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The influence of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the transport of 2-deoxy-[3H]glucose into human polymorphonuclear neutrophils was studied. Omission of these cations from the cell suspensions had little effect on resting hexose uptake. Furthermore, the addition of the bivalent cation chelator, EDTA, depressed uptake only slightly. Similarly, neither cation was essential for the enhanced 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake stimulated by two chemotactic factors (C5a and N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine) and arachidonic acid: enhanced uptake was only partially depressed by the omission of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the suspensions and was still prominent in the presence of EDTA. Two other neutrophil stimulants, the ionophores, A23187 and ionomycin, also enhanced hexose uptake but their actions were heavily dependent upon extracellular bivalent cations and were totally abrogated by EDTA. In all instances, extracellular Ca2+, but not Mg2+, supported optimal enhanced hexose transport induced by stimuli.Activation of 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake by each of the five stimuli was totally blocked by cytochalasin B (a blocker of carrier-mediated hexose transport) and D-glucose but not by L-glucose. The data indicate, therefore, that a variety of neutrophil stimulants activate carrier-mediated hexose transport. Although this transport can be triggered by the movement of extracellular Ca2+ into the cell (as exemplified by the action of the two ionophores), such Ca2+ movement is not required for the actions of chemotactic factors or arachidonic acid. Other mechanisms, such as a rearrangement of intracellular Ca2+, may be involved in mediating the activation of hexose transport induced by the latter stimuli.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria may be subfractionated in sediment and supernatant fractions by swelling in the presence of EDTA and oxaloacetate. The sediment is largely depleted of the Ca2+-binding glycoprotein and its Ca2+-transporting activity may be as low as 10–20% of the starting value. Both the rate of Ca2+ uptake and the capacity to maintain a high Ca2+ concentration gradient across the membrane are depressed. Addition of an osmotic supernatant to the assay mixture may partially restore the original Ca2+-transporting ability. The active component in the supernatant is the Ca2+-binding glycoprotein. This is shown by the following facts: (a) the effect is enhanced by the addition of the purified glycoprotein to the supernatant; (b) precipitation of the glycoprotein from the supernatant by affinity chromatography-purified antibodies abolishes the stimulatory effect, and (c) in the presence of 130 μM Mg2+, the glycoprotein alone may restore fully the Ca2+-transporting ability of the particles. The maximal velocity is already reached at 0.1 μg glycoprotein/mg mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

The relationship between mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and permeability transition pore (PTP) opening as well as the effects of mitochondrial energetic status on mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening were studied. The results showed that the calcium-induced calcium release from mitochondria (mCICR) induced PTP opening. Inhibitors for electron transport of respiratory chain inhibited mCICR and PTP opening. Partial recovery of electron transport in respiratory chain resulted in partial recovery of mCICR and PTP opening. mCICR and PTP opening were also inhibited by CCCP which eliminated transmembrane proton gradient. The results indicated that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and PTP opening are largely dependent on electron transport and energy coupling.  相似文献   

The effect of a synthetic neutral ligand on the Ca2+ permeability of several biological membranes has been investigated. The ligand had been previously shown to possess Ca2+-ionophoric activities in artificial phospholipid membranes. The neutral ionophore is able to transport Ca2+ across the membranes of erythrocytes and sarcoplasmic reticulum, when lipophilic anions such as tetraphenylborate or carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) are present, presumably to facilitate the diffusion of the charged Ca2+-ionophore complex across the hydrophobic core of the membrane.In mitochondria, the neutral ionophore promotes the active transport of Ca2+ in response to the negative membrane potential generated by respiration, in the presence of the specific inhibitor of the natural carrier ruthenium red.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from the flagella of ram ejaculated sperm were found to contain a [Ca2+ + Mg2+]-ATPase. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed the membranes occur as vesicles. The membrane vesicles actively accumulate Ca2+, uptake was reversed by the ionophore A23187 and inhibited by either ruthenium red or La3+. The plasma membranes contain two major proteins, designated proteins A and B, with molecular weights of 109,000 and 18,300 daltons, respectively. Protein B is not detected in plasma membranes isolated from ram epididymal sperm. The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump may be modulated by protein factors present in seminal plasma.  相似文献   

N.-E.L. Saris  P. Bernardi 《BBA》1983,725(1):19-24
The effect of Sr2+ on the set point for external Ca2+ was studied in rat heart and liver mitochondria with the aid of a Ca2+-sensitive electrode. In respiring mitochondria the set point is determined by the rates of Ca2+ influx on the Ca2+ uniporter and efflux by various mechanisms. We studied the Ca2+-Na+ exchange pathway in heart mitochondria and the Δψ-modulated efflux pathway in liver mitochondria. Prior accumulation of Sr2+ was found to shift the set points towards lower external Ca2+ both in heart mitochondria under conditions of Ca2+-Na+ exchange and in liver mitochondria under conditions that should promote opening of the Δψ-modulated pathway. The effect on the set point was found to be due to inhibition of Ca2+ efflux by Sr2+ taken up by the mitochondria, while Sr2+ efflux was too slow to be measurable.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transport was studied in membrane vesicles of alkalophilic Bacillus. When Na+-loaded membrane vesicles were suspended in KHCO3/KOH buffer (pH 10) containing Ca2+, rapid uptake of Ca2+ was observed. The apparent Km value for Ca2+ measured at pH 10 was about 7 μM, and the Km value shifted to 24 μM when measured at pH 7.4. The efflux of Ca2+ was studied with Ca2+-loaded vesicles. Ca2+ was released when Ca2+-loaded vesicles were suspended in medium containing 0.4 M Na+.Ca2+ was also transported in membrane vesicles driven by an artificial pH gradient and by a membrane potential generated by K+-valinomycin in the presence of Na+.These results indicate the presence of Ca2+/Na+ and H+/Na+ antiporters in the alkalophilic Bacillus A-007.  相似文献   

Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of (Ca2++Mg2+)ATPase of calmodulin-depleted ghosts progressively increase during preincubation with 0.1–2 mM Ca2+. Concomitantly, the increment in ATPase activity caused by calmodulin and the binding of calmodulin to ghosts decrease. The effects of calcium ions are abolished by the addition of calmodulin. ATP protects the enzyme from a Ca2+-dependent decrease of the maximum activity but does not seem to influence the Ca2+-dependent transformation of the low Ca2+-affinity enzyme into a high Ca2+-affinity form.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-depleted isotonic erythrocyte ghosts contain 200 ng residual calmodulin/mg protein which is not removed by extensive washings at pCa2+ > 7. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)ATPase increase at increasing calmodulin, with K0.5 Ca of 0.38 μM at calmodulin concentrations corresponding to that in erythrocytes. High Ca2+ concentrations inhibit the enzyme. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the enzyme decrease at increasing Mg2+ concentrations. The Ca2+ ? Mg2+ antagonism is likewise observed at inhibitory Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

The binding of ATP and Ca2+ by the Ca2+ pump protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit skeletal muscle has been studied and correlated with the formation of a phoshorylated intermediate. The Ca2+ pump protein has been found to contain one specific ATP and two specific Ca2+ binding sites per phosphorylation site. ATP binding is dependent on Mg2+ and is severely decreased when a phosphorylated intermediate is formed by the addition of Ca2+. In the presence of Mg2+ and the absence of Ca2+, ATP and ADP bind completely to the membrane. Pre-incubation with N-ethylmaleimide results in inhibition of ATP binding and decrease of Ca2+ binding. In the absence of ATP, Ca2+ binding is noncooperative at pH 6–7 and negatively cooperative at pH 8. Mg2+, Sr2+ and La3+, in that order, decrease Ca2+ binding by the Ca2+ pump protein. The affinity of the Ca2+ pump protein for both ATP and Ca2+ increases when the pH is raised from 6 to 8. At the infection point (pH ≈ 7.3) the binding constants of the Ca2+ pump protein-MgATP2? and Ca2+ pump protein-calcium complexes are approx. 0.25 and 0.5 μM?1, respectively. The unphosphorylated Ca2+ pump protein does not contain a Mg2+ binding site with an affinity comparable to those of the ATP and Ca2+ binding sites.The affinity of the Ca2+ pump protein for Ca2+ is not appreciably changed by the addition of ATP. The ratio of phosphorylated intermediate formed to bound Ca2+ is close to 2 over a 5-fold range of phosphoenzyme concentration. The equilibrium constant for phosphoenzyme formation is less than one at saturating levels of Ca2+. The phosphoenzyme is thus a “high-energy” intermediate, whose energy may then be used for the translocation of the two Ca2+.A reaction scheme is discussed showing that phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum proceeds via an enzyme-Ca22+-MgATP2? complex. This complex is then converted to a phosphoenzyme intermediate which binds two Ca2+ and probably Mg2+.  相似文献   

Vesicles isolated from rat heart, particularly enriched in sarcolemma markers, were examined for their sidedness by investigation of side-specific interactions of modulators with the asymmetric (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and adenylate cyclase complex. The membrane preparation with the properties expected for inside-out vesicles showed the highest rate of ATP-driven Ca2+ transport. The Ca2+ pump was stimulated 1.7- and 2.1-fold by external Na+ and K+, respectively, the half-maximal activation occurring at 35 mM monovalent cation concentration. In vesicles loaded with Ca2+ by pump action in a medium containing 160 mM KCl, a slow spontaneous release of Ca2+ started after 2 min. The rate of this release could be dramatically increased by the addition of 40 mM NaCl to the external medium. In contrast, 40 mM KCl exerted no appreciable effect on vesicles loaded with Ca2+ in a medium containing 160 mM NaCl. Ca2+ movements were also studied in the absence of ATP and Mg2+. Vesicles containing an outwardly directed Na+ gradient showed the highest Ca2+ uptake activity. These findings suggested the operation of a Ca2+/Na+ antiporter in addition to the active Ca2+ pump in these sarcolemmal vesicles. A valinomycin-induced inward K+-diffusion potential stimulated the Na+- Ca2+ exchange, suggesting its electrogenic nature. If in the absence of ATP and Mg2+ the transmembrane Nai+/Nao+ gradient exceeded 160/15 mM concentrations, Ca2+ uptake could be stimulated by the addition of 5 mM oxalate, indicating Na+ gradient-induced Ca2+ uptake to be a translocation of Ca2+ to the lumen of the vesicle. A sarcoplasmic reticulum contamination, removed by further sucrose gradient fractionation, contained rather low Na+-Ca2+ exchange activity. This result suggests that the activity can be entirely accounted for by the sarcolemmal content of the cardiac membrane preparation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is inhibited by S-nitrosylation of Cys6 in cells. Herein, we show that polysulfidation of CaMKII at Cys6 limits its enzyme activity following reactive sulfur species (RSS) stimulus. In vitro incubation of CaMKII with the RSS donor, Na2S4, induced the inhibition of the enzyme via its polysulfidation. Treatment with dithiothreitol reversed the polysulfidation and the subsequent inhibition. The inhibition of CaMKII by Na2S4 is competitive with ATP but not with the peptide substrate Syntide-2. In transfected cells expressing CaMKII, the enzyme activity decreased upon treatment with Na2S4, whereas cells expressing mutant CaMKII (C6A) were resistant to this treatment. In addition, the endogenous CaMKII was inhibited by treatment with Na2S4 in RAW264.7 murine macrophage cells. These results suggest a novel regulation of CaMKII by RSS via its Cys6 polysulfidation in cells.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transport by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was examined by incubating sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles (0.15 mg/ml) at 37°C in, either normal medium that contained 0.15 M sucrose, 0.1 M KCl, 60 μM CaCl2, 2.5 mM ATP and 30 mM Tes at pH 6.8, or a modified medium for elimination of ADP formed from ATP hydrolysis by including, in addition, 3.6 mM phosphocreatine and 33 U/ml of creatine phosphokinase. In normal medium, Ca2+ uptake of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles reached a plateau of about 100 nmol/mg. In modified medium, after this phase of Ca2+ uptake, a second phase of Ca2+ accumulation was initiated and reached a plateau of about 300 nmol/mg. The second phase of Ca2+ accumulation was accompanied by phosphate uptake and could be inhibited by ADP. Since, under these experimental conditions, there was no significant difference of the rates of ATP hydrolysis in normal medium and modified medium, extra Ca2+ uptake in modified medium but not in normal medium could not be explained by different phosphate accumulation in the two media. Unidirectional Ca2+ influx of sarcoplasmic reticulum near steady state of Ca2+ uptake was measured by pulse labeling with 45Ca2+. The Ca2+ efflux rate was then determined by subtracting the net uptake from the influx rate. At the first plateau of Ca2+ uptake in normal medium, Ca2+ influx was balanced by Ca2+ efflux with an exchange rate of 240 nmol/mg per min. This exchange rate was maintained relatively constant at the plateau phase. In modified medium, the Ca2+ exchange rate at the first plateau of Ca2+ uptake was about half of that in normal medium. When the second phase of Ca2+ uptake was initiated, both the influx and efflux rates started to increase and reached a similar exchange rate as observed in normal medium. Also, during the second phase of Ca2+ uptake, the difference between the influx and efflux rates continued to increase until the second plateau phase was approached. In conditions where the formation of ADP and inorganic phosphate was minimized by using a low concentration of sarcoplasmic (7.5 μg/ml) and/or using acetyl phosphate instead of ATP, the second phase of Ca2+ uptake was also observed. These data suggest that the Ca2+ load attained by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles during active transport is modulated by ADP accumulated from ATP hydrolysis. ADP probably exerts its effect by facilitating Ca2+ efflux, which subsequently stimulates Ca2+ exchange.  相似文献   

The possible presence and properties of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel have been investigated in the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. The treatment with ionophore A23187+Ca2+, propranolol or the electron donor system ascorbate-phenazine methosulphate, all of which activate that transport system in the human erythrocyte, produces in the Ehrlich cell a net loss of K+ (balanced by the uptake of Na+) and a stimulation of both the influx and the efflux of 86Rb. These effects were antagonized by quinine, a known inhibitor of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel in other cell systems, and by the addition of EGTA to the incubation medium. Ouabain did not have an inhibitory effect. These results suggests that the Ehrlich cell possesses a Ca2+-dependent K+ channel whose characteristics are similar to those described in other cell systems.  相似文献   

N-Ethylmaleimide was employed as a surface label for sarcolemmal proteins after demonstrating that it does not penetrate to the intracellular space at concentrations below 1·10?4 M. The sarcolemmal markers, ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+-exchange activities, were inhibited in N-ethylmaleimide perfused hearts. Intracellular activities such as creatine phosphokinase, glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase and the internal phosphatase site of the Na+ pump (K+-p-nitrophosphatase) were not affected. Almost 20% of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump were inhibited indicating the localization of a portion of this activity in the sarcolemma. Sarcolemma purified by a recent method (Morcos, N.C. and Drummond, G.I. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 27–39) from N-ethylmaleimide-perfused hearts showed loss of approx. 85% of its (Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+ pump compared to control hearts. (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump activities showed two classes of sensitivity to vanadate ion inhibition. The high vanadate affinity class (K12 for inhibition approx. 1.5 μM) may be localized in the sarcolemma and represented approx. 20% of the total inhibitable activity in agreement with estimates from N-ethylmaleimide studies. Sucrose density fractionation indicated that only a small portion of Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase may be associated with the sarcolemma. The major portion of these activities seems to be associated with high density particles.  相似文献   

川楝素是我国学者从驱蛔中药中分离、鉴定的一个三萜化合物,已证明具选择地影响神经递质释放,有效地对抗肉毒中毒,促进细胞分化、凋亡,抑制肿瘤增殖,抑制昆虫发育和取食,影响K+、Ca2+通道活动等多种生物效应. 综述了证明川楝素抑制多种K+通道,选择地易化L型Ca2+通道和进而升高胞内Ca+浓度的研究资料,并对川楝素产生这些生物效应的机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Although lanthanide ions La3+ and Tb3+ were only slightly able to substitute for Ca2+ to activate phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (PL-Ca-PK), they potentiated the ability of a suboptimal concentration of Ca2+ to stimulate the enzyme. In comparison, the lanthanides were much more effective Ca2+ substitutes for myosin light chain kinase, a calmodulin-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinase. Both enzymes, however, were inhibited by high concentrations of lanthanides either in the presence or absence of Ca2+. Similar effects of the lanthanides were also noted on phosphorylation of endogeneous substrates in the particulate fraction of rat brain stimulated by either phosphatidylserine/Ca2+ or calmodulin/Ca2+. The La3+- or Tb3+-stimulated activity of PL-Ca-PK, as the Ca2+-stimulated activity, was inhibited by various agents, such as trifluoperazine, polymyxin B, cobra cytotoxin I, melittin, and spermine.  相似文献   

Ca2+ inhibited the Mg2+-dependent and K+-stimulated p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity of a highly purified preparation of dog kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. In the absence of K+, however, a Mg2+-dependent and Ca2+-stimulated phosphatase was observed, the maximal velocity of which, at pH 7.2, was about 20% of that of the K+-stimulated phosphatase. The Ca2+-stimulated phosphatase, like the K+-stimulated activity, was inhibited by either ouabain or Na+ or ATP. Ouabain sensitivity was decreased with increase in Ca2+, but the K0.5 values of the inhibitory effects of Na+ and ATP were independent of Ca2+ concentration. Optimal pH was 7.0 for Ca2+-stimulated activity, and 7.8–8.2 for the K+-stimulated activity. The ratio of the two activities was the same in several enzyme preparations in different states of purity. The data indicate that (a) Ca2+-stimulated phosphatase is catalyzed by (Na+ + K+)-ATPase; (b) there is a site of Ca2+ action different from the site at which Ca2+ inhibits in competition with Mg2+; and (c) Ca2+ stimulation can not be explained easily by the action of Ca2+ at either the Na+ site or the K+ site.  相似文献   

Intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) composed by tau and extracellular amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques accumulate in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and contribute to neuronal dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration are increasingly considered two faces of the same coin and an early pathological event in AD. Compelling evidence indicates that tau and mitochondria are closely linked and suggests that tau-dependent modulation of mitochondrial functions might be a trigger for the neurodegeneration process; however, whether this occurs either directly or indirectly is not clear. Furthermore, whether tau influences cellular Ca2+ handling and ER-mitochondria cross-talk is yet to be explored. Here, by focusing on wt tau, either full-length (2N4R) or the caspase 3-cleaved form truncated at the C-terminus (2N4RΔC20), we examined the above-mentioned aspects. Using new genetically encoded split-GFP-based tools and organelle-targeted aequorin probes, we assessed: i) tau distribution within the mitochondrial sub-compartments; ii) the effect of tau on the short- (8–10?nm) and the long- (40–50?nm) range ER-mitochondria interactions; and iii) the effect of tau on cytosolic, ER and mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis. Our results indicate that a fraction of tau is found at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and within the inner mitochondrial space (IMS), suggesting a potential tau-dependent regulation of mitochondrial functions. The ER Ca2+ content and the short-range ER-mitochondria interactions were selectively affected by the expression of the caspase 3-cleaved 2N4RΔC20 tau, indicating that Ca2+ mis-handling and defects in the ER-mitochondria communications might be an important pathological event in tau-related dysfunction and thereby contributing to neurodegeneration. Finally, our data provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tauopathies.  相似文献   

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