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社会认知神经科学是近几年国外新兴起的交叉学科,旨在阐述社会性、情绪性的体验与行为的心理和神经基础。它综合了认知神经科学与社会心理学研究的长处,对刻板印象、态度与态度改变、他人知觉、自我认知以及情绪与认知交互作用等方面进行了深入研究。主要范式是应用认知神经科学的方法来验证社会心理学在这些范畴上的各种不同理论观点,并在某些方面取得了突破性进展,但仍存在着广泛的发展空间。随着当前各种脑成像技术的革新,人们对情绪状态下大脑的神经活动的了解在原来认知的层面上有了进一步提升。本文主要阐述社会认知神经科学在情绪的脑机制研究上所取得的进展。  相似文献   

中国树鼩实验动物化研究进展和展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文回顾了我国树鼩驯养繁殖和研究的发展历史,介绍了树鼩实验动物化研究的最新进展,并结合我国目前的状况,提出了今后的工作建议:加强实验树鼩标准化(包括地方和国家标准)的研究、近交系动物的研制、达到商业化树鼩的基础分子与细胞生物学研究工具的研制、人类重大疾病树鼩动物模型研究和建设国家实验树鼩种源基地等。  相似文献   

干细胞治疗糖尿病足的实验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病足是指因糖尿病血管病变和(或)神经病变及感染等综合因素,导致I陵性进行性波及肢体大、中、微血管,引起足部疼痛、皮肤深溃疡或肢体坏疽的一种病变,是糖尿病的严重并发症之一。临床治疗非常棘手,难以取得令人满意的疗效,最终导致截肢甚至危及病患生命。因此,临床上迫切需要找到创伤小、易接受、疗效好的新的治疗方法。干细胞具有高度增殖和分化成为体内各种细胞的潜能,其可塑性强,为糖尿病足的治疗带来新前景,目前是国内外学者研究的热点之一。该文就干细胞移植治疗糖尿病足的实验研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

中药治疗胃癌癌前病变的实验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敖慧  彭成 《四川动物》2007,26(1):198-200
试从动物模型研究和机理研究两方面探讨中药治疗胃癌癌前病变的实验研究进展,分析了存在的问题。  相似文献   

目的评估舍曲林抗新生隐球菌的效果。方法实验分为6组,分别为空白对照组、10 mg/mL氟康唑、10 mg/mL舍曲林、20 mg/mL舍曲林、10 mg/mL氟康唑联用10 mg/mL舍曲林以及10 mg/mL氟康唑联用20 mg/mL舍曲林组。通过体外药敏试验及BALBc小鼠新生隐球菌动物探讨各组间抗隐球菌效果的差异。结果体外药敏试验发现舍曲林可有效降低新生隐球菌菌落数,当与氟康唑联用时抑菌效果更显著。动物实验发现2种浓度的舍曲林都可明显降低感染小鼠实验早期脑、肺组织的新生隐球菌菌落数,但在实验后期,低浓度的舍曲林对感染小鼠脑组织失去抑菌作用。脑、肺组织中,舍曲林治疗对新生隐球菌的抗菌效果均不如氟康唑。舍曲林与氟康唑联合用药对新生隐球菌模型小鼠肺组织的抗菌效果强于单用舍曲林或氟康唑。结论舍曲林具有抗新生隐球菌的作用,当与氟康唑联合用药时可起到协同作用。  相似文献   

高分辨染色体(High Resolution chromosome HRC)是指通过某种处理,获得有丝分裂早期染色体分裂相,早期染色体较中中期染色体长,显带后可以得到更多更细的带纹,从而提高人们对染色体的分辨力.Yuns, J. J(1976)首先以氨甲喋呤使细胞同步化法,建立了人类高分辨染色体技术.随之国内外许多学者对人类高分辨染色体进行了广泛而深入的研究.近几年,关于家畜和实验动物的高分辨染色体研究陆续亦有一些报道,但理论和应用方面的进展依然有限.本文试图就家畜和实验动物高分辨染色体研究的方法、进展以及意义进行阐述,同时提出值得探讨的几个问题.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌是发病率和死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤之一。中医学认为,灸法具有较好的提高免疫力的作用,特别是对于“癥瘕积聚”类肿瘤疾病有独特的优势。该文从艾灸防治原发性肝癌的临床与实验研究两方面,就近年来有关文献进行总结。通过分析灸法在抑制肿瘤生长,缓解临床症状,改善放化疗不良反应和提高机体免疫力等方面的作用,发现应用灸法防治原发性肝癌疗效确切。建议今后的研究中进一步提高临床研究质量,加强系统化研究以明确作用机制。  相似文献   

烟曲霉抗原及实验诊断的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烟曲霉是多种医源性因素导致的机会性,严重深部真菌感染的主要病原菌,烟曲霉病的早期诊断及防治是亟待解决的问题,目前,研究烟曲霉特异性抗原是发展早期诊断曲霉病方法的基础。  相似文献   

微生物果胶酶研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
果胶酶是一类分解果胶质的酶的总称,它能将复杂的果胶分解为半乳糖醛酸等小分子。目前果胶酶在食品、纺织、医药、造纸、环境、生物技术、饲料等领域得到广泛应用。果胶酶主要来自微生物。综述了微生物果胶酶生产菌的菌种、选育、鉴定、发酵方法和发酵条件优化,酶的分离纯化、酶学性质和分子生物学方面的研究进展,并介绍了果胶酶的应用进展,最后展望了微生物果胶酶研究的广阔前景。  相似文献   

Abstract: :The kinetic mechanism of bovine brain choline acetyltransferase has been studied using acetylaminocholine as a dead-end inhibitor and di-methylaminoethanol as an alternate substrate. Acetylaminocholine inhibition is competitive with respect to acetylcholine and noncompetitive with respect to choline. Dimethylaminoethanol exhibits one-sixth the Vmax obtained with choline. These results suggest that the reaction obeys a sequential random kinetic mechanism. Salt activation of the enzyme is nonspecific with respect to monovalent anions, and results in a parallel increase in the Km for choline and the Ki for acetylcholine. These results support the conclusion that salt activation of choline acetyltransferase is a nonspecific effect and that no specific chloride ion regulation of this enzyme occurs in vivo .  相似文献   

Emotional events tend to be better remembered than non-emotional events1,2. One goal of cognitive and affective neuroscientists is to understand the neural mechanisms underlying this enhancing effect of emotion on memory. A method that has proven particularly influential in the investigation of the memory-enhancing effect of emotion is the so-called subsequent memory paradigm (SMP). This method was originally used to investigate the neural correlates of non-emotional memories3, and more recently we and others also applied it successfully to studies of emotional memory (reviewed in4, 5-7). Here, we describe a protocol that allows investigation of the neural correlates of the memory-enhancing effect of emotion using the SMP in conjunction with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). An important feature of the SMP is that it allows separation of brain activity specifically associated with memory from more general activity associated with perception. Moreover, in the context of investigating the impact of emotional stimuli, SMP allows identification of brain regions whose activity is susceptible to emotional modulation of both general/perceptual and memory-specific processing. This protocol can be used in healthy subjects8-15, as well as in clinical patients where there are alterations in the neural correlates of emotion perception and biases in remembering emotional events, such as those suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)16, 17. Download video file.(95M, mov)  相似文献   

Hyponatremia is a highly morbid condition, present in a wide range of human pathologies, that exposes patients to encephalopathic complication and the risk of permanent brain damage and death. Treating hyponatremia has proved to be difficult and still awaits safe management, avoiding the morbid sequelae of demyelinizing and necrotic lesions associated with the use of hypertonic solutions. During acute and chronic hyponatremia in vivo, the brain extrudes the excessive water by decreasing its content of electrolytes and organic osmolytes. At the cellular level, a similar response occurs upon cell swelling. Among the organic osmolytes involved in both responses, free amino acids play a prominent role because of the large intracellular pools often found in nerve cells. An overview of the changes in brain amino acid content during hyponatremia in vivo is presented and the contribution of these changes to the adaptive cell responses involved in volume regulation discussed. Additionally, new data are provided concerning changes in amino acid levels in different regions of the central nervous system after chronic hyponatremia. Results favor the role of taurine, glutamine, glutamate, and aspartate as the main amino acid osmolytes involved in the brain adaptive response to hyponatremia in vivo. Deeper knowledge of the adaptive overall and cellular brain mechanisms activated during hyponatremia would lead to the design of safer therapies for the hyponatremic patient.  相似文献   

The ability to control/regulate emotions is an important coping mechanism in the face of emotionally stressful situations. Although significant progress has been made in understanding conscious/deliberate emotion regulation (ER), less is known about non-conscious/automatic ER and the associated neural correlates. This is in part due to the problems inherent in the unitary concepts of automatic and conscious processing1. Here, we present a protocol that allows investigation of the neural correlates of both deliberate and automatic ER using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This protocol allows new avenues of inquiry into various aspects of ER. For instance, the experimental design allows manipulation of the goal to regulate emotion (conscious vs. non-conscious), as well as the intensity of the emotional challenge (high vs. low). Moreover, it allows investigation of both immediate (emotion perception) and long-term effects (emotional memory) of ER strategies on emotion processing. Therefore, this protocol may contribute to better understanding of the neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in healthy behaviour, and to gaining insight into possible causes of deficits in depression and anxiety disorders in which emotion dysregulation is often among the core debilitating features.Download video file.(86M, mov)  相似文献   

Regional studies of brain phospholipid metabolism were carried out during a period of ischaemia induced in the gerbil by bilateral carotid occlusion for 60 min. The associated changes in free fatty acids (FFAs) during this period and following recirculation for up to 180 min were noted. Following ischaemia there was a generalised rise in the levels of all FFAs with no selective release of either the unsaturated (arachidonic and docosahexaenoic) or saturated (palmitic and stearic) fatty acids. There were no observed differences between the brain regions studied, which is in contrast to previously reported observations for prostaglandins. There was also no indication of any specific phospholipid fraction being involved in FFA release. This would indicate that the release of FFAs from phospholipids is a nonspecific event, probably due to the action of hydrolytic lipases. Restoration of the circulation resulted in a short, sharp increase (within 5 min) in all FFAs, but in contrast to the observations during ischaemia alone there was a relatively larger rise in the unsaturated FFAs as compared to the saturated FFAs. Following this increase there was a gradual general decline in all FFA levels until 180 min of reperfusion. Since there was no preferential depletion of unsaturated FFAs during reperfusion, when free radical attack is considered to be at its maximum, it is our opinion that free radical peroxidation is unlikely to explain the pathology described in our model.  相似文献   

Emotions can impact cognition by exerting both enhancing (e.g., better memory for emotional events) and impairing (e.g., increased emotional distractibility) effects (reviewed in 1). Complementing our recent protocol 2 describing a method that allows investigation of the neural correlates of the memory-enhancing effect of emotion (see also 1, 3-5), here we present a protocol that allows investigation of the neural correlates of the detrimental impact of emotion on cognition. The main feature of this method is that it allows identification of reciprocal modulations between activity in a ventral neural system, involved in ''hot'' emotion processing (HotEmo system), and a dorsal system, involved in higher-level ''cold'' cognitive/executive processing (ColdEx system), which are linked to cognitive performance and to individual variations in behavior (reviewed in 1). Since its initial introduction 6, this design has proven particularly versatile and influential in the elucidation of various aspects concerning the neural correlates of the detrimental impact of emotional distraction on cognition, with a focus on working memory (WM), and of coping with such distraction 7,11, in both healthy 8-11 and clinical participants 12-14.  相似文献   

Competent social organisms will read the social signals of their peers. In primates, the face has evolved to transmit the organism''s internal emotional state. Adaptive action suggests that the brain of the receiver has co-evolved to efficiently decode expression signals. Here, we review and integrate the evidence for this hypothesis. With a computational approach, we co-examined facial expressions as signals for data transmission and the brain as receiver and decoder of these signals. First, we show in a model observer that facial expressions form a lowly correlated signal set. Second, using time-resolved EEG data, we show how the brain uses spatial frequency information impinging on the retina to decorrelate expression categories. Between 140 to 200 ms following stimulus onset, independently in the left and right hemispheres, an information processing mechanism starts locally with encoding the eye, irrespective of expression, followed by a zooming out to processing the entire face, followed by a zooming back in to diagnostic features (e.g. the opened eyes in “fear”, the mouth in “happy”). A model categorizer demonstrates that at 200 ms, the left and right brain have represented enough information to predict behavioral categorization performance.  相似文献   

本文综述了近年来脑功能成像技术应用于疼痛情绪研究的进展,介绍了不同的皮层亚区和皮层下结构在疼痛相关情绪的产生和调控中的作用.指明了扣带回、前额叶皮质、岛叶、海马结构和杏仁核在疼痛相关情绪产生以调控过程中所起的作用.  相似文献   

According to classic traditions, general psychology has always linked an intraindividual extrapsychic mechanism, the brain, with the intraindividual mental phenomena it examined. Social psychology, on the other hand, is handicapped by the fact that its world is that of interindividual mental phenomena, a disadvantage revealed by a compelling dilemma: this distinctive branch of psychology either fits into the classic tradition and presents the mechanism of interindividual phenomena in the brains of individuals (separately, if need be) or resigns itself to being unable to accommodate the mechanism level of its investigations to their phenomena level. All this is in spite of the fact that investigations focusing on the connection between the mind and the brain—whether they do so from the point of view of the specialized science or of philosophy—cannot begin to deal with the interindividual variety of spiritual phenomena.  相似文献   

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