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In recent years many remarkable changes occurred in our way of life, producing opportunities for microbes. All these changes are related to the recent emergence of previously unrecognized diseases, or the resurgence of diseases that, at least in developed countries, were thought to be under control. This concept is reviewed regarding fungal infections and their agents in the immunocompromised host. The changing pattern of these infections, the portals of entry of fungi into the human host, fungal pathogenicity and the main predisposing factors are analyzed. Opportunistic fungal infections in cancer, organ transplant and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients are reviewed, specially candidiasis and aspergillosis.  相似文献   

Sero-epidemiological studies on a few common virus infections, including measles, rubella, mumps and varicella-zoster, were carried out on patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and controls matched for age, sex, and residences since birth. The frequency of antibodies against measles was significantly higher in the MS patients. Where measles preceded the onset of MS, the time interval varied from 3 to 32 years. In two cases, known MS patients contracted measles 9 and 3 years after their onset of MS. Furthermore, three MS patients were vaccinated against measles as adults. Two of these took part in a WHO measles vaccine trial in 1962, 18 and 6 years after the onset of MS. Both of them were seronegative prior to vaccination.  相似文献   

Phytohormones mediate plant development and responses to stresses caused by biotic agents or abiotic factors. The functions of phytohormones in responses to viral infection have been intensively studied, and the emerging picture of complex mechanisms provides insights into the roles that phytohormones play in defense regulation as a whole. These hormone signaling pathways are not simple linear or isolated cascades, but exhibit crosstalk with each other. Here, we summarized the current understanding of recent advances for the classical defense hormones salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET) and also the roles of abscisic acid (ABA), auxin, gibberellic acid (GA), cytokinins (CKs), and brassinosteroids (BRs) in modulating plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

先天性免疫系统作为宿主抵抗外来病原入侵的第一道防线,也是最迅速的防御系统。宿主先天性免疫系统中的模式识别受体识别入侵信号并激活炎症信号通路,诱导产生大量促炎性细胞因子,引起炎症反应。病毒感染是激活炎症反应的条件之一,诱导机体产生强烈的免疫应答,强大的炎症反应调控网络在宿主抗病毒过程中发挥关键作用,以维持机体的平衡。本文综述了病毒感染引起的炎症反应,重点介绍了宿主对炎症反应的调控网络,以及DNA和RNA病毒对炎症反应的调节机制,为病毒感染引起的免疫性疾病的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

Cryptococcosis as a complication of the immunocompromised host has dramatically increased in frequency since the start of the AIDS epidemic. This trend has heightened awareness of the complications of cryptococcal meningitis; of these, intracranial hypertension is common, severe, and life-threatening, as exemplified by three cases in our institutions presented here in detail. An aggressive approach to management of this complication has not been the standard of care, but neurosurgical interventional studies combined with physiologic observations suggest early intervention may reduce the devastating morbidity and mortality. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The host type I interferon response to viral and bacterial infections   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Perry AK  Chen G  Zheng D  Tang H  Cheng G 《Cell research》2005,15(6):407-422
Type I interferons (IFN) are well studied cytokines with anti-viral and immune-modulating functions. Type I IFNs are produced following viral infections, but until recently, the mechanisms of viral recognition leading to IFN production were largely unknown. Toll like receptors (TLRs) have emerged as key transducers of type I IFN during viral infections by recognizing various viral components. Furthermore, much progress has been made in defining the signaling pathways downstream of TLRs for type I IFN production. TLR7 and TLR9 have become apparent as universally important in inducing type I IFN during infection with most viruses, particularly by plasmacytoid dendritic cells. New intracellular viral pattern recognition receptors leading to type I IFN production have been identified. Many bacteria can also induce the up-regulation of these cytokines. Interestingly, recent studies have found a detrimental effect on host cells if type Ⅰ IFN is produced during infection with the intracellular gram-positive bacterial pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes. This review will discuss the recent advances made in defining the signaling pathways leading to type I IFN production.  相似文献   

We studied experimental double infections of the cestode Schistocephalus solidus in its stickleback host. In particular, we were interested in how two important components of the cestode's transmission success-establishment and growth within the fish host-were affected by the relatedness of the two parasites in a double exposure and by the timing of the two exposures, that is, whether they occurred simultaneously or sequentially. We found that male sticklebacks more often became infected (singly or doubly) if the two cestodes in the exposures were related, whereas female sticklebacks were more easily infected (singly or doubly) when exposed to two unrelated cestodes. Irrespective of the fish's gender, successful infections more often contained both cestodes when they were related. In sequential exposures with related as well as unrelated cestodes, the cestode in the later exposure survived better and also grew larger than the cestode from the first exposure, despite being one week younger. Our results emphasize that within-host dynamics and factors acting at this level can play an important role in determining a parasite's transmission success.  相似文献   

An SI epidemic model for a host with two viral infections circulating within the population is developed, analyzed, and numerically simulated. The model is a system of four differential equations which includes a state for susceptible individuals, two states for individuals infected with a single virus, one which is vertically transmitted and the other which is horizontally transmitted, and a fourth state for individuals infected with both viruses. A general growth function with density-dependent mortality is assumed. A special case of this model, where there is no coinfection and total cross immunity, is thoroughly analyzed. Several threshold values are defined which determine establishment of the disease and persistence at equilibrium for one or both of the infections within the host population. The model has applications to a hantavirus and an arenavirus that infect cotton rats. The hantavirus is transmitted horizontally whereas the arenavirus is transmitted vertically. It is shown through analysis and numerical simulations that both diseases can be maintained within a single host population, where individuals can be either infected with both viruses or with a single virus.  相似文献   



The nuclear protein Src-associated protein of 68 kDa in mitosis (Sam68) is known to bind RNA and be involved in cellular processes triggered in response to environmental stresses, including virus infection. Interestingly, Sam68 is a multi-functional protein implicated in the life cycle of retroviruses and picornaviruses and is also considered a marker of virus-induced stress granules (SGs). Recently, we demonstrated the partial redistribution of Sam68 to the cytoplasm in FMDV infected cells, its interaction with viral protease 3Cpro, and found a significant reduction in viral titers as consequence of Sam68-specific siRNA knockdowns. Despite of that, details of how it benefits FMDV remains to be elucidated.


Sam68 cytoplasmic localization was examined by immunofluorescent microscopy, counterstaining with antibodies against Sam68, a viral capsid protein and markers of SGs. The relevance of RAAA motifs in the IRES was investigated using electromobility shift assays with Sam68 protein and parental and mutant FMDV RNAs. In addition, full genome WT and mutant or G-luc replicon RNAs were tested following transfection in mammalian cells. The impact of Sam68 depletion to virus protein and RNA synthesis was investigated in a cell-free system. Lastly, through co-immunoprecipitation, structural modeling, and subcellular fractionation, viral protein interactions with Sam68 were explored.


FMDV-induced cytoplasmic redistribution of Sam68 resulted in it temporarily co-localizing with SG marker: TIA-1. Mutations that disrupted FMDV IRES RAAA motifs, with putative affinity to Sam68 in domain 3 and 4 cause a reduction on the formation of ribonucleoprotein complexes with this protein and resulted in non-viable progeny viruses and replication-impaired replicons. Furthermore, depletion of Sam68 in cell-free extracts greatly diminished FMDV RNA replication, which was restored by addition of recombinant Sam68. The results here demonstrated that Sam68 specifically co-precipitates with both FMDV 3Dpol and 3Cpro consistent with early observations of FMDV 3Cpro-induced cleavage of Sam68.


We have found that Sam68 is a specific binding partner for FMDV non-structural proteins 3Cpro and 3Dpol and showed that mutations at RAAA motifs in IRES domains 3 and 4 cause a decrease in Sam68 affinity to these RNA elements and rendered the mutant RNA non-viable. Interestingly, in FMDV infected cells re-localized Sam68 was transiently detected along with SG markers in the cytoplasm. These results support the importance of Sam68 as a host factor co-opted by FMDV during infection and demonstrate that Sam68 interact with both, FMDV RNA motifs in the IRES and viral non-structural proteins 3Cpro and 3Dpol.

The data characterizing spontaneous infections of Old World monkeys: measles, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A (HPA), encephalomyocarditis, coronavirus infection, simian hemorrhagic fever (SHF), are presented. The experimental infections were reproduced with the isolated pathogens. On these models, pathogenesis and epidemiology of these diseases were studied. The efficiency of poliomyelitis, measles and HPA vaccines is shown. The priority of data on the discovery of earlier unknown disease—SHF and “Sukhumi” virus—are emphasized. Several important pathogenic mechanisms common for various hemorrhagic fevers were studied on experimental SHF of macaques. This model is uniquely safe and adequate for the assessment of therapy of hemorrhagic fevers dangerous for humans.  相似文献   

Three out of 2,412 consecutive HIV-infected patients hospitalized since 1990, developed Agrobacterium radiobacter septicemia. All patients were severely immunocompromised, showing a prior diagnosis of AIDS, concurrent opportunistic infections, a mean CD4+ lymphocyte count below 100 cells/microL, and neutropenia. Nosocomial A. radiobacter sepsis occurred in two cases of three, and was related to a lower neutrophil and CD4+ cell count. Antibiotic and cotrimoxazole treatment were carried out during the month preceding disease onset by two and three patients, respectively. Antimicrobial susceptibility assays showed resistance to ureidopenicillins and aztreonam, and complete sensitivity to carbapenems, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin. A therapeutic regimen including amikacin plus ceftriaxone or ceftazidime obtained clinical and microbiological cure in all cases, in the absence of related mortality or relapses. Only two episodes of HIV-associated A. radiobacter complications have been described to date: one case of sepsis and one patient with pneumonia. Despite their low frequency, gram-negative non-fermenting bacilli should be considered in HIV-infected patients with a suspected bacterial complication, because of their cumbersome identification procedures, and their unpredictable antibiotic susceptibility, with elevated resistance to many compounds expected to be effective against gram-negative organisms. A. radiobacter may play a pathogenic role in patients with advanced HIV disease, even when some commonly recognized risk factors are lacking (in-dwelling catheters and instrumentation), while a very low CD4+ lymphocyte count, leukopenia-neutropenia, hospitalization, and concurrent AIDS-related infectious complications, may act as predisposing factors.  相似文献   

The gain in fitness during adaptation depends on the supply of beneficial mutations. Despite a good theoretical understanding of how evolution proceeds for a defined set of mutations, there is little understanding of constraints on net fitness-whether fitness will reach a limit despite ongoing selection and mutation, and if there is a limit, what determines it. Here, the dsDNA bacteriophage SP6, a virus of Salmonella, was adapted to Escherichia coli K-12. From an isolate capable of modest growth on E. coli, four lines were adapted for rapid growth by protocols differing in use of mutagen, propagation method, and duration, but using the same media, temperature, and a continual excess of the novel host. Nucleotide changes underlying those adaptations differed greatly in number and identity, but the four lines achieved similar absolute fitness at the end, an increase of more than 4000-fold phage descendants per hour. Thus, the fitness landscape allows multiple genetic paths to the same approximate fitness limit. The existence and causes of fitness limits have ramifications to genome engineering, vaccine design, and "lethal mutagenesis" treatments to cure viral infections.  相似文献   

Viral infections are a major cause of human disease. Although most viruses replicate in peripheral tissues, some have developed unique strategies to move into the nervous system, where they establish acute or persistent infections. Viral infections in the central nervous system (CNS) can alter homeostasis, induce neurological dysfunction and result in serious, potentially life-threatening inflammatory diseases. This Review focuses on the strategies used by neurotropic viruses to cross the barrier systems of the CNS and on how the immune system detects and responds to viral infections in the CNS. A special emphasis is placed on immune surveillance of persistent and latent viral infections and on recent insights gained from imaging both protective and pathogenic antiviral immune responses.  相似文献   

Amoebic gill diseases (AGD) caused primarily by the amphizoic Neoparamoeba spp. have been identified as significant to fish health in intensive aquaculture. These diseases have consequently received significant attention with regard to disease pathophysiology. Neoparamoeba perurans has been putatively identified as the aetiological agent in salmonids, with other species such as turbot Psetta maxima and sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax also affected. Similarly, Neoparamoeba spp. have also been identified in co‐infections with other gill diseases in salmonids. While infection of the gills results in an acute multifocal hyperplastic host response, reduced gill surface area and increased mucous cell densities, ion regulation and respiration in terms of blood gasses are only marginally affected. This may be partially attributed to reserve respiratory capacity and a reduction in mucous viscosity allowing for a greater flushing of the gill, so reducing the gill mucus boundary layer. Clinical and acute infections result in significant cardiovascular compromise with increases in aortic blood pressure, and systemic vascular resistance in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, which are not seen in rainbow Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta. Increases in vascular resistance appear to be due to vascular constriction potentially reducing blood flow to the heart in compromised fishes, the overall effect being to lead to a compensatory tissue remodelling and change in cardiac shape in chronically infected fishes. The combined effect of reduced gill surface area and cardiovascular compromise leads to a significant reduction in swimming performance and increases in the routine metabolic rate that lead to an increase in the overall metabolic cost of disease.  相似文献   

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