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Abstract Segment 9 of male Raphidioptera, comprising tergite, sternite, gonocoxites, gonostyli and gonapophyses, is a benchmark for homologies in the male and female terminalia of the three Neuropterida orders Raphidioptera, Megaloptera and Neuroptera. The segments relating to genitalia are 9, 10 and 11 in males and 7, 8 and 9 in females. Results from holomorphological and recent molecular cladistic analyses of Neuropterida agree in supporting the sister‐group relationships between: (1) the Raphidioptera and the clade Megaloptera + Neuroptera, and (2) the suborder Nevrorthiformia and all other Neuroptera. The main discrepancy between the results of these studies is the nonmonophyly of the suborder Hemerobiiformia in the molecular analysis. The monophyly of the Megaloptera (which has been repeatedly questioned) is further corroborated by a hitherto overlooked ground pattern autapomorphy: the presence of eversible sacs within the complex of the fused gonocoxites 11 in Corydalidae and Sialidae. The recently discovered paired complex of gonocoxites 10 (parameres) in Nipponeurorthus (Nevrorthidae) indicates that the curious apex of sternite 9 of Nevrorthus and Austroneurorthus is the amalgamation of the sclerites of gonocoxites 10 with sternite 9, interpreted as synapomorphic. In the molecular study, the Nevrorthidae, Sisyridae and Osmylidae branch off in consecutive splitting events, a result that is supported by the analysis of male genital sclerites reported here. Extraordinary parallel apomorphies (e.g. excessive enlargement and modification of gonocoxites 10 ending in a thread‐like ‘penisfilum’) in derived representatives of Coniopterygidae, Berothidae, Rhachiberothidae and Mantispidae corroborate the dilarid clade of the morphological analysis and leads us to hypothesize a sister‐group relationship of the Coniopterygidae with the dilarid clade. A re‐interpretation of the tignum of Chrysopidae as gonocoxites 11 means that the structure previously called the gonarcus represents the fused gonocoxites 9. In Hemerobiidae, the corresponding sclerite is consequently also homologized as fused gonocoxites 9. The enlargement of the lateral wings of the gonocoxites in both families is interpreted as a synapomorphy. Excessive enlargement of gonostyli 11 in the Polystoechotid clade and Myrmeleontiformia supports a sister‐group relationship of these two clades. The occurrence of certain serial homologues of female genitalia structures (gonocoxites and gonapophyses), such as the digitiform processus together with the flat appendices in segment 8 of certain Myrmeleontidae, or the wart‐like processus together with the flat circular sclerites in segment 7 of certain Berothidae, as well as the presence of gonocoxites 8 as pseudosternites in certain Nemopteridae and Coniopterygidae, are probably character reversals. The digitiform processus of tergite 9 (pseudogonocoxites) in Rhachiberothidae and Austroberothella (Berothidae) are either independently developed acquisitions with a function in oviposition, or are homologous sclerites, possibly of epipleurite origin.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status and the monophyly of the holometabolous insect order Megaloptera has been an often disputed and long unresolved problem. The present study attempts to infer phylogenetic relationships among three orders, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, and Raphidioptera, within the superorder Neuropterida, based on wing base structure. Cladistic analyses were carried out based on morphological data from both the fore- and hindwing base. A sister relationship between Megaloptera and Neuroptera was recovered, and the monophyly of Megaloptera was corroborated. The division of the order Megaloptera, the traditional higher classification, into Corydalidae (Corydalinae + Chauliodinae) and Sialidae, was also supported by our wing base data analyses.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Neuroptera using thirty‐six predominantly morphological characters of adults and larvae is presented. This is the first computerized cladistic analysis at the ordinal level. It included nineteen species representing seventeen families of Neuroptera, three species representing two families (Sialidae and both subfamilies of Corydalidae) of Megaloptera, two species representing two families of Raphidioptera and as prime outgroup one species of a family of Coleoptera. Ten equally most parsimonious cladograms were found, of which one is selected and presented in detail. The results are discussed in light of recent results from mental phylogenetic cladograms. The suborders Nevrorthi‐ formia, Myrmeleontiformia and Hemerobiiformia received strong support, however Nevrorthiformia formed the adelphotaxon of Myrmeleontiformia + Hemerobiiformia (former sister group of Myrmeleontiformia only). In Myrmeleontiformia, the sister‐group relationships between Psychopsidae + Nemopteridae and Nymphidae + (Myrmeleontidae + Ascalaphidae) are corroborated. In Hemerobiiformia, Ithonidae + Polystoechotidae is confirmed as the sister group of the remaining families. Dilaridae + (Mantispidae + (Rhachiberothidae + Berothidae)), which has already been proposed, is confirmed. Chrysopidae + Osmylidae emerged as the sister group of a clade comprising Hemerobiidae + ((Coniopterygidae + Sisyridae) + (dilarid clade)). Despite the sister‐group relationship of Coniopterygidae + Sisyridae being only weakly supported, the position of Coniopterygidae within the higher Hemerobiiformia is corroborated. At the ordinal level, the analysis provided clear support for the hypothesis that Megaloptera + Neuroptera are sister groups, which upsets the conventional Megaloptera + Raphidioptera hypothesis.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Neuropterida (Insecta: Holometabola)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Neuropterida, with about 6500 known species — living fossils in a way — at the base of the Holometabola (as a sister group of the Coleoptera), comprise Raphidioptera (about 210 species, two families), Megaloptera (about 300 species, two families) and Neuroptera (6000 species, 17 families). Megaloptera + Neuroptera is argued vs. the traditional Raphidioptera + Megaloptera. Raphidioptera are undisputedly monophyletic. Monophyly of Megaloptera is the operational hypothesis, although occasionally questioned. Sucking tubes of the larvae are the most spectacular autapomorphy of Neuroptera. The construction of larval head capsules indicates three evolutionary lines: Nevrorthiformia, and Myrmeleontiformia + Hemerobiiformia. Traditional Myrmeleontiformia is Psychopsidae + (Nemopteridae + (Nymphidae + (Myrmeleontidae + Ascalaphidae))), the present approach is (Psychopsidae + Nemopteridae) + all other Myrmeleontiformia. Hemerobiiformia are based on the ‘maxillary head’ concept. The ithonid clade Ithonidae/Rapismatidae + Polystoechothidae and the dilarid clade Dilaridae + (Mantispidae + (Rhachiberothidae + Berothidae)) are based on robust criteria. Other relationships remain unclear: Hemerobiidae + Chrysopidae (on similarity) and the ‘early offshoot’ concept of coniopterygidae (on autapomorphies) should not be perpetuated. Chysopidae + Osmylidae and (Hemerobiidae + (Coniopterygidae + Sisyridae)) + dilarid clade are discussed. Aquatic larvae, regarded as independent apomorphies of megaloptera and neuropteran Nevrorthidae and Sisyridae for a long time, are re‐interpreted as a synapomorphy of Megaloptera + Neuroptera and thus plesiomorphic within these groups. Terrestrial larvae (with cryptonephry to solve osmotic problems) are consequently apomorphic. Aquatic Sisyridae with cryptonephry of a single malpighian tubule, is conflicting, but larvae may have become secondarily aquatic, after a terrestrial intermezzo.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The discovery of a third species of alderfly ( Sialis nigripes ) in Britain and Ireland necessitates a new larval key for the group in these islands. Characters are now provided to distinguish the larvae of the three species, and their habitat and distribution in the British Isles are outlined.  相似文献   

The Permian suborder Protanisoptera (Insecta: Odonatoptera) is revised and a new phylogenetic hypothesis proposed after analyses based on wing venation and different outgroups. After our study the families Camptotaxineuridae and Kaltanoneuridae are excluded from the Protanisoptera. After a new phylogenetic analysis, the family Permaeschnidae is redefined and the families Pholidoptilidae, Polytaxineuridae, Callimokaltaniidae and Hemizygopteridae are restored, as already proposed for the latter three families by Bechly (1996). The new genus Proditaxineura is described. The genus Gondvanoptilon RÖSLER et al., 1981 is excluded from the Meganisoptera: Erasipteridae and re-included in the Permaeschnidae, as already proposed by Bechly (1998). Permaeschna proxima MARTYNOV, 1931 is considered as a junior synonym of Permaeschna dolloi MARTYNOV, 1931. Pholidoptilon camense ZALESSKY, 1931 is excluded from Permaeschna MARTYNOV, 1931 and the genus Pholidoptilon [Zalessky, 1931a] and [Zalessky, 1931b] is restored. Ditaxineurella stigmalisMARTYNOV, 1940 is excluded from the Hemizygopteridae and considered as a Protanisoptera Incertae sedis.  相似文献   

We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Neochauliodes parasparsus. The 15,995-bp mitogenome contained the standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), and a putative control region, with a gene arrangement that was identical to that reported for most other megalopteran species. We also predicted the secondary structure of all the RNA genes and analysed the preferred codon usage of the protein-coding genes. The putative 1265-bp control region contained two tandem repeated regions and several microsatellite-like elements. The phylogenetic analysis of available neuropteridan mitogenomes, based on the 13 protein-coding genes, appeared to support the current view of the neuropteridan phylogeny, and among the Neochauliodes spp., N. parasparsus was the most closely related to N. punctatolosus.  相似文献   

Schneeberg, K. and Beutel, R.G. 2011. The adult head structures of Tipulomorpha (Diptera, Insecta) and their phylogenetic implications. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 316–343. Head structures of adults of Tipula paludosa, Limonia sp. and Trichocera saltator were examined and described. The results are compared with conditions found in other dipterans and other antliophoran groups, notably Nannochoristidae. Several potential synapomorphies of a dipteran–nannomecopteran–siphonapteran clade are present in Tipuloidea and Trichocera, the labro‐epipharyngeal food channel, the loss of the galea and the postpharyngeal pumping apparatus. The sensorial field of the maxillary palpomere 3, a potential dipteran–nannomecopteran synapomorphy, is also present but modified. The presence of M. clypeolabralis, labellae and mandibular stylets are groundplan apomorphies of Diptera, with secondary loss of the mandibles in Tipuloidea, Trichoceridae and many other groups. Tipuloidea is supported by the origin of M. tentorioscapalis anterior on the head capsule, the reduction of M. frontobuccalis anterior and the loss of the ocelli. The reduced tentorium, the origin of two further antennal muscles on the head capsule, the maxillary sensorial field with sensilla in individual pits, the lacking dorsal prelabial concavity and the unpaired salivary channel entering the head are apomorphies of Tipulidae. Closer affinities of Tipulidae and Cylindrotomidae are suggested by pseudotracheae of the advanced type, which have evolved independently in this lineage. The results do neither support a basal placement of Tipuloidea nor close affinities with Brachycera.  相似文献   

Grooming behaviours from representatives of 36 families of Hymenoptera were video recorded and analysed. Thirty-three distinct types of grooming movements were recognized. The evolutionary pattern of each behaviour is discussed. Some behaviours displayed consistent variation between taxa, and appear to be informative regarding higher level relationships within the order. Putative synapomorphies are reported that support the monophyly of the Apocrita, Cynipoidea, Platygastroidea, Ichneumonoidea, and Chalcidoidea including the Mymaridae.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic chrysopid-like Planipennia are revised and several new genera and species are described. The new superfamily Chrysopoidea is proposed for the extant and fossil Chrysopidae, and the fossil families Liassochrysidae n. fam., Allopteridae Zhang 1991 n. sensu, Mesochrysopidae Handlirsch, 1906 n. sensu, Tachinymphidae n. fam., and Limaiidae Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989 n. sensu. A phylogenetic analysis of the Chrysopoidea is proposed, based on the wing venation characters. With at least the four families Allopteridae, Mesochrysopidae, Tachinymphidae, and Chrysopidae, showing different wing venation patterns, the systematic diversity and morphological disparity of the Chrysopoidea are maximal during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The Mesozoic family Limaiidae was still present during the Paleocene/Eocene suggesting a minimal impact on the Chrysopoidea of the crisis of the diversity at the K-T boundary. Other Cenozoic Chrysopoidea can be attributed to the Chrysopidae sensu stricto.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear rDNA sequences from species of all the superfamilies of the insect order Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, and relatives) confirmed that although mitochondrial sequences provided good resolution of the youngest superfamilies, nuclear rDNA sequences were necessary to separate the basal groups. To try to reconcile these data sets into a single, fully resolved orthopteran phylogeny, we adopted consensus and combined data strategies. The consensus analysis produced a partially resolved tree that lacked several well-supported features of the individual analyses. However, this lack of resolution was explained by an examination of resampled data sets, which identified the likely source of error as the relatively short length of the individual mitochondrial data partitions. In a subsequent comparison in which the mitochondrial sequences were initially combined, we observed less conflict. We then used two approaches to examine the validity of combining all of the data in a single analysis: comparative analysis of trees recovered from resampled data sets, and the application of a randomization test. Because the results did not point to significant levels of heterogeneity in phylogenetic signal between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets, we therefore proceeded with a combined analysis. Reconstructing phylogenies under the minimum evolution and maximum likelihood optimality criteria, we examined monophyly of the major orthopteran groups, using nonparametric and parametric bootstrap analysis and Kishino-Hasegawa tests. Our analysis suggests that phylogeny reconstruction under the maximum likelihood criteria is the most discriminating approach for the combined sequences. The results indicate, moreover, that the caeliferan Pneumoroidea and Pamphagoidea, as previously suggested, are polyphyletic. The Acridoidea is redefined to include all pamphagoid families other than the Pyrgomorphidae, which we propose should be accorded superfamily status.  相似文献   

The first Mesozoic alderfly larva of Sharasialis fusiformis gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Upper Jurassic Lagerst?tte of Shar-Teg (southwestern Mongolia). In contrast to Cenozoic alderflies, it has a short thick appendage instead of a long terminal filament.  相似文献   

The sperm structure of two species of Embioptera, Embia savignyi Westwood 1837 and Aposthonia japonica (Okajima 1926), was studied. Spermatozoa of both species exhibit a monolayered acrosome and a layer of material surrounding the sperm cells for most of their length. The presence of a 9+9+2 axoneme provided with accessory microtubules with 16 protofilaments, two accessory bodies and two crystallized mitochondrial derivatives are characters shared with other polyneopteran taxa. The supposed close relationship between Embioptera and Phasmatodea is not supported by characters of the sperm ultrastructure.  相似文献   

The insect orders Megaloptera and Neuroptera are closely related members of the superorder Neuropterida, a relict lineage of holometabolous insects that also includes the Raphidoptera. Megaloptera, composed of the families Sialidae and Corydalidae (including subfamilies Chauliodinae and Corydalinae), has fully aquatic larvae that occur in a wide variety of lotic and lentic habitats, including temporary streams. In total, 2 of 17 families of Neuroptera have aquatic larvae: Nevrorthidae live in the benthos of fast-flowing streams and Sisyridae reside on freshwater sponges. A third family of Neuroptera, Osmylidae, contains some water-dependent species that reside under leaves and rocks along the margins of waterbodies. We recognize 328 extant, described species of Megaloptera (composed of 116 species of Chauliodinae, 131 species of Corydalinae, and 81 species of Sialidae) and 73 species of aquatic Neuroptera (composed of 12 species of Nevrorthidae and 61 species of Sisyridae). Additionally, we estimate that 45 species of Osmylidae are water-dependent, although the ecology of this group is poorly understood. Chauliodinae and Corydalidae are both found in the New World, the Oriental region, and South Africa, but are absent from Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, tropical Africa, and boreal regions. Chauliodinae is quite speciose in Australia, whereas Corydalinae is absent. Sialidae is most speciose in temperate regions, and is absent from tropical Africa and portions of the Oriental region. Sisyridae and Osmylidae are nearly cosmopolitan, but the relict family Nevrorthidae is limited to Japan, the Mediterranean, and Australia. The discovery of many new species in recent years, particularly among Corydalidae in the Neotropics and China, suggests that our knowledge of aquatic neuropterid diversity is far from complete. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

We conducted a molecular phylogenetic study of the Empidoidea, a diverse group of 10,000 species of true flies, with two major goals: to reconstruct a taxonomically complete and robustly supported phylogeny for the group and to use this information to assess several competing classifications for the clade. We amassed 3900+ nucleotides of coding data from the carbamoylphosphate synthase domain of the rudimentary locus (CAD) and 1200+ nucleotides from the large nuclear ribosomal subunit (28S) from 72 and 71 species, respectively, representing several orthorrhaphan and cyclorrhaphan families and all previously recognized empidoidean subfamilies. Independent and combined phylogenetic analyses of these data were conducted using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian criteria. The combined matrix included 61 taxa for which both CAD and 28S sequences were obtained. Analyses of CAD first and second codon positions alone and when concatenated with 28S sequences yielded trees with similar and largely stable topologies. Analyses of 28S data alone supported many clades although resolution is limited by low sequence divergence. The following major empidoid clades were recovered with convincing support in a majority of analyses: Atelestidae, Empidoidea exclusive of Atelestidae, Hybotidae sensu lato, Dolichopodidae+Microphorinae (including Parathallassius), and Empididae sensu lato (including Brachystomatinae, Ceratomerinae, Clinocerinae, Empidinae, Hemerodromiinae, Oreogetoninae, and Trichopezinae). The branching arrangement among these four major clades was Atelestidae, Hybotidae, Dolichopodidae/Microphorinae, Empididae. Previously recognized subclades recovered with robust support included Hybotinae, Brachystomatinae, Tachydromiinae, Clinocerinae (in part), Hemerodromiinae, Empidinae, and Empidiini.  相似文献   

《Systematic Entomology》2018,43(1):31-42
New morphological techniques allow for the evaluation of novel character systems that are potentially important for phylogenetic analysis. Only a few studies so far have used character systems from the insect thorax for phylogenetics; the reasons for this might include a lack of common terminology or established homology for pterygote insect thorax musculature. Still, recent studies have proposed common terminology and hypotheses of homology, now allowing for an evaluation of thoracic morphological character systems among the groups of winged insects. Using X ‐ray microtomography (μCT) we present a detailed study of the thorax musculature of O donata as an important phylogenetic character system, with a matrix of 298 characters with 697 character states, including novel data from the thoracic anatomy of eight damselfly larvae. We also included additional O donata, E phemeroptera and N eoptera taxa from the literature and demonstrate the phylogenetic relevance of this character system by reproducing phylogenetic topologies of established relationships. We also compared high‐resolution data from O donata larvae from our study and from recent literature with data from older literature in the adult O donata. All major clades were successfully recovered, (e.g. O donata, E piprocta, A nisoptera and Z ygoptera) with high node support, but obtained higher phylogenetic resolution with the larval data. The best phylogenetic resolution was achieved by combining the adult and larval characters. The taxon sampling and character matrix is the largest to date and underlines the potential relevance of the thorax musculature as an important phylogenetic character system.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of Acanthacorydalis orientalis(McLachlan)was determined and analyzed(GenBank accession number:KF840564).This paper represents the first mitochondrial(mt) genome of the dobsonfly genus Acanthacorydalis.The mt genome is a typical circular DNA of 15 753 bp composed of 37 genes with an A+T content of 76.7%.It has an ancestral gene arrangement of the insect mt genomes.Eleven of the 13 PCGs start with codon ATT and ATG,while several exceptions such as ATA and TTG respectively for atpS and nad\ are also present.Five protein-coding genes end with a single T,while others have a termination codon of TAA or TAG.Most tRNAs are folded into the typical clover-leaf structure except for the trnS 1 whose dihydrouridine arm was a simple loop.The secondary structure of rrnl consists of five structural domains and 50 helices,while the rrns includes three domains and 34 helices.The control region has a stretches of Ts with a length of 22 bp but lacks obvious tandem repeat region.Both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood(ML) analyses,based on all 13 protein-coding genes and two rRNA genes of the mt genomes,confirm the monophyly of Corydalinae and suggest that Acanthacorydalis,together with Corydalus,which is an endemic dobsonfly genus from the New World,belong to a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

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