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Plant and Soil - There is little information about the role of fungal endophytes on plant performance under oxygen-limited conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Epichloë...  相似文献   

Soil salinization is detrimental to plant growth and yield in agroecosystems worldwide. Epichloë endophytes, a class of clavicipitaceous fungi, enhance the resistance of host plants to saline-alkali stress. This study explored the effects of the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë coenophiala on the root microbial community and growth performance of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growing under different saline-alkali stress conditions. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to analyze the direct and indirect effects (mediated by root microbial community diversity and soil properties) of the endophyte on the growth of tall fescue under saline-alkali stress. The endophyte-infected plants produced higher shoot and root biomass compared to endophyte-free plants under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM). Endophyte infection increased the fungal community diversity and altered its composition in the roots, decreasing the relative abundance of Ascomycota and increasing that of Glomeromycota. Furthermore, endophyte infection decreased the bacterial community diversity and the relative abundance of dominant Proteobacteria. SEM showed that endophyte infection increased the shoot and root biomass under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM) by increasing the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in the roots, and soil total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Therefore, it is important to examine aboveground microbes as factors influencing plant growth in saline-alkali stress by affecting belowground microbes and soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

Recent developments have increased our understanding of the evolution of mutualistic associations between Epichlo? endophytes and their grass hosts. Most of the asexual species appear to be interspecific hybrids. Although endophytes form compatible associations with their natural hosts, transfers to other hosts elicit a range of incompatible reactions. Recently, the genes involved in the synthesis of the secondary metabolites ergot alkaloids and indole-diterpenes, which confer protective benefits on the association, have been cloned.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Host shifts of plant‐feeding insects and parasites promote adaptational changes that may result in the formation of host races, an assumed intermediate stage in sympatric speciation. Here, we report on genetically differentiated and host‐adapted races of the fungal endophyte Epichloë bromicola, which presumably emerged after a shift from the grass Bromus erectus to other Bromus hosts. Fungi of the genus Epichloë (Ascomycota) and related anamorphs of Neotyphodium are widespread endophytes of cool‐season grasses. Sexually reproducing strains sterilize the host by formation of external fruiting structures (stromata), whereas asexual strains are asymptomatic and transmitted via seeds. In E. bromicola, strains infecting B. erectus are sexual, and strains from two woodland species, B. benekenii and B. ramosus, are asexual and seed transmitted. Analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting and of intron sequences of the tub2 and tef1 genes of 26 isolates from the three Bromus hosts collected at natural sites in Switzerland and nearby France demonstrated that isolates are genetically differentiated according to their host, indicating that E. bromicola does not form a single, randomly mating population. Phylogenetic analyses of sequence data did not unambiguously resolve the exact origin of asexual E. bromicola strains, but it is likely they arose from within sexual populations on B. erectus. Incongruence of trees derived from different genes may have resulted from recombination at some time in the recent history of host strains. Reciprocal inoculations of host plant seedlings showed that asexual isolates from B. benekenii and B. ramosus were incapable of infecting B. erectus, whereas the sexual isolates from B. erectus retained the assumed ancestral trait of broad compatibility with Bromus host seedlings. Because all isolates were interfertile in experimental crosses, asexual strains may not be considered independent biological species. We suggest that isolates infecting B. benekenii and B. ramosus represent long‐standing host races or incipient species that emerged after host shifts and that may evolve through host‐mediated reproductive isolation toward independent species.  相似文献   



Systemic Epichloë endophytes are common fungal symbionts of many cool-season grasses. They are known for their capability of increasing host plant tolerance against biotic and abiotic stressors, including grass pathogens. However, results on endophyte-mediated disease resistance have been ambiguous, and the underlying mechanisms of disease resistance remain unknown.  相似文献   

Plants host multiple symbionts that interact with each other affecting plant performance and regulating their establishment. Here, we analyzed how the association with Epichloë endophytes affects belowground colonization by Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the grass Bromus auleticus. Epichloë-symbiotic (E+) and Epichloë-non symbiotic (E−) plants were sampled from a long-term experimental plot and colonization structures were analyzed in the roots. We also examined the influence of Epichloë exudates on the in vitro growth of DSE Microdochium bolleyi isolated from roots. Epichloë symbiosis increased AMF colonization, although differences were not significant. Despite the lack of differences in total DSE colonization, in concordance with in vitro findings, a higher significant abundance of microsclerotia was observed in E+ plants. A negative correlation between total mycorrhizal and DSE was found. Our findings show a more uniform root colonization pattern in E+ plants, suggesting a root symbiosis modulating role.  相似文献   

The ecological effects of novel grass–endophyte associations used in agriculture have not been widely studied. Previous studies of asexual Epichloë-infected Lolium perenne suggest that endophyte concentration is altered in high sugar grasses (HSGs) selectively bred to produce higher concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates relative to conventional cultivars. We investigated whether differences are due to the effects of altered carbohydrates, or genetic background, by growing multiple cultivars in both high-sugar trait expression and non-expression conditions (using light/temperature treatments). Endophyte and alkaloid concentrations were measured in three HSG and three NSG (normal-sugar grass) cultivars infected with Lp19 or AR37 endophyte strains. Low molecular weight (LMW) carbohydrates had a small effect, explaining <6% of the variation in endophyte concentration. Endophyte concentrations were strongly dependent on plant genotype and fungal strain, with the highest concentrations seen in Lp19, suggesting that the interaction is highly dependent on genetic compatibility. Changes in endophyte concentration due to altered environmental variables and genetic compatibility may have consequences for persistence, toxicity, and invasive potential of endophyte-infected plants.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate how Epichloë gansuensis endophyte and soil disturbance affect root-associated fungi (RAF) of Achnatherum inebrians (drunken horse grass, DHG), using Illumina sequencing techniques. The rhizosphere soil of wild endophyte-infected (W-EI) DHG had significantly (P < 0.05) higher available phosphorous and potassium, total organic matter, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen than cultivated soil. In addition, the rhizosphere soil of endophyte-infected DHG had significantly (P < 0.05) lower pH and nitrate nitrogen, and higher available phosphorous, than endophyte-free DHG under cultivated conditions. The sequencing provided a total of 54,413 sequences and these were assigned into 190 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 97% similarity. Ascomycota was the most dominant phylum in roots of three DHG populations. W-EI DHG had significantly (P < 0.05) higher RAF diversity than cultivated endophyte-infected (C-EI) DHG. The presence of endophyte significantly (P < 0.05) decreased RAF diversity under cultivation. The principal component analysis (PCA) and sample similarity analysis results indicated that both endophyte and soil disturbance could bring changes to RAF community composition. The RDA results demonstrated the RAF of W-EI DHG were positively correlated with soil properties, and the RAF of cultivated DHG roots were negatively correlated with soil properties. This study demonstrated that both endophyte and soil disturbance resulted in changes to the RAF communities.  相似文献   

In natural forests, hundreds of fungal species colonize plant roots. The preference or specificity for partners in these symbiotic relationships is a key to understanding how the community structures of root‐associated fungi and their host plants influence each other. In an oak‐dominated forest in Japan, we investigated the root‐associated fungal community based on a pyrosequencing analysis of the roots of 33 plant species. Of the 387 fungal taxa observed, 153 (39.5%) were identified on at least two plant species. Although many mycorrhizal and root‐endophytic fungi are shared between the plant species, the five most common plant species in the community had specificity in their association with fungal taxa. Likewise, fungi displayed remarkable variation in their association specificity for plants even within the same phylogenetic or ecological groups. For example, some fungi in the ectomycorrhizal family Russulaceae were detected almost exclusively on specific oak (Quercus) species, whereas other Russulaceae fungi were found even on “non‐ectomycorrhizal” plants (e.g., Lyonia and Ilex). Putatively endophytic ascomycetes in the orders Helotiales and Chaetothyriales also displayed variation in their association specificity and many of them were shared among plant species as major symbionts. These results suggest that the entire structure of belowground plant–fungal associations is described neither by the random sharing of hosts/symbionts nor by complete compartmentalization by mycorrhizal type. Rather, the colonization of multiple types of mycorrhizal fungi on the same plant species and the prevalence of diverse root‐endophytic fungi may be important features of belowground linkage between plant and fungal communities.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(5-6):462-471
Transformation is an essential tool for modern fungal research and has played a fundamental role in gaining insight into gene function. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated transformation of protoplasts is the most commonly used method for genetic transformation of filamentous fungi. Selectable marker genes, that confer resistance to antibiotics, are generally incorporated with the DNA of interest, allowing transformed cells to grow through the antibiotic overlay. Colonies arising from transformed fungal cells are sub-cultured and further analysed. However, the morphological state of the fungal cells during the transformation procedure has been largely overlooked. We investigated the morphological appearance of transformed fungal cells prior to their emergence through the antibiotic overlay. Hyphae appeared to segment and bulge, reminiscent of arthroconidia, an asexual spore typically produced by segmentation of pre-existing hyphae. Selective expression of eGFP under the control of a spore specific promoter, PcatA, in these cells confirmed their spore-like nature. Reducing the oxygen availability to surface-grown cultures partially recapitulated this morphological form. A GFP fusion to the cell wall integrity MAP kinase MpkA localised to the arthroconidia nuclei suggesting the cell wall integrity signalling pathway modulates cell wall stress responses in arthroconidia. This dramatic morphological change was also observed in transformed Magnaporthe oryzae cells suggesting it may be a more general phenomenon in filamentous fungi. Given the changes in cellular structure and spore-like appearance, these observations may have technical implications for deleting genes involved in these processes in Epichloë festucae and, more broadly, a range of fungal species.  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2020,34(3):115-125
Plants harbor a wide diversity of microorganisms in their tissues. Some of them have a long co-evolutionary history with their hosts, likely playing a pivotal role in regulating the plant interaction with other microbes such as pathogens. Some cool-season grasses are symbiotic with Epichloë fungal endophytes that grow symptomless and systemically in aboveground tissues. Among the many benefits that have been ascribed to endophytes, their role in mediating plant interactions with pathogens has been scarcely developed. Here, we explored the effects of Epichloë fungal endophytes on the interaction of host grasses with fungal pathogens. We made a meta-analysis that covered a total of 18 host grass species, 11 fungal endophyte species, and 22 fungal pathogen species. We observed endophyte-mediated negative effects on pathogens in vitro and in planta. Endophyte negative effects on pathogens were apparent not only in laboratory but also in greenhouse and field experiments. Epichloë fungal endophytes had negative effects on pathogen growth and spores' germination. On living plants, endophytes reduced both severity and incidence of the disease as well as colonization and subsequent infection of seeds. Symbiosis with endophytes showed an inhibitory effect on debilitator and killer pathogens, but not on castrators, and this effect did not differ among biotrophic or necrotrophic lifestyles. We found that this protection can be direct through the production of fungistatic compounds, the competition for a common resource, or the induction of plant defenses, and indirect associated with endophyte-generated changes in the abiotic or the biotic environment. Several mechanisms operate simultaneously and contribute differentially to the reduction of disease within grass populations.  相似文献   

Within-host competition in multiply infected hosts is considered an important component of host-parasite interactions, but experimental studies on the dynamics of multiple infections are still rare. We measured the infection frequencies of four strains of the fungal endophyte Epichloë bromicola on two genotypes of its host plant Bromus erectus after single- and double-strain inoculation. Double-strain inoculations resulted in fewer double, but more single, infections than expected on the basis of infection frequencies in single-strain inoculations. In most cases, only one of the two strains established an infection, and strains differed in their overall competitive ability. This pattern resembles the mutual exclusion scenarios in some theoretical models of parasite evolution. In addition, competitive ability varied with host genotype, which may represent a mechanism for the coexistence of strains in a population. Hence, considering the genetic variation in both host and parasite may be important for a better understanding of within-host dynamics and their role in epidemiology or (co)evolution.  相似文献   

We tested whether the host species identity in grass-Epichloë symbioses affected soil chemical and microbial properties. We grew endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E−) Lolium perenne, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Achnatherum inebrians for 18 months in field plots. In E+ soil of all three grasses, available phosphorus was lower whereas total soil nitrogen was higher. Endophyte effects on soil pH, microbial biomass nitrogen, total carbon and organic carbon as well as bacteria and fungi abundance were host species dependent. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria abundance was higher in E+ soils for all species. Bacterial community composition of E+ and E− soils were different only for Lolium perenne with soil pH being the key factor. Fungal community composition of E+ and E− soils was not different for the three grasses. This study confirmed that the effects of foliar Epichloë infection on belowground properties depended on host species identity.  相似文献   

Potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is still one of the main factors limiting potato production. Epichloë spp. can provide host plants with various resistances, which makes them show great potential in the biological control of diseases. In this study, we explored the potential biological activity of crude extracts of 20 strains of Epichloë bromicola to control P. infestans. The crude extracts of strains 1 and 8 showed significant antifungal activity with an inhibition rate of 88 % and 81 %, respectively, and showed different effects on the mycelium morphology of P. infestans observed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, the two crude extracts demonstrated an interesting therapeutic and protective effect on potato late blight, and none of the extracts had an adverse effect against zebrafish embryos. A total of 13 metabolites were isolated from the crude extract of strain 8, and these tested compounds showed a weak antifungal effect and the inhibition rate was less than 80 %. These findings suggested that strains 1 and 8 have potential for biocontrol of late potato blight.  相似文献   

We constructed and characterized a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for Epichlo? festucae, a genetically tractable fungal plant mutualist. The 6144 clone library with an average insert size of 87kb represents at least 18-fold coverage of the 29 Mb genome. We used the library to assemble a 110kb contig spanning the putative ornithine decarboxylase (odc) ortholog and subsequently expanded it to 228kb with a single walking step in each direction. Furthermore, we evaluated conservation of microsynteny between E. festucae and some model filamentous fungi by comparing sequence available from a 43kb region at the end of one BAC to publicly available fungal genome sequences. Orthologs to the 13 contiguous open reading frames (ORFs) identified in E. festucae are syntenic in Neurospora crassa and Magnaporthe grisea occurring in small sets of two, three or four colinear ORFs. This library is a valuable resource for research into traits important for the development and maintenance of a plant-fungus mutualistic symbiosis.  相似文献   

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