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Serial measurements of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were used to describe the ovarian cycle of the Bolivian squirrel monkey. Group-caged, sexually mature female squirrel monkeys, housed with males, were sampled daily between 0900 and 1100 hr. Sampling was carried out during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons, for periods of 19–20 days from September 1981 to May 1982. Seasonal differences in serum concentrations of E2 and P were found with low levels of E2 and P and an absence of preovulatory surges of E2 during the nonbreeding season. This pattern was also observed in some animals during the breeding season. An abrupt increase in serum P concentrations in December appeared to signal the onset of cycling. Cycling animals had well-defined peaks of E2 (450–9,500 pg/ml) followed by increasing levels of P, which were >200 ng/ml in some animals. After the breeding season, E2 and P levels returned to their initially low levels. Levels of both steroids in cycling animals were higher than those reported for other primates and for previous measurements made in squirrel monkeys. Cycle length based on time interval between consecutive E2 peaks varied from 6–12 days.  相似文献   

Most platyrrhines have a visual polymorphism that is characterized by the presence of multiple alleles of the M/LWS gene on the X chromosome. This polymorphism is probably maintained by selection. There are two possible mechanisms by which this can be explained: First, heterozygous females may have perceptual advantages over dichromats, such that trichromacy would be favored via the existence of different visual pigments. This is known as selection by heterosis. Second, dichromacy may be advantageous in some situations, with polymorphism being maintained by frequency-dependent selection. In this study the reflectance spectra of fruits and flowers eaten by a troop of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in Eastern Amazon were measured using a spectrophotometer. S. sciureus have an SWS cone with a spectral tuning of approximately 430 nm, and three M/LWS alleles with spectral tunings of 535 nm, 550 nm, and 562 nm. Based on the spectral tunings of the different phenotypes and the spectral data obtained from the food items, the responses of the different visual systems to the measured objects were modeled and then compared. The model predicted that trichromatic phenotypes would have an advantage over dichromats in detecting fruits and flowers from background foliage, which suggests that heterosis is the mechanism for maintaining polymorphism in S. sciureus. On the other hand, a large proportion of fruits could not be detected by any of the phenotypes. Additional studies are necessary to determine whether other important aspects of the primates' visual world, such as prey, predator, and conspecific detection, favor tri- or dichromacy.  相似文献   

Eight morphometric measurements and weights were taken on 169 members of a semifree-ranging population of squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus (Iquitos), at the MonkeyJungle, Goulds, Florida. Age- and sex-related differences were determined. Weight and brow-rump length correlated most highly with age. Sexually dimorphic differences were particularly evident in weight and head width, and both of these showed seasonal variation in the males.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the thermal adjustments of squirrel monkeys exposed in a cold environment to relatively high energy levels of microwave fields. The animals (Saimiri sciureus) were equilibrated for 90 min to a cool environment (Ta = 20 degrees C) to elevate metabolic heat production (M). They were then exposed for brief (10-min) or long (30-min) periods to 2,450-MHz continuous-wave microwaves. Power densities (MPD) were 10, 14, 19, and 25 mW/cm2 during brief exposures and 30, 35, 40, and 45 mW/cm2 during long exposures (rate of energy absorption: SAR = 0.15 [W/kg]/[mW/cm2]). Individual exposures were separated by enough time to allow physiological variables to return to baseline levels. The results confirm that each microwave exposure induced a rapid decrease in M. In a 20 degree C environment, the power density of a 10-min exposure required to lower M to approximate the resting level was 35 mW/cm2 (SAR = 5.3 W/kg). During the long exposures, 20 min was needed to decrease M to its lowest level. Cessation of irradiation was associated with persistence of low levels of M for periods that depended on the power density of the preceding microwave exposure. Vasodilation, as indexed by changes in local skin temperature, occurred at a high rate of energy absorption (SAR = 4.5 W/kg) and was sufficient to prevent a dramatic increase in storage of thermal energy by the body; vasoconstriction was reinstated after termination of irradiation. Patterns of thermophysiological responses confirm the influence both of peripheral and of internal inputs to thermoregulation in squirrel monkeys exposed to microwaves in a cool environment.  相似文献   

Responses of six squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) mothers to playback of a single call type, the “isolation peep,” made by their own infants were tested after mothers and infants had been separated for more than a week. The playback tapes were edited from tapes containing mixed vocal material recorded when infants and mothers could see but not touch each other. Mothers showed recognition of their own infants compared to other familiar infants by increases in four measures of proximity to the speaker. These data provide evidence that maternal recognition of infants by means of acoustic cues is possible when the test stimuli consist of examples of a single call type with demonstrated individuality.  相似文献   

Isolation calls of captive squirrel monkeys were recorded by separating infants from their natal group members and then permitting vocal contact between the “lost” baby and the group at systematically varied distances. Separated infants gave longer calls at greater separation distances from their natal group members, and responding adults and juveniles similarly extended the length of their vocalizations. In the longer variants, a highfrequency element was prolonged, which is considered to be an example of the net advantage of a “frequency window” in the ambient noise of environments.  相似文献   

Routine examinations of fecal samples from squirrel monkeys suggested that intestinal trichomonads might be common inhabitants of these animals. In pursuit of these observations, microscopic examination of fecal suspensions and cultures have demonstrated a 100% incidence of trichomonads in 30 arbitrarily selected animals from a colony of more than 300 housed in groups of ten. The most prominent species was Pentatrichomonas hominis. A not yet fully characterized tritrichomonad was also found on several occasions. The main obstacle in establishing individual strains in culture was the presence of bacterial and fungal flora in the samples. Nevertheless, abundant cultures were obtained from 28 animals by inoculation of fecal suspensions into tissue cultures with appropriately formulated medium and high concentration of antibiotics. In several unattended cultures maintained at room temperature, the flagellates retained motility for at least 4 months. This long survival may explain the widespread occurrence of the parasites within a confined animal community.  相似文献   

Six infant squirrel monkeys were reared in social isolation. They responded differentially to playbacks of two species-specific alarm calls. The reaction to the alarm peep, the warning call to bird predators, was a prompt flight to the mother surrogate and essentially resembled the respective behavior of mother-reared infants. The responses to yapping, the alarm call to terrestrial predators, were less clear-cut and habituated soon. However, when yapping was played back in connection with the presentation of a reference object, both subjects tested in this way clearly avoided the object and preferred contact with the mother surrogate while they thoroughly explored an object presented with a control tone. From this it can be concluded that the perception of both alarm calls is innate. In addition, the method of behavior-contingent playback of vocalizations simulates the learning process by which the visual perception of terrestrial predators of the habitat is acquired.  相似文献   

In a study of host-schistosome relationships, the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) was exposed to 500 cercariae of Schistosoma bovis (Kenya), S. intercalation (Cameroon), S. mattheei (South Africa), 2 strains of S. mansoni (Puerto Rico and South Africa), 2 strains of S. rodhaini (Uganda and Kenya), and Schistosomatium douthitti (North America). It is apparent that the squirrel monkey can be employed as an experimental host for a broad range of mammalian schistosomes. Based upon cercariae-adult worm ratios, it is a good host for S. intercalatum, S. mattheei, the Puerto Rico and South Africa strains of S. mansoni, and Schistosomatium, but only a fair host for S. bovis and the Uganda and Kenya strains of S. rodhaini. Individuality of host-parasite relationships is borne out by the great ranges recorded for egg deposits in different organs as well as by total body egg counts and eggs/worm pair.  相似文献   

The time between administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and follicle aspiration was analyzed for alterations in [3H]uridine incorporation [as an indicator of relative synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA)] of oocytes from squirrel monkeys and humans. There was a significant decline in both the uptake and incorporation of [3H]uridine in squirrel monkey oocytes by 36 hr following hCG administration to the animals, as compared with 16 hr after hCG. Similarly, RNA synthesis diminished in oocytes collected 35 hr after hCG in humans, as compared with 12 hr after hCG. This reduction in RNA synthesis of maturing oocytes is similar to that of other mammalian species. This provides evidence for an increased interval between hCG administration and follicle aspiration in order to recover mature oocytes for in vitro fertilization studies.  相似文献   

To assess diurnal fluctuations of serum androgens and cortisol in adult male Bolivian squirrel monkeys, these steroids were measured at predetermined times (0300, 0900, and 2300 hours) during two separate 24-hour periods in the breeding season (January 1983 and late November 1983). A significant diurnal change in serum cortisol was noted, with a nadir of 99.9 ± 11.9 μg/dl (x? ± SEM) at 2300 hours and a peak of 168.9 ± 7.8 μg/dl at 0900 hours. Conversely, a nadir in serum testosterone was noted at 0900 hours (117 ± 26.5 ng/ml) increasing to a peak of 328.5 ± 57.9 ng/ml at 0300 hours. Serum androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone followed a pattern similar to testosterone, with a serum androstenedione (176.4 ± 34.9 ng/ml) and dehydroepiandrosterone (11.7 + 1.8 ng/ml) nadir at 0900 hours and a plasma androstenedione (494.5 ± 55.4 ng/ml) and dehydroepiandrosterone (32.5 ± 4.1 ng/ml) peak at 0300 hours. Parallel changes of testosterone, androstenedione, and dehydroepiandrosterone suggest a significant contribution of all three androgens from a common site, the testes. In contrast to old world primates and humans, serum androstenedione levels exceeded serum testosterone levels in this species.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys, colony-born from Bolivian parents, were studied to establish the sequences and timing of eruption for deciduous and permanent teeth. Infants were born with a naked gingiva, and in only one monkey was di1 present at birth. The eruption of the lower deciduous teeth preceded their upper counterparts with the exception of di2, dc, and dpm2. No significant differences were found between the right and left quadrants of the mandible and maxilla. No significant sexual differences were found in the age of eruption. By the age of 14 weeks, all deciduous teeth had erupted. The sequence of eruption of the replacement teeth was different from that of milk teeth. The differences lie in the delayed eruption of canine teeth and in the inverted sequence, from the back to the front, of the premolar series. Significant sexual differences were found in total eruption (TE) for PM3 and I2 (P < 0.05) and highly significant differences (P < 0.01) in TE and initial eruption (IE) for C1, females being more precocious than males. The age at which monkeys completed dental eruption was highly variable, 103–119 weeks for males and 89–112 weeks for females. Differences were found when our results were compared with those of Long and Cooper [1968] for Colombian squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Serum IgG and IgM levels were measured in domestically bred squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) ranging in age from 0 days to 42 months, as well as in adult squirrel monkeys from the wild estimated to be 60 months or older. The results indicated that the transplacental transfer of IgG occurs in the squirrel monkey but the transferability is lower in the squirrel monkey than in the cynomolgus monkey. Immune response in the squirrel monkey occurs just after birth, as shown by IgM production.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys, restrained in lower body positive pressure (LBPP) chambers in attempts to model the space flight-induced hematological consequences of a cephalad fluid shift, showed a decrease in red blood cell mass which was largely independent of actual LBPP. The only LBPP-specific hematological effect was an alteration in red blood cell (RBC) survival. This monkey model represents the second, ground-based animal system in which this phenomenon has been recorded and shown to be unique to a cephalad fluid shift. These data suggest a re-evaluation is necessary of the role of altered RBC clearance as a contributing factor to the anemia of space flight in humans.  相似文献   

The behavioral and hormonal responses of squirrel monkeys of the Bolivian and Guyanese subspecies were compared after a group formation procedure. Two groups of each subspecies, consisting of five females and three males (later reduced to two) were observed daily during the week of group formation and for nine weeks following removal of a single male from each group. Measures of plasma cortisol were examined in the females after the initial group formation and after the groups were reduced by one male. The levels of plasma testosterone were assessed in all the males during the initial week of group formation. Linear dominance hierarchies were determined both within and across the sexes in both subspecies. The frequency and directionality of low-level aggressive interactions indicated that females of the Bolivian subspecies were dominant to the males, while the males of the Guyanese subspecies ranked over all the females. Additionally, the Bolivian squirrel monkey females showed an elevation of plasma cortisol on the day of group formation, which declined 48 hr later, then reelevated after the groups were reduced by one male and declined gradually over a nine-week period. Guyanese females showed little change in cortisol levels during both periods. This suggests fundamental hormonal, as well as behavioral, differences between the two subspecies. The change in plasma testosterone levels in the males during the initial week of group formation was positively correlated with social status. Furthermore, differences in the dynamics within individual groups for each subspecies were reflected by the levels of plasma cortisol of the female members.  相似文献   

Abstract Squirrel monkeys are experimental hosts useful for studies on human malaria. In the present work, in vitro lymphocyte reactivity was measured by proliferation in the presence of Plasmodium falciparum -derived products, and found to depend on the previous malarial status of the animals and upon the source and/or the nature of the P. falciparum -derived material. Special attention was given to the IL-2/IL-2R pathway of lymphocyte activation. Culture supernatant from P. falciparum -parasitized erythrocytes exerted an inhibitory effect towards T lymphocytes obtained from P. falciparum -non-immune squirrel monkeys, when activated, for instance, by PHA. These lymphocytes did not incorporate tritiated thymidine (neither they did proliferate) although they expressed IL-2 α and β binding chains and secreted IL-2 (or at least TCGF). This inhibitory effect could not be rescued by the addition of rhIL-2, although the assayed lymphocytes could retain the ability to continue their cell cycle progression and divide after removal of the P. falciparum -derived inhibitory product(s). The incidence of anti-mitogenic molecules which impair the IL-2/IL-2R pathway of lymphocyte activation in malaria related processes is discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most common types of polyspecific association observed in Neotropical primate communities is that between squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) and capuchins (Cebus). The present study focused on association patterns in two Saimiri sciureus groups in eastern Brazilian Amazonia, between March and October, 2009. The associations were analyzed in terms of the species involved, the degree of association, and niche breadth and overlap. The study involved two S. sciureus groups (B4 and GI) on the right and left bank of the Tocantins River, respectively, within the area of the Tucuruí reservoir in southeastern Pará. Relations between species were classified as associations (individuals within 50 m and moving in the same direction), and encounters (individuals within 50 m and no coordinated movement). Group B4 was in association with Cebus apella during 100% of monitoring, and with Chiropotes satanas in 20.2%. By contrast, Group GI associated with Cebus 54.8% of the time, and with Chiropotes utahickae 2.5%. Encounters with Alouatta belzebul and Saguinus niger were recorded at both sites, with Aotus azarae and Dasyprocta prymnolopha at B4, and with Callicebus moloch, Dasyproct aleporina, Mazama gouazoubira, and Nasua nasua at GI. Overall, Saimiri had a broader niche than Cebus in terms of vertical spacing and diet, but not for substrate use. This pattern did not appear to be affected by association. While group GI spent significantly (P < 0.05) more time in association with Cebus during the wet season, group B4 associated with Chiropotes more during the dry season. Despite the higher association rates, niche overlap was greater for all variables at B4. This may reflect differences in the ranging and foraging patterns at the two sites, and the varying potential benefits of association for Saimiri.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nonhuman primates develop the characteristic lesions of osteoarthritis, making them attractive biomedical models for the study of environmental factors, such as diet, which may influence the progress of the condition. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We used ELISA assays of potential markers of osteoarthritis which were developed for use in humans to see if we could determined the presence of immunoreactivity in two nonhuman primate genera - Macaca (macaque monkeys) and Saimiri (squirrel monkeys). RESULTS: Inter-generic differences were significant for most markers. Three markers (bone alkaline phosphatase, hyaluronin and YKL-40) were outside the human range and two markers (laminin and C2C) did not yield useful results because they were off-scale high. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that most of the ELISA assays designed for use with human serum can be used in nonhuman primates. The highly significant differences we observed between the sera of Macaca and Saimiri, suggest that further examination is warranted.  相似文献   

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