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In vivo EPR was used to investigate liver oxygenation in a hemodynamic model of septic shock in mice. Oxygen-sensitive material was introduced either (i) as a slurry of fine particles which localized at the liver sinusoids (pO2 = 44.39 +/- 5.13 mmHg) or (ii) as larger particles implanted directly into liver tissue to measure average pO2 across the lobule (pO2 = 4.56 +/- 1.28 mmHg). Endotoxin caused decreases in pO2 at both sites early (5-15 min) and at late time points (6 h after endotoxin; sinusoid = 11.22 +/- 2.48 mmHg; lobule = 1.16 +/- 0.42 mmHg). The overall pO2 changes observed were similar (74.56% versus 74.72%, respectively). Blood pressures decreased transiently between 5 and 15 min (12.88 +/- 8% decrease) and severely at 6 h (59 +/- 9% decrease) following endotoxin, despite volume replacement with saline. Liver and circulatory nitric oxide was elevated at these times. Liver oxygen extraction decreased from 44% in controls to only 15% following endotoxin, despite severe liver hypoxia. Arterial oxygen saturation, blood flow (hepatic artery), and cardiac output were unaffected. Pretreatment with l-NMMA failed to improve endotoxin-induced oxygen defects at either site, whereas interleukin-13 preserved oxygenation. These site-specific measurements of pO2 provide in vivo evidence that the principal cause of liver hypoxia during hypodynamic sepsis is reduced oxygen supply to the sinusoid and can be alleviated by maintaining sinusoidal perfusion.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule modulating diverse processes such as vasodilation, neurotransmission, long-term potentiation, and immune responses. The endothelium contributes a significant fraction of NO from endothelial NO synthase (eNOS). The objective of this work was to analyze the role of eNOS in the modulation of oxygen supply to the tissues and in adaptation to maintain oxygenation uncompromised. Oxygen delivery and consumption were measured in the microcirculation of homozygous mutant endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient (eNOS(-/-)) and wild-type mice. Animals were implanted with a dorsal window chamber, allowing us to assess the intact microvascular system. Hemodynamics and oxygen tension were assessed in the microcirculation of conscious animals. The eNOS(-/-) mice had significantly higher blood pressure and lower heart rate (146 +/- 8 mm Hg, 401 +/- 17 bpm) than wild type (127 +/- 6 mm Hg, 428 +/- 20 bpm). Microvascular hemodynamic parameters were not significantly different between groups. The eNOS(-/-) animals delivered less oxygen to the microcirculation and released more oxygen to the tissue; both differences were statistically significant compared to wild type. The arteriolar vessel wall oxygen gradient, a measure of vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cell wall oxygen consumption, was significantly lower for eNOS(-/-) than for wild type, suggesting that the inhibition of eNOS is an antianoxia (oxygen sparing) mechanism. Finally, the findings of the study support the argument that NO availability limits oxygen consumption by the tissue.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,53(18):PL303-PL307
Numerous studies have been reported examining the effects of antihypertensive treatment on peripheral vascular responsiveness in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). This study was conducted to determine the effects of chronic treatment with 2 antihypertensive agents on cerebrovascular responsiveness in male SHR and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. SHR and WKY (3–4 weeks old) received either placebo, clonidine (CLON, 10 mg pellet) or verapamil (VER, 5 mg pellet). Vascular reactivity studies on the basilar artery, using standard smooth muscle bath techniques, were conducted following 6 weeks of treatment. Both CLON and VER significantly attenuated the rise in blood pressure in SHR. Basilar artery responsiveness to KCl, serotonin (5-HT), and calcium were significantly increased whereas responses to acetylcholine (ACH), isoproterenol (ISO) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were significantly reduced in SHR compared to WKY. CLON had no effect on basilar artery responsiveness to either the contractile or relaxation agents in SHR. However, although responses to KCl, 5-HT and calcium were not affected by VER in SHR, VER significantly increased the responses to ACH, ISO and SNP. Neither CLON nor VER treatment affected basilar artery responsiveness to any of the agents in WKY. These data demonstrate that, even though CLON and VER have similar antihypertensive effects, differential effects of the 2 agents on cerebrovascular responsiveness in the SHR are apparent. This would suggest that the vascular effects of VER and CLON are dependent upon the mechanism of action of the agents and not simply due to prevention of the elevation in blood pressure.  相似文献   

The relationship between renal oxygen delivery (RDO2) and function was evaluated during progressive hypoxemia. Seven anesthetized, spontaneously breathing dogs were given progressively lower oxygen concentrations to breathe while monitoring renal O2 consumption (RVO2), renal hemodynamic and excretory function. In addition, basal RVO2 was determined in three models of kidneys without filtration. RDO2 averaged 3648 mumole O2/min/100 g during normoxia. Basal RVO2 averaged 100 mumole O2/min/100 g kidney while total RVO2 was 466 mumole O2/min/100 g kidney during normoxia, leaving 366 mumole O2/min/100 g consumed by those processes involved in tubular transport. During hypoxemia, all renal parameters were well maintained until the lowest PaO2 (24.2 Torr). At this level, total RVO2 and RDO2 were significantly reduced. However, RDO2 remained well above RVO2 throughout hypoxemia. The reduction in RVO2 was a direct result of decreased O2 demand, as glomerular filtration and tubular load were also reduced. This associated decrease in O2 demand and RVO2 was indicated by the fact that the renal (a - v)O2 difference remained low and unchanged (1.9 vol%), fractional sodium excretion was unchanged, and the ratio of tubular sodium reabsorption to RVO2 also remained unchanged (30.8 meq Na/mmole O2). It was concluded that hypoxemia, while reducing both RDO2 and RVO2 at the lowest PaO2 (24.2 Torr), did not functionally impair renal excretory function by limiting RDO2 to the tubular transport processes. A reduction in RBF is far more likely to compromise the RDO2 needed to sustain basal and active transport processes than hypoxemia itself.  相似文献   

With new algorithms of pattern recognition three types of regulation of oxygen delivery and consumption were studied: at normal regulation, hypo- and hyperfunction of heart. It is shown that a surplus systemic blood flow results in increase of arterio-venous shunt flow. Insufficient blood flow results in increase of arterio-venous gradient of blood oxygen content due to the increase of gradient of oxygen content on both sides of capillary wall and to activating of vasomotor function of microcirculatory arterial bed. Quantitative estimations of shunt and capillary blood flow are obtained.  相似文献   

Extracellular purines and pyrimidines have major effects on cardiac rhythm and contraction. ATP/UTP are released during various physiopathological conditions, such as ischemia, and despite degradation by ectonucleotidases, their interstitial concentrations can markedly increase, a fact that is clearly associated with arrhythmia. In the present whole cell patch-clamp analysis on ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated from various mammalian species, ATP and UTP elicited a sustained, nonselective cationic current, I(ATP). UDP was ineffective, whereas 2'(3')-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP was active, suggesting that P2Y(2) receptors are involved. I(ATP) resulted from the binding of ATP(4-) to P2Y(2) purinoceptors. I(ATP) was maintained after ATP removal in the presence of guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate and was inhibited by U-73122, a PLC inhibitor. Single-channel openings are rather infrequent under basal conditions. ATP markedly increased opening probability, an effect prevented by U-73122. Two main conductance levels of 14 and 23 pS were easily distinguished. Similarly, in fura-2-loaded cardiomyocytes, Mn(2+) quenching and Ba(2+) influx were significant only in the presence of ATP or UTP. Adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes expressed transient receptor potential channel TRPC1, -3, -4, and -7 mRNA and the TRPC3 and TRPC7 proteins that coimmunoprecipitated. Finally, the anti-TRPC3 antibody added to the patch pipette solution inhibited I(ATP). In conclusion, activation of P2Y(2) receptors, via a G protein and stimulation of PLCbeta, induces the opening of heteromeric TRPC3/7 channels, leading to a sustained, nonspecific cationic current. Such a depolarizing current could induce cell automaticity and trigger the arrhythmic events during an early infarct when ATP/UTP release occurs. These results emphasize a new, potentially deleterious role of TRPC channel activation.  相似文献   

Systemic parameters and microvascular and capillary hemodynamics were studied in the hamster window chamber model before and after hyaluronan degradation by intravenous injection of Streptomyces hyaluronidase (100 units, 40-50 U/ml plasma). Glycocalyx permeation was estimated using fluorescent markers of different molecular size (40, 70, and 2,000 kDa), and electrical charge. Systemic parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, blood gases) and microhemodynamics (vascular tone, velocity, and blood flow) remained statistically unchanged after injection of hyaluronidase, compared with inactivated hyaluronidase. Conversely, capillary hemodynamics were drastically affected. Functional capillary density, the capillaries perfused with red blood cells (RBCs), decreased by 35%, capillary Hct of the remaining functional capillaries increased from 16 to 27%, and penetration of 70-kDa fluorescent marker increased. Furthermore, plasma-only perfused capillaries statistically increased 30 min after hyaluronidase. The decrease in functional capillary density accounted for an increased RBC flux in the remainder of the capillaries, since the same number of RBCs had to traverse a reduced number of capillaries. Flux balances showed a reduction from baseline of 11% for the RBC flux and 20% for the plasma flux after treatment. These discrepancies are within the margin of error of the techniques used and could be explained by accounting for RBC over-velocity compared with plasma. These findings suggest that the decrease in the glycocalyx leads to capillary perfusion impairments.  相似文献   

Summary. The objective of this study was to examine the in vivo effect of melatonin on rat mitochondrial liver respiration. Two experiments were performed: For experiment 1, adult male rats received melatonin in the drinking water (16 or 50 μg/ml) or vehicle during 45 days. For experiment 2, rats received melatonin in the drinking water (50 μg/ml) for 45 days, or the same amount for 30 days followed by a 15 day-withdrawal period. At sacrifice, a liver mitochondrial fraction was prepared and oxygen consumption was measured polarographically in the presence of excess concentration of DL-3-β-hydroxybutyrate or L-succinate. Melatonin treatment decreased Krebs’ cycle substrate-induced respiration significantly at both examined doses. The stimulation of mitochondrial respiration caused by excess concentration of substrate recovered after melatonin withdrawal. Basal state 4 respiration was not modified by melatonin. Melatonin, by curtailing overstimulation of cellular respiration caused by excess Krebs’ cycle substrates, can protect the mitochondria from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Endometrial caruncles were excised from 13 sheep (caruncle sheep) before pregnancy to restrict placental growth. In subsequent pregnancies, half the caruncle fetuses were growth retarded or small (weight more than 2 SD below mean weight for control fetuses) with the remainder, normal-sized (weight within 2 SD of mean weight for control fetuses). The caruncle and 16 control sheep, each with indwelling vascular catheters, were studied between 121 and 130 days of pregnancy. Oxygen delivery to and consumption by the pregnant uterus in caruncle sheep with small fetuses was significantly reduced compared to controls while oxygen extraction was significantly increased. Oxygen tension (P02) and content in the common umbilical vein and in the descending aorta were significantly lower in small caruncle fetuses compared to controls but only P02 was lower in normal-sized caruncle fetuses. Oxygen delivery to, and consumption by, the fetus was significantly reduced in normal-sized and in small caruncle sheep compared to controls while oxygen extraction was increased in small caruncle sheep. Utero-placental oxygen consumption was significantly lower in caruncle sheep with small fetuses compared to that in controls. Despite these changes, oxygen consumption by the gravid uterus and fetus, per kg of tissue mass, was similar in both groups of caruncle and in control sheep. Utero-placental oxygen consumption per kg of utero-placental mass in caruncle sheep with small fetuses was not significantly different to that in sheep with normal-sized caruncle or control fetuses, although it averaged only 25% of that in controls. It is concluded that intrauterine growth retardation following restriction of placental growth is associated with a reduced supply of oxygen to both the pregnant uterus and fetus and a redistribution of oxygen to the fetus. This is due to the disproportionate maintenance of fetal growth relative to that of the placenta, since oxygen consumption by either, in terms of tissue mass, was not altered. Further, the greater uterine and fetal extraction of oxygen suggests that a smaller margin of safety may exist between supply and demand in intrauterine growth retardation.  相似文献   

Summary The BMR (6.00 ml O2·min–1) and thermal conductance (0.235 ml O2·min–1·°C–1) ofAmazona viridigenalis, a medium sized parrot, are close to allometrically predicted values for nonpasserine birds, but theT 1c of 26.5 °C is 8.5 °C higher than predicted (Fig. 1). Minimal respiratory frequencies measured in four species of birds average 60% of the rate predicted by a previous equation and yield the relationship, breaths·min–1= 10.3 kg–0.32. Frequencies are very dependent upon the methods used to obtain the data (Fig. 3). Resting values of respiratory parameters are poorly defined in the existing literature, and there are no single resting values within the TNZ analogous to a BMR. Rather values change within, as well as below and above, the TNZ. Minimal values of different parameters occur at differentT a's, not necessarily within the TNZ (Figs. 2, 4, 5). For clarity, resting respiratory parameters should be reported as standard values, analogous to standard metabolic rates, withT a specified. In birds the pattern of ventilation (f andV T) changes asT a changes resulting in different extraction efficiencies at a given minute volume (Figs. 6, 7). This facilitates adjustment to both changing oxygen demands and changing thermoregulatory needs.Abbreviations and symbols BMR basal metabolic rate - TNZ thermoneutral zone - T a ambient temperature - SMR standard metabolic rate - R.H. relative humidity - f respiratory frequency - br breath - T b body temperature - T lc lower critical temperature - Tuc upper critical temperature - T Rlc respiratory lower critical temperature - RQ respiratory quotient - extraction efficiency - V T tidal volume - minute volume (=V T xf)  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of both pharmacologically and mechanically induced increases in intestinal blood flow on intestinal oxygen consumption. Intraarterial infusions of prostacyclin (1-20 ng X kg-1 X min-1) significantly increased both blood flow and oxygen consumption under free flow conditions. However, the increase in oxygen consumption appears to be due to the corresponding increase in blood flow rather than a direct effect of prostacyclin on intestinal metabolism. This conclusion is supported by the finding that a mechanically induced increase in intestinal blood flow (60%) can also produce an increase in intestinal oxygen consumption (24%). These findings support the hypothesis that intestinal oxygen consumption is flow-dependent over a wide range of blood flows.  相似文献   

William Stillwell  H.Ti Tien 《BBA》1977,461(2):239-252
When chlorophyll-lipid microvesicles under aerobic conditions were illuminated with intense white light; (a) the media became more acidic, (b) the lipid microvesicles bleached from green to yellow and (c) oxygen was taken up from the bathing solution. The bleaching, which was followed spectrophotometrically, resulted in a decrease in the total chlorophyll content as well as the chlorophyll a : b ratio. Some bleaching, which was slowed by the presence of electron donors, occurred in the dark. Water-soluble electron donors were shown to increase the rate of oxygen consumption with the order of effectiveness being; control = KI = ferrocyanide < hydroquinone < thiourea < cysteine < NADH < Fe+2 < ascorbic acid < phenylhydrazine. Chlorophyll mediated electron transfer from donors to oxygen is similar to that of the well known Krasnovsky reactions (in organic solvents and aqueous detergent suspensions) and Mehler reaction (in chloroplast suspension). Electron acceptors and β-carotene had no effect on the oxygen consumption. Lipid-soluble quinones and α-tocopherol affected the oxygen reaction to different extents. The reactions reported here are closely related to those previously described for chlorophyll in organic solvents, “quantasomes” and chloroplasts. The demonstration of these reactions in chlorophyll-lipid microvesicles is an advance in making the chlorophyll-lipid microvesicles a better model of the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, caused by disrupted vasculature and peripheral vasculopathies, is a key factor that limits dermal wound healing. Factors that can increase oxygen delivery to the regional tissue, such as supplemental oxygen, warmth, and sympathetic blockade, can accelerate healing. Clinical experience with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in the treatment of chronic wounds have shown that wound hyperoxia may increase granulation tissue formation and accelerate wound contraction and secondary closure. However, HBOT is not applicable to all wound patients and may pose the risk of oxygen toxicity. Thus, the efficacy of topical oxygen treatment in an experimental setting using the pre-clinical model involving excisional dermal wound in pigs was assessed. Exposure of open dermal wounds to topical oxygen treatment increased tissue pO2 of superficial wound tissue. Repeated treatment accelerated wound closure. Histological studies revealed that the wounds benefited from the treatment. The oxygen treated wounds showed signs of improved angiogenesis and tissue oxygenation. Topically applied pure oxygen has the potential of benefiting some wound types. Further studies testing the potential of topical oxygen in pre-clinical and clinical settings are warranted.  相似文献   

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