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Left-handed polyproline-II type helix is a regular conformation of polypeptide chain not only of fibrous, but also of folded and natively unfolded proteins and peptides. It is the only class of regular secondary structure substantially represented in non-fibrous proteins and peptides on a par with right-handed alpha-helix and beta-structure. In this study, we have shown that polyproline-II helix is abundant in several peptides and proteins involved in proteopathies, the amyloid-beta peptides, protein tau and prion protein. Polyproline-II helices form two interaction sites in the amyloid-beta peptides, which are pivotal for pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It also with high probability is the structure of the majority of tau phosphorylation sites, important for tau hyperphosphorylation and formation of neurofibrillary tangles, a hallmark of AD. Polyproline-II helices form large parts of the structure of the folded domain of prion protein. They can undergo conversion to beta-structure as a result of relatively small change of one torsional angle of polypeptide chain. We hypothesize that in prions and amyloids, in general polyproline-II helices can serve as structural elements of the normal structure as well as dormant nuclei of structure conversion, and thus play important role in structure changes leading to the formation of fibrils.  相似文献   

Six helix surface positions of protein G (Gbeta1) were redesigned using a computational protein design algorithm, resulting in the five fold mutant Gbeta1m2. Gbeta1m2 is well folded with a circular dichroism spectrum nearly identical to that of Gbeta1, and a melting temperature of 91 degrees C, approximately 6 degrees C higher than that of Gbeta1. The crystal structure of Gbeta1m2 was solved to 2.0 A resolution by molecular replacement. The absence of hydrogen bond or salt bridge interactions between the designed residues in Gbeta1m2 suggests that the increased stability of Gbeta1m2 is due to increased helix propensity and more favorable helix dipole interactions.  相似文献   

D.M. Engelman  T.A. Steitz 《Cell》1981,23(2):411-422
We propose that the initial event in the secretion of proteins across membranes and their insertion into membranes is the spontaneous penetration of the hydrophobic portion of the bilayer by a helical hairpin. Energetic considerations of polypeptide structures in a nonpolar, lipid environment compared with an aqueous environment suggest that only α and 310 helices will be observed in the hydrophobic interior of membranes. Insertion of a polypeptide is accomplished by a hairpin structure composed of two helices, which will partition into membranes if the free energy arising from burying hydrophobic helical surfaces exceeds the free energy “cost” of burying potentially charged and hydrogen-bonding groups. We suggest, for example, that the hydrophobic leader peptide found in secreted proteins and in many membrane proteins forms one of these helices and is oriented in the membrane with its N terminus inside. In secreted proteins, the leader functions by pulling polar portions of a protein into the membrane as the second helix of the hairpin. The occurrence of all categories of membrane proteins can be rationalized by the hydrophobic or hydrophilic character of the two helices of the inserted hairpin and, for some integral membrane proteins, by events in which a single terminal helix is inserted. We propose that, because of the distribution of polar and nonpolar sequences in the polypeptide sequence, secretion and the insertion of membrane proteins are spontaneous processes that do not require the participation of additional specific membrane receptors or transport proteins.  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferase (GST) isozyme A1-1 contains at its active site a catalytic tyrosine, Tyr9, which hydrogen bonds to, and stabilizes, the thiolate form of glutathione, GS-. In the substrate-free GST A1-1, the Tyr 9 has an unusually low pKa, approximately 8.2, for which the ionization to tyrosinate is monitored conveniently by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy in the tryptophan-free mutant, W21F. In addition, a short alpha-helix, residues 208-222, provides part of the GSH and hydrophobic ligand binding sites, and the helix becomes "disordered" in the absence of ligands. Here, hydrostatic pressure has been used to probe the conformational dynamics of the C-terminal helix, which are apparently linked to Tyr 9 ionization. The extent of ionization of Tyr 9 at pH 7.6 is increased dramatically at low pressures (p1/2 = 0.52 kbar), based on fluorescence titration of Tyr 9. The mutant protein W21F:Y9F exhibits no changes in tyrosine fluorescence up to 1.2 kbar; pressure specifically ionizes Tyr 9. The volume change, delta V, for the pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 at pH 7.6, 19 degrees C, was -33 +/- 3 mL/mol. In contrast, N-acetyl tyrosine exhibits a delta V for deprotonation of -11 +/- 1 mL/mol, beginning from the same extent of initial ionization, pH 9.5. The pressure-dependent ionization is completely reversible for both Tyr 9 and N-acetyl tyrosine. Addition of S-methyl GSH converted the "soft" active site to a noncompressible site that exhibited negligible pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 below 0.8 kbar. In addition, Phe 220 forms part of an "aromatic cluster" with Tyr 9 and Phe 10, and interactions among these residues were hypothesized to control the order of the C-terminal helix. The amino acid substitutions F220Y, F2201, and F220L afford proteins that undergo pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 with delta V values of 31 +/- 2 mL/mol, 43 +/- 3 mL/mol, and 29 +/- 2 mL/mol, respectively. The p1/2 values for Tyr 9 ionization were 0.61 kbar, 0.41 kbar, and 0.46 kbar for F220Y, F220I, and F220L, respectively. Together, the results suggest that the C-terminal helix is conformationally heterogeneous in the absence of ligands. The conformations differ little in free energy, but they are significantly different in volume, and mutations at Phe 220 control the conformational distribution.  相似文献   

Much effort has been invested in seeking to understand the thermodynamic basis of helix stability in both peptides and proteins. Recently, several groups have measured the helix-forming propensities of individual residues (Lyu, P. C., Liff, M. I., Marky, L. A., Kallenbach, N. R. Science 250:669–673, 1990; O'Neil, K. T., DeGrado, W. F. Science 250:646–651, 1990; Padmanabhan, S., Marqusee, S., Ridgeway, T., Laue, T. M., Baldwin, R. L. Nature (London) 344:268–270, 1990). Using Monte Carlo computer simulations, we tested the hypothesis that these differences in measured helix-forming propensity are due primarily to loss of side chain conformational entropy upon helix formation (Creamer, T. P., Rose, G. D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89:5937–5941, 1992). Our previous study employed a rigid helix backbone, which is here generalized to a completely flexible helix model in order to ensure that earlier results were not a methodological artifact. Using this flexible model, side chain rotamer distributions and entropy losses are calculated and shown to agree with those obtained earlier. We note that the side chain conformational entropy calculated for Trp in our previous study was in error; a corrected value is presented. Extending earlier work, calculated entropy losses are found to correlate strongly with recent helix propensity scales derived from substitutions made within protein helices (Horovitz, A., Matthews, J. M., Fersht, A. R. J. Mol. Biol. 227:560–568, 1992; Blaber, M., Zhang, X.-J., Matthews, B. M. Science 260:1637–1640, 1993). In contrast, little correlation is found between these helix propensity scales and the accessible surface area buried upon formation of a model polyalanyl α-helix. Taken in sum, our results indicate that loss of side chain entropy is a major determinant of the helix-forming tendency of residues in both peptide and protein helices. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability of hydrophilic residues to shift the transverse position of transmembrane (TM) helices within bilayers was studied in model membrane vesicles. Transverse shifts were detected by fluorescence measurements of the membrane depth of a Trp residue at the center of a hydrophobic sequence. They were also estimated from the effective length of the TM-spanning sequence, derived from the stability of the TM configuration under conditions of negative hydrophobic mismatch. Hydrophilic residues (at the fifth position in a 21-residue hydrophobic sequence composed of alternating Leu and Ala residues and flanked on both ends by two Lys) induced transverse shifts that moved the hydrophilic residue closer to the membrane surface. At pH 7, the dependence of the extent of shift upon the identity of the hydrophilic residue increased in the order: L < GYT < RH < S < P < K < EQ < N < D. By varying pH, shifts with ionizable residues fully charged or uncharged were measured, and the extent of shift increased in the order: L < GYHoT < EoR < S < P < K+< QDoH+ < NE < D. The dependence of transverse shifts upon hydrophilic residue identity was consistent with the hypothesis that shift magnitude is largely controlled by the combination of side chain hydrophilicity, ionization state, and ability to position polar groups near the bilayer surface (snorkeling). Additional experiments showed that shift was also modulated by the position of the hydrophilic residue in the sequence and the hydrophobicity of the sequence moved out of the bilayer core upon shifting. Combined, these studies show that the insertion boundaries of TM helices are very sensitive to sequence, and can be altered even by weakly hydrophilic residues. Thus, many TM helices may have the capacity to exist in more than one transverse position. Knowledge of the magnitudes of transverse shifts induced by different hydrophilic residues should be useful for design of mutagenesis studies measuring the effect of transverse TM helix position upon function.  相似文献   

Ashish Shelar  Manju Bansal 《Proteins》2014,82(12):3420-3436
α‐helices are amongst the most common secondary structural elements seen in membrane proteins and are packed in the form of helix bundles. These α‐helices encounter varying external environments (hydrophobic, hydrophilic) that may influence the sequence preferences at their N and C‐termini. The role of the external environment in stabilization of the helix termini in membrane proteins is still unknown. Here we analyze α‐helices in a high‐resolution dataset of integral α‐helical membrane proteins and establish that their sequence and conformational preferences differ from those in globular proteins. We specifically examine these preferences at the N and C‐termini in helices initiating/terminating inside the membrane core as well as in linkers connecting these transmembrane helices. We find that the sequence preferences and structural motifs at capping (Ncap and Ccap) and near‐helical (N' and C') positions are influenced by a combination of features including the membrane environment and the innate helix initiation and termination property of residues forming structural motifs. We also find that a large number of helix termini which do not form any particular capping motif are stabilized by formation of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions contributed from the neighboring helices in the membrane protein. We further validate the sequence preferences obtained from our analysis with data from an ultradeep sequencing study that identifies evolutionarily conserved amino acids in the rat neurotensin receptor. The results from our analysis provide insights for the secondary structure prediction, modeling and design of membrane proteins. Proteins 2014; 82:3420–3436. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The response regulator DosR is essential for promoting long-term survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis under low oxygen conditions in a dormant state and may be responsible for latent tuberculosis in one-third of the world's population. Here, we report crystal structures of full-length unphosphorylated DosR at 2.2 Å resolution and its C-terminal DNA-binding domain at 1.7 Å resolution. The full-length DosR structure reveals several features never seen before in other response regulators. The N-terminal domain of the full-length DosR structure has an unexpected (βα)4 topology instead of the canonical (βα)5 fold observed in other response regulators. The linker region adopts a unique conformation that contains two helices forming a four-helix bundle with two helices from another subunit, resulting in dimer formation. The C-terminal domain in the full-length DosR structure displays a novel location of helix α10, which allows Gln199 to interact with the catalytic Asp54 residue of the N-terminal domain. In contrast, the structure of the DosR C-terminal domain alone displays a remarkable unstructured conformation for helix α10 residues, different from the well-defined helical conformations in all other known structures, indicating considerable flexibility within the C-terminal domain. Our structures suggest a mode of DosR activation by phosphorylation via a helix rearrangement mechanism.  相似文献   

Subcellular organelles in eukaryotes are surrounded by lipid membranes.In an endomembrane system,vesicle trafficking is the primary mechanism for the delivery of organellar proteins to specific organelles.However,organellar proteins for chloroplasts,mitochondria,the nucleus,and peroxisomes that are translated in the cytosol are directly imported into their target organelles.Chloroplasts are a plant-specific organelle with outer and inner envelope membranes,a dual-membrane structure that is simil...  相似文献   

Fuxreiter M  Simon I 《Proteins》2002,48(2):320-326
Stabilization centers (SCs) were shown to play an important role in preventing decay of three-dimensional protein structures. These residue clusters, stabilized by cooperative long-range interactions, were proposed to serve as anchoring points for arranging secondary structure elements. In all-alpha proteins, SC elements appear less frequently than in all-beta, alpha/beta, and alpha+beta proteins suggesting that tertiary structure formation of all-alpha proteins is governed by different principles than in other protein classes. Here we analyzed the relation between the formation of stabilization centers and the inter-axial angles (Omega) of alpha-helices in 4 helix bundle proteins. In the distance range, where dipoles have dominant effect on the helix pair arrangement, those helix pairs, where residues from both helices participate in SC elements, appear as parallel more frequently than those helices where no SC elements are present. For SC containing helix pairs, the energetic difference between the parallel and anti-parallel states decreases considerably from 1.1 kcal/mol to 0.4 kcal/mol. Although the observed effect is weak for more distant helices, a competition between the SC element formation and the optimal dipole-dipole interaction of alpha-helices is proposed as a mechanism for tertiary structure formation in 4 helix bundle proteins. The SC-forming potential of different arrangements as well as the pitfalls of the SC definition are also discussed.  相似文献   

Manikandan K  Ramakumar S 《Proteins》2004,56(4):768-781
A comprehensive database analysis of C--H...O hydrogen bonds in 3124 alpha-helices and their corresponding helix termini has been carried out from a nonredundant data set of high-resolution globular protein structures resolved at better than 2.0 A in order to investigate their role in the helix, the important protein secondary structural element. The possible occurrence of 5 --> 1 C--H...O hydrogen bond between the ith residue CH group and (i - 4)th residue C==O with C...O < or = 3.8 A is studied, considering as potential donors the main-chain Calpha and the side-chain carbon atoms Cbeta, Cgamma, Cdelta and Cepsilon. Similar analysis has been carried out for 4 --> 1 C--H...O hydrogen bonds, since the C--H...O hydrogen bonds found in helices are predominantly of type 5 --> 1 or 4 --> 1. A total of 17,367 (9310 of type 5 --> 1 and 8057 of type 4 --> 1) C--H...O hydrogen bonds are found to satisfy the selected criteria. The average stereochemical parameters for the data set suggest that the observed C--H...O hydrogen bonds are attractive interactions. Our analysis reveals that the Cgamma and Cbeta hydrogen atom(s) are frequently involved in such hydrogen bonds. A marked preference is noticed for aliphatic beta-branched residue Ile to participate in 5 --> 1 C--H...O hydrogen bonds involving methylene Cgamma 1 atom as donor in alpha-helices. This may be an enthalpic compensation for the greater loss of side-chain conformational entropy for beta-branched amino acids due to the constraint on side-chain torsion angle, namely, chi1, when they occur in helices. The preference of amino acids for 4 --> 1 C--H...O hydrogen bonds is found to be more for Asp, Cys, and for aromatic residues Trp, Phe, and His. Interestingly, overall propensity for C--H...O hydrogen bonds shows that a majority of the helix favoring residues such as Met, Glu, Arg, Lys, Leu, and Gln, which also have large side-chains, prefer to be involved in such types of weak attractive interactions in helices. The amino acid side-chains that participate in C--H...O interactions are found to shield the acceptor carbonyl oxygen atom from the solvent. In addition, C--H...O hydrogen bonds are present along with helix stabilizing salt bridges. A novel helix terminating interaction motif, X-Gly with Gly at C(cap) position having 5 --> 1 Calpha--H...O, and a chain reversal structural motif having 1 --> 5 Calpha-H...O have been identified and discussed. Our analysis highlights that a multitude of local C--H...O hydrogen bonds formed by a variety of amino acid side-chains and Calpha hydrogen atoms occur in helices and more so at the helix termini. It may be surmised that the main-chain Calpha and the side-chain CH that participate in C--H...O hydrogen bonds collectively augment the cohesive energy and thereby contribute together with the classical N--H...O hydrogen bonds and other interactions to the overall stability of helix and therefore of proteins.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins often contain proline residues in their alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) fragments, which may strongly influence their folding and association. Pro-scanning mutagenesis of the helical domain of glycophorin A (GpA) showed that replacement of the residues located at the center abrogates helix packing while substitution of the residues forming the ending helical turns allows dimer formation. Synthetic TM peptides revealed that a point mutation of one of the residues of the dimerization motif (L75P) located at the N-terminal helical turn of the GpA TM fragment, adopts a secondary structure and oligomeric state similar to the wild-type sequence in detergents. In addition, both glycosylation mapping in biological membranes and molecular dynamics showed that the presence of a proline residue at the lipid/water interface has as an effect the extension of the helical end. Thus, helix packing can be an important factor that determines appearance of proline in TM helices. Membrane proteins might accumulate proline residues at the two ends of their TM segments in order to modulate the exposition of key amino acid residues at the interface for molecular recognition events while allowing stable association and native folding.  相似文献   

Noy E  Tabakman T  Goldblum A 《Proteins》2007,68(3):702-711
We investigate the extent to which ensembles of flexible fragments (FF), generated by our loop conformational search method, include conformations that are near experimental and reflect conformational changes that these FFs undergo when binary protein-protein complexes are formed. Twenty-eight FFs, which are located in protein-protein interfaces and have different conformations in the bound structure (BS) and unbound structure (UbS) were extracted. The conformational space of these fragments in the BS and UbS was explored with our method which is based on the iterative stochastic elimination (ISE) algorithm. Conformational search of BSs generated bound ensembles and conformational search of UbSs produced unbound ensembles. ISE samples conformations near experimental (less than 1.05 A root mean square deviation, RMSD) for 51 out of the 56 examined fragments in the bound and unbound ensembles. In 14 out of the 28 unbound fragments, it also samples conformations within 1.05 A from the BS in the unbound ensemble. Sampling the bound conformation in the unbound ensemble demonstrates the potential biological relevance of the predicted ensemble. The 10 lowest energy conformations are the best choice for docking experiments, compared with any other 10 conformations of the ensembles. We conclude that generating conformational ensembles for FFs with ISE is relevant to FF conformations in the UbS and BS. Forming ensembles of the isolated proteins with our method prior to docking represents more comprehensively their inherent flexibility and is expected to improve docking experiments compared with results obtained by docking only UbSs.  相似文献   

Summary Hydropathy plots of amino acid sequences reveal the approximate locations of the transbilayer helices of membrane proteins of known structure and are thus used to predict the helices of proteins of unknown structure. Because the threedimensional structures of membrane proteins are difficult to obtain, it is important to be able to extract as much information as possible from hydropathy plots. We describe an augmented hydropathy plot analysis of the three membrane proteins of known structure, which should be useful for the systematic examination and comparison of membrane proteins of unknown structure. The sliding-window analysis utilizes the floating interfacial hydrophobicity scale [IFH(h)] of Jacobs and White (Jacobs, R.E., White, S.H., 1989.Biochemistry 28:3421–3437) and the reverse-turn (RT) frequencies of Levitt (Levitt, M., 1977,Biochemistry 17:4277–4285). The IFH(h) scale allows one to examine the consequences of different assumptions about the average hydrogen bond status (h=0 to 1) of polar side chains. Hydrophobicity plots of the three proteins show that (i) the intracellular helix-connecting links and chain ends can be distinguished from the extracellular ones and (ii) the main peaks of hydrophobicity are bounded by minor ones which bracket the helix ends. RT frequency plots show that (iii) the centers of helices are usually very close to wide-window minima of average RT frequency and (iv) helices are always bounded by narrowwindow maxima of average RT frequency. The analysis suggests that side-chain hydrogen bonding with membrane components during folding may play a key role in insertion.  相似文献   

Eisenberg's helical hydrophobic moment (less than mu H greater than) algorithm was applied to the analysis of the primary structure of amphipathic alpha-helical peptide hormones and an optimal method for identifying other peptides of this class determined. We quantitate and compare known amphipathic helical peptide hormones with a second group of peptides with proven nonamphipathic properties and determine the best method of distinguishing between them. The respective means of the maximum 11 residue less than mu H greater than for the amphipathic helical and control peptides were 0.46 (+/-/-0.07) and 0.33 (0.07) (P + 0.004). To better reflect the amphipathic potential of the entire peptide, the percent of 11 residue segments in each peptide above a particular less than mu H greater than was plotted vs less than mu H greater than. The resulting curves are referred to as HM-C. The mean HM-C (of the two groups) was highly significantly different such that the HM-C method was superior to others in its ability to distinguish amphipathic from nonamphipathic peptides. Several potential new members of this structural class were identified using this approach. Molecular modeling of a portion of one of these, prolactin inhibitory factor, reveals a strongly amphipathic alpha helix at residues 4-21. This computer-based method may enable rapid identification of peptides of the amphipathic alpha-helix class.  相似文献   

Li X  Jacobson MP  Friesner RA 《Proteins》2004,55(2):368-382
We have developed a new method for predicting helix positions in globular proteins that is intended primarily for comparative modeling and other applications where high precision is required. Unlike helix packing algorithms designed for ab initio folding, we assume that knowledge is available about the qualitative placement of all helices. However, even among homologous proteins, the corresponding helices can demonstrate substantial differences in positions and orientations, and for this reason, improperly positioned helices can contribute significantly to the overall backbone root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of comparative models. A helix packing algorithm for use in comparative modeling must obtain high precision to be useful, and for this reason we utilize an all-atom protein force field (OPLS) and a Generalized Born continuum solvent model. To reduce the computational expense associated with using a detailed, physics-based energy function, we have developed new hierarchical and multiscale algorithms for sampling the helices and flanking loops. We validate the method using a test suite of 33 cases, which are drawn from a diverse set of high-resolution crystal structures. The helix positions are reproduced with an average backbone RMSD of 0.6 A, while the average backbone RMSD of the complete loop-helix-loop region (i.e., the helix with the surrounding loops, which are also repredicted) is 1.3 A.  相似文献   

Hicks JM  Hsu VL 《Proteins》2004,55(2):330-338
The poly-proline type II extended left-handed helical structure is well represented in proteins. In an effort to determine the helix's role in nucleic acid recognition and binding, a survey of 258 nucleic acid-binding protein structures from the Protein Data Bank was conducted. Results indicate that left-handed helices are commonly found at the nucleic acid interfacial regions. Three examples are used to illustrate the utility of this structural element as a recognition motif. The third K homology domain of NOVA-2, the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen-1, and the Drosophila paired protein homeodomain all contain left-handed helices involved in nucleic acid interactions. In each structure, these helices were previously unidentified as left-handed helices by secondary structure algorithms but, rather, were identified as either having small amounts of hydrogen bond patterns to the rest of the protein or as being "unstructured." Proposed mechanisms for nucleic acid interactions by the extended left-handed helix include both nonspecific and specific recognition. The observed interactions indicate that this secondary structure utilizes an increase in protein backbone exposure for nucleic acid recognition. Both main-chain and side-chain atoms are involved in specific and nonspecific hydrogen bonding to nucleobases or sugar-phosphates, respectively. Our results emphasize the need to classify the left-handed helix as a viable nucleic acid recognition and binding motif, similar to previously identified motifs such as the helix-turn-helix, zinc fingers, leucine zippers, and others.  相似文献   

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