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We studied fleshy fruit consumption by birds on individualPrunus mahaleb trees in four plots in northwestern Spain.We found large variation among trees in the relative contribution of differentbird species to fruit removal. This variation, which occurred on a scale ofmeters, was correlated with the distance from the tree to nests ofPhoenicurus ochruros, a major fruit consumer, and with thekind of microhabitat surrounding each tree. In the four plots studied, treeslocated farther away from P. ochruros nests receivedrelatively fewer visits by this species, and relatively more byTurdusmerula and Sylvia atricapilla. These three mainconsumer species differed in the kinds of microhabitats (rocks, loose stones,bare or grassy soil, and woody vegetation) where they flew after visitingP. mahaleb, and thus they probably created differentpatterns of seedfall. This study adds to the evidence that environmentalfactorsextrinsic to plants, and acting at different spatial scales, greatly influencethe identity of the fruit consumers visiting individual trees. This influenceundermines the chances that fruit traits become evolutionary modified so as toattract those consumers providing the best seed dispersalservicesto the plants.  相似文献   

Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) is a non-indigenous, invasive woody vine in North America that proliferates in disturbed open sites. Unlike most invasive species, C. orbiculatus exhibits a sit and wait strategy by establishing and persisting indefinitely in undisturbed, closed canopy forest and responding to canopy disturbance with rapid growth, often overtopping trees. We compared fruit fates of C. orbiculatus and native American holly (Ilex opaca). We also explored mechanisms for this sit and wait invasion strategy by testing the effect of C. orbiculatus fruit crop density on removal rates and by examining the influence of seed treatment and light intensity on seed germination and seedling growth. More C. orbiculatus than I. opaca fruits became damaged, and damage occurred earlier. More fruit fell from C. orbiculatus than I. opaca, but removal rates by frugivores did not differ (76.0 ± 4.2% vs 87.5 ± 3.7%, respectively). Density (number of fruits in a patch) of C. orbiculatus did not influence removal rates. Scarification (bird-ingestion) of C. orbiculatus seed delayed germination but seeds germinated in similar proportion to manually defleshed seeds (sown either singly or all seeds from a fruit). Germination of seeds within intact fruits was inhibited and delayed compared to other treatments. Seed treatment did not affect seedling growth. The proportion of seeds germinating and time until germination was similar among five light intensity levels, ranging from full sun to closed-canopy. Seedlings in >70% photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) had more leaves, heavier shoots, and longer, heavier roots than seedlings at lower PAR levels. Results show that most (>75%) C. orbiculatus seeds are dispersed, seedlings can establish in dense shade, and plants grow rapidly when exposed to high light conditions. Control strategies for this highly invasive species should likely focus on minimizing seed dispersal by vertebrates.  相似文献   

We examined the seed rain throughout a twelve month period in a lowlandtropical forest in Cameroon, West Africa, 1996–97. Traps (0.5m2, n = 216) were erected throughout a 25km2 area in 24 randomly placed clusters of nine trapseach. Fruits and seeds that landed in traps were collected every 7–10daysand classified by species and dispersal type. More than 32,000 seeds fromapproximately 200 species fell into the traps, an average of 297 seedsm–2 yr–1 Thirty species represent 82%of the total seed rain while an additional 175 species comprise the remaining18%. When we compared the adult community to the seed rain community within thesame plots, we found no apparent correlation between seed rain patterns andadult community structure for this year of study. Furthermore, only 49% of theadult tree community produced and dispersed seed into traps in this year. Morethan 100 species (52%) found in the seed rain represented long-distanceimmigrant seed rain. Seed rain was highly variable at several scales, bothspatially and seasonally, although seeds arrived in traps during eachcollectionperiod. Cluster analyses showed that traps within plots were seldom moresimilarto one another than traps between plots. While 82% of the tree species in thecommunity are thought to be animal dispersed, only 28% of all seeds that fellinto traps had been obviously handled (bitten, chewed, or passed)by animals. Tests for fruit and seed removal by predators or dispersers found5%or less removal rate from traps.  相似文献   

Plant invasions disrupt native plant reproduction directly via competition for light and other resources and indirectly via competition for pollination. Furthermore, shading by an invasive plant may reduce pollinator visitation and therefore reproduction in native plants. Our study quantifies and identifies mechanisms of these direct and indirect effects of an invasive shrub on pollination and reproductive success of a native herb. We measured pollinator visitation rate, pollen deposition, and female reproductive success in potted arrays of native Geranium maculatum in deciduous forest plots invaded by the non-native shrub Lonicera maackii and in two removal treatments: removal of aboveground L. maackii biomass and removal of flowers. We compared fruit and seed production between open-pollinated and pollen-supplemented plants to test for pollen and light limitation of reproduction. Plots with L. maackii had significantly lower light, pollinator visitation rate, and conspecific pollen deposition to G. maculatum than biomass removal plots. Lonicera maackii flower removal did not increase pollinator visitation or pollen deposition compared to unmanipulated invaded plots, refuting the hypothesis of competition for pollinators. Thus, pollinator-mediated impacts of invasive plants are not limited to periods of co-flowering or pollinator sharing between potential competitors. Geranium maculatum plants produced significantly fewer seeds in plots containing L. maackii than in plant removal plots. Seed set was similar between pollen-supplemented and open-pollinated plants, but pollen-supplemented plants exhibited higher seed set in plant removal plots compared to invaded plots. Therefore, we conclude that the mechanism of impact of L. maackii on G. maculatum reproduction was increased understory shade.  相似文献   

Capsule: Seed abundance but also seed depletion during winter modifies habitat use and aggregation behaviour of Eurasian Sky Lark Alauda arvensis and Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis.

Aims: To investigate the effect of seed abundance on the density of two passerine birds, the Eurasian Sky Larks and the Meadow Pipit, at an agricultural landscape scale during winter.

Methods: Bird counts as well as seed density measurements were carried out in winter to quantify the aggregative response of farmland birds to seed abundance from November to March.

Results: Seed resources varied by a factor of ten between crop types, but declined so sharply over the winter that seed abundance was low and similar among crop types by late winter. Sky Larks selected for higher seed density plots, but only at the end of winter when the resources were the lowest. Conversely, Meadow Pipits did not show any aggregative response to seed abundance.

Conclusion: These results show that an uptake of seed-rich habitats in agricultural landscape would be very beneficial for wintering granivorous birds, by fulfilling the late winter ‘hungry gap’. The inclusion of seed mixtures in habitats that attract high densities of birds and retain seeds until late winter is of primary interest.  相似文献   

The directed deterrence hypothesis posits that secondary metabolites in ripe fruit function to deter fruit consumption by vertebrates that do not disperse seeds, while not impacting consumption by those that do. We tested this hypothesis in two species of wild chilies (Capsicum spp.). Both produce fruits that contain capsaicinoids, the compounds responsible for the pungency of chilies. Previous work suggests seed-dispersing birds but not seed-destroying rodents consume chili fruits, presumably because rodents are deterred by capsaicin. However, fruit removal from chili plants by rodents and other mammals has not been previously explored. Because laboratory rodents can develop a preference for capsaicin, it is quite possible that wild rodents are natural consumers of chili fruits. We monitored the fate of 125 marked fruits of Capsicum chacoense and 291 fruits of Capsicum annuum. For both species, essentially all fruit removal occurred during the day, when rodents are inactive. Video monitoring revealed fruit removal only by birds, mostly by species known to disperse chili seeds in viable condition. Furthermore, these species are from taxonomic groups that tend to specialize on lipid-rich fruits. Both species of chili produce fruits that are unusually high in lipids (35% in C. chacoense, 24% in C. annuum). These results support the directed deterrence hypothesis and suggest that fruiting plants distinguish between seed predators and seed dispersers by producing fruits that repel the former and attract the latter.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of animal-dispersed plants is closely linked to the number of seeds that they are able to disperse. The fruit crop size hypothesis states that a plant with large fruit crop size will attract more dispersers than a plant with a smaller fruit crop, which may result in more seeds being dispersed from the foremost. In this study, we experimentally examined the effect of crop size and other factors on primary seed dispersal in a neotropical shrub/tree, Casearia corymbosa (Flacourtiaceae). We used two predictive variables of reproductive success, which produce an accurate picture of seed dispersal ratio: fruit removal efficiency (proportion of a fruit crop removed by frugivores) and fruit removal success (relative contribution of each individual tree to the number of fruits removed in the population). We established two levels of fruit crop size at the C. corymbosa individuals, using plants with large (150 fruits) and small crops (50 fruits). We found that individual plants with larger crops had significantly higher values of fruit removal efficiency (92.6%) and success (5%) than plants with smaller crops (69.3% and 1.3%, respectively). Fruit removal efficiency was related to vegetation type, plant height and fruit width, but the variance explained by these variables was low ( < 8%). Fruit removal success was significantly related to crop size ( > 90% of the variance explained). These results suggest that fruit removal efficiency and success are strongly related to fruit crop size of C. corymbosa plants.  相似文献   

I tested experimentally whether the presence of colorful plastic ovals (simulating foliar flags) attached to infructescences of Rhus glabra increase fruit removal by birds in a forest-oldfield border. I used a factorial experimental design testing for the effect of size (small or large) and color (yellow or red) of the flags. There was also a control, without flags. Large red flags increased the percent of fruits removed from the panicles, but yellow and small flags had no effect. My results give partial support to Stiles (1982) hypothesis that early color change of leaves close to the fruits in some plants may serve as visual signals that attract frugivorous birds and enhances seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying biological invasion of highly disturbed ecosystems are well known, yet mechanisms responsible for biological invasion of undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystems are less understood. The triggering attribute (TA) approach, proposed as a mechanism that explains plant invasion success in undisturbed or weakly disturbed systems, considers that the spread of alien species depends on specific vegetative or regenerative traits in invasive species, discontinuously distributed in comparison to the resident community. In mountain Chaco woodland, fruiting phenology of ornithocorous invasive plants has been proposed as a TA, because it would allow invasive species to benefit from seed dispersal service, which is unused by native plants during a specific period of the year (winter). Under the seed dispersal ecology framework, we evaluated if fruiting phenology (fructification largely uncoupled with native species) of the fleshy-fruited invasive Pyracantha angustifolia affects bird fruit consumption, and allows the invasive to take advantage of the unused seed dispersal service during winter. If uncoupled fructification phenology represents a TA, seed disperser, seed predator, and pulp consumer diversity, abundance, and fruit consumption on P. angustifolia (which fructifies in winter), will be higher than on its exotic congeneric P. coccinea during summer, when fructification overlaps with native Celtis ehrenbergiana and many other native species. We found that: (1) disperser bird abundance and fruit consumption did not differ between P. angustifolia and P. coccinea; (2) the most diverse frugivorous assemblage was observed on C. ehrenbergiana, yet it had the lowest proportion of seed dispersers and the highest fruit consumption by seed predators and, (3) we also observed higher proportion of seed predators on P. angustifolia (uncoupled fructification scenario) than on P. coccinea (coupled fructification scenario). Our results suggest that invasive uncoupled fructification phenology does not represent a true TA which facilitates plant invasion processes in undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystem.  相似文献   

Background: Knowledge about vegetation and soil seed bank composition and the processes that contribute to vegetation recovery after the removal of heavy grazing is lacking in sub-alpine ecosystems.

Aims: In order to assess the effects of large herbivores on above-ground vegetation (AGV) and soil seed bank (SSB) characteristics, intensively sheep-grazed areas were compared to adjacent areas where grazing had been removed 10 years previously in a sub-alpine grassland of northern Iran.

Methods: A total of 40 4-m2 (2 m × 2 m) plots were established in each treatment, and soil samples were collected from each plot within a depth of 10 cm. Plant species composition was determined for each plot during the flowering stage of herbaceous species in June 2011. The seedling emergence method was used to estimate SSB composition.

Results: A total of 45 species (23 annuals and 22 perennials) emerged from the soil samples of the grazed area, while the number of species emerged from the soil samples of the previously grazing area was 76 (37 annuals and 39 perennials). The removal of grazing led to a significant increase in species richness and seed density in the SSB. Species turnover of AGV was higher, and that of the SSB was similar for grazed areas compared with areas that were formerly grazed. Detrended correspondence analysis ordination of AGV composition showed a clearly separate structure between grazed plots and plots where grazing has been removed, while the segregation was less clear for SSB composition.

Conclusions: We concluded that restoration of locally degraded sites cannot rely on the SSB when grazing is stopped simultaneously and unvegetated gaps are colonised by vegetative growth rather than by seed.  相似文献   

Fruit bodies of hypogeous fungi are an important food source for many small mammals and are consumed by larger mammals as well. A controversial hypothesis that prescribed burning increases fruiting of certain hypogeous fungi based on observations in Tasmania was tested in the Australian Capital Territory to determine if it applied in a quite different habitat. Ten pairs of plots, burnt and nonburnt, were established at each of two sites prescribe-burnt in May 1999. When sampled in early July, after autumn rains had initiated the fungal fruiting season, species richness and numbers of fruit bodies on the burnt plots were extremely low: most plots produced none at all. Both species richness and fruit body numbers were simultaneously high on nonburnt plots. One of the sites was resampled a year after the initial sampling. At that time species richness and fruit body abundance were still significantly less on burnt plots than on nonburnt, but a strong trend towards fungal recovery on the burnt plots was evident. This was particularly so when numbers of fruit bodies of one species, the hypogeous agaric Dermocybe globuliformis, were removed from the analysis. This species strongly dominated the nonburnt plots but was absent from burnt plots in both years. The trend towards recovery of fruit body abundance in the burnt plots one year after the burn was much more pronounced with exclusion of the Dermocybe data. The Tasmanian-based hypothesis was based mostly on the fruiting of two fire-adapted species in the Mesophelliaceae. Neither species occurred on our plots. Accordingly, the results and conclusions of the Tasmanian study cannot be extrapolated to other habitats without extensive additional study. Implications for management of habitat for fungi and the animals that rely on the fungi as a food source are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate how seed reserves affect early seedling performance, we conducted a factorial greenhouse experiment using Lithocarpus densiflora (Tanoak). Seedlings were grown from large (5.8±0.7 g) and small (3.2±0.4 g) seeds and, following shoot emergence, seeds were either removed or left attached. Seedlings were harvested for quantification of biomass and 13C at seven time periods following seed removal (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 days) and seedling photosynthesis was measured three separate time periods (2–4, 49–82, 95–128 days after seed removal). Biomass increased for all seedlings, but the increase was significantly larger for seedlings with attached seeds than with removed seeds. Seed removal just after shoot emergence significantly decreased seedling biomass, but seed removal 64 days after shoot emergence had no effect on seedling biomass. Seedling photosynthesis per unit leaf area varied by time and seed presence, but not by seed size. At the first period, seedlings with attached seeds had significantly higher photosynthetic rates than seedlings with removed seeds, at the second period there was no effect of seed removal, and at the third time period seedlings with attached seeds had significantly lower photosynthetic rates than seedlings with removed seeds. Despite temporal variation in photosynthesis per unit leaf area, seedlings with attached seeds always had significantly greater leaf area than seedlings with removed seeds, resulting in significantly higher total plant photosynthesis at all three time periods. The 13C values of both the leaves and roots were more similar to that of the seed for seedlings with attached seeds than for seedlings with removed seeds, however, seed removal and seed size strongly affected root 13C. This study demonstrates that seed reserves have important effects on the early growth, physiology, and 13C of L. densiflora seedlings.  相似文献   

A recent study in a natural grassland in Argentina revealed that grazing strongly reduced the available pollinators for a population of Cypella herbertii. Comparing grazed and fenced areas (exclosures) we tested the hypothesis that self-incompatibility would be selected against in a pollinator-poor environment leading to changes in breeding system. No differences in breeding system were found between populations from inside and outside exclosures. However, we detected: (i) C. herbertii clearly exhibits a mixed-mating system but has a remarkably low spontaneous fruit formation; (ii) this species though highly self-compatible expresses a significant decay at seed set stage when self-pollinated. We conclude that grazing impact on pollinators together with C. herbertiis high dependence on pollinators should be considered when assessing the risk of extinction of this species.  相似文献   

The relationships between fruit morphology and the foraging behavior of the Yakushima macaque, Macaca fuscata yakui were studied during a 9-month field study and series of laboratory experiments on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. These relationships may affect seed germination traits through seed dispersal. The macaques foraging behavior was observed in order to obtain data concerning the treatment of pulp and seeds. Seeds in feces and spat seeds were collected and analyzed. A linear discriminant analysis of the data led to the following results: (i) an increase in the relative flesh volume of a fruit was one of the potential factors which increased the probability of seed dispersal by the macaques; and (ii) seed size was an important parameter in relation to the type of seed dispersal (by defecation or spitting out). The germination test was conducted in a laboratory, then the germination rates and delays of dispersed seeds were compared with those of seeds collected directly from trees. The germination of dispersed seeds of Ficus thunbergii, Eurya japonica, and Vaccinium bracteatum, was significantly enhanced by passage through the macaques gut. The enhanced germination behavior was not seen in larger seeds, such as those of Psychotria serpens, Myrsine seguinii, Diospyros morrisiana, and Neolitsea sericea. The germination enhancement in small-seeded plants could be due to a sorting effect from the passage through the gut, which selects seeds with a narrower range of germination traits.  相似文献   

We studied the functional relationship between pollination intensity and fruit survival as well as the number of seeds per pod in the tropical tree Theobroma cacao L. on a Forastero Upper-Amazon clone (UPA 409) in Ivory Coast. Cutting the style 24 h after pollination allowed for counting the number of pollen grains deposited on a stigma without affecting fruit set and seed development. Forty-three pollen grains were necessary to reach 50% of maximum fruit set 28 days after pollination. Above 115 pollen grains, the proportion of developing ovaries reached a maximum of 88% 28 days after pollination and 75% at maturity. With fewer than 238 pollen grains per stigma, there was a close relationship between pollination intensity and number of seeds per pod; the pollenseed ratio increased from 1.61 to 3.81 for PI increasing from 30 to 238 pollen grains. For higher pollination intensities, the average number of seeds per pod reached a maximum of 58. The relationship between pollination intensity and seed content was modelled. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that ovules attracted pollen tubes in a similar way regardless of whether or not they had already been reached by another pollen tube.  相似文献   

Summary The female flowers of Croton bonplandianum bear nectar glands which become active during fruit maturation and attain peak activity just prior to the splitting of fruits. This temporal specificity of nectar gland activity is shown to facilitate seed dispersal by ants, which are attracted to the plant only during the fruit maturation period. The nectar glands establish a nectar influence zone with a radius of 60 cm around the plant within which seed dispersal by ants is effective. Seed dispersal by ants is facilitated only if the seeds are placed within this nectar influence zone. This is accomplished by an intriguing evolutionary shift in the maturation pattern of the fruits. Unlike the usual acropetal development, fruit maturation in Croton is temporally asymmetrical, with the fruits nearer the parental axis maturing early. This unique pattern of fruit development together with the polychasial branching system leads to a concentration of seeds within the nectar influence zone and enhances seed dispersal by ants. The proximate factors responsible for this asynchronous fruit maturity were investigated.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of ingestion by birds on seed germination under natural conditions, we carried out germination experiments in the field using seeds of two Prunus species that have different fruit-ripening seasons. Germination of seeds with the following three treatments was compared: ingested seeds, seeds excreted after feeding of fruits to birds; extracted seeds, seeds deliberately extracted from the fruit pulp; and intact fruit, seeds in untreated intact fruit. Many ingested and extracted seeds of both Prunus species germinated during the first spring, and the difference in germination percentage between ingested and extracted seeds was not significant. Many seeds in intact fruit of Prunus sargentii also germinated during the first spring, but those of Prunus ssiori did not germinate until the second spring. Pulp removal through bird ingestion enabled rapid germination for the autumn-fruiting P. ssiori, whose fruit pulp was not likely to be decomposed until the first spring. In contrast, the effects of ingestion were not striking for the summer-fruiting P. sargentii, whose fruit pulp is quickly decomposed.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the timing of urea treatment on the succession of ammonia fungi. In two evergreen Castanopsis cuspidata forests and in one deciduous Quercus serrata forest, we applied 343g urea to 25 and 15 plots of 0.5m2, respectively, at three different times of the year. Ten of the early-phase (EP) species, considered to be saprotrophic, and 6 of the late-phase (LP) ones, considered ectomycorrhizal, fruited. In both phases, the commencement, peak, and cessation of fruiting took place simultaneously among all the plots treated at the same time. The fruiting occurred in summer and autumn. Quantity and size of the fruit bodies was larger in the LP than in the EP species. Fruiting of EP species was affected by the treatment time and that of LP species by interaction of the treatment time and vegetation type. EP was short and occurred as one period, whereas LP was long and occurred as two or more fruiting seasons. We found that species composition, dominant species, and degree of its dominance in fruiting of the ammonia fungi are predictable for different treatment times of the year and different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated effects of seed density, distance from parent, and habitat (woods, open field) on post-dispersal predation risk (chiefly by rodents) for seeds of Prunus virginiana (Rosaceae). Additional study of the habitat effect (woods, open field, treefall gap) was made with seeds of Prunus avium (Rosaceae) and Uvularia grandiflora (Liliaceae). Density of Prunus seeds (range 2–40 seeds/group) did not affect predation risk for individual seeds. Distance from parent plants did influence predation risk, which was greatest directly beneath parents. This distance effect primarily comprised a sharp drop in risk within 2 m of parents, a distance too small to generate a spacing rule for conspecifics.We found that habitat strongly influenced predation intensity. Rates of removal of Prunus seeds were higher in woods than in open fields, except when overall predation intensity was very low and no pattern could be discerned. Prunus seed removal rates were higher in closed woods than in treefall gaps. Consequently, a Prunus seed will more likely escape predation if dispersed to an open site. In contrast, Uvularia seed removal rates were higher in open fields than in woods but did not differ between closed woods and tree-fall gaps.Predation intensity was spatially patchy between and within experimental arrays, but was consistent over time at some specific points in space, possibly reflecting home ranges of seed predators.  相似文献   

Summary From 1985–1987, patterns of fruit and seed set were studied in a population of mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), a clonal, self-incompatible herb found in deciduous woods in eastern North America. Mayapple flowers do not produce nectar, but depend on infrequent visits by nectar-seeking queen bumble bees for pollination. In all years female reproductive success in mayapple colonies was influenced by colony size (number of flowers), by the distance to neighbouring colonies and by proximity to lousewort plants (Pedicularis canadensis), a prolific nectar producer heavily visited by bumble bees. In all years fruit and seed set were greater in mayapple colonies <25 m from lousewort flowers than in matched colonies which were >50 m from lousewort. In 1985 and 1987 the frequency of queen bumble bee visits to flowers in colonies close to lousewort was about four times greater than to distant colonies. In 1986 I removed about 80% of lousewort flowers to test whether the enhanced fruit and seed set in mayapples close to lousewort was pollinator mediated. Mayapple colonies close to flowerless lousewort patches did not differ in fruit or seed set from matched colonies >50 m from lousewort. In contrast, mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had greater fruit and seed set compared with distant colonies. Over all years, a larger proportion of mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had enhanced fruit and seed set compared with colonies close to louseworts without flowers. Though rarely documented, this type of facilitative interaction between plants that are highly attractive to pollinators (magnet species), and co-flowering species that are rarely visited by pollinators, may be widespread in plant communities.  相似文献   

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