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In 16 men and 15 women analyzed the accuracy, reaction time and visual evoked potentials during the recognition of familiar objects at different levels of spatial transformation. We used the three levels of transformation: in a fixed position relative to each other details were carried out (1) the displacement of all the details in the radial direction and (2 and 3) a similar shift in conjunction with the rotation of all the details of the figure by +/- 0-45 and +/- 45-90 degrees. The task performance was not dependent on gender: the transformation of the image led to a deterioration of identification with the most identification impairment in the case of maximal details' rotation. Changes in evoked potentials (ERP) are different for men and women. Only in men early (100 ms after stimulus) response of the parietal cortex associated with the level of figure transformation: the more rotation evoked the higher the response. In women figure transformation evoked the ERP changes in the time window of negativity N170, they are associated with figure ungrouping but not with details rotation, and are localized in other visual areas--occipital and temporal. The data obtained are discussed in light of theory of gender specificity of the visual representations of space.  相似文献   

Neurological function in 159 subjects infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who had no neurological symptoms or signs (129 asymptomatic, 30 with ARC/AIDS) was compared to that of 62 controls by means of pattern-reversal evoked potentials (PREPs), brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs), median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (MSEPs), tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (TSEPs) and nerve conduction studies (NCSs). Central nervous system somatosensory conduction from lumbar cord to cortex was prolonged in both asymptomatic seropositive and ARC/AIDS groups, while peripheral somatosensory conduction, NCSs and PREP delays occurred only in the ARC/AIDS group. BAEPs did not show significant differences among groups. TSEPs were abnormal in 8% of asymptomatic carriers and 43% of patients with ARC/AIDS, MSEPs in 7% and 20%, PREPs in 4% and 0%, and BAEPs in 1% and 0% respectively. One or more evoked potentials were abnormal in 18 of 129 (14%) asymptomatic carriers and 13 of 30 (43%) subjects with ARC/AIDS as compared with 1 of 62 (2%) seronegative controls. We conclude that asymptomatic HIV carriers have subclinical neurological impairment of central somatosensory function and that the neurological impairment increases with disease progression to involve peripheral nerves and visual system.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials arising in the motor cortex in response to its direct stimulation (dendritic and slow negative potentials), to stimulation of the ventrolateral (primary response) and intralaminar (nonspecific response) thalamic nuclei, and to stimulation of the pyramidal tracts (antidromic response), and also postsynaptic responses of neurons corresponding to them were studied in acute experiments on curarized cats. Evoked potentials arising in response to direct cortical stimulation and also to stimulation of the specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei and pyramidal tracts were recorded from the same point of the motor cortex, and the corresponding intracellular responses were recorded from the same neuron. Slow negative potentials arising under these conditions of stimulation and the IPSPs corresponding to them were shown to have an identical time course. The results show that slow negative potentials are a reflection of hyperpolarization of pyramidal neurons. It is suggested that the individual components of responses evoked by direct stimulation of the cortex and thalamic nuclei have a common genesis.I. S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 115–121, March–April, 1982.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials (EP) of the cerebellar cortex in response to stimulation of peripheral nerves are characterized by a two-phase positive-negative oscillation of the potential having a latent period of 10–25 msec. The electropositive phase can contain up to three components. The latent period of component I comprises 3–9 msec. The latent period and amplitude of this component are distinguished by considerable stability, which indicates the predominant significance of presynaptic processes in its formation. The sign of component II changes at a depth of 500 µ (and more), which corresponds to the position of the granular cell layer. At this level there arises in the neurons a response with a latent period of 4–10 msec in the form of a group (3–10) of impulses with a frequency of up to 200 per sec. It is concluded that the granular cells participate in the formation of component II and partially participate in the formation of components I and III of the EP. Responses to stimulation of the nerves appear synchronously with the EP in 24% of responding Purkinje cells; they fall on the maximum electropositive deviation or component III of the EP. Microinjections of 1% strychnine into the cerebellar cortex cause an increase of EP amplitude; impulse activity of the neurons is intensified. This indicates participation of postsynaptic processes in the formation of EP. No shifts in the EP of the cerebellar cortex were observed after intracortical injection of 0.1% atropine.N. I. Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 429–433, July–August, 1970.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on cats we investigated evoked potentials from the cingulate gyrus developed in response to stimulation of somatic and visceral nerves; also potentials from various parts of the hypothalamus, and midbrain reticular formation. We showed that the nonspecific afferent system influences electrical activity in the limbic cortex through hypothalamic pathways. We consider the limbic cortex to be part of the association area of the neocortex and that the associative responses of the cortex are more complex in nature than is usually thought to be the case, and that they are formed under the influence of impulses arriving at the cortex along many specific and nonspecific pathways. The hypothalamo—cingulate system is one of the main systems of cortico—subcortical integration. It plays an important part in regulation of autonomic, somatic, and emotional responses.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 451–459, September–October, 1970.  相似文献   

Comparative study has been carried out of factors of organization of visually guided feeding behaviour (observation method) and the degree of maturity of the visual mechanisms by the criterion of Wulst EPs formation and of their recovery cycles in normally developing and visually deprived nestlings. In has been established that during the period following the opening of the eyes (5-9th day) the feeding behaviour is connected with diffuse photo-sensitivity of visual mechanisms. Diffuse photo-sensitivity fully provides for natural feeding behaviour at the corresponding stage of development of visual functions. Complete visual deprivation during the whole period of diffuse photo-sensitivity does not influence subsequent development of the visual system.  相似文献   

The influence of elbow joint angle on elbow flexor isometric evoked twitch contractile properties was assessed in 15 young women (F), 18 young men (M) and 11 male bodybuilders (BB). Measurements were made at elbow joint angles of 1.31, 1.57, 1.83, 2.09, 2.36, 2.62 and 2.88 rad (3.14 rad =180° =full extension). The largest peak twitch torque values [mean (SE) N · m] in F [3.77 (0.20)], M [10.38 (0.68)] and BB [11.38 (1.05)] occurred at 2.88 rad. Peak torque was progressively smaller at smaller joint angles, but the decline from 2.88 to 1.31 rad was greater in M (68%) and BB (76%) than F (59%). Thus, the magnitude of intergroup differences in peak twitch torque (PT) was joint angle dependent. Twitch time to peak torque (TPT) was influenced in a complex way by joint angle in the three groups; BB had the lowest values at small joint angles but the highest values at the largest angles. Half-relaxation time (HRT) generally increased from the smallest to largest joint angles in a pattern that did not differ significantly among the three groups. Maximum rates of twitch torque development and relaxation showed the same pattern of results as PT; indicating that these time-related measures were more sensitive to joint angle effects on PT than on TPT or HRT. The results of this study indicate that careful consideration should be given to the selection of joint angles in the measurement of evoked twitch contractile properties for the purpose of making group comparisons or investigating the effects of interventions such as training.  相似文献   

This study reports a cross-modal, olfactory/visual event related potential (ERP) using odours as olfactory primes. The results show a difference in the ERP waveform for the N400 waveform when a visual image does not match the priming odour. An N400 peak was produced for both the matched and mismatched conditions but the peaks were significantly more negative for the mismatched condition. By the use of non-food odours this study extends an earlier finding by Grigor, who, using the same ERP paradigm, obtained similar results for food odours and photographs of food.  相似文献   

Cortical evoked responses to median nerve stimulation were recorded from 21 subjects during sevoflurane anaesthesia at the level of burst suppression in EEG. The N20/P22 wave had the typical form of a negative wave postcentrally, and positive precentrally. The amplitude exceeded 4 μV in all patients, making it easily visible without averaging on the low-amplitude suppression. These results show that two kinds of somatosensory evoked potential can be studied without averaging during EEG suppression in deep anaesthesia. One is the localised N20/P22 wave, which is seen regularly during suppression after stimuli with intervals exceeding 1 s. The other is the burst, involving the whole cortex, which is not evoked by every stimulus. We suggest that somatosensory evoked potentials can be monitored during sevoflurane-induced EEG suppression, and often can be evaluated reliably from a couple of single sweeps with stimulation interval exceeding 1 s. The enhancement of early cortical components of SEP, their adaptation to repeated stimuli, and the disappearance of later polysynaptic components during EEG suppression, give new possibilities to study the generators of SEP and the different effects of anaesthetics.  相似文献   

The refractory effect of one stimulus upon the response to a closely following stimulus in a different modality is much less than upon the response to a stimulus in the same modality. It is therefore far more efficient to record responses to stimuli in different modalities concurrently than to record each one separately. We evaluated 2 techniques for concurrent recording. Interweaving involves recording the response to one stimulus in the intervals between recording responses to other stimuli. Overlapping occurs when two or more responses are at times being simulateneously recorded. Interweaving and overlapping reduced the time required to record auditory brain-stem responses, short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials and pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials by a factor of 3 over the time required to record each response separately. Overlapping caused no significant change in the evoked potentials. Depending upon the actual timing schedule, interweaving may distort the evoked potentials if later parts of the response to one stimulus override the evoked potential to a following stimulus. Filtering and randomization of stimulus timing may attenuate the effects of these overriding potentials.  相似文献   

Age dynamics of evoked potentials (EPs) of Wulst area of the dorsal hyperstriatum (functional analogue of mammalian visual cortex) was investigated in 2-7 days old nestlings. EPs in response to light stimuli, with the duration and intensity imitating natural alimentary signals for 5-7 days-old nestlings, were recorded parallel with the behaviour. It was found that the development of the visual system in precocious nestlings became completed in postembryonal ontogenesis. The most essential changes in the parameters of visual EPs occur between 2.5 and 4 days of nest life. By the end of the 4-th day the EPs parameters resemble those of the definite EPs. During the same period the visually directed form of the alimentary behaviour appears for the first time. Both the visual EPs and the visually directed alimentary behaviour first appear in the ontogenesis in response to the second component of two-fold luminosity change--the natural signal of alimentary behaviour.  相似文献   

The purpose was to test parameters of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and of event-related potentials (ERPs) in deaf subjects to verify visual and cognitive CNS functions in a handicapped group of the population. Three types of visual stimuli (with dominating parvocellular or magnocellular system activation or with cognitive tasks) were used in the study. Six deaf persons (4 women, 2 men, mean age 17 years) and 6 persons with normal hearing (sex- and age-matched) were included in this pilot study. In all types of stimulation, latencies and amplitudes of main VEPs and ERPs components were evaluated. No significant latency differences were found. However, significantly reduced amplitudes were found in the occipital area for responses to motion and cognitive stimuli which might be interpreted as a part of functional reorganization of the extrastriate and cognitive cortical areas of deaf subjects.  相似文献   

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