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Macrophage activation by Lactobacillus casei in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Effects of Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 (LC 9018), which has antitumor activities against allogeneic and syngeneic murine tumors, on macrophage functions were examined. By intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of LC 9018, acid phosphatase activity and phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages were enhanced significantly compared with those of normal peritoneal macrophages. The phagocytic activities showed peaks 2-3 days after the LC 9018-injection. LC 9018 accelerated the phagocytic function of the reticuloendotherial system in ICR mice tested by the carbon clearance test. The cytostatic activity of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) induced by i.p. injection of LC 9018 into C57BL/6 mice against EL4 cells was also enhanced. On the other hand, PEC induced by L. fermentum YIT 0159, which has no antitumor activity, did not have cytostatic activity. These observations showed that LC 9018 was able to activate macrophages in mice.  相似文献   

The protective effect of heat-killed Lactobacillus casei (LC) against murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection was examined. ICR mice treated once with LC 1 day or 2 days before challenge survived lethal infection, but untreated or Lactobacillus fermentum (LF)-treated mice did not. The protective effect was evidenced by an increase in plaque-forming units (PFU) per 50% lethal dose (LD50) and a decrease in titers of infectious viruses replicated in the target organs. This was further confirmed by severity of histopathological damage to the target organs, especially the liver. LC neither inactivated MCMV nor inhibited its replication in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). The spleen cells from LC-treated mice inhibited its replication in MEF on co-cultivation. Augmentation by LC of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity correlated with survival of mice from otherwise lethal MCMV infection. Cytotoxic activity of peritoneal cells and level of serum interferon (IFN) were elevated after MCMV infection, but they were not associated with survival of mice nor with treatment of LC. The protective effect of LC was not clear in NK-deficient beige mutant (bgJ/bgJ) mice, when compared with that in their littermate (bgJ/+) mice. Poor protection of bgJ/bgJ mice by LC treatment correlated with failure to induce NK cell activity by LC treatment in the mutant mice. Thus, it is likely that LC protects mice from MCMV infection by augmentation of NK cell activity.  相似文献   

The fate of dendritic cells (DC) after they have initiated a T cell immune response is still undefined. We have monitored the migration of DC labeled with a fluorescent tracer and injected s.c. into naive mice or into mice with an ongoing immune response. DC not loaded with Ag were detected in the draining lymph node in excess of 7 days after injection with maximum numbers detectable approximately 40 h after transfer. In contrast, DC that had been loaded with an MHC class I-binding peptide disappeared from the lymph node with kinetics that parallel the known kinetics of activation of CD8+ T cells to effector function. In the presence of high numbers of specific CTL precursors, as in TCR transgenic mice, DC numbers were significantly decreased by 72 h after injection. The rate of DC disappearance was extremely rapid and efficient in recently immunized mice and was slower in "memory" mice in which memory CD8+ cells needed to reacquire effector function before mediating DC elimination. We also show that CTL-mediated clearance of Ag-loaded DC has a notable effect on immune responses in vivo. Ag-specific CD8+ T cells failed to divide in response to Ag presented on a DC if the DC were targets of a pre-existing CTL response. The induction of antitumor immunity by tumor Ag-loaded DC was also impaired. Therefore, CTL-mediated clearance of Ag-loaded DC may serve as a negative feedback mechanism to limit the activity of DC within the lymph node.  相似文献   

Host defense mechanisms against Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) are poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests the role of NK cells in the host defense against some intracellular pathogens. We investigated whether NK cells play a role in MAC infection. IL-2-activated human NK cells were incubated with human monocyte-derived macrophages either before or after infection with MAC. Macrophages were lysed 3 and 5 days after infection for quantitation of viable intracellular organisms. Although no killing was observed by nonstimulated macrophages, exposure to IL-2-treated NK cells for 24 h before infection induced macrophage to kill 70 +/- 8% of intracellular MAC by 3 days, and 81% +/- 4% in 5 days (p less than 0.01 for both compared with control). Killing was not blocked by incubation with anti-TNF antibody (Ab) or anti-IFN-gamma Ab. Similarly, incubation of macrophages for 24 h with supernatant obtained from IL-2 activated NK cells was associated with 74 +/- 4% killing of intracellular MAC in 3 days and 81 +/- 6% in 5 days (p less than 0.01 for both compared with control). However, the supernatant-mediated activation was partially blocked by anti-TNF Ab (46 +/- 6%; p less than 0.05) but not by anti-IFN gamma Ab. When infected macrophages were incubated with NK cells 24 h after infection for 48 h, they killed 54 +/- 3% of intracellular M. avium in 3 days and 73 +/- 5% in 5 days (p less than 0.02 for both compared with control). This effect was also not blocked by either anti-TNF or anti-IFN gamma Ab. These results suggest that activated NK cells may have an important role in the intracellular killing of MAC and that the NK-mediated activation of macrophages is in part mediated by TNF.  相似文献   

Decreased IAA-destruction activity by tobacco calluses (T22and XD6S2) was observed only when the calluses were culturedon a medium favorable for auxin-nonrequiring callus induction.The medium used to induce auxin-nonrequiring calluses from auxin-requiringones contained 0.1 mg/liter IAA for callus T22 and 10 mg/literNAA for XD6S2. It was clearly demonstrated both in vivo andin vitro that the result was not due to decreased IAA-destroyingenzyme activity itself, but to the increase of an inhibitor(s)of IAA-destruction activity. The accumulated inhibitor(s), whichinduced a lag in IAA oxidation, was a heat-stable low molecularweight substance(s), unstable in air at room temperature. The possible involvement of an inhibitor(s) of IAA-destructionin the process of induction for auxin-nonrequiring calluseswas discussed. (Received July 15, 1978; )  相似文献   

Summary The antitumor effect of intrapleural (i.pl.) administration of Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 (LC 9018) on Meth A sarcoma in BALB/c mice was examined. Inoculation of Meth A cells into the thoracic cavity of BALB/c mice caused growth of the cells and the mice died from the tumor with an increased amount of pleural fluid. LC 9018 was given i.pl. to BALB/c mice before or after i.pl. inoculation of Meth A cells and the survival of the mice was determined. The i.pl. administration of LC 9018 was effective in prolonging the survival of the mice after i.pl. inoculation of Meth A tumor, and pretreatment with LC 9018 i.pl. also prolonged survival. Moreover, i.pl. administration of LC 9018 not only increased the number of thoracic exudate cells (TEC) but also augmented both cytolytic activity of thoracic macrophages and natural killer cell activity of TEC. Furthermore, phagocytic activity of thoracic macrophages against sheep red blood cells was enhanced and Ia antigen-positive cells in TEC were increased by the i.pl. treatment with LC 9018. These results showed that TEC induced by i.pl. administration of LC 9018 had antitumor activity against Meth A tumor inoculated i.pl. into BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that heat-killed Lactobacillus casei (LC) protected mice from murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection by augmentation of natural killer (NK) cell activity. In the present study, we examined which components of LC cell induce the nonspecific resistance most effectively. Whole cell preparation of original LC, susceptible to bacteriophages SG-T and J1, was more effective than its mutants resistant to either bacteriophage. Although the activity of LC cells decreased upon fractionation, cell wall fractions were more active than cytoplasmic fractions. Glycoprotein (GP), a cell wall constituent, was a potent inducer of the resistance. The relative activity of cellular components to induce the resistance was evaluated by a protection index, a ratio of plaque-forming units (PFU) per 50% lethal dose (LD50) for treated mice to that for untreated mice. The protection indices of LC cells and GP were approximately 80 and 28, respectively. The protective effect of GP was evidenced by a decrease in titers of infectious viruses replicated in the target organs. Not only LC cells but also GP, although to a lesser degree, enhanced NK cell activity both in uninfected mice and MCMV-infected mice. The activity of LC cells and GP to augment NK cell activity correlated with the protection index. GP treatment did not modify interferon (IFN) production during MCMV infection. Thus, GP of LC cells seems to be the active principle to endow mice with resistance to MCMV.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the ability of Lactobacillus casei and Lact. plantarum strains to convert methonine to cheese flavour compounds. METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains were assayed for methionine aminotransferase and lyase activities, and amino acid decarboxylase activity. About 25% of the strains assayed showed methionine aminotransferase activity. The presence of glucose in the reaction mixture increased conversion of methionine to 4-methylthio-2-ketobutanoate (KMBA) and 4-methylthio-2-hydroxybutanoate (HMBA) in all strains. The methionine aminotransferase activity in Lact. plantarum and Lact. casei showed variable specificity for the amino group acceptors glyoxylate, ketoglutarate, oxaloacetate and pyruvate. None of the strains showed methionine lyase or glutamate and methionine decarboxylase activities. CONCLUSION: The presence of amino acid converting enzymes in lactobacilli is strain specific. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The findings of this work suggest that lactobacilli can be used as adjuncts for flavour formation in cheese manufacture.  相似文献   

Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 or Lactobacillus fermentum YIT 0159 augmented the resistance of C57BL/6 mice to infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but conferred no resistance to Listeria monocytogenes. It is suggested that LTA was unable to activate macrophages.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of intraperitoneal injection of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus on interferon production by Swiss mice. The serum from mice given 5 x 10(7) L. bulgaricus in 0.5 ml saline showed a maximal production of 300 U/ml of alpha/beta interferon activity six hours after injection. Cellular integrity appears to be necessary for stimulation; heat-treated bacteria had little effect, while irradiated-bacteria had a greater effect. TNF was also produced, the sera of mice with high IFN also contained 300 U/ml TNF. Streptococcus thermophilus produced no detectable increase in serum IFN, but the 2'-5' A synthetase activity of peritoneal cells was elevated suggesting that small amounts of interferon were produced. Injection of Streptococcus thermophilus plus Lactobacillus bulgaricus did not change the serum interferon response to L. bulgaricus. These observations suggest that non-pathogenic bacteria such as those used in food processing, can stimulate IFN production in mice. There is some evidence that the bacterial cell walls might be responsible for at least part of this effect.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lactobacillus casei cells grown on excess thymine or on folic acid contained low levels of thymidine phosphorylase. On the other hand, thymine starved cells and also cells of a thymidine-monophosphate-kinase-defective mutant grown on excess thymine, possessed derepressed levels. These results suggest that the synthesis of thymidine phosphorylase is regulated by the end product of the thymidine-triphosphate-biosynthetic pathway. L. casei cells lacked 2-deoxyribose-1-phosphate-mutase activity and did not grow on 2-deoxyribose or thymidine as the sole-carbon source. Growth in the presence of thymidine did not result in induction of thymidine-phosphorylase synthesis, probably due to the inability of the cell to convert it to 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate, which is known to act as an inducer in E. coli cells. Thymidine triphosphate inhibited non-competitively the activity of thymidine phosphorylase. It was also inhibited by dihydrofolic acid.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei, Lact. paracasei and Lact. rhamnosus form a closely related taxonomic group within the heterofermentative lactobacilli. These three species are difficult to differentiate using traditional fermentation profiles. We have developed polymerase chain reaction primers which are specific for each of these species based on differences in the V1 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Sixty-three Lactobacillus isolates from cheese were identified using these primers. The 12 Lact. rhamnosus and 51 Lact. paracasei identified in this way were also differentiated using a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primer.  相似文献   

Summary The anti-tumour activity of Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 (LC 9018) on Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) in C57BL/6 mice and line-10 hepatoma in strain-2 guinea pigs was examined. Intravenous injection of LC 9018 was effective for inhibition of pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice after s.c. inoculation with 3LL tumours. Intralesional (i.l.) injection of LC 9018 was also effective for both prolongation of the survival period and inhibition of pulmonary metastases in 3LL tumour-bearing mice. The combination treatment of i.l. and i.v. injections of LC 9018 before or after surgical excision of the primary tumour remarkably inhibited the pulmonary metastases after inoculation with 3LL tumour. Intralesional injection of LC 9018 was effective for regression of the established tumours of line-10 hepatoma inoculated i.d. and for induction of systemic tumour immunity in strain-2 guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Treatment of whole-body gamma-irradiated mice with a preparation of Lactobacillus casei (LC 9018) immediately after irradiation caused a sustained increase in serum colony-stimulating activity which was followed by an enhanced repopulation of granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells in the femoral marrow and spleen. Numbers of blood leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets were increased earlier in the treated mice than in the controls, and the survival rate was elevated significantly. The radioprotective effect was dependent on the dose of LC 9018 as well as on the dose of radiation. These results demonstrate the value of LC 9018 for the treatment of myelosuppression after radiotherapy or radiation accidents.  相似文献   

A single intraperitoneal injection of Lactobacillus casei YIT 0003 into normal or dexamethasone-treated mice led to nonspecific resistance against intraperitoneal challenge with lethal doses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO 3047. The enhanced resistance was retained for 14 days (P less than 0.05) after injection with living L. casei. In contrast, the statistically significant duration of the enhanced resistance in mice treated intraperitoneally with living L. acidophilus YIT 0075 was only 5 days. The in vivo killing activity of peritoneal exudate cells (PECs) against P. aeruginosa 5 and 7 days after intraperitoneal injection of living L. casei was significantly higher than in the case of PECs elicited by L. acidophilus. In the case of intravenous injection of heat-killed L. casei before intraperitoneal challenge with P. aeruginosa, there were no survivors in the late period after administration of L. casei. A high correlation existed between the patterns of in vivo killing of P. aeruginosa by PECs and survival rate of mice injected intravenously with heat-killed L. casei. The reduced in vivo killing activity of PECs from dexamethasone-treated mice against P. aeruginosa infection was also augmented by the intraperitoneal injection of heat-killed L. casei. These results indicate that L. casei possesses a resistance-enhancing capacity against P. aeruginosa infection in vivo. Differences in the duration of the enhanced resistance caused by L. casei and by L. acidophilus may be due to differences in chemical composition and/or physicochemical properties of the cell walls of the two kinds of bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary The in vitro growth of tumor cells infected with mycoplasmas was suppressed by macrophages pretreated with interferon (IFN), but the growth of mycoplasma-free tumor cells was not suppressed. Pretreatment of macrophages with IFN plus mycoplasmas or their soluble factors either simultaneously or sequentially, IFN first and mycoplasmas second, but not in the reverse order, was effective in activating macrophages to suppress the growth of mycoplasma-free tumor cells. Macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice (which respond only slightly to lipopolysaccharide) were activated by IFN plus mycoplasmas or their soluble factor, and their action was not influenced by the addition of a lipopolysaccharide-neutralizing agent, polymyxin B. These results suggest that the macrophage-activating agent in mycoplasmas does not mimic lipopolysaccharide. The administration of mycoplasmas plus IFN to mice with ascitic or solid tumors resulted in the reduction of tumor growth. The survival rate of tumor-bearing mice was improved by the administration of mycoplasmas, and this was synergistically enhanced by the addition of IFN. These results indicate (a) that mycoplasmas can be useful as a biological response modifier, and (b) that care should be taken to prevent contamination with mycoplasmas in experiments on macrophage activation.  相似文献   

The functions of liver macrophages and peritoneal macrophages obtained after injection of Lactobacillus casei were examined. Listericidal activity in vivo was enhanced in liver macrophages 13 days after L. casei injection but was somewhat suppressed in the macrophages 2 days after the injection. The listericidal activity in vitro was enhanced in peritoneal macrophages obtained 13 days after L. casei injection but was suppressed in cells obtained 2 days later. The PMA-triggered respiratory burst in the liver macrophages elicited by L. casei was higher than that of resident macrophages. Alkaline phosphodiesterase activity in the liver macrophages was decreased by L. casei injection, as was also the case with peritoneal macrophages. These observations indicate that L. casei augmented cellular functions of both liver and peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

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