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Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co‐occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee‐pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee‐ and lepidopteran‐pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar‐producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co‐occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species‐specific pollen‐placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non‐homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.  相似文献   

Variation in plant traits among plant species may promote the development of a characteristic functional assemblage of insect herbivores associated with each plant species. However, only a small number of studies have detailed the representation of several herbivore guilds among co‐occurring plant species to determine whether the functional structure of herbivorous insect assemblages varies widely and consistently among plant species. The present study provides one of the few published data sets reporting on the density of several guilds of insect herbivores among numerous plant species. Variation in guild associations with plant phenology and season are also described. Insect herbivores were divided into 10 guilds, and the representation of these guilds was examined for 18 co‐occurring plant species. Guild densities and assemblage composition varied significantly among plant species, even when variation over time was taken into account. Variation in guild densities and assemblage composition were not strongly related to the taxonomic relationships of the plants. The highest densities of several guilds occurred in spring and summer, although other guilds were not strongly seasonal. Certain guilds were strongly associated with the presence of new leaves, whereas other guilds appeared to prefer mature leaves. This resulted in assemblage differences between samples containing new and mature leaves and samples containing mature leaves only. Even though the timing and duration of leaf and flower production varied among plant species, this did not explain all variation in guild densities among plant species. It is suggested that additional factors, including plant traits, are contributing to the wide and consistent variation in herbivore assemblage composition among plant species.  相似文献   

Although sexual reproduction is ubiquitous throughout nature, the molecular machinery behind it has been repeatedly disrupted during evolution, leading to the emergence of asexual lineages in all eukaryotic phyla. Despite intensive research, little is known about what causes the switch from sexual reproduction to asexuality. Interspecific hybridization is one of the candidate explanations, but the reasons for the apparent association between hybridization and asexuality remain unclear. In this study, we combined cross‐breeding experiments with population genetic and phylogenomic approaches to reveal the history of speciation and asexuality evolution in European spined loaches (Cobitis). Contemporary species readily hybridize in hybrid zones, but produce infertile males and fertile but clonally reproducing females that cannot mediate introgressions. However, our analysis of exome data indicates that intensive gene flow between species has occurred in the past. Crossings among species with various genetic distances showed that, while distantly related species produced asexual females and sterile males, closely related species produce sexually reproducing hybrids of both sexes. Our results suggest that hybridization leads to sexual hybrids at the initial stages of speciation, but as the species diverge further, the gradual accumulation of reproductive incompatibilities between species could distort their gametogenesis towards asexuality. Interestingly, comparative analysis of published data revealed that hybrid asexuality generally evolves at lower genetic divergences than hybrid sterility or inviability. Given that hybrid asexuality effectively restricts gene flow, it may establish a primary reproductive barrier earlier during diversification than other “classical” forms of postzygotic incompatibilities. Hybrid asexuality may thus indirectly contribute to the speciation process.  相似文献   

Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo (Cercococcyx montanus) currently comprises two morphologically distinct subspecies, one resident in the Albertine Rift (montanus) and one in east and southeast Africa (patulus) in which there are migrations that are poorly understood. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we find that two specimens collected in relatively low‐elevation forest in the Albertine Rift were correctly identified from plumage as the migratory subspecies whose closest known breeding area is > 800 km to the east. We discuss ways in which this unique migratory pattern could have evolved and argue that migration was gained and then lost in the C. montanus complex. Based on consistent morphological and genetic differences, we suggest that Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo is best treated as two species, one of which (C. montanus) is a non‐migratory Albertine Rift endemic.  相似文献   

The niche variation hypothesis (NVH) predicts that populations with wider niches exhibit greater morphological variation through increased interindividual differences in both niche and morphology. In this study, we examined niche–trait relationships in three passerine species (Cyanoderma ruficeps, Sinosuthora webbiana, and Zosterops simplex). A total of 289 C. ruficeps from 7 sites, 259 S. webbiana from 8 sites, and 144 Z. simplex from 6 sites were sampled along an elevation gradient (0–2,700 m) in Taiwan from 2009 to 2017. We measured bill traits (length, width, and depth of bill) and body size traits (length of head, tarsus, and wing) of the birds, which were reduced to four principal components (bill PC1, bill PC2, body size PC1, and body size PC2). We collected feather tissues for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses to quantify their isotope niche. We quantified interindividual differences in isotope space and trait space with four diversity metrics (divergence, dispersion, evenness, and uniqueness) and tested whether interindividual differences in isotope space and trait space are positively associated. We quantified population isotope niche width by Bayesian ellipse area and population morphological variation by variances of the PCs. The results showed that individual uniqueness in isotope niche and bill morphology (average closeness of individuals within the population isotope/trait space) were positively associated across three species. Furthermore, isotope niche width and bill PC1 (reflecting the size of bill) variation at population level were also positively associated across the three species, supporting the NVH. Of the three species, C. ruficeps and S. webbiana showed stronger support for the NVH than Z. simplex, possibly due to the latter having narrower elevational distribution and a more specialized, plant‐based diet. The diversity metrics represented different aspects of interindividual differences in niche/trait space, and for the passerines, individual uniqueness appeared to play an important role in their niche–trait dynamics.  相似文献   

Chromosome number variations play an important role in the genus Medicago. In addition to polyploidy there are cases of dysploidy as evidenced by two basic numbers, x = 8 and x = 7, the latter limited to five annual species having 2n = 14. Annuals are diploid with the exception of Medicago scutellata and Medicago rugosa which have 2n = 30 and are considered the result of crosses between the 2n = 16 and 2n = 14 species. However, this hypothesis has never been tested. This study was carried out to investigate the 2n = 14 and 2n = 30 karyotypes and verify the allopolyploid origin of M. scutellata and M. rugosa. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of rDNA probes and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) were performed. FISH showed that all five diploids with 2n = 14 have one pair of 45S and one pair of 5S rDNA sites. M. scutellata displayed four sites of 45S and four sites of 5S rDNA, while in M. rugosa only one pair of each of these sites was found. GISH did not produce signals useful to identify the presumed progenitors with 14 chromosomes. This result suggests alternative evolutionary pathways, such as the formation of tetraploids (2n = 32) and subsequent dysploidy events leading to the chromosome number reduction.  相似文献   

In most species with motile sperm, male fertility depends upon genes located on the Y‐chromosome and in the mitochondrial genome. Coordinated adaptive evolution for the function of male fertility between genes on the Y and the mitochondrion is hampered by their uniparental inheritance in opposing sexes: The Y‐chromosome is inherited uniparentally, father to son, and the mitochondrion is inherited maternally, mother to offspring. Preserving male fertility is problematic, because maternal inheritance permits mitochondrial mutations advantageous to females, but deleterious to male fertility, to accumulate in a population. Although uniparental inheritance with sex‐restricted adaptation also affects genes on the Y‐chromosome, females lack a Y‐chromosome and escape the potential maladaptive consequences of male‐limited selection. Evolutionary models have shown that mitochondrial mutations deleterious to male fertility can be countered by compensatory evolution of Y‐linked mutations that restore it. However, direct adaptive coevolution of Y‐ and mitochondrial gene combinations has not yet been mathematically characterized. We use population genetic models to show that adaptive coevolution of Y and mitochondrial genes are possible when Y‐mt gene combinations have positive effects on male fertility and populations are inbred.  相似文献   

Host–symbiont relationships in hydrothermal vent ecosystems, supported by chemoautotrophic bacteria as primary producers, have been extensively studied. However, the process by which densely populated co‐occurring invertebrate hosts form symbiotic relationships with bacterial symbionts remains unclear. Here, we analyzed gill‐associated symbiotic bacteria (gill symbionts) of five co‐occurring hosts, three mollusks (“Bathymodiolusmanusensis, B. brevior, and Alviniconcha strummeri) and two crustaceans (Rimicaris variabilis and Austinograea alayseae), collected together at a single vent site in the Tonga Arc. We observed both different compositions of gill symbionts and the presence of unshared operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In addition, the total number of OTUs was greater for crustacean hosts than for mollusks. The phylogenetic relationship trees of gill symbionts suggest that γ‐proteobacterial gill symbionts have coevolved with their hosts toward reinforcement of host specificity, while campylobacterial Sulfurovum species found across various hosts and habitats are opportunistic associates. Our results confirm that gill symbiont communities differ among co‐occurring vent invertebrates and indicate that hosts are closely related with their gill symbiont communities. Considering the given resources available at a single site, differentiation of gill symbionts seems to be a useful strategy for obtaining nutrition and energy while avoiding competition among both hosts and gill symbionts.  相似文献   

In the large Cucurbitaceae genus Cucumis, cucumber (C. sativus) is the only species with 2= 2= 14 chromosomes. The majority of the remaining species, including melon (C. melo) and the sister species of cucumber, C. hystrix, have 2= 2= 24 chromosomes, implying a reduction from = 12 to = 7. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we investigated chromosome synteny among cucumber, C. hystrix and melon using integrated and complementary approaches. We identified 14 inversions and a C. hystrix lineage‐specific reciprocal inversion between C. hystrix and melon. The results reveal the location and orientation of 53 C. hystrix syntenic blocks on the seven cucumber chromosomes, and allow us to infer at least 59 chromosome rearrangement events that led to the seven cucumber chromosomes, including five fusions, four translocations, and 50 inversions. The 12 inferred chromosomes (AK1–AK12) of an ancestor similar to melon and C. hystrix had strikingly different evolutionary fates, with cucumber chromosome C1 apparently resulting from insertion of chromosome AK12 into the centromeric region of translocated AK2/AK8, cucumber chromosome C3 originating from a Robertsonian‐like translocation between AK4 and AK6, and cucumber chromosome C5 originating from fusion of AK9 and AK10. Chromosomes C2, C4 and C6 were the result of complex reshuffling of syntenic blocks from three (AK3, AK5 and AK11), three (AK5, AK7 and AK8) and five (AK2, AK3, AK5, AK8 and AK11) ancestral chromosomes, respectively, through 33 fusion, translocation and inversion events. Previous results (Huang, S., Li, R., Zhang, Z. et al., 2009 , Nat. Genet. 41, 1275–1281; Li, D., Cuevas, H.E., Yang, L., Li, Y., Garcia‐Mas, J., Zalapa, J., Staub, J.E., Luan, F., Reddy, U., He, X., Gong, Z., Weng, Y. 2011a, BMC Genomics, 12, 396) showing that cucumber C7 stayed largely intact during the entire evolution of Cucumis are supported. Results from this study allow a fine‐scale understanding of the mechanisms of dysploid chromosome reduction that has not been achieved previously.  相似文献   

Chromosomal changes, including polyploidy and dysploidy, often accompany speciation of angiosperms in continental regions. In contrast, on geologically young oceanic islands, little change in chromosome number occurs during speciation of endemics. Absence of change in number of chromosomes does not necessarily mean lack of chromosomal rearrangements. To determine whether detailed karyotypic changes accompany speciation in island habitats, nine endemic species in Abelia , Acer , Campanula , Dystaenia , Hepatica , Rubus , Valeriana , Veronica and Viola of Ullung Island, a geologically young volcanic island off the coast of peninsular Korea in the Eastern Sea, have been compared with progenitors in mainland Korea and Japan. Results confirm that no changes in ploidy level or dysploidy have occurred during speciation of these endemic island taxa. Detailed karyotypic analysis indicates that most of the taxa have not undergone significant macromorphological chromosomal changes. In the bitypic genus Dystaenia (Umbelliferae), D. takesimana , endemic to Ullung Island, differs karyotypically from its progenitor, D. ibukiensis from Japan, in a number of chromosomal elements, some of which appear to be satellites and others of which may represent B chromosomes. This suggests that rDNA loci might have been lost or rearranged during speciation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 93–105.  相似文献   

Trait matching—a correlation between the morphology of plants and their pollinators—has been frequently observed in pollination interactions. Different intensities of natural selection in individual regions should cause such correlations to be observable across different local assemblages. In this study, we focused on matching between spur lengths of the genus Impatiens and bill lengths of sunbirds in tropical Africa. For 25 mountain and island locations, we compiled information about the composition and traits of local Impatiens and sunbird assemblages. We found that assemblage mean and maximum values of bill lengths were positively correlated with mean and maximum spur lengths across locations. Moreover, our results suggest that the positive correlations hold only for forest sunbird assemblages sharing the same habitat with Impatiens species. We further show that long‐billed sunbirds seem to locally match the morphology of multiple Impatiens plant species, not vice versa. Our observation implies that trait matching significantly contributes to structuring of Impatiens–sunbird pollination systems. We suggest that special habitat preferences together with spatial isolation of mountain environment might play a role in this case.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are highly diverse ecosystems, where numerous closely related species often coexist. How new species arise and are maintained in these high geneflow environments have been long‐standing conundrums. Hybridization and patterns of introgression between sympatric species provide a unique insight into the mechanisms of speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. In this study, we investigate the extent of hybridization between two closely related species of coral reef fish: the common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) and the bar‐cheek coral trout (Plectropomus maculatus). Using a complementary set of 25 microsatellite loci, we distinguish pure genotype classes from first‐ and later‐generation hybrids, identifying 124 interspecific hybrids from a collection of 2,991 coral trout sampled in inshore and mid‐shelf reefs of the southern Great Barrier Reef. Hybrids were ubiquitous among reefs, fertile and spanned multiple generations suggesting both ecological and evolutionary processes are acting to maintain species barriers. We elaborate on these finding to investigate the extent of genomic introgression and admixture from 2,271 SNP loci recovered from a ddRAD library of pure and hybrid individuals. An analysis of genomic clines on recovered loci indicates that 261 SNP loci deviate from a model of neutral introgression, of which 132 indicate a pattern of introgression consistent with selection favouring both hybrid and parental genotypes. Our findings indicate genome‐wide, bidirectional introgression between two sympatric species of coral reef fishes and provide further support to a growing body of evidence for the role of hybridization in the evolution of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

  • The food‐deceptive species Anacamptis robusta is threatened in the Balearic Islands, and its habitat has recently been transformed through human disturbance. This study investigated how human disturbance affects the reproductive output of A. robusta and how its fitness is affected by competition with rewarding relatives, fungal infections and hybridization processes.
  • To evaluate the impact of habitat loss on plant fitness, data on reproductive measures were obtained in two well‐conserved subpopulations and the unique disturbed subpopulation. Photo‐trapping cameras were installed to determine the floral visitation rate. All flowering individuals in 2019 were georeferenced using differential GPS to examine the influence of geospatial patterns on the reproductive success of A. robusta. In addition, hand‐pollination treatments were performed to evaluate the hybridization between A. coriophora and A. robusta and the origin of A. × albuferensis.
  • The human‐disturbed subpopulation of A. robusta had a lower fruit set success than the subpopulations in well‐conserved areas. The presence of A. coriophora is negatively affecting the reproductive output of A. robusta. Moreover, A. robusta can only act as the pollen donor during hybridization.
  • The complexity of the ecological system, which is enhanced by the strong pollinator dependence of the threatened species, must be considered when making conservation decisions. Although human disturbance directly affects plant population stability, other ecological issues must be considered, such as pollinator interaction, interspecific competition for pollinators, fungal infection and hybridization events.

Species integrity relies on the maintenance of reproductive isolation, particularly between closely related species. Further, it has been hypothesized that the presence of heterospecific pollen on flower stigmas adversely affects plant reproduction with increasing effect in closely related species. Using two pairs of co‐occurring buzz‐pollinated Thysanotus spp. in the Mediterranean climate region of Perth, Western Australia, we quantified the effect of heterospecific pollen on fruit and seed set. We first determined the mating systems of the two focal species using self‐ and outcross pollen, followed by separate treatments with heterospecific pollen within each species pair. Of the two species receiving pollen, Thysanotus triandrus had a mixed mating system, but with significantly lower fruit and seed set from self‐pollen relative to outcross pollen. Thysanotus tenellus was autogamous with no difference in fruit or seed set between autogamous, self‐ or outcross pollinations. Heterospecific pollen had no effect on fruit or seed set of either focal species. These outcomes point to post‐pollination reproductive isolation, consistent with a floral morphology that causes low specificity of pollen placement and thus a poor capacity for pre‐pollination discrimination. Negative effects of heterospecific pollen, therefore, do not appear to play a role in the reproduction in this group of buzz‐pollinated flowers.  相似文献   

There has been considerable discussion on the origin of the red wolf and eastern wolf and their evolution independent of the gray wolf. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and a Y‐chromosome intron sequence in combination with Y‐chromosome microsatellites from wolves and coyotes within the range of extensive wolf–coyote hybridization, that is, eastern North America. The detection of divergent Y‐chromosome haplotypes in the historic range of the eastern wolf is concordant with earlier mtDNA findings, and the absence of these haplotypes in western coyotes supports the existence of the North American evolved eastern wolf (Canis lycaon). Having haplotypes observed exclusively in eastern North America as a result of insufficient sampling in the historic range of the coyote or that these lineages subsequently went extinct in western geographies is unlikely given that eastern‐specific mtDNA and Y‐chromosome haplotypes represent lineages divergent from those observed in extant western coyotes. By combining Y‐chromosome and mtDNA distributional patterns, we identified hybrid genomes of eastern wolf, coyote, gray wolf, and potentially dog origin in Canis populations of central and eastern North America. The natural contemporary eastern Canis populations represent an important example of widespread introgression resulting in hybrid genomes across the original C. lycaon range that appears to be facilitated by the eastern wolf acting as a conduit for hybridization. Applying conventional taxonomic nomenclature and species‐based conservation initiatives, particularly in human‐modified landscapes, may be counterproductive to the effective management of these hybrids and fails to consider their evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Polyploid and diploid hybridization is a ubiquitous and evolutionarily important phenomenon in the plant world. Determining the parental species of a hybrid, however, is difficult. Molecular markers such as the nuclear ribosomal DNA gene complex, particularly its internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, have proved powerful in determining hybrid parentage. In some cases, population and genomic phenomena, such as genetic drift and concerted evolution, result in the loss of all or many of the tandemly repeated copies derived from one parental species, making the recovery of hybrid history difficult or impossible. Methods such as direct sequencing and cloning are typically used to find ITS sequences contributed from parental species, but are limited in their ability to detect rare repeat types. Here we report that repeat-specific polymerase chain reaction primers can recover rare parental ITS sequences in the Glycine tomentella polyploid complex. In three allopolyploid lineages of this complex, repeat-specific primers reliably detected rare repeats that both direct sequencing and the screening of many cloned sequences failed to detect. Other strategies, such as the use of exclusion primers, may detect rare parental repeat types in hybrids when previous hypotheses regarding the second parental species are lacking.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and measurements were recorded in 22 individuals from six populations of six species of Onobrychis , including the Egyptian species and most representatives of section Lophobrychis . The basic number of chromosomes was either x = 7 or x = 8 and the chromosomes were medium to medium-small, ranging in length, from c . 1.6 μm to 2.6 μm. Two new ploidy levels were found, 2 n = 4 x = 28 in O. bobrovii Grossh. and 2 n = 4 x = 32 in O. pulchella Schrenk. The origin of the chromosome numbers, geographical distribution and evolution of the species were assessed. Comparison of the data with those in the literature revealed that the observed interspecific variability among section Lophobrychis can be useful in taxonomic delimitation and demonstrates a complexity of evolution between the diploid and polyploid species. Section Lophobrychis has a comparatively highly derived organization and can be considered as a heterogeneous unit in the genus Onobrychis .  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 409–414.  相似文献   

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