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Sexual selection by female choice can maintain male traits that are counter selected by natural selection. Alteration of the potential for sexual selection can thus lead to shifts in the expression of male traits. We investigated female mate choice for large male body size in a fish (Poecilia mexicana) that, besides surface streams, also inhabits two caves. All four populations investigated, exhibited an ancestral visual preference for large males. However, only one of the cave populations also expressed this female preference in darkness. Hence, the lack of expression of female preference in darkness in the other cave population leads to relaxation of sexual selection for large male body size. While P. mexicana populations with size-specific female mate choice are characterized by a pronounced male size variation, the absence of female choice in one cave coincides with the absence of large bodied males in that population. Our results suggest that population differences in the potential for sexual selection may affect male trait variation.  相似文献   

Sexual selection against immigrants is a mechanism that can regulate premating isolation between populations but, so far, few field studies have examined whether males can discriminate between immigrant and resident females. Males of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens show mate preferences and are able to force pre‐copulatory tandems. We related male mate responses to the ecological characteristics of female origin, geographic distances between populations, and morphological traits of females to identify factors influencing male mate discrimination. Significant heterogeneity between populations in male mate responses towards females was found. In some populations, males discriminated strongly against immigrant females, whereas the pattern was reversed or nonsignificant in other populations. Immigrant females were particularly attractive to males when they came from populations with similar predation pressures and densities of conspecifics. By contrast, immigrant females from populations with strongly dissimilar predation pressures and conspecific densities were not attractive to males. Differences in the abiotic environment appeared to affect mating success to a lesser degree. This suggests that male mate discrimination is context‐dependent and influenced by ecological differences between populations, a key prediction of ecological speciation theory. The results obtained in the present study suggest that gene‐flow is facilitated between ecologically similar populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 506–518.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine the contribution, if any, of posthatching gonadal hormones to sexual differentiation of behavior in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Males and females were gonadectomized or sham-operated (controls) prior to age 7 days posthatching. At age 4-9 weeks controls were gonadectomized. All birds were then given 2 weeks of testosterone propionate injections and tested for sexual behavior with female partners. Neonatally gonadectomized females exhibited more male-typical copulatory behavior than control females, but this effect was not statistically significant. Neonatal gonadectomy had no effect on males, and neonatally gonadectomized males exhibited significantly more male-typical copulatory behavior than neonatally gonadectomized females. Although the process of sexual differentiation may extend to a minor degree into the posthatching period in females, nonetheless it is largely complete at hatching in this species.  相似文献   

Modification of offspring sex ratios in response to parental quality is predicted when the long-term fitness returns of sons and daughters differ. One factor that may influence a mother's sex allocation decision is the quality (or attractiveness) of her mate. We investigated whether the sex ratios of offspring produced by female Drosophila melanogaster are biased with respect to the age of the males to which they are mated, and whether there is an adaptive basis for this phenomenon. We found that females mated to old males (13 d post-eclosion) initially produced a greater proportion of daughters than did females mated to young males (1 d post-eclosion). This pattern does not appear to be due to a systematic difference in the numbers or mortality of the X- and Y-bearing sperm originating from old and young fathers, as the overall sex ratios of all offspring produced from a single copulation did not differ between broods fathered by the two types of males. The sons of older males fared worse in competitive mating assays than did the sons of younger males, while daughters of old and young males were of comparable fitness. These results suggest that there is an adaptive basis for the observed sex ratio modification.  相似文献   

The eclosion rhythm of a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster was studied under 12h light, 12h dark (LD 12:12) cycles. Although most of the flies were found to eclose just after “lights on” in LD 12:12, termed within gate (WG) flies, a few flies were found to eclose nearly 10h after peak eclosion, termed outside gate (OG) flies. The circadian parameters of the clocks controlling oviposition rhythms in the WG and the OG flies were estimated to understand the cause of such differences in the timing of eclosion. The distribution of the fraction of individual flies exhibiting single, multiple, and no significant period in the WG flies was significantly different from distribution in the OG flies. Compared to the WG flies, more OG flies were found to exhibit oviposition rhythm with multiple periodicity, whereas more WG flies exhibited an oviposition rhythm with a single significant period. The fraction of flies with arrhythmic oviposition was similar in both the WG and the OG flies. Free-running period τ in constant darkness (DD) and the phase angle difference ψ in LD 12:12 for the oviposition rhythm of WG and OG flies were significantly different. These results suggest that the differences in the time of eclosion between the flies eclosing within the gate and outside the gate of eclosion are probably due to differences in the circadian system controlling eclosion, which is reflected by the differences in their oviposition rhythm. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 601-612, 2001)  相似文献   

Sperm competition affects sexual selection intensity on males, but models suggest it cannot affect the relative intensity of sexual selection on males compared to females. However, if sperm competition depresses the payoff for male multiple mating, it could affect the relative intensity of sexual selection and even cause sexual selection to be more intense on females than males (reversal of typical pattern). To evaluate how sperm competition, energy availability, and parental investment affect the intensity of sexual selection on each sex, I constructed a simulation model using the relationship between fecundity and number of mates to estimate sexual selection gradients. Unlike earlier models, I include a trade-off between paternal investment and sperm competition ability. The amount of energy available for reproduction affects the sexual selection gradient for each sex. Reversals in the sex experiencing stronger sexual selection do occur when additional paternal investment reduces a male's ability to compete for fertilizations within females. The shape of the distribution of mates for each sex (determined by mate competition) is also important. Output from the model is qualitatively similar to empirical data from insects with paternal investment. This model challenges previous thinking about the role of sperm competition in sex-role reversal.  相似文献   

Ian M. Campbell 《Oecologia》1989,81(3):341-344
Summary The hypothesis that annual climatic variation can affect the nutritive value of host-plant tissue for a herbivore was tested. Larvae of a single generation of western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis Free., were fed foliages that had been collected on five consecutive springs from a stand of balsam fir Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Budworm of both sexes were about 20 percent heavier at pupation when fed folages that had been produced in early rather than later spring seasons. This could result in an estimated 25 percent difference in the reproductive rate of females. It is concluded that annual variations in spring climate can affect the nutritive value of forage.  相似文献   

Gibert P  Moreteau B  David JR 《Genetica》2009,135(3):403-413
In Drosophila melanogaster male, the last abdominal tergites (A5–A6) are completely dark due to a strong internal constraint while, in female, all abdominal tergites (A2–A7) are phenotypically variable and highly plastic. Male A2–A4 are quite similar to those of female, but their plasticity was never investigated. In this paper, we compared the phenotypic plasticity of A2–A4 in both sexes in order to know if the major dimorphism (SD) expressed in male A5–A6 also extended toward the more anterior segments. We also compared two geographic populations living under very different climates in order to know if adaptive differences, previously observed in females also existed in males. With an isofemale line design, pigmentation variation according to growth temperature was investigated in the two populations from France and India. Male and female data were compared and sexual dimorphism (SD) analyzed in various ways. Reaction norms were quite similar in both sexes for A2 and A3, but clearly different for A4. Considering the total pigmentation (A2 + A3 + A4) males were darker than females at low temperatures and either identical to them (France) or lighter (India) above 25°C. SD (male–female difference) was genetically variable among lines and significantly different among segments. Reaction norms of SD exhibited an overall decrease with temperature and also a significant difference among populations, suggesting a local adaptation of SD to thermal conditions. The three plastic segments in male (A2–A4) seem to react adaptively to the thermal environment more efficiently than the same segments in female, in agreement with the thermal budget hypothesis. To our knowledge, it is the first time that a SD trait exhibits an adaptive difference between geographic populations.  相似文献   

After entering the oocyte and before the formation of the diploid zygote, the sperm nucleus is transformed into a male pronucleus, a process that involves a series of conserved steps in sexually reproducing animals. Notably, a major modification of the male gamete lies in the decondensation of the highly compact sperm chromatin. We present here the phenotype of sésame (ssm), a maternal effect mutation which affects the formation of the male pronucleus in Drosophila melanogaster. Homozygous ssm(185b) females produce haploid embryos which develop with only the maternally derived chromosomes. These haploid embryos die at the end of embryogenesis. Cytological analyses of the fertilization in eggs laid by ssm(185b) mutant females showed that both pronuclear migration and pronuclear apposition occurred normally. However, a dramatic alteration of the male pronucleus by which its chromatin failed to fully decondense was systematically observed. Consequently, the affected male pronucleus does not enter the first mitotic spindle, which is organized around only the maternally derived chromosomes. Immunodetection of lamina antigens indicates that a male pronuclear envelope is able to form around the partially decondensed paternal chromatin. This suggests that the maternally provided sésame(+) function is required for a late stage of sperm chromatin remodeling.  相似文献   

The theory of sexual selection predicts that females should be discriminatory in the choice of sexual partners. Females can express their choice in two ways. In direct mate choice, they show preferences for certain partners. In indirect mate choice, they select partners by displaying sexually attractive traits, thus eliciting contest competition between males. We focused on a primate species in which females advertise the timing of their ovulation and studied the balance between these two choice strategies. We tested predictions related to three hypotheses about direct and indirect female choice, namely the best‐male, graded‐signal and weak‐selectivity hypotheses. We investigated the sexual and agonistic interactions occurring during oestrous periods in five captive groups of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). The results showed that dominant males used mate guarding to monopolise sexual access to parous females that were in the fertile stage of their reproductive cycle, while lower‐ranking males monitored only nulliparous females. The distribution of sexual presentations indicated that females accepted different types of partners, supporting the weak‐selectivity hypothesis regarding direct mate choice. The analysis of behavioural sequences revealed that mate‐guarding males used mild coercive behaviours to prevent females from mating with other males at conception time. The distribution of mounts showed that females mainly mated with dominant males, which leads us to argue that the best‐male hypothesis provides the most parsimonious explanation regarding indirect mate choice in Tonkean macaques. At the individual level, it may be concluded that male competitive strategies prevented females from exercising direct mate choice. At the evolutionary level, however, female sexual advertising and thus indirect choice promoted competition between males. The outcome is that indirect mate choice appears more important than direct mate choice in female Tonkean macaques.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses to explain the occurrence of polygynyin a box-nesting population of the house wren (Troglodytes aedon),a small, insectivorous songbird. Some proportion of femalesin this population routinely settle with already-mated maleseven though unmated males hold territories relatively shortdistances away. The "polygyny-threshold" hypothesis proposesthat mated males possess territorial resources that compensatefemales for the cost of mate sharing (i.e., reduced aid in feedingyoung). Contrary to a key prediction of this hypothesis, however,we found that secondary females produced fewer offspring thanfemales who chose nearby unmated males. The "sexy son" hypothesisproposes that mated males father attractive, prolific sons,which results in secondary females obtaining as many grandoffspringas expected had they chosen available unmated males. Our datasuggest that if male mating success is at least moderately heritable,secondary females may produce enough fledglings per breedingattempt relative to their monogamously mating counterparts torecoup fitness losses in the next generation. However, fullacceptance of this hypothesis must await confirmation that malemating success is heritable. We suggest a third hypothesisfor why females readily mate polygynously when better, monogamousbreeding options are clearly available. We argue that femalesmay choose mated males because these males possess highquality nest sites (i.e., nest-boxes), and that access to such nestsites would provide females with sufficient compensation forthe costs of polygyny under normal conditions when all availableunmated males would have poorer-quality, natural nest sites.This "expected compensation" hypothesis assumes that polygynouslymating females terminate mate search before they discover thatavailable unmated males also possess nestboxes. A recent theoreticalexploration of mate search strategy suggests that this assumptionis reasonable.  相似文献   

7-tricosene (7T) and 7-pentacosene (7P) are the major components of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster males. A chemical study of 16 isofemale lines of D. melanogaster sampled at the first and eighth generations in laboratory conditions showed the stability of chromatographical profiles. Then a large scale study of male 7T/7P polymorphism was performed with 85 populations of D. melanogaster and 29 of D. simulans collected all over the world. There were significant correlations of the values of the balanced ratio (7T − 7P)/(7T + 7P) with geo-climatic parameters, such as latitude, longitude, mean temperature, temperature range and vapour pressure. Parallel variations were also reported for the homologous linear alkanes (23 and 25 Carbon atoms) but not for the longer branched alkanes (27 and 29 Carbon atoms). No correlation was significant for the D. simulans populations studied. In this species a similar polymorphism of 7T/7P was found but restricted to a few populations from West Equatorial Africa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Optimal oviposition theory predicts a positive relationship between female preference for oviposition hosts and offspring performance. Interspecies effects on oviposition preference have been widely investigated, especially for herbivores. However, intraspecies variation, such as nitrogen content, might also influence female preference for oviposition hosts and subsequent offspring performance. To evaluate this possibility, we investigated the oviposition preference of a zoophytophagous omnivore and the development and survival of its nymphs on a single species of host plant that varied in nitrogen content. In choice and no‐choice experiments without prey, female omnivores were allowed to oviposit on plants that had been fertilized using 4 rates of nitrogen fertilizer (39, 78, 156, and 311 mg/L nitrogen) for 72 h. After 72 h, the most females were found on tomato plants receiving high concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer and more eggs were laid on those plants. First instar nymphs developed more rapidly on high‐nitrogen plants and third instar nymphs developed faster on low‐nitrogen plants. Plant nitrogen did not affect nymph survival to the adult stage, or the probability of survival over time. Although female omnivores did discriminate between potential oviposition hosts based on plant nitrogen, their choices did not significantly impact nymph development or survival. This is the first study to show that intraspecies variation in nitrogen content between plants affects the oviposition preference of female omnivores, but not offspring performance.  相似文献   

Predation risk may be an important factor affecting female mate choice. Hypothetically, females could choose extravagantly ornamented males that survive in high predation risk environments. However, this decision could be different if choosing a conspicuous male under high predation risk is costly for females or results in reduced offspring survival. In such contexts, females could become indifferent to male quality or prefer inconspicuous males. We tested this idea using captive blue‐black grassquits (Volatinia jacarina, Linnaeus, 1766), a species in which males perform conspicuous leap displays coupled with songs during the breeding season, which presumably subjects females and offspring to higher predation risk. Females were placed in an arena with speakers on opposite sides emitting male courtship songs. One speaker emitted songs at a high rate (proxy for a conspicuous male) while the other speaker broadcast songs at a low rate (proxy for a less conspicuous male). While the female evaluated the two male songs, a third speaker emitted vocalizations characterizing three levels of risk: adult predator, nest predator, and no‐risk control. Females showed no preference for either male stimuli across the predation risk treatments. This lack of preference relative to frequency of male vocal displays suggests that leap‐song frequency is not used by females during mate choice. We suggest that in addition to its role in courtship, male grassquit displays also signal status to other males when competing for territories. Thus, we propose that predation risk does not directly influence blue‐black grassquit intersexual selection and that females in this species may exercise indirect mate choice, choosing social mates based on male ability to establish and defend a territory, and relying secondarily upon other aspects of male display attributes, such as its visual components.  相似文献   

A satisfactory understanding of the process of mate choice in many species of anurans requires that we know how sensitive females are to the variation in male calls under natural conditions and what is the timescale or ‘window’ over which females compare potential mates. In natural choruses, grey treefrog females may sit near calling males for many minutes before approaching a particular individual to mate, whereas in laboratory-based phonotaxis tests, they may approach a speaker within 30 s of exposure to broadcast calls. Females prefer long versus short calls. To estimate ‘assessment time’ of females in nature, we broadcast calls from four pairs of 360-degree speakers suspended within screen cages at four locations at the edge of a pond. One speaker per pair presented calls of constant duration while the other speaker shifted between broadcasts of calls that were longer or shorter than the constant duration call. The time period over which this change in call duration occurred differed between the four venues. Laboratory-based choice tests indicated that females preferred call sources with variable numbers of pulses to those with constant numbers of pulses when the former had more total pulses per time window. Accordingly, we assigned the probabilities of field captures at the different speakers based on the summed pulses from the constant and cycling speakers within the possible assessment windows. These probabilities, together with the numbers of females captured at the speaker array over the breeding season, indicated that the most likely assessment time is close to 2 min.  相似文献   

According to theory, sexual selection in males may efficiently purge mutation load of sexual populations, reducing or fully compensating ‘the cost of males’. For this to occur, mutations not only need to be deleterious to both sexes, they also must affect males more than females. A frequently overlooked problem is that relative strength of selection on males versus females may vary between environments, with social conditions being particularly likely to affect selection in males and females differently. Here, we induced mutations in red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) and tested their effect in both sexes under three different operational sex ratios (1:2, 1:1 and 2:1). Induced mutations decreased fitness of both males and females, but their effect was not stronger in males. Surprisingly, operational sex ratio did not affect selection against deleterious mutations nor its relative strength in the sexes. Thus, our results show no support for the role of sexual selection in the evolutionary maintenance of sex.  相似文献   

Lekking males aggregate to attract females and contribute solely to egg fertilization, without any further parental care. Evolutionary theory therefore predicts them to be nonchoosy toward their mates, because any lost mating opportunities would outweigh the benefits associated with such preferences. Nevertheless, due to time costs, the production of energetically costly sexual displays, and potential sperm limitation, the mating effort of lekking males is often considerable. These factors, combined with the fact that many females of varying quality are likely to visit leks, could favor the evolution of male mate preferences. Here, we show that males of the lekking lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella, were indeed more likely to mate with heavier females in choice experiments, even at their virgin mating (i.e., when their reproductive resources have not yet been depleted by previous matings). This differential female mating success could not be attributed to female behavior as heavy and light females showed similar motivation to mate (i.e., latency to approach the males) and time to copulate. Males seem to benefit from mating with heavier females, as fecundity positively correlated with female mass. This new empirical evidence shows that male mate choice may have been underestimated in lekking species.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicted that male advertisement will reliably signal investment in paternal care in species where offspring survival requires paternal care and males allocate resources between advertisement and care. However, the predicted relationship between care and advertisement depended on the marginal gains from investment in current reproductive traits. Life history theory suggests that these fitness gains are also subject to a trade‐off between current and future reproduction. Here, we investigate whether male signalling remains a reliable indicator of parental care when males allocate resources between current advertisement, paternal care and survival to future reproduction. We find that advertisement is predicted to remain a reliable signal of male care but that advertisement may cease to reliably indicate male quality because low‐quality males are predicted to invest in current reproduction, whereas higher‐quality males are able to invest in both current reproduction and survival to future reproduction.  相似文献   

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