6) or did not participate in the experiments (nonexperimental chimpanzees, n = 6) at the Primate Research Institute (Japan). The experimental chimpanzees voluntarily participated in computer‐controlled cognitive tasks and small pieces of fruits were provided as rewards. The data from captivity were obtained on the experimental days (weekdays) and nonexperimental days (weekends). In both study sites, we followed each chimpanzee from about 7 a.m. until the time when chimpanzees started to rest in the evening. The behaviors were recorded every 1 min. The results showed that on weekdays, feeding time and resting time of the experimental chimpanzees were almost the same as those of wild chimpanzees. However, for the nonexperimental chimpanzees, feeding time was significantly shorter and resting time was longer than those of the wild chimpanzees. In contrast, no difference was found in feeding time or resting time of the two groups of captive chimpanzees on weekends. The results suggested that the cognitive experiments worked as an efficient method for food‐based enrichment. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1231–1238, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Among mammals, female reproduction is generally thought to befood limited, and dominance should theoretically afford high-rankingfemales with access to better food resources. Although the importanceof dominance rank among female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)has been debated in the past, mounting evidence suggests thatrank is very important among females (P. t. schweinfurthii)at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. In this study, we investigatedthe influence of season and dominance rank on female foragingstrategies. We found that high-ranking females spent less timeforaging and tended to have a narrower diet breadth and higherdiet quality than subordinate females. In this way, subordinatefemale foraging strategies were consistent with how femalesin general adapted to periods of food scarcity. The resultsof this study therefore suggest that low-ranking females mayface persistent "food scarcity" as a result of interferencefood competition. We also provide evidence that subordinatesmay forage less efficiently because they occupy lower qualityhabitats or avoid associating with dominant females in sharedareas.  相似文献   

Most humans are right‐handed and, like many behavioral traits, there is good evidence that genetic factors play a role in handedness. Many researchers have argued that non‐human animal limb or hand preferences are not under genetic control but instead are determined by random, non‐genetic factors. We used quantitative genetic analyses to estimate the genetic and environmental contributions to three measures of chimpanzee handedness. Results revealed significant population‐level handedness for two of the three measures—the tube task and manual gestures. Furthermore, significant additive genetic effects for the direction and strength of handedness were found for all three measures, with some modulation due to early social rearing experiences. These findings challenge historical and contemporary views of the mechanisms underlying handedness in non‐human animals.  相似文献   

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