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Quaternary limnic sediments from Velanská Cesta, a former lake in the Czech Republic, were investigated to document the response of an aquatic environment to global climatic shifts during the late Pleistocene–early Holocene transition. The obtained multi-proxy record, including subfossil diatoms, diatom-inferred variables (index of trophic state, halobic index, TP, and pH), plant macrofossils, and geochemical data, was compared with the δ18O GISP2 curve. Diatom accumulation zones and subzones established on the basis of a ConSLink cluster analysis corresponded well with the boundaries of the Bölling, Older Dryas, Alleröd, Younger Dryas, and Preboreal periods. The diatom-inferred trophic state and salinity data showed increased values during the colder epochs, which were supported by the findings of low-temperature macrofossil indicators in the corresponding samples. The results of this study document a long-term forcing of a shallow lacustrine ecosystem in central Europe by climatic events of a global scale.  相似文献   

The Late Glacial to early Holocene river valley landscape of the middle Lahntal in Hessen, central-west Germany, is reconstructed by means of pollen and macrofossil analyses. AMS 14C dating combined with pollen, macrofossil and geomorphological mapping provide a detailed chronology of the floodplain sediments of the river Lahn. Archaeological evidence for early Mesolithic settlements in the middle Lahntal is backed up by pollen and macrofossil evidence, which indicates an increase in light demanding plants, together with ones indicating nutrient-rich and disturbed environments and more macroscopic charcoal and charred pieces of pine. Different phases of human impact were dated; a first phase was dated at ca. 9,270 uncal b.p. and a second phase at ca. 9,120 uncal b.p. Comparison of the palynological data from different fluvial channel fills demonstrates that during this second phase, between ca. 9,120–8,700 uncal b.p., there were several cycles of woodland clearance. The outcome of combined archaeological, palynological and macrofossil data is discussed in terms of the impact of early Mesolithic people using fire on the vegetation during the early Holocene in the middle Lahntal.  相似文献   


Based mainly on pollen influx data, an attempt is made at reconstructing Holocene tree‐line fluctuations and palaeotemperatures in central Troms, North Norway. Both past and present‐day (Tauber trap) pollen influx data suggest that influx rates exceeding 250–300 pollen/cm2/year for each of the major arboreal taxa (Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris) are only found at sites with corresponding forest types in the immediate surroundings. High influx rates, raised tree‐lines and favourable climatic periods are recorded at 7500–4500 and 3000–2600 B.P. Betula and Pinus woodlands may have reached more than 200 m above their present altitude limits, suggesting a July mean temperature 2°C higher than at present during the Holocene optimum.  相似文献   

Evidence of the terrestrial pollen precipitation in the Van area, obtained from the marsh of Söütlü, is compared with the lacustrine record from Lake Van, eastern Turkey. The radiocarbon chronology of the vegetation history of the Van area is compared with that from varve counting. The first method produced the most probable results, supported by palynological investigations in other parts of Turkey and Iran. The combination of radiocarbon dating and palynological correlation dates the sediments of Lake Van 1100 to 2200 years older than the varve dating.The indicator value of Cerealia-type pollen as evidence of prehistoric agriculture is discussed and compared with results from observations on modern crops. In the present study, Cerealia-type pollen may have been produced by wild grasses growing in the marsh.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2005,2(2):159-174
The tree migration model TreeMig is presented as an example for modeling a complex ecological system. The model was derived from a forest gap model, reducing the gap models’ complexity by model aggregation and includes elements for showing complex behavior: many state variables, non-linear process functions, feedbacks and spatial interactions. Additionally, the model depends on external variables, namely climate. In a case study, the tree migration in the highly structured environment of the region of Valais in the Swiss Alps during the Holocene was simulated. The simulations were run on a grid with 1 km × 1 km resolution with a yearly time step. A scenario of temperature-anomalies in the Holocene, spatially interpolated climate data and times of species immigration into the simulation area was used as input. The simulation results were evaluated with regard to the spatio-temporal species composition and complexity, i.e. species diversity and spatio-temporal unevenness. Two indices of complexity were calculated from the simulated species biomasses in space and time: the Shannon–Weaver index for species diversity and an index of spatio-temporal complexity (unevenness) of total biomass. Both indices depended on climate, but in different ways. Tree species diversity was positively related to degree day sum, i.e. was high at low and smaller at high altitudes. Spatio-temporal complexity in turn was high at the alpine timberline, but very low at lower elevations. Increased complexity independent from climate occurred during migration waves into the simulation area. Spatio-temporal complexity was high when the first species colonized the region. Tree species diversity changed during the immigration wave of each immigrating species, particularly that of the dominant species Picea abies. At the fronts of the immigration waves in particular, spots of increased diversity appeared. However, no formation of stable patchy patterns was observed at the studied scale. The standard simulation, reflecting climate patterns and endogenous processes such as local dispersal, long-range migration and succession was compared to simulations, where single or all endogenous processes were excluded. The dissimilarities between the species compositions of these simulations indicated that after immigration of dominant species succession and migration strongly influence the species pattern, succession over centuries and migration over millennia. I conclude that the species pattern and its complexity, as shown by the model simulations, were to a great extent determined by external factors and their complexity. After changes in the boundary conditions, succession and migration had a strong influence.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores from the eastern coastal region of Marajó Island, Pará State, northern Brazil have been studied by pollen analysis to reconstruct late Holocene mangrove dynamics and environmental changes. Seven AMS radiocarbon dates provide time control. Mangrove vegetation became established at the Barra Velha site at about 2750 B.P. (2880 cal B.P.) and at the Praia do Pesqueiro site at about 650 B.P. (670 cal B.P.). Rhizophora was the dominant mangrove tree throughout the recorded period, while Avicennia and Laguncularia were rare. Existing remnants of the former coastal Amazon rain forest were replaced by mangrove in the Barra Velha area between about 2750 and 740 B.P. (2880–760 cal B.P.) and at Praia do Pesqueiro area between about 650 and 530 B.P. (670–540 cal B.P.), suggesting a rise in relative sea level or, alternatively, an increase in discharge from the river Amazon. Areas of coastal shrub and herb vegetation, the so-called restinga vegetation, also became slightly reduced during the late Holocene. The largest area of mangrove at the two sites suggests that the highest sea level was probably reached during the last 200–250 years. The only evidence of human activity at the two sites is an indication of cattle pastureland at the Barra Velha area during the last decades.  相似文献   

Detailed pollen analysis and pine megafossils from the immediate area of Rødalen in Central Norway have revealed new knowledge of Holocene alpine environments. A period of about 1,000 years characterised by pioneer herbs, dwarf-shrubs (Betula nana, Empetrum) and Juniperus followed the Holocene climatic amelioration. Local birch forest became established around 10.3 ka b.p., ca 150 years earlier than the local pine rise. Pine dominated at 1,100 m a.s.l. from 9.9 to 8.5 ka b.p., followed by birch forests until 1.3 ka b.p. when deforestation occurred. Slightly after 6 ka b.p., pine forests disappeared from the valley floor (930 m a.s.l.), an area that today is dominated by birch forest. Three short-lasting vegetational set-backs at ca 10.7, 10.5 and 10.3 ka b.p. may indicate climate oscillations. A temporary reduction of local forests reflects the Erdalen 2/9.7 ka b.p. event. The influence of the 8.2 event, superimposed on a cooling trend, lasted ca 400 years and involved a two-step vegetational regression: (1) A strong reduction of pine forests due to cooling and (2) reduction of alder due to cold and drought. Winter stress preventing pine regeneration may have caused scarcity of pine megafossils from the latter period. In the early Holocene, vegetation in the present alpine region was not in equilibrium with temperature development. It is suggested that the birch forest establishment lagged by about 1,000 years due to drought, whereas winter stress may have delayed the establishment of pine even longer.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary vegetation, fire and climate dynamics were studied by pollen and charcoal analysis on a sediment core from near the summit of the Serra do Araçatuba at 1500 m elevation, part of the Serra do Mar coastal mountains of Paraná State, southern Brazil. Three radiocarbon dates indicate that clay and peat were deposited in a shallow basin during the last 14,880 b.p. Accumulation was probably continuous, but sedimentary gaps during the dry mid Holocene cannot be excluded. During late-glacial times the upper coastal mountain were covered with grassland, reflecting relatively dry and cold climatic conditions. Large areas of natural grasslands remained in the upper mountain region during the Holocene. Only after 2000 b.p. did Araucaria forest trees, specially Ilex, some Atlantic forest trees as well as the pioneer Myrsine move to higher elevations, reflecting markedly wetter climatic conditions. This expansion stopped and the forest areas were reduced significantly by human activities during about the last 200–300 years. The modern grassland vegetation of the uppermost mountains may reflect the natural setting, but may also partly result from post-Columbian human activities. Fires were rare during the late Pleistocene and even less frequent during the early and mid Holocene. During the wettest recorded period of the late Holocene fires increased markedly and are therefore most probably of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

The German Society of Parasitology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parasitologie) was founded in 1960 and its 21st biannual meeting took place in Würzburg, Germany, from March 17 to 20, 2004. Whereas interim meetings that are being held every other year focus on specific topics of parasitology, such as the symposia on "Life in Vacuoles" in 2003 and on "Immunomodulation by Parasites" in 2001, the general biannual meetings cover a wide range of topics. This year's meeting at the University of Würzburg was organised by Klaus Brehm and Matthias Frosch (both at the Institute of Hygiene) and Heidrun Moll (Institute for Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases). It was attended by more than 500 scientists from 16 countries who presented 181 research projects dealing with the topics defence mechanisms and immunology, genomics and proteomics, epidemiology, cell biology and biochemistry, chemotherapy and vaccines, parasite classification and morphology, vectors, intermediate hosts, and veterinary parasitology. In addition, six plenary lectures highlighted the subjects of comparative nematode genomics, cell biology, immunology, and parasite eradication programmes.  相似文献   

A pollen record from a small alder carr located in the centre of aFagus stand near the hamlet of Flahult in southern Småland has shown thatFagus became established in a semi open cultural landscape about 900 B.P. Human disturbance seems to have controlled the local establishment ofFagus at this site through an expansion of pastoral farming. TheFagus dominance in the present stand seems to be of recent origin, asFagus pollen percentages and influx values have increased considerably only during the last 50 years. The modern composition and structure of theFagus stand are probably an effect of changes in land-use and decreased human activity at the end of the last century. Today, only occasionalPicea individuals occur in the studied stand, andPicea does not appear to have been more abundant in the recent past. The regional expansion ofPicea has probably occurred during this century and has been favoured by modern forestry during the last 50 years.  相似文献   

We studied Holocene speleothems and tufa samples collected in numerous caves and rivers in the Dinaric Karst of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Serbia and Montenegro. Differences in the formation process of tufa and speleothems are discussed in the context of their isotopic composition (14C, 13C and 18O), as well as the chemistry of surface water (rivers, lakes) and drip water (in caves). The physical and chemical parameters monitored in the surface water (tufa precipitation) and drip water (speleothem precipitation) show that more stable conditions accompany speleothem rather than tufa formation. This is particularly obvious in the water temperature variations (2-22°C in surface water and 7-12°C in drip water) and in saturation index variation (3-11 in surface water and 1-6 in drip water). The range of 14C ages recorded by Holocene speleothems (∼12?000 yr) is wider by several thousands years than that of Holocene tufa samples (∼6000 yr). δ13C values for tufa samples range from −12‰ to −6‰ and for speleothem samples from −12‰ to +3‰ reflecting higher soil carbon and/or vegetation impact on the process of tufa than on speleothem formation. The differences in δ18O values of tufa and speleothem samples from different areas reflect different temperature conditions and differing isotopic composition in the water. The study shows that speleothems from the Dinaric Karst can be used as global palaeoclimatic records, whereas tufa records changes in the local palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   

We argue that the Würm III glaciation eradicated possible European populations ofS. torvicornis, and that today, a reconquest of Europe takes place on two fronts.A western wave has reached the Pyrenees, an eastern one now occupies most of eastern and northern Europe. The western route probably started in the Maghreb, the eastern one in the Levant and the Ponto-Caspian. Animals in the west had to move north by crossing, at right angles, a series of east-west oriented river valleys and progressed slowly; animals in the east could move up river valleys extending north-east, and moved quickly. Italy was not occupied, becauseS.torvicornis is a warm stenotherm, and by the time the climate had warmed sufficiently for it to reach the southern shore of the mediterranean (ca 6000 BP), the gap with Italy was probably too large for a crossing. Cold-loving species (of the generaBranchipus, Chirocephalus) conversely, and could freely flow across the Central Mediterranean at low sea-levels (ca 12000 BP), and now occur in Italy (and the rest of Europe) as well as in Northern Africa.A prediction of our hypothesis is that the pioneer populations in Spain and Central Europe should have been isolated longest. Thisis tested and confirmed by their comparative morphology, and two subspecies,S. t. torvicornis andS. t. bucheti are reinstated.A gap across the Nile Valley where onlyS. rubricaudatus seems to occur, deserves further study.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative study of the ostracod assemblages supported by the correspondence analysis (CA) allowed the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironnemental change during the Holocene in the sebkha Dreîaa of Skhira (Gulf of Gabes, SE Tunisia). Five phases were distinguished: the first phase (> cal. 6471–6874 yr BP) coincides with the first Holocene marine transgression following the deposition of the continental Holocene series. It induces the setting of an open lagoon where numerous Bivalvia, Gastropoda and marine ostracods lived. The second one (cal. 6471–6874 yr BP) is characterized by the development of brackish ostracods, high diversity index values and comparable percentages of the brackish, lagoonal and coastal assemblages. It corresponds to an open lagoon subjected to estuarine influences. During the third phase (cal. 3350–3752 yr BP), a marine environment, marked by the enrichment of marine ostracods, is evolving toward the closing. The settlement of the restricted lagoonal environments is linked to the building-up of sandy spit. At cal. 2839–3057 yr BP, the dominance of coastal ostracods, associated with coarse sands, show an open lagoon and probably a marine transgression evidenced by the progressive modification in the ostracods assemblages. After this transgression, the southern part of Sebkha of Dreîaa emerged and evolved towards the present state. The last phase, cal. 515–777 yr BP, is marked by a strong marine influence, in the northern part of the sebkha, with transport of marine Bivalvia, Gastropoda and ostracods towards the inner lagoon by means of storms. The rupture of sandy spits induced the introduction of marine macrofauna and microfauna which were accumulated and associated with charcoals and coarse sands.  相似文献   

Late Devonian and early Carboniferous miospore and microphytoplankton assemblages are described for the first time from southeastern Turkey. The preliminary data show that assemblages recorded from the upper part of the Yiginli Formation are late Famennian in age and can be correlated with the VH, LL, LE Miospore biozones of western Europe, whilst assemblages from the overlying Köprülü Formation are considered to be middle to late Tournaisian in age and are tentatively assigned to the PC Miospore biozone of western Europe. Regional palynological correlations with other sections in North Africa and the Middle East are proposed. A new species, Verruciretusispora loboziakii is described.  相似文献   

Mire plant communities of the W. Krkono?e mountains may be grouped in 11 associations and 3 alliances:Caricion canescentis-fuscae, Rhynchosporion albae andOxycocco-Empetrion hermaphroditi. The ecology, structure and geographical distribution of the communities, as well as the ecology of the species occurring in them are discussed.  相似文献   

The chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Barreirinha Formation in its type area (Tapajós River near Itaituba town, Pará State, Amazonas Basin, north Brazil), and of the lower part of the overlying Curiri Formation, is calibrated against the local miospore succession, which in turn can be readily correlated with standard miospore biozonations of Euramerica. The present study is based on 375 samples from a ca. 137-m-thick section in the Caima PH-2 shallow borehole. The 26 chitinozoan species encountered are used to recognize eight biozones in the studied well. The applicability of this zonation is yet to be tested elsewhere in the Amazonas Basin. The zones in ascending stratigraphic order are: the total range zone of Angochitina katzeri n. sp., total range subzone of Ramochitina derbyi n. sp, total range subzone of Lagenochitina avelinoi, interval zone of Urochitina bastosi, total range zone of Angochitina carvalhoi n. sp., interval zone of Angochitina rathbuni n. sp. and Ramochitina praeritae n. sp., total range zone of Ramochitina ritae n. sp., and total range zone of Ramochitina cf. R. ritae. Eleven species are newly described; in order of stratigraphic appearance: Ramochitina derbyi, Angochitina katzeri, Ramochitina hartti, Angochitina carvalhoi, Angochitina rathbuni, Ramochitina praeritae, Ramochitina clarkei, Ramochitina ritae, Angochitina loboziaki, Ramochitina oliveirai, and Ramochitina famennense.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of pollen analyses of samples collected from two peat localities in the Orlické hory mountains in Czechoslovakia. Appended pollen diagrams depict the vegetation and its changes in the Older and Younger Subatlantic period. The paper suggests the probable proportional representation of the principal woody plants in the area and, on the basis of pollen analyses, reconstructs the forest covers of the Orlické hory, especially of their upper regions. The author has foundFagus to have predominated among woody plants in the area (even in the upper regions) in the Older Subatlantic. From the 16th or 17th century onward it was gradually replaced byPicea. This change was primarily due to human activity (cutting down of the beeches). The composition of foot-hill forests, as far as it is reflected in the diagrams, is discussed. The pollen diagrams also testify to agricultural activity by man in the wide surroundings of the Orlické hory.  相似文献   

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