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Evolutionary biologists often argue that menopause evolved in the human female as the result of selection for a postreproductive phase of life, during which increased maternal investment in existing progeny could lead to enhanced survivorship of descendents. Adaptive theories relating menopause to enhanced maternal investment are known as the mother (first-generation) and grandmother (second-generation-offspring) hypotheses. Although menopause—universal midlife termination of reproduction—has not been documented in primates other than humans, some researchers have argued that postreproductive alloprimates also have a positive impact on the survivorship of first and second generation progeny. We tested the maternal investment hypotheses in Japanese macaques by comparing the survivorship of offspring, final infants, and great-offspring of females that terminated reproduction before death with females that continued to reproduce until death. SURVIVAL analyses revealed no significant difference in the survivorship of descendents of postreproductive and reproductive females, though final infants of postreproductive females were 13% more likely to survive than final infants of females that reproduced until death were. We also explored possible differences between these two groups of females, other than survivorship of progeny. We found no difference in dominance rank, matrilineal affiliation, body weight, infant sex ratio, age at first birth, fecundity rate or lifetime reproductive success. However, postreproductive females are significantly longer-lived than reproductive females and as a result experienced more years of reproduction and produced more infants in total. Apart from final infants, offspring survival is marginally lower in postreproductive females. Since offspring survival is not significantly enhanced in postreproductive females, the greater number of infants produced did not translate into greater lifetime reproductive success. Our findings fail to support the maternal investment hypotheses and instead suggest that reproductive termination in this population of Japanese macaques is most closely associated with enhanced longevity and its repercussions.  相似文献   

When social constraints on the expression of mate preferences are absent, variation in offspring viability is predicted to favour females and males that display mate preferences. Earlier studies showed that female and male house mice, Mus domesticus, tested individually and mated with preferred (P) partners had higher reproductive success and better progeny performance than individuals mated with nonpreferred (NP) partners. Here we tested the effects of mutual mate preferences on reproductive success, offspring viability and performance. We conducted mate preference tests and created four types of reproductive pairings. One involved females and males that preferred each other (P-P); the second type had females that preferred the male but the male did not prefer the female (P-NP); the third had females that did not prefer the male but the male did prefer the female (NP-P). The last set consisted of females and males that did not prefer each other (NP-NP). We measured components of fitness for breeders (reproductive success) and offspring viability (birth-to-weaning viability and weight variation) as well as measures of offspring performance. There were no statistical differences in reproductive success of breeders or offspring viability and quality (weight variation) among the four types of pairings. There were, however, consistent differences between P-P versus NP-NP matings. The number of pups weaned, time to first litter, birth-to-weaning viability, pup body weight at birth and weaning, and the growth rates for pups of both sexes were consistently greater for progeny from P-P matings than NP-NP matings. Significant differences occurred among the four mating types in dominance of sons during aggression trials, nest construction and predator avoidance. Progeny from P-P matings displayed behaviour associated with higher fitness more often than progeny from NP-NP matings. These data show that breeders produce more highly competent progeny, most likely to survive, when social constraints on the expression of mate preferences in both sexes are relaxed.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Maternal investment in offspring size and number differed between spring- and summer-emerging individual females of Megachile apicalis, a solitary multivoltine bee. Data from experimentally initiated female populations indicated that spring-emerging females produced a relatively large number of progeny but allocated a small amount of food to each, resulting in small progeny. Adult females of larger body sizes provisioned food at a greater rate than did smaller females, and this body-size effect was significant in spring-emerging females. The large body size of these females allowed them to increase the number of progeny produced under the abundant floral resources that occurred during the spring. Conversely, summer-emerging females produced fewer progeny under the diminishing resources for brood production, but allocated each with more food, producing larger progeny, most of which emerged in the spring of the following year. Field data using trap-nests also indicated the same pattern of seasonal offspring size allocation found in the experimental populations. This maternal investment strategy entails a trade-off between the size and number of progeny, so that the daughters upon emergence can best perform in their brood production under the seasonally variable environments where they reproduce.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies of rhesus macaques   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reproductive strategies incorporate a multitude of mechanisms that have evolved to promote the reproductive success of individuals. Evolutionary perspectives tend to emphasize the advantages of male-male competition and female choice as mediators of differential reproduction. Male rhesus macaques have not been observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, although they suffer more wounds during the mating season. An increased likelihood of attacks appears to coincide with male troop entry. Males who spend more time in consort and mate with more females tend to sire more offspring. Genetic analysis of paternity has pinpointed age and endurance rivalry, rather than agonistic competition, as key variables associated with variation in progeny production. Female rhesus macaques often copulate with multiple males during their ovulatory period, and tend to conceive on the first cycle of the mating season. Female reproductive success is more likely to be a function of offspring survivorship than the identity of particular male partners. The role of female choice as a direct mediator of male reproductive success is unresolved, but female mate selection seems to indirectly affect male reproductive success because female preference for mating with novel males seems to foster male dispersal. Evaluating whether mating preferences for particular male phenotypes affectsfemale reproductive success is a task for the future. A common denominator to the reproductive strategies of both female and male rhesus macaques is that feeding patterns affect body condition which influences reproductive output and regulates relative reproductive success.  相似文献   

A biased operational sex ratio (OSR) can have multiple, confounding effects on reproductive fitness. A biased OSR can increase harassment and mating activity directed towards potential mates but may also increase the ability of potential mates to choose a good partner if lower quality mates are screened out through competitive interactions. Additionally, a biased OSR may affect reproductive fitness through changes in male ejaculate content or in female reproductive response. We quantified how a male-biased OSR (1:1, 2:1, or 5:1 male to female) affected the size of a female??s first egg clutch and her offspring??s survivorship in the housefly, Musca domestica. A male-biased OSR increased female fitness: females laid more eggs in their first clutch, had increased offspring survivorship at a 2:1 versus 1:1 OSR, and had equivalent fitness with a 5:1 male to female OSR. Courtship activity increased when the OSR was male-biased but was not a significant predictor of female fitness. Trials where females chose their mates versus trials where a random male was chosen for them had equivalent first clutch sizes and offspring survivorship. These results suggest that there are cryptic effects from a male-biased OSR on female fitness that are most likely driven by pre-copulatory social environment.  相似文献   

Observations of uniquely marked females of the solitary, twig-nesting bee, Osmia bruneri, were conducted under greenhouse conditions to test several predictions of sex-ratio and parental-investment theory. In support of Fisher's (1958) theory, we found that the observed sex-ratio of progeny in this dimorphic species did not differ from that expected on the basis of average male and female weights. Investment patterns also exhibited a seasonal component: female parents produced more female than male offspring early in the nesting season but reversed this pattern later. Interfemale variability was large for all nesting parameters examined. Neither female-parent size nor the rate at which females completed cells was significantly related to several estimates of parent fitness. Parent-offspring heritability for size was also low. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis that progeny sex-ratios are influenced by maternal condition. Variance in progeny sex-ratios was large, but the population sex-ratio probably departs frequently from the equilibrium value. The results marginally support Kolman's (1960) prediction of large variance in progeny sex-ratios in large panmictic populations. We conclude that variability among females in investment patterns and variability in size among progenies are probably maintained by such factors as resource heterogeneity and the shape of the adult survivorship curve.  相似文献   

Over a 30-year period from 1954 to 1983, 975 live births were recorded for Japanese macaque females at the Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama, Japan. Excluding unknown birth dates, primiparous mothers gave birth to 185 infants (182 cases with age of mother known) and multiparous mothers gave birth to 723 infants (603 cases with age of mother known). The peak month of birth was May with 52.3% of the total births occurring during the period. Multiparous females who had not given birth the previous year did so earlier than multiparous females who had given birth the previous year and also earlier than primiparous females. Among the females who had given birth the previous year, females whose infant had died gave birth earlier than females who had reared an infant the previous year. The offspring sex ratio (1:0.97) was not significantly different from 1:1, and revealed no consistent association with mother's age. Age-fecundity exhibited a humped curve. The annual birth rate was low at the age of 4 years but increased thereafter, ranging between 46.7% and 69.0%, at between 5 and 19 years of age, but again decreased for females between 20 and 25 years of age. Some old females displayed clear reproductive senescence. The infant mortality within the first year of age was quite low (10.3%) and the neonatal (less than 1 month old) mortality rate accounted for 49.0% of all infant deaths. There was no significant difference between the mortality rates of male and female infants. A female's rank-class had no apparent effect on the annual birth rate, infant mortality, and offspring sex ratio. These long-term data are compared with those from other primate populations.  相似文献   

Omkar    Uzma Afaq 《Insect Science》2013,20(4):531-540
In the Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), variation in body size exists between and within the sexes. The females are larger than the males. Darwin (1874) proposed the fecundity advantage hypothesis, that is, large‐sized females produce more progeny, with subsequent studies supporting, as well as, refuting the hypothesis. Thus, in order to evaluate whether this hypothesis stands in Z. bicolorata we performed experiments to investigate the role of body size in influencing: (i) assortative mating; (ii) reproductive attributes; and (iii) growth, development and survival of offspring. It is the first attempt in this beetle. We found that size influenced assortative mating, reproductive output and offspring fitness. Larger males and females were preferred as mates over smaller ones. The pairs, having larger adults as mates, had higher fecundity, while the egg viability was influenced by the male size only. The offspring of larger parents had fast development and higher survival, indicating thereby possible better nutrient allotment by the female and supply of accessory gland proteins by the male in addition to better quality of genes.  相似文献   

In the twig‐nesting carpenter bee, Ceratina calcarata, body size is an important component of maternal quality, smaller mothers producing significantly fewer and smaller offspring than larger mothers. As mothers precisely control the sex and size of each offspring, smaller mothers might compensate by preferentially allocating their investment towards sons. We investigated whether variation in maternal quality leads to variation in sex allocation patterns. At the population level, the numerical sex ratio was 57% male‐biased (1.31 M/F), but the investment between the sexes was balanced (1.02 M/F), because females are 38% larger than males (1.28 F/M). Maternal body size explained both sex allocation pattern and size variation among offspring: larger mothers invested more in individual progeny and produced more female offspring than smaller mothers. Maternal investment in offspring of both sexes decreased throughout the season, probably as a result of increasing maternal wear and age. The exception to this pattern was the curious production of dwarf females in the first two brood cell positions. We suggest that the sex ratio distribution reflects the maternal body size distribution and a constraint on small mothers to produce small broods. This leads to male‐biased allocation by small females, to which large mothers respond by biasing their allocation towards daughters.  相似文献   

Diversity in reproductive and social systems characterizes the primate family Callitrichidae. This paper contributes to our appreciation of this diversity by presenting the first detailed comparative analysis of captive breeding in three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas, L. chrysopygus, and L. rosalia) housed at the Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro. The annual pattern of reproduction in all three species of Leontopithecus was markedly seasonal, with births occurring during the spring, summer, and fall months from August through March. While modal number of litters produced per female per year was 1, approximately 20% of breeding females produced two litters per year. The onset of breeding activity in years when two litters are produced was significantly earlier than in years when only one litter was produced. The cumulative number of offspring surviving to 3 months of age did not differ between years with one vs. two breeding attempts. Like other callitrichids, postnatal mortality was highest during the first week of life, and there were pronounced species differences in offspring survival through 1 year, with significantly lower survivorship in L. chrysomelas. Infant survivorship was affected by a number of experiential factors. Survivorship up to 30 days of life was higher in groups in which the breeding female had previous experience with infants as a nonbreeding helper than in groups in which the female lacked previous helping experience. Likewise, survivorship to 30 days of life was higher for infants born to multiparous females than for infants born to primiparous females. When parity and previous helping experience were analyzed concurrently, the lowest survivorship was associated with offspring produced by inexperienced primiparous females. Genus-wide, there was no significant departure from a 50:50 sex ratio at any point during the first year of life, nor was there evidence for differential mortality for male and female infants. However, L. chrysopygus produced significantly more male infants at birth (65:44) and had male-biased litters (approximately 60% males) throughout the first year of life, while L. chrysomelas showed a nonsignificant tendency toward female-biased litters. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Most species of woodlice in temperate habitats have discrete breeding seasons. It is hypothesised that breeding synchronises with favourable environmental conditions to maximise offspring growth and survivorship (Willows 1984). We measured the breeding phenology of a species introduced to a tropical environment, primarily to consider the assumption that life histories in the tropics will differ fundamentally from those in temperate habitats. In addition to breeding phenology we considered variation in reproductive effort between individual females and the division of this effort between the size and number of young.A continuous breeding phenology was observed in a synanthropic population of Porcellionides pruinosus within the tropics. Reproductive effort varied between months, showed a weak relationship with female size and was independent of female fecundity. Female sizefecundity relationships varied between samples and when the proportion of reproductive females was high size-fecundity slopes were steeper than at other times. Mean offspring size varied between months and there was a wide range in offspring size within broods. Offspring size was not related to female body mass, reproductive effort or fecundity; consequently brood mass increased linearly with an increase in fecundity. Increased reproductive effort goes into more rather than larger offspring.We propose that the continuous breeding in this population was the result of the constant presence of an environmental cue to reproduction evolved in temperate habitats. Continuous breeding is not necessarily equivocal to high individual reproductive success even though overall population growth may be rapid. However, variation in reproductive effort suggests that individuals respond to current environmental conditions on short time scales.  相似文献   

Most studies on size–fitness relationships focus on females and neglect males. Here, we investigated how body size of both sexes of an aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday, affected the reproductive fitness. Reproductive fitness was generally positively correlated with body size for both sexes in this species. Large individuals of both sexes had greater longevity, large males fathered more progeny, and large females had higher fecundity, parasitism, and greater ability in host searching and handling. We demonstrated in this study that size effects of males and females were asymmetric on different reproductive fitness parameters. With increasing body size females gained more than males in longevity and fecundity while males gained more than females in the number of female progeny. Regardless of female size, large males sustained a female-biased population longer than small males. These results suggest that male body size should also be considered in the quality control of mass-rearing programs and the evaluation of parasitoid population growth.  相似文献   

The considerable variation in adult size of the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, has been well documented, but the influences of adult size on reproductive rate are not known. We examined the relationship between the size of boll weevils and their feeding and oviposition. Weevils weighed to the nearest milligram were grouped into five categories based on pupal weight: < or =5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, and >20 mg. Numbers of lifetime punctures produced in flower buds (squares) of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., by both sexes of adults tended to increase with pupal weight. Boll weevil females with pupal weights >10 mg produced progeny with significantly higher survival to adulthood and also produced a higher percentage of female progeny than those with pupal weights < or =10 mg. The population growth indices for females having pupal weights >10 mg averaged 1.8-fold higher than those of females weighing < or =10 mg. Survivorship of adults of both sexes also tended to increase with pupal weight. The percentage of females laying eggs on any given day averaged 2.1 times higher when their pupal weights were >10 mg than when their pupal weights were < or =10 mg. Although small size negatively affected female reproductive potential, even extremely small females produced some viable offspring. However, the penalties of small adult size, in terms of longevity and reproductive potential, suggest that cultural practices that result in the production of small adults may be used to impact weevil populations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH), which suggests that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment will have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment will have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. Since body size (height and weight) is a highly heritable trait which increases male (but not female) reproductive success, the paper hypothesizes that bigger and taller parents have more sons. The analysis of both surviving children and recent pregnancies among respondents of the National Child Development Survey and the British Cohort Survey largely supports the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Reproductive effort, factors affecting reproductive output and costs of reproduction were studied in primiparous yearling compared to multiparous older female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus). Yearling females weaned smaller litters than older ones. Litter size increased with posthibernation body mass at the expense of slightly lighter young for yearling but not for older mothers. In older females, on the other hand, emergence body mass influenced offspring mass, whereas litter size was affected by oestrus date. High reproductive effort entailed reproductive costs in terms of reduced subsequent fecundity but not subsequent survival for both yearling and older females. The production of large litters and long duration of lactation delayed subsequent oestrus, which, in turn, correlated negatively with litter size. During the second half of lactation, oestradiol levels were significantly elevated, indicating the initiation of follicular maturation processes. Oestradiol levels during that time correlated negatively with current, but positively with subsequent litter size. We therefore assume that inhibitory effects of lactation on gonadal development may mediate the negative relationship between reproductive effort and subsequent reproductive timing in adults. This effect is absent in yearlings because they are reproducing for the first time. Reproductive output in yearlings was influenced by interactions between structural growth and puberty. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Offspring size affects survival and subsequent reproduction in many organisms. However, studies of offspring size in large mammals are often limited to effects on juveniles because of the difficulty of following individuals to maturity. We used data from a long‐term study of individually marked gray seals (Halichoerus grypus; Fabricius, 1791) to test the hypothesis that larger offspring have higher survival to recruitment and are larger and more successful primiparous mothers than smaller offspring. Between 1998 and 2002, 1182 newly weaned female pups were branded with unique permanent marks on Sable Island, Canada. Each year through 2012, all branded females returning to the breeding colony were identified in weekly censuses and a subset were captured and measured. Females that survived were significantly longer offspring than those not sighted, indicating size‐selective mortality between weaning and recruitment. The probability of female survival to recruitment varied among cohorts and increased nonlinearly with body mass at weaning. Beyond 51.5 kg (mean population weaning mass) weaning mass did not influence the probability of survival. The probability of female survival to recruitment increased monotonically with body length at weaning. Body length at primiparity was positively related to her body length and mass at weaning. Three‐day postpartum mass (proxy for birth mass) of firstborn pups was also positively related to body length of females when they were weaned. However, females that were longer or heavier when they were weaned did not wean heavier firstborn offspring.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate several factors that influence female reproduction in a large troop of wild olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) based on 4 consecutive years of demographic data. Interbirth intervals were significantly shorter for females whose infants died before their next conception than for females whose infants survived. High-ranking mothers of surviving infants had significantly shorter birth intervals than comparable low-ranking mothers, independent of maternal age. This occurred mainly because the interval from resumption of cycling to conception was significantly shorter for high-vs. low-ranking females. Dominance rank did not influence sex ratio at birth, infant survival in the first 2 years, or adult female mortality. Age was also significantly related to interbirth intervals, with older females having shorter intervals. Primiparous females had consistently longer reproductive intervals than did multiparous females, but this difference reached statistical significance only for females whose infants died before the next conception. Primiparous females also experienced significantly higher infant mortality. Data on body size and estrous cycle length indicated no differences between high- and low-ranking females. Nutritional and stress-related mechanisms that may underlie the reproductive advantages of high rank are discussed.  相似文献   

A first case of newborn Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) twins was observed in a free-ranging group at Huangshan, China. The female that gave birth to the twins was studied during their first 5 months post-partum, and her activity budget was compared to those of adult females with single or no offspring in order to assess her behavioral changes. Our report shows that female Tibetan macaques can produce twins, and that twins can successfully survive. The adult female with twins spent more time foraging and resting, but less time moving and engaged in other social behaviors than adult females with a single infant or no infant. Our report provides a case of successfully surviving twins in a wild environment and suggests that the mother modified her behavior patterns to adapt to the heavy burden. We conclude that both food provisioning and the mother’s behavioral strategies facilitated the survivorship of twins. This expands our understanding of the reproductive biology of Tibetan macaques.  相似文献   

The associations patterns between reproductive success, measured by the total number of offspring, number of living offspring and number of dead offspring, and parental body size, estimated by stature, body weight and Body mass index, were tested in 65 female and 103 male members of a !Kung San population ageing between 25 and 40 years (x = 30.2 yr.) from northern Namibia. In both sexes a significant interaction between fertility patterns and body dimensions was found. Nevertheless, the association patterns differed markedly between the two sexes. While in males tallness and an improved weight status was associated significantly with a higher number of surviving offspring, smaller and lighter females had significantly more surviving children. In males a directional selection towards increased stature and better weight status is in accordance with the well known secular trend of acceleration. In females first of all the postpartum changes in body composition and body weight, resulting from exhausting infant feeding practices seem to support the maternal depletion hypothesis.  相似文献   

Lifetime reproductive success in female Japanese macaques   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lifetime reproductive success, measured by the number of offspring surviving to age five, varied from 0 to 10 in a group of 33 provisioned female Japanese macaques. Of the three contributors to reproductive success, the number of reproductive years, fecundity per year and survivorship of offspring to reproductive age, the first accounted for two-thirds of the variation. Fecundity per year and survivorship were negatively correlated, indicating reproductive costs of reducing interbirth interval. No other demographic measure used, nor the behavioral measure 'dominance rank', significantly correlated with lifetime reproductive success or its components. Age-specific changes in fecundity and infant survival were not found for this sample, neither could cessation of reproduction, even in very old females, be demonstrated.  相似文献   

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