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MOLE (mining, organizing, and logging experiments) has been developed to meet the growing data management and target tracking needs of molecular biologists and protein crystallographers. The prototype reported here will become a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to help protein scientists manage the large amounts of laboratory data being generated due to the acceleration in proteome research and will furthermore facilitate collaborations between groups based at different sites. To achieve this, MOLE is based on the data model for protein production devised at the European Bioinformatics Institute (Pajon A, et al., Proteins in press).  相似文献   

Prototype computer software for a Cell Culture Laboratory Management System (CCLMS) has been developed to relieve cell culture specialists of the burden of manual recordkeeping. Conventional data archives in cell culture laboratories are prone to error and expensive to maintain. The reliance upon cell culture to provide models for biochemical and molecular biological research serves to magnify errors at great expense. The CCLMS prototype encapsulates a modular software application that manages the many aspects of cell culture laboratory recordkeeping. A transaction-based database stores detailed information on subcultures, freezes and thaws, prints waterproof labels for culture vessels, and provides for immediate historical trace-back of any cultured cell line. Linked database files store information specific to an individual culture flask while removing redundancy between similar groups of flasks. A frozen cell log maintains locations of all vials within any type of cryogenic storage unit, locates spaces for newly frozen cell lines, and generates alphabetical or numerical reports. Finally, modules for maintaining cell counts, user records, and culture vessel specifications to support a comprehensive automation process are incorporated within this software. The developed CCLMS prototype has been demonstrated to be an adaptable, reliable tool for improving training, efficiency, and historical rigor for two independent cell culture facilities.  相似文献   

We present ProtaBank, a repository for storing, querying, analyzing, and sharing protein design and engineering data in an actively maintained and updated database. ProtaBank provides a format to describe and compare all types of protein mutational data, spanning a wide range of properties and techniques. It features a user‐friendly web interface and programming layer that streamlines data deposition and allows for batch input and queries. The database schema design incorporates a standard format for reporting protein sequences and experimental data that facilitates comparison of results across different data sets. A suite of analysis and visualization tools are provided to facilitate discovery, to guide future designs, and to benchmark and train new predictive tools and algorithms. ProtaBank will provide a valuable resource to the protein engineering community by storing and safeguarding newly generated data, allowing for fast searching and identification of relevant data from the existing literature, and exploring correlations between disparate data sets. ProtaBank invites researchers to contribute data to the database to make it accessible for search and analysis. ProtaBank is available at https://protabank.org .  相似文献   

The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has gained much attention during the last decade as a platform for producing heterologous recombinant proteins of pharmaceutical importance, due to its ability to reproduce post-translational modification similar to higher eukaryotes. With the recent release of the full genome sequence for P. pastoris, in-depth study of its functions has become feasible. Here we present the first reconstruction of the genome-scale metabolic model of the eukaryote P. pastoris type strain DSMZ 70382, PpaMBEL1254, consisting of 1254 metabolic reactions and 1147 metabolites compartmentalized into eight different regions to represent organelles. Additionally, equations describing the production of two heterologous proteins, human serum albumin and human superoxide dismutase, were incorporated. The protein-producing model versions of PpaMBEL1254 were then analyzed to examine the impact on oxygen limitation on protein production.  相似文献   

PKB: a program system and data base for analysis of protein structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S H Bryant 《Proteins》1989,5(3):233-247
PKB is a computer program system that combines a data base of three-dimensional protein structures with a series of algorithms for pattern recognition, data analysis, and graphics. By typing relatively simple commands the user may search the data base for instances of a structural motif and analyze in detail the set of individual structures that are found. The application of PKB to the study of protein folding is illustrated in three examples. The first analysis compares the conformations observed for a short sequential motif, sequences similar to the cell-attachment signal Arg-Gly-Asp. The second compares sequences observed for a conformational motif, a 16-residue beta alpha beta unit. The third analysis considers a population of substructures containing ion-pair interactions, examining the relationship of frequency of occurrence to calculated electrostatic energy.  相似文献   

Cho SY  Park KS  Shim JE  Kwon MS  Joo KH  Lee WS  Chang J  Kim H  Chung HC  Kim HO  Paik YK 《Proteomics》2002,2(9):1104-1113
We describe an integrated proteome database, termed Yonsei Proteome Research Center Proteome Database (YPRC-PDB) which can store, retrieve and analyze various information including two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) images and associated spot information that were obtained during studies of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). YPRC-PDB is also designed to perform as a laboratory information management system that manages sample information, clinical background, conditions of both sample preparation and 2-DE, and entire sets of experimental results. It also features query system and data-mining applications, which are amenable to automatically analyze expression level changes of a specific protein and directly link to clinical information. The user interface is web-based, so that the results from other laboratories can be shared effectively. In particular, the master gel image query is equipped with a graphic tool that can easily identify the relationship between the specific pathological stage of HCC and expression levels of a potential marker protein on the master gel image. Thus, YPRC-PDB is a versatile integrated database suitable for subsequent analyses. The information in YPRC-PDB is updated easily and it is available to authorized users on the World Wide Web (http://yprcpdb.proteomix.org/ approximately damduck/).  相似文献   

Both conventional and innovative biomedical approaches require cost-effective protein drugs with high therapeutic potency, improved bioavailability, biocompatibility, stability and pharmacokinetics. The growing longevity of the human population, the increasing incidence and prevalence of age-related diseases and the better comprehension of genetic-linked disorders prompt to develop natural and engineered drugs addressed to fulfill emerging therapeutic demands. Conventional microbial systems have been for long time exploited to produce biotherapeutics, competing with animal cells due to easier operation and lower process costs. However, both biological platforms exhibit important drawbacks (mainly associated to intracellular retention of the product, lack of post-translational modifications and conformational stresses), that cannot be overcome through further strain optimization merely due to physiological constraints. The metabolic diversity among microorganisms offers a spectrum of unconventional hosts, that, being able to bypass some of these weaknesses, are under progressive incorporation into production pipelines. In this review we describe the main biological traits and potentials of emerging bacterial, yeast, fungal and microalgae systems, by comparing selected leading species with well established conventional organisms with a long run in protein drug production.  相似文献   

HaloLex is a software system for the central management, integration, curation, and web-based visualization of genomic and other -omics data for any given microorganism. The system has been employed for the manual curation of three haloarchaeal genomes, namely Halobacterium salinarum (strain R1), Natronomonas pharaonis, and Haloquadratum walsbyi. HaloLex, in particular, enables the integrated analysis of genome-wide proteomic results with the underlying genomic data. This has proven indispensable to generate reliable gene predictions for GC-rich genomes, which, due to their characteristically low abundance of stop codons, are known to be hard targets for standard gene finders, especially concerning start codon assignment. The proteomic identification of more than 600 N-terminal peptides has greatly increased the reliability of the start codon assignment for Halobacterium salinarum. Application of homology-based methods to the published genome of Haloarcula marismortui allowed to detect 47 previously unidentified genes (a problem that is particularly serious for short protein sequences) and to correct more than 300 start codon misassignments.  相似文献   

固着或栖息在船舶和人工设施水下部位的海洋污损生物, 会对人们的涉海活动产生不利影响, 其群落的形成和发展过程与温度、盐度、深度、季节、海域、浸海时间、离岸距离和附着基类型等多种因素密切相关。为便于系统分析和综合处理各海区污损生物资料, 理清各要素之间的内在关系, 需要一个能将上述因子与生物群落参数有机地结合起来的数据平台, 将分散、零星的资料予以归纳整合并通过网络共享, 以更好地为生产实践和科学研究服务。本研究采用Internet技术, 应用ASP.NET框架和MySQL数据库, 使用MS Visual Studio 2013设计并开发了服务端部署在Windows 7或Windows Server 2008 R2 (推荐)操作系统上的海洋污损生物数据管理系统, 实现了基于网络的海洋污损生物数据集成、储存与管理, 可完成来源不同、时相变化和海区多样的污损生物数据资料的集成与储存, 能通过单一或多种组合条件进行查询和检索, 并可根据用户的需要导出多种格式的检索结果报表。该系统具备操作简便、方便网络共享、易于升级更新和开拓新功能等特点, 能有效满足科研、生产和管理部门的需要。  相似文献   

Lifespan measurements, also called survival records, are a key phenotype in research on aging. If external hazards are excluded, aging alone determines the mortality in a population of model organisms. Understanding the biology of aging is highly desirable because of the benefits for the wide range of aging‐related diseases. However, it is also extremely challenging because of the underlying complexity. Here, we describe SurvCurv, a new database and online resource focused on model organisms collating survival data for storage and analysis. All data in SurvCurv are manually curated and annotated. The database, available at www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/SurvCurv/ , offers various functions including plotting, Cox proportional hazards analysis, mathematical mortality models and statistical tests. It facilitates reanalysis and allows users to analyse their own data and compare it with the largest repository of model‐organism data from published experiments, thus unlocking the potential of survival data and demographics in model organisms.  相似文献   

A common challenge for bioinformaticians, in either academic or industry laboratory environments, is providing informatic solutions via the Internet or through a web browser. Recently, the open source community began developing tools for building and maintaining web applications for many disciplines. These content management systems (CMS) provide many of the basic needs of an informatics group, whether in a small company, a group within a larger organisation or an academic laboratory. These tools aid in managing software development, website development, document development, course development, datasets, collaborations and customers. Since many of these tools are extensible, they can be developed to support other research-specific activities, such as handling large biomedical datasets or deploying bioanalytic tools. In this review of open source website management tools, the basic features of content management systems are discussed along with commonly used open source software. Additionally, some examples of their use in biomedical research are given.  相似文献   

Recently, dramatic progress has been achieved in expanding the sensitivity, resolution, mass accuracy, and scan rate of mass spectrometers able to fragment and identify peptides through MS/MS. Unfortunately, this enhanced ability to acquire proteomic data has not been accompanied by a concomitant increase in the availability of flexible tools allowing users to rapidly assimilate, explore, and analyze this data and adapt to various experimental workflows with minimal user intervention. Here we fill this critical gap by providing a flexible relational database called PeptideDepot for organization of expansive proteomic data sets, collation of proteomic data with available protein information resources, and visual comparison of multiple quantitative proteomic experiments. Our software design, built upon the synergistic combination of a MySQL database for safe warehousing of proteomic data with a FileMaker‐driven graphical user interface for flexible adaptation to diverse workflows, enables proteomic end‐users to directly tailor the presentation of proteomic data to the unique analysis requirements of the individual proteomics lab. PeptideDepot may be deployed as an independent software tool or integrated directly with our high throughput autonomous proteomic pipeline used in the automated acquisition and post‐acquisition analysis of proteomic data.  相似文献   

两种典型养鸡模式的能值分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡秋红  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7227-7234
畜禽养殖的有机化过程被认为是实现养殖业持续发展与保障食品安全的重要途径.运用能值分析方法对两种典型养鸡模式——家庭有机饲养和林地散养进行了系统分析,并结合Castellini等人对意大利所做的同类研究(工业规模化笼养和草地散养)进行了横向对比.结果表明,林地散养生产系统的能值产出率为1.11,与家庭有机饲养系统相近,而在环境负载率和可持续发展能力方面的表现,均差于家庭有机饲养生产系统,说明林地散养模式尽管通过提高系统生产空间,理论上接近畜禽养殖的有机化理念,但由于大量的禽舍建筑、医药及其饲料等方面的外部资源输入,反而使得系统的环境负载率提高,可持续性大大下降.与意大利的结果比较发现,我国两个养殖系统的社会经济成本高、对外部不可再生资源的依赖程度较高,有机化目标并没有很好的实现.因此,我国现有的有机化畜禽养殖方式和外部制度都有待进一步改进和创新.  相似文献   

Alpha-helices stand out as common and relatively invariant secondary structural elements of proteins. However, alpha-helices are not rigid bodies and their deformations can be significant in protein function (e.g. coiled coils). To quantify the flexibility of alpha-helices we have performed a structural principal-component analysis of helices of different lengths from a representative set of protein folds in the Protein Data Bank. We find three dominant modes of flexibility: two degenerate bend modes and one twist mode. The data are consistent with independent Gaussian distributions for each mode. The mode eigenvalues, which measure flexibility, follow simple scaling forms as a function of helix length. The dominant bend and twist modes and their harmonics are reproduced by a simple spring model, which incorporates hydrogen-bonding and excluded volume. As an application, we examine the amount of bend and twist in helices making up all coiled-coil proteins in SCOP. Incorporation of alpha-helix flexibility into structure refinement and design is discussed.  相似文献   

Data integration is needed in order to cope with the huge amounts of biological information now available and to perform data mining effectively. Current data integration systems have strict limitations, mainly due to the number of resources, their size and frequency of updates, their heterogeneity and distribution on the Internet. Integration must therefore be achieved by accessing network services through flexible and extensible data integration and analysis network tools. EXtensible Markup Language (XML), Web Services and Workflow Management Systems (WMS) can support the creation and deployment of such systems. Many XML languages and Web Services for bioinformatics have already been designed and implemented and some WMS have been proposed. In this article, we review a methodology for data integration in biomedical research that is based on these technologies. We also briefly describe some of the available WMS and discuss the current limitations of this methodology and the ways in which they can be overcome.  相似文献   

Microbial cell factories are widely used for the production of high-value chemicals. However, maximizing production titers is made difficult by the complicated regulatory mechanisms of these cell platforms. Here, kcat values were incorporated to construct an Escherichia coli enzyme-constrained model. The resulting ec_iML1515 model showed that the protein demand and protein synthesis rate were the key factors affecting lysine production. By optimizing the expression of the 20 top-demanded proteins, lysine titers reached 95.7 ± 0.7 g/L, with a 0.45 g/g glucose yield. Moreover, adjusting NH4+ and dissolved oxygen levels to regulate the synthesis rate of energy metabolism-related proteins caused lysine titers and glucose yields to increase to 193.6 ± 1.8 g/L and 0.74 g/g, respectively. The ec_iML1515 model provides insight into how enzymes required for the biosynthesis of certain products are distributed between and within metabolic pathways. This information can be used to accurately predict and rationally design lysine production.  相似文献   

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