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Sir D  Liang C  Chen WL  Jung JU  Ou JH 《Autophagy》2008,4(6):830-831
Autophagy removes long-lived proteins and damaged organelles and is important for maintaining cellular homeostasis. It can also serve in innate immunity to remove intracellular pathogens. As such, viruses have evolved different mechanisms to subvert this innate immune response. We have recently demonstrated that hepatitis C virus (HCV) can also suppress autophagic protein degradation by suppressing the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes. This suppression causes the accumulation of autophagosomes and enhances HCV RNA replication.(1) Our further analysis indicated that the induction of autophagosomes by HCV is dependent on the unfolded protein response (UPR). Our studies thus delineate a molecular pathway by which HCV induces autophagosomes. The prolonged perturbation of the autophagic pathway by HCV likely plays an important role in HCV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

More than 500 million people worldwide are persistently infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) and are at risk of developing chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite many common features in the pathogenesis of HBV- and HCV-related liver disease, these viruses markedly differ in their virological properties and in their immune escape and survival strategies. This review assesses recent advances in our understanding of viral hepatitis, contrasts mechanisms of virus-host interaction in acute hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and outlines areas for future studies.  相似文献   

Moriishi K  Matsuura Y 《Uirusu》2007,57(2):141-149
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects approximately 170 million people worldwide including 2 million in Japan and induces serious chronic hepatitis that results in the development of steatosis, cirrhosis and ultimately hepatocellular carcinoma. The current combination therapy using pegylated interferon alpha and a nucleotide analogue ribavirin achieved a sustained virological response in about half population of individuals infected with HCV genotypes la and lb. More than two-thirds of the HCV-positive population has been chronically infected with genotype 1 in Western countries and Japan. Therefore, more effective therapeutics and preventative measures are needed for the treatment of hepatitis C patients who are not responsive to the current chemotherapy. HCV core protein is well known to be the viral capsid protein as well as the pathogenic factor that induces steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in the transgenic mice. In this review, we summarize the current status of our knowledge regarding the molecular mechanism by which HCV core protein induces liver steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and discuss on a future perspective for the development of novel therapeutics for chronic hepatitis C.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen that affects approximately 100 million people worldwide. Its RNA genome codes for a polyprotein, which is cleaved by viral and cellular proteases to produce at least 10 mature viral protein products. We report here the discovery of a novel HCV protein synthesized by ribosomal frameshift. This protein, which we named the F protein, is synthesized from the initiation codon of the polyprotein sequence followed by ribosomal frameshift into the -2/+1 reading frame. This ribosomal frameshift requires only codons 8-14 of the core protein-coding sequence, and the shift junction is located at or near codon 11. An F protein analog synthesized in vitro reacted with the sera of HCV patients but not with the sera of hepatitis B patients, indicating the expression of the F protein during natural HCV infection. This unexpected finding may open new avenues for the development of anti-HCV drugs.  相似文献   

Exciting progress has recently been made in understanding the replication of hepatitis C virus, a major cause of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. The development of complete cell-culture systems should now enable the systematic dissection of the entire viral lifecycle, providing insights into the hitherto difficult-to-study early and late steps. These efforts have already translated into the identification of novel antiviral targets and the development of new therapeutic strategies, some of which are currently undergoing clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

Antiviral immunity in mammals involves several levels of surveillance and effector actions by host factors to detect viral pathogens, trigger /β interferon production, and to mediate innate defenses within infected cells. Our studies have focused on understanding how these processes are regulated during infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and West Nile virus (WNV). Both viruses are members of the Flaviviridae and are human pathogens, but they each mediate a very different disease and course of infection. Our results demonstrate common and unique innate immune interactions of each virus that govern antiviral immunity and demonstrate the central role of /β interferon immune defenses in controlling the outcome of infection.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the world's major health problems, and the identification of efficient HCV inhibitors is a major goal. Here we report the isolation of efficient anti-HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA molecules identified by a new in vitro selection method. The newly developed procedure consists of two sequential steps that use distinct criteria for selection: selection for binding and selection for cleaving. The selection protocol was applied to a population of more than 10(15) variants of an anti-hepatitis C virus ribozyme covalently linked to an aptamer motif. The ribozyme was directed against positions 357 to 369 of the HCV IRES, and the cleavage substrate was a 691-nucleotide-long RNA fragment that comprises the entire HCV IRES domain. After six selection cycles, seven groups of RNA variants were identified. A representative of each group was tested for its capacity to inhibit IRES activity using in vitro translation assays. All selected RNAs promoted significant inhibition, some by as much as 95%.  相似文献   

Receptors for hepatitis C virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

It was generally believed that Toxoplasma gondii had a clonal population structure with three predominant lineages, namely types I, II and III. This was largely based on genotyping of more than 100 T. gondii isolates originating from a variety of human and animal sources in North America and Europe. Recent genotyping studies on T. gondii strains from wild animals or human patients from different geographical regions revealed the high frequency of non-archetypal genotypes, suggesting the overall diversity of the T. gondii population might be much higher than we thought. However, as most genotyping studies had relied on a few biallelic markers, the resolution and discriminative power of identifying parasite isolates were quite low. To date, there is no commonly used set of markers to genotype T. gondii strains and it is not feasible to compare results from different laboratories. Here, we developed nine PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism markers with each of them capable of distinguishing the three archetypal T. gondii alleles in one restriction-enzyme reaction by agarose gel electrophoresis. Genotyping 46 T. gondii isolates from different sources using these markers showed that they could readily distinguish the archetypal from atypical types and reveal the genetic diversity of the parasites. In addition, mixed strains in samples could be easily detected by these markers. Use of these markers will facilitate the identification of T. gondii isolates in epidemiological and population genetic studies.  相似文献   

The high variability and the limited knowledge of the structure of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope glycoproteins (GP) are challenging hurdles for vaccine design. Recently, Kong et al. published a new model of HCV E2 GP structure in Science, revealing a globular structure, starkly contrasting from the extended model of class II fusion proteins from other Flaviviridae viruses.Treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients has been markedly improved with the development of direct acting antivirals (DAAs) opening a perspective of cure for the majority of patients1. However, the high costs and limited access of DAAs in low- or middle-income countries with high HCV prevalence, the absence of HCV screening programs, and HCV re-infection of previously cured patients remain important challenges for the global control of HCV infection. An effective vaccine will undoubtedly be crucial for HCV eradication2, but its development has been hampered by several factors, most critically the viral evasion of adaptive and innate immune responses3. GP E2 is the main target of neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) in HCV-infected patients and a potent immunogen. Although several monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) targeting this protein have been shown to prevent HCV infection in animal models4, the high variability of HCV envelope glycoproteins (GPs) enables the virus to efficiently escape nAbs5.An important hurdle for the understanding of GP-Ab interactions and vaccine development has been the limited knowledge about GP structure. For nearly 25 years, researchers tried to solve the E2 structure, but without substantial success. A problematic roadblock was the numerous post-translational modifications of the GPs such as N-glycosylations and disulfide bridges, which when expressed out of context can form misfolded aggregates. Until now, usage of short E2 peptides in complex with anti-E2 fragment antigen binding regions (FAbs) of nAbs yielded only partial results6,7. For the first time, Kong et al.8 by strategically truncating and/or replacing regions of E2, along with co-crystallization with an avidly binding antibody, have succeeded in developing an E2 crystal structure, which in conjunction with negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) gives a novel model of E2. This elegant study renews our concept of the E2 structure, which was anticipated to be extended as in class II fusion proteins from other RNA viruses9, but instead presents a globular arrangement (key findings summarized in 8
Experiment objectiveToolsTechnique employedMain resultsFunctional relevance Future implications
Structural characterization of E2E2c AR3C FAbX-Ray crystallographyGeneral globular shape despite irregular secondary structure, Central β sandwich bordered by two layers (front and back) comprising loops, short helices and β sheetsUnderstanding of : HCV morphology HCV/CD81 interactions HCV fusion process
E2ΔTM AR3C FAbNegative-stain EMConfirmation of E2 globular structure, Remapping of regions absent in the E2c: N-terminal region next to the β sandwich Region 454-491 at the opposite face of the β sandwich C-terminal region behind back layerHCV/host factors interaction research, Entry inhibitor development, Immunopreventive strategies, Vaccine design
Determination of CD81 receptor binding siteE1E2 heterodimerSite-directed mutagenesis ELISAInteraction of CD81 with residues of the front layer and the CD81 binding loop of E2
d E2ΔTM Dimer of CD81 LEL AR2A FAbNegative-stain EMA dimer of CD81 and AR3C interacts with the same site on E2 
Open in a separate windowE2c: aa 412-645, truncations at N- and C- termini, aa 460-485 substituted by a linker, removal of N448 and N576 E2ΔTM: aa 384-717; d E2ΔTM: Deglycosylated E2ΔTM; LEL: large external loop; EM: electron microscopy; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayUsing different soluble E2 constructs in association with diverse anti-E2 FAbs from a panel of previously characterized human mAbs (HmAbs), Kong et al. succeeded to obtain a well diffracting crystal (2.65 Å) from an E2 core (E2c) spanning residues 412 to 645 complexed with AR3C FAb. The crystal reveals a general globular shape despite the absence of regular secondary structure. The arrangement of E2c is composed of a central β sandwich bordered by two layers (front and back) which are comprised of loops, short helices, and β sheets. Despite sequence differences between E2 and E2c, the correct folding of E2c was experimentally confirmed. Negative-stain EM was next performed using full-length E2 ectodomain (E2ΔTM) in association with AR3C FAb. A general shape of the complex E2ΔTM-AR3C FAb was obtained and E2c as well as the truncated sites were remapped into this complete structure, confirming the globular structure of E2. Additionally, Kong et al. performed site-directed mutagenesis on E1E2 heterodimer and identified residues of the front layer and the CD81 binding loop as part of the CD81 receptor binding site. Using negative-stain EM, the authors also determined that a dimer of CD81 and AR3C interacts with the same site on E2. This binding region is globally well conserved and may also contain disordered residues 412 to 420 that are part of the epitope of the efficacious nAbs HCV1 and AP336,7.This first successful characterization of E2 structure constitutes a remarkable advance for HCV research and has important implications for the comprehension of virus-host interactions during HCV entry and viral evasion from neutralizing B cell responses. E1E2-mediated HCV attachment and entry is a multistep process essential for initiation, spread, and maintenance of infection. During entry, E2 interacts specifically with different partners including scavenger receptor B1 and CD81 as part of a co-receptor complex with claudin-1, followed by fusion between HCV and endosomal membranes, leading to the release of the viral genome in the cytoplasm. This new structure of E2 presented by Kong et al. opens avenues to further characterize E2 interactions with other host factors presumed to bind E2 directly such as heparan sulfates and apolipoprotein E. This model also represents a unique tool to better understand the HCV fusion process which remains largely unknown. These future studies will not only allow a better understanding of virus cell entry but also inform therapeutic interventions against HCV entry, a useful prospect in situations in which DAAs cannot be used or fail due to resistance. Furthermore, nAb responses principally inhibit HCV entry by targeting E2 GP, but E2 sequence variability, numerous N-glycosylations, and viral association with lipoproteins limit the generation of efficacious nAbs3. nAb activity might also be disturbed by the presence of interfering antibodies though the mechanism remains controversial. Thus, the approach and conceptual advancement provided by Kong et al. may help to further address the molecular mechanisms of viral escape from nAbs.Interestingly, the authors characterized a conserved epitope on E2 free of N-glycosylations that critically functions in HCV entry by mediating viral attachment to CD81. The new structural elements of E2 introduced by Kong and colleagues suggest that targeting this epitope could limit viral evasion from nAbs. This region appears as a target of primary interest for preventive strategies, especially immunoprevention of liver graft infection during liver transplantation and vaccine design. This last point is supported by encouraging results obtained in humans using an E1E2-based vaccine that induces neutralizing B cell responses10, yet even these results were likely limited by poor folding of the recombinant HCV GP used. Thus, the present study gives new crucial structural information for the use of recombinant E2 protein as part of a preventive vaccine.It is certain that this study will be the springboard for a series of future enlightening discoveries. The work of Kong and colleagues represents a major step forward in understanding HCV morphology and provides new perspectives to guide HCV vaccine development.  相似文献   

We studied the mutation patterns of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and GB virus C/hepatitis G virus (HGV). Although the mutation patterns of the two viruses were similar to each other, they were quite different from that of HIV. In particular, the similarity of the patterns between HCV or HGV and human nuclear pseudogenes was statistically significant whereas there was no similarity between HIV and human nuclear pseudogenes. This finding suggests that the mutation patterns of HCV and HGV are similar to the patterns of spontaneous substitution mutations of human genes, implying that nucleotide analogues which are effective against HCV and HGV may have a side effect on the normal cells of humans.  相似文献   

Studying hepatitis C virus: making the best of a bad virus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Immunopathogenesis of hepatitis C virus infection   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Hepatitis C virus, a recently identified member of the family Flaviviridae, is an important cause of chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis. There are similarities in the nature of the immune response to this pathogen with immunity in other flavivirus and hepatotropic virus infections, such as hepatitis B. However, the high rate of viral persistence after primary hepatitis C infection, and the observation that neutralizing antibodies are not protective, would suggest that there are a number of important differences between hepatitis C, other flaviviruses, and hepatitis B. The phenomenon of quasispecies evolution and other viral factors have been proposed to contribute to immune evasion by hepatitis C virus. In the face of established persistent infection, virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes may exert some control over viral replication. However, these same effectors may also be responsible for the progressive liver damage characteristic of chronic hepatitis C infection. The nature of protective immunity, including the role of innate immune responses early after hepatitis C exposure, remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Subgenomic replicons of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been widely used for studying HCV replication. Here, we report a new subgenomic replicon based on a strain isolated from a chronically infected patient. The coding sequence of HCV was recovered from a Chinese chronic hepatitis C patient displaying high serum HCV copy numbers. A consensus sequence designated as CCH strain was constructed based on the sequences of five clones and this was classified by sequence alignment as belonging to genotype 2a. The subgenomic replicon of CCH was replication-deficient in cell culture, due to dysfunctions in NS3 and NS5B. Various JFH1/CCH chimeric replicons were constructed, and specific mutations were introduced. The introduction of mutations could partially restore the replication of chimeric replicons. A replication-competent chimeric construct was finally obtained by the introduction of NS3 from JFH1 into the backbone of the CCH strain.  相似文献   

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