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Identification of recently gained spliceosomal introns would provide crucial evidence in the continuing debate concerning the age and evolutionary significance of introns. A previously published genomic analysis reported to have identified 122 introns that had been gained since the divergence of the nematodes Caenorhabidits elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae approximately 100 MYA. However, using newly available genomic sequence from additional Caenorhabditis species, we show that 74% (60/81) of the reported gains in C. elegans are present in a C. briggsae relative. This pattern indicates that these introns represent losses in C. briggsae, not gains in C. elegans. In addition, 61% (25/41) of the reported gains in C. briggsae are present in the more distant C. briggsae relative, in a pattern suggesting that additional reported gains in C. elegans and/or C. briggsae may in fact represent unrecognized losses. These results underscore the dominance of intron loss over intron gain in recent eukaryotic evolution, the pitfalls associated with parsimony in inferring intron gains, and the importance of genomic sequencing of clusters of closely related species for drawing accurate inferences about genome evolution.  相似文献   

We conducted a genome-wide analysis of the roles of mutation and selection in sculpting intron size in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. We find that deletion rate is positively associated with intron length and that insertion rate exhibits a weak negative association with intron length. These patterns suggest that long introns as well as extremely short introns in this unusually intron-rich fungal genome are in mutation-selection disequilibrium and that the proportion of constrained functional sequence in introns does not scale linearly with size. We find that untranslated region introns are longer than coding-region introns and that first introns are substantially longer than subsequent introns, suggesting heterogeneous distribution of constrained functional sequence and/or selective pressures on intron size within genes. In contrast to Drosophila, we find a positive correlation between d(N) and first intron or last intron length and a negative correlation between d(N) and internal intron length. This contrasting pattern may indicate that terminal introns and internal introns are differentially subject to hypothesized selection pressures modulating intron size and provides further evidence of widespread selective constraints on noncoding sequences.  相似文献   

Most research concerning the evolution of introns has largely considered introns within coding sequences (CDSs), without regard for introns located within untranslated regions (UTRs) of genes. Here, we directly determined intron size, abundance, and distribution in UTRs of genes using full-length cDNA libraries and complete genome sequences for four species, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster, human, and mouse. Overall intron occupancy (introns/exon kbp) is lower in 5' UTRs than CDSs, but intron density (intron occupancy in regions containing introns) tends to be higher in 5' UTRs than in CDSs. Introns in 5' UTRs are roughly twice as large as introns in CDSs, and there is a sharp drop in intron size at the 5' UTR-CDS boundary. We propose a mechanistic explanation for the existence of selection for larger intron size in 5' UTRs, and outline several implications of this hypothesis. We found introns to be randomly distributed within 5' UTRs, so long as a minimum required exon size was assumed. Introns in 3' UTRs were much less abundant than in 5' UTRs. Though this was expected for human and mouse that have intron-dependent nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) pathways that discourage the presence of introns within the 3' UTR, it was also true for A. thaliana and D. melanogaster, which may lack intron-dependent NMD. Our findings have several implications for theories of intron evolution and genome evolution in general.  相似文献   

Although spliceosomal introns are present in all characterized eukaryotes, intron numbers vary dramatically, from only a handful in the entire genomes of some species to nearly 10 introns per gene on average in vertebrates. For all previously studied intron-rich species, significant fractions of intron positions are shared with other widely diverged eukaryotes, indicating that 1) large numbers of the introns date to much earlier stages of eukaryotic evolution and 2) these lineages have not passed through a very intron-poor stage since early eukaryotic evolution. By the same token, among species that have lost nearly all of their ancestral introns, no species is known to harbor large numbers of more recently gained introns. These observations are consistent with the notion that intron-dense genomes have arisen only once over the course of eukaryotic evolution. Here, we report an exception to this pattern, in the intron-rich diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Only 8.1% of studied T. pseudonana intron positions are conserved with any of a variety of divergent eukaryotic species. This implies that T. pseudonana has both 1) lost nearly all of the numerous introns present in the diatom-apicomplexan ancestor and 2) gained a large number of new introns since that time. In addition, that so few apparently inserted T. pseudonana introns match the positions of introns in other species implies that insertion of multiple introns into homologous genic sites in eukaryotic evolution is less common than previously estimated. These results suggest the possibility that intron-rich genomes may have arisen multiple times in evolution. These results also provide evidence that multiple intron insertion into the same site is rare, further supporting the notion that early eukaryotic ancestors were very intron rich.  相似文献   

Several facets of spliceosomal intron in apicomplexans remain mysterious. First, intron numbers vary across species by 2 orders of magnitude, indicating massive intron loss and/or gain. Second, previous studies have shown very different evolutionary patterns over different timescales, with 100-fold higher rates of intron loss/gain between genera than within genera. Third, the timing and dynamics of nearly complete intron loss in Cryptosporidium species, as well as reasons for retention of the few remaining introns, remain unknown. We compared intron positions in 785 orthologous genes between 3 moderate to intron-rich apicomplexan species. We estimate that the Theileria-Plasmodium ancestor had 4.5 times as many introns as modern Plasmodium species and 38% more than modern Theileria species, and that subsequent intron losses have outnumbered intron gains by 5.8 to 1 in Theileria and by some 56 to 1 in Plasmodium. Several patterns suggest that these intron losses occurred by recombination with reverse-transcribed mRNAs. Intriguingly, this finding suggests significant retrotransposon activity in the lineages leading to both Theileria and Plasmodium, in contrast to the dearth of known retrotransposons and intron loss within modern species from both genera. We also compared genomes from Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis and found no evidence of ongoing intron loss, nor of intron gain. By contrast, Cryptosporidium introns are less evolutionary conserved with Toxoplasma than are introns from other apicomplexans; thus the few remaining introns are not simply indispensable ancestral introns.  相似文献   

The structure of the gene encoding a chicken liver receptor, the chicken hepatic lectin, which mediates endocytosis of glycoproteins has been established. The coding sequence is divided into six exons separated by five introns. The first three exons correspond to separate functional domains of the receptor polypeptide (cytoplasmic tail, transmembrane sequence, and extracellular neck region), while the final three exons encode the Ca(2+)-dependent carbohydrate-recognition domain. These results, as well as computer-assisted multiple sequence comparisons, establish this receptor as the evolutionary homolog of the mammalian asialoglycoprotein receptors. It is interesting that the chicken receptor falls into a subfamily of proteins along with the mammalian asialoglycoprotein receptors, since the saccharide-binding specificity of the chicken receptor resembles more closely that of a different set of calcium-dependent animal lectins, which includes the mannose-binding proteins. The portions of the genes encoding the carbohydrate-recognition domains of these proteins lack introns. The results suggest that divergence of intron-containing and intron-lacking carbohydrate-recognition domains preceded shuffling events in which other functional domains were associated with the carbohydrate-recognition domains. This was followed by further divergence, generating a variety of saccharide-binding specificities.  相似文献   

We examined the gene structure of a set of 2563 Arabidopsis thaliana paralogous pairs that were duplicated simultaneously 20-60 MYA by tetraploidy. Out of a total of 23,164 introns in these genes, we found that 10,004 pairs have been conserved and 578 introns have been inserted or deleted in the time since the duplication event. This intron insertion/deletion rate of 2.7 x 10(-3) to 9.1 x 10(-4) per site per million years is high in comparison to previous studies. At least 56 introns were gained and 39 lost based on parsimony analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of these introns. We found weak evidence that genes undergoing intron gain and loss are biased with respect to gene ontology terms. Gene pairs that experienced at least 2 intron insertions or deletions show evidence of enrichment for membrane location and transport and transporter activity function. We do not find any relationship of intron flux to expression level or G + C content of the gene. Detection of a bias in the location of intron gains and losses within a gene depends on the method of measurement: an intragene method indicates that events (specifically intron losses) are biased toward the 3' end of the gene. Despite the relatively recent acquisition of these introns, we found only one case where we could identify the mechanism of intron origin--the TOUCH3 gene has experienced 2 tandem, partial, internal gene duplications that duplicated a preexisting intron and also created a novel, alternatively spliced intron that makes use of a duplicated pair of cryptic splice sites.  相似文献   

The evolution of spliceosomal introns remains intensely debated. We studied 96 Entamoeba histolytica genes previously identified as having been laterally transferred from prokaryotes, which were presumably intronless at the time of transfer. Ninety out of the 96 are also present in the reptile parasite Entamoeba invadens, indicating lateral transfer before the species' divergence approximately 50 MYA. We find only 2 introns, both shared with E. invadens. Thus, no intron gains have occurred in approximately 50 Myr, implying a very low rate of intron gain of less than one gain per gene per approximately 4.5 billion years. Nine other predicted introns are due to annotation errors reflecting apparent mistakes in the E. histolytica genome assembly. These results underscore the massive differences in intron gain rates through evolution.  相似文献   

At present several entirely different explanatory approaches compete to illuminate the mechanisms by which animal body plans have evolved. Their respective relevance is briefly considered here in the light of modern knowledge of genomes and the regulatory processes by which development is controlled. Just as development is a system property of the regulatory genome, causal explanation of evolutionary change in developmental process must be considered at a system level. Here I enumerate some mechanistic consequences that follow from the conclusion that evolution of the body plan has occurred by alteration of the structure of developmental gene regulatory networks. The hierarchy and multiple additional design features of these networks act to produce Boolean regulatory state specification functions at upstream phases of development of the body plan. These are created by the logic outputs of network subcircuits, and in modern animals these outputs are impervious to continuous adaptive variation unlike genes operating more peripherally in the network.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing enables rapid genome sequencing during infectious disease outbreaks and provides an opportunity to quantify the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens in near real-time. One difficulty of undertaking evolutionary analyses over short timescales is the dependency of the inferred evolutionary parameters on the timespan of observation. Crucially, there are an increasing number of molecular clock analyses using external evolutionary rate priors to infer evolutionary parameters. However, it is not clear which rate prior is appropriate for a given time window of observation due to the time-dependent nature of evolutionary rate estimates. Here, we characterize the molecular evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza during the first 12 months of their respective pandemics. We use Bayesian phylogenetic methods to estimate the dates of emergence, evolutionary rates, and growth rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 over time and investigate how varying sampling window and data set sizes affect the accuracy of parameter estimation. We further use a generalized McDonald–Kreitman test to estimate the number of segregating nonneutral sites over time. We find that the inferred evolutionary parameters for both pandemics are time dependent, and that the inferred rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 decline by ∼50% and ∼100%, respectively, over the course of 1 year. After at least 4 months since the start of sequence sampling, inferred growth rates and emergence dates remain relatively stable and can be inferred reliably using a logistic growth coalescent model. We show that the time dependency of the mean substitution rate is due to elevated substitution rates at terminal branches which are 2–4 times higher than those of internal branches for both viruses. The elevated rate at terminal branches is strongly correlated with an increasing number of segregating nonneutral sites, demonstrating the role of purifying selection in generating the time dependency of evolutionary parameters during pandemics.  相似文献   

Hughes AL 《Heredity》2012,108(4):347-353
Recent evidence suggests the frequent occurrence of a simple non-Darwinian (but non-Lamarckian) model for the evolution of adaptive phenotypic traits, here entitled the plasticity-relaxation-mutation (PRM) mechanism. This mechanism involves ancestral phenotypic plasticity followed by specialization in one alternative environment and thus the permanent expression of one alternative phenotype. Once this specialization occurs, purifying selection on the molecular basis of other phenotypes is relaxed. Finally, mutations that permanently eliminate the pathways leading to alternative phenotypes can be fixed by genetic drift. Although the generality of the PRM mechanism is at present unknown, I discuss evidence for its widespread occurrence, including the prevalence of exaptations in evolution, evidence that phenotypic plasticity has preceded adaptation in a number of taxa and evidence that adaptive traits have resulted from loss of alternative developmental pathways. The PRM mechanism can easily explain cases of explosive adaptive radiation, as well as recently reported cases of apparent adaptive evolution over ecological time.  相似文献   

Whole-genome duplication (polyploidization) is among the most dramatic mutational processes in nature, so understanding how natural selection differs in polyploids relative to diploids is an important goal. Population genetics theory predicts that recessive deleterious mutations accumulate faster in allopolyploids than diploids due to the masking effect of redundant gene copies, but this prediction is hitherto unconfirmed. Here, we use the cotton genus (Gossypium), which contains seven allopolyploids derived from a single polyploidization event 1–2 Million years ago, to investigate deleterious mutation accumulation. We use two methods of identifying deleterious mutations at the nucleotide and amino acid level, along with whole-genome resequencing of 43 individuals spanning six allopolyploid species and their two diploid progenitors, to demonstrate that deleterious mutations accumulate faster in allopolyploids than in their diploid progenitors. We find that, unlike what would be expected under models of demographic changes alone, strongly deleterious mutations show the biggest difference between ploidy levels, and this effect diminishes for moderately and mildly deleterious mutations. We further show that the proportion of nonsynonymous mutations that are deleterious differs between the two coresident subgenomes in the allopolyploids, suggesting that homoeologous masking acts unequally between subgenomes. Our results provide a genome-wide perspective on classic notions of the significance of gene duplication that likely are broadly applicable to allopolyploids, with implications for our understanding of the evolutionary fate of deleterious mutations. Finally, we note that some measures of selection (e.g., dN/dS, πN/πS) may be biased when species of different ploidy levels are compared.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Change and Epistemology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the debate in evolutionary epistemology about the nature of the evolutionary process at work in the development of science: whether it is Darwinian or Lamarckian. It is claimed that if we are to make progress through the many arguments that have grown up around this issue, we must return to an examination of the concepts of change and evolution, and examine the basic kinds of mechanism capable of bringing evolution about. This examination results in two kinds of processes being identified, dubbed direct and indirect, and these are claimed to exhaust all possibilities. These ideas are then applied to a selection of the debates within evolutionary epistemology. It is shown that while arguments about the pattern and rate of evolutionary change are necessarily inconclusive, those concerning the origin of novel variations and the mode of inheritance can be resolved by means of the distinctions made here. It is claimed that the process of selection in the evolution of science can also be clarified. The conclusion is that the main process producing the evolution of science is a direct or Lamarckian one although, if realism is correct, an indirect or Darwinian process plays a vital role.  相似文献   

Lemurs, the living primates most distantly related to humans, demonstrate incredible diversity in behaviour, life history patterns and adaptive traits. Although many lemur species are endangered within their native Madagascar, there is no high‐quality genome assembly from this taxon, limiting population and conservation genetic studies. One critically endangered lemur is the blue‐eyed black lemur Eulemur flavifrons. This species is fixed for blue irises, a convergent trait that evolved at least four times in primates and was subject to positive selection in humans, where 5′ regulatory variation of OCA2 explains most of the brown/blue eye colour differences. We built a de novo genome assembly for E. flavifrons, providing the most complete lemur genome to date, and a high confidence consensus sequence for close sister species E. macaco, the (brown‐eyed) black lemur. From diversity and divergence patterns across the genomes, we estimated a recent split time of the two species (160 Kya) and temporal fluctuations in effective population sizes that accord with known environmental changes. By looking for regions of unusually low diversity, we identified potential signals of directional selection in E. flavifrons at MITF, a melanocyte development gene that regulates OCA2 and has previously been associated with variation in human iris colour, as well as at several other genes involved in melanin biosynthesis in mammals. Our study thus illustrates how whole‐genome sequencing of a few individuals can illuminate the demographic and selection history of nonmodel species.  相似文献   

为重建喉毛花属下系统发育关系,明晰属下皱边喉毛花及其近缘种之间的物种关系。本研究利用Illumina高通量测序平台对12 个叶绿体基因组进行双末端测序,获得大量高质量的Clean reads用于后续生物信息学分析。结果表明:(1)喉毛花属下物种的基因组差异较小,均在150 kb左右,基因总数为131 个,其中编码基因81 个。IR区核苷酸多态性比SC低,编码区比非编码区更保守。(2)进化分析结果显示,几乎所有的编码基因受到纯化选择的作用。(3)密码子偏好性分析表明有35 个密码子的RSCU值均大于1,说明使用这些密码子的频率较高,各项密码子偏好性衡量指标说明喉毛花属物种的密码子偏好性较弱。(4)系统发育分析表明CDS、密码子位置与基因间隔区数据集构建的系统发育树具有高度一致的拓扑结构,大部分分支的支持率高。这些结果表明皱边喉毛花及其近缘种的叶绿体基因组无明显差异,在系统发育树上无法按物种聚类,也为后续展开喉毛花属下群体遗传学研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

On the incidence of intron loss and gain in paralogous gene families   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding gene duplication and gene structure evolution are fundamental goals of molecular evolutionary biology. A previous study by Babenko et al. (2004. Prevalence of intron gain over intron loss in the evolution of paralogous gene families. Nucleic Acids Res. 32:3724-3733) employed Dollo parsimony to infer spliceosomal intron losses and gains in paralogous gene families and concluded that there was a general excess of gains over losses. This result contrasts with patterns in orthologous genes, in which most lineages show an excess of intron losses over gains, suggesting the possibility of fundamentally different modes of intron evolution between orthologous and paralogous genes. We further studied the data and found a low level of intron position conservation with outgroups, and this led to problems with using Dollo parsimony to analyze the data. Statistical reanalysis of the data suggests, instead, that intron losses have outnumbered intron gains in paralogous gene families.  相似文献   

Complexins are synaptic SNARE complex‐binding proteins that cooperate with synaptotagmins in activating Ca2+‐stimulated, synaptotagmin‐dependent synaptic vesicle exocytosis and in clamping spontaneous, synaptotagmin‐independent synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Here, we show that complexin sequences are conserved in some non‐metazoan unicellular organisms and in all metazoans, suggesting that complexins are a universal feature of metazoans that predate metazoan evolution. We show that complexin from Nematostella vectensis, a cnidarian sea anemone far separated from mammals in metazoan evolution, functionally replaces mouse complexins in activating Ca2+‐triggered exocytosis, but is unable to clamp spontaneous exocytosis. Thus, the activating function of complexins is likely conserved throughout metazoan evolution.  相似文献   

Mank JE  Avise JC 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):321-327
The genomes of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) are well known for their evolutionary dynamism as reflected by drastic alterations in DNA content often via regional and whole-genome duplications, differential patterns of gene silencing or loss, shifts in the insertion-to-deletion ratios of genomic segments, and major re-patternings of chromosomes via non-homologous recombination. In sharp contrast, chromosome numbers in somatic karyotypes have been highly conserved over vast evolutionary timescales – a histogram of available counts is strongly leptokurtic with more than 50% of surveyed species displaying either 48 or 50 chromosomes. Here we employ comparative phylogenetic analyses to examine the evolutionary history of alterations in fish chromosome numbers. The most parsimonious ancestral state for major actinopterygiian clades is 48 chromosomes. When interpreted in a phylogenetic context, chromosome numbers evidence many recent instances of polyploidization in various lineages but there is no clear indication of a singular polyploidization event that has been hypothesized to have immediately preceded the teleost radiation. After factoring out evident polyploidizations, a correlation between chromosome numbers and genome sizes across the Actinopterygii is marginally statistically significant (p = 0.012) but exceedingly weak (R 2 = 0.0096). Overall, our phylogenetic analysis indicates a mosaic evolutionary pattern in which the forces that govern labile features of fish genomes must operate largely independently of those that operate to conserve chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

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