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Four isoforms of GIRK channels (GIRK1–4) have been described in humans. In addition, several splice variants of more or less unknown function have been identified from several tissues and species. In our study, we investigated the structure and function of a new variant of GIRK1 that has been isolated from rat brain. Because of wide similarities with a previously described variant, we also named it GIRK1d. This variant lacks a region corresponding to exon 2 of full-length GIRK1, leading to a truncated GIRK1 that lacks the main part of the C-terminus. To study GIRK1d we used the Xenopus laevis expression system, the two-electrode voltage clamp method, and confocal laser scan microscopy. We found that our GIRK1d variant preferentially binds GIRK2 or GIRK4 over GIRK1. Furthermore, it largely reduces conductances mediated by GIRK1/2 or GIRK1/4 hetero-multimeric channels when coexpressed and nearly totally abolishes currents when replacing GIRK1 in hetero-multimeric channels.  相似文献   

A large number of related genes (the Sh gene family) encode potassium channel subunits which form voltage-dependent K+ channels by aggregating into homomulitimers. One of these genes, the Shaker gene in Drosophila, generates several products by alternative splicing. These products encode proteins with a constant central region flanked by variable amino and carboxyl domains. Coinjection of two Shaker RNAs with different amino or different carboxyl ends into Xenopus oocytes produces K+ currents that display functional properties distinct from those observed when each RNA is injected separately, indicating the formation of heteromultimeric channels. The analysis of Shaker heteromultimers suggests certain rules regarding the roles of variable amino and carboxyl domains in determining kinetic properties of heteromultimeric channels. Heteromultimers with different amino ends produce currents in which the amino end that produces more inactivation dominates the kinetics. In contrast, heteromultimers with different carboxyl ends recover from inactivation at a rate closer to that observed in homomultimers of the subunit which results in faster recovery. While this and other recent reports demonstrate that closely related Sh family proteins form functional heteromultimers, we show here that two less closely related Sh proteins do not seem to form functional heteromultimeric channels. The data suggest that sites for subunit recognition may be found in sequences within a core region, starting about 130 residues before the first membrane spanning domain of Shaker and ending after the last membrane spanning domain, which are not conserved between Sh Class I and Class III genes.  相似文献   

The cardiac M2 muscarinic receptor/G protein/K+ channel system was studied in neonatal rat atrial cells cultured with and without 10 microM carbachol (CCh) for 24 h. Channel activity in CCh-pretreated cells was substantially reduced as a result of long-term desensitization regardless of whether the channel was activated by ACh in cell-attached patches or GTP in inside-out patches. Channel activity in CCh-pretreated cells was also low when the receptor was bypassed and the G protein and channel were directly activated by [gamma-S]GTP or both the receptor and G protein were bypassed and the channel was directly activated by trypsin. Finally, in CCh-pretreated cells, the whole cell K+ current was low when the channel was activated via the independent adenosine receptor. This suggests that the channel is involved in long-term desensitization. However, in CCh-pretreated cells, although the receptor was internalized, there was no internalization of the channel. We suggest that the function of the muscarinic K+ channel declines in long-term desensitization of the cardiac M2 muscarinic receptor/G protein/K+ channel system.  相似文献   

G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channels are widely expressed in the brain and are activated by at least eight different neurotransmitters. As K(+) channels, they drive the transmembrane potential toward E(K) when open and thus dampen neuronal excitability. There are four mammalian GIRK subunits (GIRK1-4 or Kir 3.1-4), with GIRK1 being the most unique of the four by possessing a long carboxyl-terminal tail. Early studies suggested that GIRK1 was an integral component of native GIRK channels. However, more recent data indicate that native channels can be either homo- or heterotetrameric complexes composed of several GIRK subunit combinations. The functional implications of subunit composition are poorly understood at present. The purpose of this study was to examine the functional and biochemical properties of GIRK channels formed by the co-assembly of GIRK2 and GIRK3, the most abundant GIRK subunits found in the mammalian brain. To examine the properties of a channel composed of these two subunits, we co-transfected GIRK2 and GIRK3 in CHO-K1 cells and assayed the cells for channel activity by patch clamp. The most significant difference between the putative GIRK2/GIRK3 heteromultimeric channel and GIRK1/GIRKx channels at the single channel level was an approximately 5-fold lower sensitivity to activation by Gbetagamma. Complexes containing only GIRK2 and GIRK3 could be immunoprecipitated from transfected cells and could be purified from native brain tissue. These data indicate that functional GIRK channels composed of GIRK2 and GIRK3 subunits exist in brain.  相似文献   

This Letter describes a novel series of GIRK activators identified through an HTS campaign. The HTS lead was a potent and efficacious dual GIRK1/2 and GIRK1/4 activator. Further chemical optimization through both iterative parallel synthesis and fragment library efforts identified dual GIRK1/2 and GIRK1/4 activators as well as the first examples of selective GIRK1/4 activators. Importantly, these compounds were inactive on GIRK2 and other non-GIRK1 containing GIRK channels, and SAR proved shallow.  相似文献   

Cystatins, known for their ubiquitous presence in mammalian system are thiol protease inhibitors serving important physiological functions. Here, we present a variant of cystatin isolated from brain of Capra hircus (goat) which is glycosylated but lacks disulphide bonds. Caprine brain cystatin (CBC) was isolated using alkaline treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation (40–60%) and gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-100HR column with an overall yield of 26.29% and 322-fold purification. The inhibitor gave a molecular mass of ~44 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration behaviour. The Stokes radius and diffusion coefficient of CBC were 27.14 Å and 8.18 × 10?7 cm2 s?1, respectively. Kinetic data revealed that CBC inhibited thiol proteases reversibly and competitively, with the highest inhibition towards papain (Ki = 4.10 nM) followed by ficin and bromelain. CBC possessed 34.7% α-helical content as observed by CD spectroscopy. UV, fluorescence, CD and FTIR spectroscopy revealed significant conformational change upon CBC-papain complex formation. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to measure the thermodynamic parameters – ΔH, ΔS, ΔG along with N (binding stoichiometry) for CBC-papain complex formation. Binding stoichiometry (N = .97 ± .07 sites) for the CBC-papain complex indicates that cystatin is surrounded by nearly one papain molecule. Negative ΔH (?5.78 kcal mol?1) and positive ΔS (11.01 cal mol?1 deg?1) values suggest that the interaction between CBC and papain is enthalpically as well as entropically favoured process. The overall negative ΔG (?9.19 kcal mol?1) value implies a spontaneous CBC-papain interaction.  相似文献   

Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and its unique receptor, CXCR4, regulate stem/progenitor cell migration and retention in the bone marrow and are required for hematopoiesis. Recent studies found that hERG1 K+ channels were important regulators of tumor cell migration. In this study, we investigated whether SDF-1 induced acute leukemic cell migration associated with hERG1 K+ channels. Our results showed that E-4031, a specific hERG1 K+ channels inhibitor, significantly blocked SDF-1-induced migration of leukemic cell lines, primary acute leukemic cells, leukemic stem cells and HEK293T cells transfected with herg-pEGFP. The migration of phenotypically recognizable subsets gave the indication that lymphoblastic leukemic cells were inhibited more than myeloid cells while in the presence of E-4031 which maybe associated with herg expression. SDF-1 increased hERG1 K+ current expressed in oocytes and HEK293T cells transfected with herg-pEGFP. There were no significant changes of CXCR4 expression on both HL-60 cells and primary leukemic cells regardless if untreated or treated with E-4031 for 24 h (P > 0.05). The hERG1 K+ current increased by SDF-1 might contribute to the mechanism of SDF-1-induced leukemic cell migration. The data suggested that hERG1 K+ channels functionally linked to cell migration induced by SDF-1.  相似文献   

G protein-activated K+ channels (Kir3 or GIRK) are activated by direct binding of Gbetagamma. The binding sites of Gbetagamma in the ubiquitous GIRK1 (Kir3.1) subunit have not been unequivocally charted, and in the neuronal GIRK2 (Kir3.2) subunit the binding of Gbetagamma has not been studied. We verified and extended the map of Gbetagamma-binding sites in GIRK1 by using two approaches: direct binding of Gbetagamma to fragments of GIRK subunits (pull down), and competition of these fragments with the Galphai1 subunit for binding to Gbetagamma. We also mapped the Gbetagamma-binding sites in GIRK2. In both subunits, the N terminus binds Gbetagamma. In the C terminus, the Gbetagamma-binding sites in the two subunits are not identical; GIRK1, but not GIRK2, has a previously unrecognized Gbetagamma-interacting segments in the first half of the C terminus. The main C-terminal Gbetagamma-binding segment found in both subunits is located approximately between amino acids 320 and 409 (by GIRK1 count). Mutation of C-terminal leucines 262 or 333 in GIRK1, recognized previously as crucial for Gbetagamma regulation of the channel, and of the corresponding leucines 273 and 344 in GIRK2 dramatically altered the properties of K+ currents via GIRK1/GIRK2 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes but did not appreciably reduce the binding of Gbetagamma to the corresponding fusion proteins, indicating that these residues are mainly important for the regulation of Gbetagamma-induced changes in channel gating rather than Gbetagamma binding.  相似文献   

G protein-activated K+ channel (GIRK) subunits possess a conserved extracellular integrin-binding motif (RGD) and bind directly to beta1 integrins. We expressed GIRK1/GIRK4 channels labeled with green fluorescent protein in fibroblast cell lines expressing or lacking beta1 integrins. Neither plasma membrane localization nor agonist-evoked GIRK currents were affected by the absence of beta1 integrins or by incubation with externally applied RGD-containing peptide. Mutation of the aspartate (D) of RGD impaired currents, GIRK glycosylation, and membrane localization, but the interaction with beta1 integrins remained intact. Thus, beta1 integrins are not essential for functional GIRK expression; and the GIRK-integrin interactions involve structural elements other than the RGD motif.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of the brain's functional connectivity throughout the life span (ages 5 through 71 years) by measuring EEG activity in a large population-based sample. Connectivity was established with Synchronization Likelihood. Relative randomness of the connectivity patterns was established with Watts and Strogatz' (1998) graph parameters C (local clustering) and L (global path length) for alpha (~10 Hz), beta (~20 Hz), and theta (~4 Hz) oscillation networks. From childhood to adolescence large increases in connectivity in alpha, theta and beta frequency bands were found that continued at a slower pace into adulthood (peaking at ~50 yrs). Connectivity changes were accompanied by increases in L and C reflecting decreases in network randomness or increased order (peak levels reached at ~18 yrs). Older age (55+) was associated with weakened connectivity. Semi-automatically segmented T1 weighted MRI images of 104 young adults revealed that connectivity was significantly correlated to cerebral white matter volume (alpha oscillations: r = 33, p<01; theta: r = 22, p<05), while path length was related to both white matter (alpha: max. r = 38, p<001) and gray matter (alpha: max. r = 36, p<001; theta: max. r = 36, p<001) volumes. In conclusion, EEG connectivity and graph theoretical network analysis may be used to trace structural and functional development of the brain.  相似文献   

K(+) channels composed of G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K(+) channel (GIRK) (Kir3.0) subunits are expressed in cardiac, neuronal, and various endocrine tissues. They are involved in inhibiting excitability and contribute to regulating important physiological functions such as cardiac frequency and secretion of hormones. The functional cardiac (K((ACh))) channel activated by G(i)/G(o)-coupled receptors such as muscarinic M(2) or purinergic A(1) receptors is supposed to be composed of the subunits GIRK1 and GIRK4 in a heterotetrameric (2:2) fashion. In the present study, we have manipulated the subunit composition of the K((ACh)) channels in cultured atrial myocytes from hearts of adult rats by transient transfection of vectors encoding for GIRK1 or GIRK4 subunits or GIRK4 concatemeric constructs and investigated the effects on properties of macroscopic I(K(ACh)). Transfection with a GIRK1 vector did not cause any measurable effect on properties of I(K(ACh)), whereas transfection with a GIRK4 vector resulted in a complete loss in desensitization, a reduction of inward rectification, and a slowing of activation. Transfection of myocytes with a construct encoding for a concatemeric GIRK4(2) subunit had similar effects on desensitization and inward rectification. Following transfection of a tetrameric construct (GIRK4(4)), these changes in properties of I(K(ACh)) were still observed but were less pronounced. Heterologous expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells and human embryonic kidney 293 cells of monomeric, dimeric, and tetrameric GIRK4 resulted in robust currents activated by co-expressed A(1) and M(2) receptors, respectively. These data provide strong evidence that homomeric GIRK4 complexes form functional G(beta)gamma gated ion channels and that kinetic properties of GIRK channels, such as activation rate, desensitization, and inward rectification, depend on subunit composition.  相似文献   

The role of mitophagy, a process that allows the removal of damaged mitochondria from cells, remains unknown in multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease that is found associated with dysfunctional mitochondria. Here we have qualitatively and quantitatively studied the main players in PINK1-mediated mitophagy in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients with relapsing–remitting MS. We found the variant c.491G>A (rs550510, p.G140E) of NDP52, one of the major mitophagy receptor genes, associated with a MS cohort. Through the characterization of this variant, we discovered that the residue 140 of human NDP52 is a crucial modulator of NDP52/LC3C binding, promoting the formation of autophagosomes in order to drive efficient mitophagy. In addition, we found that in the PBMC population, NDP52 is mainly expressed in B cells and by ensuring efficient mitophagy, it is able to limit the production of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α following cell stimulation. In sum, our results contribute to a better understanding of the role of NDP52 in mitophagy and underline, for the first time, a possible role of NDP52 in MS.Subject terms: Autophagy, Molecular modelling, Immunological disorders  相似文献   

One of the most common mutations in the serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1 (SPINK1) gene is the N34S variant which is strongly associated with chronic pancreatitis. Although it is assumed that N34S mutation constitutes a high-risk factor, the underlying pathologic mechanism is still unknown. In the present study, we investigated the impact of physiological stress factors on SPINK1 protein structure and trypsin inhibitor function using biophysical methods. Our circular dichroism spectroscopy data revealed differences in the secondary structure of SPINK1 and N34S mutant suggesting protein structural changes induced by the mutation as an impairment that could be disease-relevant. We further confirmed that both SPINK1 (KD of 0.15 ± 0.06 nM) and its N34S variant (KD of 0.08 ± 0.02 nM) have similar binding affinity and inhibitory effect towards trypsin as shown by surface plasmon resonance and trypsin inhibition assay studies, respectively. We found that stress conditions such as altered ion concentrations (i.e. potassium, calcium), temperature shifts, as well as environmental pH lead to insignificant differences in trypsin inhibition between SPINK1 and N34S mutant. However, we have shown that the environmental pH induces structural changes in both SPINK1 constructs in a different manner. Our findings suggest protein structural changes in the N34S variant as an impairment of SPINK1 and environmental pH shift as a trigger that could play a role in disease progression of pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Using confocal microscopy we demonstrate that ciliary cells from airway epithelium maintain two qualitatively distinct cytosolic regions in terms of pH regulation. While the bulk of the cytosol is stringently buffered and is virtually insensitive to changes in extracellular pH (pHo), the values of cytosolic pH in the vicinity of the ciliary membrane is largely determined by pHo. Variation of pHo from 6.2 up to 8.5 failed to affect ciliary beat frequency (CBF). Application of NH(4)Cl induced profound localized alkalization near cilia, which did not depress ciliary activity, but resulted in strong and prolonged enhancement of CBF. Calmodulin and protein kinase A (PKA) functionality was essential for the alkalization-induced CBF enhancement. We suggest that the ability of airway epithelium to sustain unusually strong but localized cytosolic alkalization near cilia facilitates CBF enhancement through altering the binding constants of Ca2+ to calmodulin and promotion of Ca2+-calmodulin complex formation. The NH4Cl-induced elevations in cytosolic pH and Ca2+ concentration act synergistically to activate calmodulin-dependent processes, cAMP pathway, and, thereby, stimulate CBF.  相似文献   

The ERAP1 gene encodes an aminopeptidase involved in antigen processing. A functional polymorphism in the gene (rs30187, Arg528Lys) associates with susceptibility to ankylosying spondylitis (AS), whereas a SNP in the interacting ERAP2 gene increases susceptibility to another inflammatory autoimmune disorder, Crohn''s disease (CD). We analysed rs30187 in 572 Italian patients with CD and in 517 subjects suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS); for each cohort, an independent sex- and age-matched control group was genotyped. The frequency of the 528Arg allele was significantly higher in both disease cohorts compared to the respective control population (for CD, OR = 1.20 95%CI: 1.01–1.43, p = 0.036; for RRMS, OR = 1.26; 95%CI: 1.04–1.51, p = 0.01). Meta-analysis with the Wellcome Trust Cases Control Consortium GWAS data confirmed the association with MS (pmeta = 0.005), but not with CD. In AS, the rs30187 variant has a predisposing effect only in an HLA-B27 allelic background. It remains to be evaluated whether interaction between ERAP1 and distinct HLA class I alleles also affects the predisposition to MS, and explains the failure to provide definitive evidence for a role of rs30187 in CD. Results herein support the emerging concept that a subset of master-regulatory genes underlay the pathogenesis of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Ulens C  Daenens P  Tytgat J 《Life sciences》2000,67(19):2305-2317
The effect of RGS4, a GTPase-activating protein, on the deactivation kinetics and basal activity of GIRK1/GIRK2 channels activated by the human kappa-opioid receptor (hKOR) was investigated. Co-expression in Xenopus oocytes of RGS4 reduces the basal GIRK1/GIRK2 current and strongly increases the percentage agonist-evoked K+ conductance. RGS4 reconstitutes the native gating kinetics by accelerating GIRK1/GIRK2 channel deactivation, a phenomenon also seen after activation with other 7 TM receptors (e.g. muscarine type). In the absence of RGS4, the GIRK1/GIRK2 conductance was increased by approx. 50% after hKOR stimulation with the kappa-selective opioid receptor ligand, U69593; however more importantly, at the end of the washout period it was dramatically reduced to about 60% of the basal conductance as measured before receptor stimulation. Furthermore, we found that repeated receptor stimulation causes an increase of the agonist-gated deactivation kinetics, without affecting the maximal and minimal conductance levels of GIRK1/GIRK2 channels during and after agonist application. Unlike in the absence of RGS4, coexpression with RGS4 completely abolished the reduction of basal conductance after agonist washout and the deactivation kinetics remained unaffected upon repeated agonist application. The results presented here clearly indicate that previous stimulation by agonists activating G protein-coupled receptors may have long-lasting, strong consequences on the following responses. Therefore, our study provides evidence for a novel modulation of deactivation kinetics of GIRK1/GIRK2 currents in the absence of RGS4.  相似文献   

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