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Balancing self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells is an important issue in stem cell and cancer biology. Recently, the Drosophila neuroblast (NB), neural stem cell has emerged as an excellent model for stem cell self-renewal and tumorigenesis. It is of great interest to understand how defects in the asymmetric division of neural stem cells lead to tumor formation. Here, we review recent advances in asymmetric division and the self-renewal control of Drosophila NBs. We summarize molecular mechanisms of asymmetric cell division and discuss how the defects in asymmetric division lead to tumor formation. Gain-of-function or loss-of-function of various proteins in the asymmetric machinery can drive NB overgrowth and tumor formation. These proteins control either the asymmetric protein localization or mitotic spindle orientation of NBs. We also discuss other mechanisms of brain tumor suppression that are beyond the control of asymmetric division.  相似文献   

By the end of neurogenesis in Drosophila pupal brain neuroblasts (NBs), nuclear Prospero (Pros) triggers cell cycle exit and terminates NB lifespan. Here, we reveal that in larval brain NBs, an intrinsic mechanism facilitates import and export of Pros across the nuclear envelope via a Ran‐mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport system. In rangap mutants, the export of Pros from the nucleus to cytoplasm is impaired and the nucleocytoplasmic transport of Pros becomes one‐way traffic, causing an early accumulation of Pros in the nuclei of the larval central brain NBs. This nuclear Pros retention initiates NB cell cycle exit and leads to a premature decrease of total NB numbers. Our data indicate that RanGAP plays a crucial role in this intrinsic mechanism that controls NB lifespan during neurogenesis. Our study may provide insights into understanding the lifespan of neural stem cells during neurogenesis in other organisms.  相似文献   

Mammalian neural stem cells generate transit amplifying progenitors that expand the neuronal population, but these type of progenitors have not been studied in Drosophila. The Drosophila larval brain contains approximately 100 neural stem cells (neuroblasts) per brain lobe, which are thought to bud off smaller ganglion mother cells (GMCs) that each produce two post-mitotic neurons. Here, we use molecular markers and clonal analysis to identify a novel neuroblast cell lineage containing "transit amplifying GMCs" (TA-GMCs). TA-GMCs differ from canonical GMCs in several ways: each TA-GMC has nuclear Deadpan, cytoplasmic Prospero, forms Prospero crescents at mitosis, and generates up to 10 neurons; canonical GMCs lack Deadpan, have nuclear Prospero, lack Prospero crescents at mitosis, and generate two neurons. We conclude that there are at least two types of neuroblast lineages: a Type I lineage where GMCs generate two neurons, and a type II lineage where TA-GMCs have longer lineages. Type II lineages allow more neurons to be produced faster than Type I lineages, which may be advantageous in a rapidly developing organism like Drosophila.  相似文献   

Stem cells have the remarkable ability to undergo proliferative symmetric divisions and self‐renewing asymmetric divisions. Balancing of the two modes of division sustains tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. Asymmetric divisions of Drosophila neuroblasts (NBs) and sensory organ precursor (SOP) cells served as prototypes to learn what we consider now principles of asymmetric mitoses. They also provide initial evidence supporting the notion that aberrant symmetric divisions of stem cells could correlate with malignancy. However, transferring the molecular knowledge of circuits underlying asymmetry from flies to mammals has proven more challenging than expected. Several experimental approaches have been used to define asymmetry in mammalian systems, based on daughter cell fate, unequal partitioning of determinants and niche contacts, or proliferative potential. In this review, we aim to provide a critical evaluation of the assays used to establish the stem cell mode of division, with a particular focus on the mammary gland system. In this context, we will discuss the genetic alterations that impinge on the modality of stem cell division and their role in breast cancer development.  相似文献   

Drosophila neuroblasts are similar to mammalian neural stem cells in their ability to self-renew and to produce many different types of neurons and glial cells. In the past two decades, great advances have been made in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying embryonic neuroblast formation, the establishment of cell polarity and the temporal regulation of cell fate. It is now a challenge to connect, at the molecular level, the different cell biological events underlying the transition from neural stem cell maintenance to differentiation. Progress has also been made in understanding the later stages of development, when neuroblasts become mitotically inactive, or quiescent, and are then reactivated postembryonically to generate the neurons that make up the adult nervous system. The ability to manipulate the steps leading from quiescence to proliferation and from proliferation to differentiation will have a major impact on the treatment of neurological injury and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

It has long been argued that cell cycle regulators such as cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and their inhibitors affect the fate of neuronal progenitor cells. Recently, we identified that cyclin D2, which localizes at the basal tip of the radial glial cell (i.e., the neural progenitor in the developing neocortex), functions to give differential cell fates to its daughter cells just after cell division. This basally biased localization is due to transportation of cyclin D2 mRNA via its unique cis-regulatory sequence and local translation into cyclin D2 protein at the basal endfoot. During division of the neural progenitor cells, cyclin D2 protein is inherited by the daughter cell that retain the basal process, resulting in asymmetric distribution of cyclin D2 protein between the two daughter cells. Cyclin D2 is similarly localized in the human fetal cortical primordium, suggesting a common mechanism for the maintenance of neural progenitors and a possible scenario in evolution of primate brains. Here we introduce our recent findings and discuss how cyclin D2 functions in mammalian brain development and evolution.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas contain a population of self-renewing tumorigenic stem-like cells; however, it remains unclear how these glioma stem cells (GSCs) self-renew or generate cellular diversity at the single-cell level. Asymmetric cell division is a proposed mechanism to maintain cancer stem cells, yet the modes of cell division that GSCs utilize remain undetermined. Here, we used single-cell analyses to evaluate the cell division behavior of GSCs. Lineage-tracing analysis revealed that the majority of GSCs were generated through expansive symmetric cell division and not through asymmetric cell division. The majority of differentiated progeny was generated through symmetric pro-commitment divisions under expansion conditions and in the absence of growth factors, occurred mainly through asymmetric cell divisions. Mitotic pair analysis detected asymmetric CD133 segregation and not any other GSC marker in a fraction of mitoses, some of which were associated with Numb asymmetry. Under growth factor withdrawal conditions, the proportion of asymmetric CD133 divisions increased, congruent with the increase in asymmetric cell divisions observed in the lineage-tracing studies. Using single-cell-based observation, we provide definitive evidence that GSCs are capable of different modes of cell division and that the generation of cellular diversity occurs mainly through symmetric cell division, not through asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

生殖干细胞是具有自我更新能力的一群生殖细胞,充当配子生成的源泉。果蝇生殖干细胞的特征在于通过不对称分裂产生两个子代细胞,一个通过自我更新维持干细胞特性,另一个则进行分化。生殖干细胞的命运受其周围的微环境——"干细胞niche"控制,而"niche"的功能又通过干细胞的外源和内源信号间的相互作用来完成。小分子RNA通过复杂的RNAi途径调控基因的表达。大量证据表明生殖干细胞的维持和分化需要小分子RNA参与,小分子RNA生成的紊乱会导致干细胞的"丢失"或"未分化"。该文综述了小分子RNA对果蝇生殖干细胞命运调控的研究进展,并讨论新发现的小分子RNA在生殖干细胞命运决定中的相关功能。  相似文献   

Hypoxia, a condition of insufficient oxygen availability, occurs during normal development as well as tumorigenesis. Cellular responses to hypoxia are primarily mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Recent studies have revealed that dormant hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside within hypoxic regions of the bone marrow and that HIF is a critical player in HSC homeostasis. The functional significance of HIF in maintaining stemness also applies to cancer stem cells in hematological malignancies. These findings indicate that better understanding of the mechanisms underlying HIF functions in stem cells should permit the development of new therapies for tissue regeneration and cancer.  相似文献   

Cell polarity is essential for generating cell diversity and for the proper function of most differentiated cell types. In many organisms, cell polarity is regulated by the atypical protein kinase C (aPKC), Bazooka (Baz/Par3), and Par6 proteins. Here, we show that Drosophila aPKC zygotic null mutants survive to mid-larval stages, where they exhibit defects in neuroblast and epithelial cell polarity. Mutant neuroblasts lack apical localization of Par6 and Lgl, and fail to exclude Miranda from the apical cortex; yet, they show normal apical crescents of Baz/Par3, Pins, Inscuteable, and Discs large and normal spindle orientation. Mutant imaginal disc epithelia have defects in apical/basal cell polarity and tissue morphology. In addition, we show that aPKC mutants show reduced cell proliferation in both neuroblasts and epithelia, the opposite of the lethal giant larvae (lgl) tumor suppressor phenotype, and that reduced aPKC levels strongly suppress most lgl cell polarity and overproliferation phenotypes.  相似文献   

It has long been argued that cell cycle regulators such as cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and their inhibitors affect the fate of neuronal progenitor cells. Recently, we identified that cyclin D2, which localizes at the basal tip of the radial glial cell (i.e., the neural progenitor in the developing neocortex), functions to give differential cell fates to its daughter cells just after cell division. This basally biased localization is due to transportation of cyclin D2 mRNA via its unique cis-regulatory sequence and local translation into cyclin D2 protein at the basal endfoot. During division of the neural progenitor cells, cyclin D2 protein is inherited by the daughter cell that retain the basal process, resulting in asymmetric distribution of cyclin D2 protein between the two daughter cells. Cyclin D2 is similarly localized in the human fetal cortical primordium, suggesting a common mechanism for the maintenance of neural progenitors and a possible scenario in evolution of primate brains. Here we introduce our recent findings and discuss how cyclin D2 functions in mammalian brain development and evolution.  相似文献   

Retinal stem cells in vertebrates: parallels and divergences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the development of the nervous system, after a given number of divisions, progenitors exit the cell cycle and differentiate as neurons or glial cells. Some cells however do not obey this general rule and persist in a progenitor state. These cells, called stem cells, have the ability to self-renew and to generate different lineages. Understanding the mechanisms that allow stem cells to "resist" differentiating stimuli is currently one of the most fascinating research areas for biologists. The amphibian and fish retinas, known to contain stem cell populations, have been pioneering models for neural stem cell research. The Xenopus retina enabled the characterization of the genetic processes that occur in the path from a pluripotent stem cell to a committed progenitor to a differentiated neuron. More recently, the discovery that avian and mammalian retinas also contain stem cell populations, has contributed to the definitive view of the adult nervous system of upper vertebrates as a more dynamic and plastic structure than previously thought. This has attracted the attention of clinicians who are attempting to employ stem cells for transplantation into damaged tissue. Research in this area is promising and will represent a key instrument in the fight against blindness and retinal dystrophies. In this review, we will focus primarily on describing the main characteristics of various retinal stem cell populations, highlighting their divergences during evolution, and their potential for retinal cell transplantation. We will also give an overview of the signaling cascades that could modulate their potential and plasticity.  相似文献   

Recently, intense interest in the potential use of neural stem cells (NSC) in the clinical therapy of brain disease and injury has resulted in rapid progress in research on the properties of NSC, their innate and directed differentiation potential and the induced reprogramming of differentiated somatic cells to revert to a pluripotent NSC-like state. The aim of this review is to give an overview of our current operational definitions of the NSC lineage, the growing understanding of extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms, including heritable but reversible epigenetic chromatin modifications that regulate the maintenance and differentiation of NSC in vivo, and to emphasize ground-breaking efforts of cellular reprogramming with the view to generating patient-specific stem cells for cell replacement therapy. This is set against a summary of current practical procedures for the isolation, research and application of NSC, and of the state of the art in NSC-based regenerative medicine of the nervous system. Both provide the backdrop for the translation of recent findings into innovative clinical applications, with the hope of increasing the safety, efficiency and ethical acceptability of NSC-based therapies in the near future.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) have tremendous promise for use in a variety of clinical applications. The ability of these cells to self-renew and differentiate into multiple tissues makes them an attractive cell source for a new generation of cell-based regenerative therapies. Encouraging results from clinical trials have also generated growing enthusiasm regarding MSC therapy and related treatment, but gaps remain in understanding MSC tissue repair mechanisms and in clinical strategies for efficient cell delivery and consistent therapeutic outcomes. For these reasons, discoveries from basic research and their implementation in clinical trials are essential to advance MSC therapy from the laboratory bench to the patient's bedside.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells are the most immature progenitor cells in the nervous system and are defined by their ability to self-renew by symmetric division as well as to give rise to more mature progenitors of all neural lineages by asymmetric division (multipotentiality). The interest in neural stem cells has been growing in the past few years following the demonstration of their presence also in the adult nervous system of several mammals, including humans. This observation implies that the brain, once thought to be entirely post-mitotic, must have at least a limited capacity for self-renewal. This raises the possibility that the adult nervous system may still have the necessary plasticity to undergo repair of inborn defects and acquired injuries, if ways can be found to exploit the potential of neural stem cells (either endogenous or derived from other sources) to replace damaged or defective cells. A full understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating generation and maintenance of neural stem cells, their choice between different differentiation programmes and their migration properties is essential if these cells are to be used for therapeutic applications. Here, we summarize what is currently known of the genes and the signalling pathways involved in these mechanisms.  相似文献   

A strategy based upon the introduction of an adenovirus-SV40 plasmid into multipotential cells was designed to immortalize clones displaying properties of lineage stem cells. The murine 1C11 cell line behaves as a neuroepithelial progenitor. Upon appropriate induction, almost 100% of 1C11 precursor cells develop neurite extensions and convert into either serotonergic or noradrenergic neurons. The two mutually exclusive neuronal programs are autoregulated by serotonergic or adrenergic receptors. PrPc is constitutively expressed by 1C11 cells. Antibody-mediated cross-linking of PrPc promotes the dephosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase Fyn associated to a Fyn kinase activation. The coupling of PrPc to Fyn is dependent on caveolin-1. It is restricted to the fully differentiated serotonergic or noradrenergic cells and occurs mainly at neurites. Thus, PrPc may represent a signal transduction protein which may fine-tune neuronal functions. Since the 1C11 stem cell supports prion replication, it may provide a tool to investigate whether PrPSc accumulation interferes with PrPc signalling activity.  相似文献   

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