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河南织机洞旧石器遗址的洞穴堆积和沉积环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MIS3阶段晚期是末次冰期中一个气候比较温暖的间冰阶,当时人类活动相当活跃,在世界各地这一时期的人类文化遗址不仅数量多,而且文化面貌也发生明显的变化。织机洞遗址是一处以旧石器时代中晚期为主的洞穴遗址,洞穴中堆积地层可以划分为四层:下部含丰富的打制石器称下文化层,属旧石器中晚期;中部不含石器;上部含少量打制石器称中文化层,属旧石器晚期;顶部含有裴李岗和秦汉时期的文化遗存称上文化层,属全新世时期。根据光释光年代测定,文化遗存最为丰富的下文化层,年龄为距今3·5—5万年,相当于MIS3阶段的中晚期,正处于"旧石器晚期革命"的前夕。孢粉分析结果表明,下文化层所处的MIS3阶段气候比较温暖湿润,为暖温带草原-疏树草原环境,良好的气候环境有利于当时古代人类的生存与繁衍。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原拥有我国最早发现的水洞沟和萨拉乌苏旧石器遗址,是系统研究东亚现代人演化及动因的重要地区。乌兰木伦遗址位于鄂尔多斯康巴什新区乌兰木伦河岸,发掘出大量石制品、动物化石和炭屑,遗存埋藏的14C年代在41.4~33.1 cal ka BP之间,属MIS 3阶段中期。花粉和木炭化石记录显示,早期为灌丛-草原,晚期为典型草原植被,气候温凉偏干,较现今相对温暖湿润,胡颓子属和霸王属等小乔木和灌木作为先民使用的薪材。MIS 3阶段相对暖湿气候有利于人类的繁衍、扩散和交流,可能是我国北方地区旧石器时代晚期出现大量人类活动的重要原因。  相似文献   

丹江口库区位于东秦岭南麓,是连接我国南北文化的重要地带,本文全面梳理了该地区目前已发掘的旧石器遗址,重新厘定了遗址的年代。结合年代和石制品特征,本文得到以下几点认识:1)该地区文化发展可以被划分为三个阶段:阶段1(相当于MIS 27~MIS 8)石器工业为石核-石片类型,阶段2(相当于MIS 7~MIS 3c)出现了大型切割石器组合,阶段3(约晚于MIS 3b)以小型石片石器为特征;2)在文化阶段性发展的同时,石核-石片技术一直贯穿于本地区的更新世期间,体现了区域文化发展的连续性;3)丹江下游石器技术在形成过程中受到了来自华北和秦岭地区的文化辐射,显示出融合性的技术特征;4)100~50 ka BP期间,丹江口库区汉水上游的现代人石器工业中可能包含了大型切割石器组合。  相似文献   

中国北方泥河湾盆地可以与非洲奥杜威峡谷相媲美,它们具有十分相似的地质演化过程,这里河湖相沉积发育,并且蕴藏着丰富的古生物化石和大量古人类遗迹,是研究东亚早期人类生存环境变化的重要区域。基于前人积累的晚上新世以来植被、气候及早期人类生存环境的大量研究资料,经分析发现在大约2.6Ma(百万年),泥河湾盆地的植被由阔叶林转变为以针叶林为主;大约1.92 Ma以后,植被以温带森林-草原(主要是松属、蒿属及藜科)/温带草原(主要是蒿属和禾本科等)为主。通过对比发现,晚上新世以来中国北方从西部到中部,由森林转变为以森林-草原为主的植被类型出现的时段呈现明显的阶梯型。此外,泥河湾盆地气候出现了13个冷暖旋回, 15个干湿旋回,显著的冷干事件发生在2.8 Ma、2.6 Ma、1.92 Ma及143.8 ka (千年),湿润事件发生在43、32和6.6 ka。早期人类生活在森林-草原或以草原为主的植被环境中,气候冷暖干湿波动较大,水源丰富,大量哺乳动物共存。建议在建立泥河湾人类遗址更为精细地层的年代框架下,开展古气候温度与降水参数的定量化研究,将有助于精准重建古人类生存环境及揭示其变化规律。  相似文献   

重建中国北方泥河湾盆地中更新世(~603–587 ka)植被与气候 中国北方泥河湾盆地发育了一套含有东方人类活动证据的晚新生代地层,既发现有早更新世(距今~1.66Ma–78ka)直立人使用的石制品,也有中更新世晚期(~370–260ka)早期智人的头盖骨、牙齿等直接证据。该系列地层中孢粉学的研究为我们探索早期人类生存环境提供了可能。本文研究的虎头梁剖面地质年代距今约603–587ka,介于直立人向早期智人演化的过渡时期。基于地层孢粉学组合分析,我们重建了当时的植被从温带针阔混交林-草原(以云杉属、冷杉属、桦木属、胡桃属、蒿属和藜科为主)逐渐向以松、云冷杉为主的针叶林转变的动态过程。通过对比同时期全球其他人类遗址,揭示了早期人类以洞穴生活为主,同时伴随比较开阔的草原或森林-草原植被,以及丰富的哺乳动物。据此,推测本研究揭示的~603–587ka前泥河湾盆地茂密针叶林的出现和开阔草原的消失可能是人类追逐着大多数哺乳动物向草原或森林-草原等开阔地迁移,而离开了泥河湾的新证据。这些新发现有助于增进和丰富我们对早期人类饮食、迁徙和定居等行为方面的认知,同时也填补了泥河湾盆地中更新世(780–400ka)时期古植被与古环境研究的空白。  相似文献   

位于北纬33°上下、秦岭南麓的汉水上游是北半球同纬度地带自然生态系统最复杂、动植物资源丰富、适于早期人类生存的地区,也是我国古人类和旧石器遗存发现较早、遗址密集和研究较为深入的区域之一。上世纪70~80年代以来,汉水上游干支流地区发现的古人类和旧石器遗址数以百计,其丰富的古人类和动物化石资源以及旧石器文化遗存对研究早期人类迁徙与演化、环境适应、石器工业技术和南北旧石器文化交流具有十分重要的价值,在我国古人类和旧石器考古研究中占据着极为重要的位置。本文在对汉水上游汉中盆地和安康盆地旧石器遗址相关调查研究现状详细梳理的基础上,兼及丹江口库区周边古人类和旧石器遗址调查、发掘和研究的收获,结合本研究团队数年来在该区域研究工作的进展状况与面临的问题,讨论了汉水上游地区的古人类和旧石器考古研究工作收获及存在的问题,并对未来研究工作的重点和方向给予前瞻。  相似文献   

中国西北地区史前人类活动与生存环境变化的关系是学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文通过总结分析西北地区新石器至青铜时代遗址14C测年、动植物遗存以及人骨碳同位素数据,梳理了不同降水量区域人与环境相互作用的时空特征和变化过程,以及可能的影响因素。研究结果表明,10000-6000 BP,人类活动强度较弱且多分布在降水量大于400 mm的区域,人类活动与气候的关系尚不清楚;6000-4000 BP,粟黍农业的强化促进了人类活动空间向西扩散,显著的气候事件导致人类活动强度下降,人类活动对自然环境的影响开始显现;4000-2200 BP,史前跨大陆文化交流带来的农牧业元素促使不同降水量区域生存资料多样化,人类适应和影响环境的能力进一步加强,但该时期人类活动强度存在时空差异性,对环境的影响仅在区域尺度上呈现。  相似文献   

侯家窑遗址是目前国内外综合研究水平较高的旧石器遗址之一。恢复和重建遗址形成时期的气候和环境背景,对还原侯家窑人生存条件,理解古人类进化过程和行为具有重要意义。最新的地层学、年代学和古生物学综合研究显示:侯家窑人生活在距今24—13万年,下文化层属牛轭湖相沉积,由泥河湾古湖退却和消亡过程中形成的冲沟或水道被随后发育的NNW—SSE向古河流切割阻塞形成;上文化层对应于后期发育的古土壤层。距今13—8万年,遗址区被冲洪积层掩埋。轨道参数引起的太阳辐射量变化是导致研究区气候变化的主要驱动因素;孢粉资料显示,研究区古气候、古环境经历了明显的冷暖交替过程,与北半球中低纬度地区具有较好的一致性:MIS 7阶段气候相对温和,植被景观为稀树灌丛草原;MIS 6阶段气候寒冷,年均温较现今下降3℃—4℃,发育典型的针叶林植被;MIS 5阶段气候温暖,植被景观为针阔叶混交林—草原。侯家窑文化经历了由温和向寒冷的气候变化,表明寒冷的气候条件并未导致侯家窑人灭绝,相反在一定程度上促进了侯家窑文化的进步;MIS 5阶段以来,河流作用破坏了侯家窑人原有的生存条件,是导致侯家窑文化中断的主要原因。  相似文献   

侯家窑遗址是目前国内外综合研究水平较高的旧石器遗址之一。恢复和重建遗址形成时期的气候和环境背景,对还原侯家窑人生存条件,理解古人类进化过程和行为具有重要意义。最新的地层学、年代学和古生物学综合研究显示:侯家窑人生活在距今24—13万年,下文化层属牛轭湖相沉积,由泥河湾古湖退却和消亡过程中形成的冲沟或水道被随后发育的NNW—SSE向古河流切割阻塞形成;上文化层对应于后期发育的古土壤层。距今13—8万年,遗址区被冲洪积层掩埋。轨道参数引起的太阳辐射量变化是导致研究区气候变化的主要驱动因素;孢粉资料显示,研究区古气候、古环境经历了明显的冷暖交替过程,与北半球中低纬度地区具有较好的一致性:MIS 7阶段气候相对温和,植被景观为稀树灌丛草原;MIS 6阶段气候寒冷,年均温较现今下降3℃—4℃,发育典型的针叶林植被;MIS 5阶段气候温暖,植被景观为针阔叶混交林—草原。侯家窑文化经历了由温和向寒冷的气候变化,表明寒冷的气候条件并未导致侯家窑人灭绝,相反在一定程度上促进了侯家窑文化的进步;MIS 5阶段以来,河流作用破坏了侯家窑人原有的生存条件,是导致侯家窑文化中断的主要原因。  相似文献   

桦甸仙人洞旧石器遗址的上、下文化层出土了大量动物化石, 本文通过动物化石的分布状况、出土状态分析, 复原了上、下文化层沉积时期古人类的狩猎和处置猎物的行为, 总体来看, 远古人类生计方式以狩猎为主, 晚期古人类比早期对猎物资源开发得更彻底。另外, 从洞穴内大量碎骨片和石制品来看, 该洞穴可能为临时的营地或者屠宰场。通过对动物群组成、年代和孢粉分析的综合研究, 认为该遗址所处环境经历了剧烈的变化, 总体处于寒冷干燥的气候环境中, 植被以草原为主, 伴有少量森林。这一研究为探讨中国东北地区晚更新世人类的生存行为和演化特征提供了重要的研究材料和数据。  相似文献   

The transition from the Lower to the Middle Paleolithic in the Levant is a crucial event in human evolution, since it may involve the arrival of a new human population. In the current study, we present thermoluminescence (TL) dates obtained from 32 burnt flints retrieved from the late Lower Paleolithic (Acheulo-Yabrudian) and Early Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) layers of Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel. Early Middle Paleolithic industries rich in Levallois and laminar products were assigned mean ages ranging from ∼250 to ∼160 ka (thousands of years ago), suggesting a production of this industry during MIS 7 and the early part of MIS 6. The mean ages obtained for the samples associated with the Acheulo-Yabrudian (strengthened by an isochron analysis) indicate a production of this cultural complex ∼250 ka ago, at the end of MIS 8. According to the Misliya TL dates, the transition from the Lower to the Middle Paleolithic in the site took place at the limit MIS 8/7 or during the early part of MIS 7. The dates, together with the pronounced differences in lithic technology strongly suggest the arrival of a new population during this period.  相似文献   

The territory of present day Armenia is a geographic contact zone between the Near East and the northern Caucasus. Armenian Middle and Upper Paleolithic records are both few and patchy as a result of the historical paucity of systematic archaeological research in the country. Consequently, it is currently difficult to correlate the Armenian Middle and Upper Paleolithic records with those from other neighboring regions. We present new archaeological and chronometric data (luminescence, U-Th, and 14C) from our ongoing research at Hovk 1 Cave in northeast Armenia. We discuss in particular two activity phases in Hovk 1 Cave for which we have outline chronometric data: (1) an early Middle Paleolithic occupational phase, dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to 104 ± 9.8 ka BPOSL; and (2) a Paleolithic occupational phase characterized by microlithic flakes dated by AMS 14C to 39,109 ± 1,324 calibrated years BPHulu. The two phases are separated by a hiatus in hominin occupation corresponding to MIS 4 and an episode in early MIS 3. These chronometric data, taken together with the preliminary paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Hovk 1 Cave and environment, suggest that these activity phases represent short-lived and seasonal use of the cave presumably by small groups of hunters during episodes of mild climate. Neither tool manufacture nor butchery appears to have taken place within the cave, and consequently, the archaeological record included, for the most part, finished tools and blanks. We address the chronology and techno-typological aspects of Hovk 1 lithics in relation to: (1) the Paleolithic records of Armenia, and (2) the broader interregional context of early Middle Paleolithic hominin occupation and the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in the Caucasus.  相似文献   

甘肃苏苗塬头地点石制品特征与古环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏苗塬头地点位于甘肃省平凉市庄浪县东北部, 埋藏于章麻河二级阶地的典型马兰黄土中。经剖面清理和地表采集, 2002和2004年在该地点共获得石制品2318件, 本文以集中分布区出土(2166件)和地表采集(48件)共2214件石制品为主要研究对象。该批石制品以石片、碎片和碎屑为主, 有少量石核和工具。剥片技术以砸击法为主, 锤击法为辅, 鲜见第二步加工。石制品原料主要为来自现代河床或阶地底部砾石层的脉石英。炭屑加速器质谱(AMS 14C)年代测试和多环境代用指标分析显示, 苏苗塬头为一处旧石器时代晚期文化地点, 人类活动主要发生于气候干冷的末次盛冰期(约距今2.4—1.8万年), 反映了古人类较强的环境适应能力。  相似文献   

Morin E  Laroulandie V 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32856
In Africa and western Eurasia, occurrences of burials and utilized ocher fragments during the late Middle and early Late Pleistocene are often considered evidence for the emergence of symbolically-mediated behavior. Perhaps less controversial for the study of human cognitive evolution are finds of marine shell beads and complex designs on organic and mineral artifacts in early modern human (EMH) assemblages conservatively dated to ≈ 100-60 kilo-years (ka) ago. Here we show that, in France, Neanderthals used skeletal parts of large diurnal raptors presumably for symbolic purposes at Combe-Grenal in a layer dated to marine isotope stage (MIS) 5b (≈ 90 ka) and at Les Fieux in stratigraphic units dated to the early/middle phase of MIS 3 (60-40 ka). The presence of similar objects in other Middle Paleolithic contexts in France and Italy suggest that raptors were used as means of symbolic expression by Neanderthals in these regions.  相似文献   

Pinnacle Point Cave 13B (PP13B) has provided the earliest archaeological evidence for the exploitation of marine shellfish, along with very early evidence for use and modification of pigments and the production of bladelets, all dated to approximately 164?ka (Marean et?al., 2007). This makes PP13B a key site in studies of the origins of modern humans, one of a handful of sites in Africa dating to Marine Isotope Stage 6 (MIS 6), and the only site on the coast of South Africa with human occupation confidently dated to MIS 6. Along with this MIS 6 occupation there are rich archaeological sediments dated to MIS 5, and together these sediments are differentially preserved in three different areas of the cave. The sediments represent a complex palimpsest of geogenic, biogenic, and anthropogenic input and alteration that are described and interpreted through the use of a variety of macrostratigraphic, micromorphologic, and geochemical techniques. Three independent dating techniques allow us to constrain the age range of these sediments and together provide the stratigraphic context for the analyses of the material that follow in this special issue.  相似文献   

Understanding the behavioral adaptations and subsistence strategies of Middle Paleolithic humans is critical in the debate over the evolution and manifestations of modern human behavior. The study of faunal remains plays a central role in this context. Until now, the majority of Levantine archaeofaunal evidence was derived from late Middle Paleolithic sites. The discovery of faunal remains from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel (>200 ka), allowed for detailed taphonomic and zooarchaeological analyses of these early Middle Paleolithic remains. The Misliya Cave faunal assemblage is overwhelmingly dominated by ungulate taxa. The most common prey species is the Mesopotamian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica), followed closely by the mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella). Some aurochs (Bos primigenius) remains are also present. Small-game species are rare. The fallow deer mortality pattern is dominated by prime-aged individuals. A multivariate taphonomic analysis demonstrates (1) that the assemblage was created solely by humans occupying the cave and was primarily modified by their food-processing activities; and (2) that gazelle carcasses were transported complete to the site, while fallow deer carcasses underwent some field butchery. The new zooarchaeological data from Misliya Cave, particularly the abundance of meat-bearing limb bones displaying filleting cut marks and the acquisition of prime-age prey, demonstrate that early Middle Paleolithic people possessed developed hunting capabilities. Thus, modern large-game hunting, carcass transport, and meat-processing behaviors were already established in the Levant in the early Middle Paleolithic, more than 200 ka ago.  相似文献   

最近10多年来,经过系统调查,已有300多处旧石器遗址或地点发现在嵩山东麓。其中在属于淮河水系的贾鲁河、潩水河、洧水河等河流上游河谷地带的发现尤为丰富。在系统调查工作基础上,已有多个遗址经过正式发掘,如新郑赵庄与黄帝口、登封西施及郑州西南郊二七区老奶奶庙等。调查与发掘资料显示,在距今50000年前后至20000多年的嵩山东麓地区,经历了一个古人类发展的繁荣时期。这些新发现初步揭示了MIS3阶段以来,区内古人类栖居形态与发展情况,以及这些发现所展现的现代人类及其行为的出现与发展特点。新发现也显示嵩山东麓MIS3阶段旧石器经历了从石片石器、石叶到细石器技术的发展历程。  相似文献   

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