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Heparanase is the only known mammalian endoglycosidase capable of degrading heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan, both in extracellular space and within the cells. It is tightly implicated in cancer progression and over the past few decades significant progress has been made in elucidating the multiple functions of heparanase in malignant tumor development, neovascularization and aggressive behavior. Notably, current data show that in addition to its well characterized role in cancer, heparanase activity may represent an important determinant in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory disorders, such as inflammatory lung injury, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic colitis. Nevertheless, the precise mode of heparanase action in inflammatory reactions remains largely unclear and recent observations suggest that heparanase can either facilitate or limit inflammatory responses, when tissue/cell-specific contextual cues may dictate an outcome of heparanase action in inflammation. In this review the involvement of heparanase in modulation of inflammatory reactions is discussed through a few illustrative examples, including neuroinflammation, sepsis-associated lung injury and inflammatory bowel disease. We also discuss possible action of the enzyme in coupling inflammation and tumorigenesis in the setting of inflammation-triggered cancer.  相似文献   

Inflammation-induced changes in the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of numerous drugs have been reported. Altered drug disposition during inflammatory disease has traditionally been ascribed primarily to changes in drug metabolism and protein binding. Emerging evidence within the last decade, however, has demonstrated that the inflammatory response affects the expression of several important drug transporters and these changes significantly impact the disposition and activity of drug substrates.  相似文献   

Prolonged sepsis and exposure to an inflammatory milieu decreases muscle protein synthesis and reduces muscle mass. As a result of its ability to integrate diverse signals, including hormones and nutrients, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a dominant regulator in the translational control of protein synthesis. Under postabsorptive conditions, sepsis decreases mTOR kinase activity in muscle, as evidenced by reduced phosphorylation of both eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4E-binding protein (BP)-1 and ribosomal S6 kinase (S6K)1. These sepsis-induced changes, along with the redistribution of eIF4E from the active eIF4E.eIF4G complex to the inactive eIF4E.4E-BP1 complex, are preventable by neutralization of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha but not by antagonizing glucocorticoid action. Although the ability of mTOR to respond to insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I is not disrupted by sepsis, the ability of leucine to increase 4E-BP1 and S6K1 phosphorylation is greatly attenuated. This "leucine resistance" results from a cooperative interaction between both TNF-alpha and glucocorticoids. Finally, although septic animals are not IGF-I resistant, the anabolic actions of IGF-I are nonetheless reduced because of the development of growth hormone resistance, which decreases both circulating and muscle IGF-I. Herein, we highlight recent advances in the mTOR signaling network and emphasize their connection to the atrophic response observed in skeletal muscle during sepsis. Although many unanswered questions remain, understanding the cellular basis of the sepsis-induced decrease in translational activity will contribute to the rational development of therapeutic interventions and thereby minimize the debilitating affects of the atrophic response that impairs patient recovery.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of cytoplasmic pH during an acid-load have been studied in Acer pseudoplatanus cells. Two main processes, with about the same relative importance, account for the removal of H+ from the cytoplasm, namely a `metabolic consumption' of protons and the excretion of protons or proton-equivalents out of the cells. The metabolic component corresponds to a change in the equilibrium between malate synthesis and degradation leading to a 30% decrease of the malate content of the cells during the period of cytoplasmic pH regulation. Various conditions which severely inhibit the activity of the plasmalemma proton pump ATPase reduce, at most by 50%, the excretion of H+. This suggests that, besides the plasmalemma proton-pump, other systems are involved in the excretion of proton-equivalents. Indirect information on qualitative and quantitative features of these systems is described, which suggests the involvement of Na+ and HCO3 exchanges in the regulation of cytoplasmic pH of acid-loaded cells.  相似文献   

Details of the release of proteins and amino acids from culturedpollen grains and the role of the leached metabolites in pollengermination, pollen tube growth and regulation of pH of theculture medium in Crotalaria retusa have been investigated.In unbuffered media, satisfactory pollen germination and tubegrowth occurred over a wide range of pH values 4.0–9.0.This was related to the ability of pollen diffusates to shiftthe pH to 6.25 in all these media. Similar pollen germinationand pH shift was observed when the pollen was eluted twice beforeculturing. When the pH shift was reduced by using buffered media,optimal germination and tube growth occurred only at pH 6.0.Pollen diffusates had a strong buffering capacity. Proteinsand amino acids released from pollen do not seem to have a directrole in pH regulation. The components involved in pH regulationmay originate from the pollen wall as well as from the cytoplasm. Crotalaria retusa L, pH regulation, pollen diffusates, pollen germination  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinase activities have been determined using gelatin-SDS-PAGE analysis and assays based on peptide nitroanilides. Vegetative myxamoebae of all species examined contain high levels of cysteine proteinase activity present in multiple forms. In both Dictyostelium discoideum and Polysphondylium pallidum the proteinase content is dependent on whether the cells are grown axenically or in association with bacteria. In all instances development is accompanied by a decreased intracellular cysteine proteinase activity. This occurs during the formation of fruiting bodies in D. discoideum, microcysts in P. pallidum, and macrocysts in Dictyostelium mucoroides. Significant quantities of proteinase activity are always secreted by myxamoebae immediately on starvation. In D. mucoroides this leads to an almost total depletion of intracellular cysteine proteinases by the aggregation stage. As a consequence of this depletion it has been relatively easy to detect a developmentally regulated accumulation of cysteine proteinases at the enzyme activity level, something which has not yet proved possible with D. discoideum. Three cysteine proteinases are produced as D. mucoroides macrocysts develop and mature. In the case of microcyst formation in P. pallidum the proteinase contents of the developing cells and of the microcysts are dependent on how the myxamoebae are grown. In this developmental pathway at least, there is no absolute requirement for specific proteinases to be present (or absent) at a particular stage. The diversity of cysteine proteinases found in cellular slime molds and the variety of features apparent in their regulation suggest that they will prove to be very useful for investigating features of the structure/function relationships in this important group of enzymes.  相似文献   

In arterioles, a locally initiated diameter change can propagate rapidly along the vessel length (arteriolar conducted response), thus contributing to arteriolar hemodynamic resistance. The response is underpinned by electrical coupling along the arteriolar endothelial layer. Connexins (Cx; constituents of gap junctions) are required for this coupling. This review addresses the effect of acute systemic inflammation (sepsis) on arteriolar conduction and interendothelial electrical coupling. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; an initiating factor in sepsis) and polymicrobial sepsis (24 h model) attenuate conducted vasoconstriction in mice. In cultured microvascular endothelial cells harvested from rat and mouse skeletal muscle, LPS reduces both conducted hyperpolarization-depolarization along capillary-like structures and electrical coupling along confluent cell monolayers. LPS also tyrosine-phosphorylates Cx43 and serine-dephosphorylates Cx40. Since LPS-reduced coupling is Cx40- but not Cx43-dependent, only Cx40 dephosphorylation may be consequential. Nitric oxide (NO) overproduction is critical in advanced sepsis, since the removal of this overproduction prevents the attenuated conduction. Consistently, (i) exogenous NO in cultured cells reduces coupling in a Cx37-dependent manner, and (ii) the septic microvasculature in vivo shows no Cx40 phenotype. A complex role emerges for endothelial connexins in sepsis. Initially, LPS may reduce interendothelial coupling and arteriolar conduction by targeting Cx40, whereas NO overproduction in advanced sepsis reduces coupling and conduction by targeting Cx37 instead.  相似文献   

The exocellular proteinases of asporogenic and sporogenicBacillus megaterium KM (megaterioproteinase A and S) were found to be active enzymes of the monomer type. The electrophoretic mobility of megaterioproteinase A is higher than that of S on acrylamide gel. After mixing, the enzymes could be separated again. The molecular weight of megaterioproteinase A was found to be 20,000–23,500, that of megaterioproteinase S 16,500–20,000 daltons, according to the “molecular sieving” method. The electrophoretic mobility of both proteinases was determined at different pH and the graphically calculated isoelectric point (pI) was found to be 7.3–7.4. The pK values of the ES complex estimated by plotting the logarithm of the maximum velocity of the enzymic reaction against pH were 6.0–6.1 and 7.8–8.0 for both megaterioproteinases. The activation energy was 13,500–13,600 for both enzymes. It is concluded that the above two enzymes resemble each other in enzymic properties but differ in electrophoretic mobility and probably also in molecular weight.  相似文献   

In severe inflammatory response, various blood and tissue cells, including polymorphonuclear granulocytes, release lysosomal proteinases, extracellularly and into the circulation. Such enzymes, as well as normally intracellular oxidizing agents produced during phagocytosis, enhance the inflammatory response by degrading connective tissue structures, membrane constituents and soluble proteins by proteolysis or oxidation. We first used polymorphonuclear elastase (E) as a marker of such release reactions. The liberated proteinase competes with susceptible substrates, including alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1PI) and alpha 2-macroglobulin, and is eliminated finally as inactive enzyme-inhibitor complexes by the reticulo-endothelial system. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we determined the plasma levels of E-alpha 1PI following major abdominal surgery, multiple trauma and pancreatogenic shock. Whereas the operative trauma was followed by up to 3-fold increase of the E-alpha 1-PI, postoperative septicemia was associated with a 10 to 20 fold increase. The increase of E-alpha 1-PI and a concomitant decrease of plasma factors, such as antithrombin III, clotting factor XIII and alpha 2-macroglobulin, were correlated. Multiple trauma causes a substantial increase of E-alpha 1-PI up to 14 hours after accident. The released elastase seems to correlate with severity of injury, but assessing the relationship to consumption of plasma factors is complicated by concomitant transfusions. In acute pancreatitis, peaks, of E-alpha 1-PI coincide with a massive consumption of antithrombin III and alpha 2-macroglobulin during shock.  相似文献   

Absrract The exocellular proteinases from the asporogenic and sporogenic strain ofBacillus megaterium KM were purified and characterized. They are both neutral metalloenzymes, having an optimum pH of 7.2. The bivalent metal cations, particularly calcium or magnesium, are essential for their activity. The curve of the relationship between the reaction velocity and the concentrations of Ca2+ resembles the Michaelis curve for substrate concentration. The enzymes also require metal cations for their stability. Both proteinases are inactivated byo-phenanthroline (lmm) and are resistant against diisopropyl fluorophosphate (lmm) and sodium-p-chloromercuribenzoate (lmm) treatment. In spite of the difference in biochemical regulation of their synthesis, these exocellular proteinases seem to be similar. The terms, megaterioproteinase A and megaterioproteinase S have been proposed for these enzymes.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells from mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) can convert retinal to retinoic acid (RA), which promotes induction of the gut-specific homing receptor α4β7. In contrast, priming within peripheral lymph nodes leads to upregulation of E- and P-selectin ligands (E- and P-lig). Apart from its α4β7 promoting effect, RA was shown to suppress E- and P-lig induction in vitro. However, enhanced frequencies of P-lig+ CD4+ T cells were reported during intestinal inflammation. To understand this contradiction, we first determined whether location of intestinal inflammation, that is, ileitis or colitis, affects P-lig induction. Both conditions promoted P-lig expression on CD4+ T cells; however, P-lig expressed on T cells facilitated Th1 cell recruitment only into the inflamed colon but not into inflamed small intestine induced by oral Toxoplasma gondii infection. A majority of P-lig+CD4+ T cells found within MLN during intestinal inflammation co-expressed α4β7 confirming their activation in the presence of RA. Mesenteric P-lig+CD4+ cells co-expressed the 130 kDa isoform of CD43 which requires activity of core 2 (beta)1,6-N-acetyl-glycosaminyltransferase-I (C2GlcNAcT-I) suggesting that C2GlcNAcT-I contributes to P-lig expression under these conditions. To test whether inflammatory mediators can indeed overrule the inhibitory effect of RA on P-lig expression we stimulated CD4+ T cells either polyclonal in the presence of IL-12 and IFNγ or by LPS-activated MLN-derived dendritic cells. Both conditions promoted P-lig induction even in the presence of RA. While RA impeded the induction of fucosyltransferase-VII it did not affect IL-12-dependent C2GlcNAcT-I induction suggesting that C2GlcNAcT-I can support P-lig expression even if fucosyltransferase-VII mRNA upregulation is dampened.  相似文献   

Current control of gastrointestinal nematodes relies primarily on the use of synthetic drugs and encounters serious problems of resistance. Oral administration of plant cysteine proteinases, known to be capable of damaging nematode cuticles, has recently been recommended to overcome these problems. This prompted us to examine if plant cysteine proteinases like the four papaya proteinases papain, caricain, chymopapain, and glycine endopeptidase that have been investigated here can survive acidic pH conditions and pepsin degradation. The four papaya proteinases have been found to undergo, at low pH, a conformational transition that instantaneously converts their native forms into molten globules that are quite unstable and rapidly degraded by pepsin. As shown by activity measurements, the denatured state of these proteinases which finally results from acid treatment is completely irreversible. It is concluded that cysteine proteinases from plant origin may require to be protected against both acid denaturation and proteolysis to be effective in the gut after oral administration.  相似文献   

An age-structured model for the regulation of platelet production is developed, and compared with both normal and pathological platelet production. We consider the role of thrombopoietin (TPO) in this process, how TPO affects the transition between megakaryocytes of various ploidy classes, and their individual contributions to platelet production. After the estimation of the relevant parameters of the model from both in vivo and in vitro data, we use the model to numerically reproduce the normal human response to a bolus injection of TPO. We further show that our model reproduces the dynamic characteristics of autoimmune cyclical thromobocytopenia if the rate of platelet destruction in the circulation is elevated to more than twice the normal value.  相似文献   

The approach that most animal cells employ to regulate intracellular pH (pH(i)) is not too different conceptually from the way a sophisticated system might regulate the temperature of a house. Just as the heat capacity (C) of a house minimizes sudden temperature (T) shifts caused by acute cold and heat loads, the buffering power (beta) of a cell minimizes sudden pH(i) shifts caused by acute acid and alkali loads. However, increasing C (or beta) only minimizes T (or pH(i)) changes; it does not eliminate the changes, return T (or pH(i)) to normal, or shift steady-state T (or pH(i)). Whereas a house may have a furnace to raise T, a cell generally has more than one acid-extruding transporter (which exports acid and/or imports alkali) to raise pH(i). Whereas an air conditioner lowers T, a cell generally has more than one acid-loading transporter to lower pH(i). Just as a house might respond to graded decreases (or increases) in T by producing graded increases in heat (or cold) output, cells respond to graded decreases (or increases) in pH(i) with graded increases (or decreases) in acid-extrusion (or acid-loading) rate. Steady-state T (or pH(i)) can change only in response to a change in chronic cold (or acid) loading or chronic heat (or alkali) loading as produced, for example, by a change in environmental T (or pH) or a change in the kinetics of the furnace (or acid extrudes) or air conditioner (or acid loaders). Finally, just as a temperature-control system might benefit from environmental sensors that provide clues about cold and heat loading, at least some cells seem to have extracellular CO(2) or extracellular HCO(3)(-) sensors that modulate acid-base transport.  相似文献   

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