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长期施用稀土对小麦植株中稀土元素含量及分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在我国施用稀土时间最长的黑龙江花园农场,研究了连续12a叶面喷施稀土对小麦植株及土壤中稀土元素总含量和分布模式的影响。结果表明:连续12a叶施稀土没有造成土壤中元素含量及分布模式的变化;对小麦拔节始期(喷施稀土7d)后叶部的影响较大,La,Ce最明显增高,叶部稀土元素分布模式与“常乐”稀土中的相一致,与土壤中稀土元素分布模式不同,而在小麦拔节始期的根部、小麦成熟期的根、茎、叶、壳等部位稀土元素分布  相似文献   

根据黑土长期肥料试验1985-1995年期间的作物分析资料,研究了施肥和作物生长状况对大豆、玉米、小麦3种作物体内养分浓度、养分在籽实和秸秆中分配比以及形成1000kg籽实产量的收获养分量等参数的影响,结果表明,在本试验的正常施肥条件下,上述参数十分稳定,受施肥和作物生长状况的影响不大,可直接用于这一地区养分收支的估算。  相似文献   

有机配体对稀土元素在小麦体内积累和分异的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁士明  梁涛  闫军才  张自立  孙琴 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2888-2894
采用营养液培养和添加外源混合稀土等方法,研究了有机配体柠檬酸、EDTA和DTPA对稀土元素在小麦的根和叶中积累与分异的影响。结果表明,低浓度有机配体对小麦根和叶中的稀土元素,尤其是轻稀土元素的积累有轻微的促进作用,随浓度的升高则表现出显著的降低作用。有机配体对重稀土的作用比轻稀土强,使根和叶中稀土元素的分布曲线向重稀土相对亏缺的方向发展。3种配体对轻、重稀土分异的作用强度为:EDTA>DTPA>柠檬酸。通过VM INTEQ计算表明,在EDTA和DTPA作用下小麦叶中稀土元素的积累与轻、重稀土的分异主要由溶液中呈自由离子态稀土元素的含量和组成控制;柠檬酸作用下小麦叶中稀土元素的变化与自由离子态稀土的含量和组成关系较弱,推测REE-柠檬酸络合物可被小麦直接吸收并运转到小麦的叶中。  相似文献   

普氏原羚昼夜行为时间分配的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈立伟  蔡平 《兽类学报》1997,17(3):172-183
在春(3-4月0、夏(6-7月0、秋(9-10月)3个季节内对385只次个体进行了231092s(64.19h)目标观察,对普氏原羚季节间的行为差异做了比较和方差分析;春、夏及春、秋两季间的采食时间比例差异显著(分别为D=0.1967〉D0.05及D=0.2556〉D0.05);移动时间夏季与秋季间的差异极显著(D=0.05686〉D0.01);在春秋、夏秋间的站立凝视时间比例的差异极显著(分别为  相似文献   

土壤P供应状况及作物生长好坏可明显影响高粱、玉米、大豆籽实及秸秆中的P浓度、P在籽实及秸秆中的分配比和形成单位籽实产量的P收获量。P供应充分,作物生长良好(产量高),籽实中的P浓度高,籽实P/秸秆P的分配比大,每形成单位籽实消费的P量高。  相似文献   

林麝哺乳期的时间分配和行为研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
本文对饲养条件下林麝哺乳期的时间分配和行为进行了研究。为满足哺乳期能量需要, 母麝有以下行为适应: 增加摄食时间; 提高摄食效率; 减少运动以降低能耗。随幼麝周龄增长, 哺乳时间(Y = 18.757- 1.872X , R = 0.827, P < 0.01)、警戒时间(Y = 46.399- 3.427X , R =0.947, P < 0.001)、舔肛时间(Y = 12.013- 1.925X , R = 0.920, P < 0.01) 等母性投资均逐渐降低。  相似文献   

散放条件下春季梅花鹿行为时间分配的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
梅花鹿 (Cervusnippon)是我国珍贵的经济动物 ,梅花鹿野生种群数量极少 ,主要分布在吉林东部、四川诺尔盖、江西彭泽、安徽南部以及浙江西部[14 ] ,是国家 1级保护动物。国内对梅花鹿行为学研究仅对活动节律[2 ] 、性行为[7] 、社群行为[12 ] 有一些零星报道[8,11,13,14 ] ,尚未见有关行为时间分配及其与性别和天气之间关系的报道。我们于 1998年4~ 5月对散放条件下东北梅花鹿 (C .nipponhor tulorum)的行为时间分配进行了研究 ,为保护梅花鹿这一濒危物种研究提供基础资料。1 研究地区与方法1 1 自然概况黑…  相似文献   

普氏原羚昼间行为时间分配的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
在春(3~4月)、夏(6~7月)、秋(9~10月)3个季节内对385只次个体进行了231092s(64.19h)目标观察。对普氏原羚季节间的行为差异做了比较和方差分析:春、夏及春、秋两季间的采食时间比例差异显著(分别为D=0.1967>D0.05及D=0.2556>D0.05);移动时间比例在夏季与秋季间的差异极显著(D=0.05686>D0.01);在春秋、夏秋间的站立凝视时间比例的差异极显著(分别为D=0.10784>D0.01及D=0.07882>D0.01);卧息时间比例在3个季节间的差异不显著  相似文献   

笼养东方白鹳春季行为和时间分配的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
笼养东方白鹳春季日节律行为和时间分配的研究结果表明 :其各种行为的时间分配不同 ,并出现较明显的日节律。节律变化与饲养方式和笼舍环境等因素有关 ,性别、年龄、繁殖与否等影响其时间分配。  相似文献   

施肥对潮棕壤钾收支及钾在作物体内分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜子绍  宇万太  张璐 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2337-2340
通过15年的定位试验,研究了不同施肥制度下土壤K的收支及K在作物体内的分配.结果表明,施K肥处理的大豆籽实和秸秆中K浓度高于不施K肥处理;而施K肥处理的玉米籽实K浓度在各个处理间几乎没有变化.在不施K肥条件下,单一施用N肥或NP配施均可造成K的严重亏缺.保持农业系统养分循环再利用可以缓解K收支赤字,而配合适量K肥的施用可以实现作物高产,平衡土壤中K收支.  相似文献   

Contents of fifteen rare earth elements (REEs) in the seeds ofsixty breeds of wheat collected from seed bank were measured byinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The distributionpatterns of contents of REEs in wheat seeds (n = 58) wereobserved and compared with their average level in soils (n =364). Differences among regions and between spring and winter wheat weretested. Comparison with literature data was also made. The results showthat the content of REEs in wheat seed ranges between10–11 g · g–1 and10–8 g · g–1, 3–4 orderof magnitudes lower than that in soils. The distribution patterns arethat light REEs enriched and the Eu-anomaly is weak, similar to the soilcase. No obvious differences were found among different regions andbreeds. The data obtained in this study represent the contents of thefifteen REEs in wheat seeds.  相似文献   

通过对红霉素发酵培养基中添加稀土元素的研究,确定了几种能对发酵效价有提高作用的稀土元素及其浓度,当其中镧La^3+、钕Nd^3+和铈Ce^4+离子浓度分别为50mg/L、50mg/L和100mg/L时对提高红霉素效价水平最显著,提高了32%、25%和25%,并且对改善红霉素组分也有明显作用,红霉素A组分相对百分含量分别提高18.9%、32.7%和34.4%,红霉素B组分分别减少24.1%、58.6%和62.1%。  相似文献   

稀土元素对农田生态系统的影响研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金姝兰  黄益宗 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4836-4845
稀土矿的开采和冶炼、稀土农用等导致农田土壤稀土元素含量不断积累,对农田生态系统结构和功能稳定产生严重的影响。综述了近20年来国内外农田生态系统稀土元素的主要来源、分配和输出,土壤和植物中稀土元素的测定方法,稀土元素对农田生态系统中植物、微生物、动物以及人类健康影响的研究进展。探讨了农田生态系统稀土元素的毒性评价和稀土污染土壤的修复措施。最后提出开展稀土元素对农田生态系统影响研究还需要加强的一些问题。  相似文献   

南方稀土采矿恢复地土壤稀土元素含量及植物吸收特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外取样调查和室内ICP-MS测定,研究了福建省长汀县稀土矿治理地土壤和主要植物中稀土元素的含量、分布以及转移特征.结果表明:稀土矿治理地的土壤养分含量较低;土壤中稀土元素的含量为507.40~841.37 mg· kg-1,高于对照地土壤的含量.稀土矿治理地土壤中稀土元素主要为交换态,其含量占总量的61%~98%.稀土矿治理地土壤中稀土元素从原来偏单一的交换态转变为多种形态共存,其中有机态含量显著升高.植物根、茎、叶中稀土元素含量分别为40.27~986.01、5.14 ~ 206.58、6.81 ~ 2364.51mg·kg-1.稀土元素在植物各器官中含量水平除芒萁为叶>根>茎,其他植物均表现为根>叶>茎.根据不同植物吸收和积累稀土元素的差异,可将矿区治理地植物分为富集型和根部囤积型植物.芒萁属于富集型植物,桉树、高羊茅、宽叶雀稗、木荷和油茶属于根部囤积型植物.  相似文献   

Distribution pattern of rare earth elements in fern   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All the lanthanide elements (REE) in fern (Matteuccia) and in soil were determined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to discuss REE behavior in fern. The fern sample was divided into three parts: root, stem, and leaf; the soil of the same site was also sampled and the soil sample was divided into two parts: HCl and HNO3 soluble part (soil[HCl]) and HF soluble part (soil[HF]). REE in each part was determined by ICP-MS after solvent extraction separation. The overall variation of the REE pattern of the root does not resemble that of the whole soil, but that of the HF soluble part. A tetrad effect variation (W-type) was found in the REE patterns of root, stem and leaf; more conspicuous tetrad effect variation was observed in HREE region than in LREE region, and was so in stem and leaf than in root. Negative anomalies of Ce were observed in the REE patterns of root, stem and leaf, with bigger anomalies in stem and leaf than in root. The results of this study suggest that REE in fern has come from silicates of soil and has once been in dissolved state.  相似文献   

Fu  FengFu  Akagi  Tasuku  Yabuki  Sadayo  Iwaki  Masaya 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(1):53-64
Rare earth elements (REEs) in five species of soil-grown plants (Taxodium japonicum, Populus sieboldii, Sasa nipponica, Thea sinensis and Vicia villosa) and in the soil on which each plant grew were determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to observe the variation in the distribution of REEs and to elucidate their source in soil-grown plants. The plant samples were divided into root (secondary root and main root), trunk (stem) and leaf; the soils into water soluble (soilsoluble fraction), HCl and HNO3 soluble (soilnon-silicate fraction) and HF soluble (soilsilicate fraction). The REE abundances of samples were compared using REE patterns where the abundances were normalized to those of a chondrite and plotted on a logarithmic scale against the atomic number. All the plants showed similar REE patterns independent of species and location, and a W-shape variation (W-type tetrad effect) and abundance depletion of cerium (negative Ce anomaly) were found in each REE patterns of plants, more conspicuous tetrad effect being observed in HREE (heavier rare earth elements) region than in LREE (lighter rare earth elements) region. The overall variation of REE patterns of each secondary root was not similar to that of soilsoluble fraction, but similar to that of soilsilicate fraction except for the tetrad effect and Ce anomaly. The REE patterns can be interpreted by the idea that plants of different species take in REEs and Si from different parts in the soil. The results of this study seem to imply that Sasa nipponica and Vicia villosa take in free REEs and Si rather directly from silicate in the soil, and that a majority of REEs and Si in Taxodium japonicum and Thea sinensis are originated from the soluble fraction in the soil.  相似文献   

Fractionations of rare earth elements (REEs) and their mechanisms in soybean were studied through application of exogenous mixed REEs under hydroponic conditions. Significant enrichment of middle REEs (MREEs) and heavy REEs (HREEs) was observed in plant roots and leaves respectively, with slight fractionation between light REEs (LREEs) and HREEs in stems. Moreover, the tetrad effect was observed in these organs. Investigations into REE speciation in roots and in the xylem sap using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and nanometer-sized TiO2 adsorption techniques, associated with other controlled experiments, demonstrated that REE fractionations should be dominated by fixation mechanism in roots caused by cell wall absorption and phosphate precipitation, and by the combined effects of fixation mechanism and transport mechanism in aboveground parts caused by solution complexation by intrinsic organic ligands. A conceptive model was established for REE fractionations in plants based on the above studies.  相似文献   

Fractionations of rare earth elements (REEs) and their mechanisms in soybean were studied through application of exogenous mixed REEs under hydroponic conditions. Significant enrichment of middle REEs (MREEs) and heavy REEs (HREEs) was observed in plant roots and leaves respectively, with slight fractionation between light REEs (LREEs) and HREEs in stems. Moreover, the tetrad effect was observed in these organs. Investigations into REE speciation in roots and in the xylem sap using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and nanometer-sized TiO2 adsorption techniques, associated with other controlled experiments, demonstrated that REE fractionations should be dominated by fixation mechanism in roots caused by cell wall absorption and phosphate precipitation, and by the combined effects of fixation mechanism and transport mechanism in aboveground parts caused by solution complexation by intrinsic organic ligands. A conceptive model was established for REE fractionations in plants based on the above studies.  相似文献   

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