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Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) is the primary juvenile hormone (JH) metabolic enzyme in insects and plays important roles in the regulation of molt and metamorphosis. We investigated its mRNA expression profiles and hormonal control in Bombyx mori larvae. JHE mRNA was expressed at the end of the 4th and 5th (last) larval instars in the midgut and in all the three (anterior, middle, posterior) parts of the silk gland. In the fat body, JHE expression peaked twice in the 5th instar, at wandering and before pupation, while it gradually decreased through the 4th instar. When 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) was injected into mid-5th instar larvae, JHE mRNA expression was induced in the anterior silk gland but suppressed in the fat body. Topical application of a juvenile hormone analog fenoxycarb to early-5th instar larvae induced JHE expression in both tissues. In the anterior silk gland, JHE expression was accelerated and strengthened by 20E plus fenoxycarb treatments compared with 20E or fenoxycarb single treatment, indicating positive interaction of 20E and JH. JHE mRNA is thus expressed in tissue-specific manners under the control of ecdysteroids and JH.  相似文献   

The control of developmental changes in Malpighian tubule cell structure and fluid secretion by 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone in the skipper butterfly Calpodes ethlius were studied using (1) in vitro tissue culture, (2) in vivo injection and topical application and (3) tubule transplantation experiments. At pupation, 20-hydroxyecdysone initiates cell remodelling and switches off fluid secretion in the Malpighian tubules. Juvenile hormone inhibits these alterations provided that treatment is begun on the first day of the last larval stage. In the pupal stage, 20-hydroxyecdysone triggers the differentiation of adult cell structure which culminates in the renewal of fluid secretion. The results show that 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone regulate Malpighian tubule function by altering cell structure and are discussed with respect to the hormonal reprogramming of the Malpighian tubule cells during development.  相似文献   

The effects of increased levels of dopamine (feeding flies with dopamine precursor, l-dihydroxyphenylalanine) and octopamine (feeding flies with octopamine) on ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity in young (2 days old) wild type females (the strain wt) of Drosophila virilis have been studied. l-dihydroxyphenylalanine and octopamine feeding increases ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity by a factor of 1.6 and 1.7, respectively. Ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity in the young (1 day old) octopamineless females of the strain Tβh nM18 , in females of the strain P845 (precursor of Tβh nM18 strain) and in wild type females (Canton S) of Drosophila melanogaster have been measured. The absence of octopamine leads to a considerable decrease in the enzyme activity. We have also studied the effects of juvenile hormone application on ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity in 2-day-old wt females of D. virilis and demonstrated that an increase in juvenile hormone titre leads to an increase in the enzyme activity. We discuss the supposition that ecdysone 20-monooxygenase occupies a key position in the regulation of 20-hydroxyecdysone titre under the conditions that lead to changes in juvenile hormone titre and biogenic amine levels.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone III (JH) is synthesized by the corpora allata (CA) and plays a key role in mosquito development and reproduction. JH titer decreases in the last instar larvae allowing pupation and metamorphosis to progress. As the anti-metamorphic role of JH comes to an end, the CA of the late pupa (or pharate adult) becomes again “competent” to synthesize JH, which plays an essential role orchestrating reproductive maturation. 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) prepares the pupae for ecdysis, and would be an ideal candidate to direct a developmental program in the CA of the pharate adult mosquito. In this study, we provide evidence that 20E acts as an age-linked hormonal signal, directing CA activation in the mosquito pupae. Stimulation of the inactive brain-corpora allata-corpora cardiaca complex (Br-CA-CC) of the early pupa (24 h before adult eclosion or −24 h) in vitro with 20E resulted in a remarkable increase in JH biosynthesis, as well as increase in the activity of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase (JHAMT). Addition of methyl farnesoate but not farnesoic acid also stimulated JH synthesis by the Br-CA-CC of the −24 h pupae, proving that epoxidase activity is present, but not JHAMT activity. Separation of the CA-CC complex from the brain (denervation) in the −24 h pupae also activated JH synthesis. Our results suggest that an increase in 20E titer might override an inhibitory effect of the brain on JH synthesis, phenocopying denervation. All together these findings provide compelling evidence that 20E acts as a developmental signal that ensures proper reactivation of JH synthesis in the mosquito pupae.  相似文献   

Cross talk between signaling pathways in pathogen defense   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Plant defense in response to microbial attack is regulated through a complex network of signaling pathways that involve three signaling molecules: salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene. The SA and JA signaling pathways are mutually antagonistic. This regulatory cross talk may have evolved to allow plants to fine-tune the induction of their defenses in response to different plant pathogens.  相似文献   

In adult female Drosophila melanogaster an increase in the synthesis and secretion of three yolk polypeptides (YPs) occurs during the first 24 hr after eclosion. During organ culture, these same polypeptides are synthesized and secreted into the medium by both fat body and ovaries. Two hormones, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) and a juvenile hormone analog (ZR-515) stimulate synthesis and secretion of YPs into the hemolymph of isolated female abdomens. The present experiments were undertaken to compare synthesis of YPs in normal females with YP synthesis in preparations deprived of anterior endocrine glands, and to find which hormone stimulates synthesis in the different organs. Separation of hemolymph proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed that at eclosion incorporation of [35S]methionine into YP1 and YP2 was low and was barely detectable in YP3. Over the next 24 hr the rate of label incorporation increased for all the YPs. Isolation of female abdomens at eclosion prevented this increase in label incorporation but did not entirely abolish YP synthesis. Application of either ZR-515 or 20-HE to isolated abdomens stimulated up to ninefold label incorporation into three polypeptides which comigrated with YPs from normal vitellogenic females. The response of isolated abdomens to ZR-515 or 20-HE was first detectable between 90 and 135 min after hormone application. The stimulated bands were confirmed to be YPs by a comparison of peptide digests of each of the three labeled polypeptides with those of the yolk polypeptides from intact vitellogenic females. The hypothesis that the two hormones might act on different organs was tested by treating isolated female abdomens with various concentrations of either ZR-515 or 20-HE and then culturing the stimulated organ in vitro with [35S]methionine. The fat body responded to both hormones by synthesizing and secreting into the culture medium polypeptides which comigrated with the YPs found in hemolymph, whereas the ovary produced similar polypeptides only after ZR-515. These secreted polypeptides were confirmed to be YPs by repeating the experiment using organs from heterozygotes for both YP2 and YP3 electrophoretic variants. Such organs synthesized five polypeptides which comigrated with the corresponding yolk polypeptides. These findings are discussed in relation to a hypothesis for the action of the two hormones.  相似文献   

Dopa decarboxylase (DDC) which converts dopa to dopamine is important for cuticular melanization and sclerotization in insects. An antibody to Drosophila DDC was found to precipitate both DDC activity and a 49-kDa polypeptide synthesized by the epidermis of molting Manduca larvae. Using the Drosophila DDC gene, we isolated the Manduca DDC gene which on hybrid selection produced a 49-kDa translation product precipitable by the Drosophila DDC antibody. The 3.1-kb DDC mRNA appeared 12 hr after head capsule slippage (HCS) and reached maximal levels 7 hr later. Peak expression was twofold higher in melanizing allatectomized larvae and could be depressed to normal levels by application of 0.1 micrograms juvenile hormone I at HCS. Infusion of 1 microgram/hr 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) for 18 hr beginning 2 hr after HCS or addition of 1 microgram/ml 20-HE to the culture medium for 24 hr prevented the normal increase in DDC mRNA. When Day 2 fourth instar epidermis was explanted before the molting ecdysteroid rise and cultured with 1-3 micrograms/ml 20-HE for 17 hr and then for 24 hr in hormone-free medium, DDC expression was three- to fourfold higher than that in epidermis cultured in the absence of hormone. Twelve or more hours of incubation with 20-HE was required for an increase in DDC mRNA, but continuous exposure to 20-HE prevented the increase. In all cultures an initial rapid increase in DDC mRNA was observed which decayed with time in vitro and apparently was associated with the wound response. Thus, ecdysteroid during a larval molt is necessary to program the later expression of DDC, but the subsequent decline of the ecdysteroid is required for this expression to occur.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate cytoskeletal remodeling during the transition between mitosis and interphase are poorly understood. In fission yeast the MOR pathway promotes actin polarization to cell tips in interphase, whereas the SIN signaling pathway drives actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis. We show that the SIN inhibits MOR signaling in mitosis by interfering with Nak1 kinase-mediated activation of the most downstream MOR component, the NDR family kinase Orb6. Inactivation of the MOR may be a key function of the SIN because attenuation of MOR signaling rescued the cytokinetic defects of SIN mutants and allowed weak SIN signaling to trigger ectopic cytokinesis. Furthermore, failure to inhibit the MOR is toxic when the cell division apparatus is compromised. Together, our results reveal a mutually antagonistic relationship between the SIN and MOR pathways, which is important for completion of cytokinesis and coordination of cytoskeletal remodeling at the mitosis-to-interphase transition.  相似文献   

The cross talk between cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) and RhoA-mediated signal transductions and the effect of this cross talk on biologic features of human prostate and gastric cancer cells were investigated. In the human gastric cancer cell line, SGC-7901, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) increased RhoA activity in a dose-dependent manner. The cellular permeable cAMP analog, 8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP (CPT-cAMP), inhibited the LPA-induced RhoA activation and caused phosphorylation of RhoA at serine(188). Immunofluorescence microscopy, Western blotting, and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged RhoA location assay in live cells revealed that RhoA was distributed in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of SGC-7901 cells. Treatment with LPA and/or CPT-cAMP did not induce obvious translocation of RhoA in the cells. The LPA treatment caused formation of F-actin in SGC-7901 cells, and CPT-cAMP inhibited the formation. In a modified Boyden chamber assay, LPA stimulated the migration of SGC-7901 cells, and CPT-cAMP dose-dependently inhibited the stimulating effect of LPA. In soft agar assay, LPA stimulated early proliferation of SGC-7901 cells, and CPT-cAMP significantly inhibited the growth of LPA-stimulated cells. In the prostate cancer cell line, PC-3, LPA caused morphologic changes from polygonal to round, and transfection with plasmid DNA encoding constitutively active RhoA(63L) caused a similar change. Treatment with CPT-cAMP inhibited the changes in both cases. However, in PC-3 cells transfected with a plasmid encoding mutant RhoA188A, LPA induced rounding, but CPT-cAMP could not prevent the change. Results of this experiment indicated that cAMP/PKA inhibited RhoA activation, and serine188 phosphorylation on RhoA was necessary for PKA to exert its inhibitory effect on RhoA activation. The cross talk between cAMP/PKA and RhoA-mediated signal transductions had significant affect on biologic features of gastric and prostate cancer cells, such as morphologic and cytoskeletal change, migration, and anchorage-independent growth. The results may be helpful in implementing novel therapeutic strategies for invasive and metastatic prostate and gastric cancers.  相似文献   

In insects, a steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), plays important roles in the regulation of developmental transitions by initiating signaling cascades via the ecdysone receptor (EcR). Although 20E has been well characterized as the molting hormone, its precursor ecdysone (E) has been considered to be a relatively inactive compound because it has little or no effect on classic EcR mediated responses. I found that feeding E to wild-type third instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster accelerates the metamorphic timing, which results in elevation of lethality during metamorphosis and reduced body size, while 20E has only a minor effect. The addition of a juvenile hormone analog (JHA) to E impeded their precocious pupariation and thereby rescued the reduced body size. The ability of JHA impeding the effect of E was not observed in the Methoprene-tolerant (Met) and germ-cell expressed (gce) double mutant animals lacking JH signaling, indicating that antagonistic action of JH against E is transduced via a primary JH receptor, Met, or a product of its homolog, Gce. I also found that L3 larvae are susceptible to E around the time when they reach their minimum viable weight. These results indicate that E, and not just 20E, is also essential for proper regulation of developmental timing and body size. Furthermore, the precocious pupariation triggered by E is impeded by the action of JH to ensure that animals attain body size to survive metamorphosis.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of ligand-independent activation of the estrogen receptor (ER) by 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM), a promising anticancer agent derived from vegetables of the Brassica genus, in Ishikawa and HEC-1B human endometrial cancer cells. DIM stimulated the activity of an ER-responsive reporter by over 40-fold, equivalent to the maximum induction produced by estradiol (E2), whereas cotreatment of cells with the ER antagonist, ICI-182,780 (ICI), abolished the stimulatory effect of DIM. DIM also induced the expressions of the endogenous genes, TGF-alpha, alkaline phosphatase, and progesterone receptor similar to levels induced by E2. Induction of gene expression by DIM was inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. In addition, cotreatment of cells with the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H89, or the MAPK inhibitor, PD98059, reduced DIM activation of the ER by 75% and 50%, respectively. Simultaneous treatment of cells with both inhibitors completely abolished the effect of DIM. DIM stimulated MAPK activity and induced phosphorylation of the endogenous PKA target, cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), in a PKA-dependent manner. Expression of MCREB, a nonphosphorylatable CREB mutant, partially abolished activation of the ER by DIM. These results demonstrate that DIM is a mechanistically novel activator of the ER that requires PKA-dependent phosphorylation of CREB.  相似文献   

The signaling cascades activated by insulin and IGF-1 contribute to the control of multiple cellular functions, including glucose metabolism and cell proliferation. In most cases these effects are mediated, at least in part, by insulin receptor substrates (IRS), one of which is insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). R-Ras is a member of the Ras family of GTPases and is involved in a variety of biological processes, including integrin activation, cell migration, and control of cell proliferation. Here we demonstrate that both R-Ras and BCAR3, a regulator of R-Ras activity that has been implicated in breast cancer, regulate the level of IRS-1 protein in estrogen-dependent MCF-7 and ZR75 breast cancer cells. In particular, expression of a constitutively activated R-Ras mutant, R-Ras38V, or of BCAR3 accelerates the degradation of IRS-1, leading to the impairment of signaling through insulin but not epidermal growth factor receptors. Moreover, knockdown of endogenous R-Ras levels in MCF-7 cells inhibits IRS-1 degradation induced by estrogen signaling blockade but not by long-term insulin treatment. Consistent with these results, both R-Ras38V expression and estrogen signaling blockade lead to the degradation of IRS-1, at least in part, through calpain activity. These findings show that R-Ras activity mediates inhibition of insulin signaling associated with suppression of estrogen action, implicating this GTPase in a growth-inhibitory mechanism associated with antiestrogen treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

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