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We examined the relative roles of acetogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria in H2 consumption in a previously characterized subsurface sandstone ecosystem. Enrichment cultures originally inoculated with ground sandstone material obtained from a Cretaceous formation in central New Mexico were grown with hydrogen in a mineral medium supplemented with 0.02% yeast extract. Sulfate reduction and acetogenesis occurred in these cultures, and the two most abundant organisms carrying out the reactions were isolated. Based on 16S rRNA analysis data and on substrate utilization patterns, these organisms were named Desulfomicrobium hypogeium sp. nov. and Acetobacterium psammolithicum sp. nov. The steady-state H2 concentrations measured in sandstone-sediment slurries (threshold concentration, 5 nM), in pure cultures of sulfate reducers (threshold concentration, 2 nM), and in pure cultures of acetogens (threshold concentrations 195 to 414 nM) suggest that sulfate reduction is the dominant terminal electron-accepting process in the ecosystem examined. In an experiment in which direct competition for H2 between D. hypogeium and A. psammolithicum was examined, sulfate reduction was the dominant process.  相似文献   

Three strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria (ADR21, ADR26 and ADR28) were isolated from Adour estuary sediments (French South Atlantic coast). Cells of these isolates were rod-shaped, motile and stained Gram-negative. The 16S rRNA and dsrAB genes sequence analyses indicated that these three strains belonged to the genus Desulfomicrobium within the delta Proteobacteria, with Desulfomicrobium escambiense strain DSM10707T as their closest relative. According to phenotypic characteristics, strains ADR21 and ADR28 could be considered as members of the same species. The relatedness values, based on DNA–DNA hybridization studies, between strains ADR21/DSM10707T, ADR26/DSM10707T and ADR21/ADR26 ranged between 30.6–40.8%, 45.2–43.0% and 19.0–26.4%, respectively. Strains ADR21 and ADR28 grew well on lactate, fumarate, malate, formate, ethanol and H2/acetate in the presence of sulfate as an electron acceptor. Thiosulfate, nitrate, fumarate and DMSO were alternative electron acceptors. Malate was well fermented but pyruvate and fumarate only poorly. Strain ADR26 could not grow on ethanol or fumarate and was unable to use DMSO or fumarate as electron acceptors. The three new strains exhibited differences compared to the type strain of D. escambiense, such as temperature optima, substrate utilization and mercury methylation capacities. On the basis of both genetic and phenotypic evidences, strain ADR21 is proposed as the type strain of the species Desulfomicrobium salsuginis sp. nov., and strain ADR26 as the type strain of the species Desulfomicrobium aestuarii sp. nov.  相似文献   

H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacteria were isolated from gut contents of Nasutitermes nigriceps termites. Isolates were strictly anaerobic, Gram negative, endospore-forming, straight to slightly curved rods (0.5–0.8×2–8 m) that were motile by means of lateral flagella. Cells were oxidase negative, but catalase positive and possessed a b-type cytochrome(s) associated with the cell membrane. Cells grew anaerobically with H2+CO2 as energy source and catalyzed a total synthesis of acetate from this gas mixture. H2 uptake by a representative isolate (strain JSN-2) displayed a K m=6 M and V max=380 nmol x min-1 x mg protein-1. Other substrates used as energy sources for growth and acetogenesis included CO, methanol, betaine, trimethoxybenzoate, and various other organic acids. Succinate was also fermented, but propionate was formed from this substrate instead of acetate. Of a variety of sugars and sugar alcohols tested, only mannitol supported growth. Cells grew optimally at 30° C and pH 7.2 and required yeast extract or a source of amino acids (e.g. Casamino acids) for good growth. During initial enrichment and isolation, cells appeared sensitive to various reducing agents commonly employed in media for anaerobes. The DNA base composition of strain JSN-2 was 48.6 mol% G+C. On the bases of cell morphology, substrate utilization spectrum, and DNA base composition, strain JSN-2 is here-with proposed as the type strain of the new species Sporomusa termitida.Journal article no. 12513 from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):195-209

Hymenostylium xerophilum is described as a new species from the European Alps. Molecular rps4 and ITS data support its recognition and elucidate its affinities to other species of the tribe Pleuroweisieae. It is closely related to H. gracillimum, comb. nov., which is based on the old and neglected Gymnostomum gracillimum, which replaces the recent name G. boreale. Both species share non-coloured to pale yellowish-brown rhizoids, stem central strand and indistinct sclerodermis, keeled leaves, and concave laminae in abaxial view. They differ from each other in leaf shape and several essentially quantitative characters. Sporophytes have never been found in H. xerophilum, but they are known from several localities in H. gracillimum. The former colonizes rather dry, sunny to half-shaded calcareous rocks, whereas the latter needs moist and shaded rock habitats and shows a preference for subneutral slate. At present, H. xerophilum is known only from the Alps (Austria, and a single site in Germany), where it is rather widespread in calcareous regions. H. gracillimum seems to be a distinctly rarer plant, to date known only from eight Austrian sites and one locality in Russian Karelia. Other published records under the name G. boreale have been wrongly attributed to this species. Lectotypes are designated for G. gracillimum and Gyroweisia acutifolia. A key to Hymenostylium and the genera of Pleuroweisieae in Europe is presented.

Thicker rhizoids of both species are covered with a thick, non-coloured protective layer and filled with oil-droplets and leucoplasts. They represent a subterranean secondary protonema, which plays an important role in the survival and propagation of these mosses, vital especially in the case of the non-sporulating H. xerophilum.  相似文献   

Three strains of new acetogenic bacteria were isolated from several low temperature environments. Cells were gram-positive, oval-shaped flagellated rods. The organisms fermented H2/CO2, CO, formate, lactate, and several sugars to acetate. Strains Z-4391 and Z-4092 grew in the temperature range from 1 to 30°C with an optimum at 20°C; strain Z-4290 grew in the range from 1 to 35°C with an optimum at 30°C. The DNA G+C content of strains Z-4391, Z-4092, and Z-4290 was 42.1, 41.7, and 45.8 mol% respectively.  相似文献   

A new H2/CO2-utilizing acetogenic bacterium was isolated from the feces of a non-methane-excreting human subject. The two strains S5a33 and S5a36 were strictly anaerobic, gram-positive, non-sporulating coccobacilli. The isolates grew autotrophically by metabolizing H2/CO2 to form acetate as sole metabolite and were also able to grow heterotrophically on a variety of organic compounds. The major end product of glucose and fructose fermentation was acetate; the strains also formed ethanol, lactate and, to a lesser extent, isobutyrate and isovalerate. The G+C content of DNA of strain S5a33 was 45.2 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that the two acetogenic isolates were phylogenetically identical and represent a new subline within Clostridium cluster XIVa. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, a new species, Ruminococcus hydrogenotrophicus, is proposed. The type strain of R. hydrogenotrophicus is S5a33 (DSM 10507). Furthermore, H2/CO2 acetogenesis appeared to be a common property of most of the species phylogenetically closely related to strain S5a33 (Clostridium coccoides, Ruminococcus hansenii, and Ruminococcus productus). Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 11 June 1996  相似文献   

Two tetrachlorethene (PCE)-dechlorinating populations, designated strains BB1 and BRS1, were isolated from pristine river sediment and chloroethene-contaminated aquifer material, respectively. PCE-to-cis-1,2-dichloroethene-dechlorinating activity could be transferred in defined basal salts medium with acetate as the electron donor and PCE as the electron acceptor. Taxonomic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing placed both isolates within the Desulfuromonas cluster in the delta subdivision of the Proteobacteria. PCE was dechlorinated at rates of at least 139 nmol min(-1) mg of protein(-1) at pH values between 7.0 and 7.5 and temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees C. Dechlorination also occurred at 10 degrees C. The electron donors that supported dechlorination included acetate, lactate, pyruvate, succinate, malate, and fumarate but not hydrogen, formate, ethanol, propionate, or sulfide. Growth occurred with malate or fumarate alone, whereas oxidation of the other electron donors depended strictly on the presence of fumarate, malate, ferric iron, sulfur, PCE, or TCE as an electron acceptor. Nitrate, sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, and other chlorinated compounds were not used as electron acceptors. Sulfite had a strong inhibitory effect on growth and dechlorination. Alternate electron acceptors (e.g., fumarate or ferric iron) did not inhibit PCE dechlorination and were consumed concomitantly. The putative fumarate, PCE, and ferric iron reductases were induced by their respective substrates and were not constitutively present. Sulfide was required for growth. Both strains tolerated high concentrations of PCE, and dechlorination occurred in the presence of free-phase PCE (dense non-aqueous-phase liquids). Repeated growth with acetate and fumarate as substrates yielded a BB1 variant that had lost the ability to dechlorinate PCE. Due to the 16S rRNA gene sequence differences with the closest relatives and the unique phenotypic characteristics, we propose that the new isolates are members of a new species, Desulfuromonas michiganensis, within the Desulfuromonas cluster of the Geobacteraceae.  相似文献   

A sulfate-reducing bacterium, designated strain ESC1, was isolated and found to be a new species. Strain ESC1 is a strictly anaerobic, gram-negative, non-sporeforming, motile, short, round-ended rod often occurring in pairs. Of 31 fermentative substrates tested, only pyruvate was utilized. Sulfate enhanced growth with pyruvate and allowed growth with ethanol, lactate, formate and hydrogen. Both sulfate and thiosulfate were reduced. Lactate was incompletely oxidized to acetate and CO2. The strain was desulfoviridin negative. The G+C content is 59.9%. These data suggested placement of strain ESC1 in the genus Desulfomicrobium. Comparative 16S rRNA analysis showed that strain ESC1 shares 98% rRNA sequence similarity with Desulfomicrobium baculatum and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain Norway 4. The latter two strains shared greater than 99% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. Strain ESC1 has been designated as the new species Desulfomicrobium escambium. We also recommend that D. desulfuricans strain Norway 4 be considered for reclassification as a Desulfomicrobium species.  相似文献   

Yang  Shang  Liu  Guo-Hong  Tang  Rong  Han  Shuang  Xie  Cheng-Jie  Zhou  Shun-Gui 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2022,115(3):435-444

Two strictly anaerobic nitrogen-fixing strains, designated RG17T and RG53T, were isolated from paddy soils in China. Strains RG17T and RG53T showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to the type strain Geomonas paludis (97.9–98.4%). Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that two strains clustered with members of the genus Geomonas. Growth of strain RG17T was observed at 20–42 °C, pH 5.5–8.5 and 0–0.3% (w/v) NaCl while strain RG53T growth was observed at 20–42 °C, pH 5.5–9.5 and 0–0.7% (w/v) NaCl. Strains RG17T and RG53T contained MK-8 as main menaquinone and C15:1 ω6c, iso-C15:0, and Summed Feature 3 as the major fatty acids. The genomic DNA G?+?C content of strains RG17T and RG53T were 61.6 and 60.7%, respectively. The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between the isolated strains and the closely related Geomonas species were lower than the cut-off value (dDDH 70% and ANI 95–96%) for prokaryotic species delineation. Both strains possessed nif genes nifHDK and nitrogenase activities. Based on the above results, the two strains represent two novel species of the genus Geomonas, for which the names Geomonas fuzhouensis sp. nov. and Geomonas agri sp. nov., are proposed. The type strains are RG17T (=?GDMCC 1.2687T?=?KTCC 25332T) and RG53T (=?GDMCC 1.2630T?=?KCTC 25331T), respectively.


Two thermophilic non-sporeforming sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were isolated from microbial mats collected from an Icelandic hot spring. Strain JSP was a gram negative rod, with an average cell size of 2.8 x 0.5 microm. No flagella were found. Growth occurred between 55 and 74 degrees C with an optimum between 70 and 74 degrees C at pH 7.0. The G+C content was 40 mol%. Strain R1Ha3 was a gram negative vibrio-shaped rod with an average cell size of 1.7 x 0.4 microm. Motility was observed mediated by one polar flagellum. The growth optimum at pH 7.0 was 65 degrees C, and growth occurred between 45 and 70 degrees C. The G+C content was 38 mol%. In the presence of sulfate, both strains used lactate, pyruvate and H2 as electron donors. In addition, strain R1Ha3 used formate. Pyruvate was the only substrate supporting fermentative growth of both strains. Growth occurred with sulfate as well as thiosulfate as electron acceptors. Furthermore, strain R1Ha3 reduced nitrate and strain JSP reduced sulfite. Neither of the strains were able to oxidize lactate completely to CO2 and neither of the strains contained desulfoviridin. 16S rDNA sequencing placed strain JSP in the genus Thermodesulfobacterium and strain R1Ha3 in the genus Thermodesulfovibrio. Based on the DNA-DNA hybridization studies and differences in morphology and physiology to their closest relatives the two new isolates were considered as new species. Strain JSP is named Thermodesulfobacterium hveragerdense and strain R1Ha3 Thermodesulfovibrio islandicus.  相似文献   

Evidence from numerical taxonomic analysis and DNA-DNA hybridization supports the proposal of new species in the genera Actinobacillus and Pasteurella. The following new species are proposed: Actinobacillus rossii sp. nov., from the vaginas of postparturient sows; Actinobacillus seminis sp. nov., nom. rev., associated with epididymitis of sheep; Pasteurella bettii sp. nov., associated with human Bartholin gland abscess and finger infections; Pasteurella lymphangitidis sp. nov. (the BLG group), which causes bovine lymphangitis; Pasteurella mairi sp. nov., which causes abortion in sows; and Pasteurella trehalosi sp. nov., formerly biovar T of Pasteurella haemolytica, which causes septicemia in older lambs.  相似文献   

Yin  Ling-Zi  Li  Jia-Ling  Liu  Ze-Tao  Fang  Bao-Zhu  Wang  Pandeng  Luo  Xiao-Qing  Dong  Lei  Duan  Li  Li  Shan-Hui  Li  Wen-Jun 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2022,115(1):59-68

Two novel species of the genus Deinococcus, designated SYSU M49105T and SYSU M42101T, were isolated from freshwater samples of the Pearl River estuary in Guangdong, China. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strains SYSU M49105T and SYSU M42101T showed the highest sequence similarities to Deinococcus aetherius JCM 11751 T (93.6%) and Deinococcus multiflagellatus NBRC 112888 T (97.3%), respectively. Cells of both strains were Gram-staining positive, aerobic, coccus-shaped, oxidase-negative and non-motile. The cell wall contained meso-diaminopimelic acid as their diagnostic diamino acid. MK-8 was the predominant respiratory quinone for both strains. The polar lipid profile of SYSU M49105T contained two unidentified phosphoglycolipids, nine unidentified glycolipids, and five unidentified polar lipids. SYSU M42101T had one unidentified phosphoglycolipid, nine unidentified glycolipids, one unidentified aminophospholipid and four unidentified polar lipids. The major fatty acids of strains SYSU M49105T and SYSU M42101T were summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω7c and/ or C16:1 ω6c) and C16:0. The G?+?C contents of the novel isolates based on genomic DNAs were 69.6% and 67.4%, respectively. On the basis of phenotypic, genotypic and phylogenetic data, strains SYSU M49105T and SYSU M42101T should be considered to represent two novel species in the genus Deinococcus, for which the names Deinococcus aestuarii sp. nov. and Deinococcus aquaedulcis sp. nov. were proposed with the type strains SYSU M49105T (=?KCTC 43258 T?=?CGMCC 1.18609 T) and SYSU M42101T (=?KCTC 43257 T?=?CGMCC 1.18614 T), respectively.


A previous phylogenetic study on type strains of the genus Micromonospora and Micromonospora species bearing non-validly published names has pointed towards the species status of several of latter strains. Subsequent studies on morphological, cultural, chemotaxonomic, metabolic, and genomic properties, and on whole cell mass spectrometric analyses by matrix adsorbed laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) confirmed the species status, leading to the proposal of eight new Micromonospora species: Micromonospora citrea sp. nov., type strain DSM 43903T, Micromonospora echinaurantiaca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43904T, Micromonospora echinofusca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43913T, Micromonospora fulviviridis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43906T, Micromonospora inyonensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 46123T, Micromonospora peucetia sp. nov., type strain DSM 43363T, Micromonospora sagamiensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43912T and Micromonospora viridifaciens sp. nov., type strain DSM 43909T.  相似文献   

Exploration of unexplored habitats for novel actinobacteria with high bioactivity potential holds great promise in the search for novel entities. During the course of isolation of actinobacteria from desert soils, four actinobacteria, designated as 5K548T, 7K502T, 16K309T and 16K404T, were isolated from the Karakum Desert and their bioactivity potential as well as taxonomic provenances were revealed by comprehensive genome analyses. Pairwise sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA genes indicated that the four strains are representatives of putatively novel taxa within the prolific actinobacterial genus Saccharopolyspora. The strains have typical chemotaxonomic characteristics of the genus Saccharopolyspora by having meso-diaminopimelic acid as diagnostic diaminoacid, arabinose, galactose and ribose as whole-cell sugars. Consistent with this assignment, all of the isolates contained phosphatidylcholine in their polar lipid profiles and MK-9(H4) as the predominant menaquinone. The sizes of the genomes of the isolates ranged from 6.0 to 10.2 Mb and the associated G + C contents from 69.6 to 69.7 %. Polyphasic characterizations including determination of overall genome relatedness indices revealed that the strains are representatives of four novel species in the genus Saccharopolyspora. Consequently, isolates 5K548T, 7K502T, 16K404T and 16K309T are proposed as novel Saccharopolyspora species for which the names of Saccharopolyspora karakumensis sp. nov., Saccharopolyspora elongata sp. nov., Saccharopolyspora aridisoli sp. nov. and Saccharopolyspora terrae sp. nov. are proposed, respectively. Comprehensive genome analysis for biosynthetic gene clusters showed that the strains have high potential for novel secondary metabolites. Moreover, the strains harbour many antimicrobial resistance genes providing more evidence for their potentiality for bioactive metabolites.  相似文献   

A new psychrophilic, anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium from the tundra wetland soil of Polar Ural is described. The organism fermented H2/CO2, formate, methanol, and several sugars to acetate as the sole end-product. The temperature range for growth was 1-30 degrees C with an optimum at 20 degrees C. The bacterium showed no growth at 32 degrees C. Cells were gram-positive, oval-shaped, flagellated rods 0.7-1.l x 1.1-4.0 microm in size when grown at 1-20 degrees C. At 25-30 degrees C, the cell size increased up to 2-3 x 10-15 microm due to a defect in cell division. The DNA G+C content of the organism was 39.2 mol%. Based upon 16S rDNA analysis and DNA-DNA reassociation studies, the organism was classified in the genus Acetobacterium as a new species, for which the name Acetobacterium tundrae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is Z-4493 (=DSM 9173T).  相似文献   

Novel dissimilatory perchlorate-reducing bacteria (DPRB) were isolated from enrichments conducted under conditions different from those of all previously described DPRB. Strain LT-1T was enriched using medium buffered at pH 6.6 with 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES) and had only 95% 16S rRNA gene identity with its closest relative, Azonexus caeni. Strain MPT was enriched in the cathodic chamber of a perchlorate-reducing bioelectrical reactor (BER) and together with an additional strain, CR (99% 16S rRNA gene identity), had 97% 16S rRNA gene identity with Propionivibrio limicola. The use of perchlorate and other electron acceptors distinguished strains MPT and CR from P. limicola physiologically. Strain LT-1T had differences in electron donor utilization and optimum growth temperatures from A. caeni. Strains LT-1T and MPT are the first DPRB to be described in the Betaproteobacteria outside of the Dechloromonas and Azospira genera. On the basis of phylogenetic and physiological features, strain LT-1T represents a novel genus in the Rhodocyclaceae; strain MPT represents a novel species within the genus Propionivibrio. The names Dechlorobacter hydrogenophilus gen. nov., sp. nov and Propionivibrio militaris sp. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

Anaerobic bacteria degrading 2-methoxyethanol were enriched from freshwater sediments, and three strains were isolated in pure culture. Two of them were Grampositive non-spore-forming rods and grew strictly anaerobically by acetogenic fermentation. Optimal growth occurred at 30°C, initial pH 7.5–8.0. 2-Methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol were fermented to acetate and corresponding alcohols. Hydrogen plus carbon dioxide, formate, acetoin, l-malate, lactate, pyruvate, fructose, and methoxyl groups of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate and 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamate were fermented to acetate. 1,2-Propanediol was fermented to acetate, propionate, and propanol. Strain MuME1 was described as a new species, Actetobacterium malicum. It had a DNA base composition of 44.1 mol% guanine plus cytosine. The third strain, which was identified as Pelobacter venetianus, fermented 2-methoxyethanol to methanol, ethanol, and acetate.  相似文献   

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