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Summary To identify polypeptide growth factors for human teratocarcinoma cells, we studied the malignant ovarian teratoma-derived cell line, PA-1, that grew autonomously in serum-free medium. Medium conditioned by undifferentiated PA-1 cells strongly stimulated proliferation of the mouse mammary tumor cell line, GR 2H6, which is responsive to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I). After ammonium sulfate precipitation, PA-1 conditioned medium was analyzed by anion exchange chromatography and bioassay of elution fractions on GR 2H6 cells that were grown in medium deficient in either EGF or insulin. The results demonstrated that PA-1 CM contained factors that can substitute for EGF and IGF-I in stimulating growth of GR 2H6 cells. Western blots of peak mitogenic fractions revealed low molecular weight polypeptides that were immunoreactive with either anti-EGF or anti-IGF-I antibodies. Indirect immunofluorescence staining of PA-1 cells with monoclonal antibodies localized receptors for each growth factor, and binding of human EGF and IGF-I to these cells was quantified by radioreceptor assays. Secretion of factors closely related to EGF and IGF-I by PA-1 cells under serum-free conditions may provide a novel model system to study molecular mechanisms of autocrine growth stimulation in teratocarcinomas.  相似文献   

Summary Cell lines corresponding to various cell lineages of the mouse embryo have been isolated from murine teratocarcinomas. Embryonal carcinoma cell lines are developmentally equivalent to the embryonic ectoderm or inner cell mass. Most of these cell lines have a modal chromosome number equal or close to 40, the normal mouse complement. However, cell lines corresponding to more advanced cell lineages (e. g., endoderm) are tetraploid or hypotetraploid and display multiple chromosomal rearrangements. This paper describes the isolation of a near-diploid differentiated cell line (LT-D) from an LT teratocarcinoma. The modal chromosome number of LT-D is 40, and this number is stable during at least 12 mo of continuous culture. LT-D cells are morphologically distinct from embryonal carcinoma cells and no longer express the SSEA-1 cell surface antigen or high alkaline phosphatase activity characteristic of embryonal carcinoma cells. LT-D cells can be induced to fuse into structures resembling myotubes. The formation of these structures is accompanied by expression of the muscle-specific isozyme of creatine phosphokinase and desmin, a muscle-specific component of intermediate filaments. Lastly, LT-D cells do not form tumors in syngenetic mice. This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Grant CA-15823 and by a departmental gift from R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc.  相似文献   

The human teratocarcinoma stem cell line Tera-2 clone 13 is induced by retinoic acid to differentiate in vitro into endodermal or neuroectodermal cell types. In the absence of externally added growth factors, Tera-2 clone 13 cells proliferated at the same rate as in the presence of serum growth factors. Analysis of serum-free medium conditioned by Tera-2 clone 13 cells showed the presence of a polypeptide immunologically and biochemically related to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In addition transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), but no TGF-alpha production could be detected. Tera-2 clone 13 cells specifically expressed high levels of the A-chain mRNA, but not the B-chain mRNA of PDGF. During retinoic acid induced differentiation the level of A-chain mRNA became markedly reduced. In contrast the TGF-beta mRNA levels increased significantly upon differentiation. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of regulation of growth and differentiation in early embryos as well as in (human) teratocarcinomas.  相似文献   

The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family comprises disulfide-bonded dimeric isoforms and plays a key role in the proliferation and migration of mesenchymal cells. Traditionally, it consists of homo- and heterodimers of A and B polypeptide chains that occur as long (AL and BL) or short (AS and BS) isoforms. Short isoforms lack the basic C-terminal extension that mediates binding to heparin. In the present study, we show that certain PDGF isoforms bind in a specific manner to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Experiments performed with wild-type and mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells deficient in the synthesis of GAGs revealed that PDGF long isoforms bind to heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, while PDGF short isoforms only bind to heparan sulfate. This was confirmed by digestion of cell surface GAGs with heparitinase and chondroitinase ABC and by incubation with sodium chloride to prevent GAG sulfation. Furthermore, exogenous GAGs inhibited the binding of long isoforms to the cell membrane more efficiently than that of short isoforms. Additionally, we performed surface plasmon resonance experiments to study the inhibition of PDGF isoforms binding to low molecular weight heparin by GAGs. These experiments showed that PDGF-AAL and PDGF-BBS isoforms bound to GAGs with the highest affinity. In conclusion, PDGF activity at the cell surface may depend on the expression of various cellular GAG species.  相似文献   

We used two approaches to investigate the role of Src family kinases (SFKs) in ligand-stimulated internalization of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (alphaPDGFR). In cells that normally express SFKs, the internalization rate of the F72/74 mutant alphaPDGFR (which is unable to recruit or activate SFKs) was slower than that of the wild-type (WT) alphaPDGFR. When expressed in cells lacking SFKs (SYF cells), internalization of the WT and mutant receptors was indistinguishable, which indicated that there was not an inherent defect in the mutant receptor's ability to undergo ligand-driven internalization. The internalization difference between the WT and mutant receptors was seen again when c-Src was expressed in the SYF cells. Surprisingly, c-Src slowed the internalization of the mutant receptor but had little effect on WT receptor. We propose the following working hypothesis to explain these findings. In resting cells SFKs suppress internalization of the alphaPDGFR by phosphorylating a hypothetical protein X. This suppression is relieved when cells are exposed to PDGF because SFKs are recruited to the activated WT alphaPDGFR and thereby no longer actively phosphorylate protein X. The internalization of the mutant receptor is slow because it is unable to recruit SFKs and thereby fails to relieve the suppression of internalization. Our findings suggest a role for SFKs in regulating the permissiveness for internalization of the alphaPDGFR.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was one of the first growth factors to be characterized, and the PDGF family of ligand and receptors has remained an archetype system for studies of the mechanisms of action of growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases for more than two decades. The small size of the family has also facilitated genetic studies and, in particular, manipulations of the mouse PDGF and PDGF receptor genes have given important insights into the role of this family during mammalian development. These studies have shown that discrete populations of mesenchymal and neuroectodermal progenitor cells depend on PDGF signaling for their growth and distribution within developing organs. Other studies suggest that the same, or similar, cells may be targeted by exaggerated PDGF signaling in a number of pathological processes, including different types of cancer. The present review summarizes current views on the roles of PDGFs in developmental processes, and discusses the critical importance of the amount, spatial distribution, and bioavailability of the PDGF proteins for acquisition of the correct number and location of target cells.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) can induce the differentiation of teratocarcinoma cells in culture (S. Strickland and V. Mahdavi, 1978, Cell 15, 393-403; E. M. V. Jones-Villeneuve, M. W. McBurney, K. A. Rogers, and V. I. Kalnins, 1982, J. Cell. Biol. 94, 253-262). With the teratocarcinoma cell line, P19S1801A1 (O1A1), the differentiated cell types formed from cell aggregates exposed to RA are dependent on the concentration of drug used in the treatment. Cultures exposed to low concentrations (10(-9)M) are characterized by an abundance of cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle becomes abundant at higher drug concentrations (10(-8)M) with neurons and astroglia appearing at very high concentrations (10(-7) to 10(-5) M). These results suggest that during normal embryogenesis, the commitment of pluripotent cells to particular developmental avenues may be determined in part by concentration gradients of substances such as retinoids.  相似文献   

Sunghwan Kim  Hara Kang 《BMB reports》2013,46(11):550-554
The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling pathway is essential for inducing a dedifferentiated state of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Activation of PDGF inhibits smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific gene expression and increases the rate of proliferation and migration, leading to dedifferentiation of VSMCs. Recently, microRNAs have been shown to play a critical role in the modulation of the VSMC phenotype in response to extracellular signals. However, little is known about microRNAs regulated by PDGF in VSMCs. Herein, we identify microRNA-15b (miR-15b) as a mediator of VSMC phenotype regulation upon PDGF signaling. We demonstrate that miR-15b is induced by PDGF in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells and is critical for PDGF-mediated repression of SMC-specific genes. In addition, we show that miR-15b promotes cell proliferation. These results indicate that PDGF signaling regulates SMC-specific gene expression and cell proliferation by modulating the expression of miR-15b to induce a dedifferentiated state in the VSMCs. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(11): 550-554]  相似文献   

Although increased free intracellular calcium (Cai) may be one of the main regulators of cell growth and differentiation, studies in cell populations have implied that not all growth factors produce Cai increases. In order to examine in more detail whether Cai increases were related to mitogenesis, we used digital image analysis of intracellular Fura-2 fluorescence to measure Cai in individual BALB/c 3T3 cells stimulated with either platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF). We found that PDGF induced larger and more prolonged Cai increases than FGF did, but that both growth factors induced an initial rapid increase in Cai (less than 2 min) followed by a later sustained increase (greater than 20 min). Only the prolonged Cai increase required extracellular calcium. Following PDGF treatment (1-8 units/ml), the percentage of cells with a large peak Cai increase (greater than twofold) correlated with the percentage of cells made competent (subsequent growth in 1% platelet-poor-plasma). In contrast, purified bovine basic FGF (200-800 pg/ml) and recombinant human acidic FGF (10-300 ng/ml) produced peak Cai increases that were not directly correlated with mitogenesis. In addition, concentrations of intracellular Quin 2 that inhibited Cai transients also inhibited PDGF stimulation but not FGF stimulation of mitogenesis. Thus, Cai increases are necessary for mitogenesis in BALB/c 3T3 cells stimulated by PDGF, but not that stimulated by FGF.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells secrete a potent migration-stimulating factor for vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and adventitial fibroblasts. Vascular pericytes are 20-fold less responsive, and endothelial cells themselves do not respond at all. Checkerboard analysis of SMC migration in a micro-chemotaxis chamber assay shows that the factor is chemotactic. Chemotactic activity for SMCs and adventitial fibroblasts is specifically inhibited by antibodies against platelet-derived growth factor. Endothelial cells cultured on nitrocellulose filters secrete the platelet-derived growth factor-like factor almost exclusively into the basal compartment. We suggest that this factor plays an important role in the recruitment of vascular wall cells during the morphogenesis of blood vessels and pathological conditions, such as atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Insulin-related factor (IRF), a polypeptide secreted by the mouse teratoma-derived cell line (1246-3A), was purified 3210-fold to homogeneity from 1246-3A conditioned medium using a rapid three-step procedure including cation-exchange chromatography, immunoaffinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody against porcine insulin coupled to an agarose gel support, and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. 10 micrograms of IRF was purified from 6 liters of 1246-3A conditioned medium. Pure IRF appeared as a single band with the same mobility as insulin by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. IRF stimulates cell proliferation of insulin-dependent cell line 1246 and competes with 125I-insulin for binding to 1246 cells; half-maximal growth stimulation and binding competition were achieved at an IRF concentration of 6.5 ng/ml (1.3 nM) and 25 ng/ml (4 nM), respectively, comparable with those for bovine insulin. The biochemical, biological, and immunological characteristics of IRF, as well as its amino acid composition, strongly suggest that it is closely related to pancreatic insulin in structure and function.  相似文献   

MC Phipps  Y Xu  SL Bellis 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40831
The recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is a vital step in the bone healing process, and hence the functionalization of osteogenic biomaterials with chemotactic factors constitutes an important effort in the tissue engineering field. Previously we determined that bone-mimetic electrospun scaffolds composed of polycaprolactone, collagen I and nanohydroxyapatite (PCL/col/HA) supported greater MSC adhesion, proliferation and activation of integrin-related signaling cascades than scaffolds composed of PCL or collagen I alone. In the current study we investigated the capacity of bone-mimetic scaffolds to serve as carriers for delivery of an MSC chemotactic factor. In initial studies, we compared MSC chemotaxis toward a variety of molecules including PDGF-AB, PDGF-BB, BMP2, and a mixture of the chemokines SDF-1α, CXCL16, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and RANTES. Transwell migration assays indicated that, of these factors, PDGF-BB was the most effective in stimulating MSC migration. We next evaluated the capacity of PCL/col/HA scaffolds, compared with PCL scaffolds, to adsorb and release PDGF-BB. We found that significantly more PDGF- BB was adsorbed to, and subsequently released from, PCL/col/HA scaffolds, with sustained release extending over an 8-week interval. The PDGF-BB released was chemotactically active in transwell migration assays, indicating that bioactivity was not diminished by adsorption to the biomaterial. Complementing these studies, we developed a new type of migration assay in which the PDGF-BB-coated bone-mimetic substrates were placed 1.5 cm away from the cell migration front. These experiments confirmed the ability of PDGF-BB-coated PCL/col/HA scaffolds to induce significant MSC chemotaxis under more stringent conditions than standard types of migration assays. Our collective results substantiate the efficacy of PDGF-BB in stimulating MSC recruitment, and further show that the incorporation of native bone molecules, collagen I and nanoHA, into electrospun scaffolds not only enhances MSC adhesion and proliferation, but also increases the amount of PDGF-BB that can be delivered from scaffolds.  相似文献   

Variants of the mouse embryo fibroblast X melanoma hybrid clone 100A have been isolated by a procedure that selects against cells that are able to grow in medium containing low concentrations of serum plus insulin. Three variant clones derived from this selection were found to have a much higher serum requirement than the parental clone 100A cells, as evidenced by a very low rate of DNA synthesis and growth in medium containing low concentrations of serum. Two of the variants had approximately double the number of chromosomes as the parental cell line, while one had approximately the same number of chromosomes as the parental cells. One of the variants was very strongly reverted by 5- azacytidine but not by ethyl methanesulfonate, suggesting that it reverted by a nonmutational mechanism such as a stable change in DNA methylation. Analysis of the growth requirements in hormone- supplemented serum-free media of the 100A parent, the INS 471 variant, and revertants of the variant indicated that the variant had a specific deficiency in its growth response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). PDGF dose-response curves obtained with the variant cells were shifted approximately an order of magnitude toward higher PDGF concentrations relative to PDGF dose-response curves obtained with the parental 100A cells. This quantitative increase in PDGF requirement of the INS 471 variant appears to explain the increased serum requirement of this variant. Equilibrium binding experiments performed with 125I- PDGF suggest that the variant does not have a decreased number of PDGF receptors.  相似文献   

E E Moore 《In vitro》1984,20(6):463-472
Cell lines corresponding to various cell lineages of the mouse embryo have been isolated from murine teratocarcinomas. Embryonal carcinoma cell lines are developmentally equivalent to the embryonic ectoderm or inner cell mass. Most of these cell lines have a modal chromosome number equal or close to 40, the normal mouse complement. However, cell lines corresponding to more advanced cell lineages (e.g., endoderm) are tetraploid or hypotetraploid and display multiple chromosomal rearrangements. This paper describes the isolation of a near-diploid differentiated cell line (LT-D) from an LT teratocarcinoma. The modal chromosome number of LT-D is 40, and this number is stable during at least 12 mo of continuous culture. LT-D cells are morphologically distinct from embryonal carcinoma cells and no longer express the SSEA-1 cell surface antigen or high alkaline phosphatase activity characteristic of embryonal carcinoma cells. LT-D cells can be induced to fuse into structures resembling myotubes. The formation of these structures is accompanied by expression of the muscle-specific isozyme of creatine phosphokinase and desmin, a muscle-specific component of intermediate filaments. Lastly, LT-D cells do not form tumors in syngenetic mice.  相似文献   

Human glioblastoma cells (A172) were found to concomitantly express PDGF-BB and PDGF β-receptors. The receptors were constitutively autophosphorylated in the absence of exogenous ligand, suggesting the presence of an autocrine PDGF pathway. Neutralizing PDGF antibodies as well as suramin inhibited the autonomous PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity and resulted in up-regulation of receptor protein. The interruption of the autocrine loop by the PDGF antibodies reversed the transformed phenotype of the glioblastoma cell, as determined by (1) diminished DNA synthesis, (2) inhibition of tumor colony growth, and (3) reversion of the transformed morphology of the tumor cells. The PDGF antibodies showed no effect on the DNA synthesis of another glioblastoma cells line (U343MGa 31L) or on Ki-ras-transformed fibroblasts. The present study demonstrates an endogenously activated PDGF pathway in a spontaneous human glioblastoma cell line. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the autocrine PDGF pathway drives the transtormed phenotype of the tumor cells, a process that can be blocked by extracellular antagonists. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The stem cell of the murine teratocarcinoma is refractory to infection with Simian virus 40 and polyoma. Utilizing various procedures, we attempted to alter this block to infection by modifying the infection procedure. Multiple infections with high-titer SV40 and pretreatment of cells with DEAE-dextran or the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline l-oxide did not induce embryonal carcinoma cells to produce T- antigen. Co-infection with adenovirus 5, which infects the embryonal carcinoma, and SV40 did not induce the expression of SV40 Tantigen. Therefore, these procedures did not overcome the block to virus infection. The assay for the SV40 T antigen was immunofluorescence; however, the immunoprecipitation technique did not detect T antigen in the infected embryonal carcinoma cells. Finally, the viral DNA present in the embryonal carcinoma was examined for its ability to replicate. These studies showed that viral DNA was not replicating as assayed by the viral DNA's sensitivity to UV irradiation when replicating in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyundine.  相似文献   

In the avian embryo, precursor cells of the paraxial mesoderm that reside in the epiblast ingress through the primitive streak and migrate bilaterally in an anterolateral direction. Herein, we report on the roles of Protogenin (PRTG), an immunoglobulin superfamily protein expressed on the surface of the ingressing and migrating cells that give rise to the paraxial mesoderm, in paraxial mesoderm development. An aggregation assay using L-cells showed that PRTG mediates homophilic cell adhesion. Overexpression of PRTG in the presumptive paraxial mesoderm delayed mesodermal cell migration due to augmented adhesiveness. In contrast, siRNA knockdown of PRTG impaired successive ingression of epiblast cells and disorganized the epithelial structure of the somites. These results suggest that PRTG mediates cell adhesion to regulate continuous ingression of cells giving rise to the paraxial mesodermal lineage, as well as tissue integrity.  相似文献   

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