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Scrub mangrove wetlands colonize the intertidal zone of fossil lagoons located in carbonate continental margins along the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. These unique ecological types were investigated in October, 1994, by locating transects in several mangrove forests along the Caribbean coast of the peninsula. Four species of mangrove occurred at these sites including Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erecta. This is one of the first examples of a species rich scrub forest. The mangroves fell into three height categories: short scrub less than 1.5 m, tall scrub to 3.0 m, and basin forests between 4.5 and 6 m. Average height, diameter (dbh), basal area, and complexity index generally increased from short scrub to basin forests. Basal area, ranged from 0.16 m2 ha–1 in a short scrub forest intermixed with Cladium jamaicense to 12.9 m2 ha–1 in a basin forest. Density ranged from 1520 trees ha–1 to over 25,000 trees ha–1 in a short scrub forest dominated by R. mangle. The complexity index ranged from 0.01 to 8.3. Height, dbh, basal area, and complexity index were positively related. A number of trees were growing as sprouts from larger downed trunks, suggesting that hurricanes, such as Gilbert that occurred in 1988, are important in controlling the structure of these forests. These forests appear isolated from the sea, but are influenced by groundwater exchange occurring at the land-margin zone.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine effects of nutrient enrichment on plant growth, nutrient dynamics, and photosynthesis in a disturbed mangrove forest in an abandoned mosquito impoundment in Florida. Impounding altered the hydrology and soil chemistry of the site. In 1997, we established a factorial experiment along a tree-height gradient with three zones, i.e., fringe, transition, dwarf, and three fertilizer treatment levels, i.e., nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), control, in Mosquito Impoundment 23 on the eastern side of Indian River. Transects traversed the forest perpendicular to the shoreline, from a Rhizophora mangle-dominated fringe through an Avicennia germinans stand of intermediate height, and into a scrub or dwarf stand of A. germinans in the hinterland. Growth rates increased significantly in response to N fertilization. Our growth data indicated that this site is N-limited along the tree-height gradient. After 2 years of N addition, dwarf trees resembled vigorously growing saplings. Addition of N also affected internal dynamics of N and P and caused increases in rates of photosynthesis. These findings contrast with results for a R. mangle-dominated forest in Belize where the fringe is N-limited, but the dwarf zone is P-limited and the transition zone is co-limited by N and P. This study demonstrated that patterns of nutrient limitation in mangrove ecosystems are complex, that not all processes respond similarly to the same nutrient, and that similar habitats are not limited by the same nutrient when different mangrove forests are compared.  相似文献   

We examined soil porewater concentrations of sulfate, alkalinity, phosphorus, nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon and solid phase concentrations of pyrite in relation to mangrove species distributions along a 3.1-km-long transect that traversed a 47.1-km2 mangrove forest in the Dominican Republic. Iron, phosphorus, and sulfur dynamics are closely coupled to the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the primary decomposers in anoxic soils of mangrove ecosystems. Patterns in the chemistry data suggested that sulfate reduction rates and storage of reduced sulfur were greater in the inland basin forest dominated by Laguncularia racemosa than the Rhizophora mangle dominated forest of the lower tidal region. The distribution of Laguncularia was significantly correlated with concentrations of total phosphorus (r= 0.99) and dissolved organic carbon (r= 0.86), alkalinity (r= 0.60), and the extent of sulfate depletion (r= 0.77) in the soil porewater and soil pyrite concentrations (r= 0.72) across the tidal gradient. Leaf tissue chemistry of Laguncularia was characterized by lower C:N and C:P ratios that could fuel the higher rates of decomposition in the Laguncularia-dominated forest. We suggest that a plant-soil-microbial feedback contributes to the spatial patterning of vegetation and soil variables across the intertidal zone of many mangrove forest communities. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

The lagoon complex of Cispatá (old Sinú river delta) located at the Northwestern coast of the Colombian Caribbean, encloses one of the biggest mangrove areas in this region. This area has changed during the last 330 years because of several environmental and climatic causes, mainly changes in the position of the delta (Sinú River), which is the main freshwater source in this area, and sea level rise. We hypothesized that the climatic and geomorphologic dynamics has caused changes in the extension and composition of mangrove vegetation, especially during last 150 years. The dynamics of mangroves during the last 900 years was reconstructed based on the changes in the stratigraphy, pollen record, calcite concentrations (CaCO3) and C/N ratio, along two sediment cores from La Flotante and Navio lagoons, located in Cispatá complex. The age model was built based on lineal interpolation of 210Pb ages and changes in granulometry. Establishment and expansion of mangrove forests during the last 900 years were related to fluviomarine dynamics in the area and the lagoon formation. During the period encompassed between 1064 and 1762 A.D., the Mestizos spit was formed when marine conditions predominated in the surroundings of La Flotante Lagoon. At the site of Navío, a river dominated lagoon, terrigenous conditions dominated since 1830. Although the colonization of herbaceous pioneer vegetation started between 1142 and 1331 A.D., mangrove colonization only took place since 1717 A.D. Mangrove colonization was a result of the delta progradation. In 1849 A.D. the Sinú river delta migrated to the Cispatá bay. The eustatic sea level rise, the increase in river discharges and sedimentation rates produced the establishment of mangrove forests dominated by Rhizophora since 1849. Since 1900 a marine intrusion was recorded in both lagoons. In 1938, the migration of the delta toward its actual location in Tinajones gave place to the formation of the present lagoon system and to the expansion of mangrove forests, which reflects the balance between the high alluvial sediment input and the current sea level rise as has been recorded in similar ecosystems.  相似文献   

Water column dynamics of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the main creek of the Bangrong mangrove forest, Phuket Island, Thailand, were examined during the dry season. Water sampled from the upper and lower reaches of the creek throughout entire neap and spring tide periods was incubated under saturated irradiation and in the dark. The activity of microbial primary producers and heterotrophs were evaluated from changes in O2, TCO2, DOC, DIN, DON and PO4 3- concentrations. Gross primary production was moderate (1.6–2.4 M C h–1) with no pronounced spatial and temporal variations. A large fraction of the assimilated inorganic carbon and nitrogen was released in the form of DOC (50–90%) and DON (50–60%) indicating that primary producers were under stress or nutrient depleted. PO4 3- and occasionally DIN appeared to be the limiting nutrients. The pelagic heterotrophic community was supported by DOC (50–100%) and DON (40–90%) excreted by primary producers when exposed to light. However, rapid light attenuation in the turbid creek water rendered the entire water column strongly heterotrophic at all times (1.1–2.8 M C h–1). The microbial heterotrophs are therefore largely supported by particulate and dissolved substrates derived from tidal resuspension, mangrove root exudates and leachates from fallen leaves on the forest floor. The relatively high concentrations of metabolites (e.g. CO2, NH4 +) in creek water were primarily supplied by microbial mineralization. Water seeping from creek banks, which was only enriched in TCO2 (2 times) and PO4 3- (20–100 times) compared with creek water, is not considered an important source of solutes in the waterways of the Bangrong mangrove forest. Although the results obtained here are only strictly representative for the dry season, water column processes in the wet season are not expected to differ much due to the limited seasonal variations with respect to physical, chemical and biological parameters in the Bangrong area.  相似文献   

Coringa mangrove forest is located in the Godavari delta, Andhra Pradesh, India. The mangrove community consisted of more than 13 species of mangrove and other plants in the present study area. The following three dominant mangrove plants,Avicennia marina, Excoecaria agallocha andSonneratia apetala were found to be present on the banks of a major channel of the Godavari river running through the forest. The structure and species distribution of mangrove, in the Channel Nagathana Kalaya has been described. The area behind the belt consisting ofAcanthus ilicifolius andMyriostachya wightiana is generally colonized byE. agallocha andA. marina. The zone has been called theAvicennia andExcoecaria zone. Adjacent to this zone species likeAegiceras corniculatum andA. officinalis were the common species. In the flat clayey soil,Suaeda maritima was found to grow. In areas of high elevation, devoid of inundation of tidal seawater during the high tidal period, species such asM. wightiana andAcanthus were found to colonize both the banks of the channels.An analysis of species diversity, indicated a definite trend in the distribution of mangrove from the mouth of the estuarine region to the inland waters.The levels of atmospheric pollutants such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ammonia (NH3) and suspended particle matter (SPM) were within the legal limits.  相似文献   

Crustaceans of the genus Metanephrops are of great commercial value in some tropical and subtropical regions. With the potential development of a new deep lobster fishery in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, the objective of this work is to describe for first time the patterns of spatial and bathymetric distribution, and diel migratory periodicity of the Caribbean lobster (M. binghami). Data were collected by trawling in depths between 200 and 550 m (100 m strata intervals) in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. Higher biomass and size of these crustaceans were found between 250 and 350 m, with a maximum at about 300 m. The study offers diel patterns of M. binghami, which suggests nocturnal activity and burrowing during daylight hours.  相似文献   

Forests structural differences could result of environmental variations at different scales. Because soils are an important component of plant's environment, it is possible that edaphic and structural variables are associated and that, in consequence, spatial autocorrelation occurs. This paper aims to answer two questions: (1) are structural and edaphic variables associated at local scale in a terra firme forest of Colombian Amazonia? and (2) are these variables regionalized at the scale of work? To answer these questions we analyzed the data of a 6ha plot established in a terra firme forest of the Amacayacu National Park. Structural variables included basal area and density of large trees (diameter > or = 10cm) (Gdos and Ndos), basal area and density of understory individuals (diameter < 10cm) (Gsot and Nsot) and number of species of large trees (sp). Edaphic variables included were pH, organic matter, P, Mg, Ca, K, Al, sand, silt and clay. Structural and edaphic variables were reduced through a principal component analysis (PCA); then, the association between edaphic and structural components from PCA was evaluated by multiple regressions. The existence of regionalization of these variables was studied through isotropic variograms, and autocorrelated variables were spatially mapped. PCA found two significant components for structure, corresponding to the structure of large trees (G, Gdos, Ndos and sp) and of small trees (N, Nsot and Gsot), which explained 43.9% and 36.2% of total variance, respectively. Four components were identified for edaphic variables, which globally explained 81.9% of total variance and basically represent drainage and soil fertility. Regression analyses were significant (p < 0.05) and showed that the structure of both large and small trees is associated with greater sand contents and low soil fertility, though they explained a low proportion of total variability (R2 was 4.9% and 16.5% for the structure of large trees and small tress, respectively). Variables with spatial autocorrelation were the structure of small trees, Al, silt, and sand. Among them, Nsot and sand content showed similar patterns of spatial distribution inside the plot.  相似文献   

The structure and standing crop biomass of a dwarf mangrove forest, located in the salinity transition zone ofTaylor River Slough in the Everglades National Park, were studied. Although the four mangrove species reported for Florida occurred at the study site, dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees dominated the forest. The structural characteristics of the mangrove forest were relatively simple: tree height varied from 0.9 to 1.2 meters, and tree density ranged from 7062 to 23 778 stems ha–1. An allometric relationship was developed to estimate leaf, branch, prop root, and total aboveground biomass of dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees. Total aboveground biomass and their components were best estimated as a power function of the crown area times number of prop roots as an independent variable (Y = B × X–0.5083). The allometric equation for each tree component was highly significant (p<0.0001), with all r2 values greater than 0.90. The allometric relationship was used to estimate total aboveground biomass that ranged from 7.9 to 23.2 ton ha–1. Rhizophora mangle contributed 85% of total standing crop biomass. Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans contributed the remaining biomass. Average aboveground biomass allocation was 69% for prop roots, 25% for stem and branches, and 6% for leaves. This aboveground biomass partitioning pattern, which gives a major role to prop roots that have the potential to produce an extensive root system, may be an important biological strategy in response to low phosphorus availability and relatively reduced soils that characterize mangrove forests in South Florida.  相似文献   

无瓣海桑具有耐贫瘠、生长快等特点,已成为我国东南沿海滩涂主要造林先锋种.然而,作为典型外来物种,无瓣海桑是否具有入侵性也一度引起各界广泛关注.三亚河是我国无瓣海桑引种的最南区域,但目前尚未有对该区无瓣海桑入侵性的报道.本研究利用全面踏查与样地调查相结合的方法,分析了三亚河外来红树植物无瓣海桑的种群动态及扩散特征.结果表...  相似文献   

Plantations released from management are vulnerable to transient oscillations until cohort dynamics are broken and the vertical and horizontal structures of the plantation are transformed to those of more natural forests. Cohort-desynchronizing factors such as canopy disturbances are expected to accelerate this process. Using well-established mangrove plantations in Can Gio (Viet Nam) as an example, we tested whether lightning gaps can affect transition dynamics of plantations to more natural forests by damping the amplitude or by shortening the period of oscillations in tree densities. This was done by applying point pattern analyses to remotely sensed data, and by further combining statistical and individual-based modelling. The occurrence of lightning gaps was biased by the forest matrix, which presented a challenge for the point pattern analysis. This problem was solved by using the scattered forest area as a binary mask. A Matern cluster process model was found to be suitable for describing the lightning regime. This statistical model was incorporated into the individual-based mangrove model KiWi, and simulation experiments revealed that: (i) the evenly spaced distribution of the tree cohorts in the plantation supports non-linear transition behaviour, i.e. oscillation of tree density, and (ii) the lightning regime in Can Gio damps the oscillation amplitude but is not sufficient to prevent the latter nor to decrease the length of the period of oscillations.  相似文献   

The precise characterisation of present-day mangrove ecosystems from modern pollen rain facilitates the accurate use of fossil pollen data for late Quaternary sea level and environmental reconstructions. Here, we investigate whether the analysis of pollen rain data corroborates existing floristic and structural characterisation of different mangrove types at the Caribbean island of San Andrés, Colombia. At 82 plots along 20 transects of four distinct mangrove types, samples were obtained of (i) surface sediments for pollen analysis, and (ii) a range of environmental parameters (including inundation levels, salinity and pH). This information was compared to previously sampled mangrove composition and tree basal area. In surface sediment samples 82 pollen taxa were found, from which 19 were present in the vegetation plots. However, because pollen may be transported by wind and/or watercourses, the overall floristic composition of the different forest types may not necessarily be reflected by the pollen spectra. Local vegetation (i.e. mangroves and beach) represented > 90% of the pollen spectra, while the regional one (i.e. hinterland forests) represented < 5% of it. Unlike the four mangrove types that were previously described in the vegetation, the analysis of pollen samples suggested only three distinct types of forest.The groups were characterised based on (i) the dominance of at least one of the true mangrove species from pollen data ordination and the presence of associated species, and (ii) their relationship with environmental parameters. Rhizophora was present in all plot samples, but did not contribute to forest type separation. In fact, just three true mangrove species proved reliable indicators of (i) high salinity and fringe mangroves (i.e. Avicennia), (ii) high pH levels and landward mangroves (i.e. Conocarpus), and (iii) natural or anthropogenic caused disturbance of forest stands (Laguncularia and associated Acrostichum fern). Hence our study confirms that mangrove pollen spectra can be accurately used to describe different mangrove environments for fossil based palaeoecological reconstructions.  相似文献   

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