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Attempts to conserve threatened species by establishing new populations via reintroduction are controversial. Theory predicts that genetic bottlenecks result in increased mating between relatives and inbreeding depression. However, few studies of wild sourced reintroductions have carefully examined these genetic consequences. Our study assesses inbreeding and inbreeding depression in a free-living reintroduced population of an endangered New Zealand bird, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). Using molecular sexing and marker-based inbreeding coefficients estimated from 19 autosomal microsatellite loci, we show that (i) inbreeding depresses offspring survival, (ii) male embryos are more inbred on average than female embryos, (iii) the effect of inbreeding depression is male-biased and (iv) this population has a substantial genetic load. Male susceptibility to inbreeding during embryo and nestling development may be due to size dimorphism, resulting in faster growth rates and more stressful development for male embryos and nestlings compared with females. This work highlights the effects of inbreeding at early life-history stages and the repercussions for the long-term population viability of threatened species.  相似文献   

Characterizing inbreeding depression in wildlife populations can be critical to their conservation. Coefficients of individual inbreeding can be estimated from genome‐wide marker data. The degree to which sensitivity of inbreeding coefficients to population genetic substructure alters estimates of inbreeding depression in wild populations is not well understood. Using generalized linear models, we tested the power of two frequently used inbreeding coefficients that are calculated from genome‐wide SNP markers, FH and F^III, to predict four fitness traits estimated over two decades in an isolated population of the critically endangered Leadbeater's possum. FH estimates inbreeding as excess observed homozygotes relative to equilibrium expectations, whereas F^III quantifies allelic similarity between the gametes that formed an individual, and upweights rare homozygotes. We estimated FH and F^III from 1,575 genome‐wide SNP loci in individuals with fitness trait data (N = 179–237 per trait), and computed revised coefficients, FHby group and F^IIIby group, adjusted for population genetic substructure by calculating them separately within two different genetic groups of individuals identified in the population. Using FH or F^III in the models, inbreeding depression was detected for survival to sexual maturity, longevity and whether individuals bred during their lifetime. F^IIIby group (but not FHby group) additionally revealed significant inbreeding depression for lifetime reproductive output (total offspring assigned to each individual). Estimates of numbers of lethal equivalents indicated substantial inbreeding load, but differing between inbreeding estimators. Inbreeding depression, declining population size, and low and declining genetic diversity suggest that genetic rescue may assist in preventing extinction of this unique Leadbeater's possum population.  相似文献   

Reintroductions of threatened species are increasingly common in conservation. The translocation of a small subset of individuals from a genetically diverse source population could potentially lead to substantial inbreeding depression due to the high genetic load of the parent population. We analysed 12 years of data from the reintroduced population of North Island robins Petroica longipes on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand, to determine the frequency of inbreeding and magnitude of inbreeding depression. The initial breeding population consisted of 12 females and 21 males, which came from a large mainland population of robins. The frequency of mating between relatives ( f >0; 39%, n =82 pairs) and close relatives ( f =0.25; 6.1%) and the average level of inbreeding ( f =0.027) were within the range reported for other small island populations of birds. The average level of inbreeding fluctuated from year to year depending on the frequency of close inbreeding (e.g. sib–sib pairs). We found evidence for inbreeding depression in juvenile survival, with survival probability estimated to decline from 31% among non-inbred birds ( f =0) to 11% in highly inbred juveniles ( f =0.25). The estimated number of lethal equivalents based on this relationship (4.14) was moderate compared with values reported for other island populations of passerines. Given that significant loss of fitness was only evident in highly inbred individuals, and such individuals were relatively rare once the population expanded above 30 pairs, we conclude that inbreeding depression should have little influence on this robin population. Although the future fitness consequences of any loss of genetic variation due to inbreeding are uncertain, the immediate impact of inbreeding depression is likely to be low in any reintroduced population that expands relatively quickly after establishment.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a theory to estimate the degree of sequence divergence between related DNAs from the comparison of restriction endonuclease recognition sites. Two major improvements have been made upon a similar method reported by Upholt (1977). First, the most probable value is calculated by the collective use of all available data. This reduces intrinsic statistical error and extends the analyzable range of sequence divergence. Second, all variables are redefined so that they have strict mathematical implications. This corrects a serious error arising from the misinterpretation of the meaning of the fraction of conserved cleavage sites. With this refined method, sequence divergence between rat and mouse mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) was calculated to be about 25% substitutions/nucleotide, which is in good agreement with the DNA-DNA hybridization data obtained by Jakovcic et al. (1975). It was also estimated that the three types of rat mtDNAs differ from one another by 0.3 ~1% of total base pairs. These values are 2 ~5 times smaller than those obtained with the conventional method.  相似文献   

The software package COANCESTRY implements seven relatedness estimators and three inbreeding estimators to estimate relatedness and inbreeding coefficients from multilocus genotype data. Two likelihood estimators that allow for inbred individuals and account for genotyping errors are for the first time included in this user-friendly program for PCs running Windows operating system. A simulation module is built in the program to simulate multilocus genotype data of individuals with a predefined relationship, and to compare the estimators and the simulated relatedness values to facilitate the selection of the best estimator in a particular situation. Bootstrapping and permutations are used to obtain the 95% confidence intervals of each relatedness or inbreeding estimate, and to test the difference in averages between groups.  相似文献   

Understanding the fitness consequences of inbreeding (inbreeding depression) is of importance to evolutionary and conservation biology. There is ample evidence for inbreeding depression in captivity, and data from wild populations are accumulating. However, we still lack a good quantitative understanding of inbreeding depression and what influences its magnitude in natural populations. Specifically, the relationship between the magnitude of inbreeding depression and environmental severity is unclear. We quantified inbreeding depression in survival and reproduction in populations of cactus finches (Geospiza scandens) and medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) living on Isla Daphne Major in the Galápagos Archipelago. Our analyses showed that inbreeding strongly reduced the recruitment probability (probability of breeding given that an adult is alive) in both species. Additionally, in G. scandens, first-year survival of an offspring with f = 0.25 was reduced by 21% and adults with f = 0.25 experienced a 45% reduction in their annual probability of survival. The magnitude of inbreeding depression in both adult and juvenile survival of this species was strongly modified by two environmental conditions, food availability and number of competitors. In juveniles, inbreeding depression was only present in years with low food availability, and in adults inbreeding depression was five times more severe in years with low food availability and large population sizes. The combination of relatively severe inbreeding depression in survival and the reduced recruitment probability led to the fact that very few inbred G. scandens ever succeeded in breeding. Other than recruitment probability, no other trait showed evidence of inbreeding depression in G. fortis, probably for two reasons: a relatively high rate of extrapair paternity (20%), which may lead to an underestimate of the apparent inbreeding depression, and low sample sizes of highly inbred G. fortis, which leads to low statistical power. Using data from juvenile survival, we estimated the number of lethal equivalents carried by G. scandens, G. fortis, and another congener, G. magnirostris. These results suggest that substantial inbreeding depression can exist in insular populations of birds, and that the magnitude of the inbreeding depression is a function of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We present here a simple approach to obtain reliable estimates of the effective population size in real world populations via the computation of the increase in inbreeding for each individual (delta Fi) in a given population. The values of delta Fi are computed as t-root of 1 - (1 - Fi) where Fi is the inbreeding coefficient and t is the equivalent complete generations for each individual. The values of delta F computed for a pre-defined reference subset can be averaged and used to estimate effective size. A standard error of this estimate of Ne can be further computed from the standard deviation of the individual increase in inbreeding. The methodology is demonstrated by applying it to several simulated examples and to a real pedigree in which other methodologies fail when considering reference subpopulations. The main characteristics of the approach and its possible use are discussed both for predictive purposes and for analyzing genealogies.  相似文献   

Although matings between relatives can have negative effects on offspring fitness, apparent inbreeding preference has been reported in a growing number of systems, including those with documented inbreeding depression. Here, we examined evidence for inbreeding depression and inbreeding preference in two populations (Clinton, New York, and Davis, California, USA) of the cooperatively breeding American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). We then compared observed inbreeding strategies with theoretical expectations for optimal, adaptive levels of inbreeding, given the inclusive fitness benefits and population‐specific magnitude of inbreeding depression. We found that low heterozygosity at a panel of 33 microsatellite markers was associated with low survival probability (fledging success) and low white blood cell counts among offspring in both populations. Despite these costs, our data were more consistent with inbreeding preference than avoidance: The observed heterozygosity among 396 sampled crow offspring was significantly lower than expected if local adults were mating by random chance. This pattern was consistent across a range of spatial scales in both populations. Adaptive levels of inbreeding, given the magnitude of inbreeding depression, were predicted to be very low in the California population, whereas complete disassortative mating was predicted in the New York population. Sexual conflict might have contributed to the apparent absence of inbreeding avoidance in crows. These data add to an increasing number of examples of an “inbreeding paradox,” where inbreeding appears to be preferred despite inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study shows how a Gibbs sampling approach can be used for Bayesian inference of inbreeding depression. The method presented is mainly concerned with organisms that can be both selfed and outcrossed. Tests performed on simulated data with unequal variances and missing observations show that the method works well. Real data from the plant Scabiosa canescens is also analyzed.  相似文献   

J Wang 《Heredity》2013,111(2):165-174
Many methods have been proposed to reconstruct the pedigree of a sample of individuals from their multilocus marker genotypes. These methods, like those in other fields of statistical inferences, may suffer from both type I (falsely related) and type II (falsely unrelated) errors. In sibship reconstruction, type I errors come from the spurious fusion of two or more small sibships into a single sibship, and type II errors originate from the spurious splitting of a large sibship into two or more small sibships. In this study I investigate the tendencies of both types of errors made by the likelihood methods in sibship reconstruction, using both analytical and simulation approaches. I propose an improvement on the likelihood methods to reduce sibship splitting, and thus type II errors by downscaling the number of inferred siblings sharing the same genotype at a locus. Simulations are then conducted to compare the accuracy of the original and improved likelihood methods in sibship reconstruction of a large sample of individuals in full-sib families of the same small size, the same large size and highly variable sizes, using a variable number of loci with a variable number of alleles per locus. The methods were also applied to the analysis of a salmon data set. I show that my scaling scheme prevents effectively the splitting of large sibships, and reduces type II errors greatly with little increase in type I errors. As a result, it improves the overall accuracy of sibship assignments, except when sibships are expected to be uniformly small or marker information is unrealistically scarce.  相似文献   

Simple regression of genetic similarities between pairs of populations on their corresponding geographic distances is frequently used to detect the presence of isolation by distance (IBD). However, these pairwise values are obviously not independent and there is no parametric procedure for estimating and testing for the IBD intercepts and slopes based on standard regression theory. Nonparametric tests, such as the Mantel test, and resampling techniques, such as bootstrapping, have been exploited with limited success. Here, I describe a likelihood-based analysis to allow for simultaneously detecting patterns of correlated residuals and estimating and testing for the presence of IBD. It is shown, through the analysis of two molecular datasets in pine species, that different covariance structures of the residuals exist. More over, the likelihood ratio tests under these covariance structures are less sensitive to the presence of IBD than the Mantel test and the simple regression analysis but more sensitive than the bootstrap and jackknife samples over independent populations or population pairs. Because the likelihood analysis directly models and accounts for nonindependence of residuals, it should legitimately detect the presence of IBD, thereby allowing for accurate inferences about evolutionary and demographic processes influencing the extent and patterns of IBD.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that mating with close relatives reduces offspring fitness. In such cases, reduced offspring fitness may arise from inbreeding depression (i.e., genetic effects of elevated homozygosity) or from post‐mating maternal investment. This can be due to a reduction in female investment after mating with genetically incompatible males (“differential allocation”) or compensation for incompatibility (“reproductive compensation”). Here, we looked at the effects of mating with relatives on offspring fitness in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki. In this species, females are assumed to be nonplacental and to allocate resources to eggs before fertilization, limiting differential allocation. We looked at the effects of mating with a brother or with an unrelated male on brood size, offspring size, gestation period, and early offspring growth. Mating with a relative reduced the number of offspring at birth, but there was no difference in the likelihood of breeding, gestation time, nor in the size or growth of these offspring. We suggest that due to limited potential for maternal effects to influence these traits that any reduction in offspring fitness, or lack thereof, can be explained by inbreeding depression rather than by maternal effects. We highlight the importance of considering the potential role of maternal effects when studying inbreeding depression and encourage further studies in other Poeciliid species with different degrees of placentation to test whether maternal effects mask or amplify any genetic effects of mating with relatives.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We investigated the effects of inbreeding on various fitness components and their genetic load in laboratory metapopulations of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana . Six metapopulations each consisted of four subpopulations with breeding population sizes of N = 6 or N = 12 and migration rate of m = 0 or m = 0.33. Metapopulations were maintained for seven generations during which coancestries and pedigrees were established. Individual inbreeding coefficients at the F7 were calculated and ranged between 0.01 and 0.51. Even though considerable purging had occurred during inbreeding, the genetic load remained higher than that of many outbreeding species: approximately two lethal equivalents were detected for egg sterility, one for zygote survival, one for juvenile survival, and one for longevity. Severe inbreeding depression occurred after seven generations of inbreeding, which jeopardized the metapopulation survival. This finding suggests that the purging of genetic load by intentional inbreeding cannot be recommended for the genetic conservation of species with a high number of lethal.  相似文献   

WILEY M. KITCHENS 《Ibis》2012,154(3):554-565
The degradation of habitats due to human activities is a major topic of interest for the conservation and management of wild populations. There is growing evidence that the Florida Everglades ecosystem continues to suffer from habitat degradation. After a period of recovery in the 1990s, the Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis population suffered a substantial decline in 2001 and has not recovered since. Habitat degradation has been suggested as one of the primary reasons for this lack of recovery. As a consequence of the continued degradation of the Everglades, we hypothesized that this would have led to increased movement of juvenile Kites over time, as a consequence of the need to find more favourable habitat. We used multistate mark‐recapture models to compare between‐site movement probabilities of juvenile Snail Kites in the 1990s (1992–95; which corresponds to the period before the decline) and 2000s (2003–06; after the decline). Our analyses were based on an extensive radiotelemetry study (266 birds tracked monthly over the entire state of Florida for a total period of 6 years) and considered factors such as sex and age of marked individuals. There was evidence of increased movement of juvenile Snail Kites during the post‐decline period from most of the wetland regions used historically by Kites. Higher movement rates may contribute to an increase in the probability of mortality of young individuals and could contribute to the observed declines.  相似文献   

Haplotyping in pedigrees provides valuable information for genetic studies (e.g., linkage analysis and association study). In order to identify a set of haplotype configurations with the highest likelihoods for a large pedigree with a large number of linked loci, in our previous work, we proposed a conditional enumeration haplotyping method which sets a threshold for the conditional probabilities of the possible ordered genotypes at every unordered individual-marker to delete some ordered genotypes with low conditional probabilities and then eliminate some haplotype configurations with low likelihoods. In this article we present a rapid haplotyping algorithm based on a modification of our previous method by setting an additional threshold for the ratio of the conditional probability of a haplotype configuration to the largest conditional probability of all haplotype configurations in order to eliminate those configurations with relatively low conditional probabilities. The new algorithm is much more efficient than our previous method and the widely used software SimWalk2.  相似文献   

The ornithophilous species Anagyris foetida L. is a Mediterranean shrub with highly fragmented populations and a mixed mating system. In a previous study, we analyzed the first 3 years of the life cycle of two progenies (selfed and outcrossed) grown from seed obtained by hand pollination and planted in an experimental garden in 2005. In that study, we found that inbreeding depression (ID) was manifested both reproductively and vegetatively throughout the life cycle, with male reproductive function being the most affected trait. In the present study, our main aim was to check the progression of the two progenies 12 years after transplantation. For this we analyzed their survival and their vegetative and reproductive traits. According to our results, levels of ID were similar to those obtained in the previous study, with some factors decreased and thus varying with the age of the studied individuals. Vegetative parameters were found to have a greater influence than reproductive ones (δ = 0.56 vs. δ = 0.36) on overall ID. As indicated by the global ID (δ = 0.72) the populations have a mating system that is intermediate between outcrossing and a mixed system. Furthermore, the lower male reproductive capacity of the selfed individuals has been maintained over time. Our study also demonstrates the importance of studying the ID value throughout the life cycle of plants.  相似文献   

Xu S 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):513-521
Summary .   The genetic variance of a quantitative trait is often controlled by the segregation of multiple interacting loci. Linear model regression analysis is usually applied to estimating and testing effects of these quantitative trait loci (QTL). Including all the main effects and the effects of interaction (epistatic effects), the dimension of the linear model can be extremely high. Variable selection via stepwise regression or stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) is the common procedure for epistatic effect QTL analysis. These methods are computationally intensive, yet they may not be optimal. The LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) method is computationally more efficient than the above methods. As a result, it has been widely used in regression analysis for large models. However, LASSO has never been applied to genetic mapping for epistatic QTL, where the number of model effects is typically many times larger than the sample size. In this study, we developed an empirical Bayes method (E-BAYES) to map epistatic QTL under the mixed model framework. We also tested the feasibility of using LASSO to estimate epistatic effects, examined the fully Bayesian SSVS, and reevaluated the penalized likelihood (PENAL) methods in mapping epistatic QTL. Simulation studies showed that all the above methods performed satisfactorily well. However, E-BAYES appears to outperform all other methods in terms of minimizing the mean-squared error (MSE) with relatively short computing time. Application of the new method to real data was demonstrated using a barley dataset.  相似文献   

Mapping a locus controlling a quantitative genetic trait (e.g. blood pressure) to a specific genomic region is of considerable contemporary interest. Data on the quantitative trait under consideration and several codominant genetic markers with known genomic locations are collected from members of families and statistically analysed to estimate the recombination fraction, θ, between the putative quantitative trait locus and a genetic marker. One of the major complications in estimating θ for a quantitative trait in humans is the lack of haplotype information on members of families. We have devised a computationally simple two-stage method of estimation of θ in the absence of haplotypic information using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. In the first stage, parameters of the quantitative trait locus (QTL) are estimated on the basis of data of a sample of unrelated individuals and a Bayes’s rule is used to classify each parent into a QTL genotypic class. In the second stage, we have proposed an EM algorithm for obtaining the maximum-likelihood estimate of θ based on data of informative families (which are identified upon inferring parental QTL genotypes performed in the first stage). The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether, instead of using genotypically ‘classified’ data of parents, the use of posterior probabilities of QT genotypes of parents at the second stage yields better estimators. We show, using simulated data, that the proposed procedure using posterior probabilities is statistically more efficient than our earlier classification procedure, although it is computationally heavier.  相似文献   

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