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1. There are numerous data that support the trade‐off between flight capability and reproduction in female wing polymorphic insects, but the relationship between wing form and fitness remains poorly investigated in males. 2. In the present study, the development of flight muscle and gonads, spermatophore size, and multiple copulation ability were investigated in both long‐winged (LW) and short‐winged (SW) males to verify this trade‐off, using a wing dimorphic cricket species Velarifictorus aspersus (Walker). 3. The LW males had better‐developed wing muscles than the SW males on the day of emergence, and both of them developed wing muscles after emergence, but the peak of weight in SW males was achieved 4 days later than that of the LW males. The accessory glands (AG) of the LW males developed significantly slower than that of the SW males. These results suggest that development and maintenance of flight muscles have a cost on the development of reproductive organs in male V. asperses. 4. The SW males produced significantly heavier spermatophores in a single copulation and mated more often than LW males. This indicates the SW males have a higher mating success than the LW males, thereby increasing their chance of siring offspring.  相似文献   

Growth and reproduction are two essential life‐history traits for fungi. Understanding life‐history strategies provides insight into the environmental adaption of species. Here, we investigated the colonial morphology, vegetative growth, and asexual reproduction of the ascomycete fungus Bionectria ochroleuca in response to a variety of environmental conditions. We demonstrated that the increased temperature from 15 to 25°C induced mycelial growth and conidiation in B. ochroleuca. We also found that the optimal temperatures for mycelial growth and conidial formation in this fungus species were 25 and 30°C, respectively. However, as the temperature increased from 25 to 30°C, mycelial growth was suppressed, but the total number of conidia was significantly increased. The shift in light–dark cycles dramatically changed the morphological features of the colonies and affected both vegetative growth and asexual reproduction. Under incubation environments of alternating light and dark (16:8 and 8:16 light:dark cycles), conidiophores and conidia in the colonies formed dense‐sparse rings and displayed synchronous wave structures. When the light duration was prolonged in the sequence of 0, 8, 16, and 24 hr per day, mycelial growth was suppressed, but conidiation was promoted. Together, our results indicate that temperature and light period may trigger a trade‐off between vegetative growth and asexual reproduction in B. ochroleuca.  相似文献   

Sequestration, that is, the accumulation of plant toxins into body tissues for defense, was predicted to incur physiological costs and may require resistance traits different from those of non‐sequestering insects. Alternatively, sequestering species could experience a cost in the absence of toxins due to selection on physiological homeostasis under permanent exposure of sequestered toxins in body tissues. Milkweed bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeinae) sequester high amounts of plant‐derived cardenolides. Although being potent inhibitors of the ubiquitous animal enzyme Na+/K+‐ATPase, milkweed bugs can tolerate cardenolides by means of resistant Na+/K+‐ATPases. Both adaptations, resistance and sequestration, are ancestral traits of the Lygaeinae. Using four milkweed bug species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Lygaeinae) and the related European firebug (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae: Pyrrhocoris apterus) showing different combinations of the traits “cardenolide resistance” and “cardenolide sequestration,” we tested how the two traits affect larval growth upon exposure to dietary cardenolides in an artificial diet system. While cardenolides impaired the growth of P. apterus nymphs neither possessing a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase nor sequestering cardenolides, growth was not affected in the non‐sequestering milkweed bug Arocatus longiceps, which possesses a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase. Remarkably, cardenolides increased growth in the sequestering dietary specialists Caenocoris nerii and Oncopeltus fasciatus but not in the sequestering dietary generalist Spilostethus pandurus, which all possess a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase. We furthermore assessed the effect of dietary cardenolides on additional life history parameters, including developmental speed, longevity of adults, and reproductive success in O. fasciatus. Unexpectedly, nymphs under cardenolide exposure developed substantially faster and lived longer as adults. However, fecundity of adults was reduced when maintained on cardenolide‐containing diet for their entire lifetime but not when adults were transferred to non‐toxic sunflower seeds. We speculate that the resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase of milkweed bugs is selected for working optimally in a “toxic environment,” that is, when sequestered cardenolides are stored in the body.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in the intrinsic quality and nutritional condition of individuals affects reproductive success and consequently fitness. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are long‐lived, migratory, specialist herbivores. Long migratory pathways and short summer breeding seasons constrain the time and energy available for reproduction, thus magnifying life‐history trade‐offs. These constraints, combined with long lifespans and trade‐offs between current and future reproductive value, provide a model system to examine the role of individual heterogeneity in driving life‐history strategies and individual heterogeneity in fitness. We used hierarchical Bayesian models to examine reproductive trade‐offs, modeling the relationships between within‐year measures of reproductive energy allocation and among‐year demographic rates of individual females breeding on the Yukon‐Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, using capture–recapture and reproductive data from 1988 to 2014. We generally found that annual survival tended to be buffered against variation in reproductive investment, while breeding probability varied considerably over the range of clutch size‐laying date combinations. We provide evidence for relationships between breeding probability and clutch size, breeding probability and nest initiation date, and an interaction between clutch size and initiation date. Average lifetime clutch size also had a weak positive relationship with apparent survival probability. Our results support the use of demographic buffering strategies for black brant. These results also indirectly suggest associations among environmental conditions during growth, fitness, and energy allocation, highlighting the effects of early growth conditions on individual heterogeneity, and subsequently, lifetime reproductive investment.  相似文献   

A life‐history trade‐off exists between flight capability and reproduction in many wing dimorphic insects: a long‐winged morph is flight‐capable at the expense of reproduction, while a short‐winged morph cannot fly, is less mobile, but has greater reproductive output. Using meta‐analyses, I investigated specific questions regarding this trade‐off. The trade‐off in females was expressed primarily as a later onset of egg production and lower fecundity in long‐winged females relative to short‐winged females. Although considerably less work has been done with males, the trade‐off exists for males among traits primarily related to mate acquisition. The trade‐off can potentially be mitigated in males, as long‐winged individuals possess an advantage in traits that can offset the costs of flight capability such as a shorter development time. The strength and direction of trends differed significantly among insect orders, and there was a relationship between the strength and direction of trends with the relative flight capabilities between the morphs. I discuss how the trade‐off might be both under‐ and overestimated in the literature, especially in light of work that has examined two relevant aspects of wing dimorphic species: (1) the effect of flight‐muscle histolysis on reproductive investment; and (2) the performance of actual flight by flight‐capable individuals.  相似文献   

Longevity was influenced by many complex diseases and traits. However, the relationships between human longevity and genetic risks of complex diseases were not broadly studied. Here, we constructed polygenic risk scores (PRSs) for 225 complex diseases/traits and evaluated their relationships with human longevity in a cohort with 2178 centenarians and 2299 middle‐aged individuals. Lower genetic risks of stroke and hypotension were observed in centenarians, while higher genetic risks of schizophrenia (SCZ) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) were detected in long‐lived individuals. We further stratified PRSs into cell‐type groups and significance‐level groups. The results showed that the immune component of SCZ genetic risk was positively linked to longevity, and the renal component of T2D genetic risk was the most deleterious. Additionally, SNPs with very small p‐values (p ≤ 1x10‐5) for SCZ and T2D were negatively correlated with longevity. While for the less significant SNPs (1x10‐5 < p ≤ 0.05), their effects on disease and longevity were positively correlated. Overall, we identified genetically informed positive and negative factors for human longevity, gained more insights on the accumulation of disease risk alleles during evolution, and provided evidence for the theory of genetic trade‐offs between complex diseases and longevity.  相似文献   

Animals regulate their nutrient consumption to maximize the expression of fitness traits with competing nutritional needs (“nutritional trade‐offs”). Nutritional trade‐offs have been studied using a response surface modeling approach known as the Geometric Framework for nutrition (GF). Current experimental design in GF studies does not explore the entire area of the nutritional space resulting in performance landscapes that may be incomplete. This hampers our ability to understand the properties of the performance landscape (e.g., peak shape) from which meaningful biological insights can be obtained. Here, I tested alternative experimental designs to explore the full range of the performance landscape in GF studies. I compared the performance of the standard GF design strategy with three alternatives: hexagonal, square, and random points grid strategies with respect to their accuracy in reconstructing baseline performance landscapes from a landmark GF dataset. I showed that standard GF design did not reconstruct the properties of baseline performance landscape appropriately particularly for traits that respond strongly to the interaction between nutrients. Moreover, the peak estimates in the reconstructed performance landscape using standard GF design were accurate in terms of the nutrient ratio but incomplete in terms of peak shape. All other grid designs provided more accurate reconstructions of the baseline performance landscape while also providing accurate estimates of nutrient ratio and peak shape. Thus, alternative experimental designs can maximize information from performance landscapes in GF studies, enabling reliable biological insights into nutritional trade‐offs and physiological limits within and across species.  相似文献   

The strategic allocation of resources into immunity poses a unique challenge for individuals, where infection at different stages of development may result in unique trade‐offs with concurrent physiological processes or future fitness‐enhancing traits. Here, we experimentally induced an immune challenge in female Gryllus firmus crickets to test whether illness at discrete life stages differentially impacts fitness. We injected heat‐killed Serratia marcescens bacteria into antepenultimate juveniles, penultimate juveniles, sexually immature adults, and sexually mature adults, and then measured body growth, instar duration, mating rate, viability of stored sperm, egg production, oviposition rate, and egg viability. Immune activation significantly impacted reproductive traits, where females that were immune challenged as adults had decreased mating success and decreased egg viability compared to healthy individuals or females that were immune challenged as juveniles. Although there was no effect of an immune challenge on the other traits measured, the stress of handling resulted in reduced mass gain and smaller adult body size in females from the juvenile treatments, and females in the adult treatments suffered from reduced viability of sperm stored within their spermatheca. In summary, we found that an immune challenge does have negative impacts on reproduction, but also that even minor acute stressors can have significant impacts on fitness‐enhancing traits. These findings highlight that the factors affecting fitness can be complex and at times unpredictable, and that the consequences of illness are specific to when during an individual''s life an immune challenge is induced.  相似文献   

Even with increasing interest in the ecological importance of intraspecific trait variation (ITV) for better understanding ecological processes, few studies have quantified ITV in seedlings and assessed constraints imposed by trade‐offs and correlations among individual‐level leaf traits. Estimating the amount and role of ITV in seedlings is important to understand tree recruitment and long‐term forest dynamics. We measured ten different size, economics, and whole leaf traits (lamina and petiole) for more than 2,800 seedlings (height ≥ 10 cm and diameter at breast height < 1 cm) in 283 seedling plots and then quantified the amount of ITV and trait correlations across two biological (intraspecific and interspecific) and spatial (within and among plots) scales. Finally, we explored the effects of trait variance and sample size on the strength of trait correlations. We found about 40% (6%–63%) variation in leaf‐level traits was explained by ITV across all traits. Lamina and petiole traits were correlated across biological and spatial scales, whereas leaf size traits (e.g., lamina area) were weakly correlated with economics traits (e.g., specific lamina area); lamina mass ratio was strongly related to the petiole length. Trait correlations varied among species, plots, and different scales but there was no evidence that the strength of trait relationships was stronger at broader than finer biological and spatial scales. While larger trait variance increased the strength of correlations, the sample size was the most important factor that was negatively related to the strength of trait correlations. Our results showed that a large amount of trait variation was explained by ITV, which highlighted the importance of considering ITV when using trait‐based approaches in seedling ecology. In addition, sample size was an important factor that influenced the strength of trait correlations, which suggests that comparing trait correlations across studies should consider the differences in sample size.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A study was conducted to describe the major features of geographical and temporal variation in the diversity of grassland grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in different sites of the Pampas, Argentina. Species richness and relative abundance were assessed at 12 sites in eastern La Pampa and western Buenos Aires provinces, from 1994 through 1999. Mean species richness at the regional level was 10, and 34 grasshopper species were collected throughout of the study. Comparison with grasshopper species diversity from the Great Plains of North America is discussed. An evaluation of the proportions of species in each of the three distribution groups (broad, intermediate and narrow) revealed that, over all sites, broadly distributed species made up 14.7% of species composition and intermediately and narrowly distributed species made up 26.5% and 58.8%, respectively. The three top-ranked species in the studied sites were Dichroplus elongatus , D. pratensis and Staurorhectus longicornis . Results showed that, contrary to what was expected, one of the widely distributed species in the region (i.e. Baeacris punctulatus ) does not always constitute one of the most abundant species. Finally, the loss of one of the historically most common species in the Pampas, D. maculipennis , is also discussed.  相似文献   

  1. The availability and investment of energy among successive life‐history stages is a key feature of carryover effects. In migratory organisms, examining how both winter and spring experiences carryover to affect breeding activity is difficult due to the challenges in tracking individuals through these periods without impacting their behavior, thereby biasing results.
  2. Using common eiders Somateria mollissima, we examined whether spring conditions at an Arctic breeding colony (East Bay Island, Nunavut, Canada) can buffer the impacts of winter temperatures on body mass and breeding decisions in birds that winter at different locations (Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland, and Newfoundland, Canada; assessed by analyzing stable isotopes of 13‐carbon in winter‐grown claw samples). Specifically, we used path analysis to examine how wintering and spring environmental conditions interact to affect breeding propensity (a key reproductive decision influencing lifetime fitness in female eiders) within the contexts of the timing of colony arrival, pre‐breeding body mass (body condition), and a physiological proxy for foraging effort (baseline corticosterone).
  3. We demonstrate that warmer winter temperatures predicted lower body mass at arrival to the nesting colony, whereas warmer spring temperatures predicted earlier arrival dates and higher arrival body mass. Both higher body mass and earlier arrival dates of eider hens increased the probability that birds would initiate laying (i.e., higher breeding propensity). However, variation in baseline corticosterone was not linked to either winter or spring temperatures, and it had no additional downstream effects on breeding propensity.
  4. Overall, we demonstrate that favorable pre‐breeding conditions in Arctic‐breeding common eiders can compensate for the impact that unfavorable wintering conditions can have on breeding investment, perhaps due to greater access to foraging areas prior to laying.

The TLPSOES parameters were optimized by response surface methodology using Box–Behnken design, which were 16.5% w/w of ammonium citrate, 17.5% w/w of ethanol, and 46% w/w of n‐hexane at 70 min of stirring time. Under optimized conditions the extraction efficiency attained was 90.91 ± 0.97% of EPA, 90.02 ± 1.04% of DHA, and 91.85 ± 1.11% of KO in the top n‐hexane phase. The highest extraction efficiency of proteins and flavonoids, i.e. 88.34 ± 1.35% and 79.67 ± 1.13%, was recorded in the solid interface and ethanol phase, respectively. The KO extracted by TLPSOES system consisted of lowest fluoride level compared to the conventional method and whole wet krill biomass. The TLPSOES is a potential candidate for nutraceutical industry of KO extraction from wet krill biomass.  相似文献   

Roosting information is crucial to guiding bat conservation and bat‐friendly forestry practices. The Ryukyu tube‐nosed bat Murina ryukyuana (Endangered) and Yanbaru whiskered bat Myotis yanbarensis (Critically Endangered) are forest‐dwelling bats endemic to the central Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Despite their threatened status, little is known about the roosting ecology of these species and the characteristics of natural maternity roosts are unknown. To inform sustainable forestry practices and conservation management, we radio‐tracked day roosts of both species in the subtropical forests of Okinawa''s Kunigami Village District. We compared roost and roost site characteristics statistically between M. ryukyuana nonmaternity roosts (males or nonreproductive females), maternity roosts, and all M. yanbarensis roosts. Generalized linear models were used to investigate roost site selection by M. ryukyuana irrespective of sex and age class. Lastly, we compiled data on phenology from this and prior studies. Nonreproductive M. ryukyuana roosted alone and primarily in understory foliage. Murina ryukyuana maternity roosts were limited to stands >50 years old, and ~60% were in foliage. Myotis yanbarensis roosted almost entirely in cavities along gulch bottoms and only in stands >70 years old (~1/3 of Kunigami''s total forest area). Murina ryukyuana maternity roosts were higher (4.3 ± 0.6 m) than conspecific nonmaternity roosts (2.3 ± 0.5 m; p < .001) and M. yanbarensis roosts (2.7 ± 0.5 m; not significant). Model results were inconclusive. Both species appear to be obligate plant roosters throughout their life cycle, but the less flexible roosting preferences of M. yanbarensis may explain its striking rarity. To conserve these threatened bats, we recommend the following forestry practices: (a) reduce clearing of understory vegetation, (b) refrain from removing trees along streams, (c) promote greater tree cavity densities by protecting old‐growth forests and retaining snags, and (d) refrain from removing trees or understory between April and July, while bats are pupping.  相似文献   

The duration of offspring care is critical to female fitness and population resilience by allowing flexibility in life‐history strategies in a variable environment. Yet, for many mammals capable of extended periods of maternal care, estimates of the duration of offspring dependency are not available and the relative importance of flexibility of this trait on fitness and population viability has rarely been examined. We used data from 4,447 Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus from the Gulf of Alaska and multistate hidden Markov mark–recapture models to estimate age‐specific weaning probabilities. Maternal care beyond age 1 was common: Weaning was later for animals from Southeast Alaska (SEAK) and Prince William Sound (PWS, weaning probabilities: 0.536–0.648/0.784–0.873 by age 1/2) compared with animals born to the west (0.714–0.855/0.798–0.938). SEAK/PWS animals were also smaller than those born farther west, suggesting a possible link. Females weaned slightly earlier (+0.080 at age 1 and 2) compared with males in SEAK only. Poor survival for weaned versus unweaned yearlings occurred in southern SEAK (female survival probabilities: 0.609 vs. 0.792) and the central Gulf (0.667 vs. 0.901), suggesting poor conditions for juveniles in these areas. First‐year survival increased with neonatal body mass (NBM) linearly in the Gulf and nonlinearly in SEAK. The probability of weaning at age 1 increased linearly with NBM for SEAK animals only. Rookeries where juveniles weaned at earlier ages had lower adult female survival, but age at weaning was unrelated to population trends. Our results suggest the time to weaning may be optimized for different habitats based on long‐term average conditions (e.g., prey dynamics), that may also shape body size, with limited short‐term plasticity. An apparent trade‐off of adult survival in favor of juvenile survival and large offspring size in the endangered Gulf of Alaska population requires further study.  相似文献   

The association between IGF‐1 levels and mortality in humans is complex with low levels being associated with both low and high mortality. The present meta‐analysis investigates this complex relationship between IGF‐1 and all‐cause mortality in prospective cohort studies. A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Cochrane Library up to September 2019. Published studies were eligible for the meta‐analysis if they had a prospective cohort design, a hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for two or more categories of IGF‐1 and were conducted among adults. A random‐effects model with a restricted maximum likelihood heterogeneity variance estimator was used to find combined HRs for all‐cause mortality. Nineteen studies involving 30,876 participants were included. Meta‐analysis of the 19 eligible studies showed that with respect to the low IGF‐1 category, higher IGF‐1 was not associated with increased risk of all‐cause mortality (HR = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.68–1.05). Dose–response analysis revealed a U‐shaped relation between IGF‐1 and mortality HR. Pooled results comparing low vs. middle IGF‐1 showed a significant increase of all‐cause mortality (HR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.14–1.57), as well as comparing high vs. middle IGF‐1 categories (HR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.06–1.44). Finally, we provide data on the association between IGF‐1 levels and the intake of proteins, carbohydrates, certain vitamins/minerals, and specific foods. Both high and low levels of IGF‐1 increase mortality risk, with a specific 120–160 ng/ml range being associated with the lowest mortality. These findings can explain the apparent controversy related to the association between IGF‐1 levels and mortality.  相似文献   

Low frequency of durable responses in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) demands for taking complementary strategies in order to boost immune responses against cancer. Transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) is a multi‐tasking cytokine that is frequently expressed in tumours and acts as a critical promoter of tumour hallmarks. TGF‐β promotes an immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment (TME) and defines a bypass mechanism to the ICI therapy. A number of cells within the stroma of tumour are influenced from TGF‐β activity. There is also evidence of a relation between TGF‐β with programmed death‐ligand 1 (PD‐L1) expression within TME, and it influences the efficacy of anti‐programmed death‐1 receptor (PD‐1) or anti‐PD‐L1 therapy. Combination of TGF‐β inhibitors with anti‐PD(L)1 has come to the promising outcomes, and clinical trials are under way in order to use agents with bifunctional capacity and fusion proteins for bonding TGF‐β traps with anti‐PD‐L1 antibodies aiming at reinvigorating immune responses and promoting persistent responses against advanced stage cancers, especially tumours with immunologically cold ecosystem.  相似文献   

Single‐cell RNA sequencing (scRNA‐seq) enables characterizing the cellular heterogeneity in human tissues. Recent technological advances have enabled the first population‐scale scRNA‐seq studies in hundreds of individuals, allowing to assay genetic effects with single‐cell resolution. However, existing strategies to analyze these data remain based on principles established for the genetic analysis of bulk RNA‐seq. In particular, current methods depend on a priori definitions of discrete cell types, and hence cannot assess allelic effects across subtle cell types and cell states. To address this, we propose the Cell Regulatory Map (CellRegMap), a statistical framework to test for and quantify genetic effects on gene expression in individual cells. CellRegMap provides a principled approach to identify and characterize genotype–context interactions of known eQTL variants using scRNA‐seq data. This model‐based approach resolves allelic effects across cellular contexts of different granularity, including genetic effects specific to cell subtypes and continuous cell transitions. We validate CellRegMap using simulated data and apply it to previously identified eQTL from two recent studies of differentiating iPSCs, where we uncover hundreds of eQTL displaying heterogeneity of genetic effects across cellular contexts. Finally, we identify fine‐grained genetic regulation in neuronal subtypes for eQTL that are colocalized with human disease variants.  相似文献   

Application of degradable plastics is the most critical solution to plastic pollution. As the precursor of biodegradable plastic PLA (polylactic acid), efficient production of l‐lactic acid is vital for the commercial replacement of traditional plastics. Bacillus coagulans H‐2, a robust strain, was investigated for effective production of l‐lactic acid using long‐term repeated fed‐batch (LtRFb) fermentation. Kinetic characteristics of l‐lactic acid fermentation were analyzed by two models, showing that cell‐growth coupled production gradually replaces cell‐maintenance coupled production during fermentation. With the LtRFb strategy, l‐lactic acid was produced at a high final concentration of 192.7 g/L, on average, and a yield of up to 93.0% during 20 batches of repeated fermentation within 487.5 h. Thus, strain H‐2 can be used in the industrial production of l‐lactic acid with optimization based on kinetic modeling.  相似文献   

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