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The human N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I gene was introduced in the genome of Trichoderma reesei strain VTT-D-80133. Expression was studied after induction from the cellobiohydrolase I promoter. Successful in vivo transfer of GlcNAc was demonstrated by analyzing the neutral N-glycans which were synthesized on cellobiohydrolase I. Final proof of the formation of GlcNAcMan5GlcNAc2 was obtained by NMR analysis.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring ribonucleosides, uridine and adenosine, were converted to their 3'alpha-CH2CO2Me and 3'alpha-CH2PO(OPh)2 2',3'-dideoxy analogues. The present reaction sequence starts with oxidative cleavage of the 2',3'-cis-diol system, and involves radical-mediated reconstruction of furanose ring as the key step.  相似文献   

In addition to neophytadiene, phytol, methyl (2E)- and (2Z)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) propenates, fatty acid methyl esters and fatty acids,  相似文献   

The B-stock population of rats was bred for homozygosity at the loci controlling coat color. In this process, theAg-B1 andAg-B3 haplotypes became fixed in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Extensive immunization and absorption studies showed that the specificities in the B-stock rats homozygous for theAg-B1 haplotype were the same as those found in the inbred F344 strain (Ag-B1), and that the specificities in the rats homozygous for theAg-B3 haplotype were the same as those found in the inbred BN (Ag-B3) strain. A homozygous line derived from the rats carrying theAg-B3 haplotype (B3) has the mixed lymphocyte reactivity and antibody responsiveness to poly (Glu52Lys33Tyr15) characteristic of the inbred strains in theAg-B4 group. Thus, it represents a naturally occurring recombination between the loci controlling MLR and immune responsiveness, on the one hand, and those controlling the Ag-B antigens on the other. Antibody responsiveness segregated with theAg-B3 haplotype in crosses between the B3 homozygotes and the low responder BUF and M520 strains; hence, this recombination is a stable one. There was no linkage of antibody formation or haplotype to coat color. The finding of a strain with a naturally occurring recombination in the major histocompatibility complex between the loci controlling mixed lymphocyte reactivity and the Ag-B histocompatibility antigens provides evidence for the separateness of these loci. Since the portion of the genetically determined mechanism controlling antibody responsiveness which is linked to the MHC was that characteristic of the MLR type, it too must lie outside the region defined by the serological specificities of theAg-B haplotype.  相似文献   

The physiological relevance of naturally occurring IgM-ALA remains to be elucidated. These autoantibodies are present from birth and increase in diverse inflammatory states that are both infectious and noninfectious. Clinical observations showing significantly less acute allograft rejections in recipients having high IgM-ALA levels, led us to investigate whether IgM-ALA could have a functional role in attenuating T cell mediated inflammatory responses. In pursuit of this hypothesis, we did studies using IgM purified from the serum of normal individuals, patients with end stage renal disease, and HIV-1 infection. All preparations of IgM immunoprecipitated certain receptors e.g., CD3, CD4, CCR5, and CXCR4 from whole cell lysates but failed to immunoprecipitate IL-2R and HLA Ags. In physiological doses IgM down-regulated CD4, CD2 and CD86 but not CD8 and CD28, inhibited T cell proliferation, decreased production of certain proinflammatory cytokines e.g., TNF-alpha, IL-13 and IL-2, but not IFN- gamma, IL-1beta, GM-CSF, IL-6 and IL-8 and inhibited leukocyte chemotaxis. These inhibitory effects were more pronounced when using IgM from patients with high levels of IgM-ALA and these inhibitory effects were significantly reduced after using IgM preabsorbed with leukocytes. IgM-ALA binding to leukocytes was found to be highly specific, as <10% of IgM secreting B cell clones had IgM-ALA specificity with some clones having specificity for either T cells or monocytes. These findings support the concept that IgM-ALA provides an innate mechanism to regulate T cell mediated inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

The conformations of 3-methyluridine and 3-methylpseudouridine are determined using a combination of sugar proton coupling constants from 1D NMR spectra and 1D NOE difference spectroscopy. Both C2′-endo and C3′-endo conformations are observed for 3-methyluridine (59:41, 37 °C, D2O) and 3-methylpseudouridine (51:49, 37 °C, D2O). 3-Methyluridine preferentially adopts an anti conformation in solution, whereas 3-methylpseudouridine is primarily in a syn conformation. anti/syn-Relationships are deduced by 1D NOE difference spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Park WH  Han YW  Kim SH  Kim SZ 《Mutation research》2007,619(1-2):81-92
We investigated the involvement of ROS such as H2O2 and O2*-, and GSH in As4.1 cell death induced by pyrogallol. The intracellular H2O2 levels were decreased or increased depending on the concentration and incubation time of pyrogallol. The levels of O2*- were significantly increased. Pyrogallol reduced the intracellular GSH content. And ROS scavengers, Tempol, Tiron, Trimetazidine and NAC could not significantly down-regulate the production of H2O2 and O2*-. However, these ROS scavengers slightly inhibited apoptosis. Interestingly, Tempol showing the recovery of GSH depletion induced by pyrogallol significantly decreased apoptosis without the significant reduction of intracellular O2*- levels. SOD and catalase did not change the level of H2O2 but decreased the level of O2*-. The inhibition of GSH depletion by these was accompanied with the decrease of apoptosis, as evidenced by sub-G1 DNA content, annexin V staining, mitochondria membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) and Western data. In addition, ROS scavengers and SOD did not alter a G2 phase accumulation of the cell cycle induced by pyrogallol. However, catalase changed the cell cycle distributions of pyrogallol-treated cells to those of pyrogallol-untreated cells. In summary, we have demonstrated that pyrogallol potently generates ROS, especially O2*-, in As4.1 JG cells, and Tempol, SOD and catalase could rescue to a lesser or greater extent cells from pyrogallol-induced apoptosis through the up-regulation of intracellular GSH content.  相似文献   

In previous reports it was demonstrated that the Nipah virus V and W proteins have interferon (IFN) antagonist activity due to their ability to block signaling from the IFN-alpha/beta receptor (J. J. Rodriguez, J. P. Parisien, and C. M. Horvath, J. Virol. 76:11476-11483, 2002; M. S. Park et al., J. Virol. 77:1501-1511, 2003). The V, W, and P proteins are all encoded by the same viral gene and share an identical 407-amino-acid N-terminal region but have distinct C-terminal sequences. We now show that the P protein also has anti-IFN function, confirming that the common N-terminal domain is responsible for the antagonist activity. Truncation of this N-terminal domain revealed that amino acids 50 to 150 retain the ability to block IFN and to bind STAT1, a key component of the IFN signaling pathway. Subcellular localization studies demonstrate that the V and P proteins are predominantly cytoplasmic whereas the W protein is localized to the nucleus. In all cases, STAT1 colocalizes with the corresponding Nipah virus protein. These interactions are sufficient to inhibit STAT1 activation, as demonstrated by the lack of STAT1 phosphorylation on tyrosine 701 in IFN-stimulated cells expressing P, V, or W. Therefore, despite their common STAT1-binding domain, the Nipah virus V and P proteins act by retaining STAT1 in the cytoplasm while the W protein sequesters STAT1 in the nucleus, creating both a cytoplasmic and a nuclear block for STAT1. We also show that the IFN antagonist activity of the P protein is not as strong as that of V or W, perhaps explaining why Nipah virus has evolved to express these two edited products.  相似文献   

We recently identified a cross-reactive Id (6C4) that is expressed on the H chain of many BALB/c mAb against the 3-fucosyllactosamine (3-FL) determinant, Gal(beta 1-4) (Fuc(alpha 1-3] GlcNAc-R. The VH segments of seven mAb that we recently sequenced are encoded by VH441, which also encodes VH segments of antibodies against galactan, levan, and dextran. To analyze the expression of the 6C4 Id on naturally occurring anti-carbohydrate antibodies, we isolated 6C4+ antibodies by affinity chromatography from pools of normal BALB/c serum. Approximately 20 to 30% of antibodies against 3-FL and levan, and all antibodies against dextran, were removed from the sera by passage over a column containing mAb 6C4. Absorption of the eluate with 3-FL beads removed anti-3-FL antibodies but not anti-dextran or anti-levan. The expression of a cross-reactive Id on naturally occurring antibodies against several carbohydrate Ag suggests that these antibodies may participate in an Id network. We also reported previously that BALB/c mice have naturally occurring anti-3-FL antibodies and respond well to immunization against this determinant, whereas C57BL/6 mice do neither. To examine the role of the Igh-C allotype in the regulation of the anti-3-FL response, we studied congenic strains of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Both congenic strains produced anti-3-FL antibodies in response to immunization, but only C.B-20 mice exhibited naturally occurring antibodies. These data suggest that the naturally occurring and elicited antibody responses against 3-FL are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Glucokinase (GK) has several known polymorphic activating mutations that increase the enzyme activity by enhancing glucose binding affinity and/or by alleviating the inhibition of glucokinase regulatory protein (GKRP), a key regulator of GK activity in the liver. Kinetic studies were undertaken to better understand the effect of these mutations on the enzyme mechanism of GK activation and GKRP regulation and to relate the enzyme properties to the associated clinical phenotype of hypoglycemia. Similar to wild type GK, the transient kinetics of glucose binding for activating mutations follows a general two-step mechanism, the formation of an enzyme-glucose complex followed by an enzyme conformational change. However, the kinetics for each step differed from wild type GK and could be grouped into specific types of kinetic changes. Mutations T65I, Y214C, and A456V accelerate glucose binding to the apoenzyme form, whereas W99R, Y214C, and V455M facilitate enzyme isomerization to the active form. Mutations that significantly enhance the glucose binding to the apoenzyme also disrupt the protein-protein interaction with GKRP to a large extent, suggesting these mutations may adopt a more compact conformation in the apoenzyme favorable for glucose binding. Y214C is the most active mutation (11-fold increase in k(cat)/K(0.5)(h)) and exhibits the most severe clinical effects of hypoglycemia. In contrast, moderate activating mutation A456V nearly abolishes the GKRP inhibition (76-fold increase in K(i)) but causes only mild hypoglycemia. This suggests that the alteration in GK enzyme activity may have a more profound biological impact than the alleviation of GKRP inhibition.  相似文献   

Crustaceans are known for their hard, calcified exoskeleton; however some regions appear different in colour and opacity. These include leg and cheliped tips in the grapsid crab, Metopograpsus frontalis. The chelipeds and leg tips contain only trace levels of calcium but a significant mass of the halogens, chlorine (Cl) and bromine (Br). In contrast, the carapace is heavily calcified and contains only a trace mass of Cl and no Br. In transverse section across the non-calcified tip regions of cheliped and leg the mass percent of halogens varies with position. As such, the exoskeleton of M. frontalis provides a useful model to examine a possible correlation of halogen concentration with the physical properties of hardness (H) and reduced elastic modulus (Er), within a chitin-based matrix. Previously published work suggests a correlation exists between Cl concentration and hardness in similar tissues that contain a metal (e.g. zinc). However, in M. frontalis H and Er did not vary significantly across cheliped or leg tip despite differences in halogen concentration. The non-calcified regions of M. frontalis are less hard and less stiff than the carapace but equivalent to values found for insect cuticle lacking metals. Cheliped tips showed a complex morphological layering that differed from leg tips.  相似文献   

Allergic diseases, including asthma, represent a major threat to human health. Over the three last decades, their incidence has risen in western countries. Aspirin treatment has been shown to improve allergic diseases, especially asthma, and the decreased use of aspirin has been hypothesized to contribute to the increase in childhood asthma. Because salicylate compounds suppress a number of enzymatic activities, and signaling through IL-4R participates in the development of allergic responses, we tested the effect of salicylates on IL-4 signal transduction. We found that treatment of cell lines and primary cells with aspirin and salicylates, but not acetaminophen, inhibited the activation of STAT6 by IL-4 and IL-13. This effect correlated with the inhibition of IL-4-induced CD23 expression. Although salicylates inhibited the in vivo activation of Janus kinases, their kinase activity was not affected in vitro by salicylates, suggesting that other kinases were involved in IL-4-induced STAT6 activation. Furthermore, we found that an Src kinase was involved in STAT6 activation because 1) Src kinase activity was induced by IL-4, 2) Src kinase activity, but not Janus kinase, was inhibited by salicylates in vitro, 3) cells expressing viral Src had constitutive STAT6 phosphorylation, and 4) cells lacking Src showed low STAT6 phosphorylation in response to IL-4. Because STAT6 activation by IL-4 and IL-13 participates in the development of allergic diseases, our results provide a mechanism to explain the beneficial effects of aspirin and salicylate treatment of these diseases.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are strong antioxidants that prevent DNA damage. The anticancer and antiviral activities of these natural products are implicated in their mechanism of actions. However, there has been no information on the interactions of these antioxidants with individual DNA at molecular level. This study was designed to examine the interaction of quercetin (que), kaempferol (kae), and delphinidin (del) with calf-thymus DNA in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using constant DNA concentration (6.5 mmol) and various drug/DNA(phosphate) ratios of 1/65 to 1. FTIR and UV-Visible difference spectroscopic methods are used to determine the drug binding sites, the binding constants and the effects of drug complexation on the stability and conformation of DNA duplex. Structural analysis showed quercetin, kaempferol, and delphinidin bind weakly to adenine, guanine (major groove), and thymine (minor groove) bases, as well as to the backbone phosphate group with overall binding constants K(que) = 7.25 x 10(4)M(-1), K(kae) = 3.60 x 10(4)M(-1), and K(del) = 1.66 x 10(4)M(-1). The stability of adduct formation is in the order of que>kae>del. Delphinidin with a positive charge induces more stabilizing effect on DNA duplex than quercetin and kaempferol. A partial B to A-DNA transition occurs at high drug concentrations.  相似文献   

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