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To test how differences in locomotor behaviors may be reflected in muscle fiber-type diversity within anurans, a comparison of hindlimb muscles between the powerful terrestrial hopper, Rana catesbeiana, and the tree frog, Litoria caerulea, was done. One postural muscle (tibialis posticus, TP) and one primary hopping muscle (plantaris longus, PL), were characterized to identify muscle fiber types using standard histochemical methods. In addition, spectophotometric analysis of activity levels of the oxidative enzyme citrate synthase (CS) and the glycolytic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were done in each muscle. In spite of presumed differences in behavior between the species, we found no significant differences in the proportions of the identified fiber types when the muscles were compared across species. In addition, there were no significant differences in the proportions of the different fiber types between the postural versus phasic muscles within species. Within Rana, the postural muscle (TP) had greater oxidative capacity (as measured by CS activity) than did the phasic muscle (PL). Both muscles had equivalent LDH activities. Within Litoria, PL and TP did not differ in either LDH or CS activities. Both PL and TP of Litoria had less LDH activity and greater CS activity than their homologs in Rana. Thus, in spite of the uniform populations of fiber types between muscles and species, the metabolic diversity based on enzyme activity is consistent with behavioral differences between the species. These results suggest that the range of functional diversity within fiber types may be very broad in anurans, and histochemical fiber typing alone is not a clear indicator of their metabolic or functional properties. 相似文献
Counter-current heat exchangers associated with appendages of endotherms feature bundles of closely applied arteriovenous vessels. The accepted paradigm is that heat from warm arterial blood travelling into the appendage crosses into cool venous blood returning to the body. High core temperature is maintained, but the appendage functions at low temperature. Leatherback turtles have elevated core temperatures in cold seawater and arteriovenous plexuses at the roots of all four limbs. We demonstrate that plexuses of the hindlimbs are situated wholly within the hip musculature, and that, at the distal ends of the plexuses, most blood vessels supply or drain the hip muscles, with little distal vascular supply to, or drainage from the limb blades. Venous blood entering a plexus will therefore be drained from active locomotory muscles that are overlaid by thick blubber when the adults are foraging in cold temperate waters. Plexuses maintain high limb muscle temperature and avoid excessive loss of heat to the core, the reverse of the accepted paradigm. Plexuses protect the core from overheating generated by muscular thermogenesis during nesting. 相似文献
Piotr Minias 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2015,121(12):1178-1190
Urbanization is currently considered one of the most rapid types of global environmental change. More and more wildlife species are subject to increasing anthropogenic disturbance, but only some of them adapt to become successful urban exploiters. Although a number of fixed life history characteristics may enhance population persistence in an urbanized landscape, behavioural traits are thought to be critical for colonization of a novel urban environment. Within the class of birds, behavioural responses to urban environment have been assessed mostly for passerine species. Here, I examined behavioural alterations in a recently founded urban population of a reed‐nesting rallid species, the Eurasian coot Fulica atra. I found that urban coots adapted to nest in anthropogenically transformed littoral zones with scarce or no emergent vegetation, which precluded efficient nest concealment. Despite this, urban individuals spent, on average, less time incubating due to more frequent bouts off the nest than suburban conspecifics. This pattern was likely possible due to the relaxation of predation pressure in the colonized urban environment. Urban birds were also more aggressive, approached a human intruder at the nest more closely and were more likely to actively defend their nests. Finally, they had a reduced level of physiological stress (as measured with heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) when compared with suburban individuals. In conclusion, the behaviour of coots from the recently founded urban population was consistent with behavioural syndromes found in typical urban exploiters. The results support the central role of behavioural adaptation in successful colonization of novel environments by wildlife. 相似文献
Brinkhof MW Cavé AJ Daan S Perdeck AC 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2002,56(2):400-411
Life-history theory suggests that the variation in the seasonal timing of reproduction within populations may be explained on the basis of individual optimization. Optimal breeding times would vary between individuals as a result of trade-offs between fitness components. The existence of such trade-offs has seldom been tested empirically. We experimentally investigated the consequences of altered timing of current reproduction for future reproductive output in the European coot (Fulica atra). First clutches of different laying date were cross-fostered between nests, and parents thereby experienced a delay or an advance in the hatching date. The probability and success of a second brood, adult survival until and reproduction in the next season were then compared to the natural variation among control pairs. Among control pairs the probability of a second brood declined with the progress of season. Delayed pairs were less likely and advanced pairs were more likely to produce a second brood. These changes were quantitatively as predicted from the natural seasonal decline. The number of eggs in the second clutch was positively related to egg number in the first clutch and negatively related to laying date. Compared to the natural variation, delayed females had more and advanced females had fewer eggs in their second clutch. The size of the second brood declined with season, but there was no significant effect of delay or advance. Local adult survival was higher following a delay and reduced following an advance. The effect of the experiment on adult survival was independent of sex. Laying date and clutch size of females breeding in the next year were not affected by treatment. The study demonstrates the existence of a trade-off between increased probability of a second brood and decreased parental survival for early breeding. Timing-dependent effects of current reproduction on future reproductive output may thus play an important role in the evolution of the seasonal timing of reproduction. 相似文献
Conti A Reggiani C Sorrentino V 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2005,337(1):195-200
The expression pattern of the RyR3 isoform of Ca2+ release channels was analysed by Western blot in neonatal and adult rabbit skeletal muscles. The results obtained show that the expression of the RyR3 isoform is developmentally regulated. In fact, RyR3 expression was detected in all muscles analysed at 2 and 15 days after birth while, in adult animals, it was restricted to a subset of muscles that includes diaphragm, masseter, pterygoideus, digastricus, and tongue. Interestingly, all of these muscles share a common embryonic origin being derived from the somitomeres or from the cephalic region of the embryo. Immunofluorescence analysis of rabbit skeletal muscle cross-sections showed that RyR3 staining was detected in all fibers of neonatal muscles. In contrast, in those adult muscles expressing RyR3 only a fraction of fibers was labelled. Staining of these muscles with antibodies against fast and slow myosins revealed a close correlation between expression of RyR3 and fibers expressing slow myosin isoform. 相似文献
The evolution of the locomotor apparatus in vertebrates is marked by major reorganizations in trunk's musculature. The hypothesized functions of mammalian back muscles in the literature are discussed under consideration of the distribution and proportion of oxidative, type‐I‐fibres, oxidative‐glycolytic, type‐IIa‐fibres and glycolytic, type‐IIb‐fibres in paravertebral muscles of a small mammal. The fibre type distribution was examined from a complete series of histological sections maintaining topographical relationships between the muscles as well as within the muscle, in order to establish the overall distribution pattern. The deep and short muscles showed the highest percentage of oxidative fibres. The larger, superficial paravertebral muscles contained the highest percentage of glycolytic fibres. Two muscles were intermediate in their proportion of fibre types. All epaxial muscles together can be interpreted as an antigravity muscle–complex counteracting enduringly against the rebound tendency caused by gravitation, comparable with antigravity muscles in limbs. A gradient from deep to superficial, or a clear regionalization of oxidative muscle fibres in central deep regions around a large intramuscular tendon was found in the m. spinalis and the m. quadratus lumborum, respectively. Concepts of the function of human back muscles as those of A. Bergmark (1989: Acta Orthop. Scand. 230 , 1) or S.G.T. Gibbons & M.J. Comerford (2001: Orthop. Division Rev. March/April, 21) were exposed to be more general within mammals. Functional specializations of different muscles and muscle parts are discussed under the consideration of evolutionary reorganization of the paravertebral musculature in tetrapods. Along the cranio‐caudal axis, the percentage of oxidative fibres was decreased in caudal direction within the same muscles, whereas the proportion of glycolytic fibres was increased. Therefore, classifications of muscles as ‘glycolytic’ or ‘oxidative’ based on biopsies or analyses of single cross‐sections may result in wrong interpretations. Changes in the proportions of the fibre type distribution pattern were mostly due to oxidative and glycolytic fibre types, whereas the percentage of oxidative‐glycolytic fibres had only minor influence. A significant positive correlation between the cross‐sectional area of the single fibre and its percentage in the area investigated were observed for oxidative fibres, whereby the size was positive correlated to the proportion of the oxidative fibres. 相似文献
《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(1):27-33
Skeletal muscles can be classified as flexors or extensors according to their function, and as dorsal or ventral according to their position. The latter classification evokes their embryological origin from muscle masses initially divided during limb development, and muscles sharing a given position do not necessarily perform the same function. Here, we compare the relative proportions of different fiber types among six limb muscles in the lizard Tropidurus psammonastes. Individual fibers were classified as slow oxidative (SO), fast glycolytic (FG) or fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) based on mitochondrial content; muscles were classified according to position and function. Mixed linear models considering one or both effects were compared using likelihood ratio tests. Variation in the proportion of FG and FOG fibers is mainly explained by function (flexor muscles have on average lower proportions of FG and higher proportions of FOG fibers), while variation in SO fibers is better explained by position (they are less abundant in ventral muscles than in those developed from a dorsal muscle mass). Our results clarify the roles of position and function in determining the relative proportions of the various muscle fibers and provide evidence that these factors may differentially affect distinct fiber types. 相似文献
Birds utilize one of two hindlimb postures during flight: an extended posture (with the hip and knee joints flexed, while the ankle joint is extended caudally) or a flexed posture (with the hip, knee, and ankle joints flexed beneath the body). American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and Black‐necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) extend their legs caudally during flight and support them for extended periods. Slow tonic and slow twitch muscle fibers are typically found in muscles functioning in postural support due to the fatigue resistance of these fibers. We hypothesized that a set of small muscles composed of high percentages of slow fibers and thus dedicated to postural support would function in securing the legs in the extended posture during flight. This study examined the anatomy and histochemical profile of eleven hindlimb muscles to gain insight into their functional roles during flight. Contrary to our hypothesis, all muscles possessed both fast twitch and slow twitch or slow tonic fibers. We believe this finding is due to the versatility of dynamic and postural functions the leg muscles must facilitate, including standing, walking, running, swimming, and hindlimb support during flight. Whether birds use an extended or flexed hindlimb flight posture may be related to the aerodynamic effect of leg position or may reflect evolutionary history. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Alfred Maier 《Cell and tissue research》1993,274(2):383-391
The first sign of developing intrafusal fibers in chicken leg muscles appeared on embryonic day (E) 13 when sensory axons contacted undifferentiated myotubes. In sections incubated with monoclonal antibodies against myosin heavy chains (MHC) diverse immunostaining was observed within the developing intrafusal fiber bundle. Large primary intrafusal myotubes immunostained moderately to strongly for embryonic and neonatal MHC, but they were unreactive or reacted only weakly with antibodies against slow MHC. Smaller, secondary intrafusal myotubes reacted only weakly to moderately for embryonic and neonatal MHC, but 1–2 days after their formation they reacted strongly for slow and slow-tonic MHC. In contrast to mammals, slow-tonic MHC was also observed in extrafusal fibers. Intrafusal fibers derived from primary myotubes acquired fast MHC and retained at least a moderate level of embryonic MHC. On the other hand, intrafusal fibers developing from secondary myotubes lost the embryonic and neonatal isoforms prior to hatching and became slow. Based on relative amounts of embryonic, neonatal and slow MHC future fast and slow intrafusal fibers could be first identified at E14. At the polar regions of intrafusal fibers positions of nerve endings and acetylcholinesterase activity were seen to match as early as E16. Approximately equal numbers of slow and fast intrafusal fibers formed prenatally; however, in postnatal muscle spindles fast fibers were usually in the majority, suggesting that some fibers transformed from slow to fast. 相似文献
Summary The anterior latissimus dorsi of the pigeon, a slow tonic muscle, and biventer cervicis, a mixed muscle, of two age groups (1–2 years old versus 6–8 years old) were compared with respect to percentages of fiber types and activities of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), as estimated histochemically, to determine whether these became altered with old age. These parameters did not change between the young and old birds for either type of muscle.This investigation was supported in part by research grants PCM 77-15960 and PCM 79-16540 from the National Science Foundation 相似文献
W. Dauber 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》1982,9(2):117-124
In innervated and denervated sternohyoid muscles of adult mice the AChE with a pH optimum at 7.2 was shown to occur in all three fiber types in two separate structural areals located: extrafibrillarly (synaptic cleft, postsynaptic folds, subsarcolemmal vesicles, T-tubules, interfibrillar space) and intrafibrillarly (perinuclear cisternae, SR including SR cisternae). There is not a stable connection between the two areas. The functional significance of the intrafibrillar AChE, in particular, is unknown. After muscle denervation, intrafibrillar AChE of the A and B fibers disappeares more quickly than that of C fibers. This phenomenon not only suggests a general, but possibly also a fiber-specific neurotrophic effect.Based on material presented at the Symposium Intercellular Communication Stuttgart, September 16–17, 1982 相似文献
Slow fibres are typically characterized as functioning in avian postural behaviours such as soaring flight and are described for a number of elite soarers such as vultures, pelicans and albatrosses. Golden Eagles and Bald Eagles also display soaring behaviour, and we examined their flight muscles for the presence of slow fibres. Surprisingly, eagles lack a deep layer to the pectoralis found in other soaring species. Additionally, the pectoralis as well as other shoulder muscles had few to no slow muscle fibres. The lack of functionally meaningful numbers of slow muscle fibres in eagle flight muscles indicates that they must rely on fast fibres for posture; these can function in that role due to their high aerobic capacity and also perhaps a ‘tuning’ of muscle contraction frequency to function more efficiently at isometric contractions. 相似文献
William Corrêa Tavares Pedro Abi‐Rezik Hector N. Seuánez 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2018,56(3):453-465
The radiation of neotropical echimyid rodents resulted in the diversification of spiny rats, hutias, and the coypu, grouped into four major clades. Different echimyid lineages specialized for terrestrial, semifossorial, semiaquatic, and arboreal locomotion, and for living in bamboo thickets. Comparative phylogenetic methods were herein used for evaluating the relative effect of historical and ecological factors in shaping morphometric traits of external morphology (length of head and body, tail, ear, and hindfeet). Additionally, we investigated whether the adoption of different locomotory habits was associated with changes in their macroevolutionary dynamics. Our findings showed that variation of all traits was phylogenetically structured, although size was less structured than other traits. Tail, ear, and mainly hindfeet were allometrically correlated with head and body length, indicating the occurrence of evolutionary structural constraints. In addition to phylogenetic and allometric components, morphometric variation was strongly associated with locomotory specializations, except for body size. Disparification of body size and tail length took place gradually, fitting the Brownian motion model albeit with some punctual shifts in evolutionary rates. Some of these shifts were associated with changes in locomotory habits, notably with adoption of a semiaquatic habit by the large‐sized Myocastor lineage, which occurred with an accelerated rate of size evolution. Evolutionary changes in ear and hindfeet length were concentrated during early echimyid diversification, concomitantly with the emergence of most locomotory habits, with subsequent deceleration of evolutionary rates. These findings indicated a complex interaction between phylogenetic, structural, and ecological effects gradually shaping echimyid external morphology. 相似文献
鸡血清与卵黄中抗中华眼镜蛇毒IgY动态变化研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的探索特异性IgY的产生和变化规律。方法用眼镜蛇毒原毒免疫产蛋母鸡,ELISA定期检测卵黄中的抗体效价变化,小鼠体外中和实验检测其生物活性。第1次免疫40周后,眼镜蛇毒攻击已免疫母鸡,检测攻击前后鸡血清中抗体效价变化情况,未经眼镜蛇毒免疫的母鸡作阴性对照。结果经免疫后第7天蛋黄中即可检测到抗体,经多次加强免疫,40周时蛋黄中还能保持高效价的抗体,通过分离纯化,此抗体可保护实验小鼠免受4 LD50眼镜蛇毒的攻击;同时,鸡血清中也保留着较高效价的抗体,可中和4 LD50以上的眼镜蛇毒。结论用眼镜蛇毒免疫鸡,经多次加强免疫,卵黄和鸡血清中可持久保持高效价的特异性抗体,初步检测此抗体可中和4 LD50的蛇毒。 相似文献
Summary The soleus, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius muscles of young rats were studied after 3, 6 and 12 weeks of treadmill training. The muscle fibers were characterized histochemically by their succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and myofibrillar ATPase activity, and morphometrically by their cross-sectional areas, which were corrected for different body weights of control and trained animals.After 12 weeks of training the mean area of fibers in the muscles studied was not significantly different from the controls, as expected. In the soleus muscle the percentage of the fast-twitch fibers was decreased as a result of their transformation into slow-twitch fibers. Trained soleus muscles were the only muscles showing pathologically altered fibers, suggesting overload. The percentages of fiber types and their areas exhibited changes specific for the muscles and muscle regions studied.From these results it is concluded that the adaptation follows the sequence proportional adaptation of morphometrical parameters, disproportional adaptation of the areas of fiber types, and disproportional adaptation of the percentages and/or the areas of the fiber types. It is shown by comparison with the literature that this sequence may be generalized to a sequence of increasing expense necessary for the adaptation to increasing stimuli, and that the most decisive factors for adaptation are work load, frequency of exercise, period of training, and the age of the subject at the initiation of the training. 相似文献
Abstract 1. The response of dispersal towards evolution largely depends on its heritability for which upper limits are determined by the trait’s repeatability. 2. In the Linyphiid spider E. atra, we were able to separate long‐ and short‐distance dispersal behaviours (respectively ballooning and rappelling) under laboratory conditions. By performing repeated behavioural trials for females, we show that average dispersal trait values decrease with increasing testing days. By comparing mated and unmated individuals during two periods (before and after mating for the mated group, and the same two periods for the unmated group), we show that mating has no effect on the mean displayed dispersal behaviour or its within‐individual variation. Repeatabilities were high and consistent for ballooning motivation, but not for rappelling. 3. Ballooning motivation can be regarded as highly individual‐specific behaviour, while general pre‐dispersal and rappelling behaviours showed more individual variation. Such difference in repeatability between long‐ and short‐distance dispersal suggests that short‐ and long‐distance dispersal events are triggered by different ecological and evolutionary mechanisms. 相似文献
Marcelino Cereijido 《Biological Rhythm Research》2013,44(2):107-115
The steady flow of solar energy through prebiotic chemical systems forced them to undergo material cycles, and this cycling was inherited by living organisms. Organisms whose cycling synchronized with periodic phenomena, such as day/night and seasonal variations were favored. At a later stage, evolution also favored organisms that, besides of a synchronized cycling, developed a ‘sense of time’ to cope with non-cyclic and unique events in the environment. In the case of human beings, this ‘sense of time’ was used to detect causal chains (cause → effect), combine them to produce dynamic models of reality, and transform real time scales into mental time scales (it takes a moment to remember a year-long phenomenon). The ‘sense of time’ constituted a decisive evolutive advantage, because it enables humans to analyze a multitude of future possibilities, and choose the most promising one. Yet ‘sense of time’ is just an empty metaphore, because it is not a true ‘sense’, and we ignore what ‘time’ really is. Most scientific disciplines simply take for granted that there is a ‘time flowing from future to past’. Biologists instead, cannot adopt this attitude because ‘time’ may very well be an intrinsic property of our mind, i.e., a peculiar aspect of brain physiology. 相似文献
Batoids differ from other elasmobranch fishes in that they possess dorsoventrally flattened bodies with enlarged muscled pectoral fins. Most batoids also swim using either of two modes of locomotion: undulation or oscillation of the pectoral fins. In other elasmobranchs (e.g., sharks), the main locomotory muscle is located in the axial myotome; in contrast, the main locomotory muscle in batoids is found in the enlarged pectoral fins. The pectoral fin muscles of sharks have a simple structure, confined to the base of the fin; however, little to no data are available on the more complex musculature within the pectoral fins of batoids. Understanding the types of fibers and their arrangement within the pectoral fins may elucidate how batoid fishes are able to utilize such unique swimming modes. In the present study, histochemical methods including succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and immunofluoresence were used to determine the different fiber types comprising these muscles in three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), ocellate river stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) and cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). All three species had muscles comprised of two muscle fiber types (slow-red and fast-white). The undulatory species, D. sabina and P. motoro, had a larger proportion of fast-white muscle fibers compared to the oscillatory species, R. bonasus. The muscle fiber sizes were similar between each species, though generally smaller compared to the axial musculature in other elasmobranch fishes. These results suggest that batoid locomotion can be distinguished using muscle fiber type proportions. Undulatory species are more benthic with fast-white fibers allowing them to contract their muscles quickly, as a possible means of escape from potential predators. Oscillatory species are pelagic and are known to migrate long distances with muscles using slow-red fibers to aid in sustained swimming. 相似文献