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We present the results of cladistic analyses of morphology, nrDNA ITS sequences, and a combination of the two for tribe Amaryllideae of the Amaryllidaceae. The morphologically based analysis supports the recognition of Amaryllis as sister to two major clades, equivalent to Snijman and Linder's (1996, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83: 362-386) Crininae and Amaryllidinae (less Amaryllis). A single tree is found with a successively weighted ITS sequence matrix. Amaryllis and Boophone form a grade at the base of the tree. All the other genera are included in two clades conforming to Snijman and Linder's (1996) subtribes Amaryllidinae (less Amaryllis, thus now Strumariinae) and Crininae (less Boophone). Within Strumariinae, Strumaria sensu lato is resolved as polyphyletic. Strumaria subg. Gemmaria is sister to the rest of the subtribe. Hessea is monophyletic only if Namaquanula is excluded. The monotypic Carpolyza is embedded within Strumaria sensu stricto. The consensus of the combined analysis is highly resolved, and most similar to the sequence topology. Based on the results of the combined analyses, the major clades are recognized as subtribes, and Carpolyza is placed into synonymy under Strumaria.  相似文献   

Although Codfishes are probably one of the most studied groups of all teleost fishes worldwide owing to their great importance to fisheries, their phylogeny and classification are still far from being firmly established. In this study, we present phylogenetic relationships of 19 out of 22 genera traditionally included in the Gadidae based on the analysis of entire cytochrome b and partial cytochrome oxidase I genes (1530 bp). Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all recovered five main clades that correspond to traditionally recognized groupings within Gadoids. The same clades were recovered with MP analysis based on 30 morphological characters (collected from the literature). Given these findings, we propose a revised provisional classification of Gadoids: one suborder Gadoidei containing two families, the Merlucciidae (1 genus) and the Gadidae (21 genera) distributed into four subfamilies: the Gadinae (12 genera), the Lotinae (3 genera), the Gaidropsarinae (3 genera), and the Phycinae (3 genera). Lastly, nuclear inserts of mitochondrial DNA (Numts) were identified in two species, i.e., Gadiculus argenteus and Melanogrammus aeglefinus.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 39 species of Eneopterinae crickets are reconstructed using four molecular markers (16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, cytochrome b, 18S rRNA) and a large morphological data set. Phylogenetic analysis via direct optimisation of DNA sequence data using parsimony as optimality criterion is done for six combinations of weighting parameter sets in a sensitivity analysis. The results are discussed in a twofold purpose: first, in term of significance of the molecular markers for phylogeny reconstruction in Ensifera, as our study represents the first molecular phylogeny performed for this insect suborder at this level of diversity; second, in term of corroboration of a previous phylogeny of Eneopterinae, built on morphological data alone. The four molecular markers all convey phylogenetic signal, although variously distributed on the tree. The monophyly of the subfamily, that of three over five tribes, and of 10 over 13 genera, are recovered. Finally, previous hypotheses on the evolution of acoustic devices and signals in the Eneopterinae clade are briefly tested, and supported, by our new data set.  相似文献   

The first rigorous analysis of the phylogeny of the North American vaejovid scorpion subfamily Syntropinae is presented. The analysis is based on 250 morphological characters and 4221 aligned DNA nucleotides from three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene markers, for 145 terminal taxa, representing 47 species in 11 ingroup genera, and 15 species in eight outgroup genera. The monophyly and composition of Syntropinae and its component genera, as proposed by Soleglad and Fet, are tested. The following taxa are demonstrated to be para‐ or polyphyletic: Smeringurinae; Syntropinae; Vaejovinae; Stahnkeini; Syntropini; Syntropina; Thorelliina; Hoffmannius; Kochius; and Thorellius. The spinose (hooked or toothed) margin of the distal barb of the sclerotized hemi‐mating plug is demonstrated to be a unique, unambiguous synapomorphy for Syntropinae, uniting taxa previously assigned to different subfamilies. Results of the analysis demonstrate a novel phylogenetic relationship for the subfamily, comprising six major clades and 11 genera, justify the establishment of six new genera, and they offer new insights about the systematics and historical biogeography of the subfamily, and the information content of morphological character systems.  相似文献   

The anuran tribe Paini, family Dicroglossidae, is known in this group only from Asia. The phylogenetic relationships and often the taxonomic recognition of species are controversial. In order to stabilize the classification, we used approximately 2100 bp of nuclear (rhodopsin, tyrosinase) and mitochondrial (12S, 16S rRNA) DNA sequence data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of these frogs. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed using Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony methods supported a monophyletic tribe Paini. Two distinct groups (I,II) were recovered with the mtDNA alone and the total concatenated data (mtDNA+nuDNA). The recognition of two genera, Quasipaa and Nanorana, was supported. Group I, Quasipaa, is widespread east of the Hengduan Mountain Ranges and consists of taxa from relatively low elevations in southern China, Vietnam and Laos. Group II, Nanorana, contains a mix of species occurring from high to low elevation predominantly in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Hengduan Mountain Ranges. The occurrence of frogs at high elevations appears to be a derived ecological condition. The composition of some major species groups based on morphological characteristics strongly conflicts with the molecular analysis. Some possible cryptic species are indicated by the molecular analyses. The incorporation of genetic data from type localities helped to resolve some of the taxonomic problems, although further combined analyses of morphological data from type specimens are required. The two nuDNA gene segments proved to be very informative for resolving higher phylogenetic relationships and more nuclear data should be explored to be more confident in the relationships.  相似文献   

《Systematic Entomology》2018,43(1):183-199
The rove beetle subfamily Aleocharinae is the largest subfamily of animals known in terms of species richness. Two small aleocharine tribes, Gymnusini and Deinopsini, are believed to be a monophyletic clade, sister to the rest of the Aleocharinae. Although the phylogenetic relationships of the extant lineages have been well investigated, the monophyly of Gymnusini has been questioned due to a series of previous studies and the recent discovery of the aleocharine †Cretodeinopsis Cai & Huang (Deinopsini) from mid‐Cretaceous Burmese amber. Using an additional specimen of †Cretodeinopsis and well‐preserved specimens of †Electrogymnusa Wolf‐Schwenninger from Eocene Baltic amber, we present here two types of morphology‐based phylogenetic analyses, employing all extant/extinct genera of Gymnusini and Deinopsini for the first time. The maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses recovered a monophyletic clade of the two tribes combined, but each analysis suggested nonmonophyly of Gymnusini. In agreement with the results of the present study, we synonymize Deinopsini syn.n. under Gymnusini sensu n. , by priority. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F09EB444‐C6CA‐4525‐A986‐3CFC826F5877 .  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis based on 63 morphological characters was carried out on the tribe Colletieae including two presumed closely related genera, Geanothus and Noltea as outgroupS. In addition to a parsimony analysis of the equally weighted characters, analyses investigating the effects of character weighting, removal of a presumed hybrid species as well as the impact of uncertainly scored characters were undertaken. In all analyses Noltea was placed as sister group to a well supported monophyletic Colletieae. Nineteen different in group topologies were found, with the additional analyses mainly supporting two of them. Within the Colletieae a basal dichotomy divides Trevoa and Retanilla from the remainder of the tribe. While the Trevoa-Retanilla clade is fully resolved, the second lacks detailed resolution. Within this clade the Colletia species from a well supported monophyletic group, while monophyly of the disjunct genus Discaria could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

王雪芹  宋卫武  马飞龙  高文静  赵妍 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1805-1813
该研究利用GenBank数据库已公开发表的玄参科及相关类群的107属129个物种的质体基因组数据对广义玄参科的系统发育关系进行了分析。该文利用蛋白质编码基因构建了矩阵,并采用最大似然法及贝叶斯推断重建系统发育树。基于两种分析方法获得的系统发育树的拓扑结构完全一致且分辨率及支持率较高。在ML树中,总分支数为129个,其中支持率≥70%的分支数目为123个。结果表明:(1)广义玄参科不是一个单系类群,隶属于广义玄参科的51个物种(37属)分散于列当科、泡桐科、美丽桐科、通泉草科、母草科、狭义玄参科和车前科。(2)狭义玄参科为单系类群,除原隶属于广义玄参科的Bontia、Calamphoreus、Diocirea、Eremophila、Glycocystis、Leucophyllum、玄参属和毛蕊花属外,还包括了原隶属于马钱科的醉鱼草属和原隶属于苦槛蓝科的苦槛蓝属。(3)唇形目为一个单系,目下共形成了14个支持率高的单系分支,对应于14个科(其中美丽桐科和胡麻科仅包括一个物种,不包括在内),科间关系得到较好的解决,木犀科为最早分化出来的类群,其余的类群共同组成核心唇形目。在核心唇形目中,类群...  相似文献   

Two new tribes Chaoiellini and Rugatiini with smoothed ribs on the disk and late appearance of high corpus cavity in the phylogeny and ontogeny are distinguished within the new subfamily Chaoiellinae. New genera Altaiproductus and Alpavlia are considered to be phyletic ancestors of Chaoiella. The latter genus is revised and redescribed.  相似文献   

The tribe Sonerileae in tropical Africa and Madagascar is a morphologically diverse lineage that consists of 239 species in 10 genera. In this study, we present the first in-depth phylogenetic analysis of African Sonerileae to test monophyly of the currently recognized genera. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using sequence data from two nuclear (nrITS and nrETS) and three plastid loci (accD-psaI, ndhF and psbK-psbL). Sampling consisted of 140 accessions including 64 African, 27 Malagasy, 46 Asian, and three neotropical Sonerileae together with a broad outgroup sampling (105 spp.). Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches, and a careful reassessment of morphological characters was carried out. Our results neither support the monophyly of the Old World nor African Sonerileae. The monospecific African genus Benna is partially supported as sister to Phainantha, one of the basal neotropical lineages, while African and Malagasy Medinilla are nested among the SE Asian genera. Gravesia (116 spp.), the most species-rich and morphologically diverse genus in Madagascar, is recovered as monophyletic. The African genera of Sonerileae Calvoa, Dicellandra, and Preussiella form well-supported clades. In contrast, Amphiblemma (including Amphiblemma molle) and Cincinnobotrys s.l. (including Cincinnobotrys felicis) are not monophyletic. To accommodate the caulescent C. felicis we propose reinstatement of the monospecific genus Bourdaria. For the distinctive A. molle a new genus Mendelia is described. Calvoa hirsuta is designated here as the type of genus Calvoa, lectotypes are designated for Medinilla engleri and Veprecella lutea, and a neotype is designated for Preussiella kamerunensis.  相似文献   

The Sino-Himalayan Mountain Region is a major center of diversity of Heracleum (Apiaceae, Tordylieae, Tordyliinae), yet the phylogenetic relationships among its rich diversity of endemic taxa are largely unknown. In this study, we (1) investigate the monophyly of Heracleum and ascertain the phylogenetic placements of those species of Heracleum from China that fall outside of the group; (2) estimate phylogenetic relationships within Heracleum sensu stricto, particularly among those species occurring in the Hengduan Mountain Region of southwestern China; and (3) reconstruct the biogeographic history of Heracleum sensu stricto. To achieve these objectives, Bayesian inference and maximum-parsimony analyses of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and five noncoding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) loci (rps16-trnK, rps16 intron, trnQ-rps16, rpl32-trnL, and psbA-trnH), separately and in combination, were carried out. Fruit morphology of the Chinese Heracleum species was examined. Statistical dispersal-vicariance analysis (S-DIVA) was used to reconstruct the biogeographic history. In total, 114 accessions were considered, which included 88 species representing eight genera of subtribe Tordyliinae, 28 of the 29 species of Heracleum occurring in China, and 4 species of Angelica as outgroups. The genus Heracleum is monophyletic upon the exclusion of nine species of Heracleum from China and the inclusion of the Caucasian monotypic genera Mandenovia and Symphyoloma. These nine excluded species show affinities to Tetrataenium, Semenovia, and Angelica. The species of Heracleum endemic to southwestern China form a moderately to strongly supported clade; however, major discordance between the ITS- and cpDNA-derived phylogenies, lack of resolution in the trees, and polyphyly of several species preclude unequivocal hypotheses of phylogenetic relationship. The distinctly clavate vittae, shorter than the length of the mericarp, is a diagnostic feature for Heracleum sensu stricto. Heracleum originated in the West Palearctic, with three possible migration routes leading to its present-day distribution. Major topological conflicts between the ITS and cpDNA trees may be due to interspecific hybridization and/or incomplete lineage sorting. The taxonomic limits of many Chinese Heracleum species remain unclear, possibly because of recent radiation in the Hengduan Mountains.  相似文献   

We determined small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences from three parabasalid species, Trichomitus batrachorum strain R105, Tetratrichomonas gallinarum, and Pentatrichomonas hominis belonging to the Trichomonadinae subfamily. Unrooted molecular phylogenetic trees inferred by distance, parsimony, and likelihood methods reveal four discrete clades among the parabasalids. The Trichomonadinae form a robust monophyletic group. Within this subfamily T. gallinarum is closely related to Trichomonas species as supported by morphological data, with P. hominis and Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum occupying basal positions. Our analysis does not place T. batrachorum within the Trichomonadinae. Trichomitus batrachorum (strains R105 and BUB) and Hypotrichomonas acosta form a well-separated cluster, suggesting the genus Trichomitus is polyphyletic. The emergence of T. batrachorum precedes the Trichomonadinae-Tritrichomonadinae dichotomy, emphasizing its pivotal evolutionary position among the Trichomonadidae. A third cluster unites the Devescovinidae and the Calonymphidae. The fourth clade contains the three hypermastigid sequences from the genus Trichonympha, which exhibit the earliest emergence among the parabasalids. The addition of these three new parabasalid species did not however resolve ambiguities regarding the relative branching order of the parabasalid clades. The phylogenetic positions of Tritrichomonas faetus, Monocercomonas sp., Dientamoeba fragilis, and the unidentified Reticulitermes flavipes gut symbiont 1 remain unclear.  相似文献   

The second species is described in the genus Pibrocha Kirk., P. excelsa sp. n. from Thailand. The limits of the subfamily Dichopterinae are discussed, a new tribe Protachilini trib. n. erected for the South American monotypical genus Protachilus Fenn. is added to the tribes Dichopterinii, Cladodipterini, and Dorysarthrini. The composition of the families Fulgoridae and Dictyopharidae is also discussed. The origin of the articulated cephalic process in adult Dorysarthrini is hypothesized.  相似文献   

Aphroditiformia represents one of the most successful radiations of annelids, and is therefore an interesting model to understand morphological and functional evolution. Previous phylogenetic analyses yielded most families as monophyletic but excluded anchialine and interstitial species while failing to recover relationships within Sigalionidae. Here we address these shortcomings through the analysis of four molecular markers and 87 morphological characters sampled across 127 species under the assumptions of parsimony and model‐based methods. Of the 34 newly sequenced taxa, five anchialine and 24 interstitial species were included, with increased representation of Sigalionidae. An additional 28 elusive Sigalionidae taxa were included, represented only by morphological partitions. Molecular and morphological partitions were evaluated under exhaustive sensitivity analyses, testing the effects of alignment algorithms and optimization criteria on tree topologies. Our trees congruently recovered six clades corresponding to the families within Aphroditiformia: Acoetidae, Aphroditidae, Eulepethidae, Iphionidae, Polynoidae and Sigalionidae, respectively. An anchialine polynoid lineage was nested among strictly deep sea species, and interstitial pisionids and pholoids formed two independent clades nested within Sigalionidae. Additionally, Sigalionidae resulted in four clades, defined by combinations of apomorphies, and hereby we propose the subfamilies Pelogeniinae, Pholoinae, Pisioninae, Sthenelanellinae, as well as the provisionally included polyphyletic Sigalioninae.  相似文献   

ITS sequences of members of Peucedanum and its segregates (Cervaria, Holandrea, Imperatoria, Oreoselinum, Pteroselinum, Thysselinum, Tommasinia, and Xanthoselinum), as well as representatives of other members of the previously identified Angelica and Arracacia clades, were analysed using distance, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony methods in order to establish their phylogenetic relationships. The Angelica and Arracacia clades comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group that is formally recognised as tribe Selineae. The genus Holandrea, expanded to include Cervaria caucasica and Peucedanum achaicum, is distantly related to the other peucedanoid genera. The remaining segregates are closely related to one another and to Peucedanum sensu stricto. The genera Seseli and Selinum are polyphyletic. Members of the genus Angelica form a single clade that also includes representatives of Selinum and Sphenosciadium. New combinations in Holandrea (H. caucasica, H. achaica) and Angelica (A. capitellata) are proposed, and Selinum pyrenaeum is recognised in Angelica (A. pyrenaea).  相似文献   

Beauveria is a cosmopolitan anamorphic genus of arthropod pathogens that includes the agronomically important species, B. bassiana and B. brongniartii, which are used as mycoinsecticides for the biological control of pest insects. Recent phylogenetic evidence demonstrates that Beauveria is monophyletic within the Cordycipitaceae (Hypocreales), and both B. bassiana and B. brongniartii have been linked developmentally and phylogenetically to Cordyceps species. Despite recent interest in the genetic diversity and molecular ecology of Beauveria, particularly as it relates to their role as pathogens of insects in natural and agricultural environments, the genus has not received critical taxonomic review for several decades. A multilocus phylogeny of Beauveria based on partial sequences of RPB1, RPB2, TEF and the nuclear intergenic region, Bloc, is presented and used to assess diversity within the genus and to evaluate species concepts and their taxonomic status. B. bassiana and B. brongniartii, both which represent species complexes and which heretofore have lacked type specimens, are redescribed and types are proposed. In addition six new species are described including B. varroae and B. kipukae, which form a biphyletic, morphologically cryptic sister lineage to B. bassiana, B. pseudobassiana, which also is morphologically similar to but phylogenetically distant from B. bassiana, B. asiatica and B. australis, which are sister lineages to B. brongniartii, and B. sungii, an Asian species that is linked to an undetermined species of Cordyceps. The combination B. amorpha is validly published and an epitype is designated.  相似文献   

Naupactini (Curculionidae: Entiminae) is a primarily Neotropical tribe of broad‐nosed weevils with its highest genus and species diversity in South America. Despite several taxonomic contributions published during the last decades, the evolutionary history of Naupactini remains poorly understood. We present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for this tribe based on a data matrix of 100 adult morphological characters scored for 70 species, representing 55 genera of Naupactini (ingroup) and four outgroups belonging to the entimine tribes Otiorhynchini, Entimini, Eustylini and Tanymecini. According to the most parsimonious tree Artipus does not belong to Naupactini; the genera with flat and broad antennae, formerly assigned to other entimine tribes, form a monophyletic group (Saurops (Curiades (Aptolemus (Platyomus)))) related to the clade (Megalostylus (Megalostylodes (Chamaelops Wagneriella))); and the genera distributed along the high Andes, Paramos and Puna form a natural group (Asymmathetes (Amphideritus (Leschenius (Amitrus (Obrieniolus (Melanocyphus Trichocyphus)))))), nested within a larger clade that includes Pantomorus, Naupactus and allied genera. Atrichonotus, Hoplopactus, Mimographus and Naupactus are not recovered as monophyletic. In order to address the taxonomic implications of our phylogenetic analysis, we propose the following nomenclatural changes: to transfer Artipus from Naupactini to Geonemini, to revalidate the genera Mimographopsis (type species M. viridicans), and to revalidate the genus Floresianus (type species F. sordidus). The evolution of selected characters is discussed. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C8AA4388‐A2F0‐4E2D‐889A‐500BEA5A9DE1 .  相似文献   

TherbcL gene of 25 taxa was sequenced and analyzed cladistically in order to define more precisely the orderAsterales s.l. and to reconstruct the phylogeny ofGoodeniaceae. The cladistic analyses show that theAsterales comprise the familiesAbrophyllaceae, Alseuosmiaceae, Argophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Calyceraceae, Campanulaceae s.l.,Donatiaceae, Goodeniaceae (includingBrunoniaceae),Menyanthaceae, Pentaphragmataceae, andStylidiaceae. Abrophyllaceae, Alseuosmiaceae, Brunoniaceae, andDonatiaceae have previously not been studied in this respect. Within theGoodeniaceae, four groups supported by therbcL data can be distinguished: the genusLechenaultia, theAnthotium-Dampiera-group, the genusBrunonia, and a group formed by the remaining genera, theScaevola-Goodenia-group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Antirrhineae (Scrophulariaceae) are analysed and discussed on the basis of parsimony analyses of morphological andndhF gene sequence data. The results indicate that the tribe Antirrhineae consists of four major groups of genera, theAnarrhinum clade, theGambelia clade, theMaurandya clade, and theAntirrhinum clade. TheAnarrhinum clade, consisting of the Old World bee-pollinated generaAnarrhinum andKickxia, is sister to the rest of the tribe. TheGambelia clade consists of the New World generaGambelia andGalvezia, which are very closely related and pollinated by hummingbirds. TheMaurandya clade consists of one subclade includingMaurandya and a number of related bee- or hummingbird-pollinated New World genera and another subclade with the Old World bee-pollinated generaAsarina andCymbalaria. TheAntirrhinum clade consists mainly of bee-pollinated Old World genera, such asAntirrhinum, Linaria, Chaenorhinum, and their segregates, but also includes the New World generaMohavea andHowelliella, of which the latter is known to be partly pollinated by hummingbirds. It is concluded that hummingbirdpollination has evolved independently within Antirrhineae at least three times from bee-pollinated ancestors.  相似文献   

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