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To examine the usefulness of protein disorder predictions as a tool for the comparative analysis of viral proteins, a relational database has been constructed. The database includes proteins from influenza A and HIV-related viruses. Annotations include viral protein sequence, disorder prediction, structure, and function. Location of each protein within a virion, if known, is also denoted. Our analysis reveals a clear relationship between proximity to the RNA core and the percentage of predicted disordered residues for a set of influenza A virus proteins. Neuraminidases (NA) and hemagglutinin (HA) of major influenza A pandemics tend to pair in such a way that both proteins tend to be either ordered-ordered or disordered-disordered by prediction. This may be the result of these proteins evolving from being lipid-associated. High abundance of intrinsic disorder in envelope and matrix proteins from HIV-related viruses likely represents a mechanism where HIV virions can escape immune response despite the availability of antibodies for the HIV-related proteins. This exercise provides an example showing how the combined use of intrinsic disorder predictions and relational databases provides an improved understanding of the functional and structural behaviour of viral proteins.  相似文献   

Protein flexibility and intrinsic disorder   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Comparisons were made among four categories of protein flexibility: (1) low-B-factor ordered regions, (2) high-B-factor ordered regions, (3) short disordered regions, and (4) long disordered regions. Amino acid compositions of the four categories were found to be significantly different from each other, with high-B-factor ordered and short disordered regions being the most similar pair. The high-B-factor (flexible) ordered regions are characterized by a higher average flexibility index, higher average hydrophilicity, higher average absolute net charge, and higher total charge than disordered regions. The low-B-factor regions are significantly enriched in hydrophobic residues and depleted in the total number of charged residues compared to the other three categories. We examined the predictability of the high-B-factor regions and developed a predictor that discriminates between regions of low and high B-factors. This predictor achieved an accuracy of 70% and a correlation of 0.43 with experimental data, outperforming the 64% accuracy and 0.32 correlation of predictors based solely on flexibility indices. To further clarify the differences between short disordered regions and ordered regions, a predictor of short disordered regions was developed. Its relatively high accuracy of 81% indicates considerable differences between ordered and disordered regions. The distinctive amino acid biases of high-B-factor ordered regions, short disordered regions, and long disordered regions indicate that the sequence determinants for these flexibility categories differ from one another, whereas the significantly-greater-than-chance predictability of these categories from sequence suggest that flexible ordered regions, short disorder, and long disorder are, to a significant degree, encoded at the primary structure level.  相似文献   

Until recently, the point of view that the unique tertiary structure is necessary for protein function has prevailed. However, recent data have demonstrated that many cell proteins do not possess such structure in isolation, although displaying a distinct function under physiological conditions. These proteins were named the naturally, or intrinsically, disordered proteins. The fraction of intrinsically disordered regions in such proteins may vary from several amino acid residues to a completely unordered sequence of several tens or even several hundreds of residues. The main distinction of these proteins from structured (globular) proteins is that they have no unique tertiary structure in isolation and acquire it only upon interaction with their partners. The conformation of these proteins in a complex is determined not only by their own amino acid sequence (as is typical of structured, or globular, proteins) but also by the interacting partner. This review discusses the structure-function relationships in structured and intrinsically disordered proteins. The intricateness of this problem and the possible ways to solve it are illustrated by the example of the EF1A elongation factor family.  相似文献   

Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange detected by mass spectrometry (HXMS) is seeing wider use for the identification of intrinsically disordered parts of proteins. In this review, we discuss examples of how discovery of intrinsically disordered regions and their removal can aid in structure determination, biopharmaceutical quality control, the characterization of how post-translational modifications affect weak structuring of disordered regions, the study of coupled folding and binding, and the characterization of amyloid formation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mass spectrometry in structural biology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUPs) lack a well-defined three-dimensional structure. Some of them may assume a locally stable structure under specific conditions, e.g. upon interaction with another molecule, while others function in a permanently unstructured state. The discovery of IUPs challenged the traditional protein structure paradigm, which stated that a specific well-defined structure defines the function of the protein. As of December 2011, approximately 60 methods for computational prediction of protein disorder from sequence have been made publicly available. They are based on different approaches, such as utilizing evolutionary information, energy functions, and various statistical and machine learning methods. RESULTS: Given the diversity of existing intrinsic disorder prediction methods, we decided to test whether it is possible to combine them into a more accurate meta-prediction method. We developed a method based on arbitrarily chosen 13 disorder predictors, in which the final consensus was weighted by the accuracy of the methods. We have also developed a disorder predictor GSmetaDisorder3D that used no third-party disorder predictors, but alignments to known protein structures, reported by the protein fold-recognition methods, to infer the potentially structured and unstructured regions. Following the success of our disorder predictors in the CASP8 benchmark, we combined them into a meta-meta predictor called GSmetaDisorderMD, which was the top scoring method in the subsequent CASP9 benchmark. CONCLUSIONS: A series of disorder predictors described in this article is available as a MetaDisorder web server at http://iimcb.genesilico.pl/metadisorder/. Results are presented both in an easily interpretable, interactive mode and in a simple text format suitable for machine processing.  相似文献   

Role of intrinsic disorder in transient interactions of hub proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Singh GP  Ganapathi M  Dash D 《Proteins》2007,66(4):761-765
Hubs in the protein-protein interaction network have been classified as "party" hubs, which are highly correlated in their mRNA expression with their partners while "date" hubs show lesser correlation. In this study, we explored the role of intrinsic disorder in date and party hub interactions. The data reveals that intrinsic disorder is significantly enriched in date hub proteins when compared with party hub proteins. Intrinsic disorder has been largely implicated in transient binding interactions. The disorder to order transition, which occurs during binding interactions in disordered regions, renders the interaction highly reversible while maintaining the high specificity. The enrichment of intrinsic disorder in date hubs may facilitate transient interactions, which might be required for date hubs to interact with different partners at different times.  相似文献   



Statistical bioinformatics is the study of biological data sets obtained by new micro-technologies by means of proper statistical methods. For a better understanding of environmental adaptations of proteins, orthologous sequences from different habitats may be explored and compared. The main goal of the DeltaProt Toolbox is to provide users with important functionality that is needed for comparative screening and studies of extremophile proteins and protein classes. Visualization of the data sets is also the focus of this article, since visualizations can play a key role in making the various relationships transparent. This application paper is intended to inform the reader of the existence, functionality, and applicability of the toolbox.  相似文献   

More than just tails: intrinsic disorder in histone proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many biologically active proteins are disordered as a whole, or contain long disordered regions. These intrinsically disordered proteins/regions are very common in nature, abundantly found in all organisms, where they carry out important biological functions. The functions of these proteins complement the functional repertoire of "normal" ordered proteins, and many protein functional classes are heavily dependent on intrinsic disorder. Among these disorder-centric functions are interactions with nucleic acids and protein complex assembly. In this study, we present the results of comprehensive bioinformatics analyses of the abundance and roles of intrinsic disorder in 2007 histones from 746 species. We show that all the members of the histone family are intrinsically disordered proteins. Furthermore, intrinsic disorder is not only abundant in histones, but is absolutely necessary for various histone functions, starting from heterodimerization to formation of higher order oligomers, to interactions with DNA and other proteins, and to posttranslational modifications.  相似文献   

RNA chaperoning and intrinsic disorder in the core proteins of Flaviviridae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA chaperone proteins are essential partners of RNA in living organisms and viruses. They are thought to assist in the correct folding and structural rearrangements of RNA molecules by resolving misfolded RNA species in an ATP-independent manner. RNA chaperoning is probably an entropy-driven process, mediated by the coupled binding and folding of intrinsically disordered protein regions and the kinetically trapped RNA. Previously, we have shown that the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a potent RNA chaperone that can drive profound structural modifications of HCV RNA in vitro. We now examined the RNA chaperone activity and the disordered nature of core proteins from different Flaviviridae genera, namely that of HCV, GBV-B (GB virus B), WNV (West Nile virus) and BVDV (bovine viral diarrhoea virus). Despite low-sequence similarities, all four proteins demonstrated general nucleic acid annealing and RNA chaperone activities. Furthermore, heat resistance of core proteins, as well as far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy suggested that a well-defined 3D protein structure is not necessary for core-induced RNA structural rearrangements. These data provide evidence that RNA chaperoning—possibly mediated by intrinsically disordered protein segments—is conserved in Flaviviridae core proteins. Thus, besides nucleocapsid formation, core proteins may function in RNA structural rearrangements taking place during virus replication.  相似文献   

Introduction: Viral diseases contribute much to human and animal suffering and enormous efforts are directed at developing appropriate vaccines for protection. Glycoproteins constitute much of the viral surfaces and are obvious targets for such vaccine development. This review describes mass spectrometric methods used for the structural determination of these compounds.

Areas covered: The review describes the structures of the N- and O-linked glycans found on glycoproteins and mass spectrometric methods for their ionization and fragmentation. The steps, such as determination of glycan attachment sites and the structures of the attached glycans following their release from the glycoproteins are described and examples are given of the uses of the various analytical methods using mainly influenza, Ebola and HIV as representative examples. Also included are tables listing work on many other viruses.

Expert commentary: Recent technological advances, such as the introduction of ion mobility techniques, have greatly improved analyses in this area and have enabled larger amounts of information to be gathered in shorter time periods on ever smaller amounts of material. Such techniques should greatly accelerate the discovery of vaccine targets and lead to the production of vaccines for diseases not currently available.  相似文献   

All four capsid proteins of encephalomyocarditis virus and the precursor to two of these were resolved from purified virions with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In addition, all of the known stable virus-specific proteins found in infected cells, but not the primary and intermediate precursor proteins, could be resolved with these techniques.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein ALIX [ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked-gene-2 product)-interacting protein X] links retroviruses to ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery during retroviral budding. This function of ALIX requires its interaction with the ESCRT-III component CHMP4 (charged multivesicular body protein 4) at the N-terminal Bro1 domain and retroviral Gag proteins at the middle V domain. Since cytoplasmic or recombinant ALIX is unable to interact with CHMP4 or retroviral Gag proteins under non-denaturing conditions, we constructed ALIX truncations and mutations to define the intrinsic mechanism through which ALIX interactions with these partner proteins are prohibited. Our results demonstrate that an intramolecular interaction between Patch 2 in the Bro1 domain and the TSG101 (tumour susceptibility gene 101 protein)-docking site in the proline-rich domain locks ALIX into a closed conformation that renders ALIX unable to interact with CHMP4 and retroviral Gag proteins. Relieving the intramolecular interaction of ALIX, by ectopically expressing a binding partner for one of the intramolecular interaction sites or by deleting one of these sites, promotes ALIX interaction with these partner proteins and facilitates ALIX association with the membrane. Ectopic expression of a GFP (green fluorescent protein)-ALIX mutant with a constitutively open conformation, but not the wild-type protein, increases EIAV (equine infectious anaemia virus) budding from HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells. These findings predict that relieving the autoinhibitory intramolecular interaction of ALIX is a critical step for ALIX to participate in retroviral budding.  相似文献   

Bacterial sporulation in Gram-positive bacteria results in small acid-soluble proteins called SASPs that bind to DNA and prevent the damaging effects of UV radiation. Orthologs of Bacillus subtilis genes encoding SASPs can be found in many sporulating and nonsporulating bacteria, but they are noticeably absent from spore-forming, Gram-negative Myxococcus xanthus. This is despite the fact that M. xanthus can form UV-resistant spores. Here we report evidence that M. xanthus produces its own unique group of low-molecular-weight, acid-soluble proteins that facilitate UV resistance in spores. These M. xanthus-specific SASPs vary depending upon whether spore formation is induced by starvation inside cell aggregations of fruiting bodies or is induced artificially by glycerol induction. Molecular predictions indicate that M. xanthus SASPs may have some association with the cell walls of M. xanthus spores, which may signify a different mechanism of UV protection than that seen in Gram-positive spores.  相似文献   

ENMTools: a toolbox for comparative studies of environmental niche models   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We present software that facilitates quantitative comparisons of environmental niche models (ENMs). Our software quantifies similarity of ENMs generated using the program Maxent and uses randomization tests to compare observed similarity to that expected under different null hypotheses. ENMTools is available online free of charge from < http://purl.oclc.org/enmtools >.  相似文献   

CGH-Plotter: MATLAB toolbox for CGH-data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CGH-Plotter is a MATLAB toolbox with a graphical user interface for the analysis of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) microarray data. CGH-Plotter provides a tool for rapid visualization of CGH-data according to the locations of the genes along the genome. In addition, the CGH-Plotter identifies regions of amplifications and deletions, using k-means clustering and dynamic programming. The application offers a convenient way to analyze CGH-data and can also be applied for the analysis of cDNA microarray expression data. CGH-Plotter toolbox is platform independent and requires MATLAB 6.1 or higher to operate.  相似文献   

In this study, we carried out a comparative analysis between two classical methodologies to prospect residue contacts in proteins: the traditional cutoff dependent (CD) approach and cutoff free Delaunay tessellation (DT). In addition, two alternative coarse-grained forms to represent residues were tested: using alpha carbon (CA) and side chain geometric center (GC). A database was built, comprising three top classes: all alpha, all beta, and alpha/beta. We found that the cutoff value at about 7.0 A emerges as an important distance parameter. Up to 7.0 A, CD and DT properties are unified, which implies that at this distance all contacts are complete and legitimate (not occluded). We also have shown that DT has an intrinsic missing edges problem when mapping the first layer of neighbors. In proteins, it may produce systematic errors affecting mainly the contact network in beta chains with CA. The almost-Delaunay (AD) approach has been proposed to solve this DT problem. We found that even AD may not be an advantageous solution. As a consequence, in the strict range up to 7.0 A, the CD approach revealed to be a simpler, more complete, and reliable technique than DT or AD. Finally, we have shown that coarse-grained residue representations may introduce bias in the analysis of neighbors in cutoffs up to 6.8 A, with CA favoring alpha proteins and GC favoring beta proteins. This provides an additional argument pointing to the value of 7.0 A as an important lower bound cutoff to be used in contact analysis of proteins.  相似文献   

The Kinetoplastida are flagellated protozoa evolutionary distant and divergent from yeast and humans. Kinetoplastida include trypanosomatids, and a number of important pathogens. Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. inflict significant morbidity and mortality on humans and livestock as the etiological agents of human African trypanosomiasis, Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis respectively. For all of these organisms, intracellular trafficking is vital for maintenance of the host–pathogen interface, modulation/evasion of host immune system responses and nutrient uptake. Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) are critical components of the intracellular trafficking machinery in eukaryotes, mediating membrane fusion and contributing to organelle specificity. We asked how the SNARE complement evolved across the trypanosomatids. An in silico search of the predicted proteomes of T. b. brucei and T. cruzi was used to identify candidate SNARE sequences. Phylogenetic analysis, including comparisons with yeast and human SNAREs, allowed assignment of trypanosomatid SNAREs to the Q or R subclass, as well as identification of several SNAREs orthologous with those of opisthokonts. Only limited variation in number and identity of SNAREs was found, with Leishmania major having 27 and T. brucei 26, suggesting a stable SNARE complement post-speciation. Expression analysis of T. brucei SNAREs revealed significant differential expression between mammalian and insect infective forms, especially within R and Qb-SNARE subclasses, suggesting possible roles in adaptation to different environments. For trypanosome SNAREs with clear orthologs in opisthokonts, the subcellular localization of TbVAMP7C is endosomal while both TbSyn5 and TbSyn16B are at the Golgi complex, which suggests conservation of localization and possibly also function. Despite highly distinct life styles, the complement of trypanosomatid SNAREs is quite stable between the three pathogenic lineages, suggesting establishment in the last common ancestor of trypanosomes and Leishmania. Developmental changes to SNARE mRNA levels between blood steam and procyclic life stages suggest that trypanosomes modulate SNARE functions via expression. Finally, the locations of some conserved SNAREs have been retained across the eukaryotic lineage.  相似文献   

Ebolavirus is the pathogen for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF). This disease exhibits a high fatality rate and has recently reached a historically epidemic proportion in West Africa. Out of the 5 known Ebolavirus species, only Reston ebolavirus has lost human pathogenicity, while retaining the ability to cause EHF in long-tailed macaque. Significant efforts have been spent to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structures of Ebolavirus proteins, to study their interaction with host proteins, and to identify the functional motifs in these viral proteins. Here, in light of these experimental results, we apply computational analysis to predict the 3D structures and functional sites for Ebolavirus protein domains with unknown structure, including a zinc-finger domain of VP30, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalytic domain and a methyltransferase domain of protein L. In addition, we compare sequences of proteins that interact with Ebolavirus proteins from RESTV-resistant primates with those from RESTV-susceptible monkeys. The host proteins that interact with GP and VP35 show an elevated level of sequence divergence between the RESTV-resistant and RESTV-susceptible species, suggesting that they may be responsible for host specificity. Meanwhile, we detect variable positions in protein sequences that are likely associated with the loss of human pathogenicity in RESTV, map them onto the 3D structures and compare their positions to known functional sites. VP35 and VP30 are significantly enriched in these potential pathogenicity determinants and the clustering of such positions on the surfaces of VP35 and GP suggests possible uncharacterized interaction sites with host proteins that contribute to the virulence of Ebolavirus.  相似文献   

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