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Brain regions, cranial nerves, and sense organs in Muraenolepis microps, an Antarctic gadiform fish, were examined to determine which features could be attributed to a gadiform ancestry and which to habitation of Antarctic waters. We found that the central nervous system and sense organs are well developed, showing neither substantial regression nor hypertrophy. A detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves is provided. The rostral position of the olfactory bulbs and telencephalic size and lobation are common for the order. The optic tectum and corpus cerebelli are smaller than in most other gadiforms. The shape of the corpus cerebelli is not distinctive among gadiforms. The lateral line region is moderately well-developed, but not hypertrophied to the extent seen in deep-sea gadiforms. As is the case in gadids possessing barbels and elongated pelvic rays, Muraenolepis has well-developed facial lobes, although these are smaller and more laterally positioned. The vagal lobes are deeply placed in the rhombencephalon and project into the fourth ventricle. The brain of Muraenolepis resembles that of a phyletically derived gadoid, especially a phycid, more than it resembles the brain of a phyletically basal macrourid. Two histological features of the diencephalon of Muraenolepis appear to be unique among gadiforms: a well-organized thalamic central medial nucleus and subependymal expansions. Muraenolepis has a pure rod retina like many deep-sea species but lacks the superimposed layers of rod outer segments. The histology of the nonvisual sense organs, especially the olfactory and external taste systems, are well-developed in Muraenolepis but not hypertrophied. We relate our findings to what is known about neural morphology in other gadiforms and in phyletically distant notothenioids and liparids that are sympatric with Muraenolepis on the Antarctic shelf. The only feature that reflects an Antarctic existence is the diencephalic subependymal expansions, which within notothenioids mirror the habitation of cold waters and have been found in every Antarctic species examined to date. Although the waters of the Antarctic shelf are cold, dark, and deep, brain and sense organ morphology in Muraenolepis are remarkably free of extreme specialization.  相似文献   

The predominantly non-Antarctic family Bovichtidae is phyletically basal within the perciform suborder Notothenioidei, the dominant component of the Antarctic fish fauna. In this article we focus on the South Atlantic bovichtids Bovichtus diacanthus, the klipfish from tide pools at Tristan da Cunha, and Cottoperca gobio, the frogmouth from the Patagonian shelf and Falkland Islands. We document the anatomy and histology of the brains, olfactory apparatus, retina, and cephalic lateral line system. We also use the microvascular casting agent Microfil to examine ocular vascular structures. We provide detailed drawings of the brains and cranial nerves of both species. Typical of perciforms, the brains of both species have a well-developed tectum and telencephalon and robust thalamic nuclei. The telencephalon of C. gobio is prominently lobed, with the dorsomedial nucleus more conspicuous than in any other notothenioid. The corpus cerebelli is relatively small and upright and, unlike other notothenioids, has prominent transverse sulci on the dorsal and caudal surfaces. Areas for lateral line mechanoreception (eminentia granularis and crista cerebellaris) are also conspicuous but olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory areas are less prominent. The anterior lateral line nerve complex is larger than the posterior lateral line nerve in B. diacanthus, and in their cephalic lateral line systems both species possess branched membranous tubules (which do not contain neuromasts) with small pores. These are especially complex in B. diacanthus where they become increasingly branched and more highly pored in progressively larger specimens. Superficial neuromasts are sparse. Both species have duplex (cone and rod) retinae that are 1.25-fold thicker and have nearly 5-fold more photoreceptors and than those of most Antarctic notothenioids. Convergence ratios are also high for bovichtids. Bovichtus diacanthus has a yellow intraocular filter in the dorsal aspect of the cornea. Both species are unique among notothenioids in possessing all three vascular structures present in the generalized teleostean eye: the choroid rete mirabile, the lentiform body (also a rete), and the falciform process. When comparing the phyletically derived Antarctic clade exemplified by the families Artedidraconidae, Bathydraconidae, and Channichthyidae to the phyletically basal bovichtids, we observe phyletic regression and reduction in some regions of the brain and in some sensory modalities that are well displayed in bovichtids. In the phyletically derived families the brain is less cellular and nuclei are smaller and less prominent. In some species reduction in the size of the telencephalon, tectum, and corpus cerebelli imparts a "stalked" appearance to the brain with the neural axis visible between the reduced lobes. There is also a phyletic reduction in the number of ocular vascular structures from three in bovichtids to one or none in artedidraconids, bathydraconids, and channichthyids. There are no morphological features of bovichtid brains and sense organs that presage the divergence of the phyletically derived members of the clade in the Antarctic marine environment with its cold and deep continental shelves. We conclude that this environment does not require sensory or neural morphology or capabilities beyond those provided by the basic perciform body plan.  相似文献   

The neutrally buoyant Antarctic fishes of the sister taxa Dissostichus (D. eleginoides and D. mawsoni) and Pleuragramma antarcticum diverged early in the notothenioid radiation and filled different niches in the pelagic realm of the developing Southern Ocean. To assess the influence of phylogenetic and ecological factors in shaping neural morphology in these taxa, we studied the anatomy and histology of the brains and retinae, and determined the proportional weights of brain regions. With the brain of the non‐Antarctic sister taxon Eleginops maclovinus as plesiomorphic, statistically significant departures in the brains of the two Antarctic taxa include reduction of the corpus cerebelli and expansion of the mesencephalon and medulla. Compared to Eleginops, both species also have a relatively smaller telencephalon, although this is significant only in Dissostichus. There are a number of apomorphic features in the brain of Pleuragramma including reduced olfactory nerves and bulbs, an extremely small corpus cerebelli and an expanded mesencephalon. Although there is not a significant difference in the relative weights of the medulla in the two taxa, the prominence of the eminentia granularis and bulging cap‐like appearance of the crista cerebellaris are distinctive in Pleuragramma. Brain histology of Dissostichus and Pleuragramma reflects typical perciform patterns and the two species of Dissostichus are histologically identical. Lateral compression in Pleuragramma and notable lobation in Dissostichus also contribute to differences between the taxa. Compression in Pleuragramma is attributable to convergence on an anchovy/herring body shape and to the relatively large brain in this small fish. The less prominent pattern of lobation of the telencephalon, inferior lobes and corpus cerebelli in Pleuragramma probably reflects underlying histology, specifically a reduction in cellularity of the neuropil in the nuclei and lobes. The retinal histology of Dissostichus and Pleuragramma encompasses the extremes seen in Antarctic notothenioids. Dissostichus has a thin scotopic retina with few cones and a high degree of summation. The retina of Pleuragramma is thick and cellular with many small single cones and rods and resembles that of Eleginops. Pedomorphy has not influenced brain morphology in these species but Pleuragramma has superficial neuromasts that are pedomorphic. Although Dissostichus and Pleuragramma are sympatric in the water column, their brains and retinae are highly divergent and reflect the influences of both phylogeny and ecological partitioning of the pelagic realm. Compared to Eleginops, the relatively smaller corpus cerebelli but relatively larger medulla probably indicates, respectively, reduced activity levels of notothenioids in subzero temperatures and expansion of the mechanosensory lateral line system as a supplement to vision under conditions of reduced light. Compared to Dissostichus, Pleuragramma has reduced olfactory bulbs and corpus cerebelli and an expanded mesencephalon. The reduction of the corpus to a small round knob is consistent with physiological parameters and video observations suggesting that, although pelagic, it is relatively inactive. Because mesencephalic weights also include the valvula cerebelli, the relatively large value for Pleuragramma may be attributable to its role in integration and sensorimotor coordination of information from the highly cellular duplex retina and to integration of signals from thewell‐developed octavolateralis system. The brain of Dissostichus displays considerable persistent morphology in its overall resemblance to that of Eleginops, especially the large olfactory bulbs and the relatively large caudally projecting corpus, and Dissostichus exhibits olfactory tracking ability and migratory behavior in common with Eleginops. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Antarctic notothenioids have developed unique freezing-resistance adaptations, including brain diversification, to survive in the subzero waters of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. In this study we have investigated the anatomical distribution of neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY)-like immunoreactive elements in the brain of the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii, by using an antiserum raised against porcine NPY. Perikarya exhibiting NPY-like immunoreactivity were observed in distinct regions of the brain. The most rostral group of immunoreactive perikarya was found in the telencephalon, within the entopeduncular nucleus. In the diencephalon, three groups of NPY-like immunoreactive perikarya were found in the hypothalamus. Two groups of positive cell bodies were found in distinct populations of the preoptic nucleus, whereas the other group was found in the nucleus of the lateral recess. More caudally, NPY immunoreactivity was detected in large neurons located in the subependymal layers of the dorsal tegmentum of the mesencephalon, medially to the torus semicircularis. NPY-like immunoreactive nerve fibres were more widely distributed throughout the telencephalon to the rhombencephalon. High densities of nerve fibres and terminals were observed in several regions of the telencephalon, olfactory bulbs, hypothalamus, tectum of the mesencephalon and in the ventral tegmentum of the rhombencephalon. The distribution of NPY-like immunoreactive structures suggests that, in Trematomus, this peptide may be involved in the control of several brain functions, including olfactory activity, feeding behaviour, and somatosensory and visual information. In comparison with other neuropeptides previously described in the brain of Antarctic fish, NPY is more widely distributed. Our data also indicate the existence of differences in the brain distribution of NPY between Trematomus and other teleosts. In contrast with previous results reported in other fish, Trematomus contains positive fibres in the olfactory bulbs and immunoreactive perikarya in the nucleus of the lateral recess, whereas NPY-immunopositive cell bodies are absent in the thalamus and rhombencephalon, and no NPY immunoreactivity is present in the pituitary. These differences could be related to the Antarctic ecological diversity of notothenioids living at subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

In the subzero shelf waters of Antarctica, fishes of the perciform suborder Notothenioidei dominate the fish fauna and constitute an adaptive radiation and a species flock. The 16 species of dragonfishes of the family Bathydraconidae live from surface waters to nearly 3,000 m and have the greatest overall depth range among notothenioid families. We examined the anatomy and histology of the brain, retina, and cephalic lateral line system of nine bathydraconid species representing 8 of the 11 known genera. We evaluate these data against a cladogram identifying three clades in the family. We provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves of Gymnodraco acuticeps and Akarotaxis nudiceps. Bathydraconid brain morphology falls into two categories. Brains of most species are similar to those of generalized perciforms and some basal notothenioids (Class I). However, brains of deep-living bathydraconids (members of the tribe Bathydraconini minus Prionodraco) have a reduced telencephalon and tectum that renders the neural axis visible - the stalked brain morphology (Class II). All bathydraconids have duplex (rod and cone) retinae but there is considerable interspecific variation in the ratio of cones:rods and in the number of cells in the internal nuclear layer. Retinal histology reflects habitat depth but is not tightly coupled to phylogeny. Although the deep-living species of Bathydraconini have rod-dominated retinae, the retinae of some sister species are photopic. An expanded cephalic lateral line system is also characteristic of all members of the Bathydraconini as exemplified by Akarotaxis. This morphology includes large lateral line pores, wide membranous canals, hypertrophied canal neuromasts, and large anterodorsal lateral line nerves, eminentia granulares, and crista cerebellares. The saccular otoliths are also enlarged in members of this tribe. Neural diversification among bathydraconids on the Antarctic shelf has not involved the evolution of sensory specialists. Brain and sense organ morphologies do not approach the specialized condition seen in primary deep-sea fishes or even that of some secondary deep-sea fishes including sympatric non-notothenioids such as liparids (snailfishes) and muraenolepidids (eel cods). The brains and sense organs of bathydraconids, including the deep-living species, reflect their heritage as perciform shorefishes.  相似文献   

In the high-latitude shelf waters of Antarctica, fishes in the perciform suborder Notothenioidei dominate the fish fauna and constitute an adaptive radiation and a species flock. The 25 species of notothenioid plunderfishes, comprising four genera of the family Artedidraconidae, contribute substantially to fish species diversity on the high Antarctic shelf. A mental barbel is an autapomorphy for the family. Dolloidraco longedorsalis is the most abundant artedidraconid at depths over 400 m in these waters. In this article we present the anatomy and histology of the brain and special sense organs of Dolloidraco and compare it to the brains of other artedidraconids, closely related harpagiferids, and more generally to other notothenioids. We provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves. The brain of Dolloidraco is simple, without external hypertrophy of sensory or motor regions, but contains several unusual features associated with the ventricular system and CSF, including well-developed circumventricular organs, subependymal expansions, and subarachnoid cisterns; and a ventricle in the corpus cerebellum. The brain of Dolloidraco also contains a lobed chief sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve that is correlated across species with barbel length. The eyes are large and contain a small choroid rete, a structure previously thought to be absent from members of this family. We document the histology of the duplex retina, olfactory apparatus, cutaneous taste buds, and barbel musculature and innervation. We discuss the role of pedomorphy in producing simplified brain morphologies. We consider the possibility that Dolloidraco is a somatosensory specialist-an unusual feature among vertebrates-and decide that this is unlikely.  相似文献   

Polydactylus bifurcus sp. nov. is described on the basis of a single specimen collected from Lombok Island, Indonesia. The new species is distinguished from all other Indo-Pacific Polydactylus species by the following combination of characters: 15 pectoral fin rays, 5 pectoral filaments, 69 pored lateral line scales, 30 gill rakers, second spine of first dorsal fin very strong and lateral line bifurcated on caudal fin base, extending to posterior margins of upper and lower caudal fin lobes. Received: October 19, 2000 / Revised: April 21, 2001 / Accepted: April 25, 2001  相似文献   

The radiation of notothenioid fishes (Perciformes) in Antarctic waters was likely the result of an absence of competition in the isolated Antarctic waters and key traits such as the production of antifreeze glycoprotein and buoyancy modifications. Although notothenioids lack a swim bladder, the buoyancy of Antarctic species, ranging from neutrally buoyant to relatively heavy, corresponds to diverse life styles. The buoyancy of South American notothenioids has not been studied. Static buoyancy was measured in adult notothenioids (n = 263, from six species of the sub-order Notothenioidei, families Bovichtidae, Eleginopidae, Nototheniidae, and Harpagiferidae) from the Beagle Channel. Measurements were expressed as percentage buoyancy (%B). Buoyancy ranged from 3.88 to 6.96% (median, 4.0–6.7%), and therefore, all species could be considered benthic consistent with previous studies that found that neutral buoyancy in notothenioids is rare. Harpagifer bispinis, Patagonotothen cornucola, and Cottoperca gobio were significantly less buoyant than Paranotothenia magellanica. The buoyancy values of most species were concordant with known habitat preferences. These data, especially the data of C. gobio (sister lineage of all other nototehnioids) and E. maclovinus (sister lineage of the Antarctic clade of notothenioids), could be useful for understanding the diversification of this feature during the notothenioid radiation.  相似文献   

The brain architecture in four species of tapeworms from the order Trypanorhyncha has been studied. In all species, the brain consists of paired anterior and lateral lobes, and an unpaired central lobe. The anterior lobes connect by dorsal and ventral semicircular commissures; the central and lateral lobes connect by a median and an X-shaped crisscross commissure. In the center of the brain, five well-developed compact neuropils are present. The brain occupies a medial position in the scolex pars bothrialis. The ventral excretory vessels are situated outside the lateral lobes of the brain; the dorsal excretory vessels are located inside the brain and dorsal to the median commissure. The brain gives rize four anterior proboscis nerves and four posterior bulbar nerves with myelinated giant axons (GAs). The cell bodies of the GAs are located within the X-commissure and in the bulbar nerves. Highly developed serotonergic neuropils are present in the anterior and lateral lobes; numerous 5-HT neurons are found in the brain lobes including the central unpaired lobe. The X-cross commissure consists of the α-tub-immunoreactive and 5-HT-IR neurites. Eight ultrastructural types of neurons were found in the brain of the three species investigated. In addition, different types of synapses were present in the neuropils. Glial cells ensheath the brain lobes, the neuropils, the GAs, and the bulbar nerves. Glia cell processes form complex branching patterns of thin cytoplasmic sheets sandwiched between adjacent neural processes and filling the space between neurons. Multilayer myelin-like envelopes and a mesaxon-like structure have been found in Trypanorhyncha nervous system. We compared the brain architecture of Trypanorhyncha with that of an early basal cestode taxon, that is, Diphyllobothriidea, and present a hypothesis about the homology of the anterior brain lobes in order Trypanorhyncha; and the lateral lobes and median commissure are homologous brain structures within Eucestoda.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphology of the recurrent facial taste neurons and their organization in the recurrent ganglion of the sea catfish Plotosus japonicus. The recurrent ganglion is independent of the anterior ganglion, which consists of trigeminal, facial and anterior lateral line neurons that send peripheral fibres to the head region. The recurrent taste neurons are round or oval and bipolar, with thick peripheral and thin central fibres, and completely wrapped by membranous layers of satellite cells. Two peripheral nerve branches coursing to the trunk or pectoral fin originate from the recurrent ganglion. The results presented here show that the trunk and pectoral‐fin neurons are independently distributed to form various sizes of groups, and the groups are intermingled throughout the ganglion. No distinct topographical relationship of the two nerve branches occurs in the ganglion. Centrally, the trunk and pectoral‐fin branches project somatotopically in the anterolateral and intermediate medial regions of the trunk tail lobule of the facial lobe, respectively.  相似文献   

The trigeminofacial innervation of the cephalic photophores and lateral line organs of Tarletonbeania crenularis has been studied from gross dissections. The facial and trigeminal roots leave the brainstem separately, but later intermingle forming a trigemino‐facial complex. The seventh nerve gives rise to the hyomandibular trunk and sends a branch rostrad to join the trigeminal forming the supra‐ and infraorbital trunks. The supraorbital trunk innervates the Dn photophore, the snout, the iris, the supraorbital lateral line organs and part of the olfactory sacs. The infraorbital trunk supplies the infraorbital lateral line organs, the Vn photophore and the tissues surrounding the premaxillaries. The hyomandibular trunk passes to the opercular photophores and lateral line organs, and together with a branch from the infraorbital trunk supplies the branchiostegal photophores and lateral line organs of the mandible.  相似文献   

The integument of the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is unusual as a relatively small amount of mucus is produced by epithelial cells that are not modified into regular mucous gland cells. A thick compact epidermis and dermis compensate for the slight amount of mucus secreted. Paddlefish have a variety of scales formed of concentric bony lamellae containing osteocytes. There are five kinds of scales: dorsal and ventral fulcra on the caudal fin, rhomboidal scales on the caudal lobe, horny denticles over the pectoral girdle, calcareous denticles on the trunk, and anchor-shaped plates on the rostrum. Except for the fulcra, the scales are undoubtedly vestigial. The numerous surface pits on the rostrum, head, operculum, and throat are epithelial invaginations which are not connected to lateral line canals. No nerves lead to the pits. The spherical to cuboidal and often ciliated cells at the base of the pits are considered to be aplasic cells of unformed neuromasts.  相似文献   

Although notothenioid fishes lack swim bladders, some species live temporarily or permanently in the water column. Given its relatively high density, skeletal mass is a key determinant of buoyancy. Notothenioids have reduced skeletal ossification, but there is little quantitative data on the phylogenetic distribution of this trait. We obtained dry skeletal masses for 54 specimens representing 20 species from six notothenioid families. Although comparative data are sparse, notothenioid skeletons comprise a smaller percentage of body mass, <3.5%, than those of three non‐notothenioid perciforms. With relatively high skeletal mass, the non‐Antarctic Bovichtus diacanthus is similar in skeletal mass to some non‐notothenioids. Eleginops maclovinus, the non‐Antarctic sister group of the Antarctic clade, has a relatively light skeleton (<2% of body mass) similar to many species in the Antarctic clade. Low skeletal mass is therefore a synapomorphy shared by Eleginops plus the Antarctic clade. We provide gross, histological, and micro‐CT documentation of the structure and location of bone and cartilage in skulls, pectoral girdles, and vertebrae, with emphasis on the bovichtid B. diacanthus, the eleginopsid E. maclovinus, and the channichthyid Chaenodraco wilsoni. In Eleginops and the Antarctic clade, most bone is spongy and most species have persisting cartilage in the skull and appendicular skeleton. We also measured the relative size of the notochordal canal in adult vertebral centra of 38 species representing all eight families. There is considerable interspecific variation in this pedomorphic trait and all species show an ontogenetic reduction in the relative size of the canal. However, large persisting canals are present in adults of the Antarctic clade, especially in the nototheniids Pleuragramma and Aethotaxis and in a number of bathydraconid and channichthyid genera. J. Morphol. 275:841–861, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nominal Polydactylus species characterized by a large black spot anteriorly on the lateral line, P. microstomus (Bleeker), P. sextarius mullani (Hora), P. sextarius sextarius (Bloch and Schneider), and P. zophomus Jordan and McGregor, are reviewed. Polydactylus zophomus, with 5 pectoral filaments, is synonymized under P. microstomus, and P. sextarius mullani, with 7 pectoral filaments, is elevated to species level (as P. mullani). Polydactylus microstomus and P. mullani together with P. sextarius (characterized by 6 pectoral filaments) are considered as valid species and redescribed accordingly. Two new species, P. malagasyensis and P. persicus, each with 6 pectoral filaments, collected from the east coast of Africa, including Madagascar and the Persian Gulf, are also described. Polydactylus sextarius and the 2 new species are characterized by 6 pectoral filaments. However, P. sextarius is distinguished from the latter by having lower gill raker counts (mode 28 vs. 31 in the latter) and an atrophied swimbladder (vs. well-developed). Polydactylus malagasyensis differs from P. persicus in having higher pectoral fin ray counts (14 vs. mode 12 in the latter), the palatines inwardly turned anteriorly (vs. straight), and a longer pectoral fin (mean 24% of standard length vs. 19%). Received: February 5, 2001 / Revised: April 29, 2001 / Accepted: May 1, 2001  相似文献   

Eelpouts of the family Zoarcidae comprise a monophyletic group of marine fishes with a worldwide distribution. Centers of high zoarcid diversity occur in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, with important radiations into the Arctic, along southern South America, and into the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. Along with snailfishes (Liparidae), zoarcids form an important component of the non-notothenioid fauna in the subzero shelf waters of Antarctica. We document the anatomy and histology of the brains, cranial nerves, olfactory apparatus, cephalic lateral lines, taste buds, and retinas of three Antarctic zoarcid species, living at depths of 310-939 m, representing three of the nine genera from this region. The primary emphasis is on Ophthalmolycus amberensis, and we provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves of this species. Although this brain reflects general perciform neural morphology, it exhibits a reduction of the (optic) tecta and the eminentia granulares and crista cerebellares of the lateral line system. Interspecific differences among the three species are slight. The olfactory rosette consists of three to four lamellae and the nasal sac, contrary to the claim of Fanta et al. ([2001] Antarct Rec, Natl Inst Polar Res, Tokyo 45:27-42), is not in communication with the cephalic lateral line system. Primary olfactory neurons are abundant and converge on branches of the olfactory nerve. Numerous taste buds are located in the lips. All three species lack an ocular choroid rete and have relatively thin retinas with a low cell density and a single bank of rods as the only type of photoreceptor. Neural diversification among Antarctic zoarcids has not involved the evolution of sensory specialists; brain and sensory organ morphologies do not approach the condition seen in primary deep-sea fishes, or even that of some sympatric non-perciform secondary deep-sea fishes, including liparids and muraenolepidids (eel cods). There may be phylogenetic constraints on brain morphology in perciforms such that we do not see extreme specialization in sensory and neural systems for deep habitats. We suggest that the brains and sensory organs of Antarctic zoarcids reflect habitation of 500-2,000-m depths and likely reflect morphologies seen in zoarcids living on continental slopes elsewhere in the world. This balance among the sensory modalities makes zoarcids relatively generalized among secondary deep-sea fishes and may be one of the reasons this opportunistic and adaptable group has been successful in colonizing a variety of emergent and ephemeral habitats.  相似文献   

Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis, a new cyprinid species from a subterranean river in Donglan County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, is described. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: a completely scaled body with well-developed eyes; a curved lateral line possessing 57–64 scales; pectoral fin not reaching pelvic fin origin and last unbranched ray of the dorsal fin clearly serrated along its posterior edge; 8–9 predorsal vertebrae; 8–9 gill rakers; joints of dentary-angulars not close to each other at the isthmus; and a slightly inferior mouth with the upper jaw (6.2–7.4% in standard length: SL) protruding slightly beyond the lower one (5.7–6.7% SL). Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis is sympatric with the peculiarly shaped, hunchbacked S. altishoulderus.  相似文献   

Branching patterns of the trunk lateral line nerves were studied in 46 pleuronectiform species, representing nine families in two suborders. The dorsal fin longitudinal ramus (DFLR), derived from the main nerve (horizontal septum lateral line nerve), passed closely along the course of the middle trunk lateral line in all specimens examined, the dorsal longitudinal collector nerve (DLCN) partly coalescing with the DFLR along the arched part of the lateral line in Psettodes erumei (Psettodoidei), compared with the entire length of the latter in all other species (Pleuronectoidei). Citharidae, Paralichthyidae, and Pleuronectidae were characterized by having a simple, elongated dorsal ramule; Bothidae was unique in having more than one dorsal ramule, forming a ladder-like network and peripherally giving off numerous minute branches; Poecilopsettidae and Samaridae possessed a few, short dorsal ramules; Soleidae and Cynoglossidae were characteristic in having a dendritic dorsal ramule. Secondary modifications of the course of the middle trunk lateral line were detected by nerve information, the arched part of the lateral line having been secondarily highly elevated in some genera of Pleuronectidae, but secondarily straightened in Samaridae.  相似文献   

Many benthic batoids utilize their pectoral fins for both undulatory locomotion and feeding. Certain derived, pelagic species of batoids possess cephalic lobes, which evolved from the anterior pectoral fins. These species utilize the pectoral fins for oscillatory locomotion while the cephalic lobes are used for feeding. The goal of this article was to compare the morphology of the cephalic lobes and anterior pectoral fins in species that possess and lack cephalic lobes. The skeletal elements (radials) of the cephalic lobes more closely resembled the radials in the pectoral fin of undulatory species. Second moment of area (I), calculated from cephalic lobe radial cross sections, and the number of joints revealed greater flexibility and resistance to bending in multiple directions as compared to pectoral fin radials of oscillatory species. The cephalic lobe musculature was more complex than the anterior pectoral fin musculature, with an additional muscle on the dorsal side, with fiber angles running obliquely to the radials. In Rhinoptera bonasus, a muscle presumably used to help elevate the cephalic lobes is described. Electrosensory pores were found on the cephalic lobes (except Mobula japonica) and anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, but absent from the anterior pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. Pore distributions were fairly uniform except in R. bonasus, which had higher pore numbers at the edges of the cephalic lobes. Overall, the cephalic lobes are unique in their anatomy but are more similar to the anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, having more flexibility and maneuverability compared to pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. The maneuverable cephalic lobes taking on the role of feeding may have allowed the switch to oscillatory locomotion and hence, a more pelagic lifestyle. J. Morphol. 274:1070–1083, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum is a keystone species in the Ross Sea ecosystem, providing one of the major links between lower and higher trophic levels. Despite the importance of this species, surprisingly little is known of its early development and behaviour. Here, we determine the metabolic capacity of Pleuragramma embryonated eggs and larvae and make comparisons with developing stages of another notothenioid, the naked dragonfish Gymnodraco acuticeps. We also show that although large numbers of embryonated eggs of Pleuragramma are found floating among the platelet ice of Terra Nova Bay, they are able to sink prior to hatching in late spring, likely reducing the risk of exposure to the potentially lethal, ice-laden surface environment. Applying Stoke’s law, we determine the change in density required for embryonated eggs to sink at the measured rate and then consider possible mechanisms by which this might occur. Significantly, newly hatched larvae are positively gravitactic and negatively phototactic, such that their swimming behaviour also directs them away from the risk of freezing in the icy surface waters. Measurement of the acute thermal tolerance shows that Pleuragramma larvae have, on average, a sustainable swimming performance breadth of about 17°C, which is significantly greater than that of other adult notothenioids. Although it lacks significant antifreeze capacity in its early developmental stages, Pleuragramma has other attributes that may ensure survival over a wider range of environmental temperatures than other more stenothermal Antarctic notothenioids. How it might adapt to prolonged environmental change arising from phenomena such as global warming, however, requires further investigation.  相似文献   

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