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The resistance to rapidly lethal concentrations of un-ionized ammonia ranging from about 2.0 to 8.8 p. p. m. N was determined for rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdnerii Richardson), perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.), roach ( Rutilus rutilus (L.)), and gudgeon ( Gobio gobio (L.)) in tensions of dissolved oxygen 53.4 and 96.7% of air-saturation value at 15.2°C.
The relation between concentration of un-ionized ammonia and period of survival from a few hours to 13 days was investigated for rainbow trout in two tensions of dissolved oxygen, 45.7 and 100.3% of air-saturation value, at 20.1°C.
Period of survival of all the species tested decreased with rise in concentration of un-ionized ammonia.
Decrease in tension of dissolved oxygen increased the toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to all species except gudgeon, for which there was no significant difference in period of survival at the two levels of oxygen.
The effect of oxygen tension on period of survival was greatest in the lowest concentrations of un-ionized ammonia.
Resistance of perch and roach to lack of oxygen was not significantly affected, but that of rainbow trout was reduced significantly, by the presence of a small concentration of ammonia (not toxic to trout within at least 13 days).  相似文献   

The introduction of Chironomus riparius larvae to give densities of 12,500 and 50,000/m2in activated sludge, previously settled and consolidated for 6 months, had the following effects:
(a)a rise in pH initially at the sludge surface but later extending to all depths,
(b)an increase in the depth of the surface layer of sludge where the redox potential is high,
(c)increases in the pH value and concentration of ammonia and a decrease in the concentration of oxidized nitrogen in the overlying water.  相似文献   

Periods of survival of rainbow trout in concentrations of un-ionized ammonia in the range 0.86-1.96 parts per million of nitrogen increased as the concentration of dissolved oxygen was raised from 1–5 to 8-5 p.p.m.
At each concentration of dissolved oxygen the period of survival decreased as the concentration of un-ionized ammonia increased from 0.86 to 1.96 p.p.m.
The effect of oxygen in increasing survival time was greater in the lower concentrations of un-ionized ammonia.  相似文献   

The normal reaction of the cœlomic fluid in Patiria miniata and Asterias ochraceus is pH 7.6, and of the cæca, 6.7, compared with sea water at 8.3, all without salt error correction. A medium at pH 6.7–7.0 is optimum for the cæca for ciliary survival and digestion of protein, and is maintained by carbon dioxide production. The optimum pH found for carbon dioxide production is a true one for the effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the tissue. It does not represent an elimination gradient for carbon dioxide. Because the normal excised cæca maintain a definite hydrogen ion concentration and change their internal environment toward that as an optimum during life, there exists a regulatory process which is an important vital function.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of pH and ammonia concentration on the growth of three methanogens. These three halophilic, methylotrophic methanogens, Methanolobus bombayensis, Methanolobus taylorii, and Methanohalophilus zhilinaeae, grew at environmental pH ranges that overlapped with each other and spanned the pH range from 7.0 to 9.5. During growth they had reversed membrane pH gradients ((Delta)pH) at all pH values tested. The (Delta)pH was in the range of -0.4 to -0.9 pH units, with the cytosol being more acidic than the environmental pH. Methanohalophilus zhilinaeae had the most negative (Delta)pH (-0.9 pH units). These negative pH gradients resulted in the accumulation of ammonium (NH(inf4)(sup+)), and when grown at the highest external ammonia concentrations that allowed good growth, cells had cytosolic NH(inf4)(sup+) concentrations as high as 180 mM. The high concentrations of cytosolic NH(inf4)(sup+) were accompanied by greater (Delta)pH and lower concentrations of the major cytosolic cation K(sup+) (compared with cells grown in medium with only 5 mM ammonia). Methanolobus bombayensis and Methanolobus taylorii were more sensitive to total external ammonia at higher external pH values, but the inhibitory concentration of un-ionized ammonia that resulted in a 50% reduction of the growth rate was about 2 to 5 mM, regardless of the pH. This is consistent with growth inhibition by ammonia in other bacteria. However, Methanohalophilus zhilinaeae was more resistant to un-ionized ammonia than any other known organism. It had a 50% inhibitory concentration for un-ionized ammonia of 13 mM at pH 8.5 and 45 mM at pH 9.5. We examined the effects of pH on three ammonia-assimilating activities (glutamine synthetase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and alanine dehydrogenase) in cell lysates and found that the pH ranges were consistent with the observed ranges of intracellular pH.  相似文献   

When 0.005 M NH4Cl is added to sea water containing cells of Valonia macrophysa ammonia soon appears in the sap and may reach a concentration inside over 40 times as great as outside. It appears to enter as undissociated NH3 (or NH4OH) and tends to reach a pseudoequilibrium in which the activity of undissociated NH3 (or NH4OH) is the same inside and outside. When ammonia first enters, the pH value of the sap rapidly rises but it soon reaches a maximum and subsequently falls off. At the same time there is an increase of halide in the sap which, however, does not run a parallel course to the ammonia accumulation, but it comes to a new equilibrium value and remains constant. The increase in NH3 in the sap is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of K. As NH3 enters the specific gravity of the sap decreases and the cells rise to the surface and continue to grow as floating organisms. The growth of the cells is increased.  相似文献   

This study investigated the short-term (3 h) cadmium binding characteristics of the gills, as well as the influence of various water chemistry variables [calcium, magnesium, sodium, pH, alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] on short-term gill accumulation and acute toxicity of cadmium in juvenile freshwater rainbow trout. The cadmium binding pattern revealed two types of cadmium binding sites in the gill: (i) saturable high affinity sites operating at a low range of waterborne cadmium concentration, and (ii) non-saturable low affinity sites operating at a higher range of cadmium concentration. Among the water chemistry variables tested, only calcium and DOC significantly reduced both gill accumulation and toxicity of cadmium. Interestingly, alkalinity (15-90 mg L(-1) as CaCO(3)) did not influence the gill cadmium accumulation but a significant increase in toxicity was recorded at a higher alkalinity level (90 mg L(-1)). Affinity constants (log K) for binding of competing cations (Cd(2+) and Ca(2+)) to the biotic ligand and for binding of Cd(2+) to DOC were derived separately from the 3 h gill binding tests and the 96 h toxicity tests. In general, the values agreed well, indicating that both tests targeted the same population of high affinity binding sites, which are likely Ca(2+) uptake sites on the gills. These parameters were then incorporated into a geochemical speciation model (MINEQL+) to develop a biotic ligand model for predicting acute toxicity of cadmium in trout. The model predictions exhibited a good fit with the measured toxicity data except for high alkalinity and pH.  相似文献   

Although the results we have recorded merely serve to indicate the possibilities of this interesting field of investigation, we have sufficient data to enable us to draw certain general conclusions. In the first place it is evident that the bloods of the more highly developed marine invertebrates, such as the active Crustacia and the Cephalopods, are specially adapted for the carriage of carbon dioxide. The quantity of carbon dioxide taken up by the blood of Maia, Palinurus, or Octopus at any given tension of the gas is, in general, about twice or three times as great as that which is taken up by sea water under the same conditions. On the other hand, the blood of a slow, creeping form, such as Aplysia, or of a sessile animal such as the ascidian Phallusia shows no more adaptation for the carriage of carbon dioxide than does sea water. But our estimations of the CO2 content of the blood as it circulates in the bodies of these more active invertebrates show that the conditions of transport of this gas differ considerably in some respects from those which obtain in mammals. For the invertebrate blood in the body contains only a relatively small quantity of carbon dioxide, averaging in the forms we examined from 3 to 10 cc. per 100 cc. of blood. This forms a marked contrast with the condition found in mammals where even the arterial blood contains about 50 cc. of CO2 per 100 cc. of blood. The invertebrate, therefore, works at a very low CO2 tension. There is a twofold significance in this circumstance. In the first place, it means that only the first portion of the carbon dioxide dissociation curve is in use in the respiratory mechanism. Now an inspection of our curves will show that at these low carbon dioxide tensions the dissociation curves tend to be steeper than at higher tensions. As we intend to show in a later paper it can be proved mathematically that, other things being equal, a blood with a carbon dissociation curve of moderate steepness, i.e. one in which the carbon dioxide content of the blood increases fairly rapidly with increase of carbon dioxide tension, is a more efficient carrier of the gas from the tissues to a respiratory surface than a blood in which the dissociation curve is either steeper or flatter. It would seem as if the active invertebrates avoid the use of too flat a part of their CO2 dissociation curves by working over the initial steeper portion. Furthermore, it is seen that over the range of this initial steep portion of the curves the changes of reaction produced by the uptake of carbon dioxide are much smaller than at higher tensions of the gas; for these initial portions of the curves are more nearly parallel to the lines of constant reaction calculated for a temperature of 15°C. according to Hasselbalch''s method (10) on the assumption that the whole of the combined CO2 is in the form of sodium bicarbonate. It is evident also that on this assumption the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood of invertebrates (with the exception of the tunicates) would appear to be practically the same as that of the warm-blooded vertebrates—a conclusion confirmed by the direct measurements of Quagliariello (9). On the other hand, our measurements do not lend support to the idea put forward by Collip (4) that in order to maintain an appropriate faintly alkaline reaction an invertebrate needs to retain carbon dioxide in its blood at a comparatively high tension. This idea was based on the observation that at comparatively high CO2 tensions the blood of invertebrates contains considerably more sodium bicarbonate than does sea water. But our curves show that this is no longer true at the lower values of carbon dioxide tension, the amount of sodium bicarbonate falling off more rapidly in the blood than in the sea water with diminution of the carbon dioxide tension so that in order to maintain an appropriate reaction in the blood only a comparatively small tension of CO2 is required. The largest amount of carbon dioxide that we found present in the circulating blood of any of the types examined was 9.7 cc. per 100 cc. of blood in the case of Maia, and in most cases the amount was considerably less. But even this lowest value corresponds to a tension of CO2 of only about 3 mm., so that the tension gradient across the gill membrane must be even less than this. We would emphasize rather the circumstances that as the portion of the dissociation curve over which the reaction is approximately constant is of but small extent, it is necessary that in an active form like Octopus the carbon dioxide produced should be removed rapidly lest an accumulation of it should cause the limits of normal reaction to be exceeded; and this need is correlated with the extreme efficiency of the respiratory apparatus in this animal. It is interesting to notice that the mammal which, in order to obtain an appropriate reaction in the blood, has to work at relatively high carbon dioxide tensions where the dissociation curve is comparatively flat, secures a steeper physiological CO2 dissociation curve in the body, and with it a more efficient carriage of carbon dioxide and a more constant reaction in the circulating fluid, in virtue of the effect of oxygenation on the carbon dioxide-combining power of its blood (3, 6). Returning now to the consideration of the actual form of the dissociation curves we have obtained—it is a significant fact that it is in those forms such as Maia, Palinurus, and Octopus whose bloods are rich in proteins—particularly hemocyanine—that the initial steep portion of the curve is observed. This suggests that in these forms the blood proteins act as weak acids and expel carbon dioxide from the blood at the low tensions which include the physiological range, just as in vertebrates the hemoglobin similarly displaces carbonic acid from its combination with alkali metal. On the other hand the cœlomic fluid of Aplysia contains no pigment and only 0.00672 per cent of protein nitrogen (Bottazzi (11)) and shows no initial rapidly ascending portion of the CO2 dissociation curve. This is supported by the observation of Quagliariello (9) that the acid-neutralising power of the blood of an invertebrate is roughly proportional to its protein content. It seems as if the proteins of invertebrate blood like the blood proteins of vertebrates, exist in the form of sodium salts which are capable of giving up sodium for the transport of carbon dioxide as sodium bicarbonate. That this is so in the case of hemocyanine follows from the fact that the isoelectric point of this pigment occurs at a hydrogen ion concentration of 2.12 x 10–5 N, i.e. at a pH of 4.67 (Quagliariello (12)) so that in the alkaline blood of the invertebrates possessing it, hemocyanine will act as a weak acid. It is probable that the initial steep portion of the carbon dioxide dissociation curves which we have found to be of such importance in the respiration physiology of Octopus, Palinurus, and Maia is produced by the competition of this acid with carbonic acid for the available sodium of the blood.  相似文献   

The increase in concentration of ammonia in lake water during the degradation of algal blooms may last for several weeks and thus cause chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was to assess the chronic toxicity of ammonia on the selected hematological parameters and gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity of juvenile crucian carp Carassius auratus during elevated ammonia exposure and the post-exposure recovery. Juvenile crucian carp were exposed in different ammonia solutions for 45 days and then immediately transferred to pristine freshwater to initiate a 15-day recovery period. Results showed sub-lethal ammonia significantly deters growth and a 15-day recovery period was not sufficient for the fish to compensate for the loss of growth. The fish exhibited a continuous decrease in red blood cell (RBC), the total hemoglobin (Hb), and gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity as the concentration of NH3-N increased. After the 15-day recovery period, RBC, Hb, and gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity had recovered to similar levels as the controls.  相似文献   

Summary Soft water of low buffer capacity was drawn from near the branchial surface of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) at 15°C, using opercular catheters, to determine pH changes in water passing over the gills. Latex masks allowed measurement of ventilation volume, and concentrations of carbon dioxide, oxygen, ammonia, and titratable base in expired water were compared to concentrations in inspired water. Water passing over the gills was more basic than inspired water if the inspired water was pH 4–6 (maximum increase: +0.7 pH units near pH 5). Expired water was more acidic than inspired water if the inspired water was pH 6–10 (maximum decrease: –1.7 pH units near pH 9). Ventilation volume (0.37 l·kg–1·min–1) and oxygen consumption (1.7 mmol·kg–1·h–1) were constant in the pH range 4.6–10.1, but both increased by 1.6–2.4× near pH 4. Carbon dioxide transfer near the gills was about 100 M, ammonia transfer about 15 M, and titratable base added at the gills was about 30 M. A theoretical model using CO2, titratable base, and ammonia added at the gills, the titration characteristics of the defined soft water medium, and aquatic equilibria for CO2 and ammonia, adequately explained the experimentally observed changes in pH near trout gills. Our observations and predictive model indicate that any gill contaminant whose toxicity varies with pH may be more or less toxic at the gills than predicted from bulk water chemistry alone.Abbreviations pH ex expired pH - pH in inspired pH  相似文献   

Summary Carbon dioxide excreted across fish gills is hydrated catalytically to form HCO 3 and H+ ions in water near the gill surface. We tested the possibility that CO2 excretion is functionally linked to ammonia excretion through chemical reactions in the gill-water boundary layer. A bloodperfused trout head preparation was utilized in which the convective and diffusive components of branchial gas transfer were controlled. Pre-incubation of blood perfusate with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide, reduced both carbon dioxide and ammonia excretion in the blood-perfused preparation. Increasing the buffering capacity of inspired ventilatory water significantly reduced ammonia excretion, but carbon dioxide excretion was unaffected. Each of these experimental treatments significantly reduced the acidification of ventilatory water flowing over the gills. It is proposed that the catalysed conversion of excreted CO2 to form HCO 3 and H+ ions provides a continual supply of H+ ions need for the removal of NH3 as NH 4 + . We suggest, therefore, that acidification of boundary layer water by CO2 enhances blood-to-water NH3 diffusion gradients and facilitates ammonia excretion.  相似文献   

1. In the newly laid egg of the domestic fowl the pH values of the albumen and yolk are about 7.6 and 6.0 respectively. 2. When the egg is stored in air there is a loss of carbon dioxide from the albumen and the pH of this fluid rises to a maximum value of about 9.5. A large proportion of the carbon dioxide which remains in the albumen is in the form of carbonate. 3. In the fertile incubated egg the pH of the albumen attains a maximum value within a period of about 2 days; the albumen then becomes less alkaline and it is nearly neutral by the end of the second week. The increasing acidity of the albumen can be attributed to (a) the secretion of hydrogen ions by the blastoderm and (b) the output of carbon dioxide by developing tissues. 4. During the first 2 weeks of incubation the pH of the yolk progressively increases to a maximum value of about 7.5: there is then a tendency for the pH of this fluid to fall and the yolk that is retained within the body of the hatched chick is slightly acidic. 5. The embryo may never come into direct contact with either the albumen or the yolk when the pH of these fluids are high and low respectively. At the beginning of embryonic development the blastoderm is separated from the albumen by the vitelline membrane and from the yolk by a layer of subgerminal fluid with a maximum pH of about 7.8. The vitelline membrane ruptures on day 4 but by this time the embryo is bathed in amniotic fluid with a pH of about 7.5. 6. The pH of amniotic fluid falls from a maximum value of about 7.5 during week I to a minimum value of about 6.5 during week 2. Amniotic fluid is a simple solution of salts until day 12; albumen then begins to flow into the amniotic cavity and the buffering capacity of amniotic fluid increases. 7. The principal end-product of nitrogenous metabolism in the chick embryo is uric acid and about 100 mg of this substance are deposited within the allantoic cavity. The pH of allantoic fluid may exceed 7.5 during week 1 but falls to 6.0 or below after day 13. 8. The tension of carbon dioxide within the egg is determined by the ratio of the rate of carbon dioxide production by the embryo to the permeability of the shell towards carbon dioxide. For the greater part of the period of incubation the permeability of the shell towards carbon dioxide is constant. Thus, as the carbon dioxide output of the embryo increases, the carbon dioxide tension within the egg rises. 9. The pH of the blood can be defined in terms of the ratio of the bicarbonate concentration to the carbon dioxide tension. There is a progressive increase in the carbon dioxide tension of the blood during the period of incubation but the pH is maintained at about 7.4 by an increase in bicarbonate concentration. 10. Part of the increase in bicarbonate is due to the removal of hydrogen ions from carbonic acid by haemoglobin. There is also a large influx of bicarbonate into the blood, but the source of this bicarbonate is not known; the evidence that renal mechanisms are involved is inconclusive and it is probable that the embryo utilizes the enormous potential store of bicarbonate in the egg shell.  相似文献   

The Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus) is a federally listed, endangered fish that occurs primarily in Upper Klamath Lake-a hypereutrophic lake in southern Oregon, USA. A decline of the sucker population in the lake over the past few decades has been partly attributed to adverse water quality conditions, including elevated pH and ammonia concentrations that occur during summer cyanobacterial blooms. We quantitatively analyzed structural changes in gills of larval Lost River suckers after they were exposed to elevated pH and ammonia concentrations for 30 d. Exposure to pH as high as 10 caused no observed structural changes. However, lamellar thickness and O(2) diffusion distance increased significantly (P<0.05) at ammonia concentrations that did not significantly decrease survival, growth, whole-body ion concentrations, or swimming performance. Additionally, we qualitatively observed increases in the frequency of hyperplasic and hypertrophic mucous cells, tissue damage, epithelial lifting, and infiltration of white blood cells into paracellular lymphatic spaces at the highest sublethal ammonia concentration. These observed gill changes typically indicate compromised respiratory and ionoregulatory capacity, although such effects were not manifested in the assays we performed. Regardless, these structural gill changes appear to be a more sensitive indicator of exposure to elevated ammonia concentrations than are more traditional sublethal indices. Therefore, gill histopathology might be a relevant early-warning monitoring tool of the health of Lost River suckers in Upper Klamath Lake, and other species in similar eutrophic systems.  相似文献   

为探究氨氮对底栖动物的毒性效应,在位于湖北保安湖的近自然生态系统(单个水域面积约600 m2,水深约1.5 m)中开展了为期1年的模拟实验,分析了6个不同氨氮浓度[N25>N20>N15>N10>N5>N0(对照);0.2—33.7 mg/L]条件下,大型底栖动物(软体动物)群落特征的差异。结果表明:(1)实验系统中采集的软体动物主要为铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa);(2)从B. aeruginosa密度来看, N0、N5、N10和N15处理相差不大[28(0—85) ind./m2],均显著高于N20和N25处理[5(0—29) ind./m2](P<0.05);(3)从B. aeruginosa生物量来看,N0、N5、N10、N15和N20处理相差不大[40.0(0—85.5) g/m2],均显著高于N25处理[0.8(0—4.0) g/m2](P<0.05);(4)从B. aeruginosa壳长、壳宽和带壳...  相似文献   

The exit of accumulated ammonia from the sap of Valonia macrophysa, Kütz., into normal (nearly ammonia-free) sea water, has been studied in light (alternation of daylight and darkness) and in darkness. Exit is always preceded by an induction period lasting 1 or more days. This is longer in darkness. After exit starts the rate is greater in light than in darkness. The pH of the sap drops off soon after the cells are exposed to normal sea water even before any definite decrease in the ammonia concentration of the sap has occurred. This suggests that the decrease in the pH is due to the loss of a very small amount of NH3 or NH4OH without a corresponding gain of sodium as a base. In most cases sodium replaced the ammonia lost during exit, but there is some evidence that potassium may also replace ammonia. To account for the induction period it is suggested that other species than NH4 X are concerned in the transport of ammonia, for example urea or amino acids.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to characterize the individual effects of water chemistry (Ca(2+), Na(+), dissolved organic matter (DOM), pH, alkalinity) on the rapid binding of copper to the gill surface of rainbow trout using an in vitro gill binding assay. In this assay, individual gill arches were exposed for 5 min to (64)Cu labelled copper solutions ranging from 0.02 to 0.16 microM in water chemistries reflecting the full range of fresh water values for the Great Lakes. The gills displayed saturable Cu binding within this Cu range but gill-Cu binding was completely unaffected over the full range of calcium, sodium and alkalinity concentrations used. Only low pH (pH 4.0) and commercial DOM (Aldrich humic acid at > or =3 mgC/l) altered copper binding to rainbow trout gills in vitro. These findings were consistent with the results of geochemical modelling of our water chemistry (using MINEQL+, Version 4.5) which showed that H(+) and DOM affected the free cupric ion concentration. However, DOM (up to 80 mgC/l) was only able to reduce Cu on the gills by 50%. We hypothesize that in the range of 0.02-0.16 microM Cu there are two high affinity Cu binding sites on the gills, one having a substantially higher affinity for copper than DOM. The absence of a calcium effect on gill copper binding was in accord with in vivo evidence that calcium primarily acts to alter the physiology of the gill binding sites through acclimatory processes, rather than through competitive interactions. It was a surprise that water chemistry parameters influence rapid gill-metal binding in a manner different to their influence on acute toxicity and different from the effects on long-term binding reported in other studies. Currently, the biotic ligand model uses the rapid increase of gill copper (believed to reflect binding to the physiologically active receptor sites) to model gill binding characteristics. The distinction between rapid surface binding and metal uptake obviously plays an important role in determining the toxic effects of copper, especially when regulators need to predict the modifying effects of water chemistry.  相似文献   

在洞庭湖区农田施用秸秆生物炭不仅能实现秸秆资源化利用,还可降低环境污染压力。本研究于2020年采用水稻盆栽试验,研究了不同南荻秸秆生物炭施用量对土壤氨挥发速率、累积氨挥发量、表面水pH值和NH4+-N浓度的影响。供试土壤为第四纪红土发育的红黄泥和花岗岩发育的麻砂泥水稻土,设置6个南荻秸秆生物炭添加处理,即分别以土柱0~20 cm土壤重量的0%、1%、2%、4%、6%和8%比例添加生物炭,每盆施用复合肥200 kg N·hm-2。结果表明: 施用生物炭导致两种土壤之间或不同生物炭处理之间的氨挥发速率和累积量均存在显著差异。麻砂泥施用生物炭处理在施肥后第2天出现氨挥发峰值,且较不施生物炭处理峰值降低了23.6%~53.4%;红黄泥氨挥发峰值出现在施肥后第7~13天,且其峰值随着生物炭添加量的增加而升高。整体上,麻砂泥土壤的氨挥发速率均高于红黄泥。麻砂泥土壤<4%生物炭添加量能抑制土壤氨挥发速率及累积量,其中以2%处理降幅最大(46.9%),但生物炭添加对水稻生长前期表面水pH值的影响不显著;红黄泥土壤随着南荻生物炭用量的增加,表面水中pH值和NH4+-N浓度增加,导致氨挥发速率及累积量增幅达1.3~10.5倍。回归分析显示,生物炭添加量是影响两种土壤氨挥发的关键因素。Elo-vich方程能较好地拟合两种土壤的氨挥发累积量随时间的变化动态,各施炭处理的相关系数均达极显著水平。总体上,对于偏中性的麻砂泥土壤,施用一定量的南荻生物炭对氨排放有一定的抑制作用,而对于酸性的红黄泥土壤,增施南荻生物炭会通过提高表面水的pH值和NH4+-N浓度促进氨挥发,因此针对不同类型土壤施用南荻秸秆生物炭应注意选择适宜用量,以降低氮素损失。  相似文献   


The oxygen consumption rate (?O2) for Potamonauteus warreni Calman (= Potamon warreni (Calman) kept in 25 °C water was 34,4 μmol 1?1 O2 kg?1 and after 72 hours in 98% R.H. air the rate was 31,9 μmol 1?1 O2 kg?1 min?1. The ?O2 values for each of the two groups are not significantly different (P > 0,05). The partial oxygen tension of pre-branchial (v = venous) haemolymph (PvCO2) is 15,3 mm Hg in water and 13,0 mm Hg in air); partial carbon dioxide tension of pre-branchial (v) haemolymph (PvCO2) is 13,2 mm Hg in water and 13,0 mm Hg in air); the total carbon dioxide concentration in pre-branchial (v) haemolymph (CvCO2) tot. is 12,3 mmol 1?1 in air and 13,9 mmol 1?1 in water) are not significantly different for the two groups (P > 0,05). The haemolymph pH and the lactate concentration for crabs in water was found to be 7,51 and 0,38 mmol 1?1 respectively. No significant differences were found in pre-branchial haemolymph oxygen tension, carbon dioxide tension, total carbon dioxide content, haemolymph pH, lactate level, chloride concentration, P50 and haemocyanin-oxygen cooperativity in control crabs kept in water, and experimental crabs held in air for 72 hours. The chloride concentration, (327,0 mmol 1?1) for crabs kept in water does not differ from that of crabs held in air for 72 hours but is at least 15% higher than the sodium concentration (255 mmol 1?1) for crabs kept in water. The gill surface area is 520 mm2 g?1 wet body mass; on average 9,2 gill platelets (lamellae) can be found on a gill length of one millimetre. Each lamella is spaced 60–70 μm apart, each with a thickness of 30–40 μm. It is concluded that P. warreni may be described as a truly amphibious fresh-water crab.  相似文献   

1. The ability of marine fishes to absorb oxygen at low tension from the sea water is more or less dependent upon the hydrogen ion concentration of the water. 2. The ability of fishes to withstand wide variations in the range of hydrogen ion concentration of the sea water can be correlated with their habitats. The fishes that are most resistant to a wide variation in the hydrogen ion concentration are most cosmopolitan in their habitat. Those that are least resistant to a variation in the hydrogen ion concentration are the most restricted in their range of habitat. 3. There is a close correlation between the optimum condition of the sea water for the absorption of oxygen at low tension by the herring (Clupea pallasii), the condition of the sea water to which they react positive and that in which they are found most abundantly. 4. It is suggested that the variation in the ability to absorb oxygen at low tension at a given pH of individuals of a species is dependent upon the alkaline reserve of the blood of the individual fish.  相似文献   

Albino rats weighing 160 to 175 gm. were fed a complete synthetic diet containing 0.003 per cent potassium and 0.7 per cent sodium for 40 days. Controls were given the same diet plus adequate added potassium. 1. Data from analyses of serum and skeletal muscle showed (a) a fall in serum chloride concentration and an increase in serum carbon dioxide concentration and pH in the potassium-deficient rats; (b) increases of sodium, magnesium, and calcium and a decrease of potassium in the muscle of the potassium-deficient rats; (c) no change of muscle chloride or carbon dioxide concentrations in the potassium-deficient rats. (2) Application of the Wallace-Hastings calculations to these data revealed (a) intracellular pH of the skeletal muscle of the normal rat to be 6.98 +/- 0.08; (b) an increase in serum partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO(2)) in potassium deficiency, together with increases in concentrations of [H(2)CO(2)] and [HCO(3) (-)] per kg. extracellular water and [H(2)CO(3)] per kg. cell water; (c) a decrease in values for [CO(2)] and [HCO(3) (-)] per kg. intracellular water; (d) a fall of intracellular pH in potassium deficiency to 6.42 +/- 0.05. (3) Analyses of sacrospinalis muscle from five men undergoing operation for ruptured intervertebral disc showed a mean value of 9.46 +/- 1.31 mM carbon dioxide per kg. blood-free tissue. Some problems of interpretation of data are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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