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Malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase (MSAD) from Pseudomonas pavonaceae 170 catalyzes the metal ion-independent decarboxylation of malonate semialdehyde and represents one of three known enzymatic activities in the tautomerase superfamily. The characterized members of this superfamily are structurally homologous proteins that share a beta-alpha-beta fold and a catalytic amino-terminal proline. Sequence analysis, chemical labeling studies, site-directed mutagenesis, and NMR studies of MSAD identified Pro-1 as a key active site residue in which the amino group has a pKa value of 9.2. The available evidence suggests a mechanism involving polarization of the C-3 carbonyl group of malonate semialdehyde by the cationic Pro-1. A second critical active site residue, Arg-75, could assist in the reaction by placing the substrate's carboxylate group in a favorable conformation for decarboxylation. In addition to the decarboxylase activity, MSAD has a hydratase activity as demonstrated by the MSAD-catalyzed conversion of 2-oxo-3-pentynoate to acetopyruvate. In view of this activity, MSAD was incubated with 3-bromo- and 3-chloropropiolate, and the subsequent reactions were characterized. Both compounds result in the irreversible inactivation of MSAD, making them the first identified inhibitors of MSAD. Inactivation by 3-chloropropiolate occurs in a time- and concentration-dependent manner and is due to the covalent modification of Pro-1. The proposed mechanism for inactivation involves the initial hydration of the 3-halopropiolate followed by a rearrangement to an alkylating agent, either an acyl halide or a ketene. The results provide additional evidence for the hydratase activity of MSAD and further support for the hypothesis that MSAD and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase, the preceding enzyme in the trans-1,3-dichloropropene catabolic pathway, diverged from a common ancestor but conserved the necessary catalytic machinery for the conjugate addition of water.  相似文献   

Malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase (MSAD) from Pseudomonas pavonaceae 170 is a tautomerase superfamily member that converts malonate semialdehyde to acetaldehyde by a mechanism utilizing Pro-1 and Arg-75. Pro-1 and Arg-75 have also been implicated in the hydratase activity of MSAD in which 2-oxo-3-pentynoate is processed to acetopyruvate. Crystal structures of MSAD (1.8 A resolution), the P1A mutant of MSAD (2.7 A resolution), and MSAD inactivated by 3-chloropropiolate (1.6 A resolution), a mechanism-based inhibitor activated by the hydratase activity of MSAD, have been determined. A comparison of the P1A-MSAD and MSAD structures reveals little geometric alteration, indicating that Pro-1 plays an important catalytic role but not a critical structural role. The structures of wild-type MSAD and MSAD covalently modified at Pro-1 by 3-oxopropanoate, the adduct resulting from the incubation of MSAD and 3-chloropropiolate, implicate Asp-37 as the residue that activates a water molecule for attack at C-3 of 3-chloropropiolate to initiate a Michael addition of water. The interactions of Arg-73 and Arg-75 with the C-1 carboxylate group of the adduct suggest these residues polarize the alpha,beta-unsaturated acid and facilitate the addition of water. On the basis of these structures, a mechanism for the inactivation of MSAD by 3-chloropropiolate can be formulated along with mechanisms for the decarboxylase and hydratase activities. The results also provide additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that MSAD and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase, a tautomerase superfamily member preceding MSAD in the trans-1,3-dichloropropene degradation pathway, diverged from a common ancestor but retained the key elements for the conjugate addition of water.  相似文献   

4-Oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT) and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) are members of the tautomerase superfamily, a group of structurally homologous proteins that share a beta-alpha-beta fold and a catalytic amino-terminal proline. 4-OT, from Pseudomonas putida mt-2, catalyzes the conversion of 2-oxo-4-hexenedioate to 2-oxo-3-hexenedioate through the dienol intermediate 2-hydroxymuconate in a catabolic pathway for aromatic hydrocarbons. CaaD, from Pseudomonas pavonaceae 170, catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of trans-3-chloroacrylate in the trans-1,3-dichloropropene degradation pathway. Both reactions may involve an arginine-stabilized enediolate intermediate, a capability that may partially account for the low-level CaaD activity of 4-OT. Two active-site residues in 4-OT, Leu-8 and Ile-52, have now been mutated to the positionally conserved and catalytic ones in CaaD, alphaArg-8, and alphaGlu-52. The L8R and L8R/I52E mutants show improved CaaD activity (50- and 32-fold increases in k(cat)/K(m), respectively) and diminished 4-OT activity (5- and 1700-fold decreases in k(cat)/K(m), respectively). The increased efficiency of L8R-4-OT for the CaaD reaction stems primarily from an 8.8-fold increase in k(cat), whereas that of the L8R/I52E mutant is due largely to a 23-fold decrease in K(m). The presence of the additional arginine residue in the active site of L8R-4-OT does not alter the pK(a) of the Pro-1 amino group from that measured for the wild type (6.5 +/- 0.1 versus 6.4 +/- 0.2). Moreover, the crystal structure of L8R-4-OT is comparable to that of the wild type. Hence, the enhanced CaaD activity of L8R-4-OT is likely due to the additional arginine residue that can participate in substrate binding and/or stabilization of the putative enediolate intermediate. The results also suggest that the evolution of new functions within the tautomerase superfamily could be quite facile, requiring only a few strategically placed active-site mutations.  相似文献   

Homotetrameric MSDH (methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase) from Bacillus subtilis catalyses the NAD-dependent oxidation of MMSA (methylmalonate semialdehyde) and MSA (malonate semialdehyde) into PPCoA (propionyl-CoA) and acetyl-CoA respectively via a two-step mechanism. In the present study, a detailed mechanistic characterization of the MSDH-catalysed reaction has been carried out. The results suggest that NAD binding elicits a structural imprinting of the apoenzyme, which explains the marked lag-phase observed in the activity assay. The enzyme also exhibits a half-of-the-sites reactivity, with two subunits being active per tetramer. This result correlates well with the presence of two populations of catalytic Cys302 in both the apo- and holo-enzymes. Binding of NAD causes a decrease in reactivity of the two Cys302 residues belonging to the two active subunits and a pKapp shift from approx. 8.8 to 8.0. A study of the rate of acylation as a function of pH revealed a decrease in the pKapp of the two active Cys302 residues to approx. 5.5. Taken to-gether, these results support a sequential Cys302 activation process with a pKapp shift from approx. 8.8 in the apo-form to 8.0 in the binary complex and finally to approx. 5.5 in the ternary complex. The rate-limiting step is associated with the b-decarboxylation process which occurs on the thioacylenzyme intermediate after NADH release and before transthioesterification. These data also indicate that bicarbonate, the formation of which is enzyme-catalysed, is the end-product of the reaction.  相似文献   

Li T  Iwaki H  Fu R  Hasegawa Y  Zhang H  Liu A 《Biochemistry》2006,45(21):6628-6634
The enzymatic activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconic-epsilon-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) is critically dependent on a transition metal ion [Li, T., Walker, A. L., Iwaki, H., Hasegawa, Y., and Liu, A. (2005) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 12282-12290]. Sequence analysis in this study further suggests that ACMSD belongs to the amidohydrolase superfamily, whose structurally characterized members comprise a catalytically essential metal cofactor. To identify ACMSD's metal ligands and assess their functions in catalysis, a site-directed mutagenesis analysis was conducted. Alteration of His-9, His-177, and Asp-294 resulted in a dramatic loss of enzyme activity, substantial reduction of the metal-binding ability, and an altered metallocenter electronic structure. Thus, these residues are confirmed to be the endogenous metal ligands. His-11 is implicated in metal binding because of the strictly conserved HxH motif with His-9. Mutations at the 228 site yielded nearly inactive enzyme variants H228A and H228E. The two His-228 mutant proteins, however, exhibited full metal-binding ability and a metal center similar to that of the wild-type enzyme as shown by EPR spectroscopy. Kinetic analysis on the mutants indicates that His-228 is a critical catalytic residue along with the metal cofactor. Since the identified metal ligands and His-228 are present in all known ACMSD sequences, it is likely that ACMSD proteins from other organisms contain the same cofactor and share similar catalytic mechanisms. ACMSD is therefore the first characterized member in the amidohydrolase superfamily that represents a C-C breaking activity.  相似文献   

The use of the soil fumigant Telone II, which contains a mixture of cis- and trans-1,3-dichloropropene, to control plant-parasitic nematodes is a common agricultural practice for maximizing yields of various crops. The effectiveness of Telone II is limited by the rapid turnover of the dichloropropenes in the soil due to the presence of bacterial catabolic pathways, which may be of recent origin. The characterization of three enzymes in these pathways, trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD), cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD), and malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase (MSAD), has uncovered intriguing catalytic mechanisms as well as a fascinating evolutionary lineage for these proteins. Sequence comparisons and mutagenesis studies revealed that all three enzymes belong to the tautomerase superfamily. Tautomerase superfamily members with known structures are characterized by a β-α-β structural fold. Moreover, they have a conserved N-terminal proline, which plays an important catalytic role. Mechanistic, NMR, and pH rate studies of the two dehalogenases, coupled with a crystal structure of CaaD inactivated by 3-bromopropiolate, indicate that they use a general acid/base mechanism to catalyze the conversion of their respective isomer of 3-chloroacrylate to malonate semialdehyde. The reaction is initiated by the conjugate addition of water to the C-2, C-3 double bond and is followed by the loss of HCl. MSAD processes malonate semialdehyde to acetaldehyde, and is the first identified decarboxylase in the tautomerase superfamily. The catalytic mechanism is not well defined but the N-terminal proline plays a prominent role and may function as a general acid catalyst, similar to its role in CaaD and cis-CaaD. These are the first structural and mechanistic details for tautomerase superfamily members that catalyze either a hydration or a decarboxylation reaction, rather than a tautomerization reaction, in which Pro-1 serves as a general acid catalyst rather than as a general base catalyst. The available information on the 1,3-dichloropropene catabolic enzymes allows speculation on the possible evolutionary origins of their activities.  相似文献   

Malonate decarboxylation by crude extracts of Malonomonas rubra was specifically activated by Na+ and less efficiently by Li+ ions. The extracts contained an enzyme catalyzing CoA transfer from malonyl-CoA to acetate, yielding acetyl-CoA and malonate. After about a 26-fold purification of the malonyl-CoA:acetate CoA transferase, an almost pure enzyme was obtained, indicating that about 4% of the cellular protein consisted of the CoA transferase. This abundance of the transferase is in accord with its proposed role as an enzyme component of the malonate decarboxylase system, the key enzyme of energy metabolism in this organism. The apparent molecular weight of the polypeptide was 67,000 as revealed from SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A similar molecular weight was estimated for the native transferase by gel chromatography, indicating that the enzyme exists as a monomer. Kinetic analyses of the CoA transferase yielded the following: pH-optimum at pH 5.5, an apparent Km for malonyl-CoA of 1.9mM, for acetate of 54mM, for acetyl-CoA of 6.9mM, and for malonate of 0.5mM. Malonate or citrate inhibited the enzyme with an apparent Ki of 0.4mM and 3.0mM, respectively. The isolated CoA transferase increased the activity of malonate decarboxylase of a crude enzyme system, in which part of the endogenous CoA transferase was inactivated by borohydride, about three-fold. These results indicate that the CoA transferase functions physiologically as a component of the malonate decarboxylase system, in which it catalyzes the transfer of acyl carrier protein from acetyl acyl carrier protein and malonate to yield malonyl acyl carrier protein and acetate. Malonate is thus activated on the enzyme by exchange for the catalytically important enzymebound acetyl thioester residues noted previously. This type of substrate activation resembles the catalytic mechanism of citrate lyase and citramalate lyase.Abbreviations DTNB 5,5 Dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoate) - MES 2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - TAPS N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The identification and analysis of new members of the tubulin superfamily has advanced the belief that these tubulins play important roles in the duplication and assembly of centrioles and basal bodies. This idea is supported by their distribution in organisms with centrioles containing triplet microtubules and by recent functional analysis of the new tubulins. delta- and epsilon-tubulin are found in most organisms that assemble triplet microtubules. delta-tubulin is needed for maintaining triplet microtubules in Chlamydomonas and Paramecium. epsilon-tubulin is needed for centriole and basal body duplication and is an essential gene in Chlamydomonas. The distribution of eta-tubulin is more limited and has been found in only four organisms to date. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that it is most closely related to delta-tubulin, which suggests that delta- and eta-tubulin could have overlapping functions.  相似文献   

Upon resolution of the particulate cell fraction of Veillonella alcalescens by gel chromatography, membranes and ribosomes were clearly resolved. Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase was bound to the membranes and not to ribosomes as reported earlier. Membrane vesicles containing methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase were prepared by disrupting V. alcalescens cells with a French pressure chamber. About 64% of the decarboxylase was oriented in these vesicles with the substrate binding site facing to the outside. The vesicles performed a rapid accumulation of Na+ ions in response to the decarboxylation of methylmalonyl-CoA. Decarboxylation and transport were highly uncoupled. The efficiency of the transport was considerably increased if methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylation was retarded by using a low temperature or by slowly generating the substrate enzymically from propionyl-CoA. Under optimized conditions Na+ was concentrated inside the inverted vesicles eight-times higher than in the incubation medium. Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase was solubilized from the membranes with Triton X-100 and purified about 20-fold by affinity chromatography on monomeric avidin-Sepharose columns. The decarboxylase was specifically activated by Na+ ions (apparent Km approximately equal to 0.6 mM). Whereas (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA was the superior substrate (apparent Km approximately equal to 7 microM), malonyl-CoA was also decarboxylated (apparent Km approximately equal to 35 microM). The decarboxylation of methylmalonyl-CoA yielded CO2 and not HCO-3 as the primary reaction product. Analysis of the purified enzyme by dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of four different polypeptides alpha, beta, gamma, delta with Mr 60 000, 33 000, 18 5000 and 14 000. The latter of these polypeptides was clearly visible only after silver staining but not after staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. A low molecular weight polypeptide with similar staining properties was also found in oxaloacetate decarboxylase. Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase contained about 1 mol covalently bound biotin per 125 500 g protein which was localized exclusively in the gamma-subunit. This subunit therefore represents the biotin carboxyl carrier protein of methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase. A new very sensitive method for the detection of biotin-containing proteins is described.  相似文献   

A 149-amino acid protein designated Cg10062 is encoded by a gene from Corynebacterium glutamicum. The physiological function of Cg10062 is unknown, and the gene encoding this protein has no obvious genomic context. Sequence analysis links Cg10062 to the cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase ( cis-CaaD) family, one of the five known families of the tautomerase superfamily. The characterized tautomerase superfamily members have two distinctive characteristics: a beta-alpha-beta structure motif and a catalytic amino-terminal proline. Pro-1 is present in the Cg10062 amino acid sequence along with His-28, Arg-70, Arg-73, Tyr-103, and Glu-114, all of which have been implicated as critical residues for cis-CaaD activity. The gene for Cg10062 has been cloned and the protein overproduced, purified, and subjected to kinetic and mechanistic characterization. Like cis-CaaD, Cg10062 functions as a hydratase: it converts 2-oxo-3-pentynoate to acetopyruvate and processes 3-bromopropiolate to a species that inactivates the enzyme by acylation of Pro-1. Kinetic and (1)H NMR spectroscopic studies also show that Cg10062 processes both isomers of 3-chloroacrylic acid at low levels with a clear preference for the cis isomer. Pro-1 is critical for the dehalogenase and hydratase activities because the P1A mutant no longer catalyzes either reaction. The presence of the six key catalytic residues and the hydratase activity coupled with the absence of an efficient cis-CaaD activity and the lack of isomer specificity implicate factors beyond this core set of residues in cis-CaaD catalysis and specificity. This work sets the stage for in-depth mechanistic and structural studies of Cg10062, which could identify the additional features necessary for a fully active and highly specific cis-CaaD. Such results will also shed light on how cis-CaaD emerged in the tautomerase superfamily because Cg10062 could be characteristic of an intermediate along the evolutionary pathway for this dehalogenase.  相似文献   

The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) family of cytokines contains multiple ligand-binding sites and mediates immunomodulatory processes through an undefined mechanism(s). Previously, we reported a dynamic relay connecting the MIF catalytic site to an allosteric site at its solvent channel. Despite structural and functional similarity, the MIF homolog D-dopachrome tautomerase (also called MIF-2) has low sequence identity (35%), prompting the question of whether this dynamic regulatory network is conserved. Here, we establish the structural basis of an allosteric site in MIF-2, showing with solution NMR that dynamic communication is preserved in MIF-2 despite differences in the primary sequence. X-ray crystallography and NMR detail the structural consequences of perturbing residues in this pathway, which include conformational changes surrounding the allosteric site, despite global preservation of the MIF-2 fold. Molecular simulations reveal MIF-2 to contain a comparable hydrogen bond network to that of MIF, which was previously hypothesized to influence catalytic activity by modulating the strength of allosteric coupling. Disruption of the allosteric relay by mutagenesis also attenuates MIF-2 enzymatic activity in vitro and the activation of the cluster of differentiation 74 receptor in vivo, highlighting a conserved point of control for nonoverlapping functions in the MIF superfamily.  相似文献   

The NH(2)-terminal domain of the bacterial flavoprotein Dfp catalyzes the decarboxylation of (R)-4'-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine to 4'-phosphopantetheine, a key step in coenzyme A biosynthesis. Dfp proteins, LanD proteins (for example EpiD, which is involved in epidermin biosynthesis), and the salt tolerance protein AtHAL3a from Arabidopsis thaliana are homooligomeric flavin-containing Cys decarboxylases (HFCD protein family). The crystal structure of the peptidyl-cysteine decarboxylase EpiD complexed with a pentapeptide substrate has recently been determined. The peptide is bound by an NH(2)-terminal substrate binding helix, residue Asn(117), which contacts the cysteine residue of the substrate, and a COOH-terminal substrate recognition clamp. The conserved motif G-G/S-I-A-X-Y-K of the Dfp proteins aligns partly with the substrate binding helix of EpiD. Point mutations within this motif resulted in loss of coenzyme binding (G14S) or in significant decrease of Dfp activity (G15A, I16L, A17D, K20N, K20Q). Exchange of Asn(125) of Dfp, which corresponds to Asn(117) of EpiD, and exchange of Cys(158), which is within the proposed substrate recognition clamp of Dfp, led to inactivity of the enzyme. Molecular analysis of the conditional lethality of the Escherichia coli dfp-707 mutant revealed that the single point mutation G11D of Dfp is related to decreased amounts of soluble Dfp protein at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The gene for the biotin protein MadF of the Na+-pumping malonate decarboxylase from Malonomonas rubra was expressed in Escherichia coli together with the gene for the biotin ligase birA. MadF was partially purified from cell lysates by ammonium sulfate precipitation. Almost pure biotin protein was obtained by subsequent gel chromatography. With recombinant MadF, malonate decarboxylase activity of M. rubra cell extracts previously inactivated by avidin was recovered. Thus, the biological activity of recombinant MadF was proven. Despite the coexpression of birA, MadF was poorly biotinylated. This effect was not caused by an insufficient cofactor supply due to elevated protein levels at constant biotin uptake rates. Attempts to improve the cofactor incorporation were made by site-directed mutagenesis, by coexpression of madK, and by N-terminal elongation of MadF. These measures improved the fraction of MadF containing biotin to maximally 5%. These results might indicate the existence of a biotin ligase in M. rubra with an altered substrate specificity different from that of BirA. Received: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 7 September 1998  相似文献   

The EfeUOB system of Escherichia coli is a tripartite, low pH, ferrous iron transporter. It resembles the high-affinity iron transporter (Ftr1p-Fet3p) of yeast in that EfeU is homologous to Ftr1p, an integral-membrane iron-permease. However, EfeUOB lacks an equivalent of the Fet3p component—the multicopper oxidase with three cupredoxin-like domains. EfeO and EfeB are periplasmic but their precise roles are unclear. EfeO consists primarily of a C-terminal peptidase-M75 domain with a conserved ‘HxxE’ motif potentially involved in metal binding. The smaller N-terminal domain (EfeO-N) is predicted to be cupredoxin (Cup) like, suggesting a previously unrecognised similarity between EfeO and Fet3p. Our structural modelling of the E. coli EfeO Cup domain identifies two potential metal-binding sites. Site I is predicted to bind Cu2+ using three conserved residues (C41 and 103, and E66) and M101. Of these, only one (C103) is conserved in classical cupredoxins where it also acts as a Cu ligand. Site II most probably binds Fe3+ and consists of four well conserved surface Glu residues. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the EfeO-Cup domains form a novel Cup family, designated the ‘EfeO-Cup’ family. Structural modelling of two other representative EfeO-Cup domains indicates that different subfamilies employ distinct ligand sets at their proposed metal-binding sites. The ~100 efeO homologues in the bacterial sequence databases are all associated with various iron-transport related genes indicating a common role for EfeO-Cup proteins in iron transport, supporting a new copper-iron connection in biology.  相似文献   

Isomer-specific 3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenases function in the bacterial degradation of 1,3-dichloropropene, a compound used in agriculture to kill plant-parasitic nematodes. The crystal structure of the heterohexameric trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) from Pseudomonas pavonaceae 170 inactivated by 3-bromopropiolate shows that Glu-52 in the alpha-subunit is positioned to function as the water-activating base for the addition of a hydroxyl group to C-3 of 3-chloroacrylate and 3-bromopropiolate, whereas the nearby Pro-1 in the beta-subunit is positioned to provide a proton to C-2. Two arginine residues, alphaArg-8 and alphaArg-11, interact with the C-1 carboxylate groups, thereby polarizing the alpha,beta-unsaturated acids. The reaction with 3-chloroacrylate results in the production of an unstable halohydrin, 3-chloro-3-hydroxypropanoate, which decomposes into the products malonate semialdehyde and HCl. In the inactivation mechanism, however, malonyl bromide is produced, which irreversibly alkylates the betaPro-1. CaaD is related to 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase, with which it shares an N-terminal proline. However, in 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase, Pro-1 functions as a base participating in proton transfer within a hydrophobic active site, whereas in CaaD, the acidic proline is stabilized in a hydrophilic active site. The altered active site environment of CaaD thus facilitates a previously unknown reaction in the tautomerase superfamily, the hydration of the alpha,beta-unsaturated bonds of trans-3-chloroacrylate and 3-bromopropiolate. The mechanism for these hydration reactions represents a novel catalytic strategy that results in carbon-halogen bond cleavage.  相似文献   

A new tryptophan catabolic pathway is characterized from Burkholderia cepacia J2315. In this pathway, tryptophan is converted to 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde, which is enzymatically degraded to pyruvate and acetate via the intermediates 2-aminomuconate and 4-oxalocrotonate. This pathway differs from the proposed mammalian pathway which converts 2-aminomuconate to 2-ketoadipate and, ultimately, glutaryl-coenzyme A.  相似文献   

Kleisins: a superfamily of bacterial and eukaryotic SMC protein partners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a superfamily of eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins (kleisins) that includes ScpA, Scc1, Rec8, and Barren. Scc1 interacts with SMC proteins through N- and C-terminal domains to form a ring-like structure. Since these are the only domains conserved among kleisins, we suggest that ring formation with SMC proteins may define this family.  相似文献   

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