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The tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is a euryhaline fish exhibiting adaptive changes in cell size, phenotype, and ionoregulatory functions upon salinity challenge. Na+/Cl? cotransporter (NCC) and Na+/K+/2Cl? cotransporter (NKCC) are localized in the apical and basolateral membranes of mitochondria‐rich (MR) cells of the gills. These cells are responsible for chloride absorption (NCC) and secretion (NKCC), respectively, thus, the switch of gill NCC and NKCC expression is a crucial regulatory mechanism for salinity adaptation in tilapia. However, little is known about the interaction of cytoskeleton and these adaptive changes. In this study, we examined the time‐course of changes in the localization of NKCC/NCC in the gills of tilapia transferred from fresh water (FW) to brackish water (20‰) and from seawater (SW; 35‰) to FW. The results showed that basolateral NKCC disappeared and NCC was expressed in the apical membrane of MR cells. To further clarify the process of these adaptive changes, colchicine, a specific inhibitor of microtubule‐dependent cellular regulating processes was used. SW‐acclimated tilapia were transferred to SW, FW, and FW with colchicine (colchicine‐FW) for 96 h. Compared with the FW‐treatment group, in the MR cells of colchicine‐FW‐treatment group, (1) the average size was significantly larger, (2) only wavy‐convex‐subtype apical surfaces were found, and (3) the basolateral (cytoplasmic) NKCC signals were still exhibited. Taken together, our results suggest that changes in size, phenotype, as well as the expression of NCC and NKCC cotransporters of MR cells in the tilapia are microtubule‐dependent. J. Morphol. 277:1113–1122, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Among tetrapods, evidence for postrenal modification of the urine by the distal digestive tract (including the colon and cloaca) is highly variable. Birds and bladderless reptiles are of interest because the colon and cloaca represent the only sites from which water and ions can be reclaimed from the urine secreted by the kidney. For animals occupying desiccating environments (e.g., deserts and marine environments), postrenal modification of the urine may directly contribute to the maintenance of hypo‐osmotic body fluids. We compared the morphology and distribution of key proteins in the colon, cloaca, and urogenital ducts of watersnakes from marine (Nerodia clarkii clarkii) and freshwater (Nerodia fasciata) habitats. Specifically, we examined the epithelia of each tissue for evidence of mucus production by examining the distribution of mucopolysaccharides, and for evidence of water/ion regulation by examining the distribution of Na+/K+‐ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/Cl? cotransporter (NKCC), and aquaporin 3 (AQP3). NKCC localized to the basolateral epithelium of the colon, urodeal sphincter, and proctodeum, consistent with a role in secretion of Na+, Cl?, and K+ from the tissue, but NKA was not detected in the colon or any compartment of the cloaca. Interestingly, NKA was detected in the basolateral epithelium of the ureters, suggesting the urothelium may play a role in active ion transport. AQP3 was detected in the ureters and coprodeal complex, consistent with a role in urinary and fecal dehydration or, potentially, in the production of the watery component of the mucus secreted by the coprodeal complex. Since no differences in general cloacal morphology, production of mucus, or the distribution of ion transporters/water channels were detected between the two species, cloacal osmoregulation may either be regulated by proteins not examined in this study or may not be responsible for the differential success of N. c. clarkii and N. fasciata in marine habitats. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Intracellular activities of K+, H+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Cl?, measured with ion selective microelectrodes in the oocyte and the nurse cells in ovarian follicles of Hyalophora cecropia, indicated that a Ca2+ current is a key component of the electrical potential that is maintained across the intercellular bridges connecting these two cells. In vitellogenic follicles, Ca2+ activity averaged 650 nM in the oocyte and 190 nM in the nurse cells, whereas activities of the other ions studied differed between these cells by no more than 6%. Incubation in 200 μM ammonium vanadate caused a reversal of electrical potential from 8.3 mV, nurse cell negative, to 3.0 mV, oocyte negative, and at the same time the Ca2+ gradient was reversed: activities rose to an average 3.0 μM in the nurse cells and 1.6 μM in the oocyte, whereas transbridge ratios of the other cations remained at 0–3%. In immature follicles that had not yet initiated their transbridge potentials, Ca2+ activities averaged ~? 2 μM in both oocyte and nurse cells. The results suggest that vitellogenic follicles possess a vanadatesensitive Ca2+ extrusion mechanism that is more powerful in the nurse cells than in the oocyte. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of C  相似文献   

ClC-5, an endosomal Cl/H+ antiporter that is mutated in Dent disease, is essential for endosomal acidification and re-uptake of small molecular weight proteins in the renal proximal tubule. Eukaryotic chloride channels (CLCs) contain two cytoplasmic CBS domains, motifs present in different proteins, the function of which is still poorly understood. Structural studies have shown that ClC-5 can bind to ATP at the interface between the CBS domains, but so far the potential functional consequences of nucleotide binding to ClC-5 have not been investigated. Here, we show that the direct application of ATP, ADP and AMP in inside-out patch experiments potentiates the current mediated by ClC-5 with similar affinities. The nucleotides increase the probability of ClC-5 to be in an active, transporting state. The residues Tyr 617 and Asp 727, but not Ser 618, are crucial for the potentiation. These results provide a mechanistic and structural framework for the interpretation of nucleotide regulation of a CLC transporter.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that there is high Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange (NCX) activity in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. In this study, by monitoring the [Ca(2+)](i) change in single cells and in a population of chromaffin cells, when the reverse mode of exchanger activity has been initiated, we have shown that the NCX activity is enhanced by K(+). The K(+)-enhanced activity accounted for a significant proportion of the Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+) uptake activity in the chromaffin cells. The results support the hypothesis that both NCX and Na(+)/Ca(2+)-K(+) exchanger (NCKX) are co-present in chromaffin cells. The expression of NCKX in chromaffin cells was further confirmed using PCR and northern blotting. In addition to the plasma membrane, the exchanger activity, measured by Na(+)-dependent (45)Ca(2+) uptake, was also present in membrane isolated from the chromaffin granules enriched fraction and the mitochondria enriched fraction. The results support that both NCX and NCKX are present in bovine chromaffin cells and that the regulation of [Ca(2+)](i) is probably more efficient with the participation of NCKX.  相似文献   

Summary— To separate and concentrate various cytoplasmic organelles in wild type and albino Xenopus oocytes, defolliculated cells were loaded on a Ficoll-400 gradient and centrifuged. Optimum results were obtained with centrifugations at 10 000 g for 5 min at 20°C. The cells became pear-shaped and appeared stratified with the white lipid yolk on top, an intermediate transparent zone of about 100–300 μm, and the greenish protein yolk at the bottom. To determine the cellular constituents, particularly of the transparent zone, electron microscopy was performed. The transparent zone was found to contain (from animal to vegetal) the various endoplasmic reticula, a layer of mitochondria, cytoplasm enriched in ribosomes and the depressed nucleus. In centrifuged stratified wild type oocytes, most of the pigment was layered on top of the protein yolk. The typical cortical aspects of the oocyte persisted. Centrifuged albino oocytes had a very pronounced transparent zone with sharp transitions to the lipid phase and to the protein yolk. The resting membrane potentials of centrifuged oocytes were between ?35 and ?65 mV, and the membrane resistances were in the 500 kΩ to 1 MΩ range. Under voltage clamp conditions, the oocytes exhibited Ca2+-activated Cl? currents with biphasic kinetics and spontaneous oscillations of these currents. It is concluded that centrifuged stratified oocytes have normal electrophysiological properties, and that they are a suitable preparation to study the contribution of various cellular organelles to the propagation of second messengers in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal alterations in intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)](i) play a pivotal role in a wide array of neuronal functions. Disruption in Ca(2+) homeostasis has been implicated in the decline in neuronal function in brain aging and in neurodegenerative disorders. The plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) is a high affinity Ca(2+) transporter that plays a crucial role in the termination of [Ca(2+)](i) signals and in the maintenance of low [Ca(2+)](i) essential for signaling. Recent evidence indicates that PMCA is uniquely sensitive to its lipid environment and is stimulated by lipids with ordered acyl chains. Here we show that both PMCA and its activator calmodulin (CaM) are partitioned into liquid-ordered, cholesterol-rich plasma membrane microdomains or 'lipid rafts' in primary cultured neurons. Association of PMCA with rafts was demonstrated in preparations isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and in intact neurons by confocal microscopy. Total raft-associated PMCA activity was much higher than the PMCA activity excluded from these microdomains. Depletion of cellular cholesterol dramatically inhibited the activity of the raft-associated PMCA with no effect on the activity of the non-raft pool. We propose that association of PMCA with rafts represents a novel mechanism for its regulation and, consequently, of Ca(2+) signaling in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The ability to deliver calcium to the osteoid is critical to osteoblast function as a regulator of bone calcification. There are two known transmembrane proteins capable of translocating calcium out of the osteoblast, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA). In this study, we reveal the presence of the NCX3 isoform in primary osteoblasts and examine the expression of NCX1, NCX3, and PMCA1 during osteoblast differentiation. The predominant NCX isoform expressed by osteoblasts is NCX3. NCX1 also is expressed, but at low levels. Both NCX isoforms are expressed at nearly static levels throughout differentiation. In contrast, PMCA expression peaks at 8 days of culture, early in osteoblast differentiation, but declines thereafter. Immunocytochemical co-detection of NCX and PMCA reveal that NCX is positioned along surfaces of the osteoblast adjacent to osteoid, while PMCA is localized to plasma membrane sites distal to the osteoid. The expression pattern and spatial distribution of NCX support a role as a regulator of calcium efflux from osteoblasts required for calcification. The expression pattern and spatial distribution of PMCA makes its role in the mineralization process unlikely and suggests a role in calcium homeostasis following signaling events.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the possible role of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels and adenylate metabolism in volume stabilization of human erythrocytes was developed. The model predicts that the red blood cell volume can be stabilized either dynamically or stationary over a broad range of cell membrane permeabilities to cations. The dynamic stabilization results from the operation of Ca2+-dependent potassium channels. The erythrocyte volume changes less than 10% if the membrane permeability changes abruptly to a value in the range from half to sevenfold higher than the normal one. The stationary stabilization is achieved via controlling the adenylate metabolism. The stationary value of cell volume changes less than 10% when the membrane permeability varies from half the normal value to 15-fold higher than the normal value.  相似文献   

During photosynthesis, photosynthetic electron transport generates a proton motive force(pmf) across the thylakoid membrane, which is used for ATP biosynthesis via ATP synthase in the chloroplast. The pmf is composed of an electric potential(△Ψ) and an osmotic component(△pH).Partitioning between these components in chloroplasts is strictly regulated in response to fluctuating environments.However, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that regulate pmf partitioning is limited. Here, we report a bestrophin-like protein(At Best), which is critical for pmf partitioning. While the Dp H component was slightly reduced in atbest, the △Ψ component was much greater in this mutant than in the wild type, resulting in less efficient activation of nonphotochemical quenching(NPQ) upon both illumination and a shift from low light to high light. Although no visible phenotype was observed in the atbest mutant in the greenhouse, this mutant exhibited stronger photoinhibition than the wild type when grown in the field. At Best belongs to the bestrophin family proteins, which are believed to function as chloride(Cl~-) channels. Thus, our findings reveal an Researimportant Cl~- channel required for ion transport and homeostasis across the thylakoid membrane in higher plants. These processes are essential for fine-tuning photosynthesis under fluctuating environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-free plasma membranes of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard were purified from a microsomal fraction using an aqueous polymer two-phase system of 6.5% (w/w) dextran T500, 6·5% (w/w) polyethylene glycol 3350, 60 mM NaCI, 0 33 M sucrose and 5 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7·8). The plasma membrane fraction contained only 2·4% of the microsomal membrane protein. Specific activity of the plasma membrane marker enzyme, K*, Mg2+-ATPase (EC was enriched 9-fold over the microsomal fraction, and 22% of total activity was recovered in the upper, polyethylene glycol-rich phase. Contamination from intracellular membranes was minimal. K*, Mg2+-ATPase showed a pH optimum at about 6·5, and addition of 0·05% (w/v) Triton X-100 stimulated the activity 3-fold. [3H]-Nimodipinc was employed to characterize 1,4-dihydropyridine-specific membrane receptors. Two apparent binding sites with different affinities to nimodipine were found in the crude microsomal fraction. The separation of plasma membranes from intracellular membranes revealed that one binding site with higher affinity (KD= 9 nM) was located on the plasma membrane and a second binding site with lower affinity (KD= 36 nM) on an intracellular membrane The apparent dissociation constants determined from the association and dissociation rate constants in kinetic experiments were comparable to those determined by equilibrium experiments. The maximum number of binding sites of the plasma membrane fraction and the intracellular membrane fraction was Bmax= 440 and 470 fmol (mg protein)-1, respectively. [3H]-Nimodipinc binding was inhibited by (±) verapamil and stimulated by D-cis-diltiazem in both fractions. Moreover, ethyle-neglycol-bis(2-aminoethylcther)-N, N'-tetraacctic acid (EGTA) inhibited [3H]-nimo-dipinc binding in the plasma membrane fraction but not in the intracellular membrane fraction This effect was cancelled by the addition of CaCl2.  相似文献   

Flux of K+ and changes in intracellular Ca2+ in the sperm of salmonid fishes were measured with spectrophotometry, ion electrode, microscopic fluorometry, and radioisotope accumulation. Release of K+ occurred at the initiation of sperm motility which is induced by decrease in external K+ and the K+ efflux and sperm motility were inhibited by K+ channel blockers. Intracellular Ca2+ increased within a short period in K+- free condition, and the accumulation of 45Ca in sperm cells was higher in motile sperm than that in immotile sperm. The efflux of K+ and the increase in intracellular Ca2+ were suppressed when external K+ concentration increased, i.e., sperm remained immotile. These results suggest that efflux of K+ through K+ channel and subseqent increase in intracellular Ca2+ are prerequisite for the initiation of sperm motility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Here, the effects of the ethylene-releasing compound, ethephon, and the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), on ionic currents across plasma membranes and on the cytosolic Ca(2+) activity ([Ca(2+)](c)) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) suspension cells were characterized using a patch-clamp technique and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Exposure of tobacco protoplasts to ethephon and ACC led to activation of a plasma membrane cation channel that was permeable to Ba(2+), Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), and inhibited by La(3+), Gd(3+) and Al(3+). The ethephon- and ACC-induced Ca(2+)-permeable channel was abolished by the antagonist of ethylene perception (1-metycyclopropene) and by the inhibitor of ACC synthase (aminovinylglycin), indicating that activation of the Ca(2+)-permeable channels results from ethylene. Ethephon elicited an increase in the [Ca(2+)](c) of tobacco suspension cells, as visualized by the Ca(2+)-sensitive probe Fluo-3 and confocal microscopy. The ethephon-induced elevation of [Ca(2+)](c) was markedly inhibited by Gd(3+) and BAPTA, suggesting that an influx of Ca(2+) underlies the elevation of [Ca(2+)](c). These results indicate that an elevation of [Ca(2+)](c), resulting from activation of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-permeable channels by ethylene, is an essential component in ethylene signaling in plants.  相似文献   

The model presented takes into account the interaction between the negatively charged membranes and macromolecules and the cations. A central postulate is that a constant average surface charge density (σ) as well as a constant average surface potential (Ψ) is conserved under different ionic conditions. The model makes it possible to predict the size of σ and Ψ from measurements of Na, K, Mg and Ca content in plant tissues of the same age but grown under two different ionic conditions (e.g. high and low K+). Assumptions were made about the relative amounts of free and bound Ca2+ and σ and Ψ were calculated from values in the literature. In all cases σ (and Ψ) are predicted to be higher for shoot (−29 to −96 mC m−2) than for root membranes (−14 to −27 mC m−2). In most cases the predicted σ falls within the range determined experimentally for biological membranes.  相似文献   

The K+‐Cl? cotransporters (KCCs) belong to the cation‐Cl? cotransporter family and consist of four isoforms and many splice variants. Their main role is to promote electroneutral efflux of K+ and Cl? ions across the surface of many cell types and, thereby, to regulate intracellular ion concentration, cell volume, and epithelial salt movement. These transport systems are induced by an increase in cell volume and are less active at lower intracellular [Cl?] (Cli), but the mechanisms at play are still ill‐defined. In this work, we have exploited the Xenopus laevis expression system to study the role of lysine‐deficient protein kinases (WNKs), protein phosphatases 1 (PP1s), and SPS1‐related proline/alanine‐rich kinase (SPAK) in KCC4 regulation during cell swelling. We have found that WNK4 and PP1 regulate KCC4 activity as part of a common signaling module, but that they do not exert their effects through SPAK or carrier dephosphorylation. We have also found that the phosphatases at play include PP1α and PP1γ1, but that WNK4 acts directly on the PP1s instead of the opposite. Unexpectedly, however, both cell swelling and a T926A substitution in the C‐terminus of full‐length KCC4 led to higher levels of heterologous K+‐Cl? cotransport and overall carrier phosphorylation. These results imply that the response to cell swelling must also involve allosteric‐sensitive kinase‐dependent phosphoacceptor sites in KCC4. They are thus partially inconsistent with previous models of KCC regulation.  相似文献   

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