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人子宫内膜纤蛋白溶酶元激活因子及其抑制因子...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈贵安  冯强 《生理学报》1992,44(5):502-509
Two types of plasminogen activator (PAs) are present in human endometrium, and their contents vary with the different phases of menstrual cycle, i.e. high in the proliferative phase and low in the secretory phase. In the present study by immunohistochemical technique, both uPA and tPA antigens were demonstrated in the stromal and glandular cells of the endometrium. In cell culture, tPA was released only from stromal cells and uPA only from glandular cells as determined by SDS-PAGE followed by fibrin overlay technique, but PA inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) was secreted by both stromal and glandular cells. Furthermore, secretion of PAs from endometrial cells was enhanced by adding estradiol and markedly inhibited by progesterone in a dose dependent manner, while the PAI reacted just in the opposite way. The effect of the peptide hormones, hCG, GnRH, PRL, as well as cAMP in cell culture on the secretion of PAs and PAI was similar to that of estradiol, while forskolin demonstrated definitely more stimulative effect on tPA than uPA. Taking into account of the finding of the present study, it appears that, under hormonal control, a balance between PAs and PAI in the endometrium exists. The physiological roles of the PAs and PAI in the endometrium were discussed.  相似文献   

HL-60 is a human promyelocytic cell line which was found to be capable of differentiating toward a macrophage-like or granulocyte-like phenotype. Histochemical analysis demonstrated that incubation of cells in the presence of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 induced varying degrees of monocytic differentiation, while incubation in the presence of retinoic acid (RA) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induced granulocytic differentiation. The differentiation induced by PMA, RA, and to a lesser extent DMSO, was accompanied by the induction of plasminogen activator inhibitor expression. mRNA analysis of control and PMA-induced cultures revealed the induction of a 2-kb message in treated cells which hybridized with a PAI-2-specific oligonucleotide probe. This is consistent with the literature concerning the expression of PAI by macrophages and granulocytes. No hybridization was detected with a PAI-1 specific probe. Expression of PAI by cells of hematopoietic origin appears to be associated with differentiation or stimulation of committed cells. Furthermore, PAI-2 expression by HL-60 cells is not restricted to one specific hematopoietic lineage. Since other cells of hematopoietic origin such as platelets express PAI-1, future studies using pluripotential cell lines could provide information on the initial events of lineage commitment and gene expression.  相似文献   

Proteinases and their inhibitors control follicular connective tissue remodeling associated with follicular rupture. We examined the regulation and cellular localization of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase type-1 (TIMP-1) mRNAs by in situ hybridization. [35S]UTP-labeled RNA probes were hybridized to ovarian sections of eCG-primed immature rats treated with hCG. Before hCG stimulation of ovulation, very low expression of PAI-1 mRNA was observed in theca cells. After hCG administration, expression of PAI-1 mRNA was increased in theca cells of most antral follicles, whereas expression in granulosa cells was limited to preovulatory follicles and only to areas where the basal membrane was dissociated. Before hCG treatment, low expression of TIMP-1 mRNA was observed in theca cells, but not in granulosa cells. After hCG treatment, TIMP-1 mRNA was greatly stimulated in theca cells irrespective of follicle size, while the expression in granulosa cells was limited to large antral follicles. The present study demonstrates cell-specific expression of PAI-1 and TIMP-1 mRNAs in the LH/hCG-stimulated ovary, thus confirming the localized control of preovulatory proteolysis by coexpression of both enzymes and their respective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Heart failure is associated with advanced age and insulin resistance and is thought to be exacerbated by cardiac fibrosis. Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) has been strongly implicated as a determinant of fibrosis in diverse organs and tissues. Its concentration is increased in blood, and its expression is increased in vessel walls in association with insulin resistance. Accordingly, we sought to determine whether expression of PAI-1 in the heart increases as a function of age of 10 week old and 20 week old normal and insulin resistant transgenic mice thereby potentially predisposing to heart failure. Results obtained indicate that PAI-1 content increases significantly in the heart as a function of age by more than 60%. The increases are much greater than those that can be accounted for by the modest, and statistically insignificant increases in the concentrations of PAI-1 in plasma that were observed to occur as a function of age as well. Thus, PAI-1 increases in the heart is a function of age, occurs in insulin resistant and non-insulin resistant mice, and may contribute to fibrosis predisposing to heart failure associated with advanced age, particularly when insulin resistance is present.  相似文献   

mRNA levels for urokinase type plasminogen activator (uPA), tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) were examined in human diploid (neonatal foreskin) fibroblasts grown in 200-ml microcarrier suspension culture. Four different substrates were used. These included gelatin-coated polystyrene plastic, DEAE-dextran, glass-coated polystyrene plastic and uncoated polystyrene plastic. Our previous studies have shown that culture fluids from diploid fibroblasts grown on DEAE-dextran contained higher levels of plasminogen-dependent fibrinolytic activity than culture fluids from the same cells grown on other substrates. The increased plasminogen activator activity was due largely to elevated amounts of tPA (In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. 22: 575–582, 1986). The present study shows that there is a corresponding elevation of tPA mRNA in diploid fibroblasts cultured on DEAE-dextran relative to the other substrates. There does not appear to be any difference in uPA mRNA or in mRNA for PAI-1 or PAI-2 produced by the same cells on the four substrates. These data suggest that the influence of the substrate on plasminogen activator production is mediated at the genetic level.  相似文献   

New data are provided to show that (i) rat Sertoli cells produce two types of plasminogen activators, tissue type (tPA) and urokinase type (uPA), and a plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1); (ii) both tPA (but not uPA) and PAI-1 secretion in the culture are modified by FSH, forskolin, dbcAMP, GnRH, PMA and growth factors (EGF and FGF), but not by hCG and androstenedione (△4); (iii) in vitro secretion of tPA and PA-PAI-1 complexes of Sertoli cells are greatly enhanced by presence of Leydig cells which produce negligible tPA but measurable PAI-1 activity;(iv) combination culture of Sertoli and Leydig cells remarkably increases FSH-induced PAI-1 activity and decreases hCG- and forskolin-induced inhibitor activity as compared with that of two cell types cultured alone. These data suggest that rat Sertoli cells, similar to ovarian granulosa cells, are capable of secreting both tPA and uPA, as well as PAI-1. The interaction of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells is essential for the cells to response to  相似文献   

目的:探讨亚油酸对HepG2细胞PAI-1基因表达的影响和调控机制。方法:不同浓度亚油酸刺激HepG2细胞,RT-PCR法检测PAI-1 mRNA水平。构建四个含PAI-1启动子序列从-804至+17间系列缺失体片段驱动的荧光素酶报告基因质粒,转染HepG2细胞,初步确定位于PAI-1启动子序列-804至+17之间的Smad3/4结合元件(SBE)具有调控作用,采用重叠PCR法对该元件进行定点突变并构建相应重组质粒,转染HepG2细胞。WesternBlot法检测亚油酸诱导下HepG2细胞中Smad3和Smad4的蛋白表达水平。结果:①50μmol/L及100μmol/L亚油酸可显著增加PAI-1 mRNA的表达,100μmol/L亚油酸可明显上调PAI-1的转录活性。②亚油酸诱导下,PAI-1启动子-734/-731处SBE缺失后,PAI-1荧光素酶活性显著降低。③亚油酸可以显著增加HepG2细胞中Smad3和Smad4的蛋白表达。结论:亚油酸可从转录水平上调HepG2细胞中PAI-1基因的表达,PAI-1启动子上的Smad3/4结合元件即SBE参与亚油酸对HepG2细胞PAI-1基因的转录调控,这一过程涉及到Smads蛋白及其介导的Smad信号转导通路。  相似文献   

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