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Summary The indirect immunofluorescence method was used to identify and locate LTH-, STH-, LH-, TSH-, ACTH- and MSH-immunoreactive cells in the pituitary of Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Gymnophiona). The present study defines the histological and histochemical staining properties of each cell type identified.  相似文献   

Kuehnel, S., Herzen, J., Kleinteich, T., Beckmann, F. and Kupfer, A. 2011. The female cloaca of an oviparous caecilian amphibian (Gymnophiona): functional and seasonal aspects. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–14. Reproductive morphology is receiving increased attention in animals that have variable reproductive modes combined with internal fertilization. Exceptionally among amphibians all caecilian species practice internal fertilization via an intromittent organ: an everted part of the male cloaca (phallodeum or phallus). Because research has mostly concentrated on males, knowledge of the female cloacal morphology is scarce. Here, we present the first single‐species study of the functional morphology of the female cloaca of an oviparous, phylogenetically basal caecilian (Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis). We have analyzed female cloacal shape during the reproductive cycle combining conventional histology with 3D‐reconstruction. All females are similar in their overall cloacal structure with some differences in size and histology associated with the reproductive cycle. The female cloaca is divided into two distinct chambers similar to the male condition. The cranial chamber contains urogenital pockets into which oviducts and Wolffian ducts open and which may have function during oviposition. The caudal cloacal chamber bears a novel feature – dorsolateral blind sacs, which are homologous to the male condition, but are considerably smaller. The study of female cloacal morphology is essential to understanding the evolution of the caecilian reproductive system and contributes to the understanding of tetrapod genital morphology in general.  相似文献   

Insights into morphological diversification can be obtained from the ways the species of a clade occupy morphospace. Projecting a phylogeny into morphospace provides estimates of evolutionary trajectories as lineages diversified information that can be used to infer the dynamics of evolutionary processes that produced patterns of morphospace occupation. We present here a large-scale investigation into evolution of morphological variation in the skull of caecilian amphibians, a major clade of vertebrates. Because caecilians are limbless, predominantly fossorial animals, diversification of their skull has occurred within a framework imposed by the functional demands of head-first burrowing. We examined cranial shape in 141 species, over half of known species, using X-ray computed tomography and geometric morphometrics. Mapping an existing phylogeny into the cranial morphospace to estimate the history of morphological change (phylomorphospace), we find a striking pattern: most species occupy distinct clusters in cranial morphospace that closely correspond to the main caecilian clades, and each cluster is separated by unoccupied morphospace. The empty spaces in shape space are unlikely to be caused entirely by extinction or incomplete sampling. The main caecilian clades have different amounts of morphological disparity, but neither clade age nor number of species account for this variation. Cranial shape variation is clearly linked to phyletic divergence, but there is also homoplasy, which is attributed to extrinsic factors associated with head-first digging: features of caecilian crania that have been previously argued to correlate with differential microhabitat use and burrowing ability, such as subterminal and terminal mouths, degree of temporal fenestration (stegokrotaphy/zygokrotaphy), and eyes covered by bone, have evolved and many combinations occur in modern species. We find evidence of morphological convergence in cranial shape, among species that have eyes covered by bone, resulting in a narrow bullet-shaped head. These results reveal a complex history, including early expansion of morphospace and both divergent and convergent evolution resulting in the diversity we observe today.  相似文献   

Summary The thyroid gland of the tropical amphibian Chthonerpeton is markedly stimulated when the animal is exposed for two days to relatively high temperatures (36° C). Control animals were kept at 20° C. The stimulated gland exhibits collapsed follicles and a very tall follicular epithelium. At the ultrastructural level the activated epithelial cells were characterized by an increased number of apical microvilli, increased amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum, an extended Golgi apparatus and a high number of various granular and vesicular inclusions. These differences in histology and fine structure were not paralleled by quantitative results, which were approximately the same in both groups of animals. The values of these determinations were relatively high.Gratefully dedicated to Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We 380/5, Sto 75/3).  相似文献   

Of living amphibian groups, the limbless burrowing caecilians are amongst the most highly specialised, but are the least known. Their fossil record is extremely poor, leaving unresolved questions as to their origins, relationships and early distribution. We describe here caecilian remains from a Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) microfossil locality near Anoual, Morocco. This material represents the second oldest record for the group, after the Jurassic Eocaecilia of North America, and the earliest caecilian record for Gondwana. It forms the basis of a new genus, Rubricacaecilia , which appears slightly more derived than Eocaecilia , but lacks major features of crown-group taxa. We support the use of Apoda Oppel, 1811 for the crown-group alone, and Gymnophiona Rafinesque 1814 for the clade comprising stem-group taxa + Apoda.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections of the caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis were investigated by anterograde transport of HRP. The optic tract forms two bundles in the diencephalon, a narrow medial bundle in the optic tectum, and a basal optic tract consisting of few fibres. Terminal fields are in the thalamus, pretectum, tectum, and as a circum-scribed basal optic neuropile in the tegmentum. Thalamic, pretectal and tectal projections are contralateral as well as ipsilateral. The reduced but existing visual projection corresponds to a reduced but existing visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural and enzyme histochemical observations on ultimobranchial body and parathyroid gland of the caecilian Chthonerpeton are presented. The cell clusters and follicles of the ultimobranchial body consist mainly of granulated cells which are termed C-cells and obviously belong to the APUD cell series. In the larger follicles additional possibly exhausted degranulated cells and replacement cells occur. A rich supply of nerve fibres has been found in this gland. Frequently nerve terminals were observed to come into synaptic contact with the C-cells. Two categories of nerve fibres occur: a) fibres containing large polymorphic electron dense granules (probably purinergic fibres), b) fibres containing small electron transparent vesicles and a few electron dense granules (probably cholinergic fibres). The parathyroid gland consists of elongated cells (one cell type) poor in organelles and often containing fields of glycogen and lipid droplets. The cells are further characterized by fair amounts of lysosomal enzymes; they are interconnected by maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. No nerves and blood vessels have been found in the parathyroid gland of Chthonerpeton. This study has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft We 380/5.  相似文献   

Summary The notochord of Ichthyophis glutinosus and I. kohtaoensis consists of peripheral flattened cells characterized by a well-developed system of rough endoplasmic reticulum, bundles of tonofilaments, and abundant glycogen particles. These cells contain furthermore fairly high activities of -naphtyl-acetate esterase and 4-chloro-5-bromoindoxyl acetate esterase as well as acid phosphatase which was found in lysosomal localization. The huge intracellular vacuoles of the centrally situated cells possibly originate from electron translucent spaces within the glycogen fields of the peripheral cells.The notochord sheath consists of variously differentiated layers of collagen fibers and of an elastica externa. The diameters of the collagen fibers increase from the inner towards the outer region of the sheath. A peculiar feature of the Ichthyophis notochord sheath is a ring of mineralized collagen. The notochord of the caecilians investigated is compared with that of anurans, urodeles, and several groups of fish.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the renal corpuscle, the neck segment, the proximal tubule and the intermediate segment of the kidney of a South American caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) was examined by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and freeze-fracture technique. The glomerular filter apparatus consists of the podocyte epithelium, a distinct basement membrane, a subendothelial space and the capillary endothelium. Emanating from the podocyte cell body, several long primary processes encircle neighboring capillaries. The short slender foot processes originating from the primary processes interdigitate with those from other primary processes, thereby forming the meandering filtration slit. Thick bundles of microfilaments are found in the primary processes, but absent in the foot processes. The basement membrane consists of a lamina rara externa and a rather thin lamina densa (50 nm thickness). The wide subendothelial space contains abundant microfibrils, a few collagen fibrils and many thin processes of mesangial cells. The endothelium is flat and fenestrated (compared to mammals displaying relatively few fenestrations); some of the fenestrations are bridged by a diaphragm. The glomerular mesangium is made up of the mesangial cells and a prominent mesangial matrix containing microfibrils and collagen fibrils. The cells of the neck and intermediate segments display numerous cilia with their microtubules arranged in the typical 9 + 2 pattern. The basal bodies of the cilia are attached to thick filaments with a clear crossbanding pattern of 65 nm periodicity. The proximal tubule is composed of cells typical for this segment (PT cells) and light cells lacking a brush border (bald-headed cells). The PT cells measure 10-25 micron in height and 15-30 micron in width and do not interdigitate at their lateral borders with each other. Their basolateral cell membrane is amplified by many folds projecting into lateral intercellular spaces and into basal recesses. The brush border is scarce and composed of loosely arranged short microvilli.  相似文献   

Viviparity (i.e., the bearing of live young) has evolved from oviparity (egg laying) independently in various major vertebrate lineages, and several transitional stages have been described. The transition from oviparity to viviparity requires the retention of fertilised eggs in the female reproductive tract. Caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona) display a considerable diversity of reproductive modes, including oviparity and viviparity. Among amphibians, caecilians have also modified the process of internal fertilisation through a special intromittent organ, or phallus, in males. Here we report the oviposition of “embryonated” eggs ranging from various gastrula-to-neurula stages by female Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis (Ichthyophiidae) from North-eastern Thailand. In addition, we describe a copulation resulting in an oviposition of embryonated eggs. Our findings will have implications for the further understanding of the evolutionary reproductive biology of amphibians.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the distal nephron, the collecting duct and the Wolffian duct was studied in a South American caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) by transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM, SEM). The distal tubule (DT) is made up of one type of cell that has a well-developed membrane labyrinth established both by interdigitating processes and by interlocking ramifications. The processes contain large mitochondria, the ramifications do not. The tight junction is shallow and elongated by a meandering course. The connecting tubule (CNT) is composed of CNT cells proper and intercalated cells, both of which are cuboidal in shape. The CNT cells are characterized by many lateral interlocking folds. The intercalated cells have a dark cytoplasm densely filled with mitochondria. Their apical cell membrane is typically amplified by microplicae beneath which a layer of globular particles (studs) is found. The collecting duct (CD) is composed of principal cells and intercalated cells, again both cuboidal in shape. The CD epithelium is characterized by dilated intercellular spaces, which are often filled with lateral microfolds projecting from adjacent principal cells. The apical membrane is covered by a prominent glycocalyx. The intercalated cells in the CD are similar to those in the CNT. The Wolffian duct (WD) has a tall pseudostratified epithelium established by WD cells proper, intercalated cells and basal cells. The WD cells contain irregular-shaped dense granules located beneath the apical cell membrane. The intercalated cells of the WD have a dark cytoplasm with many mitochondria; their nuclei display a dense chromatin pattern.Research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation  相似文献   

The caecilians have evolved a unique pattern of cystic spermatogenesis in which cysts representing different stages in spermatogenesis coexist in a testis lobule. We examined unsettled issues relating to the organization of the caecilian testis lobules, including the occurrence of a fatty matrix, the possibility of both peripheral and central Sertoli cells, the origin of Sertoli cells from follicular cells, and the disengagement of older Sertoli cells to become loose central Sertoli cells. We subjected the testis of Ichthyophis tricolor (Ichthyophiidae) and Uraeotyphlus cf. narayani (Uraeotyphliidae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, to light and transmission electron microscopic studies. Irrespective of the functional state of the testis, whether active or regressed, Sertoli cells constitute a permanent feature of the lobules. The tall Sertoli cells adherent to the basal lamina with basally located pleomorphic nuclei extend deeper into the lobule to meet at the core. There they provide for association of germ cells at different stages of differentiation, an aspect that has earlier been misconceived as the fatty matrix. Germ cells up to the 4-cell stage remain in the intercalating region of the Sertoli cells and they are located at the apices of the Sertoli cells from the 8-cell stage onwards. The developing germ cells are intimately associated with the Sertoli cell adherent to the basal lamina until spermiation. There are ameboid cells in the core of the lobules that appear to interact with the germ cells at the face opposite to their attachment with the Sertoli cells. Adherence of the Sertoli cells to the basal lamina is a permanent feature of the caecilian testicular lobules. The ameboid cells in the core are neither Sertoli cells nor their degeneration products.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of hepatic peroxisomes was investigated in Ichthyophis glutinosus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), employing perfusion fixation and the diaminobenzidine (DAB) technique for the visualization of catalase. The majority of peroxisomes is circular or rod-shaped, although elongated particles occasionally occur. They contain a finely granular matrix, lightly stained after the DAB procedure. Their mean diameter is approximately 0.25 m. Serial sections reveal that the circular and rod-shaped peroxisomal profiles are cross and oblique sections of highly tortuous, tubular organelles exceeding 2 m in length.In addition to tubular profiles, elongated, rectangular particles, as well as straight dumbbell-shaped organelles with distinct marginal plates are observed. They range from 900 to 1650 nm in length (mean = 1200 nm). In the flattened, thin central portion of the dumbbell-shaped particle, the peroxisomal membranes form a cisterna enclosing one or two uniformly thick marginal plates, which display a definite substructure with a periodicity of 10 nm.These findings indicate that peroxisomes in the liver of Ichthyophis exhibit a complex organization. It is suggested that the organelles undergo a specific differentiation process, morphologically characterized by the formation of enlarged segments of unusual shape.This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Fa 146/1-2 and Sto 75/9  相似文献   

Summary Different developmental stages of two species of the genus Ichthyophis have been investigated. In the late embryo the follicular cells of the thyroid gland exhibit various degrees of cytodifferentiation. Well differentiated cells show a polar organization and contain numerous granular inclusions, but a colloid-containing lumen is rare. Most cells at this stage contain large lipid inclusions. In young and older larvae the cells contain well-developed rough ER and Golgi systems, numerous mitochondria, and abundant granular and vesicular inclusions. Tentative identifications were made of primary lysosomes, secondary lysosomes, residual bodies, and two types of small apical vesicles—containing resorbed colloid or transporting material into the follicular lumen. In the larvae the number of apical microvilli is relatively high. The thyroid cells of the older larvae seem to contain more granular and vesicular inclusions than those of the younger larvae. In the adult the size of the follicles greatly increases, the height of the epithelium decreases, microvilli become rare, residual bodies are more frequent, and the small primary lysosomes are replaced by larger ones. Colloid droplets have been found only rarely in the cytoplasm of the thyroid cells of adult animals. In the immediate neighbourhood of the follicular epithelium, profiles of nerve fibres were found in all animals. Radioiodide investigations—measurements of conversion ratio and thyroid uptake factor—show, if compared with the results of corresponding studies in other amphibians, only relatively small differences between the larvae on the one hand and larvae and adults on the other. The absolute counts of the thyroid region are lowest in the adult and highest in the older larvae, shortly before metamorphosis. Furthermore our results indicate, on the basis of four animals tested, that in Ichthyophis the activity of the thyroid gland is temperature dependent. The results in Ichthyophis show that the classical stages of metamorphosis, in other amphibians characterized among other things by different levels of thyroid activity, are very indistinct in this animal.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We 380/5; Sto 76/4).  相似文献   

Summary In the diencephalon of two species of Gymnophiona (Amphibia) two neurosecretory nuclei were examined with histological (Alcian Blue, Aldehyde Fuchsin, Brookes Trichrome stain) and enzyme histochemical techniques (acid phosphatase, -naphthyl acetate esterase, acetylcholinesterase (AChE)). In the preoptic nucleus two categories of secretory neurons were distinguished: large and medium sized neurons. The perikarya of both cell types contain very little neurosecretory material. The Alcian Blue method stained the medium sized neurons faintly but selectively. The tractus praeopticohypophyseus is marked by the presence of Herring bodies, which, however, are relatively scarce. The neurohypophysis, in contrast, contains large amounts of neurosecretory material. Both cell types of the preoptic nucleus are characterized by their very strong AChE and -naphthylacetate esterase activity. The AChE also marks the tractus praeoptico-hypophyseus. In the large neurons acid phosphatase is present around the nucleus; in the medium sized neurons this enzyme is concentrated close to the origin of the axon. In the dorso-caudal hypothalamus a small group of neurons is stained with Alcian-Blue. These neurons, which also contain AChE, are located immediately under the ependyma which seems to be specialized in this region.The financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged (We 380/5)  相似文献   

The morphology of tooth crowns is variable inter-specifically among caecilians. Cusp number and shape, crown dimensions, and crown curvature characterize various species and have both functional and phylogenetic implications. Ichthyophis, Uraeotyphlus, Hypogeophis, and Geotrypetes have bicuspid teeth; Dermophis, Gymnopis, Caecilia, and Typhlonectes monocuspid. Crown morphology as revealed by scanning electron microscopy is associated with prey grasping and, in one case, possible specialization of prey type.  相似文献   

Variation in the trunk musculature of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variation in the trunk musculature of 28 species of caecilians. representing 24 of the 33 genera and all five families. is summarized. All forms examined have the same muscles in similar positions. Existing variation largely conforms to the current classification of the group. and some variation may be attributable to different modes of locomotion. such as burrowing versus swimming. Caecilian trunk musculature is more similar to that of salamanders than to that of frogs. but the similarity is probably syrnplesiomorphous. Trunk musculature so far has provided no clues to lissamphibian relationships.  相似文献   

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