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Leemhuis J  Henle F  Meyer DK 《Peptides》2007,28(9):1700-1705
In neurons from rat hippocampus, VIP induces the elongation of dendrites. In the present study, we have investigated in cultured hippocampal neurons whether VIP changed the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton in dendrites. VIP caused the elongation of dendrites and induced the outgrowth of microtubules, so that they extended up to the tips. In contrast, VIP reduced the F-actin content measured as total pixel after phalloidin staining in dendritic tips. These results suggest that VIP causes dendrite elongation by facilitating the outgrowth of microtubules into the newly formed extensions.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurons exhibit periodically recurring growth cone-like structures, referred to as "waves," that emerge at the base of neurites and travel distally to the tip. As a wave nears the tip, the neurite undergoes retraction, and when it reaches the tip, the neurite undergoes a burst of growth. At 1 day in culture, during early axon outgrowth, axons undergo an average 7.5-microm retraction immediately preceding wave arrival at the tip followed by 12-microm growth immediately after arrival (an average net growth of 4.5 microm). In branched axons, waves often selectively travel down one branch or the other. Growth selectively occurs in the branch chosen by the wave. In dendrites, which grow much slower on average, wave-associated retractions are much greater, resulting in less net growth. In the presence of Brefeldin A, which disrupts membrane traffic through the Golgi apparatus and leads to retraction of the axon, axonal waves continue to be associated with both growth spurts and retractions. The magnitude of the growth spurts is not significantly different from untreated axons, but wave-associated retractions are significantly increased. The close association between waves and cyclical elongation suggests that waves may act to bring about this pattern of growth. Our results also show that modulation of regularly occurring retraction phases plays a prominent role in determining average outgrowth rates.  相似文献   

Axons and dendrites of neurons differ in the polarity orientation of their microtubules. Whereas the polarity orientation of microtubules in axons is uniform, with all plus ends distal, that in dendrites is nonuniform. The mechanisms responsible for establishment and maintenance of microtubule polarity orientation in neuronal processes remain unclear, however. We previously described a culture system in which dendrites of rat cortical neurons convert to axons. In the present study, we examined changes in microtubule polarity orientation in such dendrites. With the use of the hooking procedure and electron microscopy, we found that microtubule polarity orientation changed from nonuniform to uniform, with a plus end-distal arrangement, in dendrites that gave rise to axons during culture of neurons for 24 h. Microtubule polarity orientation remained nonuniform in dendrites that did not elongate. Axon regeneration at the dendritic tip thus triggered the disappearance of minus end-distal microtubules from dendrites. These minus end-distal microtubules also disappeared from dendrites during axon regeneration in the presence of inhibitors of actin polymerization, suggesting that actin-dependent transport of microtubules is not required for this process and implicating a previously unidentified mechanism in the establishment and maintenance of microtubule polarity orientation in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

Formation of an axon is the first morphological evidence of neuronal polarization, visible as a profound outgrowth of the axon compared with sibling neurites. One unsolved question on the mechanism of axon formation is the role of axon outgrowth in axon specification. This question was difficult to assess, because neurons freely extend their neurites in a conventional culture. Here, we leveraged surface nano/micro‐modification techniques to fabricate a template substrate for constraining neurite lengths of cultured neurons. Using the template, we asked (i) Do neurons polarize even if all neurites cannot grow sufficiently long? (ii) Would the neurite be fated to become an axon if only one was allowed to grow long? A pattern with symmetrical short paths (20 μm) was used to address the former question, and an asymmetrical pattern with one path extended to 100 μm for the latter. Axon formation was evaluated by tau‐1/MAP2 immunostaining and live‐cell imaging of constitutively‐active kinesin‐1. We found that (1) neurons cannot polarize when extension of all neurites is restricted and that (2) when only a single neurite is permitted to grow long, neurons polarize and the longest neurite becomes the axon. These results provide clear evidence that axon outgrowth is required for its specification.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(6):1207-1221
The pathways of synaptic vesicle (SV) biogenesis and recycling are still poorly understood. We have studied the effects of Brefeldin A (BFA) on the distribution of several SV membrane proteins (synaptophysin, synaptotagmin, synaptobrevin, p29, SV2 and rab3A) and on endosomal markers to investigate the relationship between SVs and the membranes with which they interact in cultured hippocampal neurons developing in isolation. In these neurons, SV proteins are detected as punctate immunoreactivity that is concentrated in axons but is also present in perikarya and dendrites. In the same neurons, the transferrin receptor, a well established marker of early endosomes, is selectively concentrated in perikarya and dendrites. In the perikaryal- dendritic region, BFA induced a dramatic tubulation of transferrin receptors as well as a cotubulation of the bulk of synaptophysin. Synaptotagmin, synaptobrevin, p29 and SV2 immunoreactivities retained a primarily punctate distribution. No tubulation of rab3A was observed. In axons, BFA did not produce any obvious alteration of the distribution of SV proteins, nor of peroxidase- or Lucifer yellow- labeled early endosomes. The selective effect of BFA on dendritic membranes suggests the existence of functional differences between the endocytic systems in dendrites and axons. Cotubulation of transferrin receptors and synaptophysin in the perikaryal-dendritic region is consistent with a functional interconnection between the traffic of SV proteins and early endosomes. The heterogeneous effects of BFA on SV proteins in this cell region indicates that SV proteins are differentially sorted upon exit from the TGN and are coassembled into SVs at the cell periphery.  相似文献   

Bradke F  Dotti CG 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(22):1467-1470
Cutting the axon of a morphologically polarized neuron (stage 3) close to the cell body causes another neurite to grow as an axon [1-3]. Stage 3 neurons still lack molecular segregation of axonal and dendritic proteins, however. Axonal and dendritic compartments acquire their distinct composition at stage 4 (4-5days in culture), when proteins such as the microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) and the glutamate receptor subunit GluR1 localize to the dendrites and disappear from the axon [4,5]. We investigated whether cultured hippocampal neurons retained axon/dendrite plasticity after axons and dendrites have created their distinct cytoskeletal architecture and acquired their specific membrane composition. We found that axotomy of stage 4 neurons transformed a dendrite into an axon. Using axonal and dendritic markers, we tested whether cytoskeletal changes could cause similar transformations, and found that actin depolymerization induced multiple axons in unpolarized neurons. Moreover, depletion of actin filaments from both morphologically and molecularly polarized cells also resulted in the growth of multiple axons from pre-existing dendrites. These results imply that dendrites retain the potential to become axons even after molecular segregation has occurred and that the dendritic fate depends on the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In vertebrate neurons, axons have a uniform arrangement of microtubules with plus ends distal to the cell body (plus-end-out), and dendrites have equal numbers of plus- and minus-end-out microtubules. To determine whether microtubule orientation is a conserved feature of axons and dendrites, we analyzed microtubule orientation in invertebrate neurons. Using microtubule plus end dynamics, we mapped microtubule orientation in Drosophila sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. As expected, all axonal microtubules have plus-end-out orientation. However, in proximal dendrites of all classes of neuron, approximately 90% of dendritic microtubules were oriented with minus ends distal to the cell body. This result suggests that minus-end-out, rather than mixed orientation, microtubules are the signature of the dendritic microtubule cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, our map of microtubule orientation predicts that there are no tracks for direct cargo transport between the cell body and dendrites in unipolar neurons. We confirm this prediction, and validate the completeness of our map, by imaging endosome movements in motor neurons. As predicted by our map, endosomes travel smoothly between the cell body and axon, but they cannot move directly between the cell body and dendrites.  相似文献   

A coculture system consisting of input axons from entorhinal cortex explants and target hippocampal pyramidal neurons was used to demonstrate that glutamate, released spontaneously from afferent axons, can influence both dendritic geometry of target neurons and formation of presumptive synaptic sites. Dendritic outgrowth was reduced in hippocampal neurons growing on entorhinal axons when compared with neurons growing off the axons. Presumptive presynaptic sites were observed in association with hippocampal neuron dendrites and somas. HPLC analysis showed that glutamate was released from the explants in an activity- and Ca2(+)-dependent manner. The general glutamate receptor antagonist D-glutamylglycine significantly increased dendritic outgrowth in pyramidal neurons associated with entorhinal axons and reduced presumptive presynaptic sites. Tetrodotoxin and reduction of extracellular Ca2+ also promoted dendritic outgrowth and reduced the formation of presumptive synaptic sites. The results suggest that the neurotransmitter glutamate may play important roles in the development of hippocampal circuitry.  相似文献   

Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaM kinases) are major multifunctional enzymes that play important roles in calcium-mediated signal transduction. To characterize their regulatory mechanisms in neurons, we compared glutamate-induced phosphorylation of CaM kinase IV and CaM kinase II in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. We observed that dephosphorylation of these kinases followed different time courses, suggesting different regulatory mechanisms for each kinase. Okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase (PP) 1 and PP2A, increased the phosphorylation of both kinases. In contrast, cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of calcineurin, showed different effects: the phosphorylation and activity of CaM kinase IV were significantly increased with this inhibitor, but those of CaM kinase II were not significantly increased. Cyclosporin A treatment of neurons increased phosphorylation of Thr196 of CaM kinase IV, the activated form with CaM kinase kinase, which was recognized with an anti-phospho-Thr196 antibody. Moreover, recombinant CaM kinase IV was dephosphorylated and inactivated with calcineurin as well as with PP1, PP2A, and PP2C in vitro. These results suggest that CaM kinase IV, but not CaM kinase II, is directly regulated with calcineurin.  相似文献   

The developing central nervous system is a primary target of ethanol toxicity. The teratogenic effect of ethanol may result from its action on prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are generated through the release of arachidonic acid (AA) by the action of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) on membrane-bound phospholipids and the catalytic conversion of AA to prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) by cyclo-oxygenase (COX). COX is expressed in two isoforms, constitutive COX1 and inducible COX2. Cultured astrocytes and neurons from immature cerebral cortex were used as in vitro models to investigate the effect of ethanol on PGE(2) synthesis. In both cell types, neither the activity nor the expression of cPLA(2) was affected by ethanol. PGE(2) was synthesized by astrocytes and neurons. Ethanol (200-400 mg/dL for 24 h) significantly increased PGE(2) production in both cell types and the ethanol-induced increase in PGE(2) accumulation in astrocytes was significantly greater than in neurons. These increases resulted from the effects of ethanol on COX. Overall COX activity was up-regulated by ethanol in astrocytes and neurons, and indomethacin, a nonselective blocker for COX, eliminated the ethanol-induced increases of COX activity in both cell types. Increased COX activity in astrocytes resulted from an increase in COX2 expression. NS-398, a selective COX2 blocker, completely inhibited ethanol-induced alterations in COX activity. In neurons, however, ethanol had a direct effect on COX activity in the absence of a change in COX expression. NS-398 only partially blocked ethanol-induced increases in neuronal COX activity. Thus, astrocytes are a primary target of ethanol and ethanol-induced increases in glial PGE(2) synthesis are mediated by COX, principally COX2. Ethanol toxicity may be mediated through PGE(2) in immature cortical cells.  相似文献   

Triethyl lead is the major metabolite of tetraethyl lead, which is used in industrial processes and as an antiknock additive to gasoline. We tested the hypothesis that low levels of triethyl lead (0.1 nmol/L to 5mol/L) interfere with the normal development of cultured E18 rat hippocampal neurons, possibly through increases in intracellular free calcium ion concentration, [Ca2+]in. The study assessed survival and differentiation using morphometric analysis of individual neurons. We also looked at short-term (up to 3.75-h) changes in intracellular calcium using the calcium-sensitive dye fura-2. Survival of neurons was significantly reduced at 5 mol/L, and overall production of neurites was reduced at 2 mol/L. The length of axons and the number of axons and dendrites were reduced at 1 mol/L. Neurite branching was inhibited at 10 nmol/L for dendrites and 100 nmol/L for axons. Increases in intracellular calcium were observed during a 3.75-h exposure of newly plated neurons to 5 mol/L triethyl lead. These increases were prevented by BAPTA-AM; which clamps [Ca2+]in at about 100 nmol/L. Culturing neurons with BAPTA-AM and 5 mol/L triethyl lead did not reverse the effects of triethyl lead, suggesting that elevation of [Ca2+]in is not responsible for decreases in survival and neurite production. Triethyl lead has been shown to disrupt cytoskeletal elements, particularly neurofilaments, at very low levels, suggesting a possible mechanism for its inhibition of neurite branching at nanomolar concentrations.Abbreviations BAPTA-AM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester - [Ca2+]in intracellular free calcium ion concentration - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - E18 embryonic day 18 - FBS fetal bovine serum - fura-2AM fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester - HBSS Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution - MEM Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of nanoparticle transport in neurons. It is assumed that nanoparticles are transported inside endocytic vesicles by a combined effect of dynein-driven transport and diffusion. It is further assumed that in axons nanoparticles are internalised only at axon terminals, whereas in dendrites nanoparticles can enter through the entire plasma membrane. This causes differences in transport of nanoparticles in axons and dendrites; these differences are investigated in this paper. Another difference is microtubule (MT) orientation in axons and dendrites; in axons, all MTs have their plus-ends oriented towards the axon terminal; in a proximal region of a dendrite, MTs have mixed orientation, whereas in a distal dendritic region the MT orientation is similar to that in an axon. It is shown that if molecular-motor-driven transport were powered by dynein alone, such MT orientation in a dendrite would result in a region of nanoparticle accumulation located at the border between the proximal and distal dendritic regions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of nanoparticle transport in neurons. It is assumed that nanoparticles are transported inside endocytic vesicles by a combined effect of dynein-driven transport and diffusion. It is further assumed that in axons nanoparticles are internalised only at axon terminals, whereas in dendrites nanoparticles can enter through the entire plasma membrane. This causes differences in transport of nanoparticles in axons and dendrites; these differences are investigated in this paper. Another difference is microtubule (MT) orientation in axons and dendrites; in axons, all MTs have their plus-ends oriented towards the axon terminal; in a proximal region of a dendrite, MTs have mixed orientation, whereas in a distal dendritic region the MT orientation is similar to that in an axon. It is shown that if molecular-motor-driven transport were powered by dynein alone, such MT orientation in a dendrite would result in a region of nanoparticle accumulation located at the border between the proximal and distal dendritic regions.  相似文献   

Sandgren K  Lin Z  Ekblad E 《Regulatory peptides》2003,111(1-3):211-217
Our knowledge of neuroprotective factors important for the adult enteric nervous system is poor. Changes in expression of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) in enteric neurons in response to neuronal injury or colchicine treatment, as well as in intestinal adaptation, have been described. Cultured myenteric neurons increase their expression of VIP; furthermore, culturing myenteric neurons in the presence of VIP enhances neuronal survival. The aims of this study were to evaluate possible changes in PACAP expression in dissociated and cultured myenteric neurons from adult rat small intestine, and to determine the ability of PACAP-38 and PACAP-27 to promote survival of cultured myenteric neurons, as compared with that of VIP. A marked decrease in the number of surviving neurons was noted during culturing. No difference in neuronal survival was found after culturing in the presence of PACAP-38 or PACAP-27, whereas VIP significantly increased neuronal survival. In contrast to the marked increase noted in the number of VIP-expressing neurons, culturing caused no change in the number of PACAP-expressing myenteric neurons. We were thus able to demonstrate that VIP, but not PACAP, promoted survival of myenteric neurons in culture. This suggests the presence of a VIP-specific receptor mediating neuroprotection in adult myenteric neurons.  相似文献   

The CNS synapse is an adhesive junction differentiated for chemical neurotransmission and is equipped with presynaptic vesicles and postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptors. Cell adhesion molecule cadherins not only maintain connections between pre- and postsynaptic membranes but also modulate the efficacy of synaptic transmission. Although the components of the cadherin-mediated adhesive apparatus have been studied extensively in various cell systems, the complete picture of these components, particularly at the synaptic junction, remains elusive. Here, we describe the proteomic assortment of the N-cadherin-mediated synaptic adhesion apparatus in cultured hippocampal neurons. N-cadherin immunoprecipitated from Triton X-100-solubilized neuronal extract contained equal amounts of β- and α-catenins, as well as F-actin-related membrane anchor proteins such as integrins bridged with α-actinin-4, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase bridged with spectrins. A close relative of β-catenin, plakoglobin, and its binding partner, desmoplakin, were also found, suggesting that a subset of the N-cadherin-mediated adhesive apparatus also anchors intermediate filaments. Moreover, dynein heavy chain and LEK1/CENPF/mitosin were found. This suggests that internalized pools of N-cadherin in trafficking vesicles are conveyed by dynein motors on microtubules. In addition, ARVCF and NPRAP/neurojungin/δ2-catenin, but not p120ctn/δ1-catenin or plakophilins-1, -2, -3, -4 (p0071), were found, suggesting other possible bridges to microtubules. Finally, synaptic stimulation by membrane depolarization resulted in an increased 93-kDa band, which corresponded to proteolytically truncated β-catenin. The integration of three different classes of cytoskeletal systems found in the synaptic N-cadherin complex may imply a dynamic switching of adhesive scaffolds in response to synaptic activity.  相似文献   

目的:观察缺糖缺氧诱导的培养海马神经元损伤。方法:取培养12d的海马神经元,在缺糖缺氧条件下分别培养0.5~4h后取出,换原神经元培养液在常氧条件下继续培养24h。用0.4%台盼蓝染色,检测神经元坏死,并用TUNEL法检测神经元凋亡,计算存活、坏死和凋亡神经元所占百分率。同时用图像分析仪测定存活、坏死和凋亡神经元的胞体面积、周长和等园直径。结果:培养的海马神经元急性缺糖缺氧后0.5~4h,随缺糖缺氧时间的延长,坏死神经元逐渐增多,缺糖缺氧后0.5~2h再恢复糖和氧供应后24h,凋亡神经元明显增多。图像分析的结果表明,坏死神经元的胞体面积、周长和等园直径均明显大于凋亡神经元。结论:缺糖缺氧可引起海马神经元严重损伤,在急性缺糖缺氧后0.5~4h引起的神经元死亡以坏死为多见,但在缺糖缺氧后0.5~2h再恢复糖和氧供应后24,神经元死亡则以凋亡为多见。  相似文献   

A thorough evaluation of hippocampal dendrites, axons and synaptic contacts has not been undertaken following prolonged periods of absence of corticosteroids despite the marked granule cell loss which occurs in the dentate gyrus of adrenalectomized rats. Thus, we have applied morphometric techniques to analyse the dendrites of granule and pyramidal cells, the mossy fiber system, and the number and morphology of synapses between the mossy fibers and the excrescences of CA3 pyramidal cells in rats submitted to different periods of adrenalectomy. In addition, to search for the presence of neuritic reorganisation in the hippocampal formation once normal corticosteroid levels were re-established, we incorporated in this study a group of rats replaced with corticosterone one month after adrenalectomy. The results obtained in adrenalectomized rats showed a striking impoverishment of the dendrites of surviving granule cells, subtle alterations in the apical dendritic arborization of CA3 pyramidal cells and no changes in the apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells. In addition, in adrenalectomized rats there was a progressive reduction in the total number of synapses established between mossy fibers and CA3 pyramids, as a consequence of a reduction in the volume of the suprapyramidal part of the mossy fiber system, and profound changes in the morphology of mossy fiber terminals and CA3 dendritic excrescences. A remarkable reorganisation of neurites was found to occur following the administration of low doses of corticosterone, completely reversing the adrenalectomy-induced synaptic loss and partially restoring the morphology of hippocampal axons and dendrites. These plastic mechanisms provide a sound structural basis for the reversibility of cognitive deficits observed after corticosterone administration to adrenalectomized rats.  相似文献   

Formation of neurites and their differentiation into axons and dendrites requires precisely controlled changes in the cytoskeleton. While small GTPases of the Rho family appear to be involved in this regulation, it is still unclear how Rho function affects axonal and dendritic growth during development. Using hippocampal neurones at defined states of differentiation, we have dissected the function of RhoA in axonal and dendritic growth. Expression of a dominant negative RhoA variant inhibited axonal growth, whereas dendritic growth was promoted. The opposite phenotype was observed when a constitutively active RhoA variant was expressed. Inactivation of Rho by C3-catalysed ADP-ribosylation using C3 isoforms (Clostridium limosum, C3(lim) or Staphylococcus aureus, C3(stau2)), diminished axonal branching. By contrast, extracellularly applied nanomolar concentrations of C3 from C. botulinum (C3(bot)) or enzymatically dead C3(bot) significantly increased axon growth and axon branching. Taken together, axonal development requires activation of RhoA, whereas dendritic development benefits from its inactivation. However, extracellular application of enzymatically active or dead C3(bot) exclusively promotes axonal growth and branching suggesting a novel neurotrophic function of C3 that is independent from its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the protective effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide (LBP) on alleviating injury from oxygen-glucose deprivation/reperfusion (OGD/RP) in primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Cultured hippocampal neurons were exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) for 2?h followed by a 24?h re-oxygenation. The MTT assay and the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release were used to determine the neuron viability. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined by spectrophotometry using commercial kits. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in hippocampal neurons were measured using the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Treatment with LBP (10–40?mg/l) significantly attenuated neuronal damage and inhibited LDH release in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, LBP enhanced activities of SOD and GSH-PX but it decreased their MDA content, inhibited [Ca2+]i elevation and decrease of MMP in ischemia–reperfusion treated hippocampal neurons. These findings suggested that LBP may be a potential neuroprotective agent for cerebral?ischemia–reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

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