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1. Olfactory predator search processes differ fundamentally to those based on vision, particularly when odour cues are deposited rather than airborne or emanating from a point source. When searching for visually cryptic prey that may have moved some distance from a deposited odour cue, cue context and spatial variability are the most likely sources of information about prey location available to an olfactory predator. 2. We tested whether the house mouse (Mus domesticus), a model olfactory predator, would use cue context and spatial variability when searching for buried food items; specifically, we tested the effect of varying cue patchiness, odour strength, and cue-prey association on mouse foraging success. 3. Within mouse- and predator-proof enclosures, we created grids of 100 sand-filled Petri dishes and buried peanut pieces in a set number of these patches to represent visually cryptic 'prey'. By adding peanut oil to selected dishes, we varied the spatial distribution of prey odour relative to the distribution of prey patches in each grid, to reflect different levels of cue patchiness (Experiment 1), odour strength (Experiment 2) and cue-prey association (Experiment 3). We measured the overnight foraging success of individual mice (percentage of searched patches containing prey), as well as their foraging activity (percentage of patches searched), and prey survival (percentage of unsearched prey patches). 4. Mouse foraging success was highest where odour cues were patchy rather than uniform (Experiment 1), and where cues were tightly associated with prey location, rather than randomly or uniformly distributed (Experiment 3). However, when cues at prey patches were ten times stronger than a uniformly distributed weak background odour, mice did not improve their foraging success over that experienced when cues were of uniform strength and distribution (Experiment 2). 5. These results suggest that spatial variability and cue context are important means by which olfactory predators can use deposited odour cues to locate visually cryptic prey. They also indicate that chemical crypsis can disrupt these search processes as effectively as background matching in visually based predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

According to the 'parasitic manipulation hypothesis', phenotypic changes induced by parasites in their intermediate hosts are effective means of increasing trophic transmission to final hosts. One obvious prediction, although seldom tested, is that increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator should be achieved by the parasite altering the anti-predator behaviour of its intermediate host. In this study, we tested this prediction using the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus tereticollis and the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex. Firstly, we estimated the relative vulnerability of infected and uninfected gammarids to predation by the bullhead Cottus gobio in the field. Second, we investigated under experimental conditions how two common anti-predator behaviours of aquatic invertebrates, refuge use and short-distance reaction to predator chemical cues, were affected by infection status. We found that the prevalence of infection in the field was 10 times higher among gammarids collected from the stomach contents of bullheads compared with free-ranging individuals collected in the same river. In a microcosm uninfected gammarids, but not infected ones, increased the use of refuge in the presence of a bullhead. Finally, a behavioural experiment using an Y-maze olfactometer showed opposite reactions to predator odour. Whereas uninfected gammarids were significantly repulsed by the chemical cues originating from bullheads, infected ones were significantly attracted to the odour of the predator. Taken together, our results suggest that the alteration of anti-predator behaviour in infected G. pulex might enhance predation by bullheads in the field. Reversing anti-predator behaviour might thus be an efficient device by which parasites with complex life-cycles increase their trophic transmission to final hosts. Further studies should pay more attention to both the increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator in the field and the influence of parasitic infection on the anti-predator behaviour of intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Many classical models of food patch use under predation risk assume that predators impose patch-specific predation risks independent of prey behavior. These models predict that prey should leave a chosen patch only if and when the food depletes below some critical level. In nature, however, prey individuals may regularly move among food patches, even in the apparent absence of food depletion. We suggest that such prey movement is part of a predator-prey "shell game", in which predators attempt to learn prey location, and the prey attempt to be unpredictable in space. We investigate this shell game using an individual-based model that allows predators to update information about prey location, and permits prey to move with some random component among patches, but with reduced energy intake. Our results show the best prey strategy depends on what the predator does. A non-learning (randomly moving) predator favors non-moving prey – moving prey suffer higher starvation and predation. However, a learning predator favors prey movement. In general, the best prey strategy involves movement biased toward, but not completely committed to, the richer food patch. The strategy of prey movement remains beneficial even in combination with other anti-predator defenses, such as prey vigilance.  相似文献   

为研究轮虫通过母体效应诱导能否产生行为响应, 以萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为例, 研究其反捕食漂浮行为响应的母体效应。通过控制轮虫母体在捕食者诱导液中的暴露时间及带卵状态, 收集母体产生的后代, 再将这些后代再次用捕食者诱导液处理, 观察后代的漂浮行为及形态特征。研究发现: 暴露于捕食者诱导液诱导较长时间的母体产生的后代个体, 当再次暴露于捕食者诱导液时, 其产生的行为响应强于没有母体暴露经历的后代; 母体暴露时间越长, 后代形态和行为响应均更加强烈。研究显示萼花臂尾轮虫可通过母体效应产生漂浮行为响应。  相似文献   

A central issue in predator–prey interactions is how predator associated chemical cues affect the behaviour and life history of prey. In this study, we investigated how growth and behaviour during ontogeny of a damselfly larva (Coenagrion hastulatum) in high and low food environments was affected by the diet of a predator (Aeshna juncea). We reared larvae in three different predator treatments; no predator, predator feeding on conspecifics and predator feeding on heterospecifics. We found that, independent of food availability, larvae displayed the strongest anti-predator behaviours where predators consumed prey conspecifics. Interestingly, the effect of predator diet on prey activity was only present early in ontogeny, whereas late in ontogeny no difference in prey activity between treatments could be found. In contrast, the significant effect of predator diet on prey spatial distribution was unaffected by time. Larval size was affected by both food availability and predator diet. Larvae reared in the high food treatment grew larger than larvae in the low food treatment. Mean larval size was smallest in the treatment where predators consumed prey conspecifics, intermediate where predators consumed heterospecifics and largest in the treatment without predators. The difference in mean larval size between treatments is probably an effect of reduced larval feeding, due to behavioural responses to chemical cues associated with predator diet. Our study suggests that anti-predator responses can be specific for certain stages in ontogeny. This finding shows the importance of considering where in its ontogeny a study organism is before results are interpreted and generalisations are made. Furthermore, this finding accentuates the importance of long-term studies and may have implications for how results generated by short-term studies can be used.  相似文献   

Some fish recognize the threat of predatory fish through chemical cues, which may result in variation in diel activity. However, there is little experimental evidence of diel shifts in activity of prey fish in response to the diel activity of a predator. We compared the total prey consumed and the use of cover by common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus), a native benthic feeding eleotrid, when exposed to the odour of an exotic predator, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), over a 12-h period. Our results showed no significant effect of perch odour on feeding activity, but a significant increase in the use of cover at night and a decrease in the use of cover by day. While common bullies may recognize the presence of a predator through chemical cues, dark conditions may inhibit this and other sensory mechanisms, affecting their ability to recognize the proximity of a predator. For example, during the daytime they may rely on visual cues to initiate cover-seeking behavior, but in the dark, vision is impaired giving them less warning of predators, thus potentially making them more vulnerable.  相似文献   

Prey use a wide variety of anti-predator defence strategies, including morphological and chemical defences as well as behavioural traits (risk-modulated habitat use, changes in activity patterns, foraging decisions and group living). The critical test of how effective anti-predator strategies are is to relate them to relative indices of mortality across predators. Here, we compare biases in predator diet composition with prey characteristics and show that chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and felid show the strongest and the most consistent predator bias towards small-brained prey. We propose that large-brained prey are likely to be more effective at evading predators because they can effectively alter their behavioural responses to specific predator encounters. Thus, we provide evidence for the hypothesis that brain size evolution is potentially driven by selection for more sophisticated and behaviourally flexible anti-predator strategies.  相似文献   

Many prey organisms will approach (inspect) potential predators, primarily to assess local risk of predation. It has been demonstrated that Ostariphysan prey fishes can detect conspecific alarm pheromones in the diet of potential predators and use this chemical information to reduce their risk of predation while still gaining significant benefits associated with predator inspection. We conducted the current study to examine the possible effects of mixed diets on the use of these chemical predator diet cues during inspection visits. Shoals of four glowlight tetras ( Hemigrammus erythrozonus ) were exposed to Jack Dempsey cichlids ( Cichlasoma octofaciatum ) which had been fed diets consisting of: 100% tetras (with alarm pheromone); 75% tetra, 25% swordtail ( Xiphophorus helleri , which lack a recognizable alarm pheromone); 25% tetra, 75% swordtail; or 100% swordtails. Tetras significantly increased their anti-predator behaviour in response to predators fed 100% tetra or the two mixed predator diets, but not when exposed to predators fed a 100% swordtail diet. Likewise, we observed significant differences in inspection behaviour. Tetras took longer to initiate an inspection, inspected in smaller groups and directed a greater proportion of inspection visits towards the tail region of the predator when it had been fed 100% tetra or either of the two mixed prey diets. We found no significant differences in either anti-predator or inspection behaviour among the three diet treatments containing tetras. These data strongly suggest that glowlight tetras are capable of detecting relatively small amounts of conspecific alarm pheromone in the diet of potential predators and that they modify their behaviour based on the presence or absence of these cues.  相似文献   

Gnanvossou D  Hanna R  Dicke M 《Oecologia》2003,135(1):84-90
Carnivorous arthropods exhibit complex intraspecific and interspecific behaviour among themselves when they share the same niche or habitat and food resources. They should simultaneously search for adequate food for themselves and their offspring and in the meantime avoid becoming food for other organisms. This behaviour is of great ecological interest in conditions of low prey availability. We examined by means of an olfactometer, how volatile chemicals from prey patches with conspecific or heterospecific predators might contribute to shaping the structure of predator guilds. To test this, we used the exotic predatory mites Typhlodromalus manihoti and T. aripo, and the native predatory mite Euseius fustis, with Mononychellus tanajoa as the common prey species for the three predatory mite species. We used as odour sources M. tanajoa-infested cassava leaves or apices with or without predators. T. manihoti avoided patches inhabited by the heterospecifics T. aripo and E. fustis or by conspecifics when tested against a patch without predators. Similarly, both T. aripo and E. fustis females avoided patches with con- or heterospecifics when tested against a patch without predators. When one patch contained T. aripo and the other T. manihoti, females of the latter preferred the patch with T. aripo. Thus, T. manihoti is able to discriminate between odours from patches with con- and heterospecifics. Our results show that the three predatory mite species are able to assess prey patch profitability using volatiles. Under natural conditions, particularly when their food sources are scarce, the three predatory mite species might be involved in interspecific and/or intraspecific interactions that can substantially affect population dynamics of the predators and their prey.  相似文献   

The effects of parasites and pathogens on host behaviors may be particularly important in predator-prey contexts, since few animal behaviors are more crucial for ensuring immediate survival than the avoidance of lethal predators in nature. We examined the effects of an emerging fungal pathogen of amphibians, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, on anti-predator behaviors of tadpoles of four frog species. We also investigated whether amphibian predators consumed infected prey, and whether B. dendrobatidis caused differences in predation rates among prey in laboratory feeding trials. We found differences in anti-predator behaviors among larvae of four amphibian species, and show that infected tadpoles of one species (Anaxyrus boreas) were more active and sought refuge more frequently when exposed to predator chemical cues. Salamander predators consumed infected and uninfected tadpoles of three other prey species at similar rates in feeding trials, and predation risk among prey was unaffected by B. dendrobatidis. Collectively, our results show that even sub-lethal exposure to B. dendrobatidis can alter fundamental anti-predator behaviors in some amphibian prey species, and suggest the unexplored possibility that indiscriminate predation between infected and uninfected prey (i.e., non-selective predation) could increase the prevalence of this widely distributed pathogen in amphibian populations. Because one of the most prominent types of predators in many amphibian systems is salamanders, and because salamanders are susceptible to B. dendrobatidis, our work suggests the importance of considering host susceptibility and behavioral changes that could arise from infection in both predators and prey.  相似文献   

When exposed to predator cues, ostariophysan fishes exhibit short-term anti-predator behavioural responses in order to minimise predation risk. Non-native predator cues are, however, likely to elicit poor behavioural responses in native prey fishes. This study investigated whether chubbyhead barb Enteromius anoplus, a native freshwater minnow in South Africa, had the innate ability to recognise and respond to largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, a non-native piscivore. This was experimentally evaluated by investigating behavioural responses to both the non-native predator's odour and damage-released conspecific alarm substance (CAS). Chubbyhead barbs did not exhibit any behavioural response to largemouth bass odour both before and after exposure to CAS. This suggests that the chubbyhead barbs likely lacked the innate ability to recognise the non-native largemouth bass predator kairomones. By comparison, exposure to CAS was associated with significant behavioural responses, with chubbyhead barbs shifting from free-swimming to hovering, and frequent use of refugia. This suggests that despite ineffective response to non-native largemouth bass odour, chubbyhead barbs responded to general predator attack. Overall, this study suggests the potential for non-native largemouth bass to induce negative consumptive effects on chubbyhead barbs due to their inability to identify non-native predator's odour. In addition, nonconsumptive effects are likely due to altered activities in response to predator attack.  相似文献   

Rabbits killing birds: modelling the hyperpredation process   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
1.  Introduced rabbits are known to have catastrophic effects on oceanic islands, either by direct destruction of the vegetative cover, or by the resulting disturbance of indigenous vertebrates.
2.  Another dramatic effect, less well known, but potentially of major importance, is the hyperpredation process. This process, related to apparent competition, predicts that an introduced prey species, well adapted to high predation pressure, could induce the extinction of an indigenous prey, through the sudden increased population size of an introduced predator. In many island ecosystems, the simultaneous presence of introduced feral cats and rabbits is thus potentially a further threat for small vertebrates endemic of these islands.
3.  Through a mathematical model, we tested this hypothesis, using a tri-trophic system comprising an indigenous prey (birds), an introduced prey (rabbits) and an introduced predator (cats), and we demonstrated the theoretical existence of the hyperpredation process.
4.  In addition, the numerical analysis of the model allowed a quantification of this process. It shows that the conditions required for an indigenous species to cope with the hyperpredation process imply very high intrinsic growth rates and/or carrying capacity, as well as behavioural anti-predator response to the introduced predator. Since these conditions are unlikely to be met, this process is a further potential threat to most indigenous vertebrate prey.
5.  Finally, our model shows that, although it can be induced by both types of adaptation together or alone, behavioural adaptations alone are more powerful in generating the hyperpredation process, than are life history traits adaptations.  相似文献   

In benthic habitats, predators can generally not be detected visually, so olfaction may be particularly important for inducing anti-predation behaviors in prey organisms. Manipulative parasites infecting benthic hosts could suppress these responses so as to increase the probability of predation and thus trophic transmission. We studied how infection with the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus borealis affects the response of the benthic amphipod Pallasea quadrispinosa to water conditioned by burbot (Lota lota), the parasite's definitive host. In normal lake water, refuge use by infected and uninfected amphipods was similar, but when exposed to burbot-conditioned water, uninfected amphipods spent much more time hiding than infected amphipods. Thus, rather than affecting ambient hiding behavior, E. borealis infection seems to alter host response to a predator. A group of amphipods sampled from a postglacial spring that is devoid of fish predators exhibited only a weak response to burbot-conditioned water, perhaps suggesting these anti-predator behaviors are costly to maintain. The hiding behavior of spring and infected amphipods was very similar. If the reduced refuge use by the spring amphipods reflects adaptation to a predator-free environment, this indicates that E. borealis severely weakens its host's anti-predator behavior. Presumably this increases the likelihood of parasite transmission.  相似文献   

In inverted biomass pyramids (IBPs) prey are outnumbered by their predators when measured by biomass. We investigate how prey should behave in the face of danger from higher predator biomass, and how anti-predator behavior (in the form of vigilance) can, in turn, affect the predator–prey system. In this study, we incorporate anti-predator behaviors into a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model in the form of fixed and facultative vigilance. Facultative vigilance models behavior as a dynamic foraging game, allowing us to assess optimal behavioral responses in the context of IBPs using a dynamical fitness optimization approach. We model vigilance as a tradeoff between safety and either the prey's maximum growth rate or its carrying capacity. We assess the population dynamics of predators and prey with fear responses, and investigate the role fear plays on trophic structure. We found that the ecology of fear plays an important role in predator–prey systems, impacting trophic structure and the occurrence of IBPs. Fixed vigilance works against IBP structure by always reducing the predator–prey biomass ratio at equilibrium with increasing levels of vigilance. Facultative vigilance can actually promote IBPs, as prey can now adjust their vigilance levels to cope with increased predation and the costs associated with vigilance. This is especially true when the effectiveness of vigilance is low and predators are very lethal. In general, these trends are true whether the costs of vigilance are felt on the prey's maximum growth rate or its carrying capacity. Just as the ecology of fear, when first introduced, was used to explain why top carnivores are rare in terrestrial systems, it can also be used to understand how big fierce predators can be common in IBPs.  相似文献   

The amount of risk animals perceive in a given circumstance (i.e. their degree of 'fear') is a difficult motivational state to study. While many studies have used flight initiation distance as a proxy for fearfulness and examined the factors influencing the decision to flee, there is no general understanding of the relative importance of these factors. By identifying factors with large effect sizes, we can determine whether anti-predator strategies reduce fear, and we gain a unique perspective on the coevolution of predator and anti-predator behaviour. Based on an extensive review and formal meta-analysis, we found that predator traits that were associated with greater risk (speed, size, directness of approach), increased prey distance to refuge and experience with predators consistently amplified the perception of risk (in terms of flight initiation distance). While fish tolerated closer approach when in larger schools, other taxa had greater flight initiation distances when in larger groups. The presence of armoured and cryptic morphologies decreased perception of risk, but body temperature in lizards had no robust effect on flight initiation distance. We find that selection generally acts on prey to be sensitive to predator behaviour, as well as on prey to modify their behaviour and morphology.  相似文献   



Theory predicts that prey facing a combination of predators with different feeding modes have two options: to express a response against the feeding mode of the most dangerous predator, or to express an intermediate response. Intermediate phenotypes protect equally well against several feeding modes, rather than providing specific protection against a single predator. Anti-predator traits that protect against a common feeding mode displayed by all predators should be expressed regardless of predator combination, as there is no need for trade-offs.

Principal Findings

We studied phenotypic anti-predator responses of zebra mussels to predation threat from a handling-time-limited (crayfish) and a gape-size-limited (roach) predator. Both predators dislodge mussels from the substrate but diverge in their further feeding modes. Mussels increased expression of a non-specific defense trait (attachment strength) against all combinations of predators relative to a control. In response to roach alone, mussels showed a tendency to develop a weaker and more elongated shell. In response to crayfish, mussels developed a harder and rounder shell. When exposed to either a combination of predators or no predator, mussels developed an intermediate phenotype. Mussel growth rate was positively correlated with an elongated weaker shell and negatively correlated with a round strong shell, indicating a trade-off between anti-predator responses. Field observations of prey phenotypes revealed the presence of both anti-predator phenotypes and the trade-off with growth, but intra-specific population density and bottom substrate had a greater influence than predator density.


Our results show that two different predators can exert both functionally equivalent and inverse selection pressures on a single prey. Our field study suggests that abiotic factors and prey population density should be considered when attempting to explain phenotypic diversity in the wild.  相似文献   

While it is well documented that organisms can express phenotypic plasticity in response to single gradients of environmental variation, our understanding of how organisms integrate information along multiple environmental gradients is limited in many systems. Using the freshwater snail Helisoma trivolvis and two common predators (water bugs Belostoma flumineum and crayfish Orconectes rusticus), we explored how prey integrate information along multiple predation risk gradients (i.e. caged predators fed increasing amounts of prey biomass) that induce opposing phenotypes. When exposed to single predators fed increasing amounts of prey biomass, we detected threshold responses; intermediate amounts of consumed biomass induced phenotypic responses, but higher amounts induced little additional induction. This suggests that additional increases in predator‐induced traits with greater predator risk offer minimal increases in fitness or that a limit in the response magnitude was reached. Additionally, the response thresholds were contingent on the predator and focal trait. For shell width, responses were generally detected at a lower amount of consumed biomass by water bugs compared to crayfish. Within the crayfish treatments, we found that the shell thickness response threshold was lower than the shell width response threshold. When we combined gradients of consumed biomass from both predators, we found that the magnitude of response to one predator was often reduced when the other predator was present. Interestingly, these effects were often detected at consumed biomass levels that were lower than the threshold concentration necessary to elicit a response in the single‐predator treatments. Moreover, our combined predator treatments revealed that snails shifted from discrete responses to more continuous (i.e. graded) responses. Together, our results reveal that organisms experiencing multiple environmental gradients can integrate this information to make phenotypic decisions and demonstrate the novel result that an exposure to multiple species of predators can lower the response threshold of prey.  相似文献   

To effectively balance investment in predator defenses versus other traits, organisms must accurately assess predation risk. Chemical cues caused by predation events are indicators of risk for prey in a wide variety of systems, but the relationship between how prey perceive risk in relation to the amount of prey consumed by predators is poorly understood. While per capita predation rate is often used as the metric of relative risk, studies aimed at quantifying predator-induced defenses commonly control biomass of prey consumed as the metric of risk. However, biomass consumed can change by altering either the number or size of prey consumed. In this study we determine whether phenotypic plasticity to predator chemical cues depends upon prey biomass consumed, prey number consumed, or both. We examine the growth response of red-eyed treefrog tadpoles (Agalychnis callidryas) to cues from a larval dragonfly (Anax amazili). Biomass consumed was manipulated by either increasing the number of prey while holding individual prey size constant, or by holding the number of prey constant and varying individual prey size. We address two questions. (i) Do prey reduce growth rate in response to chemical cues in a dose dependent manner? (ii) Does the magnitude of the response depend on whether prey consumption increases via number or size of prey? We find that the phenotypic response of prey is an asymptotic function of prey biomass consumed. However, the asymptotic response is higher when more prey are consumed. Our findings have important implications for evaluating past studies and how future experiments should be designed. A stronger response to predation cues generated by more individual prey deaths is consistent with models that predict prey sensitivity to per capita risk, providing a more direct link between empirical and theoretical studies which are often focused on changes in population sizes not individual biomass.  相似文献   

Predator-induced diapause in Daphnia magna may require two chemical cues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The production of diapausing eggs by Daphnia magna stimulated by fish exudates can be explained as an anti-predator defence ensuring genome protection in periods of high risk from fish predation. The combined effects on the induction of D. magna diapause of an “alarm” chemical originating from injured conspecific prey and fish kairomones were tested. The results of the experiment showed that the cues when present together promote both the production of ephippial eggs and male formation, indicating their role in the synchronization of the entire mode of Daphnia sexual reproduction. Ephippial eggs were only produced in the presence of both fish kairomone and conspecific alarm chemicals, while male offspring occurred in the treatments where both, one or none of the cues were present. However, production of males was the highest when both cues were provided. D. magna responded similarly to the tested cues whether or not the hypothetical alarm substance associated with predator odour came from Daphnia specimens actually eaten by fish or from crushed conspecific individuals. However, chemicals from crushed chironomid larvae combined with fish kairomones did not induce a similar response in D. magna. The relative advantage of utilization of alarm cues or predator kairomones in the induction of defence responses in prey organisms is discussed. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 11 January 1999  相似文献   

While searching for food, predators may use volatiles associated with their prey, but also with their competitors for prey. This was tested for the case of Zetzellia mali (Ewing) (Acari: Stigmaeidae), an important predator of the hawthorn spider mite, Amphitetranychus viennensis (Zacher) (Acari: Tetranychidae), in black-cherry orchards in Baraghan, Iran. Using a Y-tube olfactometer, the response of this predatory mite was tested to odour from black-cherry leaves with a conspecific female predatory mite, either with or without a female of the hawthorn spider mite when the alternative odour came from black-cherry leaves with the hawthorn spider mite only. Female predators avoided odours from leaves with both a hawthorn spider mite and a conspecific predator, as well as leaves with a conspecific predator only. We discuss whether avoidance emerges in response to cues from the competitor/predator, the herbivore/prey or the herbivore-damaged plant.  相似文献   

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