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Duan GL  Zhu YG  Tong YP  Cai C  Kneer R 《Plant physiology》2005,138(1):461-469
Root extracts from the arsenic (As) hyperaccumulating Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) were shown to be able to reduce arsenate to arsenite. An arsenate reductase (AR) in the fern showed a reaction mechanism similar to the previously reported Acr2p, an AR from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), using glutathione as the electron donor. Substrate specificity as well as sensitivity toward inhibitors for the fern AR (phosphate as a competitive inhibitor, arsenite as a noncompetitive inhibitor) was also similar to Acr2p. Kinetic analysis showed that the fern AR had a Michaelis constant value of 2.33 mM for arsenate, 15-fold lower than the purified Acr2p. The AR-specific activity of the fern roots treated with 2 mM arsenate for 9 d was at least 7 times higher than those of roots and shoots of plant species that are known not to tolerate arsenate. A T-DNA knockout mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) with disruption in the putative Acr2 gene had no AR activity. We could not detect AR activity in shoots of the fern. These results indicate that (1) arsenite, the previously reported main storage form of As in the fern fronds, may come mainly from the reduction of arsenate in roots; and (2) AR plays an important role in the detoxification of As in the As hyperaccumulating fern.  相似文献   

Maintaining green leaves beyond the growing season has been hypothesized to benefit plants by supplying either a nutrient or a carbon source. Understanding such ecophysiological aspects of plants will help us to appreciate how a species functions in its environment and predict how it might be affected by future changes in that environment. The wintergreen fern species Dryopteris intermedia does not retranslocate nitrogen and phosphorus from old fronds in spring, but photosynthesis does take place in the old fronds during this season. To determine if carbon fixed in the old fronds is translocated to other parts of the plant, we labeled old fronds with (13)C via photosynthetic uptake and examined old fronds, new fronds, fine roots, and rhizomes for (13)C content 1 day and 1 month after labeling the old fronds. Vernally fixed carbon was translocated to the new fronds but not significantly to the below ground tissues. Old fronds in this species, therefore, serve as a carbon source for vernal growth of new fronds. This is the first study in which a fern was labeled with (13)C to track vernally fixed carbon from old fronds to the rest of the plant in a wintergreen species. Future research should examine the precise timing of this carbon movement and examine other species for a similar or contrasting strategy.  相似文献   

Recent research on the developmental anatomy and morphology of the fern sporophyte is reviewed. Detailed histological and experimental studies of the organization of the fern shoot apical meristem have reconfirmed the recently controversial role of the shoot apical cell as the single apical initial of the meristem. The shoot apical meristem is nevertheless an anatomically and functionally complex structure with a strongly zoned cytohistological organization. Fern shoot apex organization can be compared with that of seed plants. The control of leaf initiation and phyllotaxy remains poorly understood. Studies differ as to whether leaf initiation in ferns involves one leaf mother cell or a multicellular region of the shoot apex. The concept of non-appendicular fronds is refuted for living ferns. The later developmental changes in the determinate leaf apical and marginal meristems of the leaf primordium form an area that is still largely unexplored but could be investigated by methods similar to those used to study shoot and root apices. Branching in ferns is morphologiclaly and developmentally diverse. There is apparently more than one developmental mode of dichotomous branching, and several modes of lateral bud formation have been described, including the phyllogenous initiation of branches at the base of leaf primordia. Developmental changes in bud meristems related to apical dominance, inhibition, and bud activation is another major area for continued study. The traditional concept of the role of the root apical cell has been reestablished by studies similar to those made of the shoot apex. Detailed ultrastructural investigations of the root ofAzolla have given a sophisticated new picture of developmental processes in that organ. Fern roots show remarkably precise patterns of histogenesis in relation to apical segmentation. The formation of secondary vascular tissue inBotrychium suggests that the Ophioglossales may be related to the seed plants. The causal relationship of leaf (and branch and root) formation and the initiation of vascular tissue in the shoot needs more study. Although still poorly understood, protoxylem systems in ferns are variable and may have morphological and systematic significance. Recent investigations of hydraulic conductance in fern stems have found possible correlations of conductance levels with growth forms. The anatomical diversity of ferns makes comparative functional anatomy a promising field for future study.  相似文献   

Motivated by the need to solve ecological problems (climate change, habitat fragmentation and biological invasions), there has been increasing interest in species distribution models (SDMs). Predictions from these models inform conservation policy, invasive species management and disease-control measures. However, predictions are subject to uncertainty, the degree and source of which is often unrecognized. Here, we review the SDM literature in the context of uncertainty, focusing on three main classes of SDM: niche-based models, demographic models and process-based models. We identify sources of uncertainty for each class and discuss how uncertainty can be minimized or included in the modelling process to give realistic measures of confidence around predictions. Because this has typically not been performed, we conclude that uncertainty in SDMs has often been underestimated and a false precision assigned to predictions of geographical distribution. We identify areas where development of new statistical tools will improve predictions from distribution models, notably the development of hierarchical models that link different types of distribution model and their attendant uncertainties across spatial scales. Finally, we discuss the need to develop more defensible methods for assessing predictive performance, quantifying model goodness-of-fit and for assessing the significance of model covariates.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

A previous study detected no allozyme diversity in Iberian populations of the buckler-fern Dryopteris aemula. The use of a more sensitive marker, such as microsatellites, was thus needed to reveal the genetic diversity, breeding system and spatial genetic structure of this species in natural populations.


Eight microsatellite loci for D. aemula were developed and their cross-amplification with other ferns was tested. Five polymorphic loci were used to characterize the amount and distribution of genetic diversity of D. aemula in three populations from the Iberian Peninsula and one population from the Azores.

Key Results

Most microsatellite markers developed were transferable to taxa close to D. aemula. Overall genetic variation was low (HT = 0·447), but was higher in the Azorean population than in the Iberian populations of this species. Among-population genetic differentiation was high (FST = 0·520). All loci strongly departed from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In the population where genetic structure was studied, no spatial autocorrelation was found in any distance class.


The higher genetic diversity observed in the Azorean population studied suggested a possible refugium in this region from which mainland Europe has been recolonized after the Pleistocene glaciations. High among-population genetic differentiation indicated restricted gene flow (i.e. lack of spore exchange) across the highly fragmented area occupied by D. aemula. The deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium reflected strong inbreeding in D. aemula, a trait rarely observed in homosporous ferns. The absence of spatial genetic structure indicated effective spore dispersal over short distances. Additionally, the cross-amplification of some D. aemula microsatellites makes them suitable for use in other Dryopteris taxa.  相似文献   

Spores of the fernsPteridium aquilinum andAnemia phyllitidis were grown in an airlift fermenter and subsequent growth and development of gametophytes was monitored. Both species produced greater biomass than that generated in any other solid- or liquid-based culture system tested.Pteridium generated more tissue thanAnemia in every system. The morphology of airlift-grown gametophytes was similar to that of soil-grown plants; fewer gametophytes with perturbed development were observed in airlift cultures than in the other liquid-based systems. No attempt was made to optimise airlift conditions for the species and tissue employed, so it is concluded that airlift cultivation is a promising system for the bulk production of fern gametophytic tissue.  相似文献   

Logistic Multiple Regression, Principal Component Regression and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART), commonly used in ecological modelling using GIS, are compared with a relatively new statistical technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), to test their accuracy, reliability, implementation within GIS and ease of use. All were applied to the same two data sets, covering a wide range of conditions common in predictive modelling, namely geographical range, scale, nature of the predictors and sampling method. We ran two series of analyses to verify if model validation by an independent data set was required or cross‐validation on a learning data set sufficed. Results show that validation by independent data sets is needed. Model accuracy was evaluated using the area under Receiver Operating Characteristics curve (AUC). This measure was used because it summarizes performance across all possible thresholds, and is independent of balance between classes. MARS and Regression Tree Analysis achieved the best prediction success, although the CART model was difficult to use for cartographic purposes due to the high model complexity.  相似文献   

Aim  Spatial modelling techniques are increasingly used in species distribution modelling. However, the implemented techniques differ in their modelling performance, and some consensus methods are needed to reduce the uncertainty of predictions. In this study, we tested the predictive accuracies of five consensus methods, namely Weighted Average (WA), Mean(All), Median(All), Median(PCA), and Best, for 28 threatened plant species.
Location  North-eastern Finland, Europe.
Methods  The spatial distributions of the plant species were forecasted using eight state-of-the-art single-modelling techniques providing an ensemble of predictions. The probability values of occurrence were then combined using five consensus algorithms. The predictive accuracies of the single-model and consensus methods were assessed by computing the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver-operating characteristic plot.
Results  The mean AUC values varied between 0.697 (classification tree analysis) and 0.813 (random forest) for the single-models, and from 0.757 to 0.850 for the consensus methods. WA and Mean(All) consensus methods provided significantly more robust predictions than all the single-models and the other consensus methods.
Main conclusions  Consensus methods based on average function algorithms may increase significantly the accuracy of species distribution forecasts, and thus they show considerable promise for different conservation biological and biogeographical applications.  相似文献   

Recent generalisations about polyploidy in plants have been largely based on studies of angiosperms. A compelling group to compare with angiosperms is ferns, because of their high polyploidy. The bi-parental inheritance of nuclear DNA sequence markers makes them advantageous for investigating polyploid complexes, but few such markers have been available for ferns. We have used DNA sequences from the low-copy nuclear LFY locus to study an Asplenium polyploid complex. The New Zealand species of this Austral group comprise seven tetraploids and eight octoploids. LFY sequences indicate that allopolyploidy is much more predominant than previously thought, being implicated in the origins of seven of the octoploids. One of the tetraploids has had a central role, being a progenitor for five of the octoploids. All of the octoploids appear to have relatively recent origins, with the dynamic environmental conditions of the Pleistocene possibly playing a role in their formation and/or establishment.  相似文献   

张开梅  沈羽  刘颖  方炎明 《广西植物》2016,36(4):419-424
蕨类植物配子体为单倍体,结构简单,独立于孢子体生活,在研究其对环境的响应以及揭示其机理上都具有独特的优势。该研究从我国和国际两个分支出发,梳理了近年来全球范围内相关的文献资料,透视了蕨类配子体的发育和生理生态前沿科学和研究动态。在发育部分以研究进展为主要内容,国内研究以传统植物蕨类植物的配子体形态和发育的观察为主,而国外学者更关注于新技术和新方法在传统学科中的运用,如X光透射技术和流式细胞术。生理生态部分分为光合与呼吸作用、土壤逆境的响应、气候变化的响应以及对化感物质的响应4个板块。在光合作用的研究中,发现蕨类配子体会在光强的变化下产生自我保护机制,碳水化合物和脂质是配子体能量代谢中的重要指标。在土壤逆境的响应研究中,对砷有超富集作用的蜈蚣草配子体和耐高盐的铁角蕨配子体是配子体研究中较为突出的材料。荷兰地区广泛存在的耳蕨属蕨类,哥斯达黎加热带雨林的20种蕨类植物及水生蕨类槐叶萍,成为了证明配子体成活率和温度之间重要关系的实验例证。在化感作用研究中,主要通过紫茎泽兰根、茎和叶水提液对扇蕨等4种蕨类配子体的作用,证明了入侵植物对于蕨类植物配子体生长发育具有危害作用。在美国佛罗里达的一类爬树蕨也发现了同样的入侵植物现象。此外,还对几个新兴技术在配子体研究的前景进行了展望,并对已有技术进行了描述。该研究以多个角度介绍了国内外配子体的研究进展,希望有助于促进我国学者对该领域的深入研究。  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry evidence is presented for the presence of both phenylacetic acid (PAA) and 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) in vegetative and fertile tissues of the sporophyte of the ostrich fern [ Matteucia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro]. 3-Indolepropionic acid, tryptamine and 3-indoleacetonitrile were not found in tissue extracts, although small amounts of 3-indolebutyric acid and tryptophol may have been present. PAA was present in amounts higher than those found in flowering plants, while LAA levels fall within the angiosperm range. The levels of both auxins were higher in the younger vegetative tissues than in mature vegetative or fertile pinnae. Recent evidence for the occurrence of angiosperm growth hormones in ferns is discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty-three publications have been examined to recover information on the palaeogeography, the chronostratigraphy and the presence of the fossil fern genus Weichselia Stiehler in different depositional environments. This fossil fern foliage was reported in 72 localities worldwide. Its fossil record ranges from the Bathonian to the Cenomanian, predominating from the Berriasian to the Barremian, but still common during the Aptian to Cenomanian. Weichselia mostly occurred in continental depositional environments in Europe, whereas it has been mostly related to marginal marine depositional environments in Africa, North America, and India. Three species have been described: W. reticulata, W. peruviana, and W. negevensis. We analyse the measurements on specimens collected from sixteen localities as well as published data from twelve others. Our results suggest that: (i) the climate changes during the Aptian might have affected the pinnule size of Weichselia, as the Aptian-Cenomanian pinnules are larger than those from the Berriasian-Barremian; (ii) some differences might be explained by the metric variation of the frond parts; (iii) there are no clear differences in size between remains collected from different depositional environments; (iv) there is no sufficient evidence to determine how many species of Weichselia have existed.  相似文献   

WARNE, T. R., HICKOK, L. G. & SCOTT, R. S., 1988. Characterization and genetic analysis of antheridiogen-insensitive mutants in the fern Ceratopteris . The pheromone antheridiogen mediates the differentiation of male gametophytes in the fern Ceratopteris . Mutants insensitive to antheridiogen were isolated using an in vitro selection procedure. Antheridiogen-insensitive mutants exhibited partial or complete insensitivity to antheridiogen, but were normal in all other respects. Two mutants were completely insensitive to antheridiogen, whereas, another mutant was insensitive to supplemented antheridiogen, but produced male gametophytes in multispore cultures. Genetic analysis suggested a single gene basis for each mutant.  相似文献   

Pyrrosia piloselloides (L.) Price is a constitutive CAM plant in the sporophytic phase of its life-cycle. Newly developed sporophytes, still attached to the gametophytes, showed signs of CAM expression in terms of diurnal changes in titratable acidity of the tissues. The gametophytes did not exhibit CAM. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ONG  B.-L.  KOH  C.K.-K.  WEE  Y.-C. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(1):147-149
Pyrrosia piloselloides (L.) Price is a constitutive CAM plant in the sporophytic phase of its life-cycle. Newly developed sporophytes, still attached to the gametophytes, showed signs of CAM expression in terms of diurnal changes in titratable acidity of the tissues. The gametophytes did not exhibit CAM.  相似文献   



Atherosclerotic lesions are comprised of distinct regions with different proteomic profiles. Men and women develop differences in lesion phenotype, with lesions from women generally being more stable and less prone to rupture. We aimed to investigate the differences in proteomic profiles between sexes, including distinct lesion regions, to identify altered proteins that contribute to these differences observed clinically.


Carotid endarterectomy samples (ten men/ten women) were obtained, and intraplaque biopsies from three distinct regions (internal control, fatty streak and plaque) were analysed by tandem-mass spectrometry. Multivariate statistical modelling, using orthogonal partial least square-discriminant analysis, was used to discriminate the proteomes between men and women.


Multivariate discriminant modelling revealed proteins from 16 functional groups that displayed sex-specific associations. Additional statistics revealed ten proteins that display region-specific alterations when comparing sexes, including proteins related to inflammatory response, response to reactive oxygen species, complement activation, transport and blood coagulation. Transport protein afamin and blood coagulation proteins antithrombin-III and coagulation factor XII were significantly increased in plaque region from women. Inflammatory response proteins lysozyme C and phospholipase A2 membrane-associated were significantly increased in plaque region from men. Limitations with this study are the small sample size, limited patient information and lack of complementary histology to control for cell type differences between sexes.


This pilot study, for the first time, utilises a multivariate proteomic approach to investigate sexual dimorphism in human atherosclerotic tissue, and provides an essential proteomic platform for further investigations to help understand sexual dimorphism and plaque vulnerability in atherosclerosis.

Label-free LC-MS/MS-based shot-gun proteomics was used to quantify the differential protein synthesis and metabolite profiling in order to assess metabolic changes during the development of citrus fruits. Our results suggested the occurrence of a metabolic change during citrus fruit maturation, where the organic acid and amino acid accumulation seen during the early stages of development shifted into sugar synthesis during the later stage of citrus fruit development. The expression of invertases remained unchanged, while an invertase inhibitor was up-regulated towards maturation. The increased expression of sucrose-phosphate synthase and sucrose-6-phosphate phosphatase and the rapid sugar accumulation suggest that sucrose is also being synthesized in citrus juice sac cells during the later stage of fruit development.  相似文献   

A water-soluble polymer was extracted from the fronds of the black tree fern (Cyathea medullaris or “Mamaku” in Māori) and characterized under various physico-chemical conditions. The rheological properties (in the semi-dilute region) and particle size and charge (in the dilute region) were investigated under various salt (0-1 M NaCl), pH (1-12) and temperature conditions (5-80 °C), using rheometry and dynamic light scattering techniques. A 7% (w/w) Mamaku crude extract showed strong shear-thickening properties at high salinity levels (1 M NaCl) and over the whole range of pH (1-12). However, the thickening properties disappeared above 50 °C. Apparent viscosity remained constant over the pH range 3-9, although the particle size systematically decreased with increasing pH. Overall, Mamaku solutions showed very good salt and pH resistance and exhibited strong temperature dependency. Hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions are not likely to be the cause of the shear-thickening phenomenon observed. Other forces such as hydrogen bonding may play a dominant role on the formation of shear-induced associations.  相似文献   

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