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Summary Bud differentiation from haploid anther callus of geranium was achieved on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5 mg per 1 NAA and 2.5 mg per 1 kinetin. At concentrations higher than 5 mg per 1 kinetin, malformation and tissue senescence were evident.  相似文献   

Summary Cells of the HeLa strain show considerable activity of nuclear movements in the fashion of complete rotation, incomplete rotation and rocking. The activity decreases when the culture becomes older but changing fresh medium restores it. Approximately two-thirds of the cells entering division show premitotic movements, mostly of the rocking type.Supported in part by a grant-in aid from the American Cancer Society upon recommendation of the Committee on Growth of the National Research Council and in part by a contract from the Office of Naval Research N6onr-266 T.O. 5.  相似文献   

The present paper concerns a morphological and cytological comparison between the naturally occurring diploid and the colchicine induced tetraploid ofTorenia fournieri Lind.Treatment of growing points of young seedlings with 0.20% aqueous colchicine for 10 hours on two successive days was most effective in inducing tetraploidy. The induced tetraploids showed the usual gigas characters associated with autotetraploidy. There was a significant reduction in pollen fertility and seed setting of tetraploids as compared to their diploid progenitors.The chromosome numbers of the diploids and the induced tetraploids were determined as n=9 and n=18, respectively. The diploids showed normal meiosis whereas tetraploids were characterized by a high frequency of unequal distribution of chromosomes at anaphase. The induced tetraploids possessed larger flowers. The variability in flower size of the tetraploids offers a good scope for evolving a better horticultural variety of this species.  相似文献   

Summary In the cytogenetical investigation of 70 meningiomas 5 tumors with a Ph1-like chromosome were found. In 3 tumors with 46 chromosomes this chromosome was identified to be indeed a deleted G chromosome. In the other 2 tumors the observed fragment could only be supposed to derive from a G chromosome, for further chromosomes were missing. The similarity of these findings to those in the chronic myelogenous leukemia enhances the hypothesis that the distal part of the long arm of one G chromosome influences the control of cell proliferation.
Zusammenfassung Bei der cytogenetischen Untersuchung von 70 Meningeomen fanden sich 5 Tumoren mit einem Ph1-ähnlichen Chromosom. In 3 Fällen konnte das fragliche Chromosom als ein deletiertes G-Chromosom identifiziert werden. Bei den restlichen 2 Tumoren konnte nur vermutet werden, daß es sich bei dem gefundenen zentrischen Fragment um ein verkürztes G-Chromosom handelt, da noch weitere Chromosomen fehlen. Die Ähnlichkeit des Befundes mit demjenigen bei der chronischen myeloischen Leukämie unterstützt die Hypothese, daß der distale Teil des langen Arms eines G-Chromosoms für die Kontrolle der Zellproliferation von Bedeutung ist.

with assistance of W. Kofler and H. Büscher  相似文献   

Zankl  H.  Weiss  A. F.  Zang  K. D. 《Human genetics》1975,30(4):343-348
Summary The recently detected reciprocal translocations in chronic myeloic leucemia (CML) and Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) made it necessary to clarify if meningiomas really show the described monosomy 22 or also a translocation.In 10 out of 12 meningiomas a total or partial translocation of the missing chromosome 22 to another chromosome could be ruled out by fluorescence banding analysis. Two meningiomas showed marker chromosomes of such a complex composition that it was impossible to decide if a 22 translocation was present or not.From these results it was concluded that meningioma cells, in contrast to CML and BL, show almost regularly a loss of a definitive part of their genome.
Zusammenfassung Die erst kürzlich entdeckten reziproken Translokationen bei der chronisch myeloischen Leukämie (CML) und beim Burkitt-Lymphom (BL) machten es notwendig zu überprüfen, ob beim Meningeom tatsächlich die beschriebene Monosomie 22 oder ebenfalls eine Translokation vorliegt.In 10 von 12 Meningeomen konnte eine partielle oder totale Translokation des fehlenden Chromosoms 22 auf ein anderes Chromosom durch die Analyse der Fluorescenzbanden ausgeschlossen werden. 2 Meningeome zeigten Markerchromosomen von so komplexer Zusammensetzung, daß es nicht möglich war zu entscheiden, ob eine 22-Translokation vorliegt oder nicht.Aus den Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, daß Meningeomzellen, im Gegensatz zu CML und BL, fast regelmäßig den Verlust eines definierten Teils ihres Genoms aufweisen.

Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 51; E 12).  相似文献   

Summary In human meningiomas one G group chromosome is regularly missing. Using a fluorescence staining (Atebrine-acetic acid) in 5 meningiomas it could be shown that always one chromosome No. 22 was missing. In one meningioma we found an accessory stemline bearing a Ph1-like chromosome, which could be identified to be a deleted No. 22. — The similarities of the chromosomal findings in meningiomas and the chronic myeloic leukemia are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Als regelmäßiger Befund ist beim menschlichen Meningeom der Verlust eines G-Chromosoms nachzuweisen. Wir untersuchten mit Hilfe einer Fluorescenzfärbung (Atebrin-Essigsäure) 5 Meningeome und konnten zeigen, daß immer ein Chromosom Nr. 22 fehlt. In einem Meningeom, das eine zusätzliche Stammlinie mit einem Ph1-ähnlichen Chromosom aufweist, wurde das Fragment als deletiertes Chromosom Nr. 22 identifiziert. — Die Ähnlichkeit der chromosomen-morphologischen Befunde beim Meningeom und bei der chromischen myeloischen Leukämie werden diskutiert.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Za 32/9).  相似文献   

Summary Among 70 human meningiomas cytogenetically investigated by us up till now, only 4 tumors showed a hyperdiploidy. 2 of them had a uniform stemline with 47 chromosomes (47,XX,G+ and 47, XY, C(?E)+); the other 2 meningiomas had a stemline with a modal number of 53 (55) chromosomes.
Zusammenfassung Unter 70 menschlichen Meningiomen, die von uns bis jetzt untersucht worden sind, fanden sich lediglich 4 mit einem hyperdiploiden Chromosomensatz. 2 hatten eine einheitliche Stammlinie mit 47 Chromosomen (47, XX, G+ bzw. 47, XY, C(?E)+); die übrigen beiden Meningiome hatten Stammlinien mit einer sehr einheitlichen Modalzahl von 53 (55) Chromosomen.

Summary Twelve out of 88 cytogenetically examined meningiomas of female patients showed, in addition to the typical loss of a chromosome 22, a loss of 1 or more chromosomes of group C. Among them 8 tumors had less than 8% cells with Barr-body-like particles, whereas in one tumor 12% and in 3 others over 20% Barr bodies were found, which, based on control studies, were classified as sex-chromatin negative, partly positive, and positive, respectively. In one case the loss of an X chromosome was verified by Giemsa banding.In 6 out of 24 meningiomas of male origin, the chromosoma. morphology and association pattern strongly indicated that besides the loss of a chromosome 22, the Y chromosome was also missing. Moreover, the loss of the male sex chromosome could be ascertained in 4 tumors by the conspicuous absence of Y fluorescence in interphase nuclei and in metaphase plates after fluorescence staining.The findings are discussed in connection with the gonosomal loss in other human tumors and in old age.
Zusammenfassung Unter 88 cytogenetisch untersuchten Meningeomen von Frauen wurden 12 Tumoren gefunden, bei denen außer dem für Meningeome typischen Verlust eines Chromosoms 22 auch ein oder mehrere Chromosomen der C-Gruppe verlorengegangen waren. Bei 8 dieser Tumoren konnte in Gewebekulturpräparaten nur in weniger als 8% der untersuchten Zellen Barr-body-ähnliche Kernstrukturen nachgewiesen werden, bei einem Tumor fanden sich 12% und bei 3 über 20% Barr-bodies. Auf Grund von Vergleichsuntersuchungen wurden 8 Tumoren als geschlechtschromatinnegativ, 1 Tumor als teilweise positiv und die übrigen 3 als eindeutig positiv eingestuft. Bei einem Meningeom konnte das Fehlen eines X-Chromosoms direkt mit der Giemsa-Bandentechnik nachgewiesen werden.Bei 6 von 24 Meningeomen männlicher Herkunft konnte auf Grund der Chromosomenmorphologie und des Assoziationsverhaltens sehr wahrscheinlich gemacht werden, daß außer dem Chromosom 22 auch das Y-Chromosom verlorengegangen war. Bei 4 dieser Tumoren konnte eine Fluorescenzfärbung durchgeführt werden, wobei das Fehlen einer Y-Fluorescenz in Interphasezellen und Metaphaseplatten nachweisbar war.Diese Befunde werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschlechtschromosomenverlust bei anderen menschlichen Tumoren und im hohen Lebensalter diskutiert.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 51 E 12).

Parts of this work are included in the doctoral thesis (M.D.) of H.S. at the University of Munich, Germany.  相似文献   

Summary The paper is a study of the cytology of the regeneration cells (neoblasts) in Planaria vitta.The morphology of the living cells has first been examined to provide a reference for an investigation of the fixed neoblasts as studied by ordinary cytological, cytochemical and electron microscopical technics.A rather selective staining method has been devised based on the strong basophilic properties of the scanty cytoplasm. The morphology of the fixed neoblasts and their distribution in the intact animal have been described, using this method.The marked cytoplasmic basophilia was found to be exclusively due to ribonucleic acid, and not to desoxyribonucleic acid or acid mucopolysaccharides.The cytoplasm contains moderate to considerable amounts of basic proteins. Tyrosine, cysteine/cystin, arginine, lysine and perhaps histidine were present, while tryptophan could not be demonstrated.No enzymes could be demonstrated apart perhaps from cytochrome oxidase.The mitochondria are small and inconspicuous and more or less evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. A Golgi apparatus could not be demonstrated.The electron microscopic picture is very characteristic, because of the high electron density of the cytoplasm. This density is the result of the presence of a great number of ribonucleoprotein granules. Most of the granules are free and only a minor part bound to the membranes of the endoplasmatic reticulum. The interesting features of the cell membrane are discussed in relation to the structure of the parenchyma.The cytochemical properties of the neoblast (RNA and sulfhydryl-groupcontaining protein) and the fine structure as revealed in the electron microscope characterize the neoblast as a morphogenetically active cell.  相似文献   

The comparative assessment of the combining application of bulbosum technique and anther culture in vitro for spring barley haploid production has been presented. It has been shown that the yield of haploids depended on genotype of initial material and genotype and method interaction. The advantages of the use of these two techniques complemented each other in barley breeding program are discussed.  相似文献   

The chromosome complements of six cyprinid fishes were studied, using the routine air-drying Giemsa staining technique. The diploid chromosome number recorded is 2n = 50 (8m+18sm+14st+10t) with NF = 90 in Aspidoparia morar, 2n = 50 (8m+12sm+12st+18t) with NF = 82 in Crossocheilus latius latius, 2n = 50 (6m+12sm–16st+16t) with NF = 90 in Labeo pangusia, 2n = 70 (16m+6sm+16st–32t) with NF = 108 in Perilampus atpar, 2n = 48 (4m+6st+38t) with NF = 58 in Puntius chrysopterus and 2n = 50 (2m+2sm+4st+42t) with NF = 58 in P. tetrarupagus. Sex chromosomes are not identifiable in any of these species. A pair of marker chromosomes has been observed in all species excepting A. morar.  相似文献   

中国海南岛13种菊科植物的细胞学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对海南岛13种菊科植物进行了染色体研究,对其中9种植物进行了核型分析,结果为: 树菊Tithoni-a diversifolia A.Gray,2n=34=26m+8sm(2sat);鳢肠Eclipta prostrata(L.)L.,2n=22=18m+4sm;金腰箭Synedrella nodiflora(L.)Gaertn.,2n=40=6m+30sm(2sat)+4st;三叶鬼针草黄花类型Bidens pilosa L.(yel-low flower),2n=72=46m+26sm(2sat);羽  相似文献   

S. Regev 《Genetica》1974,45(1):125-132
Cytological examinations of cells of young embryos revealed that the chromosome number inCheyletus malaccensis is 2 (males) and 4 (females). Radioassay analyses appeared to confirm that females have twice as much DNA as males.  相似文献   

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