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The present study was undertaken to explore the distribution of lipofuscin in the brain of cheirogaleids by autofluorescence and compare it to other studies of iron distribution. Aged dwarf (Cheirogaleus medius) and mouse (Microcebus murinus) lemurs provide a reliable model for the study of normal and pathological cerebral aging. Accumulation of lipofuscin, an age pigment derived by lipid peroxidation, constitutes the most reliable cytological change correlated with neuronal aging. Brain sections of four aged (8–15 year old) and 3 young (2–3 year old) animals were examined. Lipofuscin accumulation was observed in the aged animals but not in the young ones. Affected regions include the hippocampus (granular and pyramidal cells), where no iron accumulation was observed, the olfactory nucleus and the olfactory bulb (mitral cells), the basal forebrain, the hypothalamus, the cerebellum (Purkinje cells), the neocortex (essentially in the pyramidal cells), and the brainstem. Even though iron is known to catalyse lipid oxidation, our data indicate that iron deposits and lipofuscin accumulation are not coincident. Different biochemical and morphological cellular compartments might be involved in iron and lipofuscin deposition. The nonuniform distribution of lipofuscin indicates that brain structures are not equally sensitive to the factors causing lipofuscin accumulation. The small size, the rapid maturity, and the relatively short life expectancy of the cheirogaleids make them a good model system in which to investigate the mechanisms of lipofuscinogenesis in primates. Am. J. Primatol. 49:183–193, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This report documents the death of two fat-tailed dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus medius) maintained over 6 years each in our laboratory. Postmortem studies revealed xanthogranuloma of the choroid plexus, a mass replete with stored lipids, including cholesterol crystals. Six months prior to their deaths, both animals developed a peculiar head tilt and signs suggestive of neurological dysfunction. At autopsy, each had masses projecting into the lateral and IVth ventricles and an associated obstructive hydrocephalus. Cryostat sections of the brains of both lemurs showed histological features consistent with xanthogranuloma of the choroid plexus, a histologically benign and usually asymptomatic lesion found in up to 7% of human autopsies. This case is of special interest because of the unique feeding strategies in the fat-tailed dwarf lemur. Since C. medius remains in torpor for 6 months out of the year during the time of food scarcity in the forests of Madagascar, the animal must accumulate large reserves of fat during its active period. In the laboratory, however, dwarf lemurs do not normally go into torpor, and the accumulated fat is not used. The finding of this tumor, therefore, suggests that the combination of a captive high-fat diet and the unusual fat-storage mechanisms utilized by C. medius contributed to the buildup of lipids and might be etiologically related to the development of those lesions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Parental care should evolve only if fitness benefits exceed fitness costs. In Cheirogaleus medius, a small nocturnal lemur of western Madagascar, we found the peculiar situation of considerable parental care by both sexes, combined with an extremely high rate of extra-pair young (EPY). In this paper, we try to elucidate the costs and benefits of parental care in C. medius, and we discuss hypotheses as to why males might actively participate in raising young, especially with regard to the high rate of EPY. The study was carried out in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar between 1996 and 2001. The most important components of parental care in C. medius are babysitting and guarding of the young. Observational data suggest that thermoregulatory demands during the first days after birth and defence from predators may be the driving factors selecting for this infant care behaviour. The reproducing individuals of both sexes incur considerable energetic costs by this behaviour, resulting in reduced fat stores and body condition in comparison to non-reproducing individuals. The reason why males also care for EPY remains elusive. We propose that males might not be able to detect individual relatedness and that they would jeopardise the survival of their own young if they gave no parental care. Alternatively, they might gain advantages other than direct fitness from raising EPY, for example if caring behaviour increases their chances in further reproduction, or if EPY are fathered by close kin.  相似文献   

The fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) is unusual among primates in storing large amounts of fat subcutaneously prior to hibernating during the winter months. In doing so, it increases its body mass by more than 50%, with a substantial weight gain in the tail. This seasonal increase in mass provides a unique natural experiment to examine how changes in body mass affect substrate reaction forces during locomotion. As body mass increases, it is expected that the limbs of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur will be subjected to greater peak vertical substrate reaction forces during quadrupedal walking. However, whether or not these peak substrate reaction forces will increase proportionally across forelimbs and hindlimbs as body mass increases is unknown. Substrate reaction forces were collected on four adult C. medius walking quadrupedally on a 28-mm pole attached to a force platform. Peak vertical substrate reaction forces (Vpk) (N) were analyzed and compared for a cross-sectional sample of different body masses (180-300 g). Forelimb and hindlimb Vpk were positively correlated with body mass, with hindlimb Vpk always higher than forelimb Vpk. However, the rate at which Vpk increased relative to body mass was higher for the hindlimb than the forelimb. This disproportion in weight distribution between the forelimbs and hindlimbs as body mass increases appears to be linked to the accumulation of fat in the tail. It is likely that storing fat in the tail region may shift the center of mass more caudally, from a more cranial position when the tail is thinner. Such a caudal shift of the center of mass-either morphological or dynamic-is believed to have played an important role in the functional differentiation of the limbs and the evolution of locomotor modes of several tetrapod groups, including dinosaurs and primates.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Oxygen consumption was measured in a lemuriform prosimian, Cheirogaleus medius. throughout a 24-hr cycle. The standard metabolic rate was determined to be 0.95 ml O2 (g · hr)−1 agreeing well with the value predicted by allometric equations, 0.91 ml O2 (g · hr)−1.
  • 2.2. As a group, prosimians are argued to have metabolic levels in agreement with eutherian norms, rather than hypometabolic levels as previously supposed.
  • 3.3. Day length is shown to be an important behavioral cue for this species. Its complex yearly and daily torpor cycles are linked to this stimulus.

The mating system and social organization of the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) was investigated in two three-month field studies (covering a period before, during, and after the first mating season) in Ampijoroa, northwestern Madagascar. The spatial and temporal distribution of the sexes within a population was studied using mark/recapture techniques and radiotelemetry to assess possible contest or scramble competition between the males. Sociality was inferred from the occurrence and probability of nocturnal social encounters, the temporal stability of daily sleeping groups, and nocturnal ranging patterns of co-sleepers. Males and females were evenly distributed in the study area within a network of highly overlapping home ranges. No indications were found for the spatial monopolization of the females by certain dominant males. Males and females had spatial access to several potential mates; the mating system is therefore characterized as a multi-male/multi-female system. Male home range sizes increased during the first mating season, which was interpreted as an indicator for scramble competition between the males. Competitive mate searching, sperm competition, and temporary mate guarding as well as female mate choice are suggested as the most probable reproductive strategies. Over the course of the study the animals lived continually within the study area, and most females formed stable individualized sleeping associations. Females that slept together shared a higher percentage of their home range than did females that slept at different sites. It is suggested that this network of social relationships should be described as a dispersed but individualized neighborhood.  相似文献   

The gray mouse lemur Microcebus murinus is a rare example of a primate exhibiting daily torpor. In captive animals, we examined the metabolic rate during arousal from torpor and showed that this process involved nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). Under thermoneutrality (28 degrees C), warming-up from daily torpor (body temperature <33 degrees C) involved a rapid (<5 min) increase of O(2) consumption that was proportional to the depth of torpor (n = 8). The injection of a beta-adrenergic agonist (isoproterenol) known to elicit NST induced a dose-dependent increase in metabolic rate (n = 8). Moreover, maximum thermogenesis was increased by cold exposure. For the first time in this species, anatomic and histological examination using an antibody against uncoupling protein (UCP) specifically demonstrated the presence of brown fat. With the use of Western blotting with the same antibody, we showed a likely increase in UCP expression after cold exposure, suggesting that NST is also used to survive low ambient temperatures in this tropical species.  相似文献   

Some blood values of 86 lesser mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) maintained in captivity are presented. These are comparable with those of other prosimians: PCV 51.7%, RBC 9.2 X 10(6)/mm3, MCV 57.5 micron3, WBC 12,900/mm3, lymphocytes 59.7%, neutrophils 30.7%, monocytes 4.8%, eosinophils 4.2%, basophils 0.6%. We noted no significant difference between the sexes except that the percentage of lymphocytes was slightly lower in the females (with a corresponding percentage of neutrophils slightly higher). The lymphocyte:neutrophil ratio decreases with age, particularly in young animals; the hematocrit does not vary in adults.  相似文献   

In 6 isolated adult male lesser mouse lemurs, concentrations of testosterone in plasma were determinated at 6-h intervals over a 24-h period. Blood samples were collected at monthly intervals and for a period of 12 months under natural photoperiod. In this nocturnal prosimian, there were no apparent diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations during the non-breeding season (autumn). During seasonal sexual activity (January-August), diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations were characterized by a significant rise during the light phase. The daily testosterone peak occurred about 8.5 h after sunrise from February to July, but at the beginning (January) or at the end (August) of the breeding season, the daily testosterone peak was displaced to the morning. A circannual testosterone rhythm occurred with the highest testosterone values in May/June and the lowest values 6 months later. The dramatic fall in testosterone concentrations after the summer solstice may be associated with a change in the peripheral metabolism of testosterone.  相似文献   

In temperate species, hibernation is enhanced by high levels of essential fatty acids in white adipose tissue. Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by mammals, thus nutritional ecology should play a key role in physiological adaptations to hibernation. Tropical hibernators are exposed to different physiological demands than hibernators in temperate regions and are expected to be subject to different constraints. The aims of this study were to assess whether or not the tropical hibernator Cheirogaleus medius shows biochemical changes in its white adipose tissue before and during hibernation. A capture-recapture study was combined with feeding observations in western Madagascar. Before and after hibernation, 77 samples of white adipose tissue from 57 individuals of C. medius, as well as dietary items eaten during pre-hibernation fattening, were sampled and analyzed for their fatty acid composition. In contrast to temperate hibernators, C. medius exhibits extremely low essential fatty acid concentrations in its white adipose tissue (2.5%) prior to hibernation. The fatty acid pattern of the white adipose tissue did not change during pre-hibernation fattening and did not reflect dietary fatty acid composition. During hibernation, fat stores showed only minor but significant compositional changes. Because of its prevalence, the main fuel during hibernation was the monounsaturated oleic acid, which seemed to be preferentially synthesized from dietary carbohydrates. Results suggest that essential fatty acids do not represent an ecological limitation for hibernation in the tropics, at least not in the fat-tailed dwarf lemur.  相似文献   

Body weight is an important attribute of any animal and influences its biology in many ways. In the case of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), this is of special interest because animals of this species store fat to survive extended torpor phases during the austral winter and, as a result, show extreme seasonal variation in body weight. In this paper, I present field data from a 20-month study at the Forestry Station of Ampijoroa in northwestern Madagascar on body weights of repeatedly trapped individuals combined with trapping results to investigate the general biology and notably the social life of C. medius. The most remarkable physical characteristic of wild C. medius is a dramatic weight-loss in males in September following emergence from torpor. Trapping results showed that adult males emerge from torpor earlier than females and offspring, even though food is still scarce. Early emergence from torpor puts males at an energetic disadvantage and confers no advantage in terms of access to females. Observation data from nightly follows indicate that males patrol their home range, probably to guarantee its integrity for the coming active season and to secure the food supply for their families. The high energetic costs of this strategy is argued to represent a form of paternal investment. Body weight data of repeatedly captured individuals showed that they may reach adult size and sexual maturity at 2 years of age but are not socially mature before the age of 3 years. The data presented may serve as a guide for keeping C. medius at a suitable weight in captivity.  相似文献   

Cannibalism, defined as the eating of conspecific flesh, has been observed in a number of primate species, although it is still a relatively rare phenomenon. In cases where primates were seen feeding on an individual of the same species, the victims have exclusively been infants or juveniles. Here, I report an event of a free-living, adult male gray mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus, cannibalizing an adult conspecific female that died of an unknown cause. This observation has implications for the basic ecology of the species and highlights the potential for great flexibility in diet and behavior by a primate. This is, to my knowledge, the first communication of cannibalistic behavior in this species, as well as the first reported case of a nonhuman primate cannibalizing an adult conspecific.  相似文献   

The lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is one of six sympatric nocturnal primates found in the Kirindy forest, west-Madagascar. Each of these species is reported to consume a secretion produced during the austral winter by the Homopteran insect Flatidia coccinea. In July and August 1993 a study was conducted to determine the importance of this food resource in the ecology of female M. murinus. At this study site, animals were distributed only along the forest edge where insect secretions are significantly more abundant than in the forest interior. Abundances of arboreal and nocturnal flying insects do not differ between the forest edge and interior. Experimental resource removal from a 25 × 25 m plot in one female's home range caused a significant shift in the animals' pattern of habitat use while no change occurred in a control plot. Thus, at this study site and time of year, the ranging behavior of a female M. murinus was strongly influenced by the presence of Homopteran secretions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study presents the results from two-bottle preference (TBP) tests performed on the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), a small Malagasy primate. We found that of 18 compounds considered sweet by humans, M. murinus preferred only six: D-tryptophan, dulcin, fructose, sucrose, SC45647, and xylitol. The animals neither preferred nor rejected acesulfame-K, alitame, aspartame, N-4-cyanophenyl-N'-cyanoguanidineacetate (CCGA), cyanosuosan, cyclamate, monellin, saccharin, suosan, super-aspartame, N-trifluoroacetyl-L-glutamyl-4-aminophenylcarbonitrile (TGC), and thaumatin. Together with previously recorded taste-nerve responses in M. murinus to acesulfame-K, alitame, aspartame, cyclamate, monellin, saccharin, and suosan [Hellekant et al., Chem Senses 18:307-320, 1993b], the current results suggest that these compounds either do not taste sweet to M. murinus or they have an aversive taste component. In this work we also relate these findings to phylogeny.  相似文献   

Environmental factors that regulate the sexual activity of male lesser mouse lemurs have been studied experimentally with more than 60 captive animals over an 8-year period. In this nocturnal Malagasy prosimian, variation in day length is the primary factor controlling seasonal sexual activity. Plasma testosterone concentrations were low (= 9 ng/ml) during short days and reached 60 ng/ml during long days (> 12-hour day). This cyclic pattern persists unchanged when artificial photoperiodic rhythms are applied and is not altered by ageing. The timing of puberty is also regulated by photoperiodic changes. Nevertheless, the sexual activity of the male lesser mouse lemur can be dramatically modified by the social environment. In heterosexual groups, behavioural and physiological components of sexual activity are depressed in all males except the dominant one, whose aggressive interactions are always successful. Intermale sexual inhibition was shown to be mediated by chemical cues present in the urine of dominant or isolated males but not in urine of subordinate individuals. The inhibitory signals possess lipophilic properties and are not contingent on the gonadal activity of the urine donor but are linked to adrenocortical activity. By contrast, chemical signals stimulating the reproductive function of all males are found in the urine of females, the presence of which is required for the establishment of clear dominance among grouped males. Endocrine mechanisms underlying intermale sexual inhibition by chemical cues were analysed. Variations in prolactin strongly suggest that olfaction interacts with the photoperiodic regulation of reproductive function, leading to changes in the sensitivity of the negative feedback effect of testosterone on gonadotrophin secretion. Inhibitory or stimulatory effects of chemical signals are discussed in the context of their functional significance for wild populations.  相似文献   

J. Schmid 《Oecologia》2000,123(2):175-183
Patterns and energetic consequences of spontaneous daily torpor were measured in the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) under natural conditions of ambient temperature and photoperiod in a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Over a period of two consecutive dry seasons, oxygen consumption (VO2) and body temperature (T b) were measured on ten individuals kept in outdoor enclosures. In all animals, spontaneous daily torpor occurred on a daily basis with torpor bouts lasting from 3.6 to 17.6 h, with a mean torpor bout duration of 9.3 h. On average, body temperatures in torpor were 17.3±4.9°C with a recorded minimum value of 7.8°C. Torpor was not restricted to the mouse lemurs’ diurnal resting phase: entries occurred throughout the night and arousals mainly around midday, coinciding with the daily ambient temperature maximum. Arousal from torpor was a two-phase process with a first passive, exogenous heating where the T b of animals increased from the torpor T b minimum to a mean value of 27.1°C before the second, endogenous heat production commenced to further raise T b to normothermic values. Metabolic rate during torpor (28.6±13.2 ml O2 h–1) was significantly reduced by about 76% compared to resting metabolic rate (132.6±50.5 ml O2 h–1). On average, for all M. murinus individuals measured, hypometabolism during daily torpor reduced daily energy expenditure by about 38%. In conclusion, all these energy-conserving mechanisms of the nocturnal mouse lemurs, with passive exogenous heating during arousal from torpor, low minimum torpor T bs, and extended torpor bouts into the activity phase, comprise an important and highly adapted mechanism to minimize energetic costs in response to unfavorable environmental conditions and may play a crucial role for individual fitness. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Converging evidence shows that the non-human primate gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is ideal for the study of the aging process and for testing the effects of new therapies and dietary interventions on age-associated pathologies. One such dietary supplement is resveratrol (RSV), a dietary polyphenolic compound with several positive effects on metabolic functions and longevity. However, little is known about the effect of RSV on the lemur sleep-wake cycle, which reflects mammalian brain function and health. In the present study, the authors investigated this effect by comparing sleep-wake cycles in adult lemurs based on electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms. The effect of short-term RSV supplementation on the sleep-wake cycle of mouse lemurs was evaluated in entrained conditions (long-day photoperiods, light:dark 14:10). After 3 wks of RSV supplementation, the animals exhibited a significantly increased proportion of active-wake time, occurring mainly during the resting phase of the sleep-wake cycle (+163%). The increase in active-wake time with RSV supplementation was accompanied by a significant reduction of both paradoxical sleep (-95%) and slow-wave sleep (-38%). These changes mainly occurred during the resting phase of the sleep-wake cycle (RSV supplementation induced negligible changes in active-wake time during the active phase of the sleep-wake cycle). The present data suggest that RSV may be a potent regulator of sleep-wake rhythms and could be of major interest in the study of sleep perturbations associated with aging and neuropathology.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentrations were recorded during one breeding season in 19 lesser mouse lemur females living in different social conditions. The oestrous cycle length and the progesterone profile mainly depended on the social environment of the female. For totally isolated females, the oestrous cycle lasted 38 +/- 5.7 days and included a 25-30-days spontaneous luteal phase with a progesterone peak about 100 ng/ml between the 20th and 25th days after oestrus, and a prolonged preovulatory period of 10-15 days which could be considered equivalent to the follicular phase of a menstrual cycle. When females were able to communicate through olfactory, visual and auditory signals, the oestrous cycle was significantly lengthened (53.7 +/- 5.9 days). When females had tactile contacts, the oestrous cycle was further lengthened (62.7 +/- 0.8 days). This lengthening of the oestrous cycle was related to an extension of the luteal phase associated with a decrease in progesterone concentrations during this period. In females maintained with one male (paired) or with males and females (heterosexually grouped), large individual variations were shown in cycle lengths or in progesterone concentrations. In these females, cycle lengths and progesterone concentrations were inversely correlated to plasma cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

The solum nasi of Microcebus murinus is characterized by the presence of a zona annularis, continuity between the anterior transverse lamina and the paraseptal cartilage, a continuous paraseptal cartilage, a palatine cartilage and a posterior transverse lamina. It lacks a fibula reuniens and possibly a cartilage of the nasopalatine duct as well as a palatine papillary cartilage. The morphology in M. murinus closely resembles that seen in Tupaia and Galago. This affinity results from the retention of primitive traits. However, Galago is reported to lack a zona annularis, thus displaying a specialization not shared with M. murinus. Therefore, the zona annularis provides a useful trait for distinguishing between the ontogenies of M. murinus and Galago.  相似文献   

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