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A locally isolated strain, Bacillus subtilis NM-39, was selected as an active mannan-utilizing bacterium based on high saccharifying activities on coconut residue and locust bean gum galactomannan. The optimal pH and temperature ranges for activity of the crude enzyme were 5.0 to 6.0 and 50 to 60°C, respectively. The organism gave maximum mannanase activity when grown in liquid mineral salts medium containing 1% (w/v) each of coconut residue and soybean flour, as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively, at pH 7.0 and in aerobic growth for 28 h at 37°C. High saccharifying activity on coconut mannan was also observed.The authors are with the Industrial Technology Development Institute, Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines. M. Arai and T. Kawaguchi are also currently with the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka 593, Japan; T. Yoshida is also with the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.  相似文献   

A hydrocarbon degrading and biosurfactant producing, strain DHT2, was isolated from oil-contaminated soil. The organism grew and produced biosurfactant when cultured in variety of substrates at salinities up to 6 g l−1 and temperatures up to 45°C. It was capable of utilizing crude oil, fuels, alkanes and PAHs as carbon source across the wide range of temperature (30–45°C) and salinity (0–6%). Over the range evaluated, the salinity and temperature did not influence the degradation of hydrocarbon and biosurfactant productions. Isolate DHT2 was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa by analysis of 16S rRNA sequences (100% homology) and biochemical analysis. PCR and DNA hybridization studies revealed that enzymes involved in PAH metabolism were related to the naphthalene dioxygenase pathway. Observation of both tensio-active and emulsifying activities indicated that biosurfactants were produced by DHT2 during growth on both, water miscible and immiscible substrates, including PAH. The biosurfactants lowered the surface tension of medium from 54.9 to 30.2 dN/cm and formed a stable emulsion. The biosurfactant produced by the organism emulsified a range of hydrocarbons with hexadecane as best substrate and toluene was the poorest. These findings further indicate that the isolate could be useful for bioremediation and bio-refining application in petroleum industry.  相似文献   

A thermotolerant bacterium, identified as Bacillus licheniformis, completely utilized 0.1% (w/v) NH4NO3 at 30 and 50°C under aerobic condition. The addition of 0.5 mM Fe2+ to the NH4NO3 medium markedly promoted the utilization of NH4+ and NO3. At 50°C, of total nitrogen originally provided, 24% was taken up into the cells and 20% remained in the culture supernatant. Residual nitrogen (56%) was probably removed into the atmosphere. The cell extracts contained enzymes involved in denitrification. GC-MS demonstrated that NH4 15NO3 had been converted to 15N2O. These results indicate that the strain has denitrification ability under aerobic condition.  相似文献   

【目的】从原油污染的土壤中分离出产表面活性剂的枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)SX-20,并对其产物进行提取及结构分析。【方法】采用氯化十六烷基吡啶和溴百里酚蓝混合溶液(cetylpyridinium chloride-bromothymol blue,CPC-BTB)显色反应结合血琼脂平板简单高效的筛选得到产脂肽的枯草芽孢杆菌。通过酸沉淀、甲醇萃取和旋转蒸发提取发酵所产生的粗产物,该产物对痤疮丙酸杆菌(Propionibacterium acnes)具有良好的抑制作用。运用傅里叶红光变换光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)、氨基酸分析和液相质谱联用(liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,LC-MS)对粗产物的成分进行分析。【结果】筛选所得的菌株所产物质是含C15脂肪酸链和7个氨基酸形成的环状的脂肽表面活性剂。【结论】本研究为筛选脂肽类生物表面活性剂提供了一定的理论基础和技术路线,有利于后续获得高产的低成本的生物表面活性剂。  相似文献   

Thermotolerant acetic acid bacteria (AAB), Acetobacter tropicalis SKU1100, can grow above 40 °C. To investigate the basis of its thermotolerance, we compared the genome of A. tropicalis SKU1100 with that of mesophilic AAB strain Acetobacter pasteurianus IFO3283-01. The comparative genomic study showed that amino acid substitutions from large to small residue and Lys to Arg occur in many orthologous genes. Furthermore, comparative modeling study was carried out with the orthologous proteins between SKU1100 and IFO3283-01 strains, indicating that the number of Arg-based salt bridges increased in protein models. Since it has been reported that Arg-based salt bridges are important factor for thermo-stability of protein structure, our results strongly suggest that the increased number of Arg-based salt bridges may contributes to the thermotolerance of A. tropicalis SKU1100 (the thermo-stability of proteins in A. tropicalis SKU1100).  相似文献   

A newly isolated halotolerant Bacillus sp. VITP4 was investigated for the production of extracellular protease. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified it as Bacillus aquimaris. Enzyme secretion corresponded with growth (Gt, 38 min) in the basal Zobell medium, reaching a maximum during stationary phase (630 U/ml, 48 h). Protease production was investigated in different salt concentrations (0–4 M). While growth was optimum in the basal medium, higher levels of protease activity were observed in 0.5 M salt medium (728 U/ml, 48 h) and 1 M salt medium (796 U/ml, 78 h) with 21% and 32% increase in production, respectively. Salt concentrations above 2.5 M did not support bacterial growth. The optimum pH and temperature for production were pH 7.5 and 37 °C, respectively. A combination of peptone and yeast extract yielded optimum protease secretion. Inorganic nitrogen sources proved to be less favourable. Production was reduced in the presence of readily available carbon sources owing to catabolic repression. Effect of various salts (1–6%) indicated favourable bacterial growth in these conditions for producing proteolytic molecules with increased activity. The study assumes significance in the ability of the halotolerant bacterium to survive in a wide range of salinity and yield optimum levels of extracellular protease.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the molecular basis of the stability of enzymes from extremophilic organisms is of fundamental importance for various industrial applications. Due to the wealth of structural data from various species, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR, EC provides an excellent model for systematic investigations. In this report, DHFR from alkaliphilic Bacillus halodurans C-125 was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Functional analyses revealed that BhDHFR exhibits the most alkali-stable phenotype of DHFRs characterized so far. Optimal enzyme activity was observed in a slightly basic pH region ranging from 7.25 to 8.75. Alkali-stability is associated with a remarkable resistance to elevated temperatures (half-life of 60 min at 52.5°C) and to high concentrations of urea (up to 3 M). Although the secondary structure shows distinct similarities to those of mesophilic DHFR molecules, BhDHFR exhibits molecular features contributing to its alkaliphilic properties. Interestingly, the unique phenotype is diminished by C-terminal addition of a His-tag sequence. Therefore, His-tag-derivatized BhDHFR offers the opportunity to obtain deeper insights into the specific mechanisms of alkaliphilic adaption by comparison of the three dimensional structure of both BhDHFR molecules.  相似文献   

A Bacillus sp. strain DHT, isolated from oil-contaminated soil, grew and produced biosurfactant when cultured in variety of substrate at salinities of up to 100 g l−1 and temperatures up to 45°C. It was capable of utilizing crude oil, fuels, various pure alkanes and PAHs as a sole carbon and energy source across a wide range of temperature and salinity. Over the range evaluated, the degradation of hydrocarbon and biosurfactant production was not influenced by salinity (0–10% wv−1) and temperature (30–45°C). The biosurfactant produced by the organism emulsified a range of hydrocarbons with hexadecane as the best substrate and toluene as the poorest. From 16S rDNA analysis, strain DHT was related to Bacillus licheniformis.  相似文献   

Summary After several improvements in the electronmicroscopical procedure a satisfactory resolution was obtained of the ultrastructural features of the halotolerant yeastDebaryomyces hansenii. An elaborate system of compartmentation structure was revealed. By analysis of serial sections its origin in plasma membrane and extension into the vacuole could be followed.  相似文献   

The main characteristic of biosurfactants is their property of reducing the superficial and interfacial tension between two immiscible liquids of different polarities. The main obstacle to the application of biosurfactants is the high production costs, the use of alternative substrates being indicated to solve this problem. This work report the production of biosurfactant by Bacillus subtilis LB5a on a pilot scale using cassava wastewater as the substrate, and the study of the parameters related to its production. The cassava wastewater was heated, centrifuged and poured into a 40-liter batch pilot bioreactor adapted for simultaneous foam collection during the fermentative process. The temperature was maintained at 35 degrees C, agitation at 150 rpm and aeration 0.38 vvm during the first 12 h, and 0.63 vvm for the rest of the process. Samples of liquid fermentate were collected at regular intervals for the analysis of total carbohydrates, reducing sugars, pH, CFU/mL count and superficial tension. The foam was centrifuged and the biosurfactant purified. The kinetic data of the process showed that both the microbial population, which reached a maximum after about 24 h, and the foam production of 10.6 L, peaked between 24 and 36 h, coinciding with the greatest production of biosurfactant. The yield of semi-purified surfactant in the foam was 2.4 g/L. The superficial tension of the medium was reduced from 51 to 27 mN/m and the critical micellar concentration was 11 mg/L, which, in principle, characterizes it as a good tensoactive agent. As a function of its composition and productivity, cassava wastewater was identified as a good substrate for the production of the biosurfactant.  相似文献   

The colonizing behaviour and the pellicle formation of Bacillus subtilis strains producing different families of lipopeptides were evaluated under several cultural conditions. The pattern of lipopeptides produced determined the architecture of the colony on a swarming medium as well as the flotation and the thickness of the pellicle formed at the air/liquid interface. The overproduction of mycosubtilin, a lipopeptide of the iturin family, led to increased spreading but had no effect on pellicle formation. A physico-chemical approach was developed to gain an insight into the mode of action of the biosurfactants facilitating the colonization. A relationship between surface tension of the culture medium and spreading of a lipopeptide non-producing strain, B. subtilis 168, was established. Goniometry was used to highlight the modification of the in situ wettability in the area where spreading was enhanced. On a solid medium, co-cultures of a surfactin producing with other strains showed a diffusion ring of the surfactin around the colony. This ring characterized by a higher wettability favoured the propagation of other colonies.  相似文献   

A search for new members of the TnrA and GlnR regulons, responsible for assimilation of nitrogen in Gram-positive bacteria, was performed. Common regulatory signals with consensus sequences ATGTNAWWWWWWWTNACAT and TGTNAWWWWWWWTNACA were identified for GlnR and TnrA, respectively. The structure was described and new potential members were found in Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, Geobacillus kaustophilus, and Oceanobacillus iheyensis for the TnrA/GlnR regulons; in B. halodurans for the TnrA regulon; and in Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus pyogenes, S. pneumoniae, S. mutans, S. agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and St. epidermidis for the GlnR regulon.  相似文献   

针对秸秆处理不当影响全世界环境污染的问题,筛选多功能秸秆降解菌,旨在得到高效降解秸秆且具有促生作用的微生物菌种。结合纤维素钠-刚果红(CMC-Na)平板筛选,通过16S rRNA基因分析,进行菌株鉴定,得到一株具有纤维素降解效果的菌株XJ-132,经16S rRNA基因鉴定为枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。与单独施用秸秆处理相比,加入菌株XJ-132 60 d后,秸秆降解率提高21.0%,且对水稻生长促进作用显著,地上、下部鲜重分别增加17.8%和9.6%。水稻种子喷施菌株XJ-132发酵液,低浓度发酵液对种子萌发具有一定促进作用。结果表明,菌株XJ-132可能通过产吲哚乙酸(IAA)、产铁载体、产氨等多种有益物质,降解秸秆的同时促进水稻生长。筛选具有促生作用的秸秆降解菌能够更好地加速秸秆降解,具有广泛的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain LP03 isolated from soil, produced an antagonistic compound that strongly inhibited the growth of plant-pathogenic fungi and a lipopeptide biosurfactant. Also, isolated strain LP03 had a marked crude oil-emulsifying activity as it developed a clear zone around the colony after incubation for 24 h at 37°C. LP03 was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens by analysis of partial 16 S rRNA gene and partial gyrA gene sequence. The lipopeptide was purified by acid precipitation of cell-free culture broth, extraction of the precipitates with methanol, silica gel column chromatography, and reverse-phase, high-pressure liquid chromatography. The purified biosurfactant was analyzed biochemical structure by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). The masses of the two peaks were observed by HPLC chromatography. Their masses were determined to be 1,044 and 1,058 m/z with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. As constituents of the peptide and lipophilic part of the m/z 1,022.6, seven amino acids (Glu-Leu-Met-Leu-Pro-Leu-Leu) and β-hydroxy-C13 fatty acid were determined by ESI-MS/MS. The lipopeptide of 1,022.6 Da differed from surfactins in the substitution of leucine, valine and aspartic acid in positions 3, 4, and 5 by methionine, leucine, and proline, respectively. Novel lipopeptide was designated as bamylocin A.  相似文献   

Several halotolerant bacteria were isolated from dust allowed to settle passively on saline medium in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan during Asia dust events in 2005–2006. The primary identification, based on the sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene, revealed that these isolates were strains of Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Gracillibacillus sp., and Halomonas venusta. A parallel investigation carried out on desert sand collected directly from sand dunes in Dunhuang, Gobi Desert, China resulted in the revivification of seven bacterial strains that were highly identical to the B. subtilis and B. licheniformis strains obtained in Higashi-Hiroshima (99.7 and 100% of 16S rDNA sequence similarity, respectively). A subsequent genetic analysis on the group of B. licheniformis isolates based on the universally house-keeping genes, gyrB and parE, revealed high sequence similarities in both genes among the strains of both locations (99.0–99.4%), which clustered them in a monophyletic line. Phenotype characterized by numerical taxonomy for 150 physiological tests confirmed the close relatedness between strains (similarity coefficient S SM = 96.0%). The remarkable agreement between phenotype and genotype of the bacterial isolates allows us to conclude that there may have been an aerosolized dispersion of a Gobi Desert B. licheniformis by dust storms to Japan. This study provides evidence of microbial transport by yellow dust events in North-East Asia.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis is a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive non-pathogenic bacterium that includes members displaying hemolytic activity. To identify the genes responsible for hemolysis, a random mariner-based transposon insertion mutant library of B. subtilis 168 was constructed. More than 20,000 colonies were screened for the hypohemolytic phenotype on blood agar plates. One mutant showed significantly less pronounced hemolytic phenotype than the wild type. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analysis showed this mutant has a single transposable element inserted into the open reading frame (ORF) of the spoVG gene; complementation of the spoVG-disrupted mutant with a wild-type copy restored its hemolytic phenotype. It was therefore concluded that the spoVG gene, which plays a role in regulating asymmetric septation during sporulation in B. subtilis, is involved in hemolysis by B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to isolate local bacterial strains capable of removing sulphur from oil fractions without degrading the hydrocarbon. Oil biodesulphurization is an important step in combating pollution problems emanating from burning fossil fuels. Organisms which survive on oil are plentiful in local Kuwaiti soils; however, those that selectively only attack the carbon–sulphur bond are more difficult to find. Three strains were isolated based on their ability to use dibenzothiophene (DBT) as a sole source of sulphur for growth at 30 °C. Similar to other biodesulphurization organisms, the strains convert DBT to [2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP) as detected by gas chromatography (GC). The specific desulphurization activity was in the range 5–13 mol 2-HBP/g-cell × h. Identification of the strains, based on 16 rRNA gene sequence similarity, showed the strains to be Rhodococcus erythropolis and Rhodococcus globerulus. The biodesulphurization activity was enhanced by promoting oxidore-ductase enzyme co-expression through the addition of a carbon source. The desulphurization was limited by the availability of DBT to the organism. Interfacial mass transfer through the aqueous-organic layer was confirmed to be a limiting factor.  相似文献   

A Surface Response Model was used to study the effect of pH, temperature and agitation on growth, sporulation and production of antifungal metabolites by Bacillus subtilis CCMI 355.Strong agitation, temperature between 27 and 34 °C and pH 6 favoured cell growth. Alkaline pH, strong agitation and temperature between 28 and 34 °C favoured spore formation. No relationship was found between sporulation and the production of antifungal metabolites. According to the model, pH 8, 37 °C and the absence of agitation were the optimal conditions for the production of broad-spectrum antifungal metabolites against Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum, Trichoderma sp, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma koningii and Trichoderma virgatum.In situ assays using green wood impregnated with Bacillus subtilis CCMI 355 inoculated in Yeast Extract Glucose Broth medium in the conditions above, displayed an efficient protection against wood surface contaminant fungi.  相似文献   

The properties of the ATPase in the facultative thermophile, Bacillus coagulans, grown at thermophilic or mesophilic temperatures were similar. Arrhenius plots did not show discontinuities indicative of thermoadaptation. Magnesium stimulation of the enzyme was dependant on the assay temperature but independant of the growth temperature. The ATPase in cells grown at 35°C or 55°C was equally thermostable at 65°C. In contrast, the ATPase from the mesophile, Bacillus megaterium (T max=42°C) was completely inactivated at 55°C in 5 min.  相似文献   

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