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The effect of a polyanion (a copolymer of methacrylate, malaete and styrene in a 1:2:3 proportion with an average molecular weight of 10 000) on respiration, ATPase activity and ADP/ATP exchange activity of rat liver mitochondria and submitochondrial particles has been studied.The polyanion (at 17–150 μg/ml concentration, 100 μg polyanion corresponding to 0.83 μequiv. of carboxylic groups) inhibits the oxidation of succinate and NAD-linked substrates in state 3 in a concentration-dependent manner. The extent of this inhibition can be decreased by elevating the concentration of ADP. State 4 respiration is not affected by the polyanion. It has also a slight inhibitory effect on the oxidation of the above mentioned substrates in the uncoupled state (a maximum inhibition of 37% at 166 μg/ml polyanion concentration), which is unaffected by ADP. The strong inhibition of state 3 respiration can be relieved by 2,4-dinitrophenol to the low level observed in the uncoupled state. Ascorbate+TMPD oxidation is slightly inhibited in state 3, while it is not inhibited at all in the uncoupled state.The polyanion, depending on its concentration, strongly inhibits also the DNP-activated ATPase activity of mitochondria (50% inhibition at 40 μg/ml polyanion concentration).The ATPase activity of sonic submitochondrial particles is also inhibited. However, this inhibition is incomplete (reaching a maximum of 65%) and higher concentrations of the polyanion are required than to inhibit the ATPase activity of intact mitochondria.The polyanion inhibits the ADP/ATP translocator activity of mitochondria, measured by the “back exchange” of [2-3H]ADP. After a short preincubation of the mitochondria with the polyanion, the concentration dependence of the inhibition by the polyanion corresponds to that of the DNP-activated ATPase activity of intact mitochondria.It is concluded that, in intact mitochondria, the polyanion has at least a dual effect, i.e. it partially inhibits the respiratory chain between cytochrome b and cytochrome c, and strongly oxidative phosphorylation by blocking the ADP/ATP translocator.  相似文献   

A clonal rat adult hepatocyte cell line (RALA255-10G) was shown to be temperature sensitive (ts) for growth and differentiation. Glucocorticoid was necessary to maintain the maximal levels of differentiated functions in these cells. The RALA255-10G cell line was established by transforming primary adult hepatocytes with simian virus 40 tsA255 virus that is temperature sensitive for maintenance of transformation. At the permissive temperature (33 degrees C), RALA255-10G cells showed characteristics of malignant transformation, synthesized low levels of albumin and transferrin, and contained low levels of functional receptors for glucagon. At the nonpermissive temperature (40 degrees C), these cells regain the normal differentiated phenotype, and the levels of these three hepatic functions were increased. Induction of albumin and transferrin production by RALA255-10G cells at 40 degrees C was shown to be the result of the increase in the biosynthesis of these proteins. Furthermore, the albumin and transferrin produced by these cells were immunologically and electrophoretically indistinguishable from authentic rat albumin and transferrin. Glucocorticoid, which reduced the growth rate and saturation density of RALA255-10G cells at 33 degrees C, was absolutely required by these cells to synthesize albumin at both temperatures. This hormone also enhanced transferrin production and glucagon response. Our data indicate that glucocorticoid hormone is one of the factors that maintain adult hepatocytes in a differentiated state.  相似文献   

An intensely fluorescent rhodamine derivative of dexamethasone (i.e. Dex-C2-Rho) was synthesized. Dex-C2-Rho possessed high affinity for HTC cell glucocorticoid receptors in cell-free systems. Whole cell activity and receptor affinity of Dex-C2-Rho were both much lower, apparently due to problems with cell permeability and/or metabolism. A specific, fluorescent receptor-steroid complex at concentrations as low as 1 X 10(-9) M could readily be observed with crude HTC cell receptors after removal of the free Dex-C2-Rho. This appears to be the first report of a fluorescent glucocorticoid receptor-steroid complex.  相似文献   

The role of microtubules (MTs) in steroid hormone-dependent human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR) activation/translocation is controversial. It was demonstrated recently that colchicine (COL) down-regulates hGR-driven genes in primary human hepatocytes by a mechanism involving inhibition of hGR translocation to the nucleus. To investigate whether inhibition of hGR translocation is the sole reason for its inactivation, we used human cervical carcinoma cells (HeLa) as a model. Herein we present evidence that perturbation of microtubules in HeLa cells leads to rapid time- and dose-dependent degradation of hGR protein. Degradation is proteasome mediated as revealed by its reversibility by proteasome inhibitor MG132. Moreover, degradation was observed for neither wt-hGR nor hGR mutants S226A and K419A in transiently transfected COS-1 cells. On the other hand, c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) seems not to be involved in the process because JNK inhibitor 1,9-Pyrazoloanthrone (SP600125) does not reverse hGR degradation. Similarly, another hGR functional antagonist, nuclear factor kappa beta (NFkappaB), did not play any role in the degradation process.  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged deaeration ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae cells results in degenerative changes in mitochondria which can be revealed when measuring the enzymic activities of the respiratory chain in isolated organelles and by electron microscope examination of the cells. The same changes are observed after a 3-h incubation of the cells with cyanide or carbonyl cyanide, m-chlorophenyl hydrazone in aerobic conditions. These results suggest the important role of oxidative phosphorylation in the maintenance of the integrity of mitochondria in the cell.The sensitivity of yeast mitochondria to anaerobiosis and cyanide changes as the culture grows. Mitochondria are especially labile during the early exponential growth phase when their respiratory system and structure are not fully formed. Possible reasons for and the mechanism of degradation of mitochondriain vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present work, ultrastructural changes of rat liver mitochondria in hyperthyroidism were studied. Hyperthyroidism was induced in male Wistar rats by daily administration of 100 μg thyroxin per 100 g body weight for 5 days. The level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine increased 3- and 4-fold, respectively, in comparison with the same parameters in the control group, indicating the development of hyperthyroidism in experimental animals. It was found that under this experimental pathology 58% of the mitochondria are swollen, with their matrix enlightened, as compared to the control. In 40% of the profiles, the swollen mitochondria in the liver under hyperthyroidism exhibited rounded mono- or multilayer membrane structures, called lamellar bodies (LBs), presumably at different stages of their development: from the formation to the release from the organelles. Most LBs were located in the mitochondria near the nuclear zone (27%), while their number was reduced in the part of the cell adjacent to the plasma membrane. In a number of swollen mitochondria the cristae were shown to change their orientation, being directed radially toward the center of the mitochondria. We suggested that it is the first stage of formation of LBs. The second stage can be attributed to the formation of monomembrane structures in the center of the organelles. The third stage is characterized by the fact that the membrane of the lamellar bodies consists of several layers, and in this case the bodies were located closer to the outer mitochondrial membrane. The evagination of the outer mitochondrial membrane and its connection with lamellar structure can be recognized as the fourth stage of formation of LBs. At the fifth stage the developed lamellar formations exited the mitochondria. At the same time, following the exit of LBs from the mitochondria, no damage to the mitochondrial membrane was registered, and the structure of the remaining part of the mitochondria was similar to the control. The nucleus of the hepatocyte also underwent structural changes in hyperthyroidism, exhibiting changes in the membrane configuration, and chromatin condensation. The nature and structure of the LBs, as well as their functional role in the liver mitochondria in hyperthyroidism, require further investigation.  相似文献   

Organ failure induced by endotoxic shock has recently been associated with affected mitochondrial function. In this study, effects of in vivo lipopolysaccharide-challenge on protein patterns of rat liver mitochondria in treated animals versus controls were studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis (differential image gel electrophoresis). Significant upregulation was found for ATP-synthase alpha chain and superoxide dismutase [Mn]. Our data suggest that endotoxic shock mediated changes in the mitochondrial proteome contribute to a compensatory reaction (adaptation to endotoxic shock) rather than to a mechanism of cell damage.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) mice present both elevated body metabolic rates and mild mitochondrial uncoupling in the liver owing to stimulated activity of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoKATP). Because lipid excess normally leads to cell redox imbalance, we examined the hepatic oxidative status in this model. Cell redox imbalance was evidenced by increased total levels of carbonylated proteins, malondialdehydes, and GSSG/GSH ratios in HTG livers compared to wild type. In addition, the activities of the extramitochondrial enzymes NADPH oxidase and xanthine oxidase were elevated in HTG livers. In contrast, Mn-superoxide dismutase activity and content, a mitochondrial matrix marker, were significantly decreased in HTG livers. Isolated HTG liver mitochondria presented lower rates of H2O2 production, which were reversed by mitoKATP antagonists. In vivo antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine decreased both mitoKATP activity and metabolic rates in HTG mice. These data indicate that high levels of triglycerides increase reactive oxygen generation by extramitochondrial enzymes that promote mitoKATP activation. The mild uncoupling mediated by mitoKATP increases metabolic rates and protects mitochondria against oxidative damage. Therefore, a biological role for mitoKATP as a redox sensor is shown here for the first time in an in vivo model of systemic and cellular lipid excess.  相似文献   

Kodym, E., Kodym, R., Choy, H. and Saha, D. Sustained Metaphase Arrest in Response to Ionizing Radiation in a Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Line. Radiat. Res. 169, 46-58 (2008). In solid tumors, non-apoptotic forms of tumor cell inactivation such as mitotic catastrophe appear to be predominant in the response to DNA-damaging agents. Despite its importance, the underlying molecular mechanisms of mitotic catastrophe have been only partially elucidated. We found that a large fraction of HCC2279 non-small cell lung cancer cells underwent mitotic catastrophe after irradiation. Cells were arrested in metaphase with chromosomal damage indicated by DNA fragments displaced from the metaphase plate and considerable numbers of residual gamma-H2AX foci. Although TP53 was nonfunctional, we detected a prompt radiation response on the level of checkpoint kinases. In contrast, CDC25A was the only checkpoint phosphatase that was responsive to radiation. CDC25B was not detectable, and CDC25C was constitutively phosphorylated at serine 216, leading to its cytoplasmic sequestration and functional inactivation. Therefore, radiation-induced mitotic catastrophe in HCC2279 cells appears to be induced by a combination of relative insufficiencies in the p53-mediated and checkpoint kinase-mediated pathways leading to premature entry into mitosis. Displaced chromosome fragments triggering an intra-M checkpoint in cells entering mitosis presumably result in a sustained metaphase arrest. The phenomenon found in these cells, which were derived directly from a human patient, might be responsible for therapy-induced genetic instability of tumors.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the intracellular distribution of free receptors for glucocorticoids is dependent upon a partitioning between cytoplasm and nucleus according to the free receptor and water content of each compartment has been tested in a glucocorticoid-sensitive human lymphoid cell line. The results confirm that at least in this human lymphoid cell line free unbound receptors for glucocorticoids are confined to the extranuclear (cytoplasmic) compartment and that nuclear translocation of these is dependent upon prior binding to steroid. These results do not support the hypothesis tested and are more consistent with the conventional “two-step” model of steroid hormone action.  相似文献   

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