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Bovine beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) has been used extensively as a model for studying protein folding. One of the problems preventing clarification of the folding mechanism is the incomplete reversibility from the unfolded state, probably caused by the thiol-disulfide exchange between a free thiol at Cys-121 and two disulfide bonds. We constructed and expressed three beta-lg subtype A mutants in which Cys-121 was replaced by Ala, Ser, or Val (i.e. C121A, C121S, and C121V). We studied the reversibilities of these mutants from urea denaturation using circular dichroism, tryptophan fluorescence, reversed-phase and gel-filtration high performance liquid chromatographies, and SDS-PAGE. The folded structure of each mutant was similar to that of wild-type beta-lg. Urea-induced unfolding at pH 7.0 and 3.0 showed that although the C121S mutation notably decreases the stability, the destabilizing effects of the C121A and C121V mutations are less severe. For all of the mutants, complete refolding from the unfolded state in 8 M urea at both pH 7.0 and 3.0 was observed. Kinetics of the formation of the irreversibly unfolded species of wild-type beta-lg in 8 M urea at pH 7.0 indicated that, first, an intramolecular thiol-disulfide exchange occurs to produce a mixture of species with non-native disulfide bonds followed by the intermolecular thiol-disulfide exchange producing the oligomers. These results indicate that intramolecular and intermolecular thiol-disulfide exchange reactions cause the low reversibility of wild-type beta-lg especially at neutral pH and that the mutation of Cys-121 improves the reversibility, enabling us to study the folding of beta-lg more exactly under various conditions.  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc is implicated as the source of low-back pain in a substantial number of patients. Because thermal therapy has been thought to have a therapeutic effect on collagenous tissues, this technique has recently been incorporated into several minimally invasive back pain treatments. However, patient selection criteria and precise definition of optimum dose are hindered by uncertainty of treatment mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to quantify acute changes in annulus fibrosus biomechanics after a range of thermal exposures, and to correlate these results with tissue denaturation. Intact annulus fibrosus (attached to adjacent vertebrae) from porcine lumbar spines was tested ex vivo. Biomechanical behavior, microstructure, peak of denaturation endotherm, and enthalpy of denaturation (mDSC) were determined before and after hydrothermal heat treatment at 37 degrees C, 50 degrees C, 60 degrees C, 65 degrees C, 70 degrees C, 75 degrees C, 80 degrees C, and 85 degrees C. Shrinkage of excised annular tissue (removed from adjacent vertebrae) was also measured after treatment at 85 degrees C. Significant differences in intact annulus biomechanics were observed after treatment, but the effects were much smaller in magnitude than those observed in excised annulus and those reported previously for other tissues. Consistent with this, intact tissue was only minimally denatured by treatment at 85 degrees C for 15 min, whereas excised tissue was completely denatured by this protocol. Our data suggest that in situ constraint imposed by the joint structure significantly retards annular thermal denaturation. These findings should aid the interpretation of clinical outcomes and provide a basis for the future design of optimum dosing regimens.  相似文献   

Heat-set gels and aggregates from beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg), one of the major globular proteins from milk, have been studied on a molecular distance scale using negative-staining transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The microscopy showed long linear aggregates forming in solutions at pH 2 (and sometimes 2.5) after prolonged heating. While there appeared to be no differences in aggregates formed under these conditions in H(2)O as compared with D(2)O, at all other pH and pD values, and in the presence of added salt, much shorter linear aggregates were formed. These became slightly more extended the further the pH was removed from pI. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) showed a diffuse beta-sheet halo at 2θ=19 degrees in patterns for both dried native and aggregated protein (irrespective of pH) with only a small change (sharpening) of this feature on heat treatment. Solution FTIR spectra, measured at pD=2, 2.5, 3, and 7, during heating, indicated shoulder development at 1612 cm(-1) in the carbonyl-stretching Amide I region diagnostic of a modest increase in intermolecular beta-sheet. In terms of the shoulder size, no distinctions could be made between acid and neutral aggregate structures. At all pHs, beta-lactoglobulin showed only limited secondary and tertiary structural changes in aggregation, in contrast to previous studies of insulin aggregation, where highly ordered crystalline fibrils were indicated. The current work has implications both in structural studies of food biopolymers and in ongoing studies of pathological protein self-assembly in disease states, such as spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

Conformational changes of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) induced by anionic phospholipid (dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol, DMPG) at physiological conditions (pH 7.0) have been investigated by UV-VIS, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectra. The experimental results suggest that beta-LG-DMPG interactions cause beta-LG a structural reorganization of the secondary structure elements accompanied by an increase in alpha-helical content, and a loosening of the protein tertiary structure. The interaction forces between beta-LG and DMPG are further evaluated by fluorescence spectra. The fluorescence spectral data show that conformational changes in the protein are driven by electrostatic interaction at first, then by hydrophobic interaction between a protein with a negative net charge and a negatively charged phospholipid.  相似文献   

We have used NMR spectroscopy to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structure, and to characterize the backbone dynamics, of a recombinant version of bovine beta-lactoglobulin (variant A) at pH 2. 6, where the protein is a monomer. The structure of this low-pH form of beta-lactoglobulin is very similar to that of a subunit within the dimer at pH 6.2. The root-mean-square deviation from the pH 6.2 (crystal) structure, calculated for backbone atoms of residues 6-160, is approximately 1.3 A. Differences arise from the orientation, with respect to the calyx, of the A-B and C-D loops, and of the flanking three-turn alpha-helix. The hydrophobic cavity within the calyx is retained at low pH. The E-F loop (residues 85-90), which moves to occlude the opening of the cavity over the pH range 7.2-6.2, is in the "closed" position at pH 2.6, and the side chain of Glu89 is buried. We also carried out measurements of (15)N T(1)s and T(2)s and (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear NOEs at pH 2.6 and 37 degrees C. Although the residues of the E-F loop (residues 86-89) have the highest crystallographic B-factors, the conformation of this loop is reasonably well defined by the NMR data, and its backbone is not especially mobile on the pico- to nanosecond time scale. Several residues (Ser21, Lys60, Ala67, Leu87, and Glu112) exhibit large ratios of T(1) to T(2), consistent with conformational exchange on a micro- to millisecond time scale. The positions of these residues in the 3D structure of beta-lactoglobulin are consistent with a role in modulating access to the hydrophobic cavity.  相似文献   

Supra-physiological temperatures are increasingly being used to treat many different soft need for injuries. To identify improved clinical treatments, however, there is a need for better information on the effect of the mechanics on the thermal damage process as well as the effect of the incurred damage on the subsequent mechanical properties. In this paper we report the first biaxial data on the stress relaxation behavior of a collagenous tissue before and after thermal damage. Based on a two-dimensional finite strain viscoelastic model, which incorporates an exponential elastic response, it is shown that the thermal damage can significantly decrease the characteristic time for stress relaxation and the stress residual.  相似文献   

Aggregation of proteins appears to be associated most often with conformational and structural changes that lead to exposure of some apolar residues. Depending on the native structure of the protein in exam, aggregation is a process that involves different mechanisms, whose time of occurrence and interplay can depend upon temperature. To single out information about the multistages of the aggregation pathway, here we investigate the thermally induced conformational and structural changes of the beta-lactoglobulin (BLG). The experimental approach consists in studying steady-state fluorescence spectra of intrinsic chromophores, two tryptophans, and Anylino-Naphthalene-Sulfonate dye (ANS) molecular probe. This technique revealed to be particularly suitable in investigating samples in the low concentration range and at the initial steps of the aggregation process. The Rayleigh scattering of the exciting light follows the growth of the intermolecular interactions at the same time. Complementary information is also obtained by circular dichroism (CD) measurements on samples in the same experimental conditions. The obtained data indicate a well-defined interconversion between quaternary, ternary and secondary structures, together with conformational rearrangements driven by hydrophobic interactions and intermolecular bonds. The results are also discussed in comparison with similar studies on BSA aggregation.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis in protein conformational diseases is initiated by changes in protein secondary structure. This molecular restructuring presents an opportunity for novel shape-based detection approaches, as protein molecular weight and chemistry are otherwise unaltered. Here we apply molecular imprinting to discriminate between distinct conformations of the model protein beta-lactoglobulin (BLG). Thermal- and fluoro-alcohol-induced BLG isoforms were imprinted in thin films of 3-aminophenylboronic acid on quartz crystal microbalance chips. Enhanced rebinding of the template isoform was observed in all cases when compared to the binding of nontemplate isoforms over the concentration range of 1-100 microg mL(-1). Furthermore, it was observed that the greater the changes in the secondary structure of the template protein the lower the binding of native BLG challenges to the imprint, suggesting a strong steric influence in the recognition system. This feasibility study is a first demonstration of molecular imprints for recognition of distinct conformations of the same protein.  相似文献   

Lin L  Xu W  Dai Y  Li N 《Animal reproduction science》2009,112(3-4):402-408
The gene targeting combined somatic cell nuclear transfer is very useful in agriculture and medicine. Epigenetic modification of DNA by methylation is significant in regulating gene expression during mammalian development. During gene targeting, epigenetic status of donor cell nuclei may be changed in a series of processes, including homologous recombination, cell selection and cloning. We examined DNA methylation of six genes (beta-actin, VEGF, oct4, TERT, H19 and Igf2) and a repetitive sequence art2 in blg(+/-) cell line from beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) gene targeted fetus and the cells used for BLG gene targeting serve as control. The results demonstrated that the widespread changes of DNA methylation were found in blg(+/-) cell line. But the degree of variation was different. DNA methylation of VEGF in blg(+/-) was noticeably decreased. These observations suggest that DNA methylation variations may impact gene expression and finally induce abnormalities and lethality in later developmental stages.  相似文献   

The effects of heat treatments at temperatures from 42 to 47 degrees C on the rate of incorporation of [3H]acetate into different classes of lipids have been studied in V-79 Chinese hamster cells. Thermotolerance induction and subtoxic heat treatments decreased the incorporation of [3H]acetate into phospholipids and caused the ratio [3H]cholesterol/[3H]phospholipids to increase several fold, and a positive correlation between heat dose and the ratio [3H]cholesterol/[3H]phospholipids was obtained for subtoxic hyperthermic treatments. The duration of this hyperthermic effect on the incorporation of [3H]acetate into the different lipid fractions was followed in pulse-label experiments. The highest increase of the ratio [3H]cholesterol/[3H]phospholipids was obtained during the first 24 h, but a significant elevation was also present for the 24-72 h pulse-labelled group. Thermotolerance induction was maximal 24 h after the heat treatment and then declined during the next 24 h. The increased [3H]cholesterol/[3H]phospholipid ratio observed in response to hyperthermia resembles the processes that serve to provide homeoviscous adaptation to sustain thermosensitive membrane-located functional groups, in analogy with the mechanisms responsible for thermal adaptation. However, the lack of a positive correlation between thermotolerance induction and the changes in lipid synthesis, for the whole time interval studied, remains to be further explored before any mechanistic interpretation of the data can be found.  相似文献   

Information on changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) of proteins upon unfolding is used frequently in literature to understand possible follow-up reactions of protein denaturation, like their aggregation propensity. This thermodynamic property is intrinsic to the protein's architecture and unfolding and should be independent of the approach used to evaluate it. However, for many proteins, the reported values for DeltaCp vary considerably. To identify whether the origin of these discrepancies lies within the experimental approach chosen and/or in the too simplified unfolding models used in the analysis of the data, we choose beta-lactoglobulin A, a relatively small protein, but disputed for its two-state unfolding, and established its DeltaCp from tryptophan fluorescence, near-UV circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetric measurements. In view of the large variation for the obtained DeltaCp (between 3.2 and 10.1+/-0.8 kJ/(mol K)), it is evident that: (1) the sensitivity of different approaches to the structural changes; (2) irreversibility of unfolding; (3) non-ideal two-state unfolding behaviour need to be considered prior to interpretation. While the first two points can be addressed by using multiple approaches, the applicability of the selected unfolding behaviour for the analysis is often less easy to establish. In this work, we illustrate that by checking the wavelength-dependence used to detect protein conformational changes a tool is provided that gives a direct insight in the validity of the interpretation in these studies. An experimentally validated determination of DeltaCp allows a more proper use for the mechanistic understanding of protein denaturation and its follow-up reactions, avoiding pitfalls in the interpretation.  相似文献   

Changes in both respiratory pathways and mitochondrial structure of Neurospora crassa occurred under conditions of microcycle conidiation. Upon heat-treatment at 46°C, conidia developed a highly cyanide-insensitive, hydroxamate-sensitive respiration associated with morphological alterations in mitochondrial membranes; such changes were time-dependent. When heat-treated conidia were shifted down to 25°C, the alternate, hydroxamate-sensitive respiration decreased significantly, paralleling the recovery of well-cristated mitochondria with an electron-dense matrix in the germ tubes. The decrease in hydroxamate-sensitivity was associated with two periods of increase in cyanide sensitivity corresponding to the events of germination and precocious proconidial budding.  相似文献   

Reversible changes in the room temperature fluorescence quenching at 685 nm and light scattering level at 577 nm, indicating about 15% of granal unstacking, induced by high temperature treatment (40°C, for 5 min) of pea chloroplasts were shown. Analysis of the low temperature excitation fluorescence spectra of the 735 nm Photosystem 1 (PS 1) band (F735), in the 635–725 nm region, has revealed the involvement of light-harvesting (LHC 2, maxima at 650 and 676 nm) and the proximal Photosystem 2 antenna (maxima 668, 687 nm) in heat-induced enhancement of the PS 1 long wavelength antenna absorption cross-section. It was found that the two PS 1 sub-chloroplast preparations, achieved by the digitonin method, possessed different characteristics of this enhancement. For the heavier fraction (100 000 g) the additional absorption cross-section was formed mostly at the expense of PS 2 antennas (apparently spillover), but for the lighter PS 1 fraction (145 000 g) the changes have indicated an -transfer mechanism, i.e., participation of only LHC 2 in the energy transfer towards PS 1. This may indicate the heterogeneous character of the temperature-induced energy redistribution across the PS 1-containing chloroplast membrane compartments. The model of heat-induced changes in the pigment-protein complex arrangement is discussed in terms of domain organisation of the thylakoid membrane.Abbreviations Chl a/b ratio between chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b concentrations - CP43 and CP47 proximal Photosystem 2 antenna complexes - D1/D2 complex Photosystem 2 reaction centre complex - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - F685 and F696 Photosystem 2 low temperature fluorescence bands - F735 Photosystem 1 low temperature fluorescence band - Fp free pigment band in green gel electrophoresis - LHC 2 light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex - LHCP I, II and III light-harvesting bands in green gel electrophoresis - Cp1 and Cpa bands in green gel electrophoresis which are associated with Photosystem 1 and 2 reaction centre complexes with internal antennas - P700 Photosystem 1 reaction centre - PPC pigment-protein complex - PS 1 and Photosystem 1 alpha and Photosystem 1 beta - PS 2 and Photosystem 2 alpha and Photosystem 2 beta - RC reaction centre - SDS-PAGE sodiumdodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - St1-St2 state-1-state-2 transitions  相似文献   

M Maiti  M Kono  B Chakrabarti 《FEBS letters》1988,236(1):109-114
Of the crystallin proteins of the lens, the principal subunit of the beta-crystallin, beta B2 (beta Bp), has been considered to be the only heat-stable protein because it does not precipitate upon heating. In our recent investigations, however, we have found that the alpha-crystallin from bovine lenses is not only heat stable but also does not denature at temperatures up to 100 degrees C. Using circular dichroism and fluorescence to monitor the conformational changes of alpha- and beta B2-crystallins upon heating, we found that alpha-crystallin maintains a high degree of structure, whereas the beta B2-crystallin shows a reversible sigmoidal order-disorder transition at about 58 degrees C.  相似文献   

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