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The medial preoptic nucleus is a sexually dimorphic structure whose cytoarchitecture, afferent and efferent connections, and functions have been previously described. No detailed ultrastructural study has, however, been perfomed to date. Here we describe the ultrastructural organization of this important preoptic structure of the male quail. Neuronal cell bodies of the medial preoptic nucleus generally show extensive development of protein-synthesis-related organelles (rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes), and of secretory structures (Golgi complexes, secretory vesicles, dense bodies). Previous morphometrical studies at the light-microscopical level have demonstrated the presence of a medial and a lateral neuronal population distinguished by the size of their cell bodies (the medial neurons are smaller than the lateral neurons). The present ultrastructural investigation confirms the difference in size, but no difference has been observed in the ultrastructural organization of the neurons. In both the medial and the lateral part, the nucleus is characterized by a large variety of cell bodies, including some that, on the basis of their ultrastructure, can be considered as putative peptidergic neurons. Close contacts are frequently observed between adjacent cell bodies that are normally arranged in clusters. Various types of synaptic endings are also present, suggesting a rich supply of nerve fibers. A few glial cells are scattered within the nucleus. In view of the crucial role of this region in regulating quail sexual behavior, the large heterogeneity of neurons and of afferent nervous fibers suggest that this region might have an important role in the integration of information arriving from different brain regions.  相似文献   

Summary Synthetic 5-valine angiotensin II (AII) induced copious drinking when applied directly to the subfornical organ (SFO) in the Japanese quail. Reliable response was obtained with as little as 1 ng of AII. The amount of water intake increased dose-dependently from 5 ng to 1 ng. A latent period of 73.0 ± 11.0 seconds at 100 ng was noted. The electrical destruction of the SFO significantly reduced the amount of water intake induced by both intravenous and intracranial AII injections. The decrease was proportional to the extent of the SFO lesion. It is conceivable, therefore, that the SFO plays an important role in elicitation of drinking by AII in birds as suggested in mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of growth on the extent of heterosis for juvenile body weight and gonad development was studied in a diallel cross among two lines of Japanese quail differing in adult body size. A total of 1,096 birds (563 males and 533 females) was slaughtered between 25 and 49 days of age. Reciprocal cross differences were non-significant. Heterosis showed a curvilinear course with age peaking during early growth (body weight) and during sexual maturity (gonad percentage). Overall advanced physiological development of the crossbreds probably begins as early as during the embryonic stages and results in earlier sexual maturity. In females, heterosis for percentage gonads was biased strongly by the presence of a hard-shelled egg in the uterus.  相似文献   

Both volatile and nonvolatile molecules are involved in chemosensory communication in rodents. Volatile odors from physically inaccessible estrous females induced increased numbers of c-Fos-positive cells in the preoptic area (POA) and in the cortical nucleus of the amygdala (CoA) of male rats. The numbers of c-Fos-positive cells in the medial nucleus of the amygdala (MeA) increased in response to the nonvolatile odors of bedding soiled with the excreta of estrous females. In an alternate choice paradigm, male rats carrying ibotenic acid lesions in either the MeA or the CoA—or a combination of both—distinguished the odors of estrous females from those of males, although the time spent sniffing the stimuli was diminished. Males with POA lesions showed complete loss of this capability. Males carrying either of the lesions did not detect differences between estrous and anestrous females or between intact and orchidectomized males. Lesions in the POA or MeA severely impaired male sexual behavior, whereas a CoA lesion had no effects. Thus, c-Fos-positive cells in the CoA might be involved in chemosensory transmission relevant to certain social contexts, but not in the execution of male sexual behavior. The POA is indispensable for both olfactory preferences and sexual behavior. The residual olfactory preference in males with MeA or CoA lesions or the combination of both could reflect an additional route for chemosensory transmission from the main olfactory bulb to the POA.  相似文献   

In European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) as in other seasonally breeding songbirds, a major function of song during the breeding season is mate attraction, and song in this context is highly sexually motivated. Song learning, perception, and production are regulated by nuclei of the song control system, but there is no evidence that these nuclei participate in the motivation to sing. Evidence suggests that the medial preoptic nucleus (POM), a diencephalic nucleus outside of the song control system, might regulate the motivation to sing, at least in a sexual context. If the POM is involved in the regulation of sexually motivated song, then this structure must interact with the song control system. To examine possible neuroanatomical connections between the POM and song control nuclei a tract-tracing study was performed in male starlings using the antero- and retrograde tract tracer, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). No direct connections were identified between the POM and song control nuclei; however, labeled fibers were found to terminate in a region bordering dorsal-medial portions of the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). Additionally, several indirect routes via which the POM might communicate with the song control system were identified. Specifically, POM projected to dorsomedial nucleus intercollicularis (DM), mesencephalic central gray (GCt), area ventralis of Tsai (AVT), and locus ceruleus (LoC), structures projecting directly to nuclei involved in song production (DM vocal-patterning and respiratory nuclei; GCt, AVT, LoC RA and HVC, and the context in which song is sung (AVT area X). These results are consistent with the possibility that the POM regulates sexually motivated song through interactions with brain regions involved in vocal production.We gratefully acknowledge grant sponsors NIMH (R01-MH 65645) to LVR and NSF for a graduate research fellowship to SJA  相似文献   

A sexually dimorphic nucleus exists in the dorsal region of the ferret preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area (POA/AH), and is called the male nucleus of the POA/AH (MN-POA/AH) because it is found only in males. Development of the MN-POA/AH was studied in male ferrets, and for comparison a sexually nondimorphic ventral POA/AH nucleus was studied in both sexes. The MN-POA/AH was conspicuous in males as early as embryonic day 37 (E37) of a 41-day gestation, and its volume increased until postnatal day 56 (P56). No nucleus was present in the dorsal POA/AH of females at any age. The densities and average somal areas of cells in the dorsal POA/AH were similar in males and females at E33, before the MN-POA/AH could be visualized. However, at E37 and E41 dorsal cells were greater in density and/or somal area in males than in females, accounting for the appearance of a nucleus in males at these ages. To insure that the dorsal POA/AH nucleus seen in males at E37 and E41 was the presumptive MN-POA/AH present in adult males, pregnant ferrets were given progesterone and either implanted subcutaneously (s.c.) with testosterone (T) or ovariectomized and implanted s.c. with the aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), on day 30 of gestation. As predicted from previous studies in which subjects were sacrificed in adulthood, formation of a dorsal POA/AH nucleus was promoted in female ferrets by T, and blocked in males by maternal ovariectomy and ATD treatment for animals sacrificed at E41. Much evidence suggests that behavioral sexual differentiation is accomplished in the male ferret between age E28 and P20. The MN-POA/AH is present and potentially functional in males during a considerable portion of this perinatal period.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemistry was used to determine if photoperiod and/or sex have any effect on the pattern of the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) system in the brain of the Japanese quail. Immunopositive perikarya were found within three major areas of the brain: the rostral paraolfactory lobe, the preoptic, and the septal region. A quantitative analysis of LHRH cell numbers was performed on male and female quail after two photoperiodic treatments: sexually mature birds exposed to 24 weeks of 20 h light: 4 h darkness (20L4D), and birds with a regressed reproductive system (induced by transfer from a photoregime of 20L4D to 25 short days of 8L16D). Two-way analysis of variance showed that short-day males display significantly (p < 0.05) more immunopositive perikarya (607 + 134) than long-day males (291 + 114), short-day females (293 + 103) or long-day females (330 + 92). The density of LHRH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and the intensity of the immunostaining in the median eminence were always greater in long-day sexually mature quail (male and female) than in animals exposed to 25 days of 8L16D. These results demonstrate that the LHRH system of the quail is influenced by photoperiod and mirrors sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary A Golgi study of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the chicken and Japanese quail revealed in this area a complex neuronal pattern and typology, including specialized dendritic patterns. Immunocytochemical studies provided evidence for the existence of a vasotocinergic system within the SCN, mainly in its rostral portion. Other clusters of immunoreactive elements are located in the lateral and dorsal divisions of this nucleus; they show a different distribution in the chicken and Japanese quail. The present results confirm, in birds, the existence of a morphologically defined SCN, the complex cytoarchitecture of which suggests specialized functions.This study was supported by grants from CNR (83.00447.04, 84.01769.04 and 84.00797.04) and MPI (60%)  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is a versatile neuropeptide that is involved in a variety of mammalian behaviors, and its role in reproductive function and behavior has been well established. The majority of pharmacological studies of the effects of OT on male sexual behavior have focused on the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), ventral tegmental area (VTA), hippocampus, and amygdala. Less attention has been given to the medial preoptic area (MPOA), a major integrative site for male sexual behavior. The present study investigated the effects of intra-MPOA administration of OT and (d(CH2)51, Tyr(Me)2, Thr4, Orn8, Tyr-NH29)-vasotocin, an OT antagonist (OTA), on copulation in the male rat. The relationship between OT receptor (OTR) binding levels in the MPOA and sexual efficiency was also explored. Microinjection of OT into the MPOA facilitated copulation in sexually experienced male rats, whereas similar injections of an OTA inhibited certain aspects of copulation but had no significant effect on locomotor activity in an open field. Contrary to expectation, sexually efficient males had lower levels of OTR binding in the rostral MPOA compared to inefficient animals. The present data suggest that OT activity in the MPOA is not necessary for the expression of male sexual behavior but is sufficient to facilitate copulatory behaviors and improve sexual efficiency in sexually experienced male rats. These data also suggest that OTR activity in the MPOA stimulates anogenital investigation, facilitates the initiation of copulation, and plays a role in the sensitization effect of the first ejaculation on subsequent ejaculations.  相似文献   

The distribution of androgen receptor-like immunoreactive (AR-ir) cells in the quail brain was analyzed by immunocytochemistry with the use of the affinity-purified antibody PG-21-19A raised against a synthetic peptide representing the first 21 N-terminal amino acids of the rat and human AR. This antibody is known to bind to the receptor in the absence as well as in the presence of endogenous ligands, and it was therefore expected that a more complete and accurate characterization of AR-ir cells would be obtained in comparison with previous studies using an antibody that preferentially recognizes the occupied receptor. Selected sections were double labeled for aromatase (ARO) by a technique that uses alkaline phosphatase as the reporter enzyme and Fast blue as the chromogen. AR-ir material was detected in the nucleus of cells located in a variety of brain areas in the preoptic region and the hypothalamus including the medial preoptic (POM), the supraoptic, the paraventricular (PVN), and the ventromedial (VMN) nuclei, but also in the tuberculum olfactorium, the nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum, the nucleus taeniae, the tuberal hypothalamus, the substantia grisea centralis (GCt), and the locus ceruleus. Cells exhibiting a dense AR-ir label were also detected in the nucleus intercollicularis. Preincubation of the primary antibody with an excess of the synthetic peptide used for immunization completely eliminated this nuclear staining. A significant number of AR-ir cells in the POM, VMN, PVN, and tuberal hypothalamus also contained ARO-ir material in their cytoplasm. These data confirm and extend previous studies localizing AR in the avian brain, and raise questions about the possible regulation by androgens of the metabolizing enzyme aromatase. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 323–340, 1998  相似文献   

Estradiol (E2) is important in activation of male reproductive behaviors, and masculinizes morphology of associated brain regions in a number of mammalian and avian species. In contrast, it is testosterone, rather than its metabolites, that is the most potent activator of male sexual behavior in green anole lizards. As in other vertebrate groups, however, E2 is critical for receptivity in females of this species. Aromatase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to E2, is more active in the male than female green anole brain, and appears to be actively regulated on a seasonal basis, suggesting some role for E2 in males. This study was designed to enhance our understanding of potential E2 actions by localizing and quantifying relative levels of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) mRNA in forebrain regions involved in masculine and feminine behaviors in anoles. These areas include the preoptic area (POA), ventromedial amygdala (AMY) and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). In situ hybridization was conducted in adult males and females collected during both breeding and non-breeding seasons. ERα mRNA was expressed in each brain region across sexes and seasons. However, expression was up to 3 times greater in the VMH compared to the POA and AMY. In the POA and VMH, expression was higher in females compared to males, independent of season. The increased receptor expression in females is consistent with E2 playing a larger role in female than male reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

In avian species, sexual maturation represents the evidence of start laying, which is a consequence of the development of ovarian follicles. These follicles are the functional reproductive unit whose maturation and viability critically depends on endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors beyond the signals from the central nervous system. The present study was undertaken to investigate the correlation of sexual maturity with tissue growth, mRNA expression of certain genes, and serum steroid concentrations in Japanese quail hens. To carry out the present study, a total of forty Japanese quail hens (5 weeks) were housed individually under uniform husbandry condition with ad libitum quail layer ration and water at 14-hour photo schedule. On sixth week onwards, four birds were sacrificed at each time on 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28 days. Serum was extracted aseptically to analyze the gonadal steroid hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and corticosterone to investigate the liaison with sexual maturation of the species. Expression analyses of four genes i.e., insulin-like growth factor-1, luteinizing hormone receptor, progesterone receptor, and survivin were carried out in the three largest ovarian yellow follicles. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in body weight gain and oviduct weight was recorded during the phase of sexual maturation. Smaller follicles revealed higher insulin-like growth factor-1 and survivin gene expression, whereas the reverse result was manifested in both the luteinizing and progesterone hormone receptors. In biochemical study, the gonadal steroids (estrogen and progesterone) were recorded higher at the first half of the experiment when a gradual decrease in corticosterone concentration was confirmed from the very beginning of this study. This result substantiated that sexual maturation in Japanese quail may be completed by the time of 8 weeks after its birth in support of the analyzed information studied in the current investigation.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the uropygial gland of the male quail was compared to that of the sebaceous gland of the male rat after castration and testosterone treatment of both species. In intact animals, the differentiating cells of these glands displayed almost the same pattern as regards their smooth endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle involved in lipogenesis in both cases. Castration reduced the volume of this organelle, while testosterone administration restored cell morphology to a normal or supranormal level. Finally, this study showed that at ultrastructural level, there is a close functional analogy between the uropygial gland of quail and the sebaceous glands of rats as regards their androgen dependency. Consequently, the uropygial gland might be an attractive model for study of action of androgens on sebaceous-like glands.  相似文献   

A sexually dimorphic male nucleus (MN) is present in Nissl-stained sections through the dorsal (d) preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH) of male ferrets. The MN-POA/AH is composed of a cluster of large cells which is organized in males by the action of estradiol, formed via the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone (T), during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. Several recent studies using rodent species have raised the possibility that the hormone-induced masculinization of POA/AH morphology is mediated at least in part by a perinatal modulation of cell death. We asked whether a perinatal reduction in cell death contributes to the differentiation of the MN-POA/AH in the male ferret, which is a carnivore species. The appearance of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, detected by in situ end labeling (ISEL) using the ApopTag™ kit (Oncor Corp.) and of pyknotic cell nuclei in Nissl-stained sections were used to estimate the occurrence of cell death. Male and female ferret kits were killed at four different ages spanning the perinatal period during which the MN-POA/AH is organized and assumes an adult phenotype. A peak density of dying cells was present in both sexes at postnatal day (P) 2, which is nearly 1 week after the age, embryonic day (E) 37, when the MN-POA/AH is first visible in male ferrets using Nissl stains. The density of cells in the sexually dimorphic dPOA/AH which were either ISEL-positive or pyknotic was similar in males and females on E34, as well as on P2, 10, and 20. In the nondimorphic ventral POA/AH, the highest density of dying cells was present in both sexes at E34, and there were significantly more ISEL-positive cells present in males than females at this particular age. In contrast to previous studies using rodents, our results suggest that in fetal male ferrets a modulation of the incidence of cell death contributes little to estradiol's organizational action in the dPOA/AH. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 242–252, 1998  相似文献   

Summary The ependymal linings of the median eminence were destroyed by electric cautery or intraventricular injection of picric acid in the rat and Japanese quail. In these animals the ventricular lumen near the median eminence disappeared due to adhesion of lesioned walls on both sides of the third ventricle. Electric lesions of the ependymal layer containing tanycytes did not induce appreciable disturbance in the estrous cycles. Rats in which tanycytes were lesioned by picric acid displayed 4-day estrous cycles after prolonged diestrus (10–22 days). After destruction of tanycytes in the quail, a photostimulated gonadal growth was observed. It is concluded that the tanycyte transport of the ventricular fluid to capillaries of the portal vessels appears unnecessary for maintenance of adenohypophysial gonadotrophic activities.Supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan and by a grant from the Ford Foundation. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. B.K. Follett for providing chicken LH (IRC2) and to the late Mr. T. Asai for assay of serum LH  相似文献   

The distribution of neurotensin-immunoreactive cells and fibers was analyzed by immunocytochemistry in the forebrain of male and female Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) by using an antibody directed against the C-terminal part of the molecule. Immunoreactive perikarya were located almost exclusively in the medial preoptic area with small populations also being present in the nucleus paraventricularis and in the tuberal region. Immunoreactive fibers were observed not only throughout the preoptic area-hypothalamus, but also in the septal region, nucleus intercollicularis, substantia grisea centralis and the classical catecholaminergic areas of the mesencephalon, such as the area ventralis of Tsai and the nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus, pars compacta. The preoptic neurotensin-immunoreactive cells were exclusively located within the boundaries of the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus. They were significantly more numerous in females than in males. In females, the number of neurotensin cells varied during the ovulatory cycle: fewer cells were observed in birds that were about to lay an egg (they had a calcified egg in the oviduct) than in those that had already laid or were not going to lay on that day. These data indicate major variations in the expression of neurotensin in response to neurochemical or neuroendocrine changes associated with ovulation.  相似文献   

I studied the parental care behavior of the Madagascar paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata in northwestern Madagascar. I especially focused on feeding, brooding and vigilance behaviors. Feeding rate did not differ between males and females, but females spent more time at the nest than males. Females dedicated their time to brooding, while males perched on the nest and were vigilant. Both parents changed the feeding rate in relation to brood size, so the feeding rate per nestling was not different among nests of different brood size. Duration of brooding by females increased with decreasing brood size, suggesting that the Royama effect, the pattern of lower feeding rate per nestling in larger broods, did not apply in this study. Males spent more time on vigilance than females. Anti-predator vigilance by males should be important for nestling survival given the high predation pressure typical of this population. In conclusion, males provide considerable parental care probably to minimize nestling starvation and to avoid nest predation. My results are not consistent with the general pattern of less parental effort by males in monogamous, sexually dimorphic species.  相似文献   

Formation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the pre-optic area (SDN-POA) in the rat hypothalamus shows a sexually differential development of neurons. Volume of the SDN-POA in males is much bigger than that in females which is because of a neuroprotective effect of estradiol converted from circulating testosterone during a critical period of brain development. We found that neural epidermal growth factor-like like-2 (NELL2), a neural tissue-enriched protein, is a potential downstream target of estrogen. In this study, we examined a possible role of NELL2 in the development of the SDN-POA and in the normalcy of sexual behavior in the male rats. NELL2 was expressed and co-localized with estrogen receptor alpha in the SDN-POA. A blockade of NELL2 synthesis in the brain during postnatal day 0 (d0) to d4 by an intracerebroventricular injection of an antisense NELL2 oligodeoxynucleotide, resulted in a decrease in volume of the SDN-POA in males. Interestingly, it reduced some components of the male sexual behavior such as mounting and intromission, but not the sexual partner preference in adulthood. In vitro study using the hippocampal neuroprecursor HiB5 cells showed that NELL2 has a protective effect from a cell death condition. These data suggest that a relevant expression of NELL2 in the neonatal brain is important for the estrogen-induced normal development of the SDN-POA and the normalcy of sexual behavior in male rats.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Tree weta are a group of large, flightless orthopterans with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males have enlarged heads that are used in fighting for possession of cavities in trees or under rocks where females shelter during the day.
2. The fieldwork reported here examined the relationship between male head size and mating success in Hemideina maori , an alpine tree weta that shelters under rock slabs that have broken off isolated outcrops or tors.
3. The relationship between male head size and harem size in H. maori is not as clear-cut as thought previously. First, overall body size is a better predictor of male mating success than head size per se . Second, both body size and head size explained a relatively low percentage (19.8%) of the overall variation in mating success. Third, despite the intensity of directional selection being estimated to move the frequency distribution of head size and femur size 0.49 and 0.54 standard deviations from the mean, male heads and femurs were ≈ 2 mm smaller at the main study site than at a second site 100 m higher in elevation. A similar pattern was found for adult females. Additional surveys have indicated that body size in H. maori decreases with decreasing altitude, which is correlated with increasing night-time temperature.
4. Although there are reasons why natural selection might favour weta maturing earlier and at smaller body sizes in warmer environments, relatively large males would still have a mating advantage over smaller males under such conditions. This sexually dimorphic alpine insect might be a good example of the trade-offs and conflicting demands that sexual selection versus natural selection can place on organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Darwin envisaged male-male and male-female interactions as mutually supporting mechanisms of sexual selection, in which the best armed males were also the most attractive to females. Although this belief continues to predominate today, it has been challenged by sexual conflict theory, which suggests that divergence in the interests of males and females may result in conflicting sexual selection. This raises the empirical question of how multiple mechanisms of sexual selection interact to shape targeted traits. We investigated sexual selection on male morphology in the sexually dimorphic fly Prochyliza xanthostoma , using indices of male performance in male-male and male-female interactions in laboratory arenas to calculate gradients of direct, linear selection on male body size and an index of head elongation. In male-male combat, the first interaction with a new opponent selected for large body size but reduced head elongation, whereas multiple interactions with the same opponent favored large body size only. In male-female interactions, females preferred males with relatively elongated heads, but male performance of the precopulatory leap favored large body size and, possibly, reduced head elongation. In addition, the amount of sperm transferred (much of which is ingested by females) was an increasing function of both body size and head elongation. Thus, whereas both male-male and male-female interactions favored large male body size, male head shape appeared to be subject to conflicting sexual selection. We argue that conflicting sexual selection may be a common result of divergence in the interests of the sexes.  相似文献   

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