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The distribution of hemodynamic shear stress throughout the arterial tree is transduced by the endothelium into local cellular responses that regulate vasoactivity, vessel wall remodeling, and atherogenesis. Although the exact mechanisms of mechanotransduction remain unknown, the endothelial cytoskeleton has been implicated in transmitting extracellular force to cytoplasmic sites of signal generation via connections to the lumenal, intercellular, and basal surfaces. Direct observation of intermediate filament (IF) displacement in cells expressing green fluorescent protein-vimentin has suggested that cytoskeletal mechanics are rapidly altered by the onset of fluid shear stress. Here, restored images from time-lapse optical sectioning fluorescence microscopy were analyzed as a four-dimensional intensity distribution function that represented IF positions. A displacement index, related to the product moment correlation coefficient as a function of time and subcellular spatial location, demonstrated patterns of IF displacement within endothelial cells in a confluent monolayer. Flow onset induced a significant increase in IF displacement above the nucleus compared with that measured near the coverslip surface, and displacement downstream from the nucleus was larger than in upstream areas. Furthermore, coordinated displacement of IF near the edges of adjacent cells suggested the existence of mechanical continuity between cells. Thus, quantitative analysis of the spatiotemporal patterns of flow-induced IF displacement suggests redistribution of intracellular force in response to alterations in hemodynamic shear stress acting at the lumenal surface.  相似文献   

Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules are three major cytoskeletal systems providing cells with stability to maintain proper shape. Although the word “cytoskeleton” implicates rigidity, it is quite dynamic exhibiting constant changes within cells. In addition to providing cell stability, it participates in a variety of essential and dynamic cellular processes including cell migration, cell division, intracellular transport, vesicular trafficking, and organelle morphogenesis. During the past eight years since the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was first used as a marker for the exogenous gene expression, it has been an especially booming era for live cell observations of intracellular movement of many proteins. Because of the dynamic behavior of the cytoskeleton in the cell, GFP has naturally been a vital part of the studies of the cytoskeleton and its associated proteins. In this article, we will describe the advantage of using GFP and how it has been used to study cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Landwojtowicz E  Nervi P  Seelig A 《Biochemistry》2002,41(25):8050-8057
Extracellular acidification rates (ECARs) in response to eight different drugs activating or inhibiting the ATPase of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) were measured in real time by means of a Cytosensor microphysiometer in MDR1-transfected and corresponding wild-type cell lines, i.e., pig kidney cells (LLC-MDR1 and LLC-PK1) and mouse embryo fibroblasts (NIH-MDR-G185 and NIH3T3). The ECARs showed a bell-shaped dependence on drug concentration (log scale) in transfected cells but were negligibly small in wild-type cells. The activation profiles (ECARs vs concentration) were analyzed in terms of a model assuming activation of Pgp-ATPase with one and inhibition with two drug molecules bound. The kinetic constants [concentration of half-maximum activation (inhibition), K(i), and the maximum (minimum) transporter activity, V(i)] were in qualitative and quantitative agreement with those determined earlier for Pgp-ATPase activation monitored by phosphate release in inside-out cellular vesicles and in purified reconstituted systems, respectively. Furthermore, the ECARs correlated with the expression level of Pgp in the two different cell lines and were reduced in a concentration-dependent manner by cyclosporin A, a potent inhibitor of the Pgp-ATPase. In contrast, treatment of cells with inhibitors of the Na(+)/H(+) or the Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger did not reduce the ECARs. The micro-pH measurements provide for the first time direct evidence for a tight coupling between the rate of extracellular proton extrusion and intracellular phosphate release upon Pgp-ATPase activation. They support a Pgp-mediated transport of protons from the site of ATP hydrolysis to the cell surface. Measurement of the ECARs could thus constitute a new method to conveniently analyze the kinetics of Pgp-ATPase activation in living cells.  相似文献   

Real-time multi-wavelength fluorescence imaging of living cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S J Morris 《BioTechniques》1990,8(3):296-308
We describe a new real-time fluorescence video microscope design for capturing intensified images of cells containing dual wavelength "ratio" dyes or multiple dyes. The microscope will perform real-time capture of two separate fluorescence emission images simultaneously, improving the time resolution of spatial distribution of fluorescence to video frame rates (30 frames/s or faster). Each emission wavelength is imaged simultaneously by one of two cameras, then digitized, background corrected and appropriately combined at standard video frame rates to be stored at high resolution on tape or digital video disk for further off-line analysis. Use of low noise, high sensitivity image intensifiers, coupled to CCD cameras produce stable, high contrast images using ultra low light levels with little persistence or bloom. The design has no moving parts in its optical train, which overcomes a number of technical difficulties encountered in the present filter wheel designs for multiple imaging. Coupled to compatible image processing software utilizing PC-AT computers, the new design can be built for a significantly lower cost than many presently available commercial machines. The system is ideal for ratio imaging applications; the software can calculate the ratio of fluorescence intensities pixel by pixel and provide the information to generate false-color images of the intensity data as well as other calculations based on the two images. Thus, it provides a powerful, inexpensive tool for studying the real-time kinetics of changes in living cells. Examples are presented for the kinetics of rapidly changing intracellular calcium detected by the calcium indicator probe indo-1 and the redistribution kinetics of multiple vital dyes placed in cells undergoing cell fusion.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin has emerged as an important regulator of protein stability and function in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. The ability to detect in situ changes in protein ubiquitination without perturbing the physiological environment of cells would be a major step forward in understanding the ubiquitination process and its consequences. Here, we describe a new method to study this dynamic post-translational modification in intact human embryonic kidney cells. Using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), we measured the ubiquitination of beta-arrestin 2, a regulatory protein implicated in the modulation of G protein-coupled receptors. In addition to allowing the detection of basal and GPCR-regulated ubiquitination of beta-arrestin 2 in living cells, real-time BRET measurements permitted the recording of distinct ubiquitination kinetics that are dictated by the identity of the activated receptor. The ubiquitination BRET assay should prove to be a useful tool for studying the dynamic ubiquitination of proteins and for understanding which cellular functions are regulated by this post-translational event.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2223-2231
Individual microtubule dynamics were observed in real time in primary cultures of newt lung epithelium using video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy and digital image processing. The linear filaments observed in cells corresponded to microtubules based on three criteria: (a) small particles translocated along them; (b) the majority of them disappeared after incubation in nocodazole; (c) and the distribution observed by differential interference contrast correlated with anti-tubulin immunofluorescence staining of the same cell. Microtubules were most clearly observed at the leading edge of cells located at the periphery of the epithelial sheet. Microtubules exhibited dynamic instability behavior: individual microtubules existed in persistent phases of elongation or rapid shortening. Microtubules elongated at a velocity of 7.2 micron/min +/- 0.3 SEM (n = 42) and rapidly shortened at a velocity of 17.3 micron/min +/- 0.7 SEM (n = 35). The transitions between elongation and rapid shortening occurred abruptly and stochastically with a transition frequency of 0.014 s-1 for catastrophe and 0.044 s-1 for rescue. Approximately 70% of the rapidly shortening microtubules were rescued and resumed elongation within the 35 x 35 micron microscopic field. A portion of the microtubule population appeared differentially stable and did not display any measurable elongation or shortening during 10-15-min observations.  相似文献   

A central aspect of cellular mechanochemical signaling is a change of cytoskeletal tension upon the imposition of exogenous forces. Here we report measurements of the spatiotemporal distribution of mechanical strain in the intermediate filament cytoskeleton of endothelial cells computed from the relative displacement of endogenous green fluorescent protein (GFP)-vimentin before and after onset of shear stress. Quantitative image analysis permitted computation of the principal values and orientations of Lagrangian strain from 3-D high-resolution fluorescence intensity distributions that described intermediate filament positions. Spatially localized peaks in intermediate filament strain were repositioned after onset of shear stress. The orientation of principal strain indicated that mechanical stretching was induced across cell boundaries. This novel approach for intracellular strain mapping using an endogenous reporter demonstrates force transfer from the lumenal surface throughout the cell.  相似文献   

The review is focused on the molecular structure and function of the proteins composing the actin-based cytokeletal cortex, located at the cytoplasmic face of plasma membranes of eucaryotic cells, which stabilizes integral membrane proteins in separate domains of cell membranes. It includes a survey of the molecular properties of teh proteins of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton such as spectrin, ankyrin, protein 4.1, and adducin. The properties of the immunological counterparts of erythroid cortical proteins found in nonerythroid tissues and cells are compared. The structural organization and function of the newly discovered class of calcium-binding proteins, nonerythroid peripheral membrane proteins, calpactins, are also described. Finally, the discussion of some experimental models illustrates that the membrane skeleton of living cells is actively involved in a wide variety of essential biological functions ranging from differentiation, to maintenance of cell polarity and cell shape, and regulation of exocytotic processes.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and living cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest family of proteins involved in signal transduction. Here we present a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay that directly monitors in real time the early interactions between human GPCRs and their cognate G-protein subunits in living human cells. In addition to detecting basal precoupling of the receptors to Galpha-, Gbeta- and Ggamma-subunits, BRET measured very rapid ligand-induced increases in the interaction between receptor and Galphabetagamma-complexes (t(1/2) approximately 300 ms) followed by a slower (several minutes) decrease, reflecting receptor desensitization. The agonist-promoted increase in GPCR-Gbetagamma interaction was highly dependent on the identity of the Galpha-subunit present in the complex. Therefore, this G protein-activity biosensor provides a novel tool to directly probe the dynamics and selectivity of receptor-mediated, G-protein activation-deactivation cycles that could be advantageously used to identify ligands for orphan GPCRs.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is a dynamicscaffold in living cells even in the absence of externally imposedforces. In this study on cytoskeletal deformation, the applicability ofhierarchical feature vector matching (HFVM), a new matching method,currently applied in space research and three-dimensional surfacereconstruction, was investigated. Stably transfected CHO-K1 cellsexpressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) coupled to vimentin wereused to visualize spontaneous movement of the vimentin cytoskeleton ofindividual cells using a confocal laser scanning system. We showedthat, with proper parameter and configuration settings, HFVM couldrecognize and trace 60-70% of all image points in artificiallytranslated, rotated, or deformed images. If only points belonging tothe cytoskeleton were selected for matching purposes, the percentage ofmatched points increased to 98%. This high percentage of recognitionalso could be reached in a time series of images, in which a certain degree of bleaching of the fluorescence over the recording time of 30 min was inevitable. In these images, HFVM allowed the detection as wellas the quantification of spontaneous cytoskeletal movements of up to10% of the cell width. Therefore, HFVM appears to be a reliable methodof quantifying dynamic cytoskeletal behavior in living cells.


The present study is an attempt to relate the multicomponent response of the cytoskeleton (CSK), evaluated in twisted living adherent cells, to the heterogeneity of the cytoskeletal structure - evaluated both experimentally by means of 3D reconstructions, and theoretically considering the predictions given by two tensegrity models composed of (four and six) compressive elements and (respectively 12 and 24) tensile elements. Using magnetic twisting cytometry in which beads are attached to integrin receptors linked to the actin CSK of living adherent epithelial cells, we specifically measured the elastic CSK response at quasi equilibrium state and partitioned this response in terms of cortical and cytosolic contributions with a two-component model (i.e., a series of two Voigt bodies). These two CSK components were found to be prestressed and exhibited a stress-hardening response which both characterize tensegrity behaviour with however significant differences: compared to the cytosolic component, the cortical cytoskeleton appears to be a faster responding component, being a less prestressed and easily deformable structure. The discrepancies in elastic behaviour between the cortical and cytosolic CSK components may be understood on the basis of prestress tensegrity model predictions, given that the length and number of constitutive actin elements are taken into account.  相似文献   

Real-time monitoring of actin polymerization in living cells is beneficial for characterizing cellular activities such as migration, proliferation, and death. We developed new bioluminescence-based probe proteins that enable the monitoring of actin polymerization in living cells. Unlike other ordinary split luciferase probes, our probes were incorporated in endogenous actin filament that enabled it to measure the actin polymerization quantitatively. The probe proteins exhibited a dose-responsive decrease in photon emission intensity in response to the filamentous (F)-actin-disrupting agent latrunculin A. This technique has a high sensitivity with a high signal-to-noise ratio and is nontoxic compared with other methods of monitoring actin polymerization in living cells. Using this technique, we succeeded in monitoring the F-actin level in living cells during apoptosis progression induced by UV irradiation continuously for 12 h. F-actin was transiently upregulated after UV irradiation. Since UV-induced cell death was enhanced by treatment with latrunculin A during the period which F-actin is increased, transient upregulation of F-actin after UV is likely a protective reaction against UV-induced cell death. Our novel technique is an effective tool for investigating actin polymerization in living cells.  相似文献   

The use of synthetic polymeric vascular grafts is limited by the thrombogenecity of most biomaterials. Efforts to reduce thrombogenicity by seeding grafts with endothelial cells, the natural non-thrombogenic lining of blood vessels, have been thwarted by flow-induced cell detachment. We hypothesized that by creating well-defined micro-textured patterns on a surface, fluid flow at the surface can be altered to create discrete regions of low shear stress. We further hypothesized that, due to reduced shear stress, these regions will serve as sanctuaries for endothelial cells and promote their retention. To test these hypotheses, well-defined micro-textured polyurethane (PU) surfaces consisting of arrays of parallel 95-micron wide and 32-micron deep channels were created using an etched silicon template and solvent casting techniques. Based on computational fluid dynamics, under identical bulk flow conditions, the average local shear stress in the channels (46 dyn/cm2) was 28% lower than unpatterned surfaces (60 dyn/cm2). When PU surfaces pre-seeded with endothelial cells (EC) were exposed to the same bulk flow rate, EC retention was significantly improved on the micropatterned surfaces relative to un-patterned surfaces (92% vs. 58% retention).  相似文献   

Lu L  Oswald SJ  Ngu H  Yin FC 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(12):6060-6071
Actin stress fibers (SFs) play an important role in many cellular functions, including morphological stability, adhesion, and motility. Because of their central role in force transmission, it is important to characterize the mechanical properties of SFs. However, most of the existing studies focus on properties of whole cells or of actin filaments isolated outside cells. In this study, we explored the mechanical properties of individual SFs in living endothelial cells by nanoindentation using an atomic force microscope. Our results demonstrate the pivotal role of SF actomyosin contractile level on mechanical properties. In the same SF, decreasing contractile level with 10 μM blebbistatin decreased stiffness, whereas increasing contractile level with 2 nM calyculin A increased stiffness. Incrementally stretching and indenting SFs made it possible to determine stiffness as a function of strain level and demonstrated that SFs have nearly linear stress-stain properties in the baseline state but nonlinear properties at a lower contractile level. The stiffnesses of peripheral and central portions of the same SF, which were nearly the same in the baseline state, became markedly different after contractile level was increased with calyculin A. Because these results pertain to effects of interventions in the same SF in a living cell, they provide important new understanding about cell mechanics.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells alter their morphology, growth rate, and metabolism in response to fluid shear stress. To study rapid flow-induced responses in the 3D endothelial cell morphology and calcium distribution, coupled fluorescence microscopy with optical sectioning, digital imaging, and numerical deconvolution techniques have been utilized. Results demonstrate that within the first minutes of flow application nuclear calcium is increasing. In the same time frame whole cell height and nuclear height are reduced by about 1 microm. Whole cell height changes may facilitate reduction of shear stress gradients on the luminal surface, whereas nuclear structural changes may be important for modulating endothelial growth rate and metabolism. To study the role of the cytoskeleton in these responses, endothelial cells have been treated with specific disrupters (acrylamide, cytochalasin D, and colchicine) of each of the cytoskeleton elements (intermediate filaments, microfilaments, and microtubules, respectively). None of these compounds had any effect on the shear-induced calcium response. Cytochalasin D and acrylamide did not affect the shear-induced nuclear morphology changes. Colchicine, however, completely abrogated the response, indicating that microtubules may be implicated in force transmission from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. A pedagogical model based on tensegrity theory principles is presented that is consistent with the results on the 3D endothelial morphology.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a technique to measure fluid levels in articular cartilage tissue during an unconfined stress relaxation test. A time series of Raman spectrum were recorded during relaxation and the changes in the specific Raman spectral bands assigned to water and protein were monitored to determine the fluid content of the tissue. After 1000 s unconfined compression the fluid content of the tissue is reduced by an average of 3.9% ± 1.7%. The reduction in fluid content during compression varies between samples but does not significantly increase with increasing strain. Further development of this technique will allow mapping of fluid distribution and flows during dynamic testing making it a powerful tool to understand the role of interstitial fluid in the functional performance of cartilage.  相似文献   

Xu XH  Brownlow WJ  Kyriacou SV  Wan Q  Viola JJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(32):10400-10413
Membrane transport plays a leading role in a wide spectrum of cellular and subcellular pathways, including multidrug resistance (MDR), cellular signaling, and cell-cell communication. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is renowned for its intriguing membrane transport mechanisms, such as the interplay of membrane permeability and extrusion machinery, leading to selective accumulation of specific intracellular substances and MDR. Despite extensive studies, the mechanisms of membrane transport in living microbial cells remain incompletely understood. In this study, we directly measure real-time change of membrane permeability and pore sizes of P. aeruginosa at the nanometer scale using the intrinsic color index (surface plasmon resonance spectra) of silver (Ag) nanoparticles as the nanometer size index probes. The results show that Ag nanoparticles with sizes ranging up to 80 nm are accumulated in living microbial cells, demonstrating that these Ag nanoparticles transport through the inner and outer membrane of the cells. In addition, a greater number of larger intracellular Ag nanoparticles are observed in the cells as chloramphenicol concentration increases, suggesting that chloramphenicol increases membrane permeability and porosity. Furthermore, studies of mutants (nalB-1 and DeltaABM) show that the accumulation rate of intracellular Ag nanoparticles depends on the expression level of the extrusion pump (MexAB-OprM), suggesting that the extrusion pump plays an important role in controlling the accumulation of Ag nanoparticles in living cells. Moreover, the accumulation kinetics measured by Ag nanoparticles are similar to those measured using a small fluorescent molecule (EtBr), eliminating the possibility of steric and size effects of Ag nanoparticle probes. Susceptibility measurements also suggest that a low concentration of Ag nanoparticles (1.3 pM) does not create significant toxicity for the cells, further validating that single Ag nanoparticles (1.3 pM) can be used as biocompatible nanoprobes for the study of membrane transport kinetics in living microbial cells.  相似文献   

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